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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday May 31st, 2024

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Has anyone heard about HAL changing the policy on Catholic Priests onboard?  Apparently they will discontinue having Priests on shorter cruises including the Caribbean, Alaska, Canada and Europe.  Only longer cruises will have Priests.  Why do you think they changed such a long established policy?  It can't be a cost factor since they only supply a cabin.  The Priest pays his own transportation and expenses.

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Good morning, 

We have a sunny day! It's not going to last but it's good enough for now. Yesterday I stayed home and got quite a bit done including baking chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies. Today is busy as I need to get the clothes and other "stuff" out ready to pack, have a run to town for the Hallmark store, the bank, and the pool then dinner tonight with DS and DDIL at their house. DDIL's parents are down from Alaska so will enjoy a visit with them. 


Sailing on Sunday and am looking forward to sailing by myself. The other 3 cruises to Alaska this summer all have friends going with me. 


Like the quote, no to the cake, yes to the wine! 



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Saving your hearing is important; I have tinnitus, attributed to some age-related hearing loss (only high frequencies).  I try to keep good thoughts mainly. I'm all for no tobacco. Great quote (I'm a big Tolkien/LOTR fan). Pass on the meal, maybe for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Port Said. 


Another chilly start here, in the low 40's, but warming up nicely. I just had delivery of the drop leaf table I sent out for restoration. Expensive, but it looks great. It's from the early 1900's and belonged to my DM's Mother. Plans today are to pack up groceries I bought for BFF (and a few surprise treats) and take them to him. I'll also do anything he needs, like laundry, within my limits.


@Vict0riann Happy Birthday to Pat!

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you had good weather for Tallinn. Lovely Port Said photos.

@grapau27 I hope you're feeling better today, Graham. Thanks for the explanation of the day.

@Heartgrove It sad that Sam is healthy, but can't get around easily.

@Denise T I hope Fancy recovers well from the lyme disease.

@seagarsmoker Thanks for letting us know, so we don't worry. I hope all your projects go well.

@ottahand7 Nice photo.

@mamaofami Yikes on the snakes! Prayers for your DD and DGS while in Israel.

@marshhawk I'm glad you're arranging your schedule so you have some time off. 

@smitty34877 Thank goodness DD and DSIL are able to arrange their schedules to help out while you are away. Continued prayers for Tana. 

@ger_77 I hope the Chiro is helping DH's back.

@RMLincoln Enjoy that walk today, and the meditation group.

@Nickelpenny Good luck at the appointment today. So sad about that child drowning; people need to get teaching for their young children. My DM couldn't swim, and was somewhat afraid of the water, but she made sure I got swimming lessons at the local YMCA.

@rafinmd I hope all goes well with the dental extraction.

@Overhead Fred Thanks for the photos.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Exciting to be getting the golf cart today. Nice photos from Port Said.  


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Good morning all!

Today will be even sunnier and warmer (high 60's) than yesterday.  I plan to enjoy it, as the rain will return tomorrow.  DH and I got all the trimming and de-candling done on the Mugo Pine yesterday, I'm very pleased with how it looks. No plans today other than more gardening and enjoying the sunshine.


Taking care of your hearing is so important.  Unfortunately sometimes hearing loss runs in families, as it does in DH's family.  Not smoking is very important for our health.  I'm not real sure about the quote, but do try to think positively.  We've been to Cairo and (hopefully) will get to both Cairo and Port Said on the '26 World Cruise.  Fingers crossed but not holding my breath.  Thanks for the great photos!  I'll pass on the drink and meal, but would like the wine.


Last night there was some excitement in the 'hood because a fire truck came to our neighbors' and good friends' house.  Thank goodness she sent a text to me right away to let me know everything was ok -- one of her daughters had left the gas on the stove and she returned home to a house smelling of gas.  Her DH travels a lot for business, so it was just her and her 2 teenage daughters at home.  Last week 3 fire trucks, 2 ambulances and 1 police car came to the dysfunctional family's house down the street.  We never did hear what that was about, it could have been anything. One person was taken away in the ambulance with the siren running.  There are 9 people living there in a house the same size and floor plan as ours (4 bedrooms, but egad, 9 people?!?)  It's extended family all living together, the owners can't seem to say "no" to anyone.  


Ann @Vict0riann Happy Birthday to your DH Pat!

Prayers for the dear pets having health problems -- so sad to see our pets failing or ill.  @Heartgrove @DeniseT

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the photos of Mickey Rooney! 




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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

We have a sunny day! It's not going to last but it's good enough for now. Yesterday I stayed home and got quite a bit done including baking chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies. Today is busy as I need to get the clothes and other "stuff" out ready to pack, have a run to town for the Hallmark store, the bank, and the pool then dinner tonight with DS and DDIL at their house. DDIL's parents are down from Alaska so will enjoy a visit with them. 


Sailing on Sunday and am looking forward to sailing by myself. The other 3 cruises to Alaska this summer all have friends going with me. 


Like the quote, no to the cake, yes to the wine! 



I hope you have a fabulous time on Majestic Princess starting Sunday Karen.


Edited by grapau27
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Good morning, Dailyites,  I told Pat that you all wished him a happy birthday and he wondered how you knew.  I said, Vanessa knows all!  Hope Jacqui had a happy day yesterday.  We had a nice few days in Bellingham, spent our limit, and now we are home again.  I have my doctor's appointment this morning - I dreamt he told me there was nothing more they could do for me....  However, I did see the ultrasound results on line, and it suggests a malignancy, and then the report disappeared, so I imagine they want the doctor to inform me!  Life is interesting as you get old.  Pat is 88 today, and he is off to England on Tuesday to spend some time with his cousin who is having his 94th birthday next Thursday.  

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Posted (edited)

It was a very wet day in Koper, Slovenia. Actually enough that one would consider building an Ark!

Rode up to the capital Ljubljana and walked around between downpours then had a lunch. Then we changed plans due to weather and went to a winery in Koper. Some great wines.

Other then that we basically tried to escape the torrential rain.

Thanks for the reports and postings. Have not had a chance to read the Daily yet but will later. Bruce








Edited by aliaschief
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10 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites,  I told Pat that you all wished him a happy birthday and he wondered how you knew.  I said, Vanessa knows all!  Hope Jacqui had a happy day yesterday.  We had a nice few days in Bellingham, spent our limit, and now we are home again.  I have my doctor's appointment this morning - I dreamt he told me there was nothing more they could do for me....  However, I did see the ultrasound results on line, and it suggests a malignancy, and then the report disappeared, so I imagine they want the doctor to inform me!  Life is interesting as you get old.  Pat is 88 today, and he is off to England on Tuesday to spend some time with his cousin who is having his 94th birthday next Thursday.  

Sending prayers 🙏 it was not a malignancy Ann and you get good news today.

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35 minutes ago, KAKcruiser said:

Has anyone heard about HAL changing the policy on Catholic Priests onboard?  Apparently they will discontinue having Priests on shorter cruises including the Caribbean, Alaska, Canada and Europe.  Only longer cruises will have Priests.  Why do you think they changed such a long established policy?  It can't be a cost factor since they only supply a cabin.  The Priest pays his own transportation and expenses.


Probably because there are fewer and fewer priests....many are retiring and few are entering the seminary.

Good morning everyone and thank you for the Daily!

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The Apostolate of the Seas which supplies the Priests says that they were very surprised by this announcement and that they had enough Priests to supply the HAL ships.  So, that is not the reason the policy was changed.

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6 hours ago, richwmn said:

Wine of the Day - 2019 Riesling, Weisenstein Trocken, Bastgen, Mosel


As I go deeper into these "California wine alternative" posts, you are all going to learn about several of my wine prejudices.  Here are a couple.


  • As proud as I am about California wines, I think that the best Riesling wines are from Germany.
  • Riesling is supposed to have some level of sweetness.  I really do not like dry Riesling wines.  I do know that my opinion is narrow-minded and, I actually appreciate the fact that the opinion of others may not agree with me.


All that notwithstanding, I found that I had this wine q few years ago.






I did find a few notes of my impression of this wine:


An off-dry Riesling.  Somewhat viscous mouthfeel. Honeysuckle and greeen apple on the tongue, but counterbalanced by acid tartness. Some mid-palate minerality. Suggestion of lime on the finish.


The Cole Vineyard is located in the California North Coast--which can be anywhere from Mendocino County to the Oregon border.  


This is one of my very favorite wineries.  Mrs. XBGuy and I have to run errands, today.  So, I will save talk more about Bedrock another time.

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1 hour ago, KAKcruiser said:

Has anyone heard about HAL changing the policy on Catholic Priests onboard?  Apparently they will discontinue having Priests on shorter cruises including the Caribbean, Alaska, Canada and Europe.  Only longer cruises will have Priests.  Why do you think they changed such a long established policy?  It can't be a cost factor since they only supply a cabin.  The Priest pays his own transportation and expenses.

I've been following that thread - disappointing change, for sure.

The new policy says priests will also be on Christmas and Easter sailings.

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@ger_77  I ordered a harness that fits on his back end this morning. It wraps around his rear and has a handle to grab to help him up. I was using a towel under him which takes a few tries to get right. When it first happened a few weeks ago he would keep trying to get his footing. It is always in a corner with limited access. This morning it seemed like he gave up after two attempts. Can't help but think we are getting closer to the decision day.

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We had to get our shepard a sling-like contraption with straps....sling under his belly, pull it up & use the straps to haul him around.....I called it his suitcase.

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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the  Fleet Report and Daily.  Three nice days to celebrate, especially Save Your Hearing Day.

Great quote by Tolkein..

Interesting day in UK/Canadian history

I visited Port Said just once, on Silver Whisper in 2007..

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is as Iced Melon Bisque, Mixed Gourmet Greens, Chicken and Corn Soup, and Fruit Cup au Natural served on MS Prinsendam May 31, 2015.

Back home to stay.  Tooth still oozing blood and mouth still numbed..



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On the oral surgery front, I got the sutures removed from my lower front jaw area yesterday...all looks good, return in 3 months to see if the implants can be placed --- she put in the hardware when she did the extractions.  Mouth is way less tender & I think I might be able to bite something firmer than pudding or tapioca later today --  YAY!!

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Good morning and Happy Friday. It’s hot and here to stay. I don’t know how Pennie can survive without the AC. We do keep it warmer usually 79, sometimes 78 if I’m cooking, and you get used to that. Overnight I have to have it on 74. The pool is still too cold but maybe this weekend I’ll test the water. 

Ann @Vict0riann, Happy Birthday to DH Pat!  And to you—prayers for your results. Don’t worry too much about them, remember these are radiologists looking at them not your doctor. The doctor I worked for would often not even look at the written results until she reviewed the actual films. 

I’m passing on the MOD and drink and wine. I’ll probably never get to the port. We are having leftovers today and tomorrow. The days are good. Hearing safety is very important. When I was first starting in the medical field I worked for a large ENT group and learned so much. I wish my DM didn’t have hearing issues but it runs in the family. Going to a family reunion was like going to a shouting match. 

@erewhon, I’m happy to read your test results were good. 

Graham @grapau27, thank you for the pictures and videos of the NS.  I love hearing your voice on the videos!  I hope you are feeling better. 

Elizabeth @Haljo1935, maybe I missed something but I haven’t read you talk about work lately. Did you retire?  I hope your shoulder issues get better and you can book the cruise. Your rains and storms sound intense. 

Have a great day everyone!



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8 hours ago, richwmn said:


Today is .............................. and World No-Tobacco Day...........................







No Smoking Unless You Are On Fire Funny Labels LAGH340


Funny Smoking Quotes. QuotesGram


Pin on Stuff


Smoking - Pun-It Square


Funny Smoking Quotes. QuotesGram


You Look Dead Hot - Web Comics - 4koma comic strip, webcomics, web comics


Cigarette jokes one liners, Enregistrer le 83% beaucoup - ltgak31.com

6ravix on X: "Sometimes it takes a bit of research to get the joke.😂😂  https://t.co/pupNeujVFZ" / X

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Back from the doctor and haircut.  There is a carcinoma, and the doctor is sending me to a surgeon - probably for just a lumpectomy, and see how it goes.  Now the waiting begins!    So relieved to be able to get a haircut without an appointment, I feel lightheaded without all that hair.

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21 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Back from the doctor and haircut.  There is a carcinoma, and the doctor is sending me to a surgeon - probably for just a lumpectomy, and see how it goes.  Now the waiting begins!    So relieved to be able to get a haircut without an appointment, I feel lightheaded without all that hair.



All the best Ann! Maria and I are thinking about you!

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Today's sunrise is from my 2013 Blount cruise from New Orleans to St. Petersburg.  On May 31 we disembarked in St. Petersburg.






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