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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday October 9th, 2023


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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

The earthquake last night didn't cause any damage and was 4.3. It felt a bit like the washer was on spin and you could feel it in the house.


46 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

   Did we have an earthquake, @luvteaching?  I didn't feel anything...


31 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Ann @Vict0riann The earthquake wasn't felt that far north, my sister in Lynden, WA didn't feel it either.  Strangely our DD closer to Seattle didn't feel it either, nor did my DH here.  But it was a strange one, very quick and not very strong IMO.  Just a quick, mild tremor.  Wish they were all like that!



Definitely felt it here in Everett.  And I was in my condo -- fourth floor of midrise building.

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We’re telepathically celebrating Thanksgiving Day with our Canadian friends by having a takeout turkey dinner from a local restaurant. It’s  a complete meal with turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and cranberry sauce and freshly baked bread. 

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Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian friends.  I have many Canadian friends from business as I used to travel to Toronto often. 

One funny story of my travels to Toronto.  I planned a trip with a colleague to visit our office there  around this time of October, several years ago.  Nobody in the office there happened to inform/ remind us that this date we were arriving (Monday in October) was Thanksgiving day and the office would be closed.  We arrived at the City Island Airport on Porter Air from Newark, NJ.  We went to our office, only to find it locked due to the holiday.  

I was able to contact one of the managers of our office, who lived not far from our downtown office, who came over and let us in.  We did get a fairly productive day of work in.  

In the evening, we decided to go out for dinner to a restaurant that was open with a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner buffet (I don't remember the name).  Wow, it was awesome and very festive for the holiday.  We certainly enjoyed getting into the Thanksgiving spirit and we were welcomed by the many families there, celebrating this great holiday (no matter what country you're in).  


We had our kids and grandkids over for dinner last night and my wife made a Turkey dinner with all the trimmings....and only during the dinner did one of the kids realize that it was Thanksgiving weekend in Canada.  Very appropriate.


Prayers for all of those suffering hostilities.  May there be peace soon.  


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Good afternoon after another busy day.  The house is clean and the last load of towels is about to go into the dryer.  The auto shop called about two hours ago, and the convertible will be ready this afternoon, some time.  DH called the other shop about the "fishing" car which was supposed to be ready today.  It looks like that will not happed, but then, DH did ask them to fix one more problem while they have the car.  I've finally caught up with all that's been happening with the daily. 


6 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone.  We arrived home last evening safe and sound.  I’ve learned one thing on this trip, I’m a terrible journaler!  Between the time change, the not so great wifi preference to enjoy the moment, I gave up. Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends.  I like the quote and the collection of days.  The drink and meal suggestions even sound nice.  I think I’m glad to be home!  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for those on our pray list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!



Welcome home.


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Some days are full of curious events, others are quite normal.  Fire Prevention Day should be every day - there are far too many fires that devastate homes and businesses.  Thank you Mr. Leif Erikson!


Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian Daily friends



I'm sure many of us enjoyed our large dinners yesterday so family/friends could make their way home today.  I noticed early yesterday morning many of our neighbour's lights were on, which likely meant they were prepping for a big dinner.  This morning those same lights were dark, so I think I'm right.


Today is a totally free day for us - many of the stores are closed that we would normally head out to, and there's nothing on the calendar.  I guess all I'll be doing is putting away the good china and silverware, the roaster, etc., and that's about it.  I've been having some difficulty with my left shoulder for a number of days, so am going to put my blanket making on the back burner for a while.  Not sure what the problem is, but it isn't getting any better, so I may just make an appointment to get it checked out.


It's looking like another nice fall day for us with temperatures expected to reach 20C (68) which means it will be nice and warm to sit on the deck with the windows closed, letting the sun warm it nicely.  Might even be a good place for a nap later on - I'll bet DH takes advantage of that!  


I'm going to take a pass on the drink of the day, would definitely enjoy the wine, and will pass on the menu suggestion, but would try it in a restaurant.  We've got leftovers - turkey, mashed potatoes, veg. casserole, coleslaw, buns, and of course pumpkin pie to enjoy on the deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in Israel and Ukraine who need it most right now.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I hope the problem with your shoulder is not a major problem, and it will be good as new quickly.


5 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a very cloudy day at the beach

    Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends! Hope you all enjoy this day.

     I am currently watching the Zuiderdam sail across the bay to Port Canaveral. Beautiful site !   That is the next ship we are booked on but not until the VOV in July. Difficult wait!  

      We finally had DH Bday dinner. Went to a German restaurant in the Village. His choice. It was good and we were able to eat outside. The Village is in Cocoa which is about 10-12 miles from here. It is a nice area with unique shops, restaurants, and a Community Theatre. It took a terrible hit during the pandemic but it appears to be back in full force.  Nice place to visit.

       Off to water aerobics.

Stay safe and enjoy today



Charlene, I'm glad that your DH finally got his birthday dinner and that it was good.  It's nice when you can eat outside.


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I asked for an update on Scott this morning.  Unfortunately, he has a lot of complications/issues plaguing him right now.  A CT scan was done but results not known this early in the morning.  I am very concerned for Scott and pray for his recovery each day.  Just wanted to let you know and keep praying for some good news.  Thank you everyone for your prayers for him.


In other news, DD says she was unable to complete a phone call to our landline again yesterday.  We all wish we could crack the code on why this is happening.  It worked last weekend!


Our smoke detectors are hard wired and were new when the house was built in 2011.  DH is looking into replacements and hopefully that will happen soon.  We'll need 8 of them.



Welcome to the Daily!


Thanks Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the port photos today.


Welcome home to @Himself and @Mr. Boston!!


Sandi, I was sorry to read that Scott is having complications.  I hope they can be overcome and he will be home in the not too distant future.  Strange about your DD's phone not connecting with your landline.


5 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadian dailyites!  Thanks for the daily snd fleet reports. Good group of days and all the gastronomy stuff sounded wonderful. Never been to the port. 

Almost home; about an hour and a half away. Then I have to drive to Phoenix.  Sunrise was beautiful this morning!


Thoughts for the world ❤️ and cheers for those celebrating. 

Have a wonderful Monday everyone!!


Penny, welcome home, and safe travels to Phoenix.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is cool right now at 50 and reaching a high of sixty later.

Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating in Canada. My Swedish grandmother took delight in debating with anyone about Mr Erickson and his early arrival. I will celebrate Indigenous People’s day as well.

Debbie @dfish, I have all of those ingredients and will try one of the recipes tonight. Thank you so much.


The shed covering the old oil tank is gone and the workers are draining the remaining oil from the tank .We had to knock on doors to get cars away from the front of the house so the two repair trucks could get to work.I hope the new tank can be placed without incident and look forward to heat in our future.


Terry, I hope you have heat by tonight.  Changing the oil tank is a big job.


4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites 


A nice cool, sunny morning. Love when that happens!


Prayers lifted for our friends here on the Daily. Sandi keeping your friends and DB on my heart. It seems like my prayer book keeps growing. 


My closest friend called last night. Her 2nd bout with covid.


Another friend fell and broke her wrist this weekend. 3 hour wait in the ER.


Our friends returned from a trip to find their weekend home turned upside down. Vandals even took the faucets and bathroom mirrors. The neighbors said they saw a maroon golf cart there nearly Daily and a few times heard a truck at night.


Something good to look forward to:

My sister will be here next week to celebrate my birthday. We are having a German potluck with 18 friends. 


The VA benefits came through for us and we're so glad that hurdle is over.


Oliver is barking and crying less. He knows "sit" "no-no", "come" and "outside" Still working on "stay" and he refuses to let me put his leash on. 2 months with us and I'm so proud of him!




Hoping everyone has a great week. Be kind.. enjoy those cruises!!


Joy, I'm glad all the hassle with the VA finally paid off.  I'm sorry a friend is fighting Covid for a second time, and that another broke her wrist.  If your friends' neighbors saw a golf cart at their place and heard a truck at night, why didn't they call the police or go check things out?  Returning to a trashed house must have been a big shock.  I'm glad you sister will be there to help celebrate your birthday.  I'm glad Oliver is more settled and has learned some commands.  Our super alpha female dachshund had us well trained.  🤣


3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  Had to run out at 7:15 to get DH to his eye doc, who immediately started in about having another surgery. before she leaves her post with Emory.  Nope, we leave in 4 days, not going to happen!  Sorry to see here leave, but maybe a bit money hungry???


All is good, previous scarring from his cancer was holding up drainage, so one eye is still swollen.

I have to run to Dollar Tree, and DH is doing laundry and packing as it dries.  He is off today, I am not, so another late night in CA.  And when I get back from Dollar Tree, I need to set up a ride from the Atlanta airport back home.  I still dont want to take the train with all our luggage.


Spoil me one last time please.


 I think when Leif got here, he brought some druids.  My dads farm where he grew up has a place where stones were set up for the solstice.  That part of the property got sold to Steve McQueen, and later to Michael J. Fox, so going up there I always felt like we were trespassing.  My dad believed that since he grew up on that farm, no matter who owned it, it was his in his heart.





Annie, I'm glad your DH got a good report from the eye doctor.  It seems some doctors solution to everything is to operate.  What an interesting story about your Dad's farm, and also who owned it later.


6 hours ago, BobbiSox said:

Love Leif Erkison and all the vikings. I took the cruise up to Iceland last year and my imagination ran wild with thoughts of small ships in these waters so long ago. It was my favorite cruise so far. 


Welcome to the the Fleet Report/Daily.  We hope you will join us often.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I was checking out the roll call for the Nov. 9, 2024 42 day Volendam Ultimate Mediterranean and Passage we booked this summer.  The one certain relatives of ours are supposedly booked on?  I saw Carolyn @Cruising-along is booked on it too. 👋 I haven't signed up on that roll call yet.  I wanted to know what others thought of the possibility of Israel being replaced on that cruise with other ports.  Israel is set for Dec. 2 and 3rd, 2024.  I'm also going to check out some of the upcoming cruises that have Israel as a destination to see what's happening with them. 


But of interest to me was that Julia @JAM37 is also going along on that cruise.  We've missed seeing her post here since summer of 2022.  Just wanted to let everyone know she is still around, but not very active on Cruise Critic anymore.  That's perfectly fine, but I was relieved to hear she's okay.


Sandi, thanks for letting us know that @JAM37  Julia is all right, but just not very active on CC.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!  I am giving thanks because DH went to golf, and I have a little time on my own to post.  He is getting frantic to get going and doesn't give me any time to myself these days, so I haven't been able to post, but I am thinking of you all!  We had a big Thanksgiving dinner at my cousin's house on Saturday, I think there were 28, and two more expected for next year!  I took pies, and today there is just one piece of pumpkin remaining here, I can't decide whether to just give it all to Pat, or divide it between us.  


The weather has been very nice here, clear and warm, but today is dreary, and we are expecting (hoping for) rain this afternoon.   Did we have an earthquake, @luvteaching?  I didn't feel anything...


We "attended" a zoom Celebration of Life for cousins in Virginia on Friday, there were many faces, from Ireland, Croatia, the US and Canada.  It was very nice, if short.   


Tomorrow is a big day, we have an appointment with the urologist to discuss Pat's latest ultrasound, and then appointments for Covid shots.  I have just a little premonition that, as it's the first day of the rollout of the vaccine, they may not be ready, and we have backup appointments in Bellingham for shots on Thursday, which we will cancel if we do get them tomorrow.  But we need to get it done at least two weeks before we travel to Spain.  BTW, @kochleffel, did you get my email?   I had intended to add, if you are interested in Picasso, the Picasso museum in Malaga is much larger than the one in Barcelona, and they have (or at least, had) wonderful docent/guides.  The MNAC in Barcelona is wonderful, if you have time, and the  Miro gallery.


Ann, I hope your DH's appointment with the urologist goes well tomorrow.  I also hope you get your Covid shot tomorrow.


2 hours ago, Smmessineo said:

This quote is literal for me and my husband this year!  In March we put our house on the market, with all intention of a quick sale and moving from Florida to Las Vegas. We donated and chucked a lot of extra stuff,  polished up the house and completed projects. We were so excited!  Then it didn't sell...week after week lots of showings and no one wanted it. And we realized that WE loved it more than anyone else did. After 10 weeks, removed it from the market , booked more cruises and bought a small travel trailer so we can travel the US with the pets!  We're right where we need to be!


That is interesting about your house, and sometimes things work out for the better even if it is hot what is planned.  Enjoy your travel trailer.  It's always nice to have more cruises in your future.


1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

I have no word yet if Sam is coming home or goi g to rehab. The world of hospital decisions is not moving at breakneck speed.


Carol, I hope you have an answer about Sam by now.  I understand about hospital decisions.  Week before last, we were told at 6:30 am DH would be discharged that day, but we had to wait until 10 am to leave.  That turned into 10:30 when the nurse came to get him ready to leave, and we were finally out of there at 11 am.  I've learned it isn't just the military where it is "hurry up and wait".


57 minutes ago, luvtoride said:

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian friends.  I have many Canadian friends from business as I used to travel to Toronto often. 

One funny story of my travels to Toronto.  I planned a trip with a colleague to visit our office there  around this time of October, several years ago.  Nobody in the office there happened to inform/ remind us that this date we were arriving (Monday in October) was Thanksgiving day and the office would be closed.  We arrived at the City Island Airport on Porter Air from Newark, NJ.  We went to our office, only to find it locked due to the holiday.  

I was able to contact one of the managers of our office, who lived not far from our downtown office, who came over and let us in.  We did get a fairly productive day of work in.  

In the evening, we decided to go out for dinner to a restaurant that was open with a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner buffet (I don't remember the name).  Wow, it was awesome and very festive for the holiday.  We certainly enjoyed getting into the Thanksgiving spirit and we were welcomed by the many families there, celebrating this great holiday (no matter what country you're in).  


We had our kids and grandkids over for dinner last night and my wife made a Turkey dinner with all the trimmings....and only during the dinner did one of the kids realize that it was Thanksgiving weekend in Canada.  Very appropriate.


Prayers for all of those suffering hostilities.  May there be peace soon.  



Another interesting travel story about Thanksgiving.  We went to Cape Hatteras one Thanksgiving, and all we could find for Thanksgiving dinner was pizza delivered to our hotel.


I'm glad the earthquake in the PNW was so small that many did not even notice it.



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@StLouisCruisers Sandi thinking of you most of today. So sorry to hear Scott is not doing well..


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, the house that was broken into is a weekend retreat. The kids come, friends are invited. The neighbors didn't think much of the weird stuff going on.. by the way,  our friend was cleaning up at the break in and tripped, fell, and broke 2 ribs and cut her knee (no stitches TTL)


We drove to Lowe's and ordered Oliver's storm/ doggie door. Should be ready by Nov 6th. The installer will pick it up and bring here. A neighbor wants our existing storm/screen door. They are on their own to install it..


Went to Fish City Grill and we had a delicious cup of jalapeno soup and fried catfish. 


Prayers ongoing for Israel as well as Ukraine. 

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The repair shop just called.  They replaced the right CB joint and it made a difference in how the car handles, but it did not completely solve the problem  We were surprised it was the right CV joint, since the firewood incident involved the left from tire.  The right side was the one that hit the pothole in March.  Now, they are going to replace the lift CV joint, and hope to have it in and fixed by tomorrow afternoon.  If not, I'll pick the car up tomorrow, drive it to Dallas and back, and then take it back to the shop on Thursday.  We're still really surprised the right one was so bad.


39 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@StLouisCruisers Sandi thinking of you most of today. So sorry to hear Scott is not doing well..


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, the house that was broken into is a weekend retreat. The kids come, friends are invited. The neighbors didn't think much of the weird stuff going on.. by the way,  our friend was cleaning up at the break in and tripped, fell, and broke 2 ribs and cut her knee (no stitches TTL)


We drove to Lowe's and ordered Oliver's storm/ doggie door. Should be ready by Nov 6th. The installer will pick it up and bring here. A neighbor wants our existing storm/screen door. They are on their own to install it..


Went to Fish City Grill and we had a delicious cup of jalapeno soup and fried catfish. 


Prayers ongoing for Israel as well as Ukraine. 


The fall and broken ribs and cut knee just added insult to injury for your friend.


38 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

It has been a good news/bad news day. The old oil tank leaked thru concrete into dirt. Digging and dollars are required to fix asap. There was oil in the tank so we have heat. Trying to only think about good news!


Terry, I'm sorry there  is more work and expense involved.  At least, you have heat.



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Hello everyone!

It's been pretty busy so I haven't posted, just read the posts lately.Time for me to say hello to other Dailyites.

Happy Thanksgiving to our dear friends from Canada. I had to Google the story behind the Canada Thanksgiving; I only know the USA story. 

In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday of October, while in the United States it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Canada celebrates the voyage of explorer Frobisher in 1578, and the United States celebrates, the Native Americans helping pilgrims get food in Massachusetts in 1621.

Today we are also celebrating Indigenous People Day here in MN; it is an official state holiday, 1st time this year. (No longer Columbus Day in MN). We have many sovereign tribe nations in MN. It is reflected in the naming of towns, streets, lakes, forests etc. here in MN.

It is cold here!! We have a frost advisory tonight so the plants will be coverd outside. It is supposed to be cold and rainy at the end of the week.  Fall is here.....brrr.

Thanks to everyone for their contributions to the thread........it is all good. I love reading it daily!

Safe travels and bon voyage to the group of people cruising and on land.....wonderful to see people traveling.


Prayers for all of us and extras for those who are dealing with struggles of any kind. 

Celebrate all of your joys!

Take good care all!



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Thanks for all the good wishes for thanksgiving!  We had a lovely day of 26 C or about 79F which is insane but we’ll take it!

what time was the earthquake yesterday?  I swear I felt something around 8 ish MDT.  

We had some lovely company!


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6 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Thanks for all the good wishes for thanksgiving!  We had a lovely day of 26 C or about 79F which is insane but we’ll take it!

what time was the earthquake yesterday?  I swear I felt something around 8 ish MDT.  

We had some lovely company!


Around 7:25 PDT.  I heard a faint 'crack' & then very subtle shaking...we're in Bremerton, WA

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4 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

Around 7:25 PDT.  I heard a faint 'crack' & then very subtle shaking...we're in Bremerton, WA

Thanks,  I felt my chair shake a little and commented that if felt like what we’d experienced a few times. But I didn’t really think we could feel it here, but who  knows? The timing is right!  

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6 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Thanks,  I felt my chair shake a little and commented that if felt like what we’d experienced a few times. But I didn’t really think we could feel it here, but who  knows? The timing is right!  

Interesting!  Here's a map of where this quake was felt https://pnsn.org/earthquakes/historic?evid=61965081

Maybe you had your "own little quake"??  Apparently there was one in Japan about the same time and size too.

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Thanks for the Fleet locations and the daily news from contributors.

Happy Canada Day to all Canadian Dailyites.

@marshhawk  wishing you and DH safe travelling. Bon Voyage.

@StLouisCruisers  thanks for the news of @JAM37.

@Vict0riann  hope that Pat gets a good report from the Urologist tomorrow. 

@grapau27    do you eat all the Broccoli that is served to you with the steaks? A good source of fibre. Your avatar shows the ship's wake, which ship are you sailing on?


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10 minutes ago, erewhon said:

Thanks for the Fleet locations and the daily news from contributors.

Happy Canada Day to all Canadian Dailyites.

@marshhawk  wishing you and DH safe travelling. Bon Voyage.

@StLouisCruisers  thanks for the news of @JAM37.

@Vict0riann  hope that Pat gets a good report from the Urologist tomorrow. 

@grapau27    do you eat all the Broccoli that is served to you with the steaks? A good source of fibre. Your avatar shows the ship's wake, which ship are you sailing on?


Thank you.

I love broccoli and eat it all.

My avatar is from our aft cabin on P&O Britannia which is the main picture if you click on my avatar.

It was from our Norwegian Fjords cruise in June.



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1 minute ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I can’t keep up with you guys.

I am so tired. Had a really bad night last night last night’I hope you all understand.

i will read the posts when I can;

Have wonderful evening,

God Bless,


Take care and good wishes Terri.

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