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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 4th, 2023


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58 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:


  @ger_77 thanks for the Tent Caterpillar Cocktail recipe. I’ll mix that up right away! I’ve also just remembered some Bobbex deer repellant in the garden shed. Maybe that can protect the roses - it’s worth a try. Hand picking them is a losing battle. They blend in with the ground, but the canopies give an idea of the general coverage. And when I clear them off, it’s like this again in a couple of hours:



@cunnorl Charlene, it must have been someone else asking about Exmouth. 

@Horizon chaser 1957   I was mixed up. It was @Cruising-along that commented . It was about Exmouth Australia.

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

It is a Baroque-style Dutch pipe organ inspired by traditional barrel organs, and it rises from the Lower Promenade (deck 3) to the Upper Promenade (deck 5).  We were told it is the most expensive piece of art on any HAL ship.  It is not just a piece of art, but a working organ that can be played or that can play using a computer disc.  There is a regular keyboard behind the screens and false keyboard.

It IS a very impressive organ!  It is quite magical how the various items dance around to the music. And you should experience it from all 3 decks where it appears. I WISH that HAL used one of their keyboardists to play the full organ.  Not just the stuff they use at noon which is basically a recording. 



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, @dfish Debbie, @Crazy For Cats Jake, and anyone else who will be sailing on the Zaandam, be sure to check out the organ in the atrium.  


It is a Baroque-style Dutch pipe organ inspired by traditional barrel organs, and it rises from the Lower Promenade (deck 3) to the Upper Promenade (deck 5).  We were told it is the most expensive piece of art on any HAL ship.  It is not just a piece of art, but a working organ that can be played or that can play using a computer disc.  There is a regular keyboard behind the screens and false keyboard.


DH and I got to know the then Production Manager when we asked about the organ.  Our talks with the Production Manager, got him interested in the organ.  He dug around in the CD's office and found some different songs.  By the end of our cruise, the organ was playing "Ghost Riders in the Sky", a much better selection than the original song.  The manager also commented that he wished they could get an organist to come on board and play the organ.


In the past on seas days at noon, they will play the organ.  If they don't, I strongly urge you to ask that it be played.  It is interesting to watch the organ from all three decks since various parts move during the song.  That would give you three days entertainment since going between decks when it's playing loses something.








Our cabin last month was two doors down the hall from the organ. I didn’t hear it play, possibly since we went to the PG for lunch on the one sea day.

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1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Good Sunday morning,

We have a beautiful morning and I am enjoying reading the daily on the front porch with DGS.  

Sandi, I agree your DS is loving on those baddies in heaven.  Prayers for those on our care list and others in need. 

I have a funny story to tell. A new young woman (30’s) and her daughter moved in our mainly over 60+ neighborhood. Great for DGS as he has someone to play with. She is a body builder and had just worked out when she came outside to get her daughter. I never saw so many (men) in my neighborhood working in their front lawns.

Have a great day!


Lorraine, that is a great story.  Maybe the wives might want to hire her to work out in the yard when they want their husbands to work on their front yards.  😉 😁


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Sunny here with temperature in the low 40's but will get up to around 75 this afternoon. We had a couple light showers yesterday so the grass is happy - and so are the weeds.


I love scallops and wilted spinach so I would be very happy with today's meal. Have been to today's destination on the VOV. For some reason the flies were not a problem for which I was very happy. If anyone is to be bitten it will be me.


I did not get out to shelter yesterday... so I was not tempted to get another dog. They evidently did fairly well on placing dogs although at the rate people seem to dumping them I know we will fill up quickly. We stopped taking owner surrenders a few weeks ago but can begin again. The small dogs go quickly but  the larger dogs are much harder to place. One dog that was adopted just last week ... Remington .... was with us for 5 months. A bloodhound mix who was sure he was a lap dog. Wonderfully sweet. So happy for him and the others. Hope there are no returns.


Need to do some financial work this morning.... pay bills, sort out some things and take a look at my credit cards. Got a fairly good size "reward" yesterday that I did not anticipate. Need to see if there are any other $$ out there. Every little bit I can shift into my cruise fund helps.


Take care all.




Susan, I'm glad so many animals found new homes, especially Remington.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Sunday Morning Dailyites!  It is 73 and cloudy, I have 4 fans going, just to keep us on the cool side, the cats were not wanting hugs this morning.  This morning they are sleeping and then running around and then sleeping.in the windows again.  We watched F1, and I need to start studying and printing up my information. I have no idea what DH has planned for today, I however want to watch the F3 and F2 races (they were on at 3 something and 5 something this morning, but I slept until 7:30).


Bubbles was here this morning for his breakfast, but no Fawn, and both DH and I are very sad.  It's been a week, with no sign of her.  I think that tomorrow we will check with the county to see if someone trapped her and sent her on her way to the pound, but I doubt if we will find her there.  She knew about cages, and only ate Temptations and was very wary of people.  I am still cleaning off the porch, as the indoor kitties keep staring out the door but as I tire easily, it's just a bit more each day.  Tomorrow the porch will be returned to the indoor kitties and humans.






Annie, I'm sorry Fawn is still missing.  As far as work and cleaning the porch, just take it easy and do what you can when you can.


6 minutes ago, ChaCr said:

It IS a very impressive organ!  It is quite magical how the various items dance around to the music. And you should experience it from all 3 decks where it appears. I WISH that HAL used one of their keyboardists to play the full organ.  Not just the stuff they use at noon which is basically a recording. 




Charles, I agree about watching the organ from all three decks.  We picked one deck each day to watch it.  You could miss something while you are between decks.  It is an amazing piece of musical equipment.


5 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Our cabin last month was two doors down the hall from the organ. I didn’t hear it play, possibly since we went to the PG for lunch on the one sea day.


Jake, there are some Cruise Directors who don't want to be bothered with turning the organ on every sea day.  One told us he didn't turn it on, which requires flipping a switch in the office, because sometimes the organ won't work.  Ironically, it was the Production Manage under him that turned it on every sea day, and who found the different discs to make it play different pieces.  It doesn't hurt to ask if they will have the organ play on sea days.



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1 hour ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We stopped at Corner Brook while on the Nieuw Statendam last August.  Our excursion was a highlights tour of the area, which included a drive through downtown before we went to an overlook area that included a small display showcasing James Cook before he became a captain.  Our next stop was to look at the rock face of a mountain to see “the man in the mountain.”  

Our tour guide said his mother was in her eighties before she saw the man.  I guess I’ll have to come back when I’m older.


My DH and I were on that same excursion, and we couldn't see the Man in the Mountain either!!


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Good morning and thanks all!

@StLouisCruisers gentle hugs,  that is so much loss, glad you have some good to celebrate as well. 

 @dfish ooh that meal would be such a treat for me!


@Seasick Sailor I love blue cheeses,  DH not so much, so when he enjoyed morbiere I was  excited until I found out it was ash! 

We have thoroughly enjoyed visiting Newfoundland but not yet Cornerbrook.  

Hoping @JazzyV knee is starting to heal!


And wishing for less foot pain for @kazu 


 @marshhawksorry to hear Fawn is still missing.  Please make sure you are getting enough rest, so important for recovery.


5 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning everyone.   @Seasick Sailor Morbier is a favorite of mine too.   I had it at a restaurant and had to order it by mail order.  I don't recall our Wegmans stocking it either.  

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports.   I miss my cats, one loved hugs the other didn't.   I will pass on the scallops, withhold judgement on the cocktail and another rare wine I am fairly sure. 

Prayers for all on our Care list and the people of Ukraine.  

We got our badly needed rain yesterday.  I had just planted marigolds and zinnia seeds and the rain started.  It really cooled things off too.  A few garden visitors yesterday and a volunteer Jack in the Pulpit next to my Hosta.

Have a wonderful day! Nancy 





I hadn’t heard that name,  just bachelor buttons.  Love how the bees and butterflies love them! 


we had a lovely visitor, how fun that @cat shepard is seeing them too!


Edited by bennybear
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I like applesauce cake and cheese. No cat here. Not sure what to make of the quote. I'll pass on the meal (seafood) and drink. Yes to the syrah if someone else is paying.

I haven't been to Corner Brook NL.


It's a little cooler here today, in the upper 70's instead of near 90 like the last few days. We had a sprinkle of rain yesterday; not nearly enough. I got up and went out to return the shoes I had bought for the cruise (uncomfortable) but left home. Then off to Sam's Club to pick up a few things. Just now I'm having my coffee and muffin. I was glad to have the shopping cart at the store, or I don't think I could have managed much walking around, between my back and my knees. I see my PCP next week, so I hope to get some help with the back.


@grapau27 Thanks for the link to Fr. David's sermon today.

@kazu I hope your foot is feeling better.

@Nickelpenny Enjoy Mammoth Cave today.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you're able to have help from the aide during the week, to give you all a bit of a respite.

@StLouisCruisers Nice photos of Corner Brook. Hugs on this sad anniversary of DS and the twins' passing. Congratulations to DS and DDIL on their anniversary! I went to SA and Antarctica on Zaandam and it's a favorite ship of mine. Nice to have a DH who's so handy! I hope the treadmill works as expected tomorrow.

@cat shepard It sounds like you've had a great birthday week.

@Horizon chaser 1957 That tent caterpillar infestation sounds awful. 

@marshhawk I'm glad you got a work assignment. Sorry to hear that Fawn is still missing. Continue to rest until you feel stronger.

@Mtn2Sea Thanks for the photos. I think I see the man in the mountain.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

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Good morning all!

It's a beautiful sunny day here in the PNW.  Still mild temps, under 70 F.  Most likely I'll be in the gardens again today.  


I would like applesauce cake, but only if there is no chocolate cake 😉  I wish I had a cat to hug, we won't even be seeing the grand-kitties today.  I like most cheese.  Will pass on the scallops meal, red wine and drink.  Tonight we'll be having salmon, corn on the cob and salad.

We were in Corner Brook on the 2018 VOV.  I loved that port -- photos below.


The family had a nice dinner out for DGS's birthday dinner on Friday. There were 10 of us.   DH and my dinners were so big we brought some home and had it again last night.  


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Thinking of you today on this sad anniversary.  (((hugs)))


@Horizon chaser 1957 Wow you really do have a bad caterpillar infestation.  We've had years like that but thankfully not recently.  I haven't seen any yet this year in the area, I hope they aren't traveling south!


Charlene @cunnorlThanks for the added info about Exmouth!  


Annie @marshhawk I'm so sorry that Fawn is still missing.  It's heartbreaking.  We just went through that this year with one of DD's cats.  We never did find out what happened.  😞  


We were in Corner Brook in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings.  I loved that port!  Before the cruise I had read that one nice thing to do there is take the walk around the lake on Corner Brook Stream Trail.  So that's what we did.  Thankfully I didn't see any of the black flies that have been mentioned, and it was a 5+ mile walk.  It was a very warm and extremely humid day, and usually that would keep me inside, but this walk was absolutely lovely and I'm so glad we did it.  It did start raining before we were done, but luckily most of it was when we were in a wooded part with some cover.  You can make the walk shorter by not going completely around the lake, so you can make it as long or short as you want.


The lovely Rotterdam docked in Corner Brook



On our way to the start of the trail we passed this cute couple.



The Corner Brook Stream Trail circles this pond.



It was beautiful.







There were 2 swans and many ducks and seagulls.



One part of the trail had memorial trees and plaques --



This one is in memory of 2 soldiers



When it started to rain we were glad to be in this wooded area, so we didn't get *too* wet 😉  



If I ever get back to Corner Brook, I would do exactly this again!






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5 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Our venue for tonight’s Azamazing Evening.


You must be in Valencia 🙂 


@marshhawk so sorry that Fawn is still missing 😔 


@StLouisCruisers what an emotional day for you. Memories of lost loved ones and a celebration at the same time. So hard to manage the happy with the sad.  


@Horizon chaser 1957 yikes on your tent caterpillars.  I hope Gerry’s @ger_77 recipe helps.  In my limited experience, Dawn is amazing.  If a recipe calls for it, I always use it.  It does so little harm to animals (they use it to clean fowl caught in oil spills) and yet can be a powerful cleaner, weed killer and insect attacker.

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@StLouisCruisers a sad memorial day for your DS and the twins; I'm sure they're all together cuddling and sharing the love.

@Horizon chaser 1957 I'm shuddering looking at your photo of those pesky caterpillars!

@aliaschief We really need a WOW emoji!  What a truly Azamazing place!


DH is finally as fed up with the dahlias as I am, so this morning decreed he was going to go out and find something better to put in the pots by the fountain.  I know he has good taste, but his desperation could end up costing a lot of $$, so I dropped what I was doing and went with him.  We decided on some red Mistral Begonias, which the lady at the garden shop swore will not require deadheading.  We've had regular begonias in the yard before, so I'm pretty sure they'll do well where we want to place them.  Now it's sunny and hot, so I'm getting on my sun hat and gloves and going out to start moving plants around.  I'm not a gardener, but maybe this qualifies me as a substitute member of the Daily Garden Club if someone drops out?



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8 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

  I'm not a gardener, but maybe this qualifies me as a substitute member of the Daily Garden Club if someone drops out?




If your swapping plants around and know how to defeat pests - you are too a gardener.  No substitute member - You ARE a member of the Daily Garden club 😜 

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My Corner Brook pictures and “adventure “ from all the way back in 2009 , and I can still remember the day very clearly , it was a very  “wet “ one  …..






A special phenomenon is taking place here , usually in this location near Corner Brook , called reversing tide which really you have to see that happening in person or on a good video .






Take a step back dear .....




This smile disappeared a few minutes later ………
Martha said just back up a little , same I told her kiddingly a few minutes earlier , and think I took one more little step …….which was fatal …….this fairly new ramp had already moss growth on it and I went down flat on my stomach up to my belt into the water …….. soaking wet about 15 mins later I went back to the bus and the driver  who wanted to be helpful and save his seat laid on old tarp on the seat …… which had ink or still wet pain on it …… well I continued on the tour with all the others and  DW laughing  I even went into the small towns church basement where the church ladies were having a special sale , they did not have towels ! 
……. My nice comfy pants did not come home with me !!! 
She was laughing so hard and forgot to take a picture while I was trying to claw back up out of the bay.
I should have joined Eddie and Chris and gone out fishing  !
Martha made up with me that evening going to a nice Indonesian dinner and watching the crew show ! 
Loved Corner Brook .
Tony 🤣
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6 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:

My Corner Brook pictures and “adventure “ from all the way back in 2009 , and I can still remember the day very clearly , it was a very  “wet “ one  …..






A special phenomenon is taking place here , usually in this location near Corner Brook , called reversing tide which really you have to see that happening in person or on a good video .






Take a step back dear .....




This smile disappeared a few minutes later ………
Martha said just back up a little , same I told her kiddingly a few minutes earlier , and think I took one more little step …….which was fatal …….this fairly new ramp had already moss growth on it and I went down flat on my stomach up to my belt into the water …….. soaking wet about 15 mins later I went back to the bus and the driver  who wanted to be helpful and save his seat laid on old tarp on the seat …… which had ink or still wet pain on it …… well I continued on the tour with all the others and  DW laughing  I even went into the small towns church basement where the church ladies were having a special sale , they did not have towels ! 
……. My nice comfy pants did not come home with me !!! 
She was laughing so hard and forgot to take a picture while I was trying to claw back up out of the bay.
I should have joined Eddie and Chris and gone out fishing  !
Martha made up with me that evening going to a nice Indonesian dinner and watching the crew show ! 
Loved Corner Brook .
Tony 🤣

Great photos Tony.

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My Iceland poppies and bachelor buttons are looking good! 

bit of a tough day today as I finished shredding some of my dad’s  papers and Old bills from projects he did for us. He was a carpenter by trade and handy at almost everything. Taught my dh a lot, too. Dad did my kitchen, twice! He helped us finish our basement rec room, twice. He worked on the interior of our sun room. Just so much. I look around the city and see the projects he worked on either as superintendent or general Forman, Many of the buildings at university of Windsor, Devonshire mall, Tecumseh mall, university mall and countless other projects. He never gave up his union membership, local 494 carpenters and joiners of America. He was proud of that and his safety record on the job. For a man with a grade 4 education in Croatia he left quite a legacy. His grandchildren know the story and we will pass it on to his great grandchildren. 


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Good evening.

Pauline has booked 2 tickets to see Rod Stewart and Culture club.

It is an outdoor venue but they have seats although everyone will be singing and dancing.

I said she can take our Sarah who is a big fan and I will take them and pick them up later.

I hope everyone is having a great day.

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33 minutes ago, superoma said:

My Iceland poppies and bachelor buttons are looking good! 

bit of a tough day today as I finished shredding some of my dad’s  papers and Old bills from projects he did for us. He was a carpenter by trade and handy at almost everything. Taught my dh a lot, too. Dad did my kitchen, twice! He helped us finish our basement rec room, twice. He worked on the interior of our sun room. Just so much. I look around the city and see the projects he worked on either as superintendent or general Forman, Many of the buildings at university of Windsor, Devonshire mall, Tecumseh mall, university mall and countless other projects. He never gave up his union membership, local 494 carpenters and joiners of America. He was proud of that and his safety record on the job. For a man with a grade 4 education in Croatia he left quite a legacy. His grandchildren know the story and we will pass it on to his great grandchildren. 



Thank you very , very much for telling about your dad @superoma who you recently lost and who I can hear you are really proud of !


I loved reading this , you made my day ! 


Tony 😍


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Good afternoon.  I have enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures from Corner Brook.  I will not name all of you in fear of forgetting someone.


I've been spending a lot of time on Ancestry before my half price membership expires next month.  Some ancestors are easy to trace, then there are the ones who have been added by other descendants who wanted a famous ancestor.  It takes a little common sense and digging to find out who is the correct ancestor.   


What really amazes me are those who add a picture of someone just to have a picture.  One added a picture from the correct century, but it was Sir Walter Raleigh not my ancestor.  Another was a picture of Lady Jane Grey, but not the correct Lady Jane Grey, who was not the nine day Queen of England.  I think the classic was a the picture added of someone who lived in the mid-1500s.  The first hint was the clothes were wrong, but the biggest give away, was the very familiar face.  It was a picture of a very famous painting of George Washington.  😱 😄


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I like applesauce cake and cheese. No cat here. Not sure what to make of the quote. I'll pass on the meal (seafood) and drink. Yes to the syrah if someone else is paying.

I haven't been to Corner Brook NL.


It's a little cooler here today, in the upper 70's instead of near 90 like the last few days. We had a sprinkle of rain yesterday; not nearly enough. I got up and went out to return the shoes I had bought for the cruise (uncomfortable) but left home. Then off to Sam's Club to pick up a few things. Just now I'm having my coffee and muffin. I was glad to have the shopping cart at the store, or I don't think I could have managed much walking around, between my back and my knees. I see my PCP next week, so I hope to get some help with the back.


@grapau27 Thanks for the link to Fr. David's sermon today.

@kazu I hope your foot is feeling better.

@Nickelpenny Enjoy Mammoth Cave today.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you're able to have help from the aide during the week, to give you all a bit of a respite.

@StLouisCruisers Nice photos of Corner Brook. Hugs on this sad anniversary of DS and the twins' passing. Congratulations to DS and DDIL on their anniversary! I went to SA and Antarctica on Zaandam and it's a favorite ship of mine. Nice to have a DH who's so handy! I hope the treadmill works as expected tomorrow.

@cat shepard It sounds like you've had a great birthday week.

@Horizon chaser 1957 That tent caterpillar infestation sounds awful. 

@marshhawk I'm glad you got a work assignment. Sorry to hear that Fawn is still missing. Continue to rest until you feel stronger.

@Mtn2Sea Thanks for the photos. I think I see the man in the mountain.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.


Vanessa, I hope you can get some relief from your back and your knees.  I'm glad your temperatures are cooler.  


1 hour ago, superoma said:

My Iceland poppies and bachelor buttons are looking good! 

bit of a tough day today as I finished shredding some of my dad’s  papers and Old bills from projects he did for us. He was a carpenter by trade and handy at almost everything. Taught my dh a lot, too. Dad did my kitchen, twice! He helped us finish our basement rec room, twice. He worked on the interior of our sun room. Just so much. I look around the city and see the projects he worked on either as superintendent or general Forman, Many of the buildings at university of Windsor, Devonshire mall, Tecumseh mall, university mall and countless other projects. He never gave up his union membership, local 494 carpenters and joiners of America. He was proud of that and his safety record on the job. For a man with a grade 4 education in Croatia he left quite a legacy. His grandchildren know the story and we will pass it on to his great grandchildren. 



Eva, thank you for sharing more about your father.  You have a right to be very proud of him.  He sounds like he was a very interesting person to know.


5 hours ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We stopped at Corner Brook while on the Nieuw Statendam last August.  Our excursion was a highlights tour of the area, which included a drive through downtown before we went to an overlook area that included a small display showcasing James Cook before he became a captain.  Our next stop was to look at the rock face of a mountain to see “the man in the mountain.”  










Our tour guide said his mother was in her eighties before she saw the man.  I guess I’ll have to come back when I’m older.



Robert, I guess I'm in the minority because I think I found the face.


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

DH was tiring of waiting for service technicians to call us about our treadmill belt replacement, so he watched numerous YouTube videos on how to do it.  Then yesterday after lunch he started taking it apart. Guess that's an engineer for you.  I had to help at one point to slip the belt on.  It had to be oiled underneath too.  What a process!  He tested it briefly yesterday and tomorrow will be the true test.  He plans on getting up and being downstairs with me when I do my workout, to make sure all goes as expected.  Fingers crossed!


Maureen @RMLincoln, Terry @smitty34877, Graham @grapau27, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Charlene @cunnorl, and Laura @Horizon chaser 1957 thank you all for your kind thoughts today.  I appreciate your warm hearts. ❤️


Gerry @ger_77 happy birthday to your DSIL!  Your menu for the birthday dinner sounds delicious, as usual.🍽️


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thank you for the information about the Dutch pipe organ on the Zaandam.  We will be sure to check it out.  It sounds awesome.


Bruce @aliaschief thanks for your beautiful photos.  We were in Valencia on a Sunday morning and it took hours for people to start showing up on the streets.  Have a wonderful Azamazing evening!


Laura @Horizon chaser 1957, you really do have a tent caterpillar problem from the looks of those canopies.  Yikes!  Good luck trying to take control over from them.


Annie @marshhawk best of luck getting your porch ready for the indoor kitties.  I sympathize with your malaise after Covid.  It's real!


Robert @Mtn2Sea thanks for your photo input on Corner Brook.  It's a really lovely area as shown from your excursion photos.  I don't see the man in the mountain either, so guess you have to be in your 80's.🤷‍♀️



Sandi, it does help to have an engineer in the family.  DH has repaired a lot of things over the years, even before YouTube.  😉



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1 hour ago, superoma said:

My Iceland poppies and bachelor buttons are looking good! 

bit of a tough day today as I finished shredding some of my dad’s  papers and Old bills from projects he did for us. He was a carpenter by trade and handy at almost everything. Taught my dh a lot, too. Dad did my kitchen, twice! He helped us finish our basement rec room, twice. He worked on the interior of our sun room. Just so much. I look around the city and see the projects he worked on either as superintendent or general Forman, Many of the buildings at university of Windsor, Devonshire mall, Tecumseh mall, university mall and countless other projects. He never gave up his union membership, local 494 carpenters and joiners of America. He was proud of that and his safety record on the job. For a man with a grade 4 education in Croatia he left quite a legacy. His grandchildren know the story and we will pass it on to his great grandchildren. 


 I second Tony , Eva.It was lovely to read about your Dad and I am glad you can see his work where you live.

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Hello Again, @RMLincoln your post got me thinking about next year.  The pictures shared by everyone encouraged me more. I put a hold on a cabin for next years Volendam sailing on 8/31/24.  I’m sure that we won’t be able to get to see everything we want to this year.  Early booking bonus is still in effect so why not?

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Finally got my Passport Renewal application in the mail yesterday. Will see how long it takes before the new passport arrives.

I like applesauce cake, hug my kitty cats everyday and like most cheese. The scallops dinner would be great with a nice glass of white wine if someone else would cook it for me; maybe a chef at the Pinnacle Grill?

I couldn't see the face.



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2 hours ago, superoma said:

My Iceland poppies and bachelor buttons are looking good! 

bit of a tough day today as I finished shredding some of my dad’s  papers and Old bills from projects he did for us. He was a carpenter by trade and handy at almost everything. Taught my dh a lot, too. Dad did my kitchen, twice! He helped us finish our basement rec room, twice. He worked on the interior of our sun room. Just so much. I look around the city and see the projects he worked on either as superintendent or general Forman, Many of the buildings at university of Windsor, Devonshire mall, Tecumseh mall, university mall and countless other projects. He never gave up his union membership, local 494 carpenters and joiners of America. He was proud of that and his safety record on the job. For a man with a grade 4 education in Croatia he left quite a legacy. His grandchildren know the story and we will pass it on to his great grandchildren. 



Eva, that is a very moving story of your dad.  After my mom and dad passed away I made books about them.  They are much like Sandi's cruise books with lots of pictures, but also important information about each of them.  I gave one to each sibling and one to each grandchild. The great grandchildren like to read the books about Great Grandpa Larry and Great Grandma Betsey.  


Sue and I went back to the paint store and explained our desires to the young man working today.  He helped us pick out new colors.  The orange no longer looks quite like Hallowe'en.  At first we didn't see a difference in the reds, but as the new one dried we could see that it was a little darker and not so hot pinkish.  




This one is in the shade which is why the house looks green.  It really isn't yet.  And it will be a darker green.  These are the new red and new orange.  




Here you can see them along with the original paint samples.  




This one is in the sun.  I think I like the red better here.  Of course, the orange is nice, too.  


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11 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Hello Again, @RMLincoln your post got me thinking about next year.  The pictures shared by everyone encouraged me more. I put a hold on a cabin for next years Volendam sailing on 8/31/24.  I’m sure that we won’t be able to get to see everything we want to this year.  Early booking bonus is still in effect so why not?

That's tempting.

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6 hours ago, cunnorl said:
7 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

@Horizon chaser 1957   I was mixed up. It was @Cruising-along that commented . It was about Exmouth Australia

We *almost* went to Exmouth, Australia in March 2020. It was one of many ports in Western Australia that agreed to let the Amsterdam in, and then got turned down by the Australian government. I forget what excursion I booked/ had cancelled there. Thank you for implying I didn’t miss much!

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