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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday March 28th, 2024


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Good morning everyone!   Thanks for the Daily Reports each day Jacqui and for the maps Roy.  The maps make it easy to see where the ships are and the direction they are heading.   Holy Thursday, special prayers for this day.  Hopefully opening day will be a go today in Baltimore,  I understand they have a very good team.  It is hard to keep up with them since I moved away. Go Birds!  A very good quote from Kathryn Hepburn.  The salads all look yummy especially the spiralizer one, I don't own one though.   Pass on the Campari cocktail but today's Bordeaux wine looks like a spendy winner.  I was unfamiliar with the winery.   Thanks for researching these for us each day ladies.

Dixie I hope that you are not too badly hurt in light of all of your bruises.  Prayers for everyone on our care list, especially Tana and Allan.   Prayers for everyone in war zones through no fault of their own, the people of Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.    Continued prayers for all involved the horrible bridge collapse in Baltimore and the people who are without work for the foreseeable future.

It is a beautiful day here though still quite frosty.  We were invaded by a large flock of Grackles that didn't belong here so the feeders weren't filled until after they left.  I let them get empty at the end of the day as we have a pesky raccoon that knows how to pull the feeder over to the top rail and licks the seed out of the feeder at night.   House cleaning today and helping John get his lawn aerator hooked up, and working on the plant list that still isn't complete.  Have a nice day!  Nancy  

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Good afternoon.

It is currently 52°F and cloudy.

I hope everyone is safe and well.

I liked my bacon bap this morning at the beach.

Prayers for everyone on the care list.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.



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Posted (edited)

Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says it's 50 ( it said 54 about 10 minutes ago) and it said sunny, and now it says mostly cloudy.  Yup. DH got up when I did this morning (that's odd) and is getting his day organized.  I have the walk the dog morning, then off to Taqueria del Sol for their For the Cause (all proceeds go to childhood cancer research) BBQ beef taco today.


Then a walk in the Decatur Cemetery, and then off to work.  While I changed my hours yesterday to accommodate several patrons, not one of them answered.  I worked until quarter to ten, and then signed off. And then it took a while to unwind, so I watched another episode of midsomer murders.  I did drink too much coffee last night, so it took a while to fall asleep.  


One of my favorite memories of my dad was when he was a deacon in our church and on one Maunday Thursday he took me to their "meeting".  It was a re enactment of the last supper, where they broke bread, and had wine.  It actually made me understand the last supper a whole lot more.  And there were just the 12 disciples there ( I must have been taken to be a fill in) and the Christ figure person.  They only did this one time. 


I have nothing planned for Easter. Its the two of us, and I have not had time to plan a meal. We did see that our BBQ place was going to be open, a BBQ's chicken sounds pretty good. I can even ask Donna to go with us.  That way the only thing I have to worry about is Easter baskets.


@dfishYour last recipe shown is what is served at our local Vietnamese restaurant.  I love it!






Edited by marshhawk
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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the next best thing to Friday report.    A sad day with the death of Joe Lieberman, Rest in Peace.  Three great days to celebrate and it appears hopeful that there will be a minimal rain interruption of the Orioles game today. 


I love the Hepburn quote.


Not sure what test test is about but a great day in aviation history.  I have not been to Zadar.


The meal sounds like a nice starter.  My alternative is Fruit Salad with Sambuca, Oven Roasted Chicken, and Strawberry Crisp as served pm MS Zaandam March 28, 2017:


I was expecting rain this morning but it was very pleasant when I went our for my morning walk.



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RedneckBob back at ship. Went ashore in Amber Cove early and did the zip line. Didn’t realize it was rated two underwear zipper line so I had to go back to ship for a replacement. 😳



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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says it's 50 ( it said 54 about 10 minutes ago) and it said sunny, and now it says mostly cloudy.  Yup. DH got up when I did this morning (that's odd) and is getting his day organized.  I have the walk the dog morning, then off to Taqueria del Sol for their For the Cause (all proceeds go to childhood cancer research) BBQ beef taco today.


Then a walk in the Decatur Cemetery, and then off to work.  While I changed my hours yesterday to accommodate several patrons, not one of them answered.  I worked until quarter to ten, and then signed off. And then it took a while to unwind, so I watched another episode of midsomer murders.  I did drink too much coffee last night, so it took a while to fall asleep.  


One of my favorite memories of my dad was when he was a deacon in our church and on one Maunday Thursday he took me to their "meeting".  It was a re enactment of the last supper, where they broke bread, and had wine.  It actually made me understand the last supper a whole lot more.  And there were just the 12 disciples there ( I must have been taken to be a fill in) and the Christ figure person.  They only did this one time. 


I have nothing planned for Easter. Its the two of us, and I have not had time to plan a meal. We did see that our BBQ place was going to be open, a BBQ's chicken sounds pretty good. I can even ask Donna to go with us.  That way the only thing I have to worry about is Easter baskets.


@dfishYour last recipe shown is what is served at our local Vietnamese restaurant.  I love it!






I remember back in the day when you went out for breakfast and the coffee was free and they kept filling the cup up, now it’s 3 dollars and you’re lucky if you see the waitress again, lucky for us we have a great waitress at our favorite breakfast diner and she is always there for you.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  As a child I remember the whole school being trooped off to mass on Holy Thursday morning and nobody was to crack a smile on the way there or back, as it was a very solemn day.  Neither of us is a real sports fan, so opening day doesn't have any meaning.  I've often thought it would be nice to have a hot tub, but then think of the maintenance and extra costs associated and am glad we don't.  Audrey Hepburn was a lovely lady with a great attitude.


It's cloudy and windy this morning but we're only at -8C (17F), and according to the computer, we should hit a high of +3 (37) which will be nice.  The warm temp along with the wind should help bring down the glaciers in the yard.  Although we haven't had a bad winter this year, when it gets to the end of March, I'm more than ready to have the snow disappear and get started on selecting plants for the yard again.


@summer slopeI'm sorry, but not surprised that you had a bad night and are stiff and sore today.  Often the day or two after an accident are the most difficult as bones and muscles settle back in from the trauma.

@0106I'm happy to see you'll be on the cruise with @marshhawk and us as well - I haven't even thought of a roll call because I figured it was too early to have one started.  I'll check in there after I finish this post!

@kazuI'm sorry Ivan's alternate home is no longer available; I do hope you're able to get a suitable replacement . . . more stress that you don't need!!


I'm going to ask my Daily family for a quick prayer today; they're presenting Maurice's case before the panel to determine whether or not he qualifies for the aortic valve replacement.  He's becoming progressively weaker and I know he's starting to get frustrated with himself, as he's always been so active.  Just sitting around isn't his cup of tea.  Thanks in advance.


Today will be spent getting the rest of the house ready, baking some of "Grandma's special cookies" from Mr. Pillsbury, and getting groceries to have all the goodies on hand when the family comes.  It seems they won't be able to get away early, as our oldest DGS Logan is at a day camp and they won't be returning from their excursion until 4:30 this afternoon.  That means they likely won't be here till midnight or 1AM.  Praying for no issues on the highway, and no encounters with deer along the way.


I'd like to try the drink, would probably like the wine, but not the price, and I've written down the middle recipe for today's menu suggestion.  DH said not to worry about dinner tonight, as for the next number of days I'll be in full on cooking mode, so he's going to head to Tim's and pick up a couple of turkey bacon club sandwiches that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Posted (edited)

Heavy rain overnight. Not going to eye doctor , doctor canceled, we’ll go Monday. 

We both miss our hot tub!  It was central to our daily life in our mountain home. For peace, relaxation, sore knees, back issues, just about everything. We used it daily, it was beautiful in the starlight watching satellites crossing the star-filled sky, in the snow, in the mornings…. Champagne toast at midnight on New Years Eve  The last thing we did at the house after the moving truck left was to have a final heavenly soak, give thanks for the beautiful life we had there. I miss it but nothing lasts forever. 

Had a very difficult talk with my brother last night discussing decisions that are likely coming about his wife if she doesn’t rally - feeding tube? DNR, moving her to a different type facility because they aren’t able to help her in the rehab so insurance won’t pay for the facility… getting a social worker involved. Everything is so slow except for cutting off payments and getting kicked out…. I can understand their reasoning and that someone who can be helped needs the bed, but she needs a chance to rest to see if she’ll come around soon…. I can’t help her, but maybe I can help him. Maybe our talk was the stressor that kept me from getting to sleep but finally I escaped to the guest room and slept there where I wasn’t keeping DH up too. 

I have friends on Nordam now, she’s in NZ, thank you Jacqui!  Fun to follow her. And still no posts from our NZ Dailyites  @erewhon…. 

Wednesday night I phoned in to share with a church group in Maryland. Their next gathering will be April 24, day after DH’s eye surgery near there at Johns-Hopkins. We’re thinking that instead of driving home that afternoon and hitting rush hour traffic up here we’ll stay over that night at a friend’s in our old community, have a visit with her and with my church gathering then get a mid-morning start to miss most of the traffic both there and here. And DH will be through the anesthesia recovery so we’ll be able to share the driving. Feels like a win-win!  Plus I was able to rebook our hotel again with another price drop! Third rebooking- 2 price drops and one for a better cancellation date!  

@summer slopeyour accident will take a lot of recovery, inside and outside, please rest your body and your mind too. Trauma can be complex. So relieved to hear you are in one piece!  

Blessings for all the many in need, all in pain, all the caregivers and care teams, all those away especially our cruisers and travelers- Terry by car and @Mr. Boston by train!  Good holy days to those who celebrate them. 

Cheers and toasts to those celebrating Life is Good🌈
Thanks all for being here!  One day at a time is Everything! Be well, be safe, be kind and enjoy something today. 



Prayers for Maurice and Gerry, and family coming in! 

Edited by RMLincoln
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Today's sunrise is from my first combination of cruises and the first time I did a live thread on Cruise Critic.  It was Crystal Symphony Los Angeles to Sydney followed by a Queen Victoria World Cruise segment Bangkok to Dubai.  On March 28, 2010, Queen Victoria was at sea from Phuket to Cochin:





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46 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  As a child I remember the whole school being trooped off to mass on Holy Thursday morning and nobody was to crack a smile on the way there or back, as it was a very solemn day.  Neither of us is a real sports fan, so opening day doesn't have any meaning.  I've often thought it would be nice to have a hot tub, but then think of the maintenance and extra costs associated and am glad we don't.  Audrey Hepburn was a lovely lady with a great attitude.


It's cloudy and windy this morning but we're only at -8C (17F), and according to the computer, we should hit a high of +3 (37) which will be nice.  The warm temp along with the wind should help bring down the glaciers in the yard.  Although we haven't had a bad winter this year, when it gets to the end of March, I'm more than ready to have the snow disappear and get started on selecting plants for the yard again.


@summer slopeI'm sorry, but not surprised that you had a bad night and are stiff and sore today.  Often the day or two after an accident are the most difficult as bones and muscles settle back in from the trauma.

@0106I'm happy to see you'll be on the cruise with @marshhawk and us as well - I haven't even thought of a roll call because I figured it was too early to have one started.  I'll check in there after I finish this post!

@kazuI'm sorry Ivan's alternate home is no longer available; I do hope you're able to get a suitable replacement . . . more stress that you don't need!!


I'm going to ask my Daily family for a quick prayer today; they're presenting Maurice's case before the panel to determine whether or not he qualifies for the aortic valve replacement.  He's becoming progressively weaker and I know he's starting to get frustrated with himself, as he's always been so active.  Just sitting around isn't his cup of tea.  Thanks in advance.


Today will be spent getting the rest of the house ready, baking some of "Grandma's special cookies" from Mr. Pillsbury, and getting groceries to have all the goodies on hand when the family comes.  It seems they won't be able to get away early, as our oldest DGS Logan is at a day camp and they won't be returning from their excursion until 4:30 this afternoon.  That means they likely won't be here till midnight or 1AM.  Praying for no issues on the highway, and no encounters with deer along the way.


I'd like to try the drink, would probably like the wine, but not the price, and I've written down the middle recipe for today's menu suggestion.  DH said not to worry about dinner tonight, as for the next number of days I'll be in full on cooking mode, so he's going to head to Tim's and pick up a couple of turkey bacon club sandwiches that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Prayers for Maurice are on their way, Gerry. 

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Good morning and thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information.


Well, I did it: I booked the Great Bear Rainforest cruise for April 2026. 752 days away. 😉


Thank you all for caring and sharing.  Prayers 🙏 for everyone who needs them.  Cheers 🎉 for all the celebrations.

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I would want the salad to be mostly carrot, jazzed up with a small amount of radish -- even though I grow radishes, I don't like them in concentrated doses. I would be willing to try the drink, even though I don't trust liquor flavored to taste like something else and I think it might be better with vanilla rum instead of vanilla vodka. The wine is a Bordeaux blend, so I'll suggest a Meritage, the 2020 from Sheldrake Point. It's a relative bargain at $35.


4 hours ago, kazu said:

Today in History:

I would add the start of the Crimean War in 1854. It accomplished little for anyone, and the ostensible provoking issue had already been resolved, but it gave us the beginning of modern nursing with Florence Nightingale, plus "The Charge of the Light Brigade." The last surviving veteran was a tortoise named Timothy, the mascot of a British ship, who lived until 2004.



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Good morning from a mostly cloudy Quarzsite, but I can see a bit of sunshine too.  It is currently 54F with a predicted high of 81F with sun most of the day.  It looks like our winds will be picking up this afternoon, and it will be pretty windy tomorrow and Saturday.  Today will be more of the same getting the motorhome ready to leave Monday.  I also need to drop some more items off at Carol's closet, stop at the post office and get a haircut.


The three days today are all good.  I remember our Maundy Thursday night church service when I was in high school.  DH likes hot tubs, but I can take them or leave them.  Opening day for MLB is welcome.  After living near Houston for 14 year, I'm still a big Astros fan even though I don't follow them like I used to.  I also root for the Diamondbacks unless they are playing the Astros.  Sorry Elizabeth @Haljo1935 I never was a big Rangers fan, maybe because they "stole" Nolan Ryan away from the Astros.  😉


I really like the Audrey Hepburn quote.


I'll pass on the meal since I'm not a fan of radishes, and on the drink too.  The wine sounds like one to try, but it is bit pricey.


We have been to Croatia many times, but never to Zadar.


The first seaplane to take off from water in 1910 occurred earlier than I thought.


@summer slope  Dixie, I'm sorry you are so sore today.  Take it easy, and I hope you feel better soon.

@Ladyhogrider  Safe travels as you head to Utah.  The blue bubble didn't work, so I made my own.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the financial problem is resolved without having to get nasty again.  I'm sorry about Ivan's vacation home not working out.  I hope you find something soon and without a hassle.

@aliaschief  Bruce, the ramp to the sampan does look dicey, but not as bad as the single board used to exit the boat on the Perfume River in Hue.  Safe travels tomorrow and enjoy Angkor Wat.  Thanks for the pictures.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I hope your DH's health concerns have been taken care of, and he is doing better.

@Mr. Boston  Enjoy your relaxing train ride and your visit with your mother.

@ger_77  Gerry, sending very positive thoughts that your DH is approved for the valve replacement surgery.  Safe travels for your family today.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope your DB and his daughter can find a suitable place for you DSIL very quickly.  Is there an Encompass Rehabilitation Hospital near them?  That might be a good fit for her.  I'm sorry your DH's doctor's visit was postponed.

@dobiemom  Congratulations on booking the cruise for April 2026.















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Good morning and thanks all!  Yum on that wine! @dfish the big box store in Hawaii sold a carrot daikon salad that was really good, similar to the last one.


@ger_77 prayers for Maurice.


@summer slope so sorry to hear of your injuries yikes! Heal quickly! 

@kazu sorry that more things have arisen!  I wish I was closer, Ivan is such a love! 

We got to enjoy seeing over 40 bald eagles yesterday. 


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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Dialy.

Blessed Holy Thursday to those who celebrate Easter. I'll salute MLB opening day, although we always have a bad team. I've never been in a hot tub. Good quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine ($$). I've never been to Zadar. 


It's sunny and going to be a nice Spring day today. I'd like to get some things done in the house, but it's tough. I can't stand more than a few minutes due to leg pain. I'd forgotten how bad it was before those 2 weeks of relief! BFF wants to go to a church fish fry tomorrow, but I don't know if I can tolerate it; we'll see.


@summer slope Gentle hugs for your distress from soreness and bruises.

@Crazy For Cats At least it's only a 2 day work week for you.

@MISTER 67 I'm a hockey fan too, although I don't think the Pens will make the playoffs this year.

@StLouisCruisers How far along is your grand nephew's pregnancy?

@kazu Prayers that the financial issue and Ivan's away home work out. And I hope the river won't flood.

@aliaschief Thanks for sharing your photos. 

@Haljo1935 Sorry the work situation is so stressful.

@cunnorl That's a clever idea with the pasta bowls.

@Lady Hudson I hope your DH's health concerns improve soon.

@Mr. Boston Enjoy the train trip, and time with family.

@ger_77 Prayers that Maurice qualifies for the AVR. I haven't heard of presenting a case before a panel, as here if the doctor thinks it's needed, it's done. Safe travels for your family this evening.

@RMLincoln Sorry DH's appointment got cancelled. Bless you for discussing all the hard things with DB in regards to his DW's ongoing care. 

@bennybear Great photo. I always enjoy seeing bald eagles.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Good morning, 

It's overcast here today with rain showers in the forecast. Typical Pacific Northwest!

I'm hitting a patch of days that will be "firsts". Yesterday was 9 months since DD DH passed and I did ok - just a few tears. Today is the one year point where he left the house and didn't return. The medics and I thought it was dehydration and the start of a UTI so I'd called our local medics to take DD DH to the ER. On the way out of the house he made them stop so that he could get a hat on. The doctor on the floor, Dr. Goo, always noted DD DH's hats and DH didn't want to be without one. Little did we know that a few hours later he'd be in septic shock and heading to the bigger hospital north of us in Bellingham, I'd be having "end of life" chats with an iCU doctor, etc. Hubby battled back and we had 3 more months for which I'm grateful beyond measure. 


Today is getting things done around the house. DS and DDIL are coming for Easter dinner and requested homemade lasagna and cheesy bread. It's a BBQ lasagna recipe that is quick and easy so I'll get the meat mixture made up today and Saturday make my noodles. Tomorrow is errand running and banking. 


Have a wonderful Thursday!


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