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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday, December 27th, 2023


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Happy Anniversary @SusieKIslandGirl!  Never enough anniversaries!  


Thank you @smitty34877 Terry!  We’ll keep each other in our hearts!  One day at a time is Enough!  

Praying for Amazing Debbie for Friday!  And Paul for your MOHS. I need a checkup… good you’re getting yours addressed!  


Thank you all for your good thoughts for DH. He got an appt for tomorrow, if the doctor has any other suggestions. We’ve tried both meds he suggested last time. I’m beside myself!  

I bought John Green’s book The Fault in Our Stars after the last quote we had here. Thanks @0106 Tina!  Working for the volunteer fire dept as my second ”career” I learned not everybody who dies is old!  After about my first 20 EMS calls for dead or dying (we had a few each year) I looked back and realized over half of them were for people younger than I was at the time. I started at 47. Sobering. But it’s not the dying that’s the hard part, it’s the living!  And that’s what we are called to do!  Keep going, one foot in front of the other!  I’m grateful for everyone here helping each other celebrate the joy and support through the tough times!  

I’ve bought spices in Granada. When we moved here I gave away most of my spice and herb collection, not doing much more cooking. 

I cut snowflakes from filter papers when I worked in a geology lab in my 20s. I still have some!  Please fold them into thirds so the snowflakes come out six-sided!  I’m always amused when I see 8-sided snowflakes… still pretty, but…. 

Not big on zoos. Took my young stepsons to the Bronx zoo long ago, never went as a kid!  Went to the National zoo outside DC recently but not a thrill for me. I just started reading The Elephant Whisperer, really enjoying it!  

Off to an insurance agent now to start figuring out the proper sequence to shift car insurance to NJ, get NJ license plates and driver’s licenses. It’s what’s next in the list. Has to be done in the right order so our current insurance doesn’t get canceled by Maryland until we are covered here. 

Blessings to you all! Extra hugs to those in need!  Cheers for all celebrating!  Smooth travels to all away!  
Life is Good🌈. Maureen 




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4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


@Nickelpenny please say hello to our favorite crew member Bobby Fajaro. He writes to us every week after 3 years.


He works in Lido and MDR. He couldn't get off the ship when we were both in HMC.


Tell him Joy and Allen send bear hugs!






I will find him and tell him hi from you!!🥰

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Good morning and thanks all!  I like zoos, especially when I can see the Giant Pandas.  We always made paper snowflakes in school.
@SusieKIslandGirl happy anniversary! 
@rafinmd sending wishes that all goes well with the rads! 

@dfish praying all is well for your surgery!

@kochleffel sorry it is basal cell and You need mohs, but glad it is soon! 
@0106 I really enjoyed that book,  thanks for your explanation.  I was reading it in Greece and a teen came up to me to talk about it.    When I taught junior high they all loved Are you there God, it’s me Margaret?  It is now a movie, which was fun to watch as we have a young teen DGD. 
@RMLincoln would love to hear your thoughts.   Hope there is improvement soon for your DH.

So relived to hear @Haljo1935 is safe and the Koningsdam has regained power.   We were onboard a few years ago when we were adrift in the Messina straits.  

Sending special wishes to those missing someone this year, I was very touched by @kazu words.   I know others are fearful to mention those lost so as not to upset you,  but it is SO comforting to be able to speak of those we have loved and are missing.  

We enjoyed our visit to Grenada.   See who recognizes the older ship in my photos.  









Edited by bennybear
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16 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  I like zoos, especially when I can see the Giant Pandas.  We always made paper snowflakes in school.
@SusieKIslandGirl happy anniversary! 
@rafinmd sending wishes that all goes well with the rads! 

@dfish praying all is well for your surgery!

@kochleffel sorry it is basal cell and You need mohs, but glad it is soon! 
@0106 I really enjoyed that book,  thanks for your explanation.  I was reading it in Greece and a teen came up to me to talk about it.    When I taught junior high they all loved Are you there God, it’s me Margaret?  It is now a movie, which was fun to watch as we have a young teen DGD. 
@RMLincoln would love to hear your thoughts.   Hope there is improvement soon for your DH.

So relived to hear @Haljo1935 is safe and the Koningsdam has regained power.   We were onboard a few years ago when we were adrift in the Messina straits.  

Sending special wishes to those missing someone this year, I was very touched by @kazu words.   I know others are fearful to mention those lost so as not to upset you,  but it is SO comforting to be able to speak of those we have loved and are missing.  

We enjoyed our visit to Grenada.   See who recognizes the older ship in my photos.  










It's Noordam III, and we spent a lot of time on her.



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Happy Wednesday from a partly cloudy 40 degree day here.  Saw the sun peeking out for a short time today!  Haven't been to the port, but the food looks good!  Thanks to all who share their photos and stories about the ports! 

@kochleffelsorry to hear about the skin cancer, but glad you have surgery scheduled, hoping all goes well.

@RMLincolnsorry to hear about your DH and his eye issues, hoping you can get it figured out soon. 

@SusieKIslandGirlhappy anniversary!

@dfishhoping your surgery goes well and the recovery is easy.

@smitty34877Hoping your aide is back soon to help with Tana, and that she is doing ok.  


We're watching the Jim Carey Grinch movie now, I recorded many movies to watch!  Next I need to get out for my walk.  Then some quilting projects...I need to sew on the binding of a baby quilt, that's not my favorite part to do.  Then I'll make a Taggie Toy to go along with it.  This morning I spent a bit of time trying to figure out a Medical Alert Device for DSIL.  She has a pacemaker and there was conflicting info on the website about it and the pacemaker...bottom line, she can wear it on a belt clip instead of a lanyard.  Hoping she will wear it! 

Have a good afternoon, karen

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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  I like zoos, especially when I can see the Giant Pandas.  We always made paper snowflakes in school.
@SusieKIslandGirl happy anniversary! 
@rafinmd sending wishes that all goes well with the rads! 

@dfish praying all is well for your surgery!

@kochleffel sorry it is basal cell and You need mohs, but glad it is soon! 
@0106 I really enjoyed that book,  thanks for your explanation.  I was reading it in Greece and a teen came up to me to talk about it.    When I taught junior high they all loved Are you there God, it’s me Margaret?  It is now a movie, which was fun to watch as we have a young teen DGD. 
@RMLincoln would love to hear your thoughts.   Hope there is improvement soon for your DH.

So relived to hear @Haljo1935 is safe and the Koningsdam has regained power.   We were onboard a few years ago when we were adrift in the Messina straits.  

Sending special wishes to those missing someone this year, I was very touched by @kazu words.   I know others are fearful to mention those lost so as not to upset you,  but it is SO comforting to be able to speak of those we have loved and are missing.  

We enjoyed our visit to Grenada.   See who recognizes the older ship in my photos.  









MS Noordam became Thomson Celebration.

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@grapau27  Graham, in the Fleet Report and Daily on Christmas Day (25th)   you posted the Jacquie Lawson  "Singing Snowmen" Christmas Card.   But you did not acknowledge that the "Singing Snowmen" is a card by  Jacquie Lawson.

Have you been a Jacquie Lawson member for very long?


Thank you for replying to my query that day, do you use a cane, a walker or whelelchair to assist with activities.?


Edited by erewhon
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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:


@dfish,Debbie, I hope the surgery goes well Friday and your recovery is swift. All of the recipes look so good today, thanks so much.


Thank you!   I hope your aide gets well soon.  Your teenager sounds like a great kid.  


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@dfish Maybe you can get a nap in today. Thanks for the recipes. Prayers all goes well with the surgery on Friday.


Thanks, Vanessa.  No nap, I'm afraid.  I'm making turkey soup and I'm also going to make up todays MOD with the leftover turkey so meals are made for after surgery.  I bought some pasta made from red lentils to try.  I did try the chickpea spaghetti and no one knew the difference!


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


Thinking of you Debbie @dfish now before your surgery and especially on Friday


Thanks, Carolyn!   I can imagine your excitement right now.  We are super excited for Hawaii in February!


2 hours ago, kazu said:


Three cheers for Tina @0106 for stepping up and taking care of the Food Division of the Daily.  👏 👏 👏 



Tina is phenomenal!   I am so thankful to her.  Interesting note:  Tina is doing South America/Antarctica this year and Hawaii next year.   We are doing Hawaii this year and South America/Antarctica next year.  Tina @0106, we really should have coordinated better!


2 hours ago, kazu said:


Best wishes for your surgery on Friday.  I hope it goes smoothly and you can recover quickly, Debbie 🙏 



Thanks, Jacqui.  It should be pretty straightforward.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:


@dfish praying all is well for your surgery!



Thank you!


@kochleffel So sorry to hear about the need for Mohs surgery.  I hope you have an easy time of it.

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11 minutes ago, dfish said:

Tina is doing South America/Antarctica this year and Hawaii next year.   We are doing Hawaii this year and South America/Antarctica next year.

I would love to cruise with you Debbie!  We’ll have to share our notes when we return.  


@kazu I hope you know that I give you three cheers too. 🥂🥂🥂 You are a knowledgeable and generous woman.  

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It has been a nice and sunny day here  in Port of Spain, Trinidad with the Zaandam.  Hot and humid, but I think it almost always is. We had an almost private tour of The Red House, their 1903 Parliament House which has been beautifully restored since I was here on the Veendam's South America Voyage in 2017.

We are headed to Curacao next, due to arrive by 8pm tomorrow. 

The second stern thruster is being repaired there. Remember, the Zaandam and Volendam do not have Azipods. 









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Good Afternoon Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  This morning the alarm clock went off at 3 and wouldn’t stop until breakfast was served.  Another warm day here in New England, although overcast.  It was a busy day catching up on work emails and luckily no calls or meetings.  @dfish I hope everything goes well on Friday.  I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.


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30 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Another icon has passed. Tommy Smothers has died. Many of us grew up watching The Smother Brothers Comedy Hour.


Sad to hear.  😞   He was an icon indeed  



1 hour ago, quilty964 said:

  This morning I spent a bit of time trying to figure out a Medical Alert Device for DSIL.  She has a pacemaker and there was conflicting info on the website about it and the pacemaker...bottom line, she can wear it on a belt clip instead of a lanyard.  Hoping she will wear it! 

Have a good afternoon, karen


How nice of you to research it for your DSIL ♥️.  I sure hope your DSIL will wear the Medic Alert.  🤞 

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Hi everybody!  We made it home but it took extra long because some genius thought they should close the right lane of I-75 near Kennesaw, north of Atlanta, to cut down trees along the road.  The traffic backed up for miles and miles.  Took us an extra hour!  Perhaps they should have waited a few weeks until the holiday traffic was over.  It's bad enough there on an average day!  All is put away so I'm catching up on the Daily.  I've read it all and want to thank Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for doing the posting of my photos and the links today.  Things will be back to normal tomorrow.  


Last week I was thinking about the fact that 3 years ago while we were all sitting at home during Covid we entertained each other here on the Daily with photos and discussions about good times cruising in the past.  I started a little travelogue about our Seabourn Quest Antarctica cruise and this was what we did on Dec. 27, 2016.  Each day for a week or so I printed some of my journal made from emails to the kids during that time period with photos of our time in Antarctica.  So I thought many of you who weren't here on the Daily back then would enjoy a re-visit to that travelogue.  So here goes!


On Dec. 27, 2016 we were crossing Drake Passage and looking forward to our days ahead in Antarctica.  Yes, we ran into some rough seas but I believe most seasoned cruisers have had rough seas on past cruises, so nothing we couldn't handle.  This was the view out our wet balcony door.




The following two photos were taken from the Seabourn video of the cruise that they gave everyone a copy of on a jump drive.  Definitely a bad morning!





We went to breakfast at the Colonnade (like the Lido) and noticed some of the cutlery and dishes were scooting towards the edge of the table.  It was a challenge, that's for sure.  Photo taken out the window at breakfast.



Winds were about 70 mph that day according to my cruise diary, but we raced across the Passage and arrived in Antarctica ahead of schedule.


Photos from after lunch the same day show a different story.  We had made it safely to Antarctica.



This is what some passengers brought on this cruise to take photos of this spectacular continent and its wildlife.






I had my Canon PowerShot (point and shoot) camera!


You would be surprised how many people brought elaborate cameras and lenses.  It made it difficult to move onto the Zodiacs if you were holding equipment like that.  We had waterproof backpacks provided by Seabourn and if you were lucky the lenses would fit in that.  They made us grasp forearms with the loading personnel to get a better grip so nothing in your hand.  Here's a photo of probably the same guy with his lens on the Zodiac.  This was at Salisbury Plain on the north shore of South Georgia Island.  Took up a lot of room in the Zodiac.





Not much to show while crossing the Drake but everyone is always interested in what to expect there.  It could be either the Drake Lake or the Drake Shake!

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36 minutes ago, 0106 said:

I would love to cruise with you Debbie!  We’ll have to share our notes when we return.  


The same here.  We'll coordinate sometime in the future.  We coordinate well on the MOD.


36 minutes ago, 0106 said:

@kazu I hope you know that I give you three cheers too. 🥂🥂🥂 You are a knowledgeable and generous woman.  


Yes, she is!


13 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  This morning the alarm clock went off at 3 and wouldn’t stop until breakfast was served.  Another warm day here in New England, although overcast.  It was a busy day catching up on work emails and luckily no calls or meetings.  @dfish I hope everything goes well on Friday.  I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.



Thanks, Jake.  I'm sure I am in good hands.  Since this is my 3rd surgery in less than a year, I pretty much know the staff well and think of them as good friends.

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1 hour ago, erewhon said:

@grapau27  Graham, in the Fleet Report and Daily on Christmas Day (25th)   you posted the Jacquie Lawson  "Singing Snowmen" Christmas Card.   But you did not acknowledge that the "Singing Snowmen" is a card by  Jacquie Lawson.

Have you been a Jacquie Lawson member for very long?


Thank you for replying to my query that day, do you use a cane, a walker or whelelchair to assist with activities.?



We met a German couple on Royal Caribbean and exchanged JL messages for a few years.

The Christmas video was sent to me by a friend.

I very rarely walk very far at home and have a blue disability badge for parking and i use Pauline's late dad's walking stick when needed.


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20 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Hi everybody!  We made it home but it took extra long because some genius thought they should close the right lane of I-75 near Kennesaw, north of Atlanta, to cut down trees along the road.  The traffic backed up for miles and miles.  Took us an extra hour!  Perhaps they should have waited a few weeks until the holiday traffic was over.  It's bad enough there on an average day!  All is put away so I'm catching up on the Daily.  I've read it all and want to thank Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for doing the posting of my photos and the links today.  Things will be back to normal tomorrow.  


Last week I was thinking about the fact that 3 years ago while we were all sitting at home during Covid we entertained each other here on the Daily with photos and discussions about good times cruising in the past.  I started a little travelogue about our Seabourn Quest Antarctica cruise and this was what we did on Dec. 27, 2016.  Each day for a week or so I printed some of my journal made from emails to the kids during that time period with photos of our time in Antarctica.  So I thought many of you who weren't here on the Daily back then would enjoy a re-visit to that travelogue.  So here goes!


On Dec. 27, 2016 we were crossing Drake Passage and looking forward to our days ahead in Antarctica.  Yes, we ran into some rough seas but I believe most seasoned cruisers have had rough seas on past cruises, so nothing we couldn't handle.  This was the view out our wet balcony door.




The following two photos were taken from the Seabourn video of the cruise that they gave everyone a copy of on a jump drive.  Definitely a bad morning!





We went to breakfast at the Colonnade (like the Lido) and noticed some of the cutlery and dishes were scooting towards the edge of the table.  It was a challenge, that's for sure.  Photo taken out the window at breakfast.



Winds were about 70 mph that day according to my cruise diary, but we raced across the Passage and arrived in Antarctica ahead of schedule.


Photos from after lunch the same day show a different story.  We had made it safely to Antarctica.



This is what some passengers brought on this cruise to take photos of this spectacular continent and its wildlife.






I had my Canon PowerShot (point and shoot) camera!


You would be surprised how many people brought elaborate cameras and lenses.  It made it difficult to move onto the Zodiacs if you were holding equipment like that.  We had waterproof backpacks provided by Seabourn and if you were lucky the lenses would fit in that.  They made us grasp forearms with the loading personnel to get a better grip so nothing in your hand.  Here's a photo of probably the same guy with his lens on the Zodiac.  This was at Salisbury Plain on the north shore of South Georgia Island.  Took up a lot of room in the Zodiac.





Not much to show while crossing the Drake but everyone is always interested in what to expect there.  It could be either the Drake Lake or the Drake Shake!

I'm pleased to hear you got home safely Sandi.

I was just reading about Drakes passage this afternoon.

Thank you for your interesting photos.

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Good afternoon.  It is really quiet in the house even though It really wasn't noisy over the holidays.  DD and DSIL left about 25 minutes ago.  As I've said before, we had a wonderful visit, and we are so very, very lucky to have them and our other DD and her SO in our lives.  DD and DSIL pitched in this year and did a lot of the things that DH and I couldn't do or ran out of time to do.  They also helped with meal prep and DSIL did the dishes while he was here.  DSIL also had time to take the RZRs out and run around the desert several times.  I've told DD before, if something happened and they split up, I'm keeping DSIL.  😁  But that is one thing I really don't have to worry about.  And I'll be totally honest, and admit there are more than a few tears being shed now.


5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@aliaschief,Bruce, I can’t imagine how excited you both are to start your cruise. Bon Voyage!


@RMLincoln, I hope your DH is having a better day today. I don’t think I am that far away if you need something. My email is  liviacranial at g mail dot com.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I hope you were able to enjoy your BFF’s  cooking and company as well as get more sleep.


@dfish,Debbie, I hope the surgery goes well Friday and your recovery is swift. All of the recipes look so good today, thanks so much.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am so glad that your family visit went well. It is always hard when they leave.

After the teenager walked his very nice girlfriend home we all contributed our stories of early high school sweethearts and the first time they met our respective families.I think my boyfriends were as terrified of my fathers ‘ temper was we were!


@kochleffel, Paul, I was sorry to read of your need for MOHs surgery. At least it is already scheduled.


Terry, thank you.  It was a little harder this year after such an emotional year.  When I finish here, I'm going to write DSIL's parents to let them know how much we appreciate their son.


5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @kazu and @richwmn.

I liked my DM's fruitcake, and I make a German fruit/nut bread most years for Christmas. No zoo visit today as it's raining a lot. It's been since childhood that I made cutout snowflakes. Interesting quote, but not sure I agree. Yes to the meal and wine, pass on the drink. I haven't been to St. Georges. 2 good days in history.


It's cloudy here, in the 50's and raining. Yesterday was just relaxing, reading, watching a movie. BFF installed a new shower head for me in the downstairs bath. I slept about 3 hours, was up for 4, then got another hour; not too bad. Today I need to go to the post office, otherwise no plans.


@SusieKIslandGirl Happy Anniversary! 

@Nickelpenny Thanks for the photos. Sorry you couldn't do what you'd planned, but it sounds like still a nice time. I hope your leg feels better.

@kazu Thank you for your dedication in starting us up in Rich's absence.

@Denise T It's good to hear you are relaxing and pampering yourself.

@smitty34877 So nice to hear about the teenager and his young lady. Sorry to hear that the aide has been sick, and the family is going it alone with Tana right now.

@tupper10 Sorry to hear about the water heater, but I think it was the right thing to do to replace it.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos from Grenada. And thanks for sharing Sandi's too. Safe travels today for DD and DSIL.

@dfish Maybe you can get a nap in today. Thanks for the recipes. Prayers all goes well with the surgery on Friday.

@kochleffel Sorry to hear you'll need MOHS surgery. Prayers it's an uncomplicated procedure.

@0106 Thanks for doing the Daily meal while Debbie is unable to.

@HAL Sailer Thinking of you and your DH.

@Cruzin Terri I hope your doctor made some changes to help the PMR flare.

@RMLincoln I hope your DH is doing better, without so much discomfort from the eye meds.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating. 


Vanessa, I'm glad your Christmas with BFF is going well even if it is different this year.  I've learned over the past few years, it's not what you do or what you cook, but who you are with during the holidays.  Thanks for the well wishes for DD and DSIL as they travel today and tomorrow.  Thanks also for the nice comments on the pictures.


5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We have showers and up to the mid 50's today.  It looks good for flying south on Tuesday.

I've never liked fruitcake, we visit the zoo in Seattle often with the grandsons especially in the summer.  DD has a membership.  DD makes cut out snowflakes with the boys every year.  I'm not very good at it. 😅  I'll pass on the drink and wine, but the meal looks good.  Have never been to Grenada.


Today I'll be baking cookies to take to the grandsons tomorrow.  Since we're being very careful not to catch anything before the cruise, we'll do an outdoor visit with cookies and get some hugs.  I don't even want a cold much less anything else.  It will be hard, but at least we'll get to see them.  


The house cleaning is almost done now, just the kitchen left.  Hoping we can keep it this clean until we leave LOL!  


Happy Anniversary @SusieKIslandGirl!

Thinking of you Debbie @dfish now before your surgery and especially on Friday


Carolyn, enjoy your outdoor visit and hugs tomorrow.  It's good you are doing all you can to stay well.


4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Happy Anniversary @SusieKIslandGirl!  Never enough anniversaries!  


Thank you @smitty34877 Terry!  We’ll keep each other in our hearts!  One day at a time is Enough!  

Praying for Amazing Debbie for Friday!  And Paul for your MOHS. I need a checkup… good you’re getting yours addressed!  


Thank you all for your good thoughts for DH. He got an appt for tomorrow, if the doctor has any other suggestions. We’ve tried both meds he suggested last time. I’m beside myself!  

I bought John Green’s book The Fault in Our Stars after the last quote we had here. Thanks @0106 Tina!  Working for the volunteer fire dept as my second ”career” I learned not everybody who dies is old!  After about my first 20 EMS calls for dead or dying (we had a few each year) I looked back and realized over half of them were for people younger than I was at the time. I started at 47. Sobering. But it’s not the dying that’s the hard part, it’s the living!  And that’s what we are called to do!  Keep going, one foot in front of the other!  I’m grateful for everyone here helping each other celebrate the joy and support through the tough times!  

I’ve bought spices in Granada. When we moved here I gave away most of my spice and herb collection, not doing much more cooking. 

I cut snowflakes from filter papers when I worked in a geology lab in my 20s. I still have some!  Please fold them into thirds so the snowflakes come out six-sided!  I’m always amused when I see 8-sided snowflakes… still pretty, but…. 

Not big on zoos. Took my young stepsons to the Bronx zoo long ago, never went as a kid!  Went to the National zoo outside DC recently but not a thrill for me. I just started reading The Elephant Whisperer, really enjoying it!  

Off to an insurance agent now to start figuring out the proper sequence to shift car insurance to NJ, get NJ license plates and driver’s licenses. It’s what’s next in the list. Has to be done in the right order so our current insurance doesn’t get canceled by Maryland until we are covered here. 

Blessings to you all! Extra hugs to those in need!  Cheers for all celebrating!  Smooth travels to all away!  
Life is Good🌈. Maureen 





Maureen, I hope the doctor can help your DH tomorrow.


2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

We also spent time on Noordam III back in the ‘80’s. We might have met. Back then were you the Limestone Cruiser? 😀


RNB, unfortunately we would not have met on the Noordam III in the 80s.  Our first HAL cruise was in 1998, and our first Noordam III cruise was in 1999.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Another icon has passed. Tommy Smothers has died. Many of us grew up watching The Smother Brothers Comedy Hour.


Bruce, I saw the news on one of my news feeds.  RIP Tommy Smothers.


43 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Hi everybody!  We made it home but it took extra long because some genius thought they should close the right lane of I-75 near Kennesaw, north of Atlanta, to cut down trees along the road.  The traffic backed up for miles and miles.  Took us an extra hour!  Perhaps they should have waited a few weeks until the holiday traffic was over.  It's bad enough there on an average day!  All is put away so I'm catching up on the Daily.  I've read it all and want to thank Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for doing the posting of my photos and the links today.  Things will be back to normal tomorrow.  


Last week I was thinking about the fact that 3 years ago while we were all sitting at home during Covid we entertained each other here on the Daily with photos and discussions about good times cruising in the past.  I started a little travelogue about our Seabourn Quest Antarctica cruise and this was what we did on Dec. 27, 2016.  Each day for a week or so I printed some of my journal made from emails to the kids during that time period with photos of our time in Antarctica.  So I thought many of you who weren't here on the Daily back then would enjoy a re-visit to that travelogue.  So here goes!


On Dec. 27, 2016 we were crossing Drake Passage and looking forward to our days ahead in Antarctica.  Yes, we ran into some rough seas but I believe most seasoned cruisers have had rough seas on past cruises, so nothing we couldn't handle.  This was the view out our wet balcony door.




The following two photos were taken from the Seabourn video of the cruise that they gave everyone a copy of on a jump drive.  Definitely a bad morning!





We went to breakfast at the Colonnade (like the Lido) and noticed some of the cutlery and dishes were scooting towards the edge of the table.  It was a challenge, that's for sure.  Photo taken out the window at breakfast.



Winds were about 70 mph that day according to my cruise diary, but we raced across the Passage and arrived in Antarctica ahead of schedule.


Photos from after lunch the same day show a different story.  We had made it safely to Antarctica.



This is what some passengers brought on this cruise to take photos of this spectacular continent and its wildlife.






I had my Canon PowerShot (point and shoot) camera!


You would be surprised how many people brought elaborate cameras and lenses.  It made it difficult to move onto the Zodiacs if you were holding equipment like that.  We had waterproof backpacks provided by Seabourn and if you were lucky the lenses would fit in that.  They made us grasp forearms with the loading personnel to get a better grip so nothing in your hand.  Here's a photo of probably the same guy with his lens on the Zodiac.  This was at Salisbury Plain on the north shore of South Georgia Island.  Took up a lot of room in the Zodiac.





Not much to show while crossing the Drake but everyone is always interested in what to expect there.  It could be either the Drake Lake or the Drake Shake!


Sandi, I'm glad you made it home safely, but sorry about the delay due to tree trimming.  They are working on I-10 here, mostly at night, but took this week off.  It was no problem supplying the links and posting your pictures, especially with the help you provided yesterday.


29 minutes ago, dfish said:


The same here.  We'll coordinate sometime in the future.  We coordinate well on the MOD.



Yes, she is!



Thanks, Jake.  I'm sure I am in good hands.  Since this is my 3rd surgery in less than a year, I pretty much know the staff well and think of them as good friends.


Debbie, good wishes for a successful surgery Friday,  and a speedy recovery.  Just one question, if your and Tina @0106 coordinate and do a cruise together, who will look after us and provide the recipes.  You two wouldn't let us starve would you? 😉




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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@StLouisCruisers What made you think of the Drake passage today?  Have you been reading Norberts nieces blog?  I am prepared for the Drake passage with Sea-bands, ginger and MotionEaze (thanks for the tip Jacqui).  I do not like to take pharmaceuticals and definitely do not want be tired which is their primary side effect.  I have never been seasick (knock wood) but am prepared just in case.  Does anyone else have any comments/advice about sailing through the Drake passage?


@Quartzsite Cruiser You won’t starve!  @superoma has stepped up to cover while Debbie and I are cruising this February.  Thanks Eve.

Edited by 0106
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36 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I'm pleased to hear you got home safely Sandi.

I was just reading about Drakes passage this afternoon.

Thank you for your interesting photos.


Hi Graham.  Thanks for commenting.  Interesting you were reading about Drakes Passage.  Apparently another thread according to Tina.  I'll try to catch up on all the live threads!




34 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  It is really quiet in the house even though It really wasn't noisy over the holidays.  DD and DSIL left about 25 minutes ago.  As I've said before, we had a wonderful visit, and we are so very, very lucky to have them and our other DD and her SO in our lives.  DD and DSIL pitched in this year and did a lot of the things that DH and I couldn't do or ran out of time to do.  They also helped with meal prep and DSIL did the dishes while he was here.  DSIL also had time to take the RZRs out and run around the desert several times.  I've told DD before, if something happened and they split up, I'm keeping DSIL.  😁  But that is one thing I really don't have to worry about.  And I'll be totally honest, and admit there are more than a few tears being shed now.



Terry, thank you.  It was a little harder this year after such an emotional year.  When I finish here, I'm going to write DSIL's parents to let them know how much we appreciate their son.



Vanessa, I'm glad your Christmas with BFF is going well even if it is different this year.  I've learned over the past few years, it's not what you do or what you cook, but who you are with during the holidays.  Thanks for the well wishes for DD and DSIL as they travel today and tomorrow.  Thanks also for the nice comments on the pictures.



Carolyn, enjoy your outdoor visit and hugs tomorrow.  It's good you are doing all you can to stay well.



Maureen, I hope the doctor can help your DH tomorrow.



RNB, unfortunately we would not have met on the Noordam III in the 80s.  Our first HAL cruise was in 1998, and our first Noordam III cruise was in 1999.



Bruce, I saw the news on one of my news feeds.  RIP Tommy Smothers.



Sandi, I'm glad you made it home safely, but sorry about the delay due to tree trimming.  They are working on I-10 here, mostly at night, but took this week off.  It was no problem supplying the links and posting your pictures, especially with the help you provided yesterday.



Debbie, good wishes for a successful surgery Friday,  and a speedy recovery.  Just one question, if your and Tina @0106 coordinate and do a cruise together, who will look after us and provide the recipes.  You two wouldn't let us starve would you? 😉





Lenda, I hear you about being sad for the "kids" leaving.  I'm sad we had to leave our kids behind today too.  Really missed DS and family but enjoyed the lengthy video call with them.  




8 minutes ago, 0106 said:

@StLouisCruisers What made you think of the Drake passage today?  Have you been reading Norberts nieces blog?  I am prepared for the Drake passage with Sea-bands, ginger and MotionEaze (thanks for the tip Jacqui).  I do not like to take pharmaceuticals and definitely do not want be tired which is their primary side effect.  I have never been seasick (knock wood) but am prepared just in case.  Does anyone else have any comments/advice about sailing through the Drake passage?


@Quartzsite Cruiser You won’t starve!  @superoma has stepped up to cover while Debbie and I are cruising this February.  Thanks Eve.


Unfortunately, I've fallen behind on the Live From threads on CC the last couple of days so no I hadn't read about  @NorbertsNiece's blog.  I use meclizine (generic Bonine and much cheaper than Bonine) for seasickness.  It isn't supposed to make you sleepy or tired.  Normally I don't take it, but if there is a chance of very heavy seas or a small local tour boat I try to remember it so I don't feel queasy.  The reason I posted about Drake's Passage today is because this was the date in 2016 we made our way across from South America to begin our Antarctica experience.  So for the next 10 days I'll share my posts from three years ago which is when we were in Antarctica and South Georgia Island (both wonderful). 

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For the Messy Cooks Brigade: at least you ended up with something to show for it, such as cookies or a cake. This afternoon, as I was getting ready to prep Brussels sprouts and carrots for roasting, I knocked over a container of sunflower seeds. All I have to show is about 6 ounces of them now in the vacuum cleaner.


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1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

For the Messy Cooks Brigade: at least you ended up with something to show for it, such as cookies or a cake. This afternoon, as I was getting ready to prep Brussels sprouts and carrots for roasting, I knocked over a container of sunflower seeds. All I have to show is about 6 ounces of them now in the vacuum cleaner.



 Paul, it helps to be a natural born klutz to be a messy baker or painter.



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