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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday July 9th, 2024

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Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I don't have dimples, had to look up who Bab was, and I wholeheartedly will recognize No bra day!  Darwin was funny (but accurate), the meal and drink sounds lovely, the wine is too expensive and I have been to Fairbanks.  Interesting about Wimbledon.  


We hit 109F yesterday and the heat will continue until tomorrow night.  I will be glad when the monsoons reappear as I do love our summer rains.



Most mornings, if I remember, I listen to a local radio station and try for the Question of the Day competition at 0740.  Sometimes I get on and today was one of those days.  But, as usual, I didn't have the correct answer.  It seems like when I know the answer I don't get through!!  Today was a small jackpot - $50 - so no big loss!!  LOL!!


Nothing on the agenda - again - so not sure what the day will hold.  I rarely go to my mailbox but my mail-in ballot is there so I should walk up and get the stuff.  Mainly it is all junk mail; I wish companies would not waste money sending me stuff.  I get a daily USPS Informed Delivery email so I can see if there is anything important being delivered.


@luvteaching I am sorry to hear about your DM.  I hope she is doing well.

@marshhawk Having your work computer "listen" is just plain wrong and scary.  




Thoughts for all in the world and here on the daily who need comfort.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day!

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Okay. Forty minutes of walking in a 100 degree heat index is enough!🥵

Even though we are in carts try playing Golf for 4 hours with an heat index of 107, the thing is no one is forcing us, we’re just gluttons for punishment.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Good afternoon,


So far so good as far as yesterday's problems are concerned.  Yoga went well and I needed it as I did nothing yesterday except lay on the couch.  I did hit the grocery store on the way home from yoga so I am well stocked now.  


When it is hot I do all my cooking on the grill outside.  I have a vegetable basket that I use for veggies and a pan with holes in it for the fish.  For the real delicate fish I put aluminum foil down and spray it well with Pam.  I can turn the fish and it gets nice and crispy on the outside, soft and moist inside.  We love salmon cooked that way.  


@Cruzin Terri Terri, I echo what @RMLincoln Maureen said about getting some help and advice about moving to a senior living community or resources available to you to help.  You know that you are going to be able to do less and less as time goes by and DH is not going to get better.  I hope you can find the support you need so you can both be comfortable.


@luvteaching So glad you and DF are enjoying Alaska.  Also, happy that DM was cared for so promptly and that all is well.

@summer slope Dixie, I hope all goes well with your appointment.  I wouldn't be so worried about the exam, but sure would not enjoy how long it takes.

@smitty34877 You and Tana have difficult decisions to make.  I'm glad the AA sponsor helped out and that you can get further insight from Tana's doctor.

@Heartgrove I hope all goes well for DSIL and I'm so glad you don't need to cancel your cruise.  I went on a cruise a month after my hernia operation.  


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I have no travel sunrises/sets from July 9 to 13.  This was taken this morning from my street midway between my house and mailbox as the sun rose over the house across the street:






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52 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

Even though we are in carts try playing Golf for 4 hours with an heat index of 107, the thing is no one is forcing us, we’re just gluttons for punishment.

I agree it’s a matter of necessary choice but some days are harder. Need to keep moving.

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Good morning all!

Today is supposed to be our last day of temperatures in the 90's, it should go down to the 80's starting tomorrow.  I feel for those of you enduring the hotter and humid areas!  


No dimples in our family, and I have regular mammograms.  Next one will be in a few weeks. Thank you Tina @0106 for the explanation.  The meal looks great, I printed off the first recipe and will make it soon.  We have halibut, so will use that.  The drink sounds great too, something I get often on a BHB.  Will pass on the red wine even if it wasn't expensive.  


Yesterday DS and DDIL left on a 2-week road trip and will meet up with DD and her family for a few days.  I don't remember where they're meeting, but DD's family will be leaving Zion and heading to Bryce today or tomorrow. Their photos have been amazing, such gorgeous parts of our country!


Today we'll head down to both their homes, to water DD's garden and to check on the apricots in DS's yard.  He thinks they will ripen while they're gone, and I'm the jam-maker. 😉  He has a sprinkler system set up, so no need to water there.


I'm feeling bad because one of the cats got locked in my office overnight. 😲 I need to be more careful!  Thank goodness I don't see anything amiss on the carpet or anywhere else.  Good boy!


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Another great tree by your DD!  I love it. 🙂 

Dixie @summer slope I hope all goes well today at the eye doctor.

Terry @smitty34877 Prayers that you find a way for Tana to eat more no matter how.  You're doing well to ask the right people, I know you'll find the right solution. Hugs!

Karen @luvteaching I was sorry to hear about your DM's fall and later pacemaker insertion.  I hope she's feeling much better now.  Enjoy the Westerdam and check in when you can!  That will be our next BHB.

Bruce @aliaschief You need to buy all the Downton discs like we did 😉  A new movie is coming out soon too.

@Denise T That's crummy that you lost your office after so long.  Congratulations on the dissertation breakthrough though!

Debbie @dfish So glad you're feeling better today, that is so strange.  The BP you posted yesterday was very low -- is it always that low?  Have you told your doctor about these episodes?


We took a land/cruise in May of 2019 with my best friend and her DH.  We flew into Fairbanks, but because of flight schedules, our arrival time was too late in the day to see anything.  The next day on our way to McKinley Park, Denali we did a 3-hour river boat ride on the Chena River, stopped at an Athabaskan village and saw where Susan Butcher raised her Iditarod dogs.


On the flight between Anchorage and Fairbanks



Caribou, moose and grizzly skins at the Athabaskan village



This parka weighs 23 pounds and would sell for $3600



7-foot-long Timber Wolf skin




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Good hot and sunny afternoon. The temperature is 90 with a feels like of 107.

Direct tv is having technical difficulties since about 90 minutes ago. 
  Another idiot has left a dog in the car at Walmart again today. I don’t know how people can live with themselves. 
Stay safe and cool.

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18 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good hot and sunny afternoon. The temperature is 90 with a feels like of 107.

Direct tv is having technical difficulties since about 90 minutes ago. 
  Another idiot has left a dog in the car at Walmart again today. I don’t know how people can live with themselves. 
Stay safe and cool.


I took our sweet Oliver to the market early this morning (73) for a few items. Luckily I had a very shady, breezy spot and I kept the car running with A/C.  I clocked myself at less than 6 minutes. Bananas and blueberries don't take long to buy..Oliver was curled under his blankey.


I normally won't do this unless it is under 70 but our sweet helper came to clean and Ollie decided he wanted to take her dusters and cleaning rags, and bark like a crazy person.


I have called 911 more than a dozen times in Couer d'Alene at our Fred Meyer. A man and I nearly broke a window out because we saw a large dog exhausted trying to get out and his muzzle was wet in the hot sun. One window was cracked!  The police came just in time. The man had gone to his truck to get a crow bar. 

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Good afternoon from a sunny and breezy central Texas where the afternoon clouds are just beginning to build.  While we often have some clouds in the summer, they are normally not rain clouds.  It is 88F now, and until a few minutes ago, it was pleasant sitting outside in the shade and breeze.  The breeze died briefly, but it was long enough for me to decided it was time to come inside for the rest of the day.


6 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports.

Heading up to almost 100 today. Yuk. At least I do not have to drive in it. This weekend I packed up my office as the lease is expiring. I just have to move out some of the big furniture. Somewhat sad as I had been in that office since I started my clinical practice five years ago. Working from home is fine, it can be a challenge at times especially when Fancy wants attention, and I am seeing a client. I had a breakthrough with my dissertation. It has been many years since I took my research classes and I have been relearning statistical analysis. With the help of YouTube, I figured out how to work with the data and I am now getting the last two chapters done. Whew! What a relief!

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. Stay cool!

Tuesday humor | Animal funny | Cute cat | Work week | Exhausted already ...


Denise, I'm sorry you are losing your lease on your office.  Could you train Fancy as a therapy dog?  I'm happy you made the break through and are now able to finish the last two chapters of your dissertation.  


1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon,


So far so good as far as yesterday's problems are concerned.  Yoga went well and I needed it as I did nothing yesterday except lay on the couch.  I did hit the grocery store on the way home from yoga so I am well stocked now.  


When it is hot I do all my cooking on the grill outside.  I have a vegetable basket that I use for veggies and a pan with holes in it for the fish.  For the real delicate fish I put aluminum foil down and spray it well with Pam.  I can turn the fish and it gets nice and crispy on the outside, soft and moist inside.  We love salmon cooked that way.  


@Cruzin Terri Terri, I echo what @RMLincoln Maureen said about getting some help and advice about moving to a senior living community or resources available to you to help.  You know that you are going to be able to do less and less as time goes by and DH is not going to get better.  I hope you can find the support you need so you can both be comfortable.


@luvteaching So glad you and DF are enjoying Alaska.  Also, happy that DM was cared for so promptly and that all is well.

@summer slope Dixie, I hope all goes well with your appointment.  I wouldn't be so worried about the exam, but sure would not enjoy how long it takes.

@smitty34877 You and Tana have difficult decisions to make.  I'm glad the AA sponsor helped out and that you can get further insight from Tana's doctor.

@Heartgrove I hope all goes well for DSIL and I'm so glad you don't need to cancel your cruise.  I went on a cruise a month after my hernia operation.  



Debbie, I'm glad you are feeling better today.


32 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


I took our sweet Oliver to the market early this morning (73) for a few items. Luckily I had a very shady, breezy spot and I kept the car running with A/C.  I clocked myself at less than 6 minutes. Bananas and blueberries don't take long to buy..Oliver was curled under his blankey.


I normally won't do this unless it is under 70 but our sweet helper came to clean and Ollie decided he wanted to take her dusters and cleaning rags, and bark like a crazy person.


I have called 911 more than a dozen times in Couer d'Alene at our Fred Meyer. A man and I nearly broke a window out because we saw a large dog exhausted trying to get out and his muzzle was wet in the hot sun. One window was cracked!  The police came just in time. The man had gone to his truck to get a crow bar. 


Joy, I can't understand how people can leave their pets in a locked car in the heat, and that also goes for those who leave their kids in the car.  One time at Ikea in Phoenix, we saw two kids locked in a car on a warm day with no one around.  As soon as we got to the store, we told their security who were concerned.  We took them to the car just as the parents arrived.  We left so we don't know what happened then.



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EyeI examination this morning went very well. The first cataract surgery is scheduled for August 13. Also, my two nephews left Ohio at midnight last night on their way to Texas. They both work for electric companies.

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Good afternoon from a cloudy day in SE Wisconsin.  The clouds are remnants of Beryl.  Rain is in our forecast for tonight, up to an inch, but I heard Chicago may get up to 6 inches, thanks to Beryl.  Stay safe everyone!  Hoping everyone in Texas is surviving the mess now.  It's hard to imagine no power or AC in this heat.  I'd like to go to a park concert tonight, the rain is supposed to come later.  @StLouisCruisersYour daughter sure has a gift when it comes to her tree!  It's beautiful!

@luvteachingSorry to hear about your mom, hoping all goes well for her. 

@smitty34877more prayers for you and Tana as you all figure out what's best.  

@dfishglad to hear you're feeling better today.  

@grapau27Thanks for your explanations of things! 

We were in Fairbanks in June of 2019.  I was very impressed with the flowers up there.  We hadn't planted any here yet that year!  My pictures are similar to others.


Panning for gold

The Special fur jacket









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39 minutes ago, summer slope said:

EyeI examination this morning went very well. The first cataract surgery is scheduled for August 13. Also, my two nephews left Ohio at midnight last night on their way to Texas. They both work for electric companies.


Dixie, while we're not affected by Beryl, we have relatives and friends who do not have power.  As the daughter of an electric utility employee, and the wife of a former electric utility employee, on behalf of those affected, please thank your nephews for heading to Texas to help restore power.  Linemen are the unsung heroes of the electric utility industry, who drop everything to help their fellow linemen after disasters.



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We're supposed to get rain from the remnants of Beryl all night tonight and all day tomorrow.  Sue and Rita will have a hard time getting their 10,000 steps in.  

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Computer says Heavier Rain soon.  I hope that's real time, because we just got a dilly of a drenching from 4:30 until now.  And what do I hear mingled into the rain and wind?  Motorcycles on the highway. I am currently cooking in the oven a BBQ meatloaf.  Will have with mashed taters and a can of baby peas.  I'll feed the cats at 6, and all should be ready to eat by 6:30, and then I go back to work.  


I have also discovered a small camera on the work computer. 


My boss has a real strange way of handing out bonuses. Today, instead of sale sizes he is thinking of a number between 1-20, and we have to write it in a new screen called Rocket Chat. He does this so that we learn to check Rocket chat where he can send messages and totals out to us. I chose 17 as my number.  I think it's because I loved Janis Ian's song 17.  Today we are all calling people and leaving messages on those folks we havent reached (they dont answer)  to tell them to guarantee their seats, the renewal deadline is ...FRIDAY!  The number will be posted after 6, and whoever gets the number right, gets a 10 dollar bonus. So far there are 4 people ( i was first) who say 17.


Hugs to all!



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40 minutes ago, dfish said:

We're supposed to get rain from the remnants of Beryl all night tonight and all day tomorrow.


Early tomorrow morning and into Thursday here.


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51 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

...I have also discovered a small camera on the work computer. 


My boss has a real strange way of handing out bonuses. Today, instead of sale sizes he is thinking of a number between 1-20, and we have to write it in a new screen called Rocket Chat. He does this so that we learn to check Rocket chat where he can send messages and totals out to us....

My boss probably took lessons from your boss, ugh. At least my weekly 1:1s are now biweekly. 


Only IT can control certain things on our computers (users cannot) and many things have been disabled such as the camera on/off button. So, I just covered the camera "eye" and let them look at a black screen. When we could control the camera, I turned it off then selected "avatar" which I customized.


When I first transferred to IT, a manager on one of the teams I support asked if I could get him a log showing when someone logged into their computer and then out - he wanted to know how much time an associate was using their computer on any day. He said w/a log he could stop watching the screen to see if her light was green, yellow or red and to see how frequently the little bubbles moved. 🤷‍♀️ He was serious - he spent his day watching bubbles and lights. I told him I couldn't help.


I will return the computer if I learn it is listening. 🫣

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Yikes, I always thought of Syracuse airport as a sleepy little place and would never have guessed that it would be the site of the next close call.



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Good early evening

Most of our day was taken by going to our "kids'" houses, checking on things, watering gardens and harvesting veggies for our use.  It was hot, hot, hot!  Up to 99 driving home.  Usually we don't get this hot here until August (if then).


My bigger news is that I got a jury summons for next month -- and asked my regular doctor and Nephrologist today if they would write a medical excuse letter for me.  My regular doctor has already written the letter -- yay!  Our state is one of the few that unless you're 80 or older, you have to have a "doctor's note" for medical excuse from jury duty.  I think that's ridiculous.  

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Dixie @summer slope, I hope all went well at the ophthalmologist appointment today. My experience was very different. I actually had measurements done during surgery after the cataract was removed. I had to pay extra for that but it was highly recommended because of my severe poor eyesight. The surgery center the doctor is part of has a special computer that does this. When is your surgery scheduled for?

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🤣I just did an online request for jury duty exemption for my sister. Told them she's 93, doesn't walk well, can't hear well, lives on an island and doesn't drive in Seattle. Hopefully that was good enough. Should have added that she doesn't do computers or her cell phone well either. 

The weather station on the deck reached 100 degrees at 5:15 this evening. I'm tired of the heat and sunshine!

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