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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 25th, 2024


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Good morning, Dailyites!  Every morning, with my second cup of coffee, I read the Daily News and then I line up my port pictures (if I have any) make my list of birthdays, anniversaries, patients, .  And by the time I've done all that the day has begun and I never get back to it.  Then, the next day, I discard all yesterday's photos and start over!


Anyway, I'm here, thinking of you all.  Hope Roy had a happy birthday, and that those ailing are improving.  Terry, I think of you and Tana and your families so often.  And Terri has had one catastrophe after another.  Things are going smoothly here.  The guests have gone.  I have one picture to post of our visit to Butchart's, it was a beautiful day.  We decided the tea at the Empress is better than the tea at Butchart's, but it was very nice (and half the price of the Empress).


I had my bloodwork and ECG yesterday, doctor's appointment today, haircut on Wednesday (must look worth saving!), and the op is Thursday.  I should be home the same day.  So quite minor, really.   I made a carrot cake yesterday (thank you, Melanie) and froze a couple of meals and DD and DH will look after the rest.  


Don't I wish this were my garden!





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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

A good day for Seafarers, The Beatles and Smurfs. Funny quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have not been to Puerto Limon. A good day in history for TV.


It's cloudy here today and 76F. No rain is called for. I was up last night watching the Stanley Cup Final Game 7 - Congrats to the Florida Panthers. I have PT this afternoon. I'll stop at the State Store (what our wine stores were called, as they're state owned) before, and the grocery store after. Tomorrow I'll go to BFF's and am making a new recipe for a paprika chicken, if the storms aren't too bad.


@Crazy For Cats Happy Birthday to Juan! Nice flower photos and the cats look happy.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you got to Stornoway. 

@MISTER 67 Be careful out on the golf course in the heat. 

@dfish Safe travels today.

@ottahand7 I'm glad your DB is in good spirits. Thanks for the Puerto Limon photos.

@Cruzin Terri I was so sad to read of this latest challenge. Prayers for less pain and a good treatment plan. Safe trip to Mayo today. 

@0106 Yikes on the size of that catfish!

@kazu Thank you for sharing the sweet wedding photos of you and Jose yesterday. I'm sorry your car place can't do the AC. I hope you find another one that can. Good luck at the chiropractor today. 

@Mr. Boston Exciting times! I hope your move goes smoothly.

@cunnorl Good news from the Cardiologist!

@marshhawk Condolences on the passing of your friend, and to his friends and family. 

@Cruising-along Fun times at your house with the kitties. 

@Vict0riann Prayers all goes well on Thursday.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating


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As @richwmn said, the Veragua Rain Forest was a nice place to visit from Puerto Limon. In 2022 I went on a Eurodam excursion which added a boat trip on the Tortuguero Canals in the flatlands and called it an ecotour. It was a long day starting with a rainbow as we docked, but worth the journey to see so much of the countryside. Sloths, crocodiles, salamanders, butterflies, oh my.




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Condolences on the death of Annie's friend.  I was safely inside by 11 after completing my morning activities. 


I think Dunn's River Falls is an option out of Puerto Limon but I had already been there and did not do any tours.  In 2021 I did take a walk around town and found it looked very poor and run down.  There was a park near the water but it looked neglected and I did not even go into it.  In about an hour's walk I only took a couple of photos.  One was the Teatro:




The other photo is from the port itself and demonstrates the people's willingness to waste not and do what they can.  They are several benches in the port that are made from recycled oil drums.  They were moist and I did not try to sit on them but they looked pretty good:





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Good morning. I have been to the port of the day but the weather was not the best and I made a short foray into town and then retreated to the ship. Would love to go back and visit the wildlife .... I am a particular fan of sloths. They may be my spirit animal.


Up before dawn this morning to be sure I was ready to leave my house before the traffic around the road construction blocked me in. My appointment with the eye doc was at 8:00. I made it in good time and was finished by 8:45. No changes in vision and eyes looked healthy. Back in a year.


Stornoway and the surrounding Isle of Lewis is one of my favorite places. I hid out up there when was putting the final touches on my Ph.D. dissertation. I had come over to England to help my some cousins close down and clear out the house of a rather distant relative who died at 100 plus with no close family remaining. Everything went to my cousin. The relative's family had lived in the house for many years - he had been born it it .... the last years just being just him and a sister.... and the house held stuff!!! lots of stuff!! Some of it went back to the 1600's.... like land deeds and apprentice records for distant family members. It was a interesting but mind boggling job. Every bit of paper had to be looked at. And much of the stuff just had to be tossed. Anyway, when I finished my part,  I took my dissertation north to Lewis, rented a cottage outside of Stornoway for 2 weeks, and proof read, annotated,  and relaxed. Have been back several times since but not recently. I am sure it has changed a great deal since then. I still remember my struggles with a peat fire and the clothes drying rack which hung over the stove in the kitchen. The climate in Lewis is very, very damp.


Better get back to work on my place.... recounting this reminds me I come from a long line of pack rats. My house is not as bad as the one mentioned above, but it is overfull. Back to bagging for trash and thrift store.


@Cruzin TerriGlad you got that appointment so quickly. Best wishes.





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1 hour ago, WannaSea said:

As @richwmn said, the Veragua Rain Forest was a nice place to visit from Puerto Limon. In 2022 I went on a Eurodam excursion which added a boat trip on the Tortuguero Canals in the flatlands and called it an ecotour. It was a long day starting with a rainbow as we docked, but worth the journey to see so much of the countryside. Sloths, crocodiles, salamanders, butterflies, oh my.




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We also did the tram ride over the rain forest.

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7 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you for today's FR&D

It is cloudy and 68°F at the moment.

I called at the beach this morning after dropping Pauline off at work.

As 90% of trade is via the sea our Seafarers deserve at least a day of recognition.

We love the Beatles and visited the Beatles museum and the Cavern club in Liverpool as well as a mystery bus tour showing us their former homes and places of some of their songs like

Strawberry Fields.

Penny Lane.

Pauline likes French onion soup.

Thank you everyone for all of your lovely comments on My P&O Our Fantastic cruise on Arvia thread yesterday.

Prayers 🙏 that everyone will be well.

I wish you all a happy day.



OK, Graham, you are only allowed to post these pictures on one thread! But I will give you a past today. 👍👍👍

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7 hours ago, summer slope said:

Tokyo Rendezvous cocktail:


The Tokyo Rendezvous cocktail is a sophisticated and elegant drink that combines the smooth and complex flavor of Japanese liqueur with the floral notes of hibiscus gin. This cocktail is a perfect balance of sweet and sour, with a hint of bitterness from the gin, making it a popular choice for those who appreciate a well-crafted cocktail. The Tokyo Rendezvous cocktail was created by a mixologist in Tokyo, Japan, and has since become a favorite in bars and restaurants around the world.


1 oz. lemon juice
1/2 hibiscus syrup
1 1/2 oz. hibiscus gin
1/2 oz. choya yuzu
2 dashes lavender bitters


In a shaker filled with ice add all ingredients and shake well until chilled.
Rim a glass with sugar and strain the drink into it.


Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 7.01.25 AM.png

Saki it to me!

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7 hours ago, cat shepard said:



But the local bucks stopped by for breakfast to cheer me up. I apologize for the quality of the pictures. 



What cheers you up, depresses me.  Cursed things have cost me money ofver the years for fencing, etc.

But remember, we get 7 to 10 at a time.



3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Update:  I have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic tomorrow at 11:45 am.

I don’t know what kind of miracle they performed to get me in, but they did.

We are leaving this afternoon.



Safe travels, Terri. I sure hope they can help.  🤞 


Debbie @dfish I hope the T-storms have cleared up and you can get there safely 🤞 

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Good early afternoon and Happy Tuesday from a still very muggy Tucson. 


Good collection of days.  I enjoy onion soup occasionally but would want it with beef broth. I’ll pass on the drink, too fruity with the hibiscus. I have never been to the east coast of Costa Rica. 

Thank you ALL for the lovely birthday wishes yesterday!!  I am very grateful for my Daily friends and feel blessed to have met many of you. 

Jacqui @kazu, thank you so much for posting your wedding pictures yesterday!!  What a beautiful day it must have been!  Two lovebirds in love!  May your memories of Jose bring you joy and peace. 

Jake @Crazy For Cats, I hope Juan is enjoying his special day. I believe that this is the crepe restaurant Debbie was wanting to go to. We walked by it in October 2022 when we were in QC together prior to our cruise. 
http://aupetitcoinbreton.ca/  unfortunately, they weren’t open in the evening at that time so we went to https://en.cassecrepebreton.ca/


Annie @marshhawk, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. 

Have a great day everyone!



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Good afternoon, it's around 90F with a dew point of 74, kind of miserable outside.  We had a storm roll through this am and now it's like a rain forest! Our neighbors are moving after 40 years in their house.  The "junk" truck was here this am...they filled it to the brim.  As I was watching them, I decided we need to go through some cabinets and closets.  We filled one SUV with stuff to go to the donation center.  There's more to go, but it's a start! I've told myself, no more stuff for the house!  

The French onion soup sounds good. We stopped in Puerto Limon in 2023 on our Partial Canal Transit cruise.  We did the Tortuguero Canals and then went to a park and walked around there.  We did see a lot of wildlife on the canal ride.  

@Crazy For CatsHappy Birthday to Juan!🎂

@marshhawkSorry to hear about your friend...

@Cruzin TerriHoping your arm feels better. Our son-in-law tore his bicep tendon a few years back, he was in his later 40's then.  He had the big lump in his upper arm.  He chose to let it be, no surgery.  He had many shoulder surgeries during his younger sports years.  The lump is gone now,  and his arm works as it did before.  He's the one we call when we need lifting or moving help! (LOL)

Have a good afternoon, we may go to a park concert tonight, depending on the weather! 

I'm not sure how to insert photos and make comments, but there is a monkey in 1 tree and a sloth in the next! P2123855.thumb.JPG.9d71310764d737fcd051816ceb7808a9.JPG20230212_094932.thumb.jpg.4b38e165de45a083da52ca3f913cb349.jpgP2123838.thumb.JPG.acc4ef0afa5064356851fc671cdac7c2.JPGP2123835.thumb.JPG.cf3b23758b92cd0e5ca8aeae143ee33d.JPGc57b15e47606e67f934746b7fce9a655.jpg.b4bbde5c5f0fd31fac8decd8fc871664.jpg




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48 minutes ago, quilty964 said:

Good afternoon, it's around 90F with a dew point of 74, kind of miserable outside.  We had a storm roll through this am and now it's like a rain forest! Our neighbors are moving after 40 years in their house.  The "junk" truck was here this am...they filled it to the brim.  As I was watching them, I decided we need to go through some cabinets and closets.  We filled one SUV with stuff to go to the donation center.  There's more to go, but it's a start! I've told myself, no more stuff for the house!  

The French onion soup sounds good. We stopped in Puerto Limon in 2023 on our Partial Canal Transit cruise.  We did the Tortuguero Canals and then went to a park and walked around there.  We did see a lot of wildlife on the canal ride.  

@Crazy For CatsHappy Birthday to Juan!🎂

@marshhawkSorry to hear about your friend...

@Cruzin TerriHoping your arm feels better. Our son-in-law tore his bicep tendon a few years back, he was in his later 40's then.  He had the big lump in his upper arm.  He chose to let it be, no surgery.  He had many shoulder surgeries during his younger sports years.  The lump is gone now,  and his arm works as it did before.  He's the one we call when we need lifting or moving help! (LOL)

Have a good afternoon, we may go to a park concert tonight, depending on the weather! 

I'm not sure how to insert photos and make comments, but there is a monkey in 1 tree and a sloth in the next! P2123855.thumb.JPG.9d71310764d737fcd051816ceb7808a9.JPG20230212_094932.thumb.jpg.4b38e165de45a083da52ca3f913cb349.jpgP2123838.thumb.JPG.acc4ef0afa5064356851fc671cdac7c2.JPGP2123835.thumb.JPG.cf3b23758b92cd0e5ca8aeae143ee33d.JPGc57b15e47606e67f934746b7fce9a655.jpg.b4bbde5c5f0fd31fac8decd8fc871664.jpg




Nice photos.

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3 hours ago, WannaSea said:

As @richwmn said, the Veragua Rain Forest was a nice place to visit from Puerto Limon. In 2022 I went on a Eurodam excursion which added a boat trip on the Tortuguero Canals in the flatlands and called it an ecotour. It was a long day starting with a rainbow as we docked, but worth the journey to see so much of the countryside. Sloths, crocodiles, salamanders, butterflies, oh my.




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Your tour sounds just like mine. Thanks for posting the pictures, good memories!

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7 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites.  I am off dog walking duty today, as Donna is home, and I have a zillion things to do before noon, and at the rate I am going, it may just be the perfect time to go back to sleep. And do all those things later in the day.  I wish it was easier to wake Chuck up.  


I made a rather delicious dinner last night with a beef stir fry with snow peas, onions, orange pepper, and chopped green onions on rice.  I took all the leftovers, threw them in a bowl, mixed them up and that will be lunch.


I do love French Onion Soup, but mostly for the cheese.  


During the typing the phone rang, BFF called to let me know that our mutual friend passed away this morning.  He said that the passing of our friend, made him remember, you dont live forever, so live! while you can.  In the past month before our friend had gone back into the hospital, he had been given the opportunity to do 3 things that he really wanted to do, none of them stressful, and he did not do any of them, for fear that he might not feel good.  


The phone woke DH up, so now to get those errands done before it gets too hot to do anything.


@StLouisCruisersMid morning yesterday it finally Poured! on 75 south, and the storm headed down 75 for quite a while, flooding the highway for a while, so hopefully some of it went to your house.

Condolences to you Annie and your friends family.

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I generally avoid French onion soup because it seems to be all about a bunch of messy cheese, but I would try a vegetarian adaptation. Actual dinner tonight will be sautéed pattypan squash, since I finally got some, with kosher uncured hot dogs warmed in the same pan. No on the cocktail (complicated).


Black Box is usually a decent brand for boxed wines, but I buy only red, usually Pinot Noir, because I don't finish a bottle of red wine before it oxidizes. AFAIK the Pinot Noir contains no additives except sulfites. I'm not very fond of Pinot Grigio to begin with, and since this one is sweetened -- I guess for the mass market, as Pinot Grigio is usually completely dry -- I'll nominate one of the very few boxed wines from the Finger Lakes, Bully Hill Grower's White, $18.99 for 3 liters, which is definitely sweet.







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Good afternoon from a partly cloudy, wind and hot (96F) central Texas.  I had a mostly successful day in Fort Worth.  The jewelry store could send one of my watches and one of DH's in to be fixed.   My other watch was not one they could handle, but he was nice enough to get me the information on how to contact the service center and the name of a jewelry store in Arlington that  could possibly send the watch in.  As far as the rest of the errands, I was mostly successful, but there were a few things I could not find.  I'm just glad there was a breeze to make being outside tolerable, and the a/c in the car worked.


Yesterday, after fighting the HAL website, we did something we never had done.  We booked the 2025 Artic Circle Solstice cruise.  We normally book a lot closer to the cruise, but this is one I've wanted to do, and they had a good sail going until the end of the month.  Carolyn @Cruising-along if all goes right, we'll finally get to meet.


8 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

    We are now officially in our summer weather pattern. Hot steamy days with afternoon thunderstorms. 

     We all like onion soup and it is always on our Christmas Eve menu.

     I imagine we are all Seafarers at one time or another. There is a big organization in Port Canaveral that assists all the true Seafarers. They provide counseling, rides to BJS, Walmart and the Mall. They also assist them with calls home and money matters. My neighbor has volunteered there for many years. He is an old Navy guy.

    I was in todays port many years ago and it scheduled on our WC.

    Had a good visit with my cardiologist yesterday, She told me she saw me on the golf course the other day. So she said I was fine. Yeah! I go because both my brothers died suddenly from heart attacks.

    @Crazy For Cats  A very Happy Birthday to Juan. May he have many more!

      @dfish  Safe travels today


Today we are going to TMobile to see about changing our carrier. We have had ATT for many years but it has become very expensive even with the supposed discounts, So we will see.

 Stay safe and enjoy today



Glad you got good news from your cardiologist, Charlene.


8 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites.  I am off dog walking duty today, as Donna is home, and I have a zillion things to do before noon, and at the rate I am going, it may just be the perfect time to go back to sleep. And do all those things later in the day.  I wish it was easier to wake Chuck up.  


I made a rather delicious dinner last night with a beef stir fry with snow peas, onions, orange pepper, and chopped green onions on rice.  I took all the leftovers, threw them in a bowl, mixed them up and that will be lunch.


I do love French Onion Soup, but mostly for the cheese.  


During the typing the phone rang, BFF called to let me know that our mutual friend passed away this morning.  He said that the passing of our friend, made him remember, you dont live forever, so live! while you can.  In the past month before our friend had gone back into the hospital, he had been given the opportunity to do 3 things that he really wanted to do, none of them stressful, and he did not do any of them, for fear that he might not feel good.  


The phone woke DH up, so now to get those errands done before it gets too hot to do anything.


@StLouisCruisersMid morning yesterday it finally Poured! on 75 south, and the storm headed down 75 for quite a while, flooding the highway for a while, so hopefully some of it went to your house.


Annie, our condolences to you, @catmando Chuck, and BFF on the passing of your friend.  It's a shame he missed the items on his bucket list.


7 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone,  thanks for today's daily fleet report.   Thank you everyone for DH'S birthday wishes.  Also thank you @JazzyV for remembering.  We went out for birthday breakfast and will go out later gor dinner.  I picked ip a cake and have champagne chilled for later.

Our dryer started making a thumping noise, it still dried clothes.  Sunday night I booked an appointment online with Sears. Monday morning was available with a window of 8 to noon. The repair guy arrived shortly after 8 and had it fixed by 9:30. A new belt, roller and pulley were needed.

@dfish I'm hoping you find a place in Quebec for dinner during our overnight stay.

From the garden. 




Jasper likes the new bedding from the rescue. 


Zander enjoys the new bedding too.



Beautiful flowers and good looking cats, Jake.


7 hours ago, GTVCRUISER said:

Me my brother and a friend saw the Beatles in concert in San Diego 1965



Thanks for sharing the poster from 1965.


6 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Update:  I have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic tomorrow at 11:45 am.

I don’t know what kind of miracle they performed to get me in, but they did.

We are leaving this afternoon.



Terri, good news about the appointment tomorrow.  I hope they can help without surgery.


5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Every morning, with my second cup of coffee, I read the Daily News and then I line up my port pictures (if I have any) make my list of birthdays, anniversaries, patients, .  And by the time I've done all that the day has begun and I never get back to it.  Then, the next day, I discard all yesterday's photos and start over!


Anyway, I'm here, thinking of you all.  Hope Roy had a happy birthday, and that those ailing are improving.  Terry, I think of you and Tana and your families so often.  And Terri has had one catastrophe after another.  Things are going smoothly here.  The guests have gone.  I have one picture to post of our visit to Butchart's, it was a beautiful day.  We decided the tea at the Empress is better than the tea at Butchart's, but it was very nice (and half the price of the Empress).


I had my bloodwork and ECG yesterday, doctor's appointment today, haircut on Wednesday (must look worth saving!), and the op is Thursday.  I should be home the same day.  So quite minor, really.   I made a carrot cake yesterday (thank you, Melanie) and froze a couple of meals and DD and DH will look after the rest.  


Don't I wish this were my garden!






Ann, thanks for the picture from the gardens.  I like looking at beautiful gardens, but not all the work they entail.  We'll be thinking of you Thursday.


4 hours ago, WannaSea said:

As @richwmn said, the Veragua Rain Forest was a nice place to visit from Puerto Limon. In 2022 I went on a Eurodam excursion which added a boat trip on the Tortuguero Canals in the flatlands and called it an ecotour. It was a long day starting with a rainbow as we docked, but worth the journey to see so much of the countryside. Sloths, crocodiles, salamanders, butterflies, oh my.




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Thanks for the pictures from your tour.


4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Condolences on the death of Annie's friend.  I was safely inside by 11 after completing my morning activities. 


I think Dunn's River Falls is an option out of Puerto Limon but I had already been there and did not do any tours.  In 2021 I did take a walk around town and found it looked very poor and run down.  There was a park near the water but it looked neglected and I did not even go into it.  In about an hour's walk I only took a couple of photos.  One was the Teatro:




The other photo is from the port itself and demonstrates the people's willingness to waste not and do what they can.  They are several benches in the port that are made from recycled oil drums.  They were moist and I did not try to sit on them but they looked pretty good:






Interesting pictures, Roy, and a great way to recycle oil drums.  Thanks for sharing them.

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Thank you for all your condolences.  It made me rethink a lot about my time with him over the years. When we were young and I mean little we were together most of the time with the neighbor who lived next to him, but across from me.  When we moved to France, his mother had them move out of the township and into Mendham NJ, a "classier" place. So we lost touch, but I always heard about him because his mother and my mother thought the two of us should grow up and get married.  We were not interested in each other at all.  


We met back up after college in a young adults group, and the only thing we actually had in common  was the love of car racing.  And the group would often go up to Lime Rock on memorial days or go to the state fair and watch the Trenton 250 .  But that was it.  When his wife walked out on him 4 years ago, he called, and we reconnected due to his love of racing and my clear addiction to Formula 1.  One weekend, shortly after we both graduated from college his dad gave us tickets to Pocono to watch Nascar.  I have fond memories of it, he didnt remember it all. 


Three days ago Dan told me that he had become less agitated, and the last three days, he was sleeping. And he passed away this morning at 1.  


On the flip side, how do you buy a sympathy card for a wife, who had taken all the money (it was hers but they lived in a community property state) got in her car, and drove off one day. Without saying one word to him that she was leaving. She had already purchased another house.  I know it shouldn't matter, but, I did go out and buy one, and will mail it off tomorrow.  In hindsight, I think she deserved an award for staying more than 30 years. I wouldn't have lasted more than 24 hours with someone who never wanted to leave the house, because they were afraid to. Never took a vacation, never went anywhere and was afraid of everyone.  I will miss our F1 talks however.


@ger_77Why do the stars go on shining? Why do the birds fly above? (or is it the moon shines above?) Dont they know it's the end of the world?.....  I'm with you on the music!  I loved the Animals, dave Clark 5, Hermans' hermits, and Moody Blues.  Adn beach boys.


@Cruzin TerriGood luck on the arm tomorrow, glad they got you in.


I love my split shift...I went to the Dollar Tree, I paid a couple of bills, and I got to visit with you all here.  And shared, thank you.

@rafinmdregardless of where you were, that bench is neat!  Steel drum!  You could sit and bang on the drum all day...


I digress.


Edited by marshhawk
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