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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday June 27th, 2024

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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Special prayers for Ann.  I probably won't post much due to a possible data breach.



Good luck Roy.

I hope it is easily resolved.

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Good morning and thanks all.  Love the Zenato wines!   Love the wonderful photos of Arhus!   Thank you! 
@Mr. Boston hope your DH feels better soon, what timing! 
@kazupraying there will be good news from the surgeon! Gentle hugs! 
@luvteaching hugs today,  what a lovely memory of the Mexican restaurant. Your area seems to have some really good ones,  you’ll have to whisper the name to me, as every so often we visit my dear aunt in Everett who is 100 today! 
@ger_77 congratulations on the ten years,   Love how your DH took you off in style!  You prompted me to check, as I am ten years officially retired this week as well!  What an auspicious day! 
@marshhawk wow! Congratulations.  
@Vict0riann🙏 all goes well!


Discovered this lovely group of wildflowers,  wondering my Texas friends if they’re like th blue bonnets? It’s been a while since we saw any.   Google says they’re lupine. But they’re much smaller.  


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Good morning all!

We're having a rainy day and up to high 50's.  Yes, summer hasn't arrived here yet.  Probably sometime around the 4th...


I started reading the Daily hours ago but have had many interruptions.  These kittens are keeping me on my toes!  You would laugh if you saw the barricades I've built to keep them out of certain places (like behind and under couches).  They're trying their best to outwit me.  😉  Yesterday the more mischievous of the 2 actually managed to knock something down that put out our wifi/internet until DS could come over after work and fix it.  NO kidding!  It was more than a matter of just putting it back in place.  Oh my.... Meanwhile, DD and family are having a great time on their road trip and have so far been to Lassen and Tahoe, heading next to Yosemite. The youngest DGS is proud, his 4th grade pass is getting them into all the National Parks.  


It was many, many years ago we decided to be married, and today is a friend's son's birthday.  That's the only person I know who has this birthday.  If I had to choose I would choose the 3rd recipe, maybe on the drink and pass on the red wine.  We've been to Denmark but not this port.


@Vict0riann Prayers for a successful surgery.

@luvteaching Hugs today on the anniversary of your DD DH's passing.  Enjoy that lunch with family.

@kazu Prayers that the vascular surgeon can help.

@ger_77 Congratulations on your 10th anniversary of retirement!

@RMLincoln Love the flowers!


 As I was writing this, there was a crash 😞  The naughty one tried jumping onto a small ledge and a framed photo fell and broke.  Heaven help me....😲


The first of the Lilies and Astilbe have started to bloom.










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Good morning, Dailyites!  Oh, wow, thanks for all the good wishes.  I’m ready to go to the operating room , but there’s probably an hour to wait still.  Surgical daycare is a busy spot - lots of coming and going.  

Jacqui, I’m sure you are very worried about your foot.  I do hope the surgeon can help, and quickly.  We need you healthy and happy!  

we have been to Aarhus, and I might even have some pictures on my phone, but they would look like the ones already posted, I remember we had a nice day there.  

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Good morning and Happy Thursday. Last night we went in the pool, it was a wonderful 89, Craig thinks it has warmed up because of the higher humidity. 

We decided to get married 50 years ago and our 50th anniversary is this December. I was 19. 

I would also make the third recipe. I like tomato cream sauce. I would also add mushrooms as the recipe developer suggests. 

I will pass on the drink. Zenato wines are really good. Craig and I always ordered a bottle of Zenato Pinot Grigio when we went out to a local little restaurant. They closed down the location near us years ago and have a larger restaurant in the foothills. 

Ann @Vict0riann, prayers for your surgery today. 

Jacqui @kazu, I’m sorry you are down, I’m sure the pain plays a big part in that. Hugs. 

Terry @smitty34877, I hope you can wet Tana’s appetite with the eggplant Parmesan. It’s one of my favorites. Have you ever made moussaka?  You could even make it vegetarian. I saw a version on America’s Test Kitchen yesterday. Yum!


Gerry @ger_77, congratulations on your 10 retirement anniversary!  I retired at 65 four years ago this month and am so happy that I did. 

@luvteaching, thinking of you today. Have a wonderful lunch with your family. 

@Mr. Boston, things are moving along with your move!  Tell DH to get well soon!


@RMLincoln, yikes on the damage at your DGD’s house. Hopefully insurance will cover the totaled vehicle. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, how is Allen doing with his Dupixent?  And had he gained that pound?

Have a great day everyone!

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Good afternoon from a mostly sunny and breezy central Texas.  It is 91F, so I'm staying inside except to run to the pack and ship store to drop off another package for UPS.  I spent quite a while working with Amazon on the return because they now say the easiest way to return items is to take them to a UPS Store for a box and label.  That's fine if you live in a city, but the nearest one to us is 50 miles away.  Not the easiest way to return items, and the local drop off store doesn't have the capability of reading QR codes.  After a 30 minute (at least) on line chat, got a label emailed to me, and the associate also sent the problem to higher levels in several departments.  Living in a rural area is nice except when people don't understand rural life.


This morning I also got a much needed haircut.  My stylist was on vacation until Tuesday, and it turns out it wasn't much of a vacation.  First she go sick, then she needed surgery on her foot.  She's doing okay, but was heading home after I left since the foot is still healing.  That is dedication coming to work with a bum foot.


4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Good Thursday morning from north Jersey… todays mid- 80s is better than the mid-90s we’ve had. 

I’ve been busy with life here, trying to catch up a bit, read yesterday’s posts. 

Praying for Amazing for Ann @Vict0riann today and her care team. Keeping you close to heart! 
And for Jacqui, Terry and Tana, Terri and Jim, Sandi and family, Karen on Phil’s anniversary day…. 

Annie, I’m sorry for your loss, it’s so hard seeing it coming, but when it happens it’s a whole new blow to your world. Be gentle with yourself. Good on your success, bad on your boss!  
Pennie, healing thoughts to seal your incision! 

We had DH’s son and his wife here a week. Wonderful they came! It’s a long drive…   Loved having them. These opportunities are cherished!  Glad they had lots of folks to visit in the region, glad they home-based with us!  

We had very high winds Monday night which caused power problems… lost one phase of our complex’s 3-phase power supply. This caused many parts of our community to be on partial power; our apartment had some receptacles dead, others at 66 volts. We powered down everything that could be damaged by low voltage including HVAC and fridge, all electronics. Slept with open windows.  Elevators were spotty. Some back-up generators didn’t auto-start because the sporadic arcing up the line confused the sequence that starts the generators. But it all calmed down eventually during the night … I attended 3 community meetings Tuesday and Wednesday, saw the kids off yesterday way too early for their 13 hr drive back to NC… then had news of damage last night at bedtime from older granddaughter in Poughkeepsie NY that they had problems from last night’s storms… trees down… minor damage to their vehicles, severe damage to a rental trailer they have as temporary storage while they poured a new garage slab, and that their tree totaled a neighbor’s car. A mess. Power out, lines down on vehicles, police and rescue….  Today clean-up and insurance!  We offered to drive up there to help them but I think what they needed  most was moral support. We’ll see how the day unfolds… or unravels. 

Yesterday the annual window washers came, great but we had to move our furniture and still some unpacked boxes for their access… they move it all back. Extra chores at a busy time!  

Today I must compile and send out materials for my Maryland spiritual companioning group that I’m leading tomorrow, first attempt at doing that from afar. And I’m excited!!  I may have found a women’s sacred circle here in my new community!  I’ll join their July 22 gathering and see what it’s like. 🤞

Next week is eye doctor- have had no improvement in left eye pressures… DH will have a visual field test done and we’ll see what the damage status is. Probably will need eye drops again, hoping they can offer a new kind that he’s not allergic to?
I have a blood draw Monday and 6mo followup with pcp Friday; a holiday and a meeting scheduled with financial advisor to clean up accounts…. it’ll be a busy week ahead so I need to recover this weekend. 

We decided not to buy 4th of July tickets for the harbor boat that views the NY presentation which sounded like the grandest way to see it!  But the boats go out about 7pm and one has to be in the parking garage by 2-3pm before the city officials cordon off the shore areas to traffic. So with no idea of how to cope with the time gap, we punted. Oh well. 

Blessings for all the Dailyites go out every morning whether I’m posting or not!  
Cheers for all celebrating 🥳 

Smooth travels for all away!
Vanessa, many thanks for keeping us up!  Hope you’re feeling better. 
ugh, no blue bubbles today ..  


Condolences to my Canadian friends - we were pulling for Edmonton to bring the Stanley Cup back!  They made a valiant rebound!  We had to watch the final game on a cell phone during the power outage!  

Thanks to all for being here! Hoping your day has some smiles!  


For the garden club, flower beds in our complex 

hmmmm, not loading, maybe later…. 



Maureen, I'm glad the family visit went well.  I'm sorry your DGD had damage for the store.  I hope the eye doctor can do something about your DH's eye pressure that does not involve the drops that cause problems.  Good luck with your group you are leading tomorrow.


3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

For the garden club and all to enjoy, Flower beds from around our complex 






Thanks for all pictures of the pretty flowers.


3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:


Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I decided to be married x3 so I think I will pass on the day.  Maybe we can all celebrate our birthdays twice a year and I heartedly celebrate industrial workers as they make my life easier.  I halfway agree with the quote; I would love the meal and drink, the wine is too expensive and I have never been to Denmark........yet!  Cheers to Cabrillo!!


Thanks to all who voiced concerns about my incision.  If I name everyone, I am sure I will forget someone!!  I think I am getting better as I am taking it easy and I am convinced I dissolved the stitches by letting the shower go on my back.  So since being less active is on the agenda for a while (and yesterday my internet was out all day due to them "upgrading" the system), I accomplished a huge task - getting all my downloaded movies on one external hard drive and creating a list of what I have.  Oh my, it is 403 movies!!!  Some old (like Gone With the Wind) and some more recent.  Now I have to go and do the same with the tv programs.  I have a couple with all the seasons (like "24" and "ER") and some with just a couple of seasons.  I stopped torrenting once I got back to the States in 2016 so I couldn't download them, as torrenting is "illegal" in the States, though it is possible.  I plan on going out to dinner as I don't want to be around any tv/news tonight.


@Vict0riann Thinking of you on your surgery day and hope all goes without a hitch!

@luvteaching Hugs for you today.

@kazu I hope the MRI will show something that will give the docs a hint of a plan to deal with your pain.  It's crappy to have to wait.

@marshhawk Congrats on the sale and sorry you have to deal with idiot bosses!! (been there, done that!!)

@57redbird I completely understand what your surgeon means.  Mine told me this surgery will not fix my pain or numbness but should allow me to walk further than 1/4 mile without being absolutely miserable.  To fix the other problems, I need complete reconstruction of L4-S1 and he recommends waiting until I can't stand up straight.  Go figure!


Keep those pics of flowers coming!!  They are soooooo beautiful and I love seeing them.  No such think in my little yard!!  Everyone have a great day!!



Pennie, that is good news you are feeling better, and are planning on taking it easy until the incision heals.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning from a soggy Pacific Northwest, 


Thank you so much for all the hugs and thoughts for today. They are much appreciated. So far I'm doing ok. I'm sure there'll be tears at various times but that's normal. I had a great 46 years with DD DH and miss him but, as they say, life goes on and I'm a tough old broad1 

@kazu Wishing you healing!!!

@Vict0riann Wishing you a successful surgery today


Yesterday was the pool and here at home. DS continues to work on getting the baseboards in and they are really making the house (mobile home) look nice. we've had this one for almost 40 years so "spiffing it up" is needed. I made gingersnaps and then the rain hit as I did a walk so finished up my walking in the house. 


Today is lunch out at a favorite Mexican place. DD DH took me there for my first taste of Mexican food when I came down from Canada to meet his family (grandmother, brother, sisters). It was in 1976 and a small "Hole in the Wall" place. It's grown some but hasn't overgrown if you know what I mean. Today his brother as well as his sister and her husband are joining DS and myself for lunch. I may do an errand or two as well. 

Take care!



Karen, HUGS today on this last first.  I loved the story about the restaurant, and sometimes hole in the wall places are the best.  Enjoy your lunch with the family.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. It's raining!!!!  Current temp is 67F. I am sure my lawn is happy!!! There are rumbles of thunder and this is supposed to continue on and off all day. Sounds good to me. I have the sprinklers turned off and after viewing last months water bill for the building, it is a good thing.


Little news or new from here. My best wishes to @Vict0riannand @kazu and anyone else having problems today. I have loved all of my visits to Denmark. So much to see and easy to see it.


Today I need to try to get to the store as the frig is beginning to look a bit bare. Will try to do that between rains. And dogs will need a longer walk if the weather permits. They do not like getting wet, particularly the Chihuahua. Timing will be everything.






Susan, I'm glad you are getting much needed rain.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all.  Love the Zenato wines!   Love the wonderful photos of Arhus!   Thank you! 
@Mr. Boston hope your DH feels better soon, what timing! 
@kazupraying there will be good news from the surgeon! Gentle hugs! 
@luvteaching hugs today,  what a lovely memory of the Mexican restaurant. Your area seems to have some really good ones,  you’ll have to whisper the name to me, as every so often we visit my dear aunt in Everett who is 100 today! 
@ger_77 congratulations on the ten years,   Love how your DH took you off in style!  You prompted me to check, as I am ten years officially retired this week as well!  What an auspicious day! 
@marshhawk wow! Congratulations.  
@Vict0riann🙏 all goes well!


Discovered this lovely group of wildflowers,  wondering my Texas friends if they’re like th blue bonnets? It’s been a while since we saw any.   Google says they’re lupine. But they’re much smaller.  



Brenda, thanks for the bluebonnet pictures.  They are very similar to Texas bluebonnets which are their own variety.  These were in our neighbor's yard this year.



1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're having a rainy day and up to high 50's.  Yes, summer hasn't arrived here yet.  Probably sometime around the 4th...


I started reading the Daily hours ago but have had many interruptions.  These kittens are keeping me on my toes!  You would laugh if you saw the barricades I've built to keep them out of certain places (like behind and under couches).  They're trying their best to outwit me.  😉  Yesterday the more mischievous of the 2 actually managed to knock something down that put out our wifi/internet until DS could come over after work and fix it.  NO kidding!  It was more than a matter of just putting it back in place.  Oh my.... Meanwhile, DD and family are having a great time on their road trip and have so far been to Lassen and Tahoe, heading next to Yosemite. The youngest DGS is proud, his 4th grade pass is getting them into all the National Parks.  


It was many, many years ago we decided to be married, and today is a friend's son's birthday.  That's the only person I know who has this birthday.  If I had to choose I would choose the 3rd recipe, maybe on the drink and pass on the red wine.  We've been to Denmark but not this port.


@Vict0riann Prayers for a successful surgery.

@luvteaching Hugs today on the anniversary of your DD DH's passing.  Enjoy that lunch with family.

@kazu Prayers that the vascular surgeon can help.

@ger_77 Congratulations on your 10th anniversary of retirement!

@RMLincoln Love the flowers!


 As I was writing this, there was a crash 😞  The naughty one tried jumping onto a small ledge and a framed photo fell and broke.  Heaven help me....😲


The first of the Lilies and Astilbe have started to bloom.











Carolyn, you may need a vacation after your kitty sitting is over.  I'm glad the family is enjoying their trip.


48 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Oh, wow, thanks for all the good wishes.  I’m ready to go to the operating room , but there’s probably an hour to wait still.  Surgical daycare is a busy spot - lots of coming and going.  

Jacqui, I’m sure you are very worried about your foot.  I do hope the surgeon can help, and quickly.  We need you healthy and happy!  

we have been to Aarhus, and I might even have some pictures on my phone, but they would look like the ones already posted, I remember we had a nice day there.  


Ann, thanks for checking in with us, and I hope all goes well today.



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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, you may need a vacation after your kitty sitting is over.  I'm glad the family is enjoying their trip.

Lenda I think you're right.  They've settled down now, and one of them is even lying down relaxing.   I've been trying to wear them out with one of their favorite toys.  Nap time should be soon, right???? As I keep telling them, it's a very good thing that I love cats.

53 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I am able to open my recipe box today and wanted to share the grilled pork chop recipe. I marinate them overnight and sometimes add different spices depending upon my mood. 

Grilled Pork Chops

Sharon this looks really good, thanks!  

Edited by Cruising-along
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well, I've changed a lot of passwords, looked at a lot of credit cards and banks and don't think there's major damage.  Still waiting for word on Ann.  I think Debbie's 3rd photo looks bad and no alternative.


Church AV practice this evening.



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I have a sunset today rather than a sunrise, and it's from 2 years ago today, taken from the grounds of the middle school across the street from me.





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Good afternoon, everyone!


We are home safely after a couple wonderful days in the north.  We stopped on the way home to visit with Sue's former MIL.  She divorced the husband, but not the MIL or SILs.  


I have to unpack and then I'll try to catch up on all that is going on.


@luvteaching  Hugs and warm thoughts for you today.


@Nickelpenny Yikes!   Do take it easy with the incision.

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Who ever just sent that rain our way, thank you!  A real gully washer for a whole half an hour!  it scared the outdoor Collard Greens, and he is now hiding behind a bicycle that is so old and unused that he knows no one will ever go near him.  It is thundering in the distance and I am on break!  Until 7 tonight.  Which is good, as I wont be watching anyone debate, and when I get off, there is plenty to watch on the F1 channel  Thing is with the rain, I need apple cider vinegar for my very fancy Spam dinner, and I don't  want to go out to get it.  So it may be baked salmon again.


oooh!  more rain, thanks!

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@Sharon in AZ Hi Sharon! 


Allen has pretty much cleared his eczema up. He has a few breakouts but overall he's doing good.


He still has not gained his pound... I think the morning we go to the doctor I'll make him biscuits and gravy, and a big bowl of grits!

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Good morning.

Thank you for posting the HAl Fleet locations.

Today (Friday) is a holiday.....long weekend for Matariki.

This is our second long weekend this month, after the Kings Birthday holiday day on Monday the 3rd.

Will read all today's  posts later.

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

well, I've changed a lot of passwords, looked at a lot of credit cards and banks and don't think there's major damage.  Still waiting for word on Ann.  I think Debbie's 3rd photo looks bad and no alternative.


Church AV practice this evening.



An IT expert on the Royal Caribbean forums told us a lot about passwords a few years ago and how quickly they can be hacked.

Pet names,consequitive numbers are some of the quickest to guess.

He said a nonsense phrase was extremely difficult to hack.


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Update from today's appointments-


Neurologist tapering off the current med as it puts me to sleep and gives me brain fog - neither of which is ideal for someone who still works. He's prescribing something else pending Cardiologist & Pulmonologist approvals. I don't think I'll take it due to potential side effects.


Urologist says scan shows my "visitors" have not vacated (I think they've overstayed their reservation & surely it's eviction time) 1 stone still high up in left kidney & 3 in the right one, which is what previous scan showed after the lower one had passed. So, the waiting game continues. He says we need to determine what's causing them.

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I'm home, had a lovely 2-hour nap and I'm cooking a Dr. Oetker pizza with mushrooms, to which I have added bacon and artichokes.  I'm hungry - very little discomfort and I'm very pleased it's all over.  Thanks and you can take me off the list, Vanessa!  And thank you to everyone sending out good vibes for me.



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5 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

I'm home, had a lovely 2-hour nap and I'm cooking a Dr. Oetker pizza with mushrooms, to which I have added bacon and artichokes.  I'm hungry - very little discomfort and I'm very pleased it's all over.  Thanks and you can take me off the list, Vanessa!  And thank you to everyone sending out good vibes for me.



Ann, so happy you’re having a good dinner and so little discomfort 

My thoughts are with you for a swift recovery and healing.🙏❤️

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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

I'm home, had a lovely 2-hour nap and I'm cooking a Dr. Oetker pizza with mushrooms, to which I have added bacon and artichokes.  I'm hungry - very little discomfort and I'm very pleased it's all over.  Thanks and you can take me off the list, Vanessa!  And thank you to everyone sending out good vibes for me.




Ann, I'm glad you are home and have very little discomfort.  



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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

I'm home, had a lovely 2-hour nap and I'm cooking a Dr. Oetker pizza with mushrooms, to which I have added bacon and artichokes.  I'm hungry - very little discomfort and I'm very pleased it's all over.  Thanks and you can take me off the list, Vanessa!  And thank you to everyone sending out good vibes for me.



Thank you for letting us know how you did.  I'm glad you are having so little discomfort and hope that continues through the night.  Enjoy that pizza!  

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