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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday April 23rd, 2024

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Good Morning from a sunny and cool day at the beach

    Thank you all for my Birthday wishes. Much appreciated. To my birthday sister Annie @marshhawk  Many wishes for a very Happy Birthday to you! May you enjoy many more.

     DH is making me a special dinner and his famous pineapple coconut cake. My plan is to just relax today, take a stroll on the beach. Perfect!

         @JazzyV  Glad you are home are recovering. Rest.

         @Haljo1935  Hope the eye procedure goes well today

         @RMLincoln  Hope the eye surgery for your DH is successful


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm pretty good at English, think English Muffins are good if they've got a solid layer of peanut butter and jam on them, and I've never seen an episode of Dr. Who.  I do know a couple of people who fit today's quote to a T; they seem to not have any interest in forming their own opinions.


A bright sunny day already here on the thawing "frozen tundra" with a temp of +2(35F) and an expected high of +17(62) which will be lovely.  Yesterday's early morning rain and subsequent sunshine basically took care of all the snow that had fallen last week.  Now we wait a week or so before I can start raking up the winter mess from the junipers in the front yard - I can only imagine how full the gutters are from the winter winds. I'll be calling the fellow who does our lawns to see if he'll clean out the gutters again this year, as that's how I found him online last year.  


Happy Birthday to our two special lovely ladies today @marshhawk and @cunnorl; I hope you both have many happy and healthy returns of the day!

Happy Birthday Cats ~ Edible Cake Topper


Wishing @JazzyV plenty of rest and a relief from her pain - I'm amazed that you are home after surgery like that!

Sending prayers and good vibes to @RMLincoln's DH and his surgical team today, and hugs to Maureen as she waits.

@Haljo1935good luck with your eye procedure today as well.

@smitty34877I'm happy to hear you had a respite from your role as caregiver over the weekend.

@kochleffelI hope you had a Happy Passover.


Not much happening here; DH is going out for a hair cut this morning and while he's away I'll bring out the vacuum.  Looking around, it seems it's time for spring cleaning - ugh.  First will be the living room windows - both inside and out, as they're looking pretty grim.


I'd like the drink of the day, would love to try the wine, but the price!!!  I think I'd enjoy today's menu suggestion, but DH doesn't like broccoli, so I'd have to sub in something like cauliflower instead.  I've got some ground beef thawing that will be turned into meatloaf and served along with mashed potatoes and green beans at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in grief, in wars and in general turmoil.  Cheers to all who have celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning. A cool 40F here right now, but it is supposed to warm up into the low 70's. They are threatening us with hard freezes the end of the week. My allergies are having a field day.


Little on the agenda today except to continue trying to bring the house to order. The daughter of the friend who died in January is coming in a couple of weeks to close down her condo and since I packed stuff up when she left, I am going to have to help her. She has not allowed nearly enough time... so it is going to be a rough couple of days. I have a friend with a truck on stand-by for dump runs. There are some of my archaeology books over there which I will have to find a place for.... they are pretty dated so some may get tossed. I have this real reluctance to toss books...which is why I have a house full of them. And no one seems to read anymore. One of the things that set me off at my kennel club meeting the other day was an exchange when I handed our assistant show chair the "Summary Guide to show rules"... she asked me "Anything I have to know in here?"... my answer "the whole d*@m thing".





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Posted (edited)

I'll celebrate English - language and muffins! But no to Dr Who.

The quote really speaks to me.

The meal and wine sound good, but the price is not w/in my budget, so I'll pass on it along w/the drink. Was in Kona for New Year's on the K'dam; hopefully I select different pictures to post than when we last enjoyed this port. 

Big day in history for Britain. 


The eye drops I got after last week's procedure are already getting low - the bottle gurgles when I squeeze it. I use them 3x day, but shouldn't they last more than a week for $85🤷‍♀️ At that price, who can afford 12 weeks of treatments on top of the $1200 cost of the procedures? Insurance really should cover this - it's not cosmetic 🤔🫣 Dr gave me a coupon for the drops, which brought them down to $85 - holey moley!


It was 57° headed to sunny 81° when I checked 4 hours ago; rains still forecast for the weekend. 


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 



Edited by Haljo1935
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Dec 30, 2023 found us in Kona on the K'dam. Here are a few pictures from that day.

Weather started a bit cloudy & iffy, but it turned out to be very nice.


We passed this Christmas tree on our walk to the post office. 


This tree is much larger than this picture shows it to be; I cropped out quite a bit when I cropped out the people & shopping bags.


Water sports are available right at the tender.


View from the tender




Bye bye Kona




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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

image.thumb.jpeg.573fa5a00dad0bf560fcd17ccbf412b6.jpegToday we are visiting Sir Bani Yas a 32 sq. mile island off the coast of United Arab Emerites on the Persian Gulf. The Sheikh purchased the island and developed it into a 17,000 animal Game Preserve along with a couple luxury resorts, kayaking, bicycling and beautiful beaches. Our ship hauled a ton of supplies off the ship and provided us with a great beach BBQ lunch.

Tomorrow we visit UAE’s main city Abu Dhabi. It has been a very memorable day.

The animals appeared to be very well taken care of. Being a desert island they receive some supplemented food and plenty of watering spots.

Thanks for the reports and post. Bruce

We have a real weak signal so most of pictures just won’t load. Will try later.



Great photos. Chief, I have a simple question. For such a long cruise and stopping at so many ports, how in the world did you plan all these great tours in each port? 

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Wow I am up early this am. Sometimes I get inspiration to paint 🎨!! Happy Tuesday to all. Have a beautiful day with alot of positive energy and love!❤️ 

To @marshhawk Annie,

To @cunnorl,


❤️I appreciate all the efforts to everyone keeping our Fleet and Daily going every day and to our many new family members that are onboard!!







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Thanks Gerry!  It does get more familiar but it never gets easier!  I’m in the tiny waiting room, they’ll get me after they have him prepped and I’ll sit with him until they take him in for surgery. It’s a 60 min procedure whereas the drain emplacement was 10 mins, that with cataract lens emplacement was 15 mins. We’re so blessed that they can do such things. Prayers for Maurice for perfect timing. 

No word on my sister-in-law. We brought funeral clothes with us in case we had to go to services Thursday morning… not looking likely. 
later, m—

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Good morning all!

This will be our last sunny day for awhile, so I plan to get outside as much as possible.  The laundry and everything else can wait. 😉 


Good selection off days -- I don't have English muffins often, but when I do I like them with Apricot jam.  I had never heard of Doctor Who before.  Will pass on the drink, red wine and meal (not a fan of ginger) and don't agree with the quote.  We were in Kona in 2010.  


Happy birthday Annie @marshhawk!

Happy birthday Charlene @cunnorl!

Vanessa @JazzyV Thank you for checking in with us last night after getting home from surgery, and I hope every day gets better and better for you.  You're amazing!

Terry @smitty34877 I'm very glad you have family there and that you're getting all that help. 🙂 

Elizabeth @Haljo1935 I hope your eye procedure goes well.

Maureen @RMLincoln I hope your DH's eye surgery goes well.




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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

My pictures below are from our three BHB stops in Kona,  We were there in 2014 on Veendam, and in 2017 and 2018 on Westerdam.  We rented cars those days and drove north to Kapaau.  I have a few pictures of the area near the tender dock that were taken in 2017.


King Kamehameha statue outside the visitor center in Kapaau, and the view across the road.





A couple of pretty birds on the grounds of the visitor center.



For the garden club



The rugged coast near the north point of the Big Island



Lapakahi State Park



A lava tube close the the highway.  We did not venture from the roadside.



The area near the tender port








Loved Splasher's!

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Good morning, 


It's our last sunny day for a while as @Cruising-along mentioned. I'll be outside for walks and I'm heading to lunch today. 


@marshhawk and @cunnorl Happy Birthday! 


Yesterday the pool did wonders for my stiff and sore hip flexor muscle. By mid-afternoon I could walk so much better. Today is lunch in Anacortes at a shoreside seafood place called Secret Cove. Anacortes is about a 40 minute drive from me and I don't head there often. I'm picking up a friend and we'll carpool. It's a lunch for our Widows Support Group. I'm looking forward to it and maybe doing a bit of a drive afterwards if my friend is up to it. 


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Just now, RedneckBob said:

Great photos. Chief, I have a simple question. For such a long cruise and stopping at so many ports, how in the world did you plan all these great tours in each port? 

Many hours of research. Planning is half the fun. You Tube helps. Simply search You Tube and ask top ten things to do in a port.

Cruise Critic and Trip Advisor get you to right tours and guides.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute the English language and English muffins. I knew nothing about Impossible Astronauts. I'll disagree with the quote. The meal looks good. Pass on the drink and I can't afford the wine. I have been to Kona.


It's 61F and sunny out, but I'll be indoors. I was to arrive at the OP surgical center at 10am yesterday, for 12pm surgery. But I didn't get taken back until about 12:45, as one of the surgical trays wasn't there. Then there was all the prep. I only remember a large room, with a lot of equipment and trays of equipment, as well as an unusual face down type of bed. I didn't have to crawl onto that, as I was out before then (I pity those lifting me onto it). The procedure took about 3 hours. BFF says when the surgeon came out to talk to him, she said it was much more messed up and more involved for her, and she could understand why I had so much pain. The next I remember I was in recovery, shivering away. My temp was down and they had me on a warming blanket. Finally I was ok to go, around 7:30. Unfortunately my meds, something for pain and a muscle relaxant, were called to my pharmacy, but it was closed by the time we got home. Pain wasn't much, and I had a previously ordered muscle relaxant and took that. I was in my recliner, and BFF made me soup. Next thing I know, it's 6AM! I slept about 7 hours in the recliner, and had another nap after posting the Cares List, so almost 9 hours of sleep! I'm sure some of that was from the anesthesia. Best of all - NO LEG PAIN! No tingling either. I am stiff and a bit sore, but that's to be expected. I appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts - they worked!


@marshhawk Happy, Happy 70th Birthday Annie!

@cunnorl Happy, Happy Birthday Charlene!

@Haljo1935 Good luck with the eye procedure. Thanks for the photos from Kona.

@RMLincoln Prayers all goes well with DH's eye surgery.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up. Lovely photos.

@AncientWanderer So good to hear that the cruise is great. Beautiful photos from Japan.

@kochleffel Thanks for the drink recipe.

@smitty34877 Good news that the NH family has been so helpful. I'm glad you get a bit of a break. Continued prayers for Tana, you and the family.

@aliaschief Nice photos. I hope the person airlifted off the ship will be ok.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great Kona photos.

@ger_77 Prayers that Maurice gets his surgery soon. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. 

I visited Kona in 1992 on a trip to Hawaii. I used to shoot slides back then, but scanned some into the PC. I was at the Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park. 

This  ‘place of refuge’  was a safe haven for those that broke the Kapu laws, which in old Hawaii were punishable by death. If you reached the Puʻuhonua, you would be pardoned by Kahuna and given a second chance at life. 






The Hale o Keawe Temple, guarded by carved wooden Kiʻi.




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Good morning and thanks.all! 
Gotta love a spritz!  And Kona, are winter escape  for over 40 years!  

@cunnorl happy birthday Charlene! 

@marshhawk Happy 70 th,  wishing you both a fabulous day! 

@VMax1700 glad the Bay of Biscay was kind!  Sorry to hear you have a medical evacuation. 


@AncientWandererso glad you are njoying your cruise!  Shirakawa go is exquisite! 


Our Italian spritz!


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15 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Next thing I know, it's 6AM! I slept about 7 hours in the recliner, and had another nap after posting the Cares List, so almost 9 hours of sleep! I'm sure some of that was from the anesthesia. Best of all - NO LEG PAIN! No tingling either.

Thank God!!!!

Prayers that this is the beginning of much, much better days ahead for you. 

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20 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Pain wasn't much, and I had a previously ordered muscle relaxant and took that. I was in my recliner, and BFF made me soup. Next thing I know, it's 6AM! I slept about 7 hours in the recliner, and had another nap after posting the Cares List, so almost 9 hours of sleep! I'm sure some of that was from the anesthesia. Best of all - NO LEG PAIN! No tingling either.






Holy Cow, Vanessa!  May that be the first of many long, pain free night’s sleep! Woo hoo!

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Thank you to everyone who has posted the wonderful pictures of Kona.  We’ll be there next January.


@bennybearWhat is the one thing we shouldn’t miss in Kona? I’ve booked a whale watching tour with HAL but only to use up a HIA credit.  Would happily cancel.  I was also looking for a private snorkeling tour to Kealakekua Bay that provides wet suits.  

Happy to receive advice from anyone about private tours at all the Hawaiian ports.

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@bennybear Those are really special pictures of Kona.  I wonder why they have such beautiful sunsets compared to other places in the world.  Normally I hate spiders, but that one was really different.


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49 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks.all! 
Gotta love a spritz!  And Kona, are winter escape  for over 40 years!  

@cunnorl happy birthday Charlene! 

@marshhawk Happy 70 th,  wishing you both a fabulous day! 

@VMax1700 glad the Bay of Biscay was kind!  Sorry to hear you have a medical evacuation. 


@AncientWandererso glad you are njoying your cruise!  Shirakawa go is exquisite! 


Our Italian spritz!


Nice photo.

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