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Wednesday, December 20th - The Fleet Report and the Daily


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New Fashioned cocktail:


1 part Cruzan® Aged Dark Rum
1 tsp Sugar
1 dash Bitters
1 Orange Slice
1 splash Soda Water
Garnish with Cherries

Muddle the orange slice with sugar (cube) and bitters in a rocks glass. Add ice, and remaining ingredients and stir. Garnish with a cherry.


Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 10.50.26 AM.png

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Good morning to all. Weather here is uncertain for the next few days. Right now the feeling among most of our forecasters is that there will be rain this afternoon late.... turning to snow over night and then some light snow again tomorrow. After that it is a toss up but possibly more light snow on Saturday.


Checked my Luggage Forward this morning from force of habit and curiosity and it has reached San Diego. Now to finish getting ready for the time in California ahead of the cruise.


Take care all.... @JazzyVI really hope the insurance company behaves.... I think they forget that when people are needing to use their insurance....they don't feel well and probably not up to having more stress put on them. Right now their are alot of complaints about our local hospital which keeps jumping from one group to another. Good care seems so hard to get.



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2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Today it's clean up and pack up to get ready for the trek to Calgary tomorrow.  It usually takes us about 8 hours - that includes stops along the way for yarn from one small town, and a few hours later just to get a coffee and stretch our legs.


Very safe travels to you two tomorrow, Gerry. 



2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

I so appreciate all of you here as I negotiate this new phase of life. I never knew that I had so many tears.


It’s a very difficult time for you 😢 Lurch away and go slow.  Just do what you can and don’t worry about what you can’t.  it’s enough just to get through the holiday season 💔. We’re all here for you.



2 hours ago, richwmn said:

Greetings from the Atlanta Airport. I made it thru security again so now I have a bit over an hour before boarding the flight to San Diego. Arrival time there is around noon I think.


Hope your last flight is smooth (and safe), Rich.



50 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

I will put the suitcases in the car tonight as I should be at the airport by no later than 0415 tomorrow morning.  I use compression packing cubes and they are all done; now just to figure out which suitcase(s) I will be taking.  I have several sizes.  


Good luck with finishing up, Pennie.  What an awful time to have to be at the airport 😞. Hope you have a very smooth, safe flight.



29 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

Love your doggy welcome mat.


Thanks.  A gift this year from my friend and my dogs’ second mother.  She said when she saw it she immediately thought of me. 



8 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Sorry the drink of the day is late.  I'm on my way to the dentist to have a tooth pulled and I'm stressed.


No need to apologize at all.  I’d be more than stressed in your shoes.  I hope the dentist visit goes ok for you 🤞 

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Good sunny morning from Quartzsite.  I managed to sleep a little later this morning.  Currently,  it is 50F with a 5mph breeze.  Our predicted high is 74F, and that will be nice when I finish the last few things outside.  I think one of them is changing the fuel pump on the Ranger.  It's not a hard job, thankfully.  Tomorrow will be our last day in the 70s, as rain and cooler weather move in early Friday.  It looks like we'll be in the lower to mid 60s for the remainder of the year.   For a few days, it looked like our good weather would continue through Christmas, but that has changed.  Maybe, it will change again, at least while DD and DSIL are here.


There is no caroling here, but I went caroling several years with my church youth group.  We'd visit the homes of shut-ins from the church.  Someone else can have my sangria today.  Without Sacagawea,  Lewis and Clark might not have made it to the Pacific coast.


I like the quote, and thank you Tina @0106 and Rich @richwmn for providing the complete quote.


The baked queso chicken looked looked good before, and I remember printing one or two of the recipes.  I just haven't made it yet.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We were in Avalon in 2022 on Koningsdam, and I'll retrieve my pictures in a bit.


Today, I'll celebrate the formal  transfer of territory from the Louisiana Purchase.


@kazu Jacqui, thank you for getting the Fleet/Daily up and running while Rich is exploring the world.  

@richwmn  Safe travels today, Rich, and enjoy San Diego before your cruise.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, please let me know if you need me to post the links to the ports of the day while you are visiting family.

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the explanations about Sacagawea and caroling day.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, enjoy your Pinochle club Christmas party.

@GlennG  Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily.  We also treasure Jacqui @kazu here on the Daily.  I hope you will join us again.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, wishing both of you all the best on the cognitive test today.  I'm glad you are hurting less.  That is good news your appointment for the dermatology procedure has been moved up to January 9.

@1ANGELCAT  Thanks for sharing the sad news about the Channel 6 news helicopter.  Our condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the pilot and photographer.  When we lived in Kemblesville, we watched WPVI all the time.

@kazu  Jacqui, you do have a lot of boxes of things to donate.  I also love the door mat.  I know your visit with DD DH's BFF will be bittersweet for both of you.  I hope the good memories you share of your loved ones will make the visit a little less sad.

@Haljo1935  Safe travels today.

@ger_77  Gerry, safe travels and good weather tomorrow.

@smitty34877  Terry, you and your family are in out thoughts as you learn to celebrate the holidays without your DH present.

@tupper10  I hope your DGC feel better and will be able to visit you tomorrow.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, even though we also pay the premium for original Medicare and for our supplement, it is a small price to pay for the peace of mind knowing we can access the best doctors no matter where they practice.  I hope you hear more good news about Murphy soon.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm glad you have the approval for the windshield replacement.  I agree replacing them is more challenging now days.  When we had the one in the convertible replaced, we think they did not hook up the rain sensor, since the wipers no longer work automatically.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry Bubbles was injured, and I hope you figure out a way to get some medicine on the wound.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm sorry your are aching more since you had to stop taking the Aleve before your surgery.  DH had to stop NSAIDs, but could take Tylenol since it does not thin the blood.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, thanks for the picture of Rudolph.

@summer slope  Dixie, I hope all goes smoothly at the dentist today, and that you are not in too much pain afterwards.















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We were in Avalon in 2022 on March 25 and again on March 28.  It was a sunny, pleasant day on the first stop and windy, rainy with rough seas on March 28.  We only went in on the first visit, and we rented a golf cart for a quick tour of the island.


The walk from the tender dock and their Veterans memorial.





Starting our golf cart ride.



Looking down at Avalon from the hilltop viewpoint.



We passed the pet cemetery



The Casino, which we did not have time to visit since we only had the golf cart for an hour.





DH dropped me off at one end of the pedestrian street while he took the golf cart to the other end.









The Wrigley house on the hill top.  We drove by it on our golf cart ride, but this is a better picture.




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Good morning all!

We're going to have 2 days of sunshine (!), and up to the mid 50's today.

All good days, but I'll pass on the Sangria.  The quote is so true.  Yay another Marlborough SV!  But one I haven't tried, so I'll be looking for it.  I also would probably like the drink, but will pass on the meal.  I like spicy but it doesn't like me.


I plan to start deep cleaning the house, one room at a time before we leave on the 1st.  That way it won't be too tiring.  It especially needs it after having the DGSs here.  


Thank you Jacqui @kazu for stepping up and filling in for Rich!  Great job too!


We were in Avalon on a Pacific Coastal on the Westerdam in October of 2014.  We didn't do much, walked around a bit and did the glass bottom boat ride.  


The casino




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1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning from the Rotterdam...

This morning the cabin stewards left this for us, very cute.


Curious to see you rec'd chocolates w/the HAL logo. Our last 2 cruises, both on NS in Nov & Dec this year, we didn't get those. We got generic chocolates in pink wrappers. So, did NS run out and sub something else, or is HAL changing and Rotterdam is working through their remaining inventory?

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3 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Curious to see you rec'd chocolates w/the HAL logo. Our last 2 cruises, both on NS in Nov & Dec this year, we didn't get those. We got generic chocolates in pink wrappers. So, did NS run out and sub something else, or is HAL changing and Rotterdam is working through their remaining inventory?


I was on Rotterdam a very few months ago and we did not have the HAL logo chocolates.  they were some generic chocolate which were so tasty, I threw them out.

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Three cheers for @superoma Eva!  She has volunteered to take over the Meal of the Day while I am on my cruise in late January/February.  I am sure you are all elated that you will not starve during that time!  


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, tylenol does nothing for me.  It doesn't relieve the pain, but it does send my liver enzymes into the stratosphere.  I'll just muddle through until after the surgery.  Then, the next step is follow up with Spine and Pain to see if there is something that will reduce/eliminate the need for the Aleve.   I'd rather not have to take them.

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Good afternoon.  A morning of catch up.  I heard from my late DH's brother yesterday afternoon when he wished me a belated birthday.  He is 88 now and still loves in his community in Charleston, WV.   I ended up sending him a blow by blow (4 pages on Word)  of our last year with another Christmas card.   Our recycling was missed on Monday so I dealt with that and also a hidden payment for a set of Ravens tickets that sold in October.   

I am going to work on pulling the wine from the cellar to bring along on the cruise, seven bottles.  The rest of the time we will use our HIA wine.   I will get out soon. 

@dfish thanks for the lovely chicken recipes and @summer slope thanks for the cocktail and sorry about having your tooth pulled so close to Christmas.  

I had a call from my dermatology PA and the biopsy on my arm was positive and pre-melanoma.   Not yet but she says it turns into it.  I will not be able to get in when they want to schedule me in 2-3 weeks but I said first of March I will be there.   In the meantime I have the anti-cancer topical so I will use it throughout the cruise once my biopsy wound heals.   Thankfully it is on my forearm, easy to reach and missing a big hunk of skin will just be another addition to all the other scars I have.   Time to get back to work.   Nancy 

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Good morning, Dailyites,  Thank you, Jacqui ,for stepping in for Rich, and thanks also to the F & B ladies, and all who post. Saying prayers for those who need them!   It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...  we had the neighbours in last night, and I'm happy I have enough leftovers, nuts, etc., to hold on to until Christmas and I can put them out again!  That is, if we don't have a nibble between now and then.  We are having another really foggy morning, you'd think we were in San Francisco!  


We were in Avalon in March of 2022, on Koningsdam.  We went ashore with a neighbour and just wandered.  Next time I think it would be a good idea to rent a golf buggy, to see a little more.  It is quite a small town, but probably stretches out if you have transportation.  








Heading back to the tenders and "home away from home".




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1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

I finally went up and saw the ships coin.




Thank you for this picture @Crazy For Cats great to see this is a fairly old coin from during the reign of King Willem III of the Netherlands who was King from 1849 until 1890. From what I can see it was from 1872 , from about the same time " Holland Amerika Lijn " was formed ! 


A little bit of history about these coins 


The value of the coin for most countries is a very unusual amount , 2 guilders and 50 cents which can throw you off when using a few of them if you are bad in math , to pay for your purchases.  Called the " Rijksdaalder "  these coins staid in use until guilders were replaced by Euros on Jan 1st 2002 .


Also unusual was that these older coins during the reigns if King Willem I to Willem III had a silver content of about 94 % or about 18 grams of fine silver and if you had a few in your pocket they became weighty . Later on the silver content was dropped considerably and by 1969 silver content was removed completely .





Edited by sailingdutchy
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I shan't be going caroling, and I think that sangria is out of season. Sacagawea is always in season for remembering and honoring.


The meal is one that I couldn't make at home, and the drink is just an Old Fashioned made with rum. I happen to like a brandy Old Fashioned and it caused trouble every evening in the MDR on the Oosterdam. Although the bartenders knew what it was, the table servers thought that I wanted and Old Fashioned and a separate glass of brandy. For a Sauvignon Blanc I'll suggest Glenora 2021. I haven't been to Santa Catalina.


I'm just back from an eye exam. The doc says that the change is small but will be perceptible. The bad news is the cost of the glasses (2 pairs); the good news is no sign of glaucoma or cataracts.





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Good morning and thanks all!    So appreciate all who contribute!  @summer slope please don’t apologize!  You go above and beyond every day! 
@kazu A special thanks to Jacqui for stepping in for Rich!   So nice to see all her meaningful posts,  Bon voyage threads, roll calls and contributions recognized by others.   Truly her value and quality shine.  

5 hours ago, GlennG said:

I don't really follow "The Fleet Report and Daily", but I noted that Kazu has started today's thread.  I follow Kazu, as I find her contributions to this Board to be relevant and useful in my personal circumstances.  Thank you, Kazu, for being a wonderful source of relevant information.  Please know that your contributions are really appreciated.

A wonderful acknowledgement! 

We have a little problem with off leash…..😂


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20 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:



Thank you for this picture @Crazy For Cats great to see this is a fairly old coin from during the reign of King Willem III of the Netherlands who was King from 1849 until 1890. From what I can see it was from 1872 , from about the same time " Holland Amerika Lijn " was formed ! 

From Nieuw Statendam; picture taken Dec 2, 2023.


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From the time I posted this morning, until noon, I started a sneezing fit, and that is how I start a cold.

Could it be that I went across to walk the dog, with just my vest, and no coat?  With wet hair?  Who knows.  Colds are from germs, and DH has been feeling poorly with a runny nose for the last two days. And now I have a cold.  runny eyes, runny nose, and I am so tired!  BUT I decided to finish up the Christmas shopping after our dinner tonight,  A pre Christmas party at W-M.  My second favorite place to shop, after Dollar tree.


Bacon and eggs for breakfast, and a grilled cheese for lunch.  Now you know how i cook.  Gifts to wrap tomorrow night, and we did decide to put ornaments on the tree, that the cats can knock off.  WEll time to get ready to work job #2.


I read the book Sacagawea, loved it.  Going through some of the books that I brought home after my Dad died, I found that I had brought home the Lewis and Clark Journals.  Guess I should read them too.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for starting us up today @kazu Jacqui, and to @richwmn for the prep.

No caroling today for me. I don't have any sangria, but like it. I'll salute Sacagawea. Very true quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Santa Catalina Island. LA must be celebrating today.


It's sunny and a bit warmer; we may get to 40F. I was able to get a few more snoozes in after waking up at 3AM; hence my posting the Cares List a bit late. Yesterday I called my insurance and it seems the doctor who does the preferred procedure is in network (yay if correct; this was an outsourced person I think). I called today to try to schedule and then had to have the request faxed, since this is the other big health system in town. And since he's the only one who does this, they're just scheduling requests from November. I have to call tomorrow to make sure they got the fax. I can be put on a cancellation list to try to get in sooner. When I'm moaning in pain, I may wish I'd picked the other procedure, which I'm sure can be done much sooner. I'll also need to get a disc with the imaging I've had.


BFF is out grocery shopping for his stay here over Christmas and meal preparation. This will be an adventure, lol, but sweet of him to do.


@seagarsmoker I'm glad the weather has improved and you're enjoying the food. Congrats on the casino wins.

@0106 Thanks for the remainder of the quote and the author. 

@Lady Hudson Enjoy your special Card Club meeting today.

@Cruzin Terri I'm sure DH's cognitive tests were interesting. I'm glad your dermatology procedure appointment got moved up! I'm glad the increased prednisone is helping, and I hope that lowering it doesn't precipitate a flare. 

@1ANGELCAT I heard about the news helicopter. Prayers for the pilot and photographer, and their families and friends. I'm glad Trouble had a good vet visit.

@kazu Prayers for you as you meet with Jose's BFF after the loss of his wife. It'll be tough, but he will so appreciate seeing you. 

@GlennG Welcome to the Daily!

@ger_77 Congrats on your casino wins! Safe travels to Calgary tomorrow. 

@smitty34877 Hugs during this difficult season. Yes, even though I have familiarity with the medical world, it's not easy. Especially as we have 2 competing large health systems here and I've always been with one, and this procedure is done by someone at the other.

@tupper10 I hope the grandkids continue to improve and can arrive tomorrow night. 

@cruising sister I'm in a Medicare Advantage plan, which is an HMO. I'm thinking to change to the PPO form, which would pay some for out of network. I've never needed to go outside the network before.

@marshhawk Congrats on the work bonuses. 

@Nickelpenny Thanks for the Avalon photos.

@RMLincoln It's nice that you have options for meals during the holidays, if you don't want to cook. Rest and recover.

@summer slope No worries! Sorry you have to have a tooth pulled. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser I continue to be impressed with your auto mechanic skills! Thanks for the photos.

@Cruising-along Nice photos from Avalon.

@superoma Thanks for taking over the meal of the day while Debbie is away!

@ottahand7 Sorry to hear about the biopsy result. 

@Vict0riann Lovely photos.

@Crazy For Cats Thanks for sharing photos from your cruise today.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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