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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday February 5th, 2024


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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @kazu and @richwmn; and @rafinmd for the maps.

I vaguely recall Adlai Stevenson. Please, no disasters today. I like chocolate fondue although I haven't had it in a long time. Funny quote. I know of hot-pot but have never had or made it. Pass on the drink and yes to the cab sav. I was in Montreal long ago (land trip) for Expo 67! 


Another sunny day (unusual here), but not quite as warm. It will be in the upper 40's, not in the 50's like yesterday. I didn't sleep well last night. And I don't know if it's the increased activity of trying to clean out the DR, but I have had terrible leg pain/numbness this morning. And there's still lots to do. Sigh.


@seagarsmoker Have a great first day with the new job!

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for your photos and posting Lenda's too. And the photo of Ren!

@superoma Good luck to DH at the hand surgeon appointment today.

@Denise T Oh no about the stove and the short. Thank goodness no damage to the house or you two. 

@kazu I'm glad you didn't get the snow that the Maritimes did. Today is the 14 Anniversary of what they call snowmagedden here; 21.5" of snow on the date in 2010. I remember calling the emergency number to try to get to work (healthcare) and no one ever came.

@RMLincoln I think I was 12 also when I went to Montreal. Prayers for DH's eye pressure to be where they need to be. 

@marshhawk Sorry to hear that DH is now ill, and his surgery had to be moved. Also that you're not yet able to sleep better.

@ottahand7 Great sketch of you two.

@sunviking90 Thanks for the photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


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Good morning. Have a little movement as we sail to Bora Bora. It will soon be light enough outside to see what kind of weather we will have

Our chefs table was just superb. I asked him if he knew what ingredients he wanted on our shopping trip yesterday. He said no. I also asked how long did it take to plan such a meal? “Six hours” was his reply. The meal was delicious and so beautiful to the eye.

After dinner we attended the Captain’s Toast followed by two men who go by Coast to Coast who put a great high energy show of classic rock and roll hits. Great entertainment. Time for some coffee and check out the weather. More food porn.





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@Denise T, Not sure where you need to look for ranges in your area but I just wanted to let you know that Martin’s Appliance on 422 east in Exeter ( aside of Exeter family restaurant) shows ranges in stock. We purchased a refrigerator from them several years ago and had great service. Good luck.

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51 minutes ago, sunviking90 said:

Good morning Dailyites! I’ve actually been to today’s destination which is not often the case, so I’ll share a few more pictures. It took this Western Canadian over 50 years to get to this part of Canada, but was well worth the wait. It was before a fall repositioning on the Zaandam right before Covid. 
The last is inside the original Bank of Montreal. To the right were the names of all the employees lost in both wars. 








Thanks for stopping by to share your photos of Montreal today.  They're very colorful!  It's a beautiful city.




42 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Today's alternate maps:








Looks great!  It really helps keeping track of our Daily family.




36 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @kazu and @richwmn; and @rafinmd for the maps.

I vaguely recall Adlai Stevenson. Please, no disasters today. I like chocolate fondue although I haven't had it in a long time. Funny quote. I know of hot-pot but have never had or made it. Pass on the drink and yes to the cab sav. I was in Montreal long ago (land trip) for Expo 67! 


Another sunny day (unusual here), but not quite as warm. It will be in the upper 40's, not in the 50's like yesterday. I didn't sleep well last night. And I don't know if it's the increased activity of trying to clean out the DR, but I have had terrible leg pain/numbness this morning. And there's still lots to do. Sigh.


@seagarsmoker Have a great first day with the new job!

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for your photos and posting Lenda's too. And the photo of Ren!

@superoma Good luck to DH at the hand surgeon appointment today.

@Denise T Oh no about the stove and the short. Thank goodness no damage to the house or you two. 

@kazu I'm glad you didn't get the snow that the Maritimes did. Today is the 14 Anniversary of what they call snowmagedden here; 21.5" of snow on the date in 2010. I remember calling the emergency number to try to get to work (healthcare) and no one ever came.

@RMLincoln I think I was 12 also when I went to Montreal. Prayers for DH's eye pressure to be where they need to be. 

@marshhawk Sorry to hear that DH is now ill, and his surgery had to be moved. Also that you're not yet able to sleep better.

@ottahand7 Great sketch of you two.

@sunviking90 Thanks for the photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.



So sorry to hear about your bad night last night and so much pain!  I wish something could happen sooner for you.  I hope most of the moving of items is finished.  When do they begin removing furniture and repairing floors?



I need to get busy and get more work done on the Christmas stocking now.  I'll check back in later.

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Good morning. It is sunny and chilly today, going up to 39 which is good for this time of year.

My father thought Adlai Stevenson was a  brilliant man but he did warn us as children to always check your shoes. Thanks Paul for the memories .@kochleffel.

@DeniseT, that sounds quite scary and it is possible there is electrical damage elsewhere. I am glad you found the proper fuse.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I got to work via a police pickup during that snowstorm and stayed overnight.  I did every imaginable job in the facility except my own!

Tana is having a bad day today and the fever persists. I stayed in her room last night as she needed a lot of help. The nurse is trying to find us temporary extra help which of course we pay for but I need to sleep a bit . Even the dogs are droopy today!

We went to Montreal three times on BHB’s. It is a beautiful city with so much to see. Thanks for the lovely pictures.



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42 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

So sorry to hear about your bad night last night and so much pain!  I wish something could happen sooner for you.  I hope most of the moving of items is finished.  When do they begin removing furniture and repairing floors?



I need to get busy and get more work done on the Christmas stocking now.  I'll check back in later.


Sandi, there's still a lot to be done. I'm not sure when they will come to remove the furniture. They are getting a POD, which is a storage container that will sit on the parking pad next to my garage. The later that arrives, the better for me, as it gives me more time. Especially as I need to empty the china closet, which has lots of dishes and glassware. I may have to tell the contractor I need more time, as I'm limited in working on it due to how I feel.


13 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is sunny and chilly today, going up to 39 which is good for this time of year.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I got to work via a police pickup during that snowstorm and stayed overnight.  I did every imaginable job in the facility except my own!


Tana is having a bad day today and the fever persists. I stayed in her room last night as she needed a lot of help. The nurse is trying to find us temporary extra help which of course we pay for but I need to sleep a bit . Even the dogs are droopy today!

We went to Montreal three times on BHB’s. It is a beautiful city with so much to see. Thanks for the lovely pictures.


Terry, I am so sorry to hear that Tana still has a fever and is having a bad day. I do hope you can get extra help, as you need to take care of yourself too. I know how it saps your strength when you're not getting adequate sleep.

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Have a little movement as we sail to Bora Bora. It will soon be light enough outside to see what kind of weather we will have

Our chefs table was just superb. I asked him if he knew what ingredients he wanted on our shopping trip yesterday. He said no. I also asked how long did it take to plan such a meal? “Six hours” was his reply. The meal was delicious and so beautiful to the eye.

After dinner we attended the Captain’s Toast followed by two men who go by Coast to Coast who put a great high energy show of classic rock and roll hits. Great entertainment. Time for some coffee and check out the weather. More food porn.





Lovely meal presentation.

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25 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is sunny and chilly today, going up to 39 which is good for this time of year.

My father thought Adlai Stevenson was a  brilliant man but he did warn us as children to always check your shoes. Thanks Paul for the memories .@kochleffel.

@DeniseT, that sounds quite scary and it is possible there is electrical damage elsewhere. I am glad you found the proper fuse.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I got to work via a police pickup during that snowstorm and stayed overnight.  I did every imaginable job in the facility except my own!

Tana is having a bad day today and the fever persists. I stayed in her room last night as she needed a lot of help. The nurse is trying to find us temporary extra help which of course we pay for but I need to sleep a bit . Even the dogs are droopy today!

We went to Montreal three times on BHB’s. It is a beautiful city with so much to see. Thanks for the lovely pictures.



Sending Tana my best wishes Terry.

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

I didn't sleep well last night. And I don't know if it's the increased activity of trying to clean out the DR, but I have had terrible leg pain/numbness this morning. And there's still lots to do. Sigh.


You poor thing, Vanessa 😔.  Try to go slow and take lots of breaks, please????

so sorry about your lack of sleep & increased pain 😔 



1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu I'm glad you didn't get the snow that the Maritimes did. Today is the 14 Anniversary of what they call snowmagedden here; 21.5" of snow on the date in 2010. I remember calling the emergency number to try to get to work (healthcare) and no one ever came.


I was happy to miss it.  In 1992, we had our infamous storm that literally buried us - nearly 6 FEET of snow.  Nobody moved anywhere for 3 days.  I figure I’ve paid my dues 😉 



24 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Tana is having a bad day today and the fever persists. I stayed in her room last night as she needed a lot of help. The nurse is trying to find us temporary extra help which of course we pay for but I need to sleep a bit . Even the dogs are droopy today!


Poor Tana and poor you 😔. I hope her fever breaks soon 🙏. And I hope you can get some extra help - you need it so badly.



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2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

supposed to cure hangovers


In Gaudy Night, Dorothy Sayers has Harriet Vane take pity on a hung-over Oxford student:


“So—look here! I wish there was something I could do to—”

“You shall,” said Harriet. She twitched his lecture notebook from under his arm and scribbled in it. “Get that made up at the chemist’s and bring it back. I’m damned if I want to go myself and ask for a recipe for hobnailed liver.”

Mr. Pomfret looked at her with respect. “Where did you learn that one?” said he.

“Not at Oxford. I may say I have never had occasion to taste it; I hope it’s nasty.”


Contemporary readers usually think that "hobnailed liver" is the potion. It's not; it's the condition, an old name for cirrhosis. So we don't actually know what Harriet ordered.


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Good morning from a bumpy and windy Pacific Ocean.  It was not a surprise to us that Nawilwili was canceled.  Having been there many times, we knew wind and waves can make it unsafe to enter the port.  Plan B to arrive later today in Honolulu was a no since we couldn't get a place to dock.  Plan C is scenic cruising then heading to Honolulu about 2 this afternoon.  Our guess is they will also postpone washing the balconies until tomorrow.


Adali Stevenson was a good politician and statesman, although my parents didn't agree with hid politics.  We'll skip over disaster day and chocolate fondue.


Don't really like the quote.


We'll pass on the meal and drink.  The wine would be nice, but I don't think it is on the wine list.


An interesting day in 1969 when the US population reached 200 million.


3 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Good morning Dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report!

My work laptop and monitors are supposed to arrive this morning via FedEx.

Then I will be starting my new job!

I hope everyone has a great day! 


Hope your first day on the new job goes smoothly.


3 hours ago, superoma said:

We will be on the road today so I won’t be back until much later this afternoon. We are off to see a hand surgeon in sarnia, about 2 hours from us, DH has dupytrins contracture in both hands. One was worked on a number of years ago here in Windsor but now that the other hand needs doing we don’t have anymore hand surgeons in Windsor. I only remembered yesterday that the hospital in sarnia was part of that cyberattack I mentioned a while back so I do hope this trip isn’t for naught. At least the weather is cooperating. No snow or rain, well above freezing. Hope everyone has a good day. Will check in later.


Eva, I hope your DH gets a good report, and the surgeon can help him.  Safe travels.


3 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Monday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Well, a bit of excitement (not in a good way) last night. We are without a stove. As I was preparing dinner last night, I had the oven preheating. Well, it preheated all right and almost burned the house down. Apparently, there was a short (electric stove) and the oven kept getting hotter and hotter. Of course, I am oblivious to this until that stove went off with an error code, but the heating element was still on. My sister attempted to turn off the power to the kitchen but missed the fact that the range is on its own circuit. I managed to find the fuse for the range and turn it off. We, of course were panicking the whole time. We could not get an electrician out despite the fact that there was a danger to the entire home. My sister was about to call the fire department, but I found the fuse and got everything shut down. The home smelled liked burnt grease for the whole night despite having windows opened and candles lit. Stove shopping it is. This is the second house I lived in where an issue happened with the oven. Anyway, we are all safe. 

Thank you @StLouisCruisers for the pictures. I will be in Quebec City for the first time in October. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 




Denise, I'm glad you got the breaker off in time, but an electrician should check all the circuits for damage.


2 hours ago, kazu said:

Happy Monday everyone.


I don’t know about all of you but the last thing I need is another disaster.  I’ll pass on all of the days and all the chocoholics can have my fondue.  I kind of get a kick out of today’s quote.  Montreal is a fabulous city.  I’ve been there a few times but on land not on a cruise ship (so far).  Back in the day, I enjoyed a number of the Montreal Expos games.





Brrr - it’s cold & snowing and blowing here.  Ours is nothing though  compared to what other parts of the Maritimes got.  A new record with places getting over 3.5 feet of snow dumped on them. 😱  Nova Scotia really got buried.  For once, the Bay of Fundy worked in our favour 🙂   Although I’m jealous that your snow is melting @puppycanducruise I’m sure not complaining.





If any Daily-ites are looking for nice itinerary for 2025, take a look at the Oosterdam sailing on April 19th, 2025 - 25 day Western Crossing, Madeira, Morocco & Cote D’azur.    I have it on hold while my TA secures the cabin out of inventory and I ask Ivan’’s permission 😂 





Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, grief, pain, health problems, worries & those that need them 🙏 Cheers to those celebrating and cruising 🥂 



Jacqui, I'm glad the storm wasn't as bad for you as it was for others.


39 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  It's cloudy and 43.  When I went to bed last night Tiger was on the porch.  I had a rock in front of the door, so he could not escape, but he did, along with something else that was big enough to knock over the trash cans.


Disaster Day?  I would like Disaster movie day,.  Sound like @Denise T had one last night.  Thank you for reminding me to get the fuse boxes labeled, but I hope you had no electrical damage in the house.  You might want to get an electrician to check it out before replacing the stove.


DH has what i have now, and they moved his surgery from tomorrow to the 20th.  I need to notify my boss that I am available for more training to start up tomorrow.  I called out SAturday, and will probably do so again today.  I managed to sleep roughly 2 hours on and off for a whopping total of 5 hours sleep but not at one time.


@NickelpennyPartial cloudy at night, sounds right, partial Moony just sounds weird.





Annie, I'm sorry your DH is sick and that his surgery has been pushed back.  I hope you both are feeling better soon.


25 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Denise, what a DISASTER last evening's oven problem was!  I'm sure glad you found the correct circuit/fuse in time.  I would have had the fire department out pronto to check it out for me.  Very scary!


If you would like to check out our photos from Quebec City I would be happy to post the links to the three times we've had that city as our port of the day.  It's not scheduled again in 2024.  It would only take a minute or two to post the links so please reply and let me know.  We had lots of nice photos of that lovely city and you might see some places you don't want to miss on your trip this fall.




You're quite welcome Graham!



I saw some photos on PaulMunsonPhotography's Instagram of the FC Dallas 17U team before the game.  Looks like one of those red carpet events!  Here's our guy Ren!




Sandi, a great picture of Ren.  Thanks for posting my pictures.


Just now, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @kazu and @richwmn; and @rafinmd for the maps.

I vaguely recall Adlai Stevenson. Please, no disasters today. I like chocolate fondue although I haven't had it in a long time. Funny quote. I know of hot-pot but have never had or made it. Pass on the drink and yes to the cab sav. I was in Montreal long ago (land trip) for Expo 67! 


Another sunny day (unusual here), but not quite as warm. It will be in the upper 40's, not in the 50's like yesterday. I didn't sleep well last night. And I don't know if it's the increased activity of trying to clean out the DR, but I have had terrible leg pain/numbness this morning. And there's still lots to do. Sigh.


@seagarsmoker Have a great first day with the new job!

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for your photos and posting Lenda's too. And the photo of Ren!

@superoma Good luck to DH at the hand surgeon appointment today.

@Denise T Oh no about the stove and the short. Thank goodness no damage to the house or you two. 

@kazu I'm glad you didn't get the snow that the Maritimes did. Today is the 14 Anniversary of what they call snowmagedden here; 21.5" of snow on the date in 2010. I remember calling the emergency number to try to get to work (healthcare) and no one ever came.

@RMLincoln I think I was 12 also when I went to Montreal. Prayers for DH's eye pressure to be where they need to be. 

@marshhawk Sorry to hear that DH is now ill, and his surgery had to be moved. Also that you're not yet able to sleep better.

@ottahand7 Great sketch of you two.

@sunviking90 Thanks for the photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.



Vanessa, I'm sorry you are dealing with so much pain, numbness and lack of sleep.


Just now, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is sunny and chilly today, going up to 39 which is good for this time of year.

My father thought Adlai Stevenson was a  brilliant man but he did warn us as children to always check your shoes. Thanks Paul for the memories .@kochleffel.

@DeniseT, that sounds quite scary and it is possible there is electrical damage elsewhere. I am glad you found the proper fuse.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I got to work via a police pickup during that snowstorm and stayed overnight.  I did every imaginable job in the facility except my own!

Tana is having a bad day today and the fever persists. I stayed in her room last night as she needed a lot of help. The nurse is trying to find us temporary extra help which of course we pay for but I need to sleep a bit . Even the dogs are droopy today!

We went to Montreal three times on BHB’s. It is a beautiful city with so much to see. Thanks for the lovely pictures.




Terry, I hate reading that Tana is still struggling and still has a fever.  I hope the nurse can find you some night  time help so you can get some rest.



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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Unique statuary seen about town as we drove through the streets.



What is with their noses?





The statues are called The Two Snobs (French: Les deux snobs) and are part of a 2013 private-owned art installation of typical Canadian humour - in depicting the cultural discords between the English and French Canadians.


A bronze plate anchored beside each character states the storyline in both languages:


"A dashing looking English man, holding his pug, gives a superior stare at Notre-Dame Basilica, symbol of the religious influence on French Canadians. 210 feet away to the northern corner of the edifice, a woman in Chanel style suit, poodle against her, shoots an offended look to the Bank of Montreal’s head office, symbol of English power. With their masters oblivious to each other, the two dogs on the alert already sniffed out the opportunity to unite. The inspiration for this work was from the Commedia dell’arte and Two Solitudes from novelist Hugh MacLennan, these two snobs set up an ironically touching scene of the cultural distance between English and French Canadians."



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Good morning and thanks all! I visited Montreal as a young teen for Expo.    It was wonderful, time for a do over. 

So sorry to hear the Kauai call has been cancelled for the dailyites!  But a sail around the Napali cliffs should be amazing !  
@smitty34877 sending extra prayers and. Hugs! 
@DeniseT yikes!  Please get it checked,. I once had a fire in a plug  and the fire department told me it was good I called as they would make sure it was ok.

2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Have a little movement as we sail to Bora Bora. It will soon be light enough outside to see what kind of weather we will have

Our chefs table was just superb. I asked him if he knew what ingredients he wanted on our shopping trip yesterday. He said no. I also asked how long did it take to plan such a meal? “Six hours” was his reply. The meal was delicious and so beautiful to the eye.

After dinner we attended the Captain’s Toast followed by two men who go by Coast to Coast who put a great high energy show of classic rock and roll hits. Great entertainment. Time for some coffee and check out the weather. More food porn.





Wow!   Simply wow!  

Edited by bennybear
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A big NO to the drink, maybe to everything else.  Have been to Montreal once by train, one or more times by car and most recently (September 2023) on a BHB,


 We took the panoramic excursion, which eventually dropped us at the airport.   Of course drove by Notre Dame (it was Sunday, could not go in) and other sights.   Since there was some road construction, the bus route took us on the Grand Prix track


Interesting that the detour went this way…


on one prior trip, was a Saturday in late May (1980s), went to botanical garden.  Apparently it is an extremely popular place for wedding photos.   At one place, from where we stood we could see 8 brides and bridal parties!


Across from notre dame…

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25 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


In Gaudy Night, Dorothy Sayers has Harriet Vane take pity on a hung-over Oxford student:


“So—look here! I wish there was something I could do to—”

“You shall,” said Harriet. She twitched his lecture notebook from under his arm and scribbled in it. “Get that made up at the chemist’s and bring it back. I’m damned if I want to go myself and ask for a recipe for hobnailed liver.”

Mr. Pomfret looked at her with respect. “Where did you learn that one?” said he.

“Not at Oxford. I may say I have never had occasion to taste it; I hope it’s nasty.”


Contemporary readers usually think that "hobnailed liver" is the potion. It's not; it's the condition, an old name for cirrhosis. So we don't actually know what Harriet ordered.


I'm a big Dorothy Sayers fan and have read all the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries.

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26 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

@grapau27, I just received an alert on BBC news that Hid Majesty King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer. 🙏 for his recovery.

Thank you.

They said it was not Prostate cancer but A Cancer which was found during his enlarged prostate operation.

Prayers for him.

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Thanks so much for the kind good wishes for Tana and myself. It is appreciated.

There is a possibility that one of the angels who helped with my DD DH will be able to come by tonight and tomorrow. I hope I don’t miss anyone but thanks to Graham, Sandi, Lenda, Jacqui, Ann, Vanessa,and Gerry. There are some days that are harder than others ,right?

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Greetings, everyone.


As Lenda reported, Nawiliwili has been cancelled today and we are scenic cruising. Sue and I are enjoying our balcony and the views.IMG_3107.thumb.jpeg.c1643ff5c9d8ef083f80741769a2a7cb.jpeg






Last night we had dinner at Sel de Mer with @Sharon in AZ Sharon and her DH, Craig.  Food was good and company better.  We had some great laughs especially when the waiter wanted to help get pictures of Craig’s soup.  He decided he needed to be in the picture and so did the rest of the staff,IMG_3095.thumb.jpeg.1c7a84412bb2d75b63bd47760e2ba571.jpeg









@Denise T Your oven escapade sounds downright scary.  I wouldn’t have slept.


@smitty34877 Keeping you and Tana in my thoughts.  

Edited by dfish
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3 minutes ago, dfish said:

Greetings, everyone.


As Lenda reported, Nawiliwili has been cancelled today and we are scenic cruising. Sue and I are enjoying our balcony and the views.IMG_3107.thumb.jpeg.c1643ff5c9d8ef083f80741769a2a7cb.jpeg






Last night we had dinner at Sel de Mer with @Sharon in AZ Sharon and her DH, Craig.  Food was good and company better.  We had some great laughs especially when the waiter wanted to help get pictures of Craig’s soup.  He decided he needed to be in the picture and so did the rest of the staff,IMG_3095.thumb.jpeg.1c7a84412bb2d75b63bd47760e2ba571.jpeg









@Denise T Your oven escapade sounds downright scary.  I wouldn’t have slept.


@smitty34877 Keeping you and Tana in my thoughts.  

Nice photos of you all.

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Patrick Tours in Bora Bora rightfully cancelled all their tours for today. It’s raining and wind is picking up. So we will remain on ship for the day and return to Moorea and stay there tomorrow. A Reagent cruise ship has also joined us an anchored.

i’m disappointed for those guest who will miss seeing the beauty of Bora Bora. The important thing is we are safe.


Edited by aliaschief
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20 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Patrick Tours in Bora Bora rightfully cancelled all their tours for today. It’s raining and wind is picking up. So we will remain on ship for the day and return to Moorea and stay there tomorrow. A Reagent cruise ship has also joined us an anchored.

i’m disappointed for those guest who will miss seeing the beauty of Bora Bora. The important thing is we are safe.



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7 hours ago, kazu said:

Today in History:
1969 United States population reaches 200 million


Also this date:

On this date in 1985, Ugo Vetere, then the mayor of Rome, and Chedli Klibi, then the mayor of Carthage, met in Tunis to sign a treaty of friendship officially ending the Third Punic War--which lasted 2,131 years.

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Good Afternoon, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s a beautiful sunny afternoon.  Sorry to hear about those missing ports due to weather.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good if I use the crockpot.  A big yes to anything chocolate.  @seagarsmoker best wishes starting your new job.  It’s been a very busy work day and another meeting in a few minutes.  I hope everyone has a good day today.



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56 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

There is a possibility that one of the angels who helped with my DD DH will be able to come by tonight and tomorrow.


Oh thank heavens, Terry 🤞



56 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

There are some days that are harder than others ,right?


Absolutely. 😢 



38 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Patrick Tours in Bora Bora rightfully cancelled all their tours for today. It’s raining and wind is picking up. So we will remain on ship for the day and return to Moorea and stay there tomorrow. A Reagent cruise ship has also joined us an anchored.

i’m disappointed for those guest who will miss seeing the beauty of Bora Bora. The important thing is we are safe.



Patrick absolutely did the right thing.  


It’s a shame missing Bora Bora but safety is paramount.

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