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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 5th, 2023


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Good morning to all. Sunny, dry.... what else is new? Still under a fire warning. High today will be a little cooler but not by much. It was amazingly quiet here last night..... I think everyone is worried about fires. And the threats to turn the hoses on anyone with fireworks may have deterred some of the neighborhood kids. Have not heard how the drone show went.... I was on the phone with a friend and did not get out to see it.


I am glad to hear that Lou may be coming home today .... and I am sending prayers and positive thoughts to baby Murphy. Hope Ivan will take his medicines with pill pockets. I know those have not worked with my scotties in the past. I would find pills all over the house. With my current two, if meds are needed I buy some "Little Caesar" pate style and hide the pill in it. They are foodies and it goes right down. And a cup lasts in frig for a week.


Dogs are due for a spa day today.... the Shih Tzu is getting pretty shaggy and he does not think I am capable of giving him a good cut .... I really can not manage him on the table. He stands perfectly still for Miss Mia. The Chi goes along for the ride.


Spent part of yesterday looking at some day tours for the Grand Australia. I just have to remember I am not as young as I was last time I cruised.... however, I am booking a few I really want... can always drop off later if I think it is too much. I need to start walking more and will do it without the dogs. The Chihuahua slows me down.


Off to the races. Take care everyone. I need to get some hustle on.







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Good morning, Dailyites!  Interesting day - but no Vigo here, nor chili or mai tais!  Yesterday we had neighbours in, could have used them then, but we stuck to wine.  I'm sorry about Bailey, @summer slope, it's such a hard decision to make for our furry friends, a real heartache.  @smitty34877, so happy your DH will be coming home today, I hope you will have some help with hi and Tana.  It is stressful being the nurse - I know, I'm finding it hard to make sure Pat is doing what he's supposed to do now that he's feeling better, although we had Sunday at Emergency again.  


It's a big day for me, I have my appointment with the physiotherapist this morning, I do hope he can fix what ails me.  I had a bad day yesterday.

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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Baby Murphy will have a last round of tests before tomorrow’s surgery. They will need to intubate her for the tests and keep the tube in prep for surgery. That will be tough on the parents. They had a great last few days with her. She will be in for 3 to 5 weeks after surgery. 


Prayers for Baby Murphy continue and for her parents to have the strength to get through this 🙏



2 hours ago, cruising sister said:


Yesterday was hard for me. Holidays are the worst. My son goes to my DIL’s  family on the actual holiday which leaves me alone. It is really the only time she sees her family even though they live close. I never say anything since I have them so often and don’t want to put pressure on them. I tried going to a friends but seeing all her family made it worse. I remind myself it will get better and take one day at a time. 


I am sorry to hear this Lorraine 😢 and believe me, I understand.  I don’t know if it helps but as depressing as holidays or special occasions are I have discovered that sometimes it’s best not to go to others and just face the music.  And believe me, I have tried running away to be with friends.  It doesn’t take the pain away.



1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

@cruising sister I am sorry the holiday was difficult, even more so at your friends house but I know I have tried that at times and found it too difficult also.  Please remember that we all have difficult days, no matter what our circumstances. In my tough days I now ask myself “What’s good right now?”  Just starting that list grounds me and “changes the channel”.  It doesn’t change the circumstances but it can make a tough day more bearable an hour at a time. Give yourself a loving hug!  Thanks for posting and staying connected. 


This is such great advice.  I am going to try to follow it better.



3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We are hoping to bring DH home today and I am glad no thunderstorms  are predicted  this morning.


I am so happy to hear this.  I pray he comes home with you 🙏 


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Good morning and thank all! 
@summer slopesending gentle hugs and prayers for strength and peace,  such a difficult decision! 

@cruising sister I’m sorry the holidays are so hard,  I have a friend who sometimes will come over and other times prefers to be alone.  I think Maureen is very wise.  Hoping your aunt can be helped to have a good living situation.  It’s so hard with the very elderly.   I have a 99 year old aunt still in her own home. 

@smitty34877 hoping Lou can come home.   He’ll heal better at home. 

I like the idea of visiting @Overhead Fred   BBQ anyone?  Now who has the private plane🤷‍♀️





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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Apple turnovers are just ok, never wore a bikini, and used to be a work-a-holic before I retired. Interesting quote, typical Wilde. I like chili, both vegetarian and with meat. In college, when my roommate and I would go to a Polynesian place on Sundays (no dorm dinner), we'd drink Mai Tais and fill up on the free bar appetizers. And yes to the wine. We owe a lot to Isaac Newton. I haven't been to Vigo.


It's a late start for me today. I woke up at 6 and today's Daily wasn't started yet. Fell back asleep and the next thing I knew it was 7:30! There were people shooting off firecrackers until almost 1AM. Oddly, some guy ran up on my porch around 11:45PM, rang the bell, and ran off! Was that some kind of prank? Looked like a teenager from my video doorbell.


It's hot and hazy today, and an air action alert. We have an inversion and the smoke from the downtown fireworks is trapped in the lower atmosphere. I have PT early this afternoon and then may stop by Aldi. 


@grapau27 Thanks for the nice photos.

@StLouisCruisers Hopefully no bad storms for you Sandi.

@Mr. Boston Exciting that your retirement is coming up soon!

@summer slope So sorry to hear this news about Bailey. You're doing what's best for him, but I know it hurts.

@horseymike Great picture!

@smitty34877 Exciting news that DH Lou may come home today. 

@kazu Thinking of you and Ivan. Your vet sounds great. 

@Overhead Fred Your place in Canada is in a gorgeous setting.

@aliaschief Excellent photos from VIgo.

@cruising sister Yikes, a storage locker on top of all that's in your Aunt's house. And your other Aunt going back to her NYC apartment. Prayers for baby Murphy and her parents, as they go through the tests and surgery tomorrow. I'm sorry you felt lonely; with no family, I know that feeling, especially on holidays.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. I have several chili recipes that add cocoa for flavor.

@Seasick Sailor That toe sounds painful.

@Nickelpenny I used to make Greek yogurt using my Instant Pot, but haven't done it in a couple of years. I should start again. Sorry about your inconsiderate neighbors; at least you have management to run interference for you.

@rafinmd Sorry you're feeling lethargic today; maybe it's the heat?

@Vict0riann I'm glad Pat is feeling better, although sorry about having to go to Emergency again. And I hope PT can help your pain.

@luvteaching Thinking of you and Jeff.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning, 


It was fairly quiet in our neighborhood most of the day yesterday but they made up for it in the evening. The neighbors 2 houses down had quite the party going and lots of fireworks got sent up. DS Jeff stopped by around noon and another friend stopped by later in the afternoon but otherwise I was home - which was what I wanted. 


Today I'm going to head out. I want to get some flowers at Costco and drop one bouquet off at the hospital for the nurses on the ACU and then two at the care facility - nurses and the therapists .Then off to the post office to stock up on international stamps and postcard stamps before the rates go up (I get the domestic ones at Costco) and finally I may treat myself to a pecan cluster blizzard at DQ. I love nutty things - it may explain why I taught 6th grade for 32 years! 


DS will stop in this afternoon with the lumber order totals so I can pay for it. He's redoing our pump house (it's 40 years old and desperately needs doing) and then putting a new railing on the back porch. These are jobs I'll pay him for. Have a lovely day everyone!


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Good morning all!

I thought I smelled smoke this morning, and then heard that we have wildfires in WA.  Apparently the closest this morning is 60 miles away.  Last night the fireworks were louder than ever.  I put in earplugs, turned up the sound machine and fan and took a pill!  I slept well!  LOL.  But DH said it went on until at least 2am and was louder than ever.


I love apple turnovers and long ago we would buy the Pepperidge Farm ones.  I've worn 2-piece swim suits in the past but never a bikini, and like Jacquie @kazu I'm more of a cruise plan-a-holic than work-a-holic.

Funny quote, will pass on the meatless chili and the red wine.  The drink would be nice, especially on a BHB.  


We were in Vigo in September 2019.  We took an excursion to archeological ruins from the 4th century B.C. (Castro de Santa) If we had known it would be so foggy we would have stayed closer to Vigo, but we had a nice day in spite of the heavy fog.


@summer slope Dixie sending lots of ((hugs))  to you today as Bailey goes over the Rainbow bridge.  I know how hard today is for you.

@smitty34877Terry great news that Lou may get to come home today.

@kazu Jacqui good to hear that Ivan is accepting the pills in the steak -- and I hope the pill pockets will be a big success!

@horseymike Welcome to the Daily!


Photos from our excursion out of Vigo ---


View of Vigo from our balcony -- it wasn't pre-dawn, it was dark from fog.



On our way out of Vigo for our excursion



The ancient ruins were blanketed in fog





We could see a little of the church interior through a window



A monastery in the fog



Castello De Monterreal



A glimpse of the shoreline!


This is a photo our guide passed around showing us what it *should* have looked like.



We stopped at this hotel for pastries and drinks



And we walked the grounds enjoying the beautiful views.





There was even a field of Amaryllis



Have a great day everyone!




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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Interesting day - but no Vigo here, nor chili or mai tais!  Yesterday we had neighbours in, could have used them then, but we stuck to wine.  I'm sorry about Bailey, @summer slope, it's such a hard decision to make for our furry friends, a real heartache.  @smitty34877, so happy your DH will be coming home today, I hope you will have some help with hi and Tana.  It is stressful being the nurse - I know, I'm finding it hard to make sure Pat is doing what he's supposed to do now that he's feeling better, although we had Sunday at Emergency again.  


It's a big day for me, I have my appointment with the physiotherapist this morning, I do hope he can fix what ails me.  I had a bad day yesterday.

Good luck Ann today.

Hopefully your headache will be gone after treatment.

I wonder if they will recommend a chiropractor in future.

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Good evening.

It is still warm 64°F at 18.30pm.

After visiting the beach earlier Pauline went to the dentist for a check up then we went for an early dinner.

My sirloin steak was 8oz on my mixed grill.



Edited by grapau27
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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

 It is stressful being the nurse - I know, I'm finding it hard to make sure Pat is doing what he's supposed to do now that he's feeling better, although we had Sunday at Emergency again.  


It is very hard to be a Caregiver.  Please remember to take care of yourself & not just Pat.  Please?    so sorry you were back at the ER.  My prayers remain for you both 🙏🏻 



2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:


It's a big day for me, I have my appointment with the physiotherapist this morning, I do hope he can fix what ails me.  I had a bad day yesterday.


Best wishes for your appointment.  I hope the physiotherapist can help.  The good ones can work wonders in most cases although it is work 😉 

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6 hours ago, summer slope said:

We are taking our beloved Bailey to the vet this morning to walk over the rainbow bridge.  I'm a mess but it is best for her.  Thank you all for your support.

{{{Hugs}}} and prayers. 🙏🐾💔

Edited by dobiemom
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Good afternoon from a hot, 94F, central Texas, where the could are building, but there is only a chance of rain about 7 pm which probably won't happen here.  It is typical on summer afternoons in Texas for clouds to build even on non-rainy afternoons.  


There's not much going on here after two busy days.  I'm even taking the easy way out tonight and serving leftovers from last night's dinner.  Even with another meal, there will be plenty of brisket for many more meals.


Fortunately, there were no loud fireworks near us last night, so we could get a good night's sleep.  I am trying to go through as many generations as possible on my maternal grandmother's maternal before my Ancestry membership expires on July 9.  To keep it from automatically renewing at the full rate, I canceled my membership this morning.  I'll renew when there is another half price sale, and I know I will have plenty of time for six months to work on the family trees.  In between, I'll go through what I've found and correct any mistakes, and there will be some from getting information from so many sources.


I'll also take the time off to catch up on some chores I've been putting off, unless I can find other excuses to procrastinate further.  😉


3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Interesting day - but no Vigo here, nor chili or mai tais!  Yesterday we had neighbours in, could have used them then, but we stuck to wine.  I'm sorry about Bailey, @summer slope, it's such a hard decision to make for our furry friends, a real heartache.  @smitty34877, so happy your DH will be coming home today, I hope you will have some help with hi and Tana.  It is stressful being the nurse - I know, I'm finding it hard to make sure Pat is doing what he's supposed to do now that he's feeling better, although we had Sunday at Emergency again.  


It's a big day for me, I have my appointment with the physiotherapist this morning, I do hope he can fix what ails me.  I had a bad day yesterday.


Ann, I'm glad Pat is feeling better, but oh no on another emergency room visit.  I hope it wasn't anything too serious.  I also hope the physical therapy will help relieve your headache.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Apple turnovers are just ok, never wore a bikini, and used to be a work-a-holic before I retired. Interesting quote, typical Wilde. I like chili, both vegetarian and with meat. In college, when my roommate and I would go to a Polynesian place on Sundays (no dorm dinner), we'd drink Mai Tais and fill up on the free bar appetizers. And yes to the wine. We owe a lot to Isaac Newton. I haven't been to Vigo.


It's a late start for me today. I woke up at 6 and today's Daily wasn't started yet. Fell back asleep and the next thing I knew it was 7:30! There were people shooting off firecrackers until almost 1AM. Oddly, some guy ran up on my porch around 11:45PM, rang the bell, and ran off! Was that some kind of prank? Looked like a teenager from my video doorbell.


It's hot and hazy today, and an air action alert. We have an inversion and the smoke from the downtown fireworks is trapped in the lower atmosphere. I have PT early this afternoon and then may stop by Aldi. 


@grapau27 Thanks for the nice photos.

@StLouisCruisers Hopefully no bad storms for you Sandi.

@Mr. Boston Exciting that your retirement is coming up soon!

@summer slope So sorry to hear this news about Bailey. You're doing what's best for him, but I know it hurts.

@horseymike Great picture!

@smitty34877 Exciting news that DH Lou may come home today. 

@kazu Thinking of you and Ivan. Your vet sounds great. 

@Overhead Fred Your place in Canada is in a gorgeous setting.

@aliaschief Excellent photos from VIgo.

@cruising sister Yikes, a storage locker on top of all that's in your Aunt's house. And your other Aunt going back to her NYC apartment. Prayers for baby Murphy and her parents, as they go through the tests and surgery tomorrow. I'm sorry you felt lonely; with no family, I know that feeling, especially on holidays.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. I have several chili recipes that add cocoa for flavor.

@Seasick Sailor That toe sounds painful.

@Nickelpenny I used to make Greek yogurt using my Instant Pot, but haven't done it in a couple of years. I should start again. Sorry about your inconsiderate neighbors; at least you have management to run interference for you.

@rafinmd Sorry you're feeling lethargic today; maybe it's the heat?

@Vict0riann I'm glad Pat is feeling better, although sorry about having to go to Emergency again. And I hope PT can help your pain.

@luvteaching Thinking of you and Jeff.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.



Vanessa, I'm sorry about all the fireworks and also about some crazy guy ringing your door bell so late at night.   I hope the PT helps, but be careful out with the air action alert.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


It was fairly quiet in our neighborhood most of the day yesterday but they made up for it in the evening. The neighbors 2 houses down had quite the party going and lots of fireworks got sent up. DS Jeff stopped by around noon and another friend stopped by later in the afternoon but otherwise I was home - which was what I wanted. 


Today I'm going to head out. I want to get some flowers at Costco and drop one bouquet off at the hospital for the nurses on the ACU and then two at the care facility - nurses and the therapists .Then off to the post office to stock up on international stamps and postcard stamps before the rates go up (I get the domestic ones at Costco) and finally I may treat myself to a pecan cluster blizzard at DQ. I love nutty things - it may explain why I taught 6th grade for 32 years! 


DS will stop in this afternoon with the lumber order totals so I can pay for it. He's redoing our pump house (it's 40 years old and desperately needs doing) and then putting a new railing on the back porch. These are jobs I'll pay him for. Have a lovely day everyone!



Karen, it is so nice of you to take flowers to the nurses at the ACU and the two care facilities.  They do so much for their patients, and get so much grief from some patients and their families, which they don't deserve.  I'm glad you weren't alone all day yesterday, but still got the time to yourself which you wanted.




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I'm worn out!  I got massaged, manipulated, tractioned (?), stuck with needles and heated!  Now I feel worse than I did before, but he said I'm going to be a difficult case, with arthritis in my neck as well as the muscle problems.  So I have exercise and stretches to do and I go back next week.  In the meantime, we are going to take a drive tomorrow down to Bellingham, Wa., for a few days.   Pat is now on no BP meds for this very low blood pressure, do we wish for the high blood pressure to come back?  


We have smoky skies today, too.  I believe there are fires up the island on the west coast, or maybe it's coming from Washington State.

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Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. Fireworks were going off until midnight, and I heard 2 this morning. 😳


Well, I made it through the hot spell without turning on the AC. We open the house at night and have box fans blowing the cool air in, closing up the house in the morning. The next heat wave (triple digits!) is next week and we’ll probably need to turn on the AC. 


Prayers 🙏 for the Care List and Cheers 🎉👏 for the Celebration List.  Thank you all for caring and sharing. 

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Back from PT. Ouch! But I can see a bit of progress. This was only my 5th session, with exercises I do in-between at home.


Ugh on stupid people. Someone yesterday set off a firecracker near the crowd of thousands downtown last night for fireworks, causing a panic (I suppose people thinking it was gunshots), with people running. There were bag checks on the way into the park for alcohol, weapons, and firecrackers, but this was just outside the park. 4 people were hospitalized and 33 treated by EMTs. This is why I stay home, sadly.


@Cruising-along Sorry to hear of nearby wildfires. Thanks for the Vigo photos.

@grapau27 Those dinners look good!

@Vict0riann I can sympathize with how you feel post-physiotherapy.

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9 hours ago, richwmn said:

Today in History:
1687 Isaac Newton's great work Principia published by Royal Society in England, outlining his laws of motion and universal gravitation

After the apple fell on  his head, did he make turnovers?


I was actually planning to make vegan chili, or something like it, today. I would probably like the drink and the wine, which might be available here. The grape that it's made from isn't grown in the Finger Lakes and if it were, its characteristic flavors probably wouldn't develop. I haven't been to Vigo, Spain, and it's not in my itinerary for the fall, but I have been to Vigo County, Indiana.




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53 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

stuck with needles


I'm just back from being stuck with needles, but not the other stuff. Some of the locations were new, chosen to relieve respiratory problems, and by the end of the treatment I was breathing more easily.

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6 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

.............................. It is stressful being the nurse - I know, I'm finding it hard to make sure Pat is doing what he's supposed to do now that he's feeling better, although we had Sunday at Emergency again.  


It's a big day for me, I have my appointment with the physiotherapist this morning, I do hope he can fix what ails me.  I had a bad day yesterday.


Hi Ann! Thinking about you and Pat! Please give him our warmest regards and best wishes for his complete recovery! Take care!

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9 hours ago, summer slope said:

We are taking our beloved Bailey to the vet this morning to walk over the rainbow bridge.  I'm a mess but it is best for her.  Thank you all for your support.


One of the toughest decisions in life one has to make! You WILL be seeing Bailey again! Take care!


Each couplet is presented as a single spread, with hundreds of dogs, cats, ferrets, and other pets.

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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

I'm worn out!  I got massaged, manipulated, tractioned (?), stuck with needles and heated!  Now I feel worse than I did before, but he said I'm going to be a difficult case, with arthritis in my neck as well as the muscle problems.  So I have exercise and stretches to do and I go back next week.  In the meantime, we are going to take a drive tomorrow down to Bellingham, Wa., for a few days.   Pat is now on no BP meds for this very low blood pressure, do we wish for the high blood pressure to come back?  


We have smoky skies today, too.  I believe there are fires up the island on the west coast, or maybe it's coming from Washington State.


Ann, I hope with your exercises and the PT, your back problems will be solved.  Have a safe trip to Bellingham tomorrow.  


2 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. Fireworks were going off until midnight, and I heard 2 this morning. 😳


Well, I made it through the hot spell without turning on the AC. We open the house at night and have box fans blowing the cool air in, closing up the house in the morning. The next heat wave (triple digits!) is next week and we’ll probably need to turn on the AC. 


Prayers 🙏 for the Care List and Cheers 🎉👏 for the Celebration List.  Thank you all for caring and sharing. 


Marcia, I wish we could have done without the a/c for the last month, but with triple digits it isn't possible.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Back from PT. Ouch! But I can see a bit of progress. This was only my 5th session, with exercises I do in-between at home.


Ugh on stupid people. Someone yesterday set off a firecracker near the crowd of thousands downtown last night for fireworks, causing a panic (I suppose people thinking it was gunshots), with people running. There were bag checks on the way into the park for alcohol, weapons, and firecrackers, but this was just outside the park. 4 people were hospitalized and 33 treated by EMTs. This is why I stay home, sadly.


@Cruising-along Sorry to hear of nearby wildfires. Thanks for the Vigo photos.

@grapau27 Those dinners look good!

@Vict0riann I can sympathize with how you feel post-physiotherapy.


Vanessa, I'm glad you are seeing progress with the PT.  Ugh! on whoever set the firecracker off near the crowd,  I'm sorry so many were injured because someone's stupid action.


1 hour ago, kochleffel said:


I'm just back from being stuck with needles, but not the other stuff. Some of the locations were new, chosen to relieve respiratory problems, and by the end of the treatment I was breathing more easily.


Paul, that's good news that the treatment helped with the breathing.



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