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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday October 24th, 2023


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Good morning Dailyites, 


One of those crazy toss and turn nights. Kept dreaming the same dream..


Thank you for the Anniversary wishes. 32 years of wedded bliss!!






Yesterday we got new phones on a good trade in deal. My phone will not hook up to our car. Allen's was fine. Grrrr.. The Verizon guy spent 15 more minutes trying to hook it up to no avail. And the store is out of S23's til Friday. 




Prayers lifted for our care list. Vanessa hoping your pain eases. Welcome home Jacqui. Traveling to and from cruises are sticky widgets no matter how smoothly things go.thinking of you Terry, Debbie, Terri. Lenda hope you find the perfect motor home/camper. I have always wanted to camp, but Allen says he did enough camping in the 20 year's in the Army..


Gosh I have not had bologna since we were in Germany in 2000. There was a very expensive sandwich I had to try and it didn't taste anything like our bologna at home.


I'm glad to see some soups pop up, although I'm not sure about the soup today.


I hope everyone has a great day. Make someone smile! 



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute all 3 days, although I never really ate bologna until college. Good quote. I like the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Pointe-a-Pitre. A good day for Sheffield FC.


It's sunny but starting off chilly. Up to 70 later. Well, I got about 3 hours of sleep, and gave up around 4AM. Most of the night was spent trying to find some position I could just lay in for a few minutes. Usually I'm moaning and praying during the severe pain, but I cried last night. 😢 Then this morning my leg was so numb I felt very unstable while taking a shower. So I called pain management and left a message on the nurse line, asking what can I do? Would an NSAID help any, or increasing my Gabapentin? Right now I'm feeling ok. I have PT later today.


@aliaschief Bon Voyage Bruce and Sue! Your dinner last night sounds fabulous, and cool on that breakfast delivery.

@Overhead Fred Happy Birthday!

@Seasick Sailor Happy 32nd Anniversary Joy and Allen!

@Spudd Cool photos. Welcome to the Daily!

@kazu I'm glad you're home, even if it was difficult getting there. Condolences on the loss of Jose's BFF's DW; prayers for you, her DH and their family.

@superoma I have no advice on the roses, but so nice to keep them going as they are meaningful to you.

@cat shepard Cute ghost fashions.

@smitty34877 Good news on not needing more digging to get rid of the oil. I hope you are doing ok, as well as Tana.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the doctor can give you some answers about DH. 

@cruising sister Good news on the great stress test results. Good luck with your shots. 

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. I hope you get a date for the hernia repair.

@puppycanducruise Great fall photo.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

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Unfortunately pharmacist give vaccine advice that have no factual basis. I read where someone was turned away because the pharmacist said there need to be 6 months between last booster and new one. Completely false.  I go in knowing I will have to stand my ground. One time I told them to look up the CDC the ACIP recommendations for the next person who comes for vaccines and I went elsewhere to get my shots.  Funny that next time I was in the pharmacy I heard the tech tell someone they could get multiple at once. They must have done their research. 

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40 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

The trees are pretty, I saw this on my walk with Bertie earlier.





Fall colors are so spectacular, but we pay a price with all the fallen leaves.  Thanks for the picture of the pretty tree.


1 minute ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, I called the Doctor’s office and the first appointment is at the end of November.  I told them that this was not acceptable.

She is seeing if the Doc can fit him in and I am waiting for a phone call for an answer.

Here’s hoping.



Terri, thanks for the update.  I couldn't like your post, however.  I hope they can work your DH in a lot sooner.


8 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute all 3 days, although I never really ate bologna until college. Good quote. I like the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Pointe-a-Pitre. A good day for Sheffield FC.


It's sunny but starting off chilly. Up to 70 later. Well, I got about 3 hours of sleep, and gave up around 4AM. Most of the night was spent trying to find some position I could just lay in for a few minutes. Usually I'm moaning and praying during the severe pain, but I cried last night. 😢 Then this morning my leg was so numb I felt very unstable while taking a shower. So I called pain management and left a message on the nurse line, asking what can I do? Would an NSAID help any, or increasing my Gabapentin? Right now I'm feeling ok. I have PT later today.


@aliaschief Bon Voyage Bruce and Sue! Your dinner last night sounds fabulous, and cool on that breakfast delivery.

@Overhead Fred Happy Birthday!

@Seasick Sailor Happy 32nd Anniversary Joy and Allen!

@Spudd Cool photos. Welcome to the Daily!

@kazu I'm glad you're home, even if it was difficult getting there. Condolences on the loss of Jose's BFF's DW; prayers for you, her DH and their family.

@superoma I have no advice on the roses, but so nice to keep them going as they are meaningful to you.

@cat shepard Cute ghost fashions.

@smitty34877 Good news on not needing more digging to get rid of the oil. I hope you are doing ok, as well as Tana.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the doctor can give you some answers about DH. 

@cruising sister Good news on the great stress test results. Good luck with your shots. 

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. I hope you get a date for the hernia repair.

@puppycanducruise Great fall photo.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.


Vanessa, I'm sorry the pain is getting worse, and I hope the pain management can give you some answers.


3 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Unfortunately pharmacist give vaccine advice that have no factual basis. I read where someone was turned away because the pharmacist said there need to be 6 months between last booster and new one. Completely false.  I go in knowing I will have to stand my ground. One time I told them to look up the CDC the ACIP recommendations for the next person who comes for vaccines and I went elsewhere to get my shots.  Funny that next time I was in the pharmacy I heard the tech tell someone they could get multiple at once. They must have done their research. 


Lorraine, good for you for standing up for yourself.  When I got the flu and Covid boosters together, I had to push to get them in the same arm.  This pharmacy doesn't like to do it that way because they feel if you have a reaction and the shots are in different arms, they can tell which shot caused the reaction.  I guess that could be true if the reaction was a sore or red arm.  Even then, knowing which shot was given where on the arm, I knew the flu shot was the sore spot.  I'll not bring up the questionable advice I got recently.



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17 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, I called the Doctor’s office and the first appointment is at the end of November.  I told them that this was not acceptable.

She is seeing if the Doc can fit him in and I am waiting for a phone call for an answer.

Here’s hoping.


At minimum why not try Urgent Care and if he is really deteriorating ER?

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@JazzyV, Vanessa, I am so sorry to hear about your ongoing R leg problems. I hope they get back to you soon from the doctors office and that you can get relief.It reminds me of what it was like prior to my surgery but I understand that you have a different situation going on. 
I appreciate your asking how we are here. It has been an up and down time to say the least. Tana has pneumonia again and requires IV antibiotics as the first dose of oral antibiotics did not help. There have been some difficult days but I find myself wanting to do more normal things again. I hope things will start to settle into a new routine soon.

Better days ahead for everyone!

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28 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I am so sorry to hear about your ongoing R leg problems. I hope they get back to you soon from the doctors office and that you can get relief.It reminds me of what it was like prior to my surgery but I understand that you have a different situation going on. 
I appreciate your asking how we are here. It has been an up and down time to say the least. Tana has pneumonia again and requires IV antibiotics as the first dose of oral antibiotics did not help. There have been some difficult days but I find myself wanting to do more normal things again. I hope things will start to settle into a new routine soon.

Better days ahead for everyone!

Sending you good wishes for yourself and Tana Terry.


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49 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I am so sorry to hear about your ongoing R leg problems. I hope they get back to you soon from the doctors office and that you can get relief.It reminds me of what it was like prior to my surgery but I understand that you have a different situation going on. 
I appreciate your asking how we are here. It has been an up and down time to say the least. Tana has pneumonia again and requires IV antibiotics as the first dose of oral antibiotics did not help. There have been some difficult days but I find myself wanting to do more normal things again. I hope things will start to settle into a new routine soon.

Better days ahead for everyone!


Terry, I'm happy you are wanting more normal days.  Please remember to give yourself time to grieve and to adjust to the new normal.  I'm sorry Tana has pneumonia again.  I hope the IV antibiotics will clear it up soon.


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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I am so sorry to hear about your ongoing R leg problems. I hope they get back to you soon from the doctors office and that you can get relief.It reminds me of what it was like prior to my surgery but I understand that you have a different situation going on. 
I appreciate your asking how we are here. It has been an up and down time to say the least. Tana has pneumonia again and requires IV antibiotics as the first dose of oral antibiotics did not help. There have been some difficult days but I find myself wanting to do more normal things again. I hope things will start to settle into a new routine soon.

Better days ahead for everyone!


Terry, I'm sorry to hear that Tana has pneumonia again. I'm sure cooler weather has adverse affects on her breathing as well. Prayers that the IV antibiotics will kick this infection. It's good that you want to do more normal things again. Prayers for your healing as well.


15 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We have an appointment with the Doc on Thursday afternoon, Thank God.

Thank you all for your support.



Terri, that's good that you got an appointment for this week. I hope the doctor can come up with a plan to help.


The phone just rang; I normally wouldn't answer, but thought it might be the pain clinic. Political call, ugh! My luck they'll call while I'm at PT.

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Good morning and Happy Tuesday. It’s supposed to rain today at noon. Craig wants to go shopping and wants me to go too, but I hate shopping except for food shopping. 

Joy & Allen @Seasick Sailor, Happy Anniversary!


Fred @Overhead Fred, Happy Birthday!


Jacqui @kazu, welcome home. I’m sure Ivan was happy to see you. 

Terry @smitty34877, I hope the repairs go smoothly and quickly. I’m sorry Tana is ill and hope that the IV antibiotics kick in fast and do the job. I also hope that you can start doing some things for yourself. 

Terri @Cruzin Terri, good to read the appointment for DH is soon and not next month. Prayers to you and DH. 

Bruce @aliaschief,  Bon Voyage!  That breakfast basket is huge!  And your meal last night sounds wonderful. 

Have a great day everyone. 

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We are on board and the process took five minutes. We have the lowest suite and the main difference is that our balcony rail is not all plexiglass which is no big deal. Bath is all marble two sinks bath and walk in shower. Plenty of storage with walk in closet. We each get a bottle of alcohol/wine  of our chose and they are replaceable. Super friendly crew. First impression is this is going to be a very nice experience.

We had a lite lunch in Colonade with wine. No need to pay for drinks.


Here are some pics.



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Good morning all!

That's a good quote, will pass on the meal (we aren't really fond of soups for meals), and pass on the red wine.  The drink sounds good.  


I'm starting to sound like a broken record.  No sleep again last night, and for no good reason.  Just wide awake.  But again, I'm thankful I'm not in pain like Vanessa @JazzyV I sure hope your epidural kicks in soon and I'm glad you called the pain management nurse.  I hope they have some good advice for you and that it helps!


It's definitely fall here now.  Cooler evenings and mornings, and will only get to the mid 40's today.  I'm laughing about the "feels cold below 70 in FL" because that's so true.  On one visit it was actually pleasant for me, only 72 and I loved it. Usually it's just too hot and humid for me.  The locals were running around in parkas and apologizing for the weather.  


Tomorrow I'll get my flu shot.  Glad it isn't today, as I shouldn't be driving as sleepy as I am today.  Lorraine @cruising sister great advice, thank you.  I'm sure getting multiple vaccinations would be safe, but I know my body and how it reacts so I'll continue to spread mine out. I noticed our clinic is offering both the flu and Covid vaccinations together.  I get a reaction every time from even one vax ranging from just a sore arm to whole body aches/pains/fever for days.  I'm in no hurry anyway so I think better safe than sorry. We're having the grandkids here this weekend and I need to be 100%. 🙂  And congratulations on passing your stress test with flying colors!


I was pleased to get a response from the survey I sent in about my experience with FTD and the delivery fiasco I had when sending flowers to my BFF last week.  They're offering to send another arrangement to anyone/anywhere.  


Bon Voyage Bruce @aliaschief!  Your hotel breakfast looks a lot like what we got at a great boutique hotel in Quebec City.  A wonderful touch!


Happy Birthday @Overhead Fred!

Happy 32nd anniversary Joy and Allan @Seasick Sailor!

Welcome to the Daily @Spudd!

Jacqui @kazu Welcome home but I'm sorry you had such sad news on your return.

Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you were able to get an appointment for your DH this week and won't have to wait until late November.

Terry @smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear that Tana has pneumonia.  Prayers the antibiotics do the job quickly.





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Finally a chance to sit and read through the Daily. For some reason I have been really slow this morning. I did sleep fairly well last night, but after walking the dogs and breakfasting I went back to bed and slept for an hour or so. Guess I was not as rested as I thought.


Cloudy here and the temps are dropping and I have not heard from the electrician about the heaters. Guess I need to give them a nudge (or a kick). It looks like rain even though all the forecasts say not.


@Cruzin Terriglad you got that doctor's appointment. And @smitty34877I hope Tana improves and you can get some time to regroup. @kazuSounds like the trip home was not fun and then to get sad news on return.... well, try to take it very easy the next few days. As for me, I continue to sort, toss, haul and seem to make little progress. It will get done.... or maybe not .... but at this point there is no rush and I don't really seem to care. What I have to do is be sure that when things leave, nothing comes in.


Take care all.



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Good afternoon!


The surgeon's appointment went well.  I definitely will have surgery, but he needs a CT scan to determine which type of surgery.  He said he couldn't figure out how big the opening was by palpitating it and that determines what kind of surgery I have.  The earliest I can get for the CT is November 10th.  So, we hurry up and wait.



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Of course the pain management people called while I was at PT. I could have forwarded the home phone to my cell, although there are no cell phone signs around (but it was pretty empty today). I couldn't do much at PT, just some stretching after an ice pack, and a hot pack at the end. I called back but since they close at 4, I don't expect to hear anything today. I told them I'd be here until 1:30 tomorrow, as I have a dental cleaning at 2.


@aliaschief Nice suite! I've never stayed in a suite of any kind.

@Cruising-along I'm sorry to hear of your poor sleep. I'm not one to nap, but I might try this afternoon, if I can stand the recliner effect on my leg.

@dfish Hopefully you can be scheduled soon after the CT is done.

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Greetings to all!  My posting is still sporadic, but I do read every day!  My thoughts and prayers to all on the Cares List, especially to those who are the caregivers for spouses.  Take care of yourself, so that you can be there for your loved one.  That is the one most important lesson that I had to learn the very hard way!!!


I have the laugh of the day for you.  I am back in complete quarantine in my apartment for 5 days, which started yesterday!  I had done my 5 days of complete quarantine and 5 days of masking while I had COVID.  My one day of freedom was Sunday.  Then, I was among a group of 4 that was exposed over the weekend and the seniors' community put all 4 of us into quarantine yesterday!  (As my step-daughter told me it is the downside of living where I do!). So, I am now staring at the 4 walls again.  Wish I could read more, but that has been something that I no longer have a desire to do.  I can only read for about 5 minutes before I lose interest.  Reading enjoyment left me after DH passed away, and I can't re-capture it.


Looks like it is a nice day out, which would be nice to be able to get out.  By the time I am out of Covid jail, the weather will probably take a turn for the worse.  At least I am able to do the Zoom or Teams calls for Red Cross, so some of the time is not wasted.  Yesterday I went through all of my Christmas stuff and decided what I will have room to display, and what needs to be donated.  That was something that didn't get done before I moved.


@smitty34877I understand the pneumonia crisis that Tana is undergoing.  It becomes increasing challenging for the treatment under her circumstances.  Sending healing thoughts for a speedy recovery.  


For those celebrating (and the lucky travelers/cruisers) I send my best wishes!  I love this whole "community" that makes the FR&D such a great portion of the days.  


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.

Mary Kay



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I understand your no interest in reading after DH died. A friend started me on audible books and I am able to do that to pass the time. I always listen to the sample narration. I can’t stand some of the narrator’s voice.  I listen to a number of different genre’s depending on my mood. Many are readily available through the library. 

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Good afternoon from a rainy and soggy central Texas.  It's been raining since about 9:30 this morning, and water is now standing in the yard.  We need the rain, but it looks like the ground is about saturated.  Still after a summer with little or no rain, I'm not complaining, and our water bill will also be a lot lower now.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon!


The surgeon's appointment went well.  I definitely will have surgery, but he needs a CT scan to determine which type of surgery.  He said he couldn't figure out how big the opening was by palpitating it and that determines what kind of surgery I have.  The earliest I can get for the CT is November 10th.  So, we hurry up and wait.




Debbie, I'm glad the surgeon visit went well, but sorry it will take so long to get a CT scan.  Yesterday, just as precaution to make sure the drainage tube from the shunt is in the correct place and does not need to be shortened, the NP ordered a CT scan.  She was amenable to DH getting it in a hospital about an hour north of us and then having a telemed appointment when she gets the results.  He was lucky to get an appointment tomorrow at 12:30.  The only hitch is I have a dentist appointment at 2 pm so it will be a tight squeeze, but they said the CT scan would only take about 15 minutes, so we should still be good.  To play it safe, we'll be at the hospital early.


51 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Of course the pain management people called while I was at PT. I could have forwarded the home phone to my cell, although there are no cell phone signs around (but it was pretty empty today). I couldn't do much at PT, just some stretching after an ice pack, and a hot pack at the end. I called back but since they close at 4, I don't expect to hear anything today. I told them I'd be here until 1:30 tomorrow, as I have a dental cleaning at 2.


@aliaschief Nice suite! I've never stayed in a suite of any kind.

@Cruising-along I'm sorry to hear of your poor sleep. I'm not one to nap, but I might try this afternoon, if I can stand the recliner effect on my leg.

@dfish Hopefully you can be scheduled soon after the CT is done.


Vanessa, I hope the pain clinic calls soon, and that they have a solution.  


39 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Greetings to all!  My posting is still sporadic, but I do read every day!  My thoughts and prayers to all on the Cares List, especially to those who are the caregivers for spouses.  Take care of yourself, so that you can be there for your loved one.  That is the one most important lesson that I had to learn the very hard way!!!


I have the laugh of the day for you.  I am back in complete quarantine in my apartment for 5 days, which started yesterday!  I had done my 5 days of complete quarantine and 5 days of masking while I had COVID.  My one day of freedom was Sunday.  Then, I was among a group of 4 that was exposed over the weekend and the seniors' community put all 4 of us into quarantine yesterday!  (As my step-daughter told me it is the downside of living where I do!). So, I am now staring at the 4 walls again.  Wish I could read more, but that has been something that I no longer have a desire to do.  I can only read for about 5 minutes before I lose interest.  Reading enjoyment left me after DH passed away, and I can't re-capture it.


Looks like it is a nice day out, which would be nice to be able to get out.  By the time I am out of Covid jail, the weather will probably take a turn for the worse.  At least I am able to do the Zoom or Teams calls for Red Cross, so some of the time is not wasted.  Yesterday I went through all of my Christmas stuff and decided what I will have room to display, and what needs to be donated.  That was something that didn't get done before I moved.


@smitty34877I understand the pneumonia crisis that Tana is undergoing.  It becomes increasing challenging for the treatment under her circumstances.  Sending healing thoughts for a speedy recovery.  


For those celebrating (and the lucky travelers/cruisers) I send my best wishes!  I love this whole "community" that makes the FR&D such a great portion of the days.  


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.

Mary Kay




Mary Kay, I'm sorry you have to quarantine again for five days.  because of one person's exposure to Covid.  I can understand that they can't take any chances.



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