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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday June 14th, 2023


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I'm in favor of bourbon, whether it's liquor or roses. Would rather have Roy's alternative menu, except for the tiramisu. Another pseudotini and another New Zealand wine, hmm.


I didn't sleep much on Monday night and felt awful all day yesterday, but last night I slept for 9 hours. Better living through chemistry.


Today I have a Zoom meeting of the Emergency Food and Shelter board; it will be my last meeting since my appointment to it is ex-officio. Then an acupuncture appointment. Banking and grocery shopping when I can fit them in.


I've started looking for a cruise for late in 2024. It will have to be on NCL because of FCC, and will probably be from a port that I can drive to, which for NCL during that period would be New York or Boston. I was looking at one between Boston and Quebec, but since one direction would require flights, I would more likely park at Rochester and fly to/from both ports. Today's posts have me thinking about a Panama Canal cruise, which would require flights for both ports and they would be longer.


But first I need to book a flight back from Fort Lauderdale this fall, after the Spanish Farewell. My car will be at the Rochester airport so Southwest is an option.



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Ciao from La Spezia,  Italy 🇮🇹 

Last day on our Symphony  of the Seas cruise.   Had a wonderful excursion to the walled city of Lucca, topped off by a visit to Pisa.   

the skies opened up after our prerequisite photo ops  but the majority of the tour hAd simply beautiful weather! 

We will have a driver waiting for us in Rome in the morning, then on to Fumincino Airport for our flight home. 

prayers to all in need, and cheers to those celebrating.  




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12 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Today is my brother's heavenly birthday. He was born 82 years ago today but has been gone now for 2 1/3 years.  The photo is a new one to me, just sent by his widow.  I'm pretty sure it was the embarkation photo for our 2014 Alaska cruise on Radiance of the Seas out of Vancouver:





For your brother Roy.


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Good rainy morning. I’m back from therapy evaluation. He gave me some exercises to do at home and scheduled sessions for twice a week for 3 weeks, he also ordered a flexible splint to se if it can help straighten my hand and wrist.🤞

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Believe me, I am extremely grateful that treatment exists for the type of tumor DH has but it is not easy to go through. The chemo is given during surgery. The hospital stay can be five days to a week . We were very impressed with the oncologist and all the staff we met. DH and I both worked in health care and the car ride home involved lots of “gallows humor”. DD did not approve but I was happy to have a few laughs..


I too am grateful there is treatment for your DH but so very sorry for everything the two of you are going through.  My prayers remain for you 🙏 



2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Wednesday from beautiful Tucson. The high today will be 98F. But our pool is still too cool for us, it’s hovering at 78-80. We prefer it 85 or above and it doesn’t get there until we have a few days over 100. That is supposed to happen this weekend but we won’t be here to enjoy that. We are heading to Mt Lemmon for a week where it will be in the high 70’s. 

I am going to really need my nap today because I don’t have time to get my “second sleep” in, like Maxine @AncientWanderer calls it.  We need to be on the road by 10:00 to get up the mountain. Thank goodness it really isn’t that far but I make Craig drive about 5 miles an hour under the speed limit, yikes I don’t like the twisty road, aka the Hitchcock Highway (not that Hitchcock though). If you are interested this is what Wikipedia has to say:


Have a great day everyone!


Safe travels, Sharon - especially up that Hitchcock Highway.



1 hour ago, cruising sister said:


I have an interesting problem. There is a woman who recently joined the group of car friends that DH and I were part of. I have recently started doing a few things with them. This woman has taken a dislike of me. She is hanging out with a friend who is a recent widower whose wife was a dear friend of mine. She literally does not look at me if I talk to her and goes out of her way to be overly friendly to others.  She made a couple of snarky comments about my dead friends daughter to me like “she is not the only one who lost a mother”. I have started screening to see if she will be at outings but it is not possible to always avoid her.  Don’t know what to do. Does she me as a threat to her relationship? Navigating this widowhood is difficult. 


There’s always someone who does this.  I’m so sorry.  Don’t let her stop you from seeing your friend(s).  Don’t skip outings because she is there.  If you do, she could freeze you out.


I agree with the others - she may be jealous of how you are doing.  Whatever it is, it’s nor your problem and don’t let it become one.  I completely agree with Debbie - go with your head held high and just talk to your friends.


You, of all people know that life is too short to harbour worries.  Take a look at the last meme I posted about nonsense.  That’s all she is - don’t let her affect you.



22 minutes ago, dfish said:


Terry, remember that even when we don't say it, we are holding you and  your DH close in our hearts.  Thank you for sharing with us and trusting us with your burden.  We'd all like to help lift it for you.



Well said and I am in total agreement.



22 minutes ago, dfish said:


Engage in the activities that you wish to and hold your head up high.  Act like  you don't notice her rudeness.  That will drive her wild.  You don't have to be overly friendly to her, but don't let her drive you away if this is something you truly enjoy.


I SO agree with this.  





16 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Today is my brother's heavenly birthday. He was born 82 years ago today but has been gone now for 2 1/3 years.  The photo is a new one to me, just sent by his widow.  I'm pretty sure it was the embarkation photo for our 2014 Alaska cruise on Radiance of the Seas out of Vancouver:


Happy heavenly birthday to your brother, Roy.  An emotional and tough day for you, for sure 💔 



2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Our excursion today takes us to the small city of Santiago.


I am so glad you got there.  It’s so wonderful 🙂.  You will love Bilbao too 👍 

You had a lovely itinerary on this cruise, indeed!



2 hours ago, dfish said:

I spent a lot of time on family history and connected with a cousin to help with that.  We had fun doing it and taking turns going to Ireland to check out cemeteries.  I put what I had into a book with pictures of many of the ancestors and gave each member of the family a copy.  It was met with lukewarm appreciation.  One sibling declared she was an American that lived in the present time and never took her copy.   


OMG on the lukewarm appreciation and even worse on your sibling’s complete lack of it for the work.  It’s a shame your efforts weren’t appreciated the way they should have been 😔



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16 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good rainy morning. I’m back from therapy evaluation. He gave me some exercises to do at home and scheduled sessions for twice a week for 3 weeks, he also ordered a flexible splint to se if it can help straighten my hand and wrist.🤞

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


Excellent!  I hope the exercises and new splint do the trick 🙏 

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Good morning all!

We have a cloudy day with a high in the mid 60's.  

I don't care for Bourbon, have done a little family history on Ancestry and also the Mormon site.  My Mother's side has been traced back to 1100 but it's all much too complicated for me to keep up with.  DH spent 4 years in the Army (and was in Viet Nam one of those years) and then retired from the Navy.  In honor of Flag Day here's one of my favorite photos -- our youngest DGS helping DH raise our flag 6 years ago.




Good quote, I'll take a hard pass on the meal.  Not only does it have cilantro, but what's up with chicken and waffles??  I'll keep mine separate.  The NZ wine sounds great, and I'd probably like the drink.  Red Bay was on our Voyage of the Vikings itinerary in 2018, the only port in New Foundland and we had to miss it because of fog.  We were disappointed, but hearing about the bugs maybe I should feel relieved lol.  Thanks for all the great photos!


Terry @smitty34877 I'm sorry yesterday was a tough day.  It sounds like your DH has a great medical team, keeping you in my prayers.


Lorraine @cruising sister I agree with the others, it sounds like that woman has a jealousy problem.  Keep your head held high and in time she'll probably wise up. 😉  


Roy @rafinmd Happy Heavenly Birthday to your dear brother.  He was born 2 days before my sister who has been gone now for 13 years.


Graham @grapau27 We've only done the Panama Canal once, in April.  We had absolutely no problems with insects, but the heat and humidity was intense.


Today I'm meeting up with my BFF for lunch, so will scoot now.  I hope everyone has a great day!


Photos from our near-miss of Red Bay.


It was even foggier than this at times.  The Captain was wise not to try to use the tenders that day.



We did get a glimpse off some of it as we gave up and departed.






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Checking in on my Dailyite family. It is 90 outside and very heavy with threats of hail, wind and possibly tornados. I seem to have picked up some reaction to the mold or spores floating around on the river. I have been taking a few days off to give my body a chance to recharge. When we were at the art walk Friday, I reached the end of my walking strength and we headed back to the car. It was very hot and I thought I had marked the location of my car on my mapping program. Apparently I didn't and an old pin sent us about a mile out of our way to not find the car. My son kept suggesting we phone the bike guy who drives you around in his three wheeled rig but I said it was useless since we didn't know where he should take us and we would end up going in circles. Much walking finally found the car but this old body had not planned on the heat and the extra two miles of walking beyond my limit. I was ready to cry. I will definitely make sure the car location is marked on my map next time. Oh well, they say getting old isn't for sissies and I agree. 

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Today is my brother's heavenly birthday. He was born 82 years ago today but has been gone now for 2 1/3 years.  The photo is a new one to me, just sent by his widow.  I'm pretty sure it was the embarkation photo for our 2014 Alaska cruise on Radiance of the Seas out of Vancouver:






Roy, happy heavenly birthday to your DB who would have been 82 today.  I'm sure seeing this new photo today on his birthday was very much appreciated and welcomed.




Linda @lindaler sorry about your extra long hike in the heat the other day.  I've been watching the weather near you this week because my 3 eldest DGKids are in Gulf Shores, Alabama all week with their Dad on vacation.  I hope the stormy weather in the south still allows them some fun times at the beach.




Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser that was a nice flag cake you made in 2020.  Lots of icing too which I like.  😋

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Greetings, friends! I've been off for a while because I traveled to NC for my great-niece's high school graduation. Got to spend some quality time with the family. Now I have to go back & catch up on the days I missed.

I love the quote - there have been a number of moments in my life that I wanted to freeze and keep forever.

While in NC, my sister kindly lent me a head net to use on this year's Voyage of the Vikings. Now I feel prepared for Newfoundland and Labrador! Maybe Greenland, too? Although I don't remember a bug problem on my last visit there.

My prayers are raised for all who need them, and happy to join in the celebrations, too!

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59 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

@grapau27 Graham, we didn't have any insect problems on our Panama Canal cruise.  Of course, we've only done the partial transit.  We went in April and my only problem was that it was too hot! 



@rafinmd  Happy Heavenly Birthday to you dear brother.

Thank you Melanie @puppycanducruise.

The heat and humidity is something for us to consider in Panama.

New England sounds amazing and top of my list for later next year as we have 5 cruises booked.


Edited by grapau27
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1 minute ago, Heartgrove said:

@grapau27 Graham, I am sure you will enjoy your cruise on the Carnival Legend. We sailed on her in January in the cold weather this year. Hopefully it can keep the cooling of the ship when warm better than keeping it warm when it was cold outside. It is a bit dated looking on the interior but overall we had a good time. Thanks for mentioning Tampa as it is 30 years since I sailed out of Tampa aboard the Regency Rainbow.



Thank you Jack but it wasn't me.

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Concerning insects on the Panama Canal.  There are huge moths that at night are attracted to the ship's lights.  Some are very pretty.  If you walk on the promenade deck in the morning some will still be attached to the ship and you can take pictures of them.  Not a bug, but a feature of a Panama Canal cruise.


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Good afternoon.  The new cover for the car came today, and we put it on before it got too hot outside.  The old cover was too big, and this one is almost too small so some of the seams are pulled tight.   This may help keep it on the car in high winds.  Otherwise, not a lot going on here.


4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all the Dailyites. 

I have been AWOL for the last few days.  I just am finding that there are more things to do than there are hours in the day.

Yesterday we were hit with more forms to complete and get notarized.  I have to bring back something nice to the lady at the bank who does all the notarizing for us. Adding to the mix I am trying to have the house looking good before we leave.  Really needed the cleaning lady to show up on Saturday and was disappointed when the bridge did not cooperate.

I figured I had better post now because I have to get a mani-pedi today and then take DH to the podiatrist.  So that takes care of most of today.  

Then I have to go to the Post Office and beg the supervisor to hold the mail for 40 days rather than 30l. Here’s hoping.  If she says no, i don’t have a Plan B.  Maybe my neighbor will help.


Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann for all your contributions to this thread.  It gets me going in the morning.  Although I must confess I have two days of reading to catch up on.

I am going to pass on the meal and libations.  I have two more days of cooking and it is going to be very simple meals so that I don’t have a lot to do in that department.


The one good thing is that we have no time limit on when to leave on Friday. We are staying in Jacksonville on Friday night so whatever time we leave, we just have to get there.  


Got a nice surprise yesterday.  In London, we are staying at the Sheraton Grand London Park Lane.  We received an email yesterday that we were upgraded to the Grand Park View Suite.  So we are looking forward to that.  My friend from north England is taking the train to London to come visit us for one of the days we are there.


@grapau27I have been through the Panama Canal three times and do not remember any problems with insect bites.  Believe me, the bugs love to find me and I do not remember any problems on any of those cruises.


Prayers for all who need them, especially those with serious health problems.

Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


Need to go and have breakfast and get ready to go out.

God Bless and stay safe.



Terri, the upgrade at the hotel is lovely and I know you'll enjoy the extra room.  It's nice when you don't have to rush to get to your destination.


3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  I woke up late, and for that I am grateful, as it means I added some much needed sleep to myself.  I havent been sleeping on the sofa this week, so that is a good sign, the cough is still very much there, but the results are a bit different.  (I know...gross).  I got up and turned on the coffee, fed the cats, and sat on the porch .  The air was still and quiet,  The sky was darkening, there were no sounds of traffic.  Just birds.  I could have been out in the country, and not the burbs on Atlanta.  I came in to see what was happening with all my daily friends, and my computer just locked up on Rich's post.  This is beginning to happen more and more, I no longer try to be on the first page, because it aint gonna happen.  (Plus, I rarely have anything important to say, just life in the slow lane).


DH is doing very well with his not smoking.  He chomps on Nicorette gum and downs lozenges all day, but since Monday morning, he has only had one cigarette.  I, on the other hand dont quit by adding more nicotene through other sources, so I am slowly cutting down.  I dont smoke in the house now, just out on the porch.  I am keeping tabs of when i am smoking, (being a list maker, I made a list) and mark the time of the smoke.  


Once I got on the computer this morning we had a wonderfully huge thunderstorm with lots of rain, and wind, and I wish it had lasted longer.


@Sharon in AZI  really liked the information on the mountain, the rock formations are great.  I hate heights, and would probably cower on the floor in the back seat.  Driving the mountain roads in Georgia is different, no wide open views, the curvy roads are surrounded by trees (most of the time), so you dont get that OMG! experience.  Some of the roads have little parks off on the side where the view has been cleared out, and you can park and look at the view.  


@cruising sisterThere is a saying that when you point a finger at someone (which this woman is doing to you) you are pointing three more back at yourself.  So the problem is her, not you, and if she is being snotty, it may mean that something about you reminds her of herself.  Something that she hasn't been able to figure out yet.  Hugs.


@grapau27We booked the Carnival Legend for the Panama Canal in April 2025.  It's not the full passage, just out of Tampa, and into the canal and lake, and then back to Tampa.  (I think we stop in Grand Cayman and Costa Rica)  DH wants to see the marvels of the canal.  I do hear it will be very warm.  As far as bugs?  Who cares.  Mankind invented bug spray.


Well, the sun is now out, the yards all look green and the birds are chirping again.






Annie, I'm happy you can sleep in your bed again and get more rest.  I hope the cough goes away soon.  Tell Chuck I'm happy he is still not smoking, and I'm glad you are cutting down.  The list may help you figure out what triggers the need to smoke so you can find something to substitute in its place.


2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good rainy morning. I’m back from therapy evaluation. He gave me some exercises to do at home and scheduled sessions for twice a week for 3 weeks, he also ordered a flexible splint to se if it can help straighten my hand and wrist.🤞

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


I hope the therapy and splint will help your hand and wrist.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser that was a nice flag cake you made in 2020.  Lots of icing too which I like.  😋


Thank you, Sandi.  We both like a lot of icing so I generally make 1 1/2 to 2 batches of icing for the cakes.


2 hours ago, lindaler said:

Checking in on my Dailyite family. It is 90 outside and very heavy with threats of hail, wind and possibly tornados. I seem to have picked up some reaction to the mold or spores floating around on the river. I have been taking a few days off to give my body a chance to recharge. When we were at the art walk Friday, I reached the end of my walking strength and we headed back to the car. It was very hot and I thought I had marked the location of my car on my mapping program. Apparently I didn't and an old pin sent us about a mile out of our way to not find the car. My son kept suggesting we phone the bike guy who drives you around in his three wheeled rig but I said it was useless since we didn't know where he should take us and we would end up going in circles. Much walking finally found the car but this old body had not planned on the heat and the extra two miles of walking beyond my limit. I was ready to cry. I will definitely make sure the car location is marked on my map next time. Oh well, they say getting old isn't for sissies and I agree. 


Linda, I'm sorry about the longer than expected hike in all that heat and humidity.



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Good morning (just barely). I have actually been up for hours .... this time voluntarily. Bandit is doing much better. He must have eaten something that disagreed with his little tummy. He is still on a light diet.


I was up at 5:30 this morning and walked the dogs. Temperature was 36F but we did a fairly long walk since I was due to have my annual eye exam at 7:40.... and why I booked that time I really can't explain. Passed the exam with flying colors so will not see that doctor again for a year.


Would eat the meal of the day if it was set before me but would not go out the way for it. I like the components on their own. Have been to today's destination....don't remember bugs as a problem and usually I get bitten if there are any bugs around.


I am still washing rugs. Yesterday was supposed to be sunny but showers rolled in mid-morning and lasted on and off all day. Some were really heavy. Not a time to be hanging rugs out to dry so cleaning continues today.


Lorraine @cruising sisterThe woman's behavior reminds me of an incident that happened to my Mother years ago. She lived in a retirement community and there was a couple there that had been college with her many years before. The were now leaving in the D.C area... but college had been in Portland< Oregon so they had lots of memories just shared between them. Unfortunately the woman passed away. Mom had dinner with the widower a couple of times afterward when they again talked about those old memories. Several women in the community were very nasty to Mom after that and Mom said the man was the subject of lots of attention from various widows. Eventually he moved out of the community and back to Portland to be with his daughter.... Mom said probably for peace and quiet.



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Good morning (really, it was still 8 minutes before noon when I started this post), thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Flag Day to all my American friends.  I'll do a hard pass on the bourbon, appreciate the work that goes into researching family history, and a big Happy Birthday to the US Army.


The quote is nice - there are many moments I wish I could have frozen in time, especially ones involving my parents.   I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy sipping on the drink of the day, and would reluctantly try the white wine.  


I'm surprised by someone who said they'd never heard of chicken and waffles.  We actually had the most delicious chicken and waffles at, of all places, a McDonald's restuarant in Singapore, near our hotel.  We went out in the morning in search of a reasonably priced place for breakfast when we came upon a McD's and their menu was printed on the window glass.    The waffles were huge and fluffy (think BIG Belgian waffles), and the chicken was a full chicken breast, breaded and fried to a crisp deliciousness.


Our friends left about 10 minutes ago; it appears the gastro symptoms stem from his having had bowel cancer a number of years ago.  There isn't any cancer, but he's been diagnosed with IBS and his age isn't helping any, either.  Now they're gone but will be returning in likely a few weeks, as he has to have vascular surgery because the veins in his lower legs are severely blocked.  When they do return, they'll be staying for possibly 2 weeks, as he needs to return to the hospital and surgeon's offices regularly for monitoring.  It's time to strip the beds and load the washing machine again; the dishes are done, so DH will unload that and then we'll be able to sit quietly for a while.


It's hot here right now, already +28 with a high predicted of +34 (93F), and there's a hot wind blowing from the west.  That usually means we'll get a storm coming in - already there are storm watches out for areas to the south and west of us, so we'll see how the afternoon progresses.


@dfish how inconsiderate of your relative; she could have been a little more subtle about it.  You went through a lot of work (and expense) to provide family information, and she was so ungrateful.  Her loss.

@smitty34877 I'm glad there's treatment for your DH, and wish you and him the very best as he goes through it.

@rafinmd Happy Angel Birthday to your DB.

@cruising sister the other woman is obviously jealous of the relationship you have with your friend.  Continue the friendship with that person and don't let this new member turn you off - ignoring her if possible, and if it gets too bad, confront her about it.  Ask "Is there something I've done to offend you, because I've noticed you're very cool toward me."  Sometimes just bringing it out in the open will stop the behaviour.

@marshhawk good for you for also monitoring your nicotine intake - that will help Chuck as well.

@Crazy For Cats yikes on the freezer!!!

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm stealing your bacon meme; I love it!


I'd like today's menu suggestion, but we've got leftovers in the fridge from last night's dinner out and the night before that as well.  Our friends took us for dinner where I had fish & chips while DH had breaded veal - both meals were huge (mine had 4 large pieces of fish), so we ended up bringing half of them home.  Not sure if the weather will allow dinner on the deck or in the pergola, so I think we'll just plan on leftovers at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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20 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Several women in the community were very nasty to Mom after that and Mom said the man was the subject of lots of attention from various widows. Eventually he moved out of the community and back to Portland to be with his daughter.... Mom said probably for peace and quiet.


There was an episode of Untold Stories of the ER in which one patient was an especially dashing older man brought in from a retirement community after falling there. He was followed by three older women, each claiming to be his girlfriend, who proceeded to fight over him. They stopped fighting when the sedation needed for reducing a dislocated joint combined with the pain medication he took routinely and caused him to stop breathing. Then the three of them united against the doctors.

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Update on my cousin with glioblastoma....we went to see him (they live about 150 miles from us)...he's doing remarkably well!  The Hospice nurse told him 'you don't look sick' so that probably is the best news they've heard in a while.  He really looks & acts fine - we visited early afternoon both Monday & yesterday & I think that's probably his best time of day.  Please keep them in your prayers & I'll update as needed.

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4 hours ago, kochleffel said:

But first I need to book a flight back from Fort Lauderdale this fall, after the Spanish Farewell. My car will be at the Rochester airport so Southwest is an option.

Southwest has having a40% off bday sale until Thursday.  I just rebooked my flights home from FLL after my TA.


To those of you who think today’s meal is a bit peculiar,  here is an article about the Origin of chicken & waffles  Chicken & waffles is a very popular brunch dish on MD although the chicken is usually fried and it is served with maple syrup or honey drizzled on the top.  It is one of my DHs favorites.

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Today was the last day of school in my county.  On my morning walk today I ran into our school crossing guard and he had a new sign, now with "STOP" showing prominently in a string of bright LED's.



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