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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday July 2nd, 2024

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Started eyedrop four times a day from now until July 9 when I have my measuring test to get ready for cataract surgery. Will be at the ophthalmologist for 3 to 4 hours for the testing. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the dentist to get a 3-D x-ray taken in preparation for a dental implant that I’m going to put off until the first of the year. Cruising November and December, so no surgeries. 

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Good morning from another sunny day in central Texas.  The neighbor's flag says there is no wind, and the trees agrees.  However, the weather app show a 5mph wind from the SSE, with 81% humidity and a dew point of 74F.  It is currently 80F and feels like 86F.  The predicted high is 101F, so after the trip to the grocery store, I'll be staying inside and doing laundry.


Items made in the USA are good if you can find them.  Wildland firefighters do a necessary but extremely dangerous job, and deserve to be recognized.  World UFO Day is interesting.


An interesting quote from Paul Cezanne.


We'll skip the fish, drink and wine today.


We have not been to Mombasa, Kenya.


It must have been an exciting day in 1679 when Daniel Greysolon de Du Luth and his explorers first saw the headwaters of the Mississippi.


@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm glad yesterday's visit to DH's eye doctor was mostly positive.  I hope he won't need the eye drops again.  I hope you will be able to find a cruise to enjoy.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope you can get DH an appointment with a neurologist sooner than one year.  Congratulations on the five sales yesterday.  Too bad you can't ignore your boss.

@Mr. Boston  Congratulations on the sale of your condo.  I hope the move goes smoothly.

@aliaschief  Bruce, safe travels to Sue today.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope your DSIL and family will have a great cruise far away from Beryl.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope your sinuses improve soon.

@summer slope  Dixie, I hope all goes well as you prepare for your cataract surgery.  I started the dental implant process in late May and should be finished in late August or mid-September.  I'm just in the waiting period for the bone to grow around the implant, before getting the crown.











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Good Morning,

The rain has stopped for a bit will be back this afternoon. The guys had a good time at the soccer game last night. Today I am taking DGD to get her nails painted. She is a mix of girly girl and tom boy. She loves her polish but dresses in sports wear. Her favorite shirt is her Mahomes jersey. 

Prayers and well wishes. I am off to pick up the last minute groceries for my party tomorrow. 


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Good morning everyone.  Thanks everyone for your contributions to this thread.  Looks like it will be a nice day here.


Three nice days to recognize, while I prefer to buy made in the USA items it’s much easier said than done.  Curiosity on OFO’s, the Bermuda Triangle and Sasquatch all peaked around the same time when I was a kid, coincidence?  Wildland firefighters start to get busy this time of year protecting us from devastating fires.

I like the quote for some reason probably because I think he was pulling beauty out of chaos.  Some people have that gift and I appreciate it.


The meal sounds delicious.  We used to drink Scorpion Bowls with foot long straws in my earlier lifetime that seem to be about the same thing as our Volcano. Think I’ll leave that one in the past.


I haven’t been to today’s port but I did get a kick out of the movie poster that @Sir PMP shared.


Prayers for those on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!  After we check out of our hotel this morning we’re off to Maine!


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31 minutes ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone.  Thanks everyone for your contributions to this thread.  Looks like it will be a nice day here.


Three nice days to recognize, while I prefer to buy made in the USA items it’s much easier said than done.  Curiosity on OFO’s, the Bermuda Triangle and Sasquatch all peaked around the same time when I was a kid, coincidence?  Wildland firefighters start to get busy this time of year protecting us from devastating fires.

I like the quote for some reason probably because I think he was pulling beauty out of chaos.  Some people have that gift and I appreciate it.


The meal sounds delicious.  We used to drink Scorpion Bowls with foot long straws in my earlier lifetime that seem to be about the same thing as our Volcano. Think I’ll leave that one in the past.


I haven’t been to today’s port but I did get a kick out of the movie poster that @Sir PMP shared.


Prayers for those on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!  After we check out of our hotel this morning we’re off to Maine!



Safe travels to Maine.  Enjoy your new home.



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Good morning all!

Today and tomorrow are our last cool-ish days and then it will heat up, even up to 90 over the weekend (very hot for here).  No rain for the foreseeable future.  Will be turning on the A/C for the first time this year.  Unfortunately we have to leave all the blinds open because of the kittens so that lets a lot of heat in.  If we didn't have them here for the month they would be closed when the sun hits that side of the house.  


Good/interesting days.  I'll pass on the drink -- I love rum so would try it, but the thought of maple syrup in a drink makes me gag...also would pass on the red wine.  But the meal sounds delicious and I've printed off the 2nd recipe for future use.  We have halibut in the freezer and have peppers often, so this sounds really good.  


I'm not happy about the mistake made by my Nephrologist's office in not sending lab orders and now I will have to wait until September to see the doctor.  I love my doctors but the help in the clinics has really gone downhill. It's a good thing I'm not really bad off and can put off this appointment!  We'll see if I hear from them today with a better solution.


Prayers for all on the care list and cheers for all celebrating!  

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Good morning, Dailyites!  Oh, Annie, @marshhawk, what a time you are having!  Stay strong, we're  rooting for you.  I hope you can find someone to help with your DH.  and I think we  can all say your boss is a nitpicker!  He's lucky to have you, I think you sound like an amazing (and very interesting) person.  I love your stories.  


When we lived in Nairobi in the '70's, we used to rent a house in Mombasa for a couple of weeks when the children were on holidays.  We've never been there on a cruise, but there was certainly a lot of shipping around.  Every house had a bucket of solvent at the door so you could clean off your feet from all the oil on the beach.  Black blobs everywhere in the sand.  I wonder if it is still like that.


Painting of a street scene in Mombasa, done by my art teacher in Nairobi.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I try to buy made in the USA when I can, but it's often hard to find what I need. I'll salute wildland firefighters, with all the fires we have. I think there are UFO's out there. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal (fish). Yes to the drink and I'd try the wine. I haven't been to Monbasa. The exploration of Minnesota may explain the German and Norwegian backgrounds there.


After a crisp and cool start, it's the last non-humid, warm day, before the heat comes back. I had a strenuous day yesterday, dragging groceries to BFF's house, then making dinner. That was more standing than I am used to (he needs some kitchen organization!), and my back muscles weren't happy. Today I have PT early afternoon. Then I need to bake 2 sourdough loaves that have been in the refrigerator cold fermenting, especially before it gets too hot again. Tomorrow morning I take BFF for his 6 week check on the fracture, and we're hoping to hear that he can start some partial weight-bearing on the leg.


@kazu I hope you get some answers today when you see the surgeon.

@luvteaching Prayers for your DM and her medical team as she has her heart procedure today.

@StLouisCruisers Enjoy the sea day. How is your DH feeling?

@RMLincoln I hope you and DH get to travel this fall, but of course that depends on his next eye exam. While BFF and I may not be as mobile as we'd like, we plan to do our fall cruise in late September.

@marshhawk I'm sorry the doctor's appointment for DH was hard. Amazing that they can't test him until next year; is there a geriatrics clinic or specialist nearby? I'd think maybe they could do something sooner. Hopefully the Neurologist can help out. Sorry the work boss is still so nasty. 

@aliaschief Ah, the bachelor days are done, and the boss is coming home 😀. Enjoy having Sue back home.

@cat shepard Yay on your bird of paradise plant having a bloom. 

@smitty34877 I hope your DSIL and family have an uneventful cruise. Continued prayers for Tana, you and the family.

@summer slope Good luck with all your medical procedures.

@Mr. Boston A new chapter in your life starts. Safe travels and Enjoy!

@Cruising-along Sorry about the mix-up for bloodwork, and delaying of your appointment. I try to get a paper copy for lab work, even though it's in the computer system (if I go to the hospital lab), because I might decide to go to Quest.

@Vict0riann I'm so glad you're doing well. 

@Seasick Sailor I'm sorry to hear of DS Bonnie's diagnosis. Prayers for an easy treatment plan. She's lucky to have you in her corner. Prayers for Bonnie and the family.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.



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10 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

 Sorry about the mix-up for bloodwork, and delaying of your appointment. I try to get a paper copy for lab work, even though it's in the computer system (if I go to the hospital lab), because I might decide to go to Quest.

Good advice Vanessa.  I wish I'd had a paper copy yesterday, but I will make sure from now on.  I heard from the clinic (apologizing again) and she attached a copy of the orders to her message in case I need it next time. So of course I think she's insinuating it was the fault of the lab and not them.  

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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie  I’ll celebrate all three of today’s days although I’m not so sure about UFO’s.    Special prayers for Jacaui, Terri, Katherine’s friend, Sandi’s brother, Scottie,  Chuck, Bonnie and Tana.

Not sure I understand the Cezanne quote.

I have not been to Mombassa.  I looked at cruisetimetables.com and it’s very seldom visited with  only 15 future visits on their schedule into 2026.  None are HAL but 2 of my most beloved ships, Crystal Symphony and Amera (ex Prinsendam) have 2 visits each.

A great day for US Exploration..

I’ll pass on today’s meal.  My alternative is My alternative is Chilled Rhubarb soup and Braised Game hen with mandarins, sage, and golden roasted rissoto potatoes as might have been served on MS Zaandam July 2, 2002 based on the corresponding menus from my 2014 Statendam Alaska cruise    

It’s getting a little hotter each day until July 4 looks pretty oppressive.  I have finished my errands for the day and am inside with AC.  Still dealing with some after effects of my current hack..


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Good morning Dailyites for about 6 more minutes.


Thank you so much for keeping Bonnie in prayer.


We both had our doctor check ups this morning.  Allen gained only .8 pounds, so needs to keep eating heartily.  My check up was very good except I have a low WBC. An appointment in October with a hematologist when we get back from our cruise. Said goodbye to our lovely doctor, who is moving to Westlake and opening a clinic with his wife. He will be missed for sure.


Prayers lifted for all on Vanessa's well prepared care list. Thank you.


I am tired of fighting the crab grass. I called today and made an appointment to kill it. 


On our way to a lunch date. Blessings!!

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This has surely been an odd summer. As of yesterday we have harvested all of our garlic and it is in the garage, drying, so it can be braided. This is about two weeks earlier than normal but it was ready to come out. With luck this will last 3 families until Christmas, DH and I and both DDs and families.


still nice today, windows open, but warming up and getting muggy tomorrow.




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Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Three good days to recognize and I truly believe in UFOs or UAPs, as the government now calls them.  When I was young, we belonged to the Compact Camper Club and were camping at Goldstone, CA.  Everyone was sitting around the campfire, roasting marshmallows (🤢) and some of us noticed this light on top of one the mountain peaks in the distance.  All of a sudden, it hopped along several mountain tops and then shot off into the heavens.  Many of us saw it.  It was a UFO, I am sure of it.  😁  Oh, Cezanne, how right you are! Yes, on the meal and the wine, and - oh, the drink.  I would be afraid to try it.  Interesting day in history.




I had my last "counseling" session on zoom this morning.  Since this is the third time trying, this time it will take?????  I really have to go to the store because I want to make some BBQ pulled pork sandwiches with homemade Boston baked beans for the 4th.  I have to get things soaking and cooking as I make everything from scratch.  I can't be lazy today as I have to go to Phoenix tomorrow for a study.




@marshhawk It sounds like your boss works under the Peter Principle.  I am so sorry you cannot get an appt for your DH until next year; there has to be a quicker solution.

@Seasick Sailor Thoughts for sister.  Hopefully, her team will come up with a good plan.




The hurricane and the fires sound so horrible.  Thoughts for all who need extra support.  Cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day!

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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

@dfish The cole slaw was a hit - thanks.


Glad to hear it!   I can't wait to hear what @marshhawk Annie thinks of her version.  Actually, Annie, it should go well.  You just won't have the chunks of blue cheese in it.


@Cruising-along Carolyn, I hate when they mess up with lab tests and such.  I am still training my doctor on how to submit prescriptions.  We finally got the test strips right.  Now we have to work on the metformin and Ozempic.  Although, I may just give up.  The local hospital, who owns most of the physician practices here in town, dropped my insurance plan.  It is a weird business plan as half the town has that same insurance.  I guess they figure they'll get enough people from out of town to make up for it?   Meanwhile, half of Midland will be going to Saginaw or Bay City.  

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

... Today I am taking DGD to get her nails painted. She is a mix of girly girl and tom boy. She loves her polish but dresses in sports wear. Her favorite shirt is her Mahomes jersey...


That is sure an adorable looking grand!!


We saw ours Sun - deciding between colors and Sprite is serious work. She had to have her toenails painted before we could leave for the restaurant, then insisted on putting shoes on; pretty sure they stuck to her toes, lol.


Edited by Haljo1935
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33 minutes ago, dfish said:

Carolyn, I hate when they mess up with lab tests and such.  I am still training my doctor on how to submit prescriptions.  We finally got the test strips right.  Now we have to work on the metformin and Ozempic.  Although, I may just give up.  The local hospital, who owns most of the physician practices here in town, dropped my insurance plan.  It is a weird business plan as half the town has that same insurance.  I guess they figure they'll get enough people from out of town to make up for it?   Meanwhile, half of Midland will be going to Saginaw or Bay City.  

Yes it seems like one thing after the other, doesn't it?  I swear ours only got this bad in the last 1-2 years.  Before this if I ever had any problem at all, it was the billing dept. (not sending the right code to our insurance).  But now the billing is fine and the office staff are sorely lacking!  Besides that, doctors, nurses and even office staff are leaving in droves so it isn't as easy to get appointments as it was even a year ago. 

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6 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!


World UFO Day! One of my favorite days. Some say I’m out of this world! 😳

See, I told y’all I was out of this world!



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I have a subdued sunrise today from my 2022 Queen Mary 2 cruise.  July 2 was a sea day from New York to Bar Harbor.




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There are so many things that are no longer made in the USA, or not in market volume.


The fish would be OK with me as long as I made it with sweet peppers. No on the drink; I'm too easily frightened. Plenty of Syrah/Shiraz here so I'll suggest the 2022 from Atwater Vineyards even though it's $45. Wine Enthusiast: "An unapologetically spicy Syrah, it explodes with ground peppercorn, clove and bay leaf. Only later do you notice the fresh cranberry and cherry fruit is very much there, too. A seam of racy acidity slices and dices the midweight palate. Here the tart red fruit really shines, succulent with a cool-climate crunch, tied in a bow with sappy, spice-flecked tannins."


Do you remember the conference that I'm attending this month? They have only just (last night) responded to session proposals. Did I say that the conference is this month? My proposal was accepted; while I have planned the presentation, I've done nothing about a PowerPoint except gather graphics.





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