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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 29th, 2023


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Good Saturday morning everyone!

A very busy day in the thread so far today.

Woke up this morning not 100% which day it was; a bit of a fog from a heavly sleep. 😏

First, my thanks to all who contribute anything to this thread, especially @JazzyV for her excellence in keeping track of this crew and @summer slope for the cockyail recipes. Daily, they look really good but I am limited on what I can drink because of sensitivities/allergies, even though I would love to try them!. Love the memes!

Bon Voyage to @StLouisCruisers and DH and safe travrls with @dfish and sister. What a great cruise. relac and enjoy!

Welcome home @Crazy For Cats, hope the fur kids aren't too upset for abandoning them! LOL. Loved your cruise pictures, brought back good memories of a similar previous cruise.

I love lasagna; I make 3 kinds, regular, vegetable and chicken. Although are the non-classic recipes not really a lasgma? IDK, not a purist here.

I like chicken wings in a variety of recipes but too much BBQ sauce is not my fav.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, I agree Tigers are magnificent. Large cats are my favorite wild animal. I am a cat person, large and small as are lot of people here. @Nickelpenny, oh my gosh, great tiger picture not sure if I would be as brave as you.

@aliaschief my first car was a 1973 Blue Chevelle and it had a button like that on the floor in order to turn on the bright lights; is that what that is? Also, is this the grandaughterthat is the klepto at your house that you talked about last year I believe? It makes me laugh everytime I think of it!🤣

@Cruzin Terri, welcome home. I hope things settle down for you and DH. A person can only handle so much without going crazy. Normal life without stuff happening is a good thing.

@durangoscots, the quote from your Mother is spot on!

@cat shepard thought the kitten pox meme was adorable!

Weather is good here today, finally as we were in the oven this past week, as most of the country is.with severe thunderstorms with damage going through every day. Got by unscathed; we need the rain. (I sound like a broken record)

Prayers for all of us; celebrate any and everything that brings joy to your life.

I'm very chatty today!!!

Take good care all...



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Good morning all!

Our good weather continues, mid-high 70's and sunny for at least the next 10 days.  

I love tigers (and all cats), like lasagna but will pass on the chicken wings.  Great quote!  The meal sounds yummy, will pass on the drink and red wine.  Have never been to Japan.  Every time I hear something about Mickey Mouse I remember how our DIL always said she "worked for the mouse" when she was an Imagineer for Disney.  


We plan to go see "Haunted Mansion" based on the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland (I know, but it's one of my favorite parts of the park LOL).  The previews looked good and a good cast.  Other than that not much on the agenda.  I'm on 2 very active roll calls now, I'm sure I'll start getting them mixed up...


@StLouisCruisers Sandi Bon Voyage!!  Have a great cruise!

@Crazy For Cats Jake welcome home!

@ger_77 Gerry sorry to hear about your DH's gout -- ouch.  My DH had it once and I remember how painful it was for him.  I hope the meds help quickly.  I'm like you, I tear up at all funerals and even weddings.  Sending hugs.

@cat shepard Ann sending prayers for your family today as you say goodbye to your nephew.

@Nickelpenny I love the photo of you and the tiger.  My niece did the same when she was in Thailand (and like you didn't know about the controversy until later).


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8 minutes ago, AV8rix said:

Jacqui @kazu, I'm going on a cruise tomorrow and always unplug when I'm on the ships.  So could you give us an update on Ivan today?  Even a brief one? I'm sure we're all curious.  Thanks.


Susan, have a great cruise.  Bon Voyage!




Ivan is up and down.  He had issues with the meds but it’s the only one that works for him.  Probably because he was on them 14 days straight.  Now, he seems to only need one every 3 days or so and sometimes every 2.  there’s no rhyme or reason to it, though.  He doesn’t show any signs in advance - just like before - so Monday when he was downhill, I didn’t dare leave him to visit with friends 😞  I just watch him for signs and  do it.  The drop cloth is still on the kitchen floor “in case” but so far, now that he doesn’t get them every day, it’s ok. 😥 


he gets his second injection next Tuesday and hopefully that does the trick - no guarantees but he is moving better when he’s not in pain and can now get up on the couch without having to take a running start.  He’s just not consistent pain wise and it becomes a guessing game if he needs one or not.


Jose taught me the importance of staying on top of pain but on the other hand I don’t want him getting one if it’s not needed.  I’m just overly vigilant and taking care of him as best I can in the hopes that I can give him quality of life.  If the injection doesn’t work and he needs pain meds forever, not sure what I will do.  he can only tolerate these meds for so long.  Dr. Nolan and I will be discussing it.  


My dear friend’s DH has been in the hospital.  they are trying a new drug on him and it takes time to slowly introduce it into his system.  No word yet on if they think it will buy him some time 😢  Hopefully he can come home on Sunday with a positive outcome 🙏 

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to all for all the news.  Lots of cruising going on!  I am envious...  but yesterday we picked up three sets of antibiotics to take with us when next we travel, so we're set to go!  We did check all the "best by" dates, and we're covered until 2025.   


Yesterday I gardened, and I got down and up again twice, so I was definitely the image of the chief's meme!  I'm sore today.  Pat was going for some tests and I told him to be sure to check on me when he got back, in case I was still on my hands and knees, but I managed without him.  Today is ironing day, and I got out a steak for dinner, so Pat can barbecue.


I've only seen tigers in zoos, they are magnificent animals.  One time when Pat was working in Nepal and I was with him we went on a "tiger hunt" in the terai on elephants, but didn't see any.   


There was an interesting article in the paper yesterday about cruising.  Evidently the store owners in town are suffering because the cruise ships have shortened their time in port here in Victoria, most arrive now about 8 and just have a few hours, so no time to do much.  But it is because they have been ordered to reduce speed through our waters to protect the orca population and the new addition of many humpback whales.  So I approve!


Just read in today's paper that Canadians and some other nations will have to get permission to enter many European nations starting next year, over 70's at least don't have to pay the fee!

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32 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to all for all the news.  Lots of cruising going on!  I am envious...  but yesterday we picked up three sets of antibiotics to take with us when next we travel, so we're set to go!  We did check all the "best by" dates, and we're covered until 2025.   


Yesterday I gardened, and I got down and up again twice, so I was definitely the image of the chief's meme!  I'm sore today.  Pat was going for some tests and I told him to be sure to check on me when he got back, in case I was still on my hands and knees, but I managed without him.  Today is ironing day, and I got out a steak for dinner, so Pat can barbecue.


I've only seen tigers in zoos, they are magnificent animals.  One time when Pat was working in Nepal and I was with him we went on a "tiger hunt" in the terai on elephants, but didn't see any.   


There was an interesting article in the paper yesterday about cruising.  Evidently the store owners in town are suffering because the cruise ships have shortened their time in port here in Victoria, most arrive now about 8 and just have a few hours, so no time to do much.  But it is because they have been ordered to reduce speed through our waters to protect the orca population and the new addition of many humpback whales.  So I approve!


Just read in today's paper that Canadians and some other nations will have to get permission to enter many European nations starting next year, over 70's at least don't have to pay the fee!

It is a visa waiver similar to the Esta we need for the US.

No date yet but expected by next summer 


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50 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

 There was an interesting article in the paper yesterday about cruising.  Evidently the store owners in town are suffering because the cruise ships have shortened their time in port here in Victoria, most arrive now about 8 and just have a few hours, so no time to do much.  But it is because they have been ordered to reduce speed through our waters to protect the orca population and the new addition of many humpback whales.  So I approve!

Yeah, in May Volendam stopped for just 4-5 hours -- I forget now exactly how long.  But as long as it's sufficient time for me to walk the mile (and back) to my favorite sushi shop in the James Bay neighborhood, I'm good.

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Good Afternoon, we made it home by 9:30.  Traffic was unusually light.  The cats greeted me demanding food and treats.  Tucker has been all over me when I’m sitting on the couch.  Made a quick trip to BBB and Christmas Tree and picked up a few things.  Now we are heading to Taso’s for lunch/dinner and I think I’ll get pastitsio.  

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Good morning, at least it is as I start this.  I was finished with everything, even some unplanned items, in less than 2 1/2 hours.  I wish I'd gotten outside earlier, but that is not always possible.  It was not that hot, but with the bright sun and no wind, I was glad I had the cooling towel.  It is now 97F, and of course, the winds has come up now that I'm inside.  😁


I just check on the wildfire, and there have been no updates since yesterday.  I am taking that to mean they are getting it more under control.  If they also did not have wind for most of the morning that should have helped.


@marshhawk  Annie, I hope the PT homework helps with the back and arm pain.  Enjoy the races and the play today.
@Nickelpenny  Penny, that's a great picture with the tiger.  After reading about the temple and the controversy, I can understand why there are no longer tigers at the temple.  

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm sorry you DH is suffering from gout.  I hope the meds help clear it up quickly.  It sounds like your friend got the tribute she deserved.

@dfish  Debbie, one reason we like turnaround days is the ship, for a few hours, is quiet and relaxing.  We usually find a quiet lounge and sit by the window to watch the activity on the pier.  On Koningsdam, we were able to enjoy our balcony and watch all the hustle and bustle unloading and loading the ship, but then we're not big pool or fitness center fans.  Turnaround day also gives me the chance to walk some of the halls and check out the different type of cabins for future reference.

@durangoscots  Susan, I hope you sleep better tonight.  Another quote I like that I think applies to me sometimes is, "The hurrier I go, the further behind I get".  I just can't remember where I heard it.

@Heartgrove  Jack, I hope you can persuade Sue to add the cruise to your spring trip.  It sounds interesting.

@grapau27  Graham, our condolences to Pauline and you on the death of her cousin.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'll be interested in hearing how you like the movie.  The ads for it look interesting.  The Haunted Mansion is one of my favorite rides at Disney World and Disneyland.  Sadly, I read recently they are closing that ride and replacing it with something else.  😞

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry Ivan is still having some bad days.  I hope the second injection takes care of the problem.  If only our dogs and cats could tell us when it hurts.  Even with Ivan's ups and downs, he is living a much better life now.  I hope the new med for your friend's DH works, and he has more time with a better quality of time.

@Vict0riann  Ann, I also approve of the slower speeds to save the orcas and whales.  Those of us in the US will also be subject to the new visa requirements for Europe.




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2 hours ago, Cruisercl said:

Good Saturday morning everyone!

A very busy day in the thread so far today.

Woke up this morning not 100% which day it was; a bit of a fog from a heavly sleep. 😏

First, my thanks to all who contribute anything to this thread, especially @JazzyV for her excellence in keeping track of this crew and @summer slope for the cockyail recipes. Daily, they look really good but I am limited on what I can drink because of sensitivities/allergies, even though I would love to try them!. Love the memes!

Bon Voyage to @StLouisCruisers and DH and safe travrls with @dfish and sister. What a great cruise. relac and enjoy!

Welcome home @Crazy For Cats, hope the fur kids aren't too upset for abandoning them! LOL. Loved your cruise pictures, brought back good memories of a similar previous cruise.

I love lasagna; I make 3 kinds, regular, vegetable and chicken. Although are the non-classic recipes not really a lasgma? IDK, not a purist here.

I like chicken wings in a variety of recipes but too much BBQ sauce is not my fav.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, I agree Tigers are magnificent. Large cats are my favorite wild animal. I am a cat person, large and small as are lot of people here. @Nickelpenny, oh my gosh, great tiger picture not sure if I would be as brave as you.

@aliaschief my first car was a 1973 Blue Chevelle and it had a button like that on the floor in order to turn on the bright lights; is that what that is? Also, is this the grandaughterthat is the klepto at your house that you talked about last year I believe? It makes me laugh everytime I think of it!🤣

@Cruzin Terri, welcome home. I hope things settle down for you and DH. A person can only handle so much without going crazy. Normal life without stuff happening is a good thing.

@durangoscots, the quote from your Mother is spot on!

@cat shepard thought the kitten pox meme was adorable!

Weather is good here today, finally as we were in the oven this past week, as most of the country is.with severe thunderstorms with damage going through every day. Got by unscathed; we need the rain. (I sound like a broken record)

Prayers for all of us; celebrate any and everything that brings joy to your life.

I'm very chatty today!!!

Take good care all...



Yes. The old dimmer switch.😉

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Good morning and thanks all! 
@Vict0riann glad you’re ready to go, and that they are protecting the whales. DS saw a humpback last week off one of the Gulf islands and it’s always interesting to wonder if some of these fellows are the same ones we see in Hawaii.  
@kazu I am hoping dear Ivan can settle comfortably.   Hoping your dear friends husband reacts well to those meds!  


Aomori is a beautiful port with access to Hirosaki castle and some of the most beautiful cherry blossoms if you’re there at the right time. 











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13 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

  Carolyn, I'll be interested in hearing how you like the movie.  The ads for it look interesting.  The Haunted Mansion is one of my favorite rides at Disney World and Disneyland.  Sadly, I read recently they are closing that ride and replacing it with something else.  😞

Oh no, I didn't know that.  What a disappointment.  Now that DDIL doesn't work for Disney (or live in LA anymore), we won't be going as often, but I'm sure glad I got to go as often as I did.  One reason she left Disney is because of changes she didn't agree with...

Now we'll be going to the movie tomorrow, we think it may not be as crowded tomorrow.  I'll let you know!

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Good afternoon,

I have been offline for a while, I drove to Minnesota to give support to my brother and his wife. They have been so upset about baby Murphy and not being able to do anything. Baby Murphy is still hanging out on ECMO and will be so until Monday. She is down to 30% and getting stronger. I am enjoying their lake home and I will update as I know anything new. 

Prayers and well wishes. 

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30 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@Vict0riann glad you’re ready to go, and that they are protecting the whales. DS saw a humpback last week off one of the Gulf islands and it’s always interesting to wonder if some of these fellows are the same ones we see in Hawaii.  
@kazu I am hoping dear Ivan can settle comfortably.   Hoping your dear friends husband reacts well to those meds!  


Aomori is a beautiful port with access to Hirosaki castle and some of the most beautiful cherry blossoms if you’re there at the right time. 












Brenda, thanks for the lovely pictures.  I'm glad someone has been to the port.


26 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

I have been offline for a while, I drove to Minnesota to give support to my brother and his wife. They have been so upset about baby Murphy and not being able to do anything. Baby Murphy is still hanging out on ECMO and will be so until Monday. She is down to 30% and getting stronger. I am enjoying their lake home and I will update as I know anything new. 

Prayers and well wishes. 


Lorraine, I'm glad you are there to help support your DB and DSIL.  It's so hard to watch someone needing a lot of medical attention and not being able to help.  Sending positive thoughts for Baby Murphy for Monday.  I'm glad the oxygen is down to 30% and that she is getting stronger.  


33 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Oh no, I didn't know that.  What a disappointment.  Now that DDIL doesn't work for Disney (or live in LA anymore), we won't be going as often, but I'm sure glad I got to go as often as I did.  One reason she left Disney is because of changes she didn't agree with...

Now we'll be going to the movie tomorrow, we think it may not be as crowded tomorrow.  I'll let you know!


Carolyn, IIRC, they are also closing some other rides, and most of them seemed to be the tamer rides.  My guess is the younger guests now want more thrill rides.  IMHO, thrill rides and Disney just don't go together.




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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'll be interested in hearing how you like the movie.  The ads for it look interesting.  The Haunted Mansion is one of my favorite rides at Disney World and Disneyland.  Sadly, I read recently they are closing that ride and replacing it with something else.  😞




Lenda, I'd read Haunted Mansion was closing for refurbishment and would reopen mid-August in Disney World and early September in Disneyland.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 


Aomori is a beautiful port with access to Hirosaki castle and some of the most beautiful cherry blossoms if you’re there at the right time. 




Thanks for the gorgeous photos. You were obviously there at the right time!


1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

I have been offline for a while, I drove to Minnesota to give support to my brother and his wife. They have been so upset about baby Murphy and not being able to do anything. Baby Murphy is still hanging out on ECMO and will be so until Monday. She is down to 30% and getting stronger. I am enjoying their lake home and I will update as I know anything new. 

Prayers and well wishes. 


Thanks for the update on Baby Murphy. I'm sure it's tough on everyone to not be able to do anything, except pray for a good outcome.

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1 minute ago, JazzyV said:


Lenda, I'd read Haunted Mansion was closing for refurbishment and would reopen mid-August in Disney World and early September in Disneyland.



Thanks for the gorgeous photos. You were obviously there at the right time!



Thanks for the update on Baby Murphy. I'm sure it's tough on everyone to not be able to do anything, except pray for a good outcome.


Vanessa, thanks for the clarification.  The story I read mentioned several attractions, some of which were closing and others being updated. 



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning, at least it is as I start this.  I was finished with everything, even some unplanned items, in less than 2 1/2 hours.  I wish I'd gotten outside earlier, but that is not always possible.  It was not that hot, but with the bright sun and no wind, I was glad I had the cooling towel.  It is now 97F, and of course, the winds has come up now that I'm inside.  😁


I just check on the wildfire, and there have been no updates since yesterday.  I am taking that to mean they are getting it more under control.  If they also did not have wind for most of the morning that should have helped.


@marshhawk  Annie, I hope the PT homework helps with the back and arm pain.  Enjoy the races and the play today.
@Nickelpenny  Penny, that's a great picture with the tiger.  After reading about the temple and the controversy, I can understand why there are no longer tigers at the temple.  

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm sorry you DH is suffering from gout.  I hope the meds help clear it up quickly.  It sounds like your friend got the tribute she deserved.

@dfish  Debbie, one reason we like turnaround days is the ship, for a few hours, is quiet and relaxing.  We usually find a quiet lounge and sit by the window to watch the activity on the pier.  On Koningsdam, we were able to enjoy our balcony and watch all the hustle and bustle unloading and loading the ship, but then we're not big pool or fitness center fans.  Turnaround day also gives me the chance to walk some of the halls and check out the different type of cabins for future reference.

@durangoscots  Susan, I hope you sleep better tonight.  Another quote I like that I think applies to me sometimes is, "The hurrier I go, the further behind I get".  I just can't remember where I heard it.

@Heartgrove  Jack, I hope you can persuade Sue to add the cruise to your spring trip.  It sounds interesting.

@grapau27  Graham, our condolences to Pauline and you on the death of her cousin.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'll be interested in hearing how you like the movie.  The ads for it look interesting.  The Haunted Mansion is one of my favorite rides at Disney World and Disneyland.  Sadly, I read recently they are closing that ride and replacing it with something else.  😞

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry Ivan is still having some bad days.  I hope the second injection takes care of the problem.  If only our dogs and cats could tell us when it hurts.  Even with Ivan's ups and downs, he is living a much better life now.  I hope the new med for your friend's DH works, and he has more time with a better quality of time.

@Vict0riann  Ann, I also approve of the slower speeds to save the orcas and whales.  Those of us in the US will also be subject to the new visa requirements for Europe.




Thank you Lenda.

He was 84 years old and a retired Methodist church minister.

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Good afternoon!


Things are getting better.  They opened the MDR for lunch and we enjoyed a relaxing meal.  That was after I got my pool time in.  They opened them up at 11:30, so I jumped in before the hoards of people arrived.  

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, I use the pool as therapy for my back issues.  I can do so

much more in the pool than I can out of it.  It is a lot easier on arthritic joints as well.  It is amazing how it revives me.  Last year the pools were open on turn around day,  The excuse was that they had to add chemicals to the water.  I’m thinking they could have done that last night.  I’m sure they’ll be adding chemicals during the voyage sometime.  


@kazu Jacqui, the above reminds me that I go up and down with my issues as well.  Yesterday I wanted to lie down on the sidewalk and cry because the pain was so bad.  I went in the pool when we got back on board and that helped along with two Bloody Marys.  Bloody Mary is a health food - vegetables, fruit, and medicine in one glass. I can sympathize with Ivan.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi and I met up this afternoon and made arrangements for dinner together in the Pinnacle Grill next weekend.


More good news:  We made it on to the excursion to the Bay of Fundy that was cancelled last cruise despite being waitlisted.  And my brother reports no tree limbs have come down through the roof of the house.


Thank you for the updates on baby Murphy and Ivan. I hope everyone else having health issues is progressing.  

Three cheers for @0106 Tina for the stellar job she is doing with the Meal of the Day!

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When I make Lasagna it costs over 50 bucks to make, several meats, several cheeses, even sauce and pastes, and DH will eat it once, and say, no left overs.  To me anything with tomato in it, is better the next day.  I dont think I have made it in more than 15 years.


But after reading what foods actually fight cancer, he's getting spaghetti this week.  It's not the pasta, its the processed tomatoes.  I will serve it with Italian sausage, both sweet and hot, so that I can eat something.


We are doing well with the fruit, this morning I fixed a very elegant parfait.  Sliced strawberries on the bottom, raspberry yogurt, blue berries on the top, and then smothered it in Ready Whip.  (the secret is the ready whip).


We went out last night and I had steak fajitas.  I saved the veggies, and will hide them in some rice for dinner tomorrow.  So steak and "seasoned" rice.  Roasted baby color carrots.  I was amazed that carrots originally were not orange, so I buy the bag with white, purple and red carrots  Very colorful.


@ger_77Years ago between real jobs, I worked for a man who was letting go of his business.  He was a metallurgist, and i mention that because my father was too, and the both passed away around the same time.  But Mr. Lawrence suffered from gout.  His doctor told him to do two things, one was to quit all alcohol, and the second was to drink Cherry juice.  The juice is not cheap, and he didn't adhere to step one, but said the cherry juice helped.


I didnt do the exercises, so going to do that now.

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Back home from errands and dogs are walked. It is cloudy and trying to rain but looks like maybe just a few sprinkles.


I am feeling pretty bummed .... Dropped off 2 bags at the thrift store, then went into the shelter to check on Diane's cats who evidently just arrived there yesterday. The younger one (2 years) is spitting and yelling.... the older one (15 years!!) is hiding. The shelter is really full and the cattery is absolutely overflowing with lots of nice cats including a mob of cute kittens. Hope they can get adopted as they do not need to go together... Jiffy I think will be adopted as he is young,  but I am afraid for Duffy. I am tempted but there is no way I could deal with even just Duffy and I have to be realistic. I talked with the shelter manager and several of the volunteers and I know they will make every effort to find them homes. They all really like Diane who has been a volunteer there for over 40 years.  It makes me very sad. I did make a $$ contribution in Diane's name the other day and will do another one early next week. Fingers crossed for the poor upset kitties. They will keep me updated. They do have all their health records.


And so life stumbles on. I am back to sorting and shortly I am going to sit down with a book and try to relax.








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