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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday August 16th, 2023


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When my family first moved to Atlanta (very long ago) there was an annual event called “The Great Southeastern Fair and Exposition”. It was held on the Lakewood Fairgrounds for about two weeks and contained all the trappings of any fair including rides, games, and shows. One of the highlights each year was that the Greyhound, a large wooden roller coaster, was inspected and repaired. Rumor had it at the time that it was condemned each year after the fair was over. It was a great ride and was only used for the fair. When the fair ceased, it remained for a long time until it was finally demolished in the closing scenes of Smokey and the Bandit II. Many scenes for the first two S&TB films were done at the Lakewood Fairgrounds.


Later in life, Six Flags over Georgia opened and was near my home. I worked there for a while one summer after they opened the “Great American Scream Machine”, another premium roller coaster. One morning before the park opened there was a call for volunteers to test the Scream Machine and I was close enough to be selected. When we were coming into the station after going around the track we didn’t slow down, instead we were treated to three or four full runs before they stopped it and let us off. A great morning.


I have always enjoyed a good roller coaster!

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Good morning, again.  All the food prep is ready, and we'll put the ribs in the smoker when we get back from the doctor appointment.  All that will be left is heating the beans to thicken the sauce.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Lenda.

The football was exceptional.

Your memes are so funny.



Graham, I'll be pulling for England when they play Spain in the final game.


3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning.It is humid here with temperatures  up to 80 later. We hope to get DH home today if bloodwork  is good. 

I have always loved roller coasters  but no longer go on them.I enjoy jokes others tell.Thank you @RedneckBob for keeping us entertained!

We were in Akureyri  on a VOV cruise and really enjoyed it.I would love to return to Iceland some day.

Again, a big thank you to everyone  here who kept us in their prayers and sent encouragement. It helped so much.

Enjoy the day today.


Terri, sending positive thoughts that your DH's bloodwork is good and he he can come home today.


3 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone,


 I managed to make it to breakfast this morning, but didn’t eat much.  The silver lining to this sinus infection is loss of appetite.  I may or may not go to the Mariner Lunch.  I do want to hear the presentation about the Bay of Fundy by the geology enrichment speaker.  I have been enjoying his talks and I am so glad he’s on board.  After that, who knows?


Debbie, I'm glad you are feeling better and could go to breakfast.  I hope you continue to improve.


2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Tina, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


We had a good trip to Chicago over the weekend for my granddaughter's Baptism Saturday and 1st Birthday for family in Chicago. She is just the most adorable little girl (the proud grandpa says!). I just love her!


Lily and her mother



Sue and Lily



Lily and Me




Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need today.


- Jack




Jack, Lily is a real cutie.  Good pictures of the family.


2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Hurray for the Airborne; I like being airborne when we're on our way to meet a BHB.  I used to be good at telling jokes, but haven't done so in quite a while.  I am not a roller coaster girl - my stomach does flip-flops just watching them on television!  I got a good chuckle out of today's quote.


Well the smoke cleared out overnight because a cold front moved in, bringing rain and wind.  We dropped 30 degrees overnight and although the skies are now clear, there's a good wind blowing, so I think it's a t-shirt and jeans kind of day for us.  One thing we've started noticing is that the days are getting shorter - we can sit out on our deck and see the lights on automatic sensors come on earlier and earlier.  Sigh.  Here's a photo our DS took when he was here last week of our deck with the lights on.  The multi coloured lights are actual railway lanterns that DH electrified so we could enjoy them.



@smitty34877that would be great if DH is able to come home today; hopefully his bloodwork shows he's much better and can return to the comfort of his own surroundings and people.

@dfishsorry you're still bothered by that sinus headache; would an ice pack or cold cloth help?  Sometimes when I get a migraine, an ice pack on the back of my neck brings relief, but if you laid it gently on your face . . . 


@0106 we have a Cactus Club in our city and we've been there a couple of times for lunch or a late afternoon snack and drink.  The restaurant location isn't that convenient for us, so unless we're shopping in the downtown district, we just don't get there.  I do like today's menu suggestion and will tuck it away for another day.  Because it's rather cool today, I think I'll cook something different for dinner - an easy menu consisting of sloppy joes and Caesar salad will be what we'll enjoy on the deck tonight.   And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, the old railroad lanterns make the deck look really festive and inviting.


1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I am sitting waiting for a workman to show up at my house. It is for one of the items on my one year warranty for the house. I am a bit skeptical as I did not get a reminder call. I will give them until noon then off to do more errands. 

I have an update on Murphy. They are slowly weaning her sedation and removing lines and catheters. She is able to be held and they have started PT and music therapy. My niece is afraid to get to hopeful as the rug has been pulled out before. She is responsive and alert. So they are ecstatic. 

I leave on Sunday for my spa week. Tucson looks hot but it will be about the same temperature here but with less humidity. Most of what I will do is indoors so I will be ok. 

There has been so much tragedy lately that I have stopped watching the news. I need to bury my head in the sand until after next week. 

Prayers to all and have a great day. 



Lorraine, thanks for the update on Murphy.  It sounds like she is making steady progress, and being held by her parents is probably the best medicine for her.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Well I hope Gerry @ger_77 and I haven't started a new trend.  Last night I broke a tooth 😞  I was eating a great steak and must have swallowed whatever broke off (!) So I'll be calling the dentist as soon as they open this morning.  I do hope this isn't the one day of the week that they aren't open...


I'll pass on the spicy meal, drink and red wine.  I love a good joke, especially @RedneckBob's jokes, but I'm not good at telling a joke.  No roller coasters for me please.  


We were in Akureyri in 2018 on the VOV.  We took a tour to the Botanical Gardens, Godafoss Waterfall and some recreated ancient manors.  We had beautiful weather and it was a good day!


Jack @Heartgrove Lily is indeed adorable!  Thank you for sharing the photos.

Terry @smitty34877 I hope that DH's bloodwork is good and that he can come home today.

Debbie @dfish Dam about the sinus headache!!  Sure hope you feel better soon.


Here are some photos from our tour out of Akureyri


The Botanical Gardens:












The landing strip for the airport



The oldest house (1795)



Visit to the ancient manor

Recreated thatched roof houses



Period costumes



One of the interiors



Example of a bridal dress



Farm equipment



And Godafoss Waterfall





Carolyn, thanks for the wonderful pictures from Iceland.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all,

Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report.

Thank you to Vanessa for the lists and to Tina for keeping us fed, Dixie and Ann for keeping us hydrated.

I like the quote.  Good Old Lana Turner.

Have not been to the port.


I enjoyed the photos. Thank you Lenda.

@RedneckBob Thanks for the jokes.  I knew i could count on you!


Prayers that Baby Murphy continues to improve and Sam continues to do well in Rehab.

Terry @smitty34877 it is good news that Lou may come home today.  i hope his blood work is okay and he stays well enough to stay out of the hospital.

Prayers for @marshhawk and your DH.  


I am still having problems with PMR.  Taking prednisone every other day and don’t want to increase it.   My Doc is not in clinic this week and will not be back until week after next when I go down to Jacksonville,  I really don’t want another doc to get involved, so I will wait and suffer. Neck really hurts and impacting on my daily activities.


Today we are in a dilemma.,  Since DH does not drive anymore, I have to take him to the Podiatrist.  We are also awaiting a FedEx Package that requires a signature (which was supposed to be delivered yesterday).  How much do you want to bet that FedEx will come while we are at the medical appointment?  Isn’t that always the way!


Not much else to report

Prayers for everyone, especially those in Maui and the Ukraine.


Hope everyone has a good day.

God Bless.



Terri, I'm sorry you won't be able to get help with the PMR sooner.  Have you thought about leaving a note for FedEx while you and DH are gone?


2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Com on MS Crystal, you are good telling a joke. I use to not be able to tell a joke well. One time I started a new school. During recess someone yelled the number 52 and everyone laughed. Then a few minutes later someone yelled out another number, 23, and everyone laughed. I asked my friend Billy what was going on. He said that over the years so many jokes had been told that we decided to give a joke a number and when someone shouted out the number, everyone would remember the joke and laugh. Well, this was interesting so I decided to try it out. So I yelled out the number 33 no laughter. Number 53, no one laughed. I asked Billy, What’s going on, for which Billy replied, “Some people just can tell a joke”.


RNB. I do tell jokes, just not all that well.  The timing or punchline is usually a little off.


30 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning to all a bit late. No reason... just late. It is sunny and cool. High's today will be mid 80's. Not too bad. I am aiming to just clear up some odds and ends and maybe have lunch downtown with friends. Waiting to hear from them.


My doctor's appointment went well yesterday except for a long wait in the office. Guess that is the price for having a late afternoon appointment. He just gets further and further behind. No major problems detected. He is having me check blood work just before and just after the cruise. What at spoil sport!!! I do know I will have to watch my eating but not really a problem since I am used to it.


Glad to hear that baby Murphy improves and I hope that Lou can get home today. Best wishes to all who are needing support and are not feeling well.




Susan, I'm glad there were no major problems found yesterday.


20 minutes ago, richwmn said:

When my family first moved to Atlanta (very long ago) there was an annual event called “The Great Southeastern Fair and Exposition”. It was held on the Lakewood Fairgrounds for about two weeks and contained all the trappings of any fair including rides, games, and shows. One of the highlights each year was that the Greyhound, a large wooden roller coaster, was inspected and repaired. Rumor had it at the time that it was condemned each year after the fair was over. It was a great ride and was only used for the fair. When the fair ceased, it remained for a long time until it was finally demolished in the closing scenes of Smokey and the Bandit II. Many scenes for the first two S&TB films were done at the Lakewood Fairgrounds.


Later in life, Six Flags over Georgia opened and was near my home. I worked there for a while one summer after they opened the “Great American Scream Machine”, another premium roller coaster. One morning before the park opened there was a call for volunteers to test the Scream Machine and I was close enough to be selected. When we were coming into the station after going around the track we didn’t slow down, instead we were treated to three or four full runs before they stopped it and let us off. A great morning.


I have always enjoyed a good roller coaster!


Rich, that is an interesting story about the two roller coasters.  I read the story about the older one being demolished at the end of one of the S&TB movies.



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5 hours ago, 0106 said:

Today’s meal is a “copycat” recipe from the Cactus Club.  I did a bit of research and it appears that it is a popular chain of 30+ restaurants in Canada.  Perhaps some of our Canadian Daily friends could provide a bit more insight into the chain.


Szechuan cuisine originates from southwest China in the province of Sichuan. The cuisine is composed of bold and spicy flavors and Szechuan Lettuce Wraps are no exception. Although this dish isn't very spicy compared to traditional Szechuan dishes, these chicken lettuce wraps still have a little kick to them. I wouldn't recommend these for the faint-hearted.


Szechuan Lettuce Wraps with Spicy Mayo  Chicken strips are coated in Asian flavored breadcrumbs, containing soy sauce, rice vinegar, and sesame oil. The crispy chicken is tossed in noodles, cilantro, green onions, sweet chili sauce and sesame seeds. It is all wrapped up in a piece of iceberg lettuce, dipped in homemade spicy mayo.  




Sweet Chili Chicken Lettuce Wraps  For a less spicy chicken lettuce wrap, here’s one with a garlicky, chili sauce. Iceberg lettuce is perfect for wraps like this because it keeps its shape and crunch. The panko crusted chicken and comes out crunchy. Chow mein noodles and peanuts add additional crunch.  It is topped off with some tangy, lightly spiced yogurt.



Sending you peace, healing and all good wishes. May your life be good.


We were just at Cactus club last week.  They have a really great patio, and better food than a lot of places IMO.  I had a delicious lemongrass chicken salad with moist tender chicken and delicious mint and thai basil.  It’s my new favourite salad!  Not to mention their key lime pie.  

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Well I hope Gerry @ger_77 and I haven't started a new trend.  Last night I broke a tooth 😞  I was eating a great steak and must have swallowed whatever broke off (!) So I'll be calling the dentist as soon as they open this morning.  I do hope this isn't the one day of the week that they aren't open...


I'll pass on the spicy meal, drink and red wine.  I love a good joke, especially @RedneckBob's jokes, but I'm not good at telling a joke.  No roller coasters for me please.  


We were in Akureyri in 2018 on the VOV.  We took a tour to the Botanical Gardens, Godafoss Waterfall and some recreated ancient manors.  We had beautiful weather and it was a good day!


Jack @Heartgrove Lily is indeed adorable!  Thank you for sharing the photos.

Terry @smitty34877 I hope that DH's bloodwork is good and that he can come home today.

Debbie @dfish Dam about the sinus headache!!  Sure hope you feel better soon.


Here are some photos from our tour out of Akureyri


The Botanical Gardens:












The landing strip for the airport



The oldest house (1795)



Visit to the ancient manor

Recreated thatched roof houses



Period costumes



One of the interiors



Example of a bridal dress



Farm equipment



And Godafoss Waterfall




Lovely photos.

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43 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning, again.  All the food prep is ready, and we'll put the ribs in the smoker when we get back from the doctor appointment.  All that will be left is heating the beans to thicken the sauce.



Graham, I'll be pulling for England when they play Spain in the final game.



Terri, sending positive thoughts that your DH's bloodwork is good and he he can come home today.



Debbie, I'm glad you are feeling better and could go to breakfast.  I hope you continue to improve.



Jack, Lily is a real cutie.  Good pictures of the family.



Gerry, the old railroad lanterns make the deck look really festive and inviting.



Lorraine, thanks for the update on Murphy.  It sounds like she is making steady progress, and being held by her parents is probably the best medicine for her.



Carolyn, thanks for the wonderful pictures from Iceland.



Terri, I'm sorry you won't be able to get help with the PMR sooner.  Have you thought about leaving a note for FedEx while you and DH are gone?



RNB. I do tell jokes, just not all that well.  The timing or punchline is usually a little off.



Susan, I'm glad there were no major problems found yesterday.



Rich, that is an interesting story about the two roller coasters.  I read the story about the older one being demolished at the end of one of the S&TB movies.



Thank you Lenda.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute the Airborne. I'm not a joke teller. I love rollercoasters and live near Kennywood Park, which has 2 wooden rollercoasters, the Thunderbolt which will be 100 years old next year, and the Jack Rabbit which is 103 years old. I haven't ridden any in a few years. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal, pass on the drink, and yes for the wine. I haven't been to Akureyri. Today in history led to the gold rush.


It's cloudy, humid and 72F here (78 for the high), with chances of rain. I felt I had to get the lawn mowed, so fortified with ibuprofen beforehand, out I went. The grass was long and I needed the extra battery. It sprinkled a few times, but nothing much. I was really sweating, and my hair was soaking wet. I'm now cooling off. I have PT this afternoon.


@RMLincoln Safe travels home. 

@StLouisCruisers An exciting time for Ren! I wish his team success. 

@RedneckBob Thanks for the jokes!

@kazu Thanks for the memes. How is Ivan doing?

@grapau27 Congrats to England! Last score I had seen early this morning was 1-0 England.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope DH gets a good report from the spine surgeon. Great photos from Akureyri.

@kplady Nice photos and nice to see you and DH.

@smitty34877 Good news about DH's possible release. Fingers crossed! 

@dfish Sorry to hear you're not back to 100% yet. 

@Mr. Boston Safe trip home.

@Heartgrove Great photos of cute Lily with her DM and grandparents.

@ger_77 Your deck looks like a lovely area to enjoy. 

@Nickelpenny Cute memes.

@cruising sister Wonderful news about Baby Murphy!

@Cruising-along Sorry to hear about the tooth. Thanks for the photos from your tour.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry you're still in pain; do you think it will improve without increasing the Prednisone? 

@GeorgeCharlie Thanks for the link.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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3 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

You welcome. 

This may be of interest to someone. A friend of mine has 2 tickets for the Final  on Sunday ️. He paid £300 each but he didn't realise when he bought them months ago that it was going to be the same day as his wedding! If you are interested, he is looking for someone to take his place!! It's at Burnley Registry Office, at 4pm. The bride's name is Tracy.

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3 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

This may be of interest to someone. A friend of mine has 2 tickets for the Final  on Sunday ️. He paid £300 each but he didn't realise when he bought them months ago that it was going to be the same day as his wedding! If you are interested, he is looking for someone to take his place!! It's at Burnley Registry Office, at 4pm. The bride's name is Tracy.

You made me spit out my coffee!!  LOL!!

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4 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

We had a good trip to Chicago over the weekend for my granddaughter's Baptism Saturday and 1st Birthday for family in Chicago. She is just the most adorable little girl (the proud grandpa says!). I just love her!


I can’t blame you for loving her, Jack.  She’s adorable.  fabulous pictures 👍

Thanks for sharing 🙂 



4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning.It is humid here with temperatures  up to 80 later. We hope to get DH home today if bloodwork  is good. 


That is excellent news!  I hope all is good and he can go home with you today 🙏 



2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I have an update on Murphy. They are slowly weaning her sedation and removing lines and catheters. She is able to be held and they have started PT and music therapy. My niece is afraid to get to hopeful as the rug has been pulled out before. She is responsive and alert. So they are ecstatic. 


that is good news and very hopeful 👍 My prayers continue for her 🙏 



8 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu Thanks for the memes. How is Ivan doing?


Thanks for asking.  So far he is excellent.  Full of vim and vigour.  He has even started to sit! (He couldn’t before with his arthritis).   so far, this injection is worth every penny.  Someone was back here for maintenance on the house and couldn’t believe it was the same dog.  Hoping it continues 🤞 



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30 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

This may be of interest to someone. A friend of mine has 2 tickets for the Final  on Sunday ️. He paid £300 each but he didn't realise when he bought them months ago that it was going to be the same day as his wedding! If you are interested, he is looking for someone to take his place!! It's at Burnley Registry Office, at 4pm. The bride's name is Tracy.

Graham, I think this would upset the Misses!

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39 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute the Airborne. I'm not a joke teller. I love rollercoasters and live near Kennywood Park, which has 2 wooden rollercoasters, the Thunderbolt which will be 100 years old next year, and the Jack Rabbit which is 103 years old. I haven't ridden any in a few years. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal, pass on the drink, and yes for the wine. I haven't been to Akureyri. Today in history led to the gold rush.


It's cloudy, humid and 72F here (78 for the high), with chances of rain. I felt I had to get the lawn mowed, so fortified with ibuprofen beforehand, out I went. The grass was long and I needed the extra battery. It sprinkled a few times, but nothing much. I was really sweating, and my hair was soaking wet. I'm now cooling off. I have PT this afternoon.


@RMLincoln Safe travels home. 

@StLouisCruisers An exciting time for Ren! I wish his team success. 

@RedneckBob Thanks for the jokes!

@kazu Thanks for the memes. How is Ivan doing?

@grapau27 Congrats to England! Last score I had seen early this morning was 1-0 England.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope DH gets a good report from the spine surgeon. Great photos from Akureyri.

@kplady Nice photos and nice to see you and DH.

@smitty34877 Good news about DH's possible release. Fingers crossed! 

@dfish Sorry to hear you're not back to 100% yet. 

@Mr. Boston Safe trip home.

@Heartgrove Great photos of cute Lily with her DM and grandparents.

@ger_77 Your deck looks like a lovely area to enjoy. 

@Nickelpenny Cute memes.

@cruising sister Wonderful news about Baby Murphy!

@Cruising-along Sorry to hear about the tooth. Thanks for the photos from your tour.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry you're still in pain; do you think it will improve without increasing the Prednisone? 

@GeorgeCharlie Thanks for the link.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

You welcome JazzyV. Years ago a comedy told me that all you have to do is observe other people to come up with funny stuff. Like the guy on my Celebrity cruise a few years ago who was wearing a t-shirt that had written on it, “Adventure Before Dementia”. For which I responded, “I can’t remember my last adventure.” 😳

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning, again.  All the food prep is ready, and we'll put the ribs in the smoker when we get back from the doctor appointment.  All that will be left is heating the beans to thicken the sauce.



Graham, I'll be pulling for England when they play Spain in the final game.



Terri, sending positive thoughts that your DH's bloodwork is good and he he can come home today.



Debbie, I'm glad you are feeling better and could go to breakfast.  I hope you continue to improve.



Jack, Lily is a real cutie.  Good pictures of the family.



Gerry, the old railroad lanterns make the deck look really festive and inviting.



Lorraine, thanks for the update on Murphy.  It sounds like she is making steady progress, and being held by her parents is probably the best medicine for her.



Carolyn, thanks for the wonderful pictures from Iceland.



Terri, I'm sorry you won't be able to get help with the PMR sooner.  Have you thought about leaving a note for FedEx while you and DH are gone?



RNB. I do tell jokes, just not all that well.  The timing or punchline is usually a little off.



Susan, I'm glad there were no major problems found yesterday.



Rich, that is an interesting story about the two roller coasters.  I read the story about the older one being demolished at the end of one of the S&TB movies.



MS Crystal, Y’all live in Texas which means all y’all’s jokes get huge laughs! 😀😀😀😀

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Good afternoon all. Just got back from a week at Disney World, Epco, etc. with grandkids and son. That is a vacation that you need a vacation from after you return. Lots of roller coasters there but I found that the dark roller coasters do not agree with me as well as I age. After the first time I let the rest go without me while I waited in a shady spot for their return. Today is the first day the heat index isn't over 100.  

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26 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Hello again. We got Lou home about an hour ago.DD and DSIL helped and he managed the steps safely.Much dog happiness  ensued! The hospital staff was great but I am happy to have him here.

I'm delighted for you all Terry.

Take care and prayers 🙏 for good health for you all.


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39 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Hello again. We got Lou home about an hour ago.DD and DSIL helped and he managed the steps safely.Much dog happiness  ensued! The hospital staff was great but I am happy to have him here.


Yippee !!! Fabulous news!  LOL on the dog happiness. 🙂 



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2 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for asking.  So far he is excellent.  Full of vim and vigour.  He has even started to sit! (He couldn’t before with his arthritis).   so far, this injection is worth every penny.  Someone was back here for maintenance on the house and couldn’t believe it was the same dog.  Hoping it continues 🤞 


I'm glad to hear that! I too hope it continues.


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Hello again. We got Lou home about an hour ago.DD and DSIL helped and he managed the steps safely. Much dog happiness  ensued! The hospital staff was great but I am happy to have him here.


Good news! I'm sure he's happy to be home with family.

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7 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

On the agenda today after my walk will be making potato salad and baked beans to go with our smoked babyback ribs tonight.  I'll also prep the ribs this morning so they will be ready to go into the smoker when we get back from DH's next to last appointment with the spine surgeon.

Lenda, I’ve been meaning to ask you what type of wood you use to smoke, and also, do you use chips or chunks?  I recently discovered chunks and like them so much better than chips. But I’m having trouble with flavor. I’m using mesquite but I didn’t like the flavor of my ribs this last time, however my chicken and steak are wonderful.  I’m thinking that I need to try a different wood for ribs. Today I’m doing Cornish Game Hens and using the mesquite. 

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5 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Lenda, I’ve been meaning to ask you what type of wood you use to smoke, and also, do you use chips or chunks?  I recently discovered chunks and like them so much better than chips. But I’m having trouble with flavor. I’m using mesquite but I didn’t like the flavor of my ribs this last time, however my chicken and steak are wonderful.  I’m thinking that I need to try a different wood for ribs. Today I’m doing Cornish Game Hens and using the mesquite. 

Try Apple or cherry chips. Or Jack Daniels barrel chips. Or the old standby Hickory. I find Mesquite OK with brisket and beef is OK but it can be pretty strong in taste if used too much.

Edited by aliaschief
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@smitty34877 i am so happy to hear that Lou is home.  I hope he continues to improve.

Prayers that all goes well.


We went to the Podiatrist and then Barnes and Nobel and then Sam’s Club and also the wine store for some Fino Sherry.  Made it back home before the rains came.  it just started to thunder as we got the last things in the house.


Bought a rotisserie chicken at Sam’s for tonight’s dinner.  Nice and easy.


PMR still giving me trouble—mostly in the shoulder and neck area.  I do not want to see a different doctor so I will wait.  Thank you for your concern.  A big problem is sleeping.  Just too much pain.

Got a thermopedic pillow, which is helping somewhat.


As for FedEx, we were lucky that they showed up before we left.  So we got the package.  I spoke to the lady who usually does our deliveries and she told me that if we are not going to be home and a package requires a signature, put a note on the door to leave the package and sign the note.  It will be sufficient.  Glad to know that.  it makes life a bit easier.


So that is all I have for now.

Hope all of you are having a good day.


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