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Wednesday November 22nd, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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2 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I’ll pass on the meal suggestion but I have made it before, but I used precut butternut squash and left it in chunks. I think it was a Pioneer Woman recipe. 

Oops!  I just realized that I’m talking about a different meal of the day. As for vegetarian chili I’m not a fan, especially if it has extra chunky veggies. I much prefer ground beef and pinto beans in my chili. 

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10 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:


Sharon, thanks for asking. No, we didn't have a problem because I guess they were able to contain it quickly. If not, it would have been about a sixty mile detour as the interstate and US highway both travel through the same gap in the mountain. 


- Jack

Good to hear that went well but yuck on getting covid. I hope your DW avoids getting it. It’s crummy feeling crummy after a vacation. 

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Stuffing/dressing is made and I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee before I tackle the pies.  We've traded in the Kindle for Barbie stuff and it is everywhere.  A small mini crisis in that a black shoe has gone missing.  That seems to be a forever problem with Barbie as she is always losing her shoes.  


@Heartgrove So sorry to hear you have Covid.  I hope it is a quick recovery.

@Vict0riann I keep forgetting to tell you that I hope whatever ails you is found and treated quickly.  Feel better.

@ger_77 That is a scary situation with your DH.  I hope it is something minor and that he has just coughed himself raw.  

@marshhawk Congratulations on the wonderful report from work!   You go, girl!

@Sharon in AZ  I thought I didn't read the recipes well and one called for chunks of butternut squash.  That would not be too far off the path as we have seemed to find every butternut squash recipe that exists.  


Ok, back to work now.

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A quick good morning from Quartzsite.  It was 48F when we woke up at 7:30.  It is now 64F and the sun is shinning with no wind.  


It has already been a busy morning, and it will be a busy day.  I'll check back in when I can find some time.


The explanation for our low electric bills this past summer is that our a/c and heater died.  The local repair guy was out here within 30 minutes of DH calling him.  He did a system check, and we need a hew unit.  It will be installed Monday morning.



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3 hours ago, summer slope said:

Our dermatologist calls them birthday marks. 

My doctor. I asked “Doctor what are these brown spots?” Doc, “Bruce you know how whales have barnacles. Those are your barnacles.”

I asked Doctor “What are these purple bruises on my arm?” Doctor, “they are senior tatooitis.”

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Just now, Sharon in AZ said:

@1ANGELCAT Happy 70th Birthday!  I’m right behind you in a year and 7 months. Crazy because I don’t know how that happened!


Pennie @Nickelpenny, Bon Voyage!  Enjoy!


Linda @lindaler, Welcome Home!


Thank you. I am sitting at the airport with about twelve hours before I reach home. I am looking forward to seeing my family and my home. My youngest built me a kayak ramp while I was gone. It will be nice for launching from my backyard. I am wishing a safe and happy holiday weekend to all. 

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3 hours ago, summer slope said:

Our dermatologist calls them birthday marks. 


When I was in graduate school at Hebrew College, I joined the Simmons College Student Health Plan, because it was available, cheap, and convenient. The reason it was cheap was that most of the students were ages 17-22. It is, um, interesting for a middle-aged man to be a patient at the health clinic of a women's college.


Once, a doctor there noticed a lesion on my face and referred me to the dermatology department at the Beth Israel Hospital, which is across the street from the Simmons clinic. I was examined carefully by a very young resident (think Doogie Howser) who consulted reference books and then called in the chief of dermatology.


Examining rooms there are large, because sometimes groups of medical students observe. From the doorway, about 15 feet away, the chief bellowed, "It's an age spot!" He said it wasn't surprising that Simmons referred me, because age spots are something they would very rarely see.


BTW, if your skin bruises even from gentle contact, you might be deficient in vitamin C. My mother consulted her doctor about this; he did not believe in taking vitamin pills, but he told her to drink orange juice. Now, my mother couldn't tolerate anything sour. She would take a small juice glass, pour it no more than half full with orange juice, stir a tablespoon of sugar into it, take a sip, and pour the rest down the sink.

Edited by kochleffel
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Good morning all!

It's taken me awhile to read the 3 pages -- you've all been busy!

I had a few freckles when I was a child, I love cranberry relish, and we went for a ride yesterday when we drove down to Total Wine and to DD's house to check on their cats.  It was a full day after my labs in the morning and today I'm looking forward to staying home!


I'll pass on the wine and drink, and like meat in my chili.  We will be in Tauranga on the GA, we have a private tour booked for that day.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos!


The test results for my latest kidney function came in a little after midnight last night.  As far as I can tell, most things stayed steady, but there was a slight dip in one important test...so I'm waiting to hear what the doctor says, and hoping it isn't a concerning dip but only typical fluctuation between tests.  It was still way better than at it's lowest point when everyone was so concerned.  Still, I was hoping for improvement but maybe I've reached a plateau and this is how it will be. 


I must have the best DDIL in the world, she's insisting on doing ALL the cooking for tomorrow.  This is the first time in my adult life that I won't be making at least half of the food for Thanksgiving.  It feels good!  DDIL is a great cook, so I know it will all be yummy!  It will just be the 4 of us and the pups, since DD is in Canada with her DH and in-laws. 


Happy Birthday @1ANGELCAT!

Bon Voyage Pennie @Nickelpenny!  Enjoy the Volendam and when you can, let us know how she is.  We can't wait for our turn in January.

Jack @HeartgroveI'm sorry to hear you got Covid and hope it stays mild.

Gerry @ger_77 Prayers that your DH's CT results come back quickly and it's nothing to worry about.

Annie @marshhawk I'm sorry to hear your friend has kidney cancer and it's spread.  What a shame he wouldn't go in sooner.

@lindaler Welcome home!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and to our F&B contributors.

No freckles (do age spots count, lol?). I like cranberry relish. I'm staying home today. Good quote. I can eat vegetarian chili, but prefer some meat or chicken in mine. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine.  I have been to Tauranga on my first HAL cruise from Auckland to Sydney. 3 good days in history.


It's cloudy here, with a few rain showers, and a high of only 46F. I got a little more sleep last night, about 4 hours. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. No plans today, except trying to clear my DR table of stuff, as my leg and back allow. Since I'm going out for Thanksgiving dinner, no cooking is going on here. I'm sure most of us old enough remember where we were when we found out about Kennedy being shot; I remember adults crying everywhere.


@Nickelpenny Bon Voyage!

@1ANGELCAT Happy Birthday! Like other Dailyites, I'm not far behind you (next year - can't believe it!).

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos. I'd love to go back too, but that flight was tough, especially since I can't seem to sleep on planes.

@kazu That's quite a lot of boxes you put out. I need to do that same, but can't seem to muster the energy. 

@Heartgrove I'm sorry to hear you tested positive for Covid Jack, but I'm glad it's not as bad as last year. I hope Sue stays negative.

@Himself Safe travels tomorrow, Father.

@ger_77 Prayers that DH's CT scan shows nothing of concern. 

@summer slope Sorry to hear of DH's reaction to the vaccine, and I hope it's short-lived. Like you, I only had a sore arm.

@smitty34877 (HUGS) I know family holidays will be hard for you for a while. It's not silly to feel he's close by; he's in your heart and your families hearts.

@dfish It is nice to have family so close now. Thanks for the recipes.

@cruising sister Good news that you're feeling great!

@marshhawk I'm sorry to hear about your friend; unfortunate that he didn't get the recommended tests earlier. And I'm sorry he feels you weren't nice to him. Tough situation. Your work sounds a mess too, but kudos on getting that nice compliment from one of your bosses! I hope Chuck is feeling ok.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad you made it home safely. Oh no on the HVAC system dieing.

@lindaler Safe trip home. It sounds tiring, but it'll be nice to be home.

@Cruising-along I hope your doctor thinks the lab tests are stable.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.


A few pictures from Tauranga (2006, Statendam)

Arrival to Mt. Maunganui, Tauranga



Lake Karapiro and the dam





Waitomo Caves Totem



Coming out of the caves. I didn't get any good pictures inside.



We stopped at a private home for lunch





Their birdhouse



The gardens



Scenery as we left; it was so green



Otorohanga Kiwi House





Edited by JazzyV
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I'm not prone to freckling, will not be making cranberry relish this year, and don't feel like going for a ride in the gloomy weather we're having.


Vegetarian chili would be OK with me, but I'll probably have fish tonight. However, here is another squash recipe, not that we need another: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020565-three-sisters-bowl-with-hominy-beans-and-squash?smid=url-share. I plan to make this tomorrow, but without all the folderol of cooking dried hominy from scratch and using a type of bean I had never heard of (neither is readily obtainable here). I will add mushrooms and shallots, and use butternut squash, with chard for the greens.


The drink would be OK but I'd use any old Bourbon for it. For a Merlot, Damiani 2021. I haven't been to Rotorua.


I felt awful Monday and Tuesday and still feel below par, but I have to work on the class presentation I'm to give a week from tomorrow.



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3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I am feeling great this morning. I can remove then bandage and shower this afternoon.





3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

My DGS will be over this morning. He is out of school and his parents are swamped with work. DGD preschool is open which is good as I don’t think I can handle both. 


Don’t take on too much, please.



2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Cloudy and cool here, 52, going down into the 30's tonight.


If you remember several  months ago I complained about a childhood friend, who would call and complain all the time.  Mostly about his health, and when a doc would suggest a test, he would call everyone he knew to get their opinion, and then he did nothing.  If he saw a doc in the ER, he would refuse treatment because the doc "wasn't like him".  It drove me nuts, and I eventually stopped responding to him.   


Well somehow while I was gone, he found a doc, and decided to get those tests done.  Kidney cancer, which has spread.  I called our mutual friend who said yes it was true, and not one of his usual rants.  The "friend" blames the docs for not finding it.  Dont know how they could when he kept postponing the tests.  It is said that insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

I have been emailing him some of your great memes, and sending him messages.  Turns out he told our mutual friend that he hates getting texts and emails, and that I wasnt nice to him, because I wont call.  Even though I told him that I wasnt calling anyone but work people because of my current lung problems.  How did his wife stay with him as long as she did I will never know, but she has come home to take care of him.  Bless her.  His comments to my BFF did not inspire me to pick up the phone.


I did call one of my old bosses yesterday, who told me she had been laid off.  Not enough work for so many assistant managers.  I am glad I reached out to my current bosses, and am back to work, as non working employees would probably not be rehired either.  


One of my bosses texted me yesterday.  He had been assigned to listening to our calls to patrons. He said I did a fantastic job, and in his opInion was AWESOME!  I asked him if he could copy the comment, and let me hang it on the wall.  He said that he had mentioned it to the other bosses, that I should get something for being so great.  😸  LOL.  Told him, I would just staple my cell phone to my wall..


Congrats on being called Awesome !  👍 👏. Well deserved.


Sorry to hear about your childhood friend.  I am sad to say that he may well have brought it in on himself by procrastinating and being so difficult for so long.  Sad that he is pushing you away with his back stabbing 😔


did the oxygen arrive yet?  



5 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

I got a little more sleep last night, about 4 hours. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers.


I’m glad you got a bit more sleep but 4 hours is not enough 😔. I sure hope a solution to your pain can be found 🙏 



5 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu That's quite a lot of boxes you put out.


Thanks - it’s my 4th batch.  Wish I could say I’m done - I’m not but it takes time.



5 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

I need to do that same, but can't seem to muster the energy. 


Don’t even think about tackling it until you are feeling better.  It does take energy and back bending.  It’s not a job for someone in pain at all.  Be careful on what you try to do, please.



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Thank you @StLouisCruisers making it so easy to replicate and show the pictures of the Daily  Destinations  my favourite part of being on CC  .

Today some of my pictures from a wonderful experience and fantastic day in Tauranga / Rotorua while on a tour with Jim Archer .
On April 1st  2013 while on the Oosterdam on a cruise from Auckland to Sydney to Hawaii and ending in Vancouver we landed in Tauranga and with a small group  we first stopped at one of the beautiful beaches , than went to a Kiwi farm to do some fruit and honey tasting  and from there went to Rotorua where we witnessed all of the geothermal activity in the Te Puia Whakarewarewa Valley and to the indigenous Maori Village .
The kiwis are grown about 5 or 6 feet off the ground ,they keep the branches tied down for easy picking of the fruit.
This is Jim Archer a wonderful guide who is of Maori ancestry.
 Just try to pronounce this Maori word in one breath ..............
This was one of my nicest experiences while on a cruise ! 
Before we were allowed to enter the Maori Village we , the  strange looking people from a different world, had to go through a special ceremony and Jim had made me Chief of  about 100 visitors , to meet the Chief of the village .
I was guided by an older lady a village elder and I had to convince the real Chief that we had come in Peace . They had first tried to scare me with their spears , loud voices and wild dances. Everybody even DW had to be at least 5 paces behind me and than  I had to pick up a small evergreen branch off the ground after which we were than allowed to enter the Community Hall and witness a number of dances and of coarse the Haka and once I had to touched noses with all of the Haka dancers in stocking feet we were all treated to more wonderful performances with smiling dancers doing their ceremonial dances .
After the ceremony was over we witnessed and smelled the spewing and bubbling earth activity all around us 
Before leaving the village we saw the hall where they still make all of the beautiful pieces for their homes , ceremonies and for the tourists .
I will never forget this honour Jim bestowed on me and for a long time on that cruise I was called Chief by  a number of other guests who toured Rotorua that same day. 
So I can really recommend Jim Archer for a wonderful day in Tauranga  / Rotorua 
Tony 😍
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@1ANGELCAT happy big birthday!  It’s a great milestone! 
@Nickelpenny Bon voyage! 
@Heartgrove hope you recover quickly and your wife stays negative

@cruising sister good news! 
@ger_77 yikes, glad you are getting DH checked out! 
@summer slope sorry to hear about your DH,  Mine had a Tough time too.  Next time I’m going to look for Novavax, supposed to be less side effects. 

I am feeling like a human pin cushion but thankfully today the side effects are gone!  

Thanks for the great New Zealand photos, it’s definitely on the list. 

Here’s our lovely new 5 month old grand puppy, from a shelter.  She is lovely! 



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Good morning, all, good wishes for improvement in health for those needing it, and those travelling!  I am still getting organized.  Today I went through all the pills I take with us, and put out a number of ones that had expired for Pat to return to the drug store.  Then I organized the jewelry I had taken and put it away in my jewelry box.  I'm done for the day!  I had a piece of toast this morning, now I'm waiting to see what happens.  I did my three days of clear liquids, but might need more.  


I know it's not Tauranga, my pictures are like the others, but I wanted to show you what I found to be the most interesting phenomenon in NZ - the Moeraki boulders (on the South Island).  They "hatch" out of the cliffside, and roll down the beach into the ocean.  This must have been going on for a long time.  If you go to NZ, don't miss them!

















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Tonight is one of the busiest pizza delivery nights in the nation so we decided going down memory lane and have the pizza many of us experienced as our first pizza made at home. Of course we will doctor up some but I always like the sauce. Still on the shelves and where can you get two pizzas for less then five dollars.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Eves’s.


It’s the original Chefs Boyardee. Can’t get picture to lad.







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Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!  After getting up at 0300 and leaving Tucson at 0415 I made it to San Diego by 1000. It took me forever to realize how to work the cruise control on the car. Thought it was weird that it wouldn’t have it -but it did!!  They wouldn’t me in to drop off my luggage (only could walk it in) so I took the rental to the airport and took a Lyft to the pier. Dropped my luggage off and took a stroll but it is warm and sunny here and I am in jeans!  So I am sitting inside waiting to board. They are already on Group D but I am Group N. There is a long line to check in after security. I asked the port guys at the entrance at how strict they were about letting people in and he said they just were concern about not letting non passengers in. So as long as you didn’t mind sitting inside you were free to come and check in!!  

I am so excited about this cruise. Thanks for all the “Bon Voyages”. My last state to visit and I paid for an upgrade to an OV. 

I have freckles and one is on the tip of my nose. They used to call me “Spot” in HS!!  Love cranberry relish and now I don’t remember the rest of the days. I will pass on all the food and drink as I will be having Champagne and……. Who knows!


Thoughts for the world and everyone on the cares list!!  CHEERS!!!!


Have a great day!!

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6 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!  After getting up at 0300 and leaving Tucson at 0415 I made it to San Diego by 1000. It took me forever to realize how to work the cruise control on the car. Thought it was weird that it wouldn’t have it -but it did!!  They wouldn’t me in to drop off my luggage (only could walk it in) so I took the rental to the airport and took a Lyft to the pier. Dropped my luggage off and took a stroll but it is warm and sunny here and I am in jeans!  So I am sitting inside waiting to board. They are already on Group D but I am Group N. There is a long line to check in after security. I asked the port guys at the entrance at how strict they were about letting people in and he said they just were concern about not letting non passengers in. So as long as you didn’t mind sitting inside you were free to come and check in!!  

I am so excited about this cruise. Thanks for all the “Bon Voyages”. My last state to visit and I paid for an upgrade to an OV. 

I have freckles and one is on the tip of my nose. They used to call me “Spot” in HS!!  Love cranberry relish and now I don’t remember the rest of the days. I will pass on all the food and drink as I will be having Champagne and……. Who knows!


Thoughts for the world and everyone on the cares list!!  CHEERS!!!!


Have a great day!!

Suzi and I hope you have a wonderful cruise, Penny! 

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20 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!  After getting up at 0300 and leaving Tucson at 0415 I made it to San Diego by 1000. It took me forever to realize how to work the cruise control on the car. Thought it was weird that it wouldn’t have it -but it did!!  They wouldn’t me in to drop off my luggage (only could walk it in) so I took the rental to the airport and took a Lyft to the pier. Dropped my luggage off and took a stroll but it is warm and sunny here and I am in jeans!  So I am sitting inside waiting to board. They are already on Group D but I am Group N. There is a long line to check in after security. I asked the port guys at the entrance at how strict they were about letting people in and he said they just were concern about not letting non passengers in. So as long as you didn’t mind sitting inside you were free to come and check in!!  

I am so excited about this cruise. Thanks for all the “Bon Voyages”. My last state to visit and I paid for an upgrade to an OV. 

I have freckles and one is on the tip of my nose. They used to call me “Spot” in HS!!  Love cranberry relish and now I don’t remember the rest of the days. I will pass on all the food and drink as I will be having Champagne and……. Who knows!


Thoughts for the world and everyone on the cares list!!  CHEERS!!!!


Have a great day!!


We can tell how excited you are, and hope it's everything you wanted in a cruise.  Enjoy every minute!  Hope you get onboard soon!🎉🥂




3 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon, watching the news.  Very sad to see what happened at the Rainbow Bridge.  We will be extra aware as we travel to visit family.


As they keep warning us, keep your head on a swivel and take note of what's going on around you.  Dangerous times!😐

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17 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon, watching the news.  Very sad to see what happened at the Rainbow Bridge.  We will be extra aware as we travel to visit family.


I think it is a little over the top this hoopla closing 4 border crossings and now also closing Buffalo airport for international flights ................ just thinking now what is going to happen as a result of this vehicle crash  and my thoughts go back to the lonely shoe bomber which resulted us 22 years later still having to take our shoes off for flights crossing the US border...........


Just my own personal opinion.

Tony 😒

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Ive had no sales the last two days, but really?  between medicare folks calling 15 times a day, and then add on a real telemarketer, I wouldnt answer either.  


My heart doc was not happy hearing that the pulmonologist he had referred me to, kept cancelling my appointments, that he was only in the Dekalb office every 5 weeks.  I called today to reschedule, and my doc cant see me until January, and if i change docs they cant see me until 12/21.  Turns out my doc got promoted when someone else retired.  oh, and the fact that he is not in the country right now might have something to do with why he can schedule appointments.


And no, I never heard back from Carrie Lynn.  So no oxygen.  BUT I am sleeping longer.  I'm not getting up at 3:30 anymore.  I made it to 6 today before the leg cramps made me get up whimpering.  Theraworks now has a roll on, which i put in while i am still in bed, then gingerly walk to the bathroom, and then walk to the den where the foam Theraworks is, put that on, and then crawl back in to bed, avoiding waking the cats and DH up.  At this point because I am trying to perform ballet, I get the cramps in the back of my thighs, and just give up entirely with getting back into bed.  There has been no successful reentry.  But I am up for the local news, and the today show.


I don think my childhood friend is backstabbing me, he is trying to manipulate me, which he has been trying to do for three years.  When he was calling every single day he would leave messages, like he was sick, and lonely and it would be nice to talk Formula 1 with someone, could i please call him back.  When in reality,. he made the mistake of telling me, oh it's ok, if you dont call back, i just will keep calling people until someone talks to me. His telling my BFF that he hates that I am emailing him, and I should call him, was his way of trying to get me to call him.


Now if you have spent time in a hospital, there are always nurses and doctors, and tests, and treatments, and why pray tell would I call you not knowing your schedule. I'm thinking that he should call me.  When he is free.  Thing is, I really have nothing to say to him, because if he had not been so weird about who treated him, he would have had a better chance at recovery.


@Nickelpenny Have a wonderful cruise!

@Quartzsite CruiserI am happy to know that you are back where you belong, and that except for the mishaps you made it safely.

@smitty34877I am glad that you were able to go visit with your family this week!  Please tell the poor sock eating puppy, I hope he feels better.

@bennybearWhat is the name of your new grand dog?  She is beautiful.


Well, I'm making Quiche Lorraine tonight, so that we can have it for breakfast again tomorrow while we have to clean the house before company, and cook.  And watch the parade!

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