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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday May 4th, 2023

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1 hour ago, Mary229 said:

Thanks for sharing.  I have a photo quiz today.  Where was I?




I am going to guess that you are in church.  If I am wrong, you have one of the fanciest garages I have ever seen.

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Great news @kazu!  It’s about time you got the 👍. And very happy for both you and Ivan. Keep warm!  

The Zonin Moscato sounds very good to me. Moscato is one of the few wines I can still drink without getting all congested. I think HAL still has it onboard but we usually request the Ruffino. When they were out of Ruffino I think they substituted Zonin, very nice!  m—

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Good afternoon from Southampton. Not doing much here, as we didn’t have an excursion and walking is still somewhat hard for me due to knees and back issues. Yesterday we docked in Dorset and went to Stonehenge. 

I am pleased to read of good news for many. Continued prayers for those in need and Cheers to those celebrating. 


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An early good morning from a windy and overcast central Texas.  It is currently 66F and will reach 81F this afternoon before the storms move in this evening.  After running a couple of errands, I hope to have time to power wash the driveway before the storms hit.  That chore won't be as bad as it was two years ago, the first time it was cleaned in 20+ years.


I will celebrate Star Wars and bird day, but someone can have my candied orange peel.


The Audre Lorde quote is very true.


I'm looking forward to seeing the recipes Debbie @dfish finds for us today.  Caribbean shrimp and ride bowl sounds interesting.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice and the price is much better today.


We have been to Taipei, but not to Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I arrived in Barcelona safe and sound. Thank you Jacqui for the hotel recommendation. They are so nice. The new Velcro luggage worked great. People sure gave me strange looks. We will see how they hold up. Have a great day. 


Lorraine, I'm glad you made it safely to Barcelona and are enjoying your hotel.


3 hours ago, ocean sounds said:

Good morning, and thank you for today’s Daily and Fleet report. 


Nice and mild morning here in SE Texas.   Up early, too excited to sleep.  Will leave for Houston IAH about 10 AM , to meet sister’s inbound flight, then a few hours in the airport until our flight to Heathrow. 

Prayers to all in need, and cheers for all with good news!


Safe travels to London today for you, your sister and your luggage.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Top of the morning to ya! One up and having breakfast and another soon to be. Tending children, what a wonderful trip down memory lane.❤️

Not going to be much news as we are getting into a pretty low key routine. Up early, get them to school, come home and do housecleaning, laundry, tend the two dogs and take naps, plan meals. Last night’s meal was a big hit with the girls. Help Pop Pop shuck fresh corn on the cob to go with chicken and broccoli and carrots. The fussy eaters had two servings. Victory! Did I mention we had tricycle driving lessons for three year old and there was progress.

Getting ready for school bus driver duties. Thanks for the Fleet Report and I could use a Dark and Stormy this afternoon. A nice libation. Have a great day. Bruce





Bruce, it seems you and your DW have everything under control on the babysitting front.  Enjoy your time with the grandkids.


1 hour ago, Mary229 said:

Thanks for sharing.  I have a photo quiz today.  Where was I?





Saint Mary's church in High Hill, Texas.  I bet that surprises some people.  It is one of the painted churches in the area that are plain on the outside, but highly decorated inside.  These churches were built in the 1800s and early 1900s by Czech and German immigrants.


44 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all.

I am going to make sure I post today.  Yesterday we had no internet service all day. It was very frustrating.  

It went out about 10 am and finally came back some time about 9 pm.  Never an explanation and never any compensation.  

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Prayers for everyone on the cares list.  And cheers to all celebrating.

Have lots to do today.  Yesterday I was not feeling well.  Had some digestive problems that kept me from doing much.

Time for some breakfast and get the show on the road around here.

Take care everyone and God Bless,



Terri, I hope today is a better day for you.


1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Sandi.


Great collection of days - love birds and Star Wars.  May the fourth be with you 🙂 




I like the Lorde quote and the meal today sounds good - looking forward to Debbie’s suggestions.  Zonin moscato is good IMO but a tad too sweet for me.  I prefer it as a dessert wine 😉 



Full day yesterday for Ivan and I.  Back to the hospital for me & he was going to be left alone.  My sweet neighbour was worried about him and came over to meet him and stayed until I got home.  She said he whimpered at the door for a few minutes, howled twice and then came back and ate his Kong and got pats.  She’s declared him bonded.  She said if I decide not to keep him, she’ll take him.  LOL.  This reminded me of my rule with dogs on the couch.  Ivan’s always been on so my former rule has been broken.




Good thing she came as my surgeon was running behind - VERY behind.  I guess he saved the best for last (me).  LOL.  Sutures are out and he is pleased.  Strict instructions for care for the next little bit until it is completely healed and then it’s full tilt ahead as much as I can.   He is very hopeful that what he took out will solve the problem and there will be no need for a 4th surgery 🤞 So @superoma you can take me off the Care list please.  I still have a bit of recuperating to do - but nothing to worry about and it will improve every day 🤞 




Ivan was enchanted with my neighbour 👏 So, when I go away, instead of going to the vacation home, he’ll be going to her house when I go away.  Only thing pending is the vets tomorrow morning and their report 🤞 I have the kind ones coming that come to the house so he won’t be stressed out.  When I made the appointment, I had no idea he would adapt so quickly.  he seems healthy other than his weight and very overdue shots so, assuming the vets see nothing untoward - Ivan will be here.  He’s a very happy camper or, he’s doing a great job of faking it.




so glad you are happy at Casa Camper @cruising sister


Special prayers for continued improvement for @St Pete Cruiser  & praying for @Vict0riann& Mary Kay.


Ridiculously cold here.  Is it late Fall or Spring?  Can’t even move any of my plants outside at any time.  If it drops much more, we won’t get rain - we’ll get snow.  GRRRR.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and cheers 🥂 to all celebrating.




Have a great Thursday everyone !!!!!


Jacqui, that is great news on all fronts.  I'm glad the surgeon was pleased and the sutures were removed.  It's good Ivan and your neighbor bonded, and he has another place to vacation when you travel.  Here's hoping he gets a good report from the vet today, and will officially become a member of the family.



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Good morning, everyone!  


It is a beautiful sunny day here in mid-Michigan.  At least for now.  Sue continues to empty boxes and add to the donation pile.  We'll probably take another load to donate today.  Tonight we will be attending a performance by Morgan Toney from Nova Scotia at the Center for the Arts.  He is a Mi'kmaq folk singer-songwriter and fiddler from Nova Scotia, Canada, whose music blends Celtic folk and traditional Mi'kmaq music. 


Thank you, @kazu Jacqui, for adding to our good news list this morning with your report from the surgeon and an update on the Ivan status.  I sure hope the vet is pleased and I know you'll send him to be groomed if he passes the vet challenge.  Can't wait to see him then!  My sister's dog is some kind of doodle and she always looks really good right after being at the groomer.  


Today's meal is one that I would try with a substitution of cauliflower rice for the actual rice.  I think you'll find it more fruity than spicy.  The combination of fruity and savory will create an explosion of flavor.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/caribbean-shrimp-rice-bowl/




This one uses pineapple and plantains along with jerk seasoned shrimp.  You can control the spiciness by controlling the amount of jerk seasoning you add.  It shouldn't be hot spicy although there is some pepper in the seasoning.  https://www.eatingbirdfood.com/jerk-shrimp-bowls/




This one you can buy ready to assemble or you can do that yourself.  You do need to scroll a bit to get to the recipe.  https://www.eazypeazymealz.com/caribbean-shrimp-coconut-rice/




This last recipe is a copy cat of Bonefish Grill's Bang Bang Shrimp Bowl.  It actually sounds really easy to make.  You can substitute the cauliflower rice and other vegetables if you don't want the cabbage.   https://domesticsuperhero.com/bang-bang-shrimp-rice-bowls-bonefish-grill-copycat/




Here's hoping the good news continues to roll in!

Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Although I've seen a couple of Star Wars movies, DH hasn't seen any of them.  The birds are back in full force, so spring must be here.  Candied orange peel goes well in fruit cake, that's about all.


Another bright sunny day in the works - that means we'll be able to get outside and do more work in the yard.  Yesterday we tackled last year's papyrus in the large pots - wow, are those plants ever strong!  I used a spade to dig through to the roots, and it took both of us to pull the darn things out.  It's a good thing we've got large green compost bins now that we could put them into once we got them out of the pots.  Today we've got to get to the areas under the spruce trees to clean up the fall/winter needle drop so we can place our garbage / compost / recycling containers out of sight for the season.   Instead of bending over, I've decided to put one of the snow shovels back in service for the day - DH can rake the needles, and I'll use the shovel to scoop them into the compost bin.  Work smarter, not harder.


I had to go to the eye doctor yesterday for a last minute appointment - I had a couple of bright flashes, then what appeared to be a floater - as I put it - the size of a border collie - in my left eye.  I was concerned about a detached retina, so was able to get in quickly and found it was just a large floater, nothing more.  A great relief, to say the least.


@cruising sisterI'm glad you made it safely to Barcelona; it's a beautiful city, so enjoy every minute of your stay.  Just be aware of the many pickpockets and keep your purse/bag close to your body.

@kazu I'm so happy to hear you had a good report from your surgeon - let the healing continue!  Good luck with tomorrow's vet visit for Ivan.


I need some help from our cooking department - can someone please email me our beloved Tomato Pie recipe?  I've looked everywhere and can't find it.  There are many on the internet, but I really liked the one we had here.  If you could, please send it to ger underscore 77 at yahoo dot com    I'd greatly appreciate it! 



I know we'd really enjoy today's menu suggestion, but I've got some Italian sausages thawing that DH will be grilling on the barbecue tonight.  We'll be having the sausages along with fresh corn on the cob and coleslaw on the deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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I know and admire Audre Lorde's work, but the quotation was new to me. No shrimp anything here. I'll be ready for a Dark and Stormy by this afternoon. I rarely drink dessert wines. I haven't been to Taiwan.


Today is also the anniversary of the shootings at Kent State University in 1970. One of the students who was killed was from a suburb of my hometown, and if my family had lived a few blocks from where we did, we would have gone to the same high school.


One the papers today has an article about the ideal retirement age for your health . For me, the question was when the work became so annoying that I couldn't continue to do it, and it's beyond that point now. I can't continue to deal with such a fractious, whining constituency. My retirement date is June 30 but I wish I could advance it to yesterday.







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Good morning. May the fourth be with you. We are big Star Trek fans here.There is a huge old oak tree across the street that hosts a whole lot of birds every evening at dusk. If I can, I like to sit on the steps with the dogs and watch. It is so loud!

The recipes look great but today I am serving vegetarian chili with corn bread for dinner.

I am happy to report that everyone slept about five hours last night for the first time in a week. Hopefully Tana will start to feel somewhat better soon.

@RMLincoln, Maureen, I was happy to read that your DH is doing well and hope the second surgery can be scheduled sooner.

@kazu, Jacqui, I hope the vet visit goes well and I am glad your neighbor loves Ivan too. I love the pictures of him. Also, I was pleased to read that your surgeon was happy with your elbow and hope you are in less pain now.

Take care everyone.

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17 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Although I've seen a couple of Star Wars movies, DH hasn't seen any of them.  The birds are back in full force, so spring must be here.  Candied orange peel goes well in fruit cake, that's about all.


Another bright sunny day in the works - that means we'll be able to get outside and do more work in the yard.  Yesterday we tackled last year's papyrus in the large pots - wow, are those plants ever strong!  I used a spade to dig through to the roots, and it took both of us to pull the darn things out.  It's a good thing we've got large green compost bins now that we could put them into once we got them out of the pots.  Today we've got to get to the areas under the spruce trees to clean up the fall/winter needle drop so we can place our garbage / compost / recycling containers out of sight for the season.   Instead of bending over, I've decided to put one of the snow shovels back in service for the day - DH can rake the needles, and I'll use the shovel to scoop them into the compost bin.  Work smarter, not harder.


I had to go to the eye doctor yesterday for a last minute appointment - I had a couple of bright flashes, then what appeared to be a floater - as I put it - the size of a border collie - in my left eye.  I was concerned about a detached retina, so was able to get in quickly and found it was just a large floater, nothing more.  A great relief, to say the least.


@cruising sisterI'm glad you made it safely to Barcelona; it's a beautiful city, so enjoy every minute of your stay.  Just be aware of the many pickpockets and keep your purse/bag close to your body.

@kazu I'm so happy to hear you had a good report from your surgeon - let the healing continue!  Good luck with tomorrow's vet visit for Ivan.


I need some help from our cooking department - can someone please email me our beloved Tomato Pie recipe?  I've looked everywhere and can't find it.  There are many on the internet, but I really liked the one we had here.  If you could, please send it to ger underscore 77 at yahoo dot com    I'd greatly appreciate it! 



I know we'd really enjoy today's menu suggestion, but I've got some Italian sausages thawing that DH will be grilling on the barbecue tonight.  We'll be having the sausages along with fresh corn on the cob and coleslaw on the deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Just sent you an email

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Good morning and blessings for all.  Jacqui - so glad to hear your good news.


Saga of the dishwasher repair continues.  Repairman here now — things were delayed because of a backordered part.  Hopefully no more hand washing for the distant future.


Just heard a report on the business channel - cruise lines are doing exceptionally well.  Good news.



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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

May the Fourth be with you all!


Dark and Stormy cocktail:


A Dark ’n’ Stormy is a highball cocktail made with dark rum and ginger beer served over ice and garnished with a slice of lime. Lime juice and simple syrup are also frequently added. This drink is very similar to the Moscow mule except that the Dark 'n' Stormy has dark rum instead of vodka. Wikipedia


2 oz Dark Rum

3 1/3 oz Ginger Beer

Couple dashes of bitters
Preparation: In a highball glass filled with ice, add dark rum and top with ginger beer. Garnish with lime wedge.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish: Lime wedge
Drinkware: Highball glass


Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 6.25.29 AM.png

To be an "official" Dark 'n Stormy, the Rum MUST be Goslings Black Seal Bermuda rum.  Goslings has 2 US Patent and Trademark certificates that state that they have a trademark on the cocktail and have successfully litigated those trademarks against Pernod AG.  Goslings also makes ginger beer, but I'm not sure if that's also legally required.


There's Only One Way to Make a Dark 'n' Stormy Without Breaking the Law | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

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Good morning to all. Sunny here and high will get into the mid-60's. The river is rising but as our temps are staying down the melt in the high country is slow.... thankfully. I am well away but some of the valley homes could get flooded if it melts too fast.


The birds must have known they were celebrating "their day" as the dawn chorus outside my window was very loud this morning. Sounded very cheerful. @kazuglad your doctor visit went well and that Ivan seems to be settling in. That he has bonded with your neighbor is a real plus. Much less disruption for him when you travel again.


My dogs are off to the groomer this morning. Bandit suddenly has fuzzed up and he is hard to groom. Monty will go along for a pedicure and for the experience of being there since that is where they will stay if I go ahead with the GA cruise in January. They love everyone out there and are  always are happy to go in. Later this month they will be there for 4 nights while I go to the dog show in Farmington to help out. It is much easier for me to deal with show issues and judges if I do not have to worry about my own dogs.  Later this summer they and I will go on an overnight somewhere to see how they do with motel rooms. Should be interesting.


Otherwise little from here. Am preparing for the annual meeting on Saturday. Talked with the auditor and have information for a financial report since our Treasurer will not be there and I am anticipating a few questions.  I am amazed that the roofing, new kennels, etc.  actually came in under my estimated budget. Don't know how that happened.


Take care all.





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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  It’s been a busy work morning.  Today’s meal suggestion could be ok if I use chicken.  Time for a quick lunch before the afternoon meetings begin.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

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Good morning everyone, 


Checking in. It's been a busy week. DH is making progress - slow but progress. I'm still nagging the staff about finding a place closer to home but so far no luck. DH did scare us on Tuesday - he lost consciousness as they were putting him back in bed after eating breakfast in his wheelchair. I got a call to tell me and was told he was fine but I had a very quick shower (just long enough to get the hair wet to avoid bedhead) and headed down. I got there and he was fine, chatting away, etc. Then I could relax. It was a long hour drive though!


Sunday I took a day off from going south to DH and went north to see my Mom (along with a friend). Mom is 96.5 and a going concern. She lives in an independent living facility and you have to work to get on her social calendar. I hope I have inherited her longevity genes! It was a good day but another long one with driving 2 hours up and 2 hours back. I'm thinking of taking tomorrow off and staying home! We're supposed to have quite the rain event and the Friday traffic is not fun. I'm prepping DH for it.

Have a good day!


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Good evening.

I had a hospital telephone appointment about my arthritic feet this morning.

In December at my hospital appointment they put some inserts in my shoes and said see how it goes.

It was extremely painful so I took them out and put some memory foam insoles in myself.

I still have slight foot pain when walking.

I have a hospital podiatry appointment now in a couple of weeks.

We decided to have a clear out and tidy up of our garage this afternoon and it looks a lot tidier now.


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Aloha from Hilo.

I so appreciate all the kindness from my cruise critic/daily friends. After being discharged from Hilo hospital yesterday,  we spent the afternoon and evening at this beautiful little Airbnb on the north edge of the city. We did need to Lyft over to CVS/Longs Drugs to fill my scripts from the hospital Dr.

It rained much of the night, so between the birds and critters of the forest, it was SO MUCH nicer than the loud noises of the hospital and being awaken often for blood pressure checks, new IV's and with shared rooms, the other patient.

The mattress and pillows were so nice after the hospital. 











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3 hours ago, kochleffel said:


Today is also the anniversary of the shootings at Kent State University in 1970. One of the students who was killed was from a suburb of my hometown, and if my family had lived a few blocks from where we did, we would have gone to the same high school.



I lived in Kent for 35 years and May 4th is always a solemn day.  There is always a ceremony to  commemorate the shootings and many from the community attend along with students and former students from all over.  My friend, Brad, was a student at the time of the shootings and he attends every year.  A few years after the shootings he was arrested for demonstrating when the university wanted to construct a gym over the area where the students were killed.  


1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  It’s been a busy work morning.  Today’s meal suggestion could be ok if I use chicken.  Time for a quick lunch before the afternoon meetings begin.  I hope everyone has a good day today.


And you sure can substitute chicken.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

I'm thinking of taking tomorrow off and staying home! We're supposed to have quite the rain event and the Friday traffic is not fun. I'm prepping DH for it.

Have a good day!



You have earned a day of rest.  You can't keep up this routine if you don't rest now and then.


@ger_77 and @superoma  I'm interested in the tomato pie recipe as well.  I'm wondering if it is one of the following.   I had these bookmarked.  




The southern living recipe has good hints on how to keep the pie from being too soupy.  

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Thank you to everyone that makes the Daily such a special place.IMG_7358.jpeg.e0fd77bd3c371bbd9854bffc24c9a355.jpeg


 Life is very short, and what we have to do must be done in the now. Audre Lorde was an amazing poetry and prose writer.  I wonder if the quote is from The Cancer Journal where she confronts the possibility of her death and the silence that surrounds cancer and illness.  Her writing also addressed injustices in society; maybe she was encouraging us to act to make the world a better place.


Caribbean Shrimp & Rice Bowl sounds delicious.  @dfish suggestion of cauliflower rice is a good one but I frequently use half brown rice and half salad greens as a foundation for my bowls.


@DCThunder  I agree that it’s not a Dark and Stormy unless it’s made with Goslings rum.  I love the drink; the rum tastes different than other dark rums, a bit like molasses.

Recent stories about medical issues while cruising encouraged me start researching medical travel insurance.  I am embarrassed to say I have never purchased it.  I want to buy a yearly policy because we have 4 cruises scheduled in a 12 month period.  I am concerned about the “look back period” on several of the policies.  I’d appreciate any advice you may have…good or bad.@St Pete Cruiser Were you happy with the service you received from Allianz?  It is one of the policies I am seriously considering.


Wishing everyone the best day possible.



Edited by 0106
I would also appreciate the tomato pie recipe!
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Good morning to everyone!  Can't believe it that I "might" make it onto Page 2.  Living in the Western US puts us posters as the late ones.  


It is quite cloudy here today and will make it to lower 70's a little later.  We can still hope for cooler weather for the mountain snowpack.  Don't know if the ski areas will ever close for the summer!??!!


Today I get to wait for the surgeon's office to call with the new time to go to the surgery center.  I hate that the whole week has been tied up with this.  Oh well, if I am at home, I cannot spend much money.  I am not one for ordering stuff from Amazon, etc.  But I have 4 gift cards that could be spent if I ever went into Grand Junction.


Hope the good medical news continues.  @St Pete CruiserI hope that you get to fly home soon, but your place looks lovely for a temporary recovery situation!  @smitty34877, I think I understand all the trials that Tana is enduring at this time.  Hope that she regains strength and continues her valiant fight.  IPF is such a nasty disease.


 @kazumy newest grand-puppy is a Golden Doodle who is just precious and is still a puppy handful!  Ivan looks like such a sweetie and it seems that he has made himself quite at home.


Have a great day, everyone.

Mary Kay

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tomato pie recipe for everyone

Tomato Pie



If you want to take this recipe up a notch, you can caramelize the onions while prepping the other ingredients. If you do that, double the amount of onion.

  • Prep time: 15 minutesCook time: 55 minutesYield: Serves 6


  • 1 9-inch pie shell (see pie crust recipe for homemade version)
  • 1/2 cup chopped yellow or red onion (about 1/3 onion, diced)
  • 3-4 tomatoes, cut in half horizontally, squeezed to remove excess juice, roughly chopped, to yield approximately 3 cups (700 ml) chopped tomatoes
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup sliced basil (about 8 large leaves)*
  • 2 cups (8 oz, 225 g) grated cheese (combination of sharp cheddar and Monterey Jack, or Gruyere or Mozzarella)
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon (or more to taste) of Frank's Hot Sauce (or Tabasco)
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Crumbled bacon if desired

*To slice basil, chiffonade them by stacking the leaves on top of each other, roll them up like a cigar, starting at one end slice the "cigar" crosswise in thin slices.


1 Pre-bake the crust: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

If you are using a store-bought pie shell, follow the directions on the package for pre-baking, or pre-bake it in the oven for about 8 to 10 minutes (a little longer for a frozen pie shell), until lightly browned.

If you are using a homemade crust, freeze the crust first, then press a sheet of aluminum foil into the crust to keep the sides of the pie crust from falling down as it cooks. Fill the pie with pie weights such as dry beans or rice to help hold the foil in place.

Pre-bake the homemade crust for 15 minutes, then remove the foil, use the tines of a fork to poke a few small holes in the bottom of the crust (for venting), and bake for 10 more minutes.

2 Salt and drain the tomatoes: Lightly salt the chopped tomatoes and set them in a colander over a bowl to drain while you are pre-baking the crust.

Squeeze as much moisture as you can out of the chopped tomatoes, using either paper towels, a clean dish towel, or a potato ricer.


3 Layer pre-baked pie shell with onions, tomatoes, basil: Sprinkle a layer of chopped onion over the bottom of your pre-baked pie crust shell.

Spread the drained chopped tomatoes over the onions. Sprinkle the sliced basil over the tomatoes.


4 Make cheese mixture, spread over tomatoes: In a medium bowl, mix together the grated cheese, mayonnaise, Tabasco, a sprinkling of  freshly ground black pepper.

The mixture should be the consistency of a gooey snowball. Spread the cheese mixture over the tomatoes.


5 Bake: Place in oven and bake at 350°F (175°C) until browned and bubbly, anywhere from 25 to 45 minutes.


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2 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Aloha from Hilo.

I so appreciate all the kindness from my cruise critic/daily friends. After being discharged from Hilo hospital yesterday,  we spent the afternoon and evening at this beautiful little Airbnb on the north edge of the city. We did need to Lyft over to CVS/Longs Drugs to fill my scripts from the hospital Dr.

It rained much of the night, so between the birds and critters of the forest, it was SO MUCH nicer than the loud noises of the hospital and being awaken often for blood pressure checks, new IV's and with shared rooms, the other patient.

The mattress and pillows were so nice after the hospital. 











Happy to see you got through your ordeal and release from hospital and that your healing will quickly return to full strength. Bruce

Edited by aliaschief
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