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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday May 12th, 2024


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Some smiles for Mother’s Day beginning with a limerick.

A mama, worn out by her brood,
Said, “This pampering’s understood!
No chores nor alarms,
Just calming hot balms,
A day for pure peace and self-good!”



Thank you to all the regular posters.  Positive thoughts for those experiencing difficulties.  Cheers to all who have a reason to celebrate.


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Happy Mother’s Day. We will be gathering at DD’s house later with both families. My cousin and her husband are visiting from Quebec and will join us. Lovely sunshine this morning. Just needs to warm up a tad so we can sit outside around the fire table.


DH woke up with a black eye this morning and seeing as I didn’t hit him in my sleep, we have no idea why. He is on blood thinners so the slightest bump gives him a bruise but never like this. Will monitor it and take him to emerg if necessary. 

prayers for those that need them and a shoutout to those celebrating or cruising.

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39 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Its sunny, the computer says its 58 degrees, the weatherman said it would warm up to 80.  











Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers, and I am worried about the outcome with @RedneckBob with it being Limerick Day.  I will celebrate Limerick Maine instead where I spent a wonderful week in 77 with a college friend at his Grandmothers house.  Yes there was running water, and yes there was a toilet, but she would have none of it, so there was an outhouse, and to bathe? We had to use the pond in the back yard.  I wonder how she survived winters..


I like baby bok choy, and since @dfish once recommended roasting veggies, I roast baby bok choy, and serve it with shrimp (along with other veggies) But not in soup. I will celebrate veggies, and all plants even algae.  I read last night that scientists have created a new plastic with algae.  It is biodegradable.  That's not bad unless it dissolves before its use is done.


We saw the ISS last night, but not the aurora, and I was in bed by 11.  I was tired!  I had to watch a zoom video on my next campaign, and while the video was one hour and thirty eight minutes long, with all the notes that I had to write down, it took me 3 hours to finish it.  Sent in my hours, and my boss questioned me on why it took me 3 hours to watch a 1.38 minute video.


And I dont even really get to work with them until 6/9.  


We still have not heard if DH's surgery has been scheduled yet.  Neither the hospital has called regarding Tuesday, but Carrie Lynn at the doctors office cant find out if the laser is now operable. 


I hope everyone enjoys the day.  Time spent with Moms or memories of Mom. My nick name for my mom was Mimsy Whimsical which I started calling her the day she decided to start dancing and singing "Who wears short shorts?"  in front of my friends.

OK, marshhawk, it will not be dirty.


There was a redneck from Nantucket,



Lets start again.


There was this guy named RedneckBob

Who just had retired from his job

So to spice up his life a thing or too

He joined this thread everyday or two



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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

        True quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. I celebrate all Nurses no matter where thay are. Have never been to todays port. 

      A very Happy Mothers Day ! And those  that have lost our mothers or child, may memories give you comfort. I know today is a difficult day for some.

        DS  wanted me to golf today but I declined. I just want to relax today. Doesnt happen that often.


 Stay safe and enjoy today


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1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!  


Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.  Enjoy your special day!  We had another short sighting of the aurora last night.  I went out and the sky was a beautiful magenta, but by the time I got Sue and a camera, it was gone.  I read that there is a chance of viewing tonight also.  We'll give it a try!

Celebrating Mother's Day, here is a picture of me and my mom. 




Today's meal sounds good, but the carb count on it is way too high for me.  It must be the rice noodles in it that put it up that high. I would just add a ton more bok choy and leave the noodles out.   https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/8020237/bok-choy-soup-with-shrimp-noodles/




While the last recipe was on the sweet side, this one seems more on the savory side.  I'd prefer that, but would probably cut down on the noodles or leave them out.  https://thenutritionadventure.com/shrimp-bok-choy-noodle-soup/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!



Lovely photo Debbie of you and your mam.

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2 hours ago, LambKnuckles said:

Happy Mother's Day to those of us in the US!!  And to EVERYONE!!!  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!


We've had cloud cover, and I haven't seen the Aurora Borealis in the past couple of days...  But I've seen photos from around the world!!  Hip Hip Hooray!!!  I've seen it in Alaska, on a cruise...


I think I'll pass on today's meal.  I'm just not that adventurous!  ...and I like my shrimp fried or grilled with garlic!  Or maybe sauteed and with rice...

The Drink sounds delightful!!  


We're still getting cool mornings here, in central Texas!  It's great to go out with the dog and need sleeves!!!  But, it's 'spittering' and dripping from the sky, so I try to get back in quickly!!!


Share your smile today, with someone who needs one and again, with someone you love!!

Happy mother's day Lambie.

I hope you have a lovely day today with River.


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Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s a beautiful morning here with rain coming later in the day.  I’ve already made a trip to Aldi and appreciate their price reductions.  I’ll be heading out and doing some yard work while the sun shines.


@1ANGELCAT I’m so sorry to read about Houdini.  It’s never easy to lose a family member.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and those who step in to fill that role; you are greatly appreciated.  We have some new plants that I hope will stay healthy, totally appreciative of nurses (what would we do without them?), and I lived only 13 miles away from a town called Limerick - current population 115.


A clear, sunny, windy day out there for us this morning.  Yesterday was very strange - as we drove to Home Depot the sky began looking gray and hazy.  When we came out of the store about 15 minutes later there was definitely smoke in the air.  After heading to the south part of the city (the first location didn't have what we needed), and being in there another 15 minutes, the atmosphere had changed dramatically with heavy smoke from the northern Alberta and British Columbia wildfires.  At one point as we were driving on an overpass, you could barely make out the tall buildings in the downtown area - that continued until late afternoon when the wind blew it eastward.  This morning I'm hearing there are evacuation notices and alerts for several communities in the north, so pray for the safety of all.


There's absolutely nothing on the agenda for us today - I believe our "adopted" daughter Sophia and her children will drop in for a quick visit, but other than that it's a free day for us.  I've already written down the recipe for the Rose Kennedy drink to be tested on our TA, would like the wine, and would try the menu suggestion if someone made it for me.  Like @Cruzin Terri, DH and I were going to go out for dinner, but Mother's Day is a madhouse - the restaurants are overfilled and they just want to get you in and out - so we're going to go out one day this week, and take our friend Ollie with us, for a nice leisurely meal.  Today we're going to pick up a couple of noodle bowls from a Vietnamese restaurant close by and will enjoy them at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in the paths of destructive storms and fires.  Cheers to all with celebrations - especially @Haljo1935's "brother the older".


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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I probably should celebrate plant health because I am not good at keeping my plants healthy.  I do not have a green thumb.  Interesting quote and, of course, I will celebrate International Nurses Day.  


The meal looks so delicious that I downloaded the recipes.  I will have to try it some time, as well as the drink.  Wine - meh.  Never been to Himeji. Interesting English history.


Most tasks I had set out for myself yesterday got accomplished.  I do have a tv in my bedroom but I normally watch stuff on my MacBook Air.  I do have a Firestick attached but when I turned it on yesterday (who knows when the last time I did that), so many apps needed updating that it just wasn't working well.  So I bought a 4K Firestick - on sale, no less - and put that on it.  Perfect!  Now if I need to lay in bed I can at least watch tv for entertainment.  Apartment cleaned ✔️ Laundry done ✔️ Prepared meals done and in freezer ✔️ Small Instant Pot and blender on the kitchen counter where I can reach them easily ✔️ Clothes that are easy to put on and off within easy reach ✔️ Transportation to and from scheduled ✔️ Walking sticks prepared ✔️ Bed ready with step stool because it is so dang high ✔️ Both recliners - living room and bedroom - ready just in case ✔️Overnight bag - almost ready.  Today I just have some last minute shopping for some fruit and munchies and mopping the floors to do.  I think I am ready for tomorrow.  A tad nervous as I have never had to stay overnight for my other 2 back surgeries - well, I guess that really isn't true because my first one in '79 I was in the hospital for 15 days as they didn't know what was wrong.  Of course I am overthinking this as I have been watching actual surgeries on YT so see what exactly will happen.  I do find them interesting and calming - I know, weird!  Though TMI can be dangerous!!  LOL!! I think I am ready!!


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone!



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Posted (edited)



Happy Mother's Day, and I hope all the mothers have a wonderful day.  It is very dark and gloomy in central Texas.  Our rain has just started, and it looks like it will be with us until sometime tonight.  Looking at the weather radar, we could get some very heavy rains.  It is 67F with a predicted high of 71F, so we will not be venturing out today.  


Plant health is very important to us and our planet, and I try to keep the few plants I have healthy.   Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system, and we've met some wonderful nurses the past few years.  I used to know quite a few limericks and could write them, but not any more.


Eleanor Roosevelt was very spot on with her quote.


The meal sounds interesting, but only if some one else makes it.  The drink might be worth a try on a BHB, and I'd like to try the wine.


We have not been to Himeji, Japan.


An interesting day in history when Richard I married Berengaria of Navarre in 1191.  The house below is in Khirakita, Cyprus, and is believed to be where the marriage occurred.



@Heartgrove  Welcome home, Jack.

@AncientWanderer  Welcome home, Maxine.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, congratulations on to Ren and the team for the win.  The Vista class ships take a day or two to get used to the layout.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope the laser is working and your DH can get his surgery this week.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, best wishes to BFF on his surgery Friday.

@smitty34877  Terry, thanks for the picture of your mother and grandmother with your DS.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you are feeling better, and I agree that the restaurants are to be avoided on Mothers Day.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad the plant sale was a success.  I hope all the remaining plants are sold next week.  Thanks for the picture of your parents.

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the explanations.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope your DB and DSIL are safe from the tornados.

@superoma  Eva, enjoy your visit with your DD ad family.  I hope your DH's eye clears up soon.

@dfish  Debbie, thanks for the great picture of your mother.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope the smoke has cleared from the wildfires and that the wildfires are quickly contained.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, best wishes for a successful surgery tomorrow.

@Seasick Sailor Joy, @LambKnuckles Lambie, and @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope all of you are safe from the storms and have no damage.















Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Posted (edited)

First of all. Happy Mother’s Day! Whew! What a week, lot’s of bus riding and early arises. Got up at 2:45 AM today to get out to Cape Town airport to fly to Johannesburg then a flight to Namibia, That was a shock when we landed and saw nothing but sand and dunes.

I’ll post a few pictures of yesterday’s cable car up to Table Rock in Cape Town. South Africa has some beautiful terrain but with a 38% unemployment rate there are some very sad sights, crime and drug addiction problems. Last night we stayed in a beautiful hotel and went to an Italian pizza place 500 feet from hotel and asked front desk for directions. Do not let your party of four go without escort from our hotel employees which they did.

Will get to Safari pictures tomorrow. Off to a much needed drink, early dinner and bed. Again Happy Mother’s Day to all our Mom’s past and present. Bruce


PS: The cable car’s floor rotates as you ascend and descend.



Edited by aliaschief
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30 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:



Happy Mother's Day, and I hope all the mothers have a wonderful day.  It is very dark and gloomy in central Texas.  Our rain has just started, and it looks like it will be with us until sometime tonight.  Looking at the weather radar, we could get some very heavy rains.  It is 67F with a predicted high of 71F, so we will not be venturing out today.  


Plant health is very important to us and our planet, and I try to keep the few plants I have healthy.   Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system, and we've met some wonderful nurses the past few years.  I used to know quite a few limericks and could write them, but not any more.


Eleanor Roosevelt was very spot on with her quote.


The meal sounds interesting, but only if some one else makes it.  The drink might be worth a try on a BHB, and I'd like to try the wine.


We have not been to Himeji, Japan.


An interesting day in history when Richard I married Berengaria of Navarre in 1191.  The house below is in Khirakita, Cyprus, and is believed to be where the marriage occurred.



@Heartgrove  Welcome home, Jack.

@AncientWanderer  Welcome home, Maxine.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, congratulations on to Ren and the team for the win.  The Vista class ships take a day or two to get used to the layout.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope the laser is working and your DH can get his surgery this week.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, best wishes to BFF on his surgery Friday.

@smitty34877  Terry, thanks for the picture of your mother and grandmother with your DS.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you are feeling better, and I agree that the restaurants are to be avoided on Mothers Day.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad the plant sale was a success.  I hope all the remaining plants are sold next week.  Thanks for the picture of your parents.

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the explanations.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope your DB and DSIL are safe from the tornados.

@superoma  Eva, enjoy your visit with your DD ad family.  I hope your DH's eye clears up soon.

@dfish  Debbie, thanks for the great picture of your mother.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope the smoke has cleared from the wildfires and that the wildfires are quickly contained.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, best wishes for a successful surgery tomorrow.

@Seasick Sailor Joy, @LambKnuckles Lambie, and @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope all of you are safe from the storms and have no damage.















Ms Crystal,


I prefer a real yacht!



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Good morning and Happy Sunday. Happy Mother’s Day also!


 I got back from Waco a few days ago. I had a really great time with my ladies group friends. It stormed a few times while I was there and I have never heard thunder quite that loud, it was very close. I never had to wear my sunglasses due to the overcast. It was actually quite nice since I was expecting it to be hot and sticky from the humidity. I’ll share a few pictures.  There were magnolias everywhere.  Very pretty. 






Yesterday DM had an appointment, unusual for a Saturday, and we went to lunch afterward. I splurged and got prime rib, yum. Today we are going over to her center for the Mother’s Day buffet but I’m going to eat light because of my colonoscopy on Tuesday. DM is feeling so much better but still has a cough and wears out easily. One day at a time!


@1ANGELCAT, I am so sorry about Houdini. 

Pennie @Nickelpenny, best wishes for your surgery tomorrow. It sounds like you have everything very organized and ready for your recovery at home. If you need anything please let me know. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning. Sunny and cool this morning. As dark and cloudy as it got yesterday, it never rained. Maybe later this week. We do need it.


No plans for today. I may walk dogs at the shelter this afternoon... it depends on how much I get done today at home. I want to get one more box of books ready to go, and sort at least one drawer in the bedroom. I know I have lots that can be tossed. And am trying to catch up on reading magazines that came while I was away so I will keep busy. Oh yes, need a quick trip to the grocery store. All very low key and not very exciting. May call my Sister this pm and see how her day was.... I know her daughter and granddaughter will see her and perhaps take her out. She very much misses being able to drive but her eyesight has gotten very bad.


Have a nice day all.





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23 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Sunday. Happy Mother’s Day also!


 I got back from Waco a few days ago. I had a really great time with my ladies group friends. It stormed a few times while I was there and I have never heard thunder quite that loud, it was very close. I never had to wear my sunglasses due to the overcast. It was actually quite nice since I was expecting it to be hot and sticky from the humidity. I’ll share a few pictures.  There were magnolias everywhere.  Very pretty. 






Yesterday DM had an appointment, unusual for a Saturday, and we went to lunch afterward. I splurged and got prime rib, yum. Today we are going over to her center for the Mother’s Day buffet but I’m going to eat light because of my colonoscopy on Tuesday. DM is feeling so much better but still has a cough and wears out easily. One day at a time!


@1ANGELCAT, I am so sorry about Houdini. 

Pennie @Nickelpenny, best wishes for your surgery tomorrow. It sounds like you have everything very organized and ready for your recovery at home. If you need anything please let me know. 

Have a great day everyone!

Lovely photos Sharon.

Nice photo of you.

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Yesterday afternoon the road near one of our local beaches was cordoned off by Police and coastguard so we took a detour to get to our usual place about a mile north.

We heard a loud bang and I have just heard on the local news it was an unexploded bomb which was detonated underwater by our army bombsquad.


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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

@grapau27 Wow!   I assume that's an unexploded bomb from World War II, or was it something else?

It would have been a German bomb from WW2.

Sunderland nearby used to be the largest shipbuilding town in the world and a major target.

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6 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

It would have been a German bomb from WW2.

Sunderland nearby used to be the largest shipbuilding town in the world and a major target.

That is so interesting, Graham. I’m glad everything worked out safely all these years later. 

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