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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday September 22nd, 2024


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Good morning,

Posting 2 days in a row is a new record for me lately. I had a wonderful day with DGD. We did a switch of kids and DGS spent the night. He is going on 13 hours of sleep. He goes non stop when awake and crashes at night. We made pumpkin cupcakes and the DGK’s and I distributed them to the neighbors. DGS asked me why so many old people live in my neighborhood. I told him I hadn’t noticed. He looked at me funny and said they all have white hair.


Prayers and well wishes. I am glad you had fun at the wedding Denise T.  I need to go convince my dog it is ok to poop in the rain!  Have a great Sunday. 

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Good morning from a sunny central Texas where it is 73F with a 4mph breeze from the SSE.  Our predicted high is 93F.  There is a 49% chance of rain overnight, and we need rain.  The rain chances for more rain Tuesday and Wednesday have dropped considerably.  We will gladly take any rain we can get.  Not much on the agenda today.  I'm a bit later this morning than intended because CC was having a bit of a server error.  I'm glad it was fixed relatively quickly.


Most days are car free days, but I might run into the store this morning.  Chainmail was important before some of the newer materials to protect the body were developed.  I do not keep a diary.  I tried once, but that did not last long.


I totally agree with the Frank Zappa quote.


A grilled chicken sandwich sounds good, but I'll wait and let someone else prepare it for me.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Norfolk Island.


The Salem Witch Trials were a shameful part of the history of the US.


The White Sox trying to fix the World Series in 1919 was a sad day for baseball.


St. Pete Cruiser Welcome home.  I hope the cruise even though short was fun.

Jazzy V  Vanessa, I hope the leg is better today.

Lambknuckles  Please wish River a VERY HAPPY 36TH BIRTHDAY for us.

smitty34877  Terry, I hope DD is feeling better today.  It was nice of your DSIL to stay overnight to help. 

ottahand7  I hope your DB is doing well today.

Denise T   Denise, I'm happy the wedding was lovely and you got to visit with family members.


For some reason the blue bubbles are coming up today, so I improvised.


The memes are not loading either, so I think I'll quit for now while things settle down.







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Good morning from a sunny central Texas where it is 73F with a 4mph breeze from the SSE.  Our predicted high is 93F.  There is a 49% chance of rain overnight, and we need rain.  The rain chances for more rain Tuesday and Wednesday have dropped considerably.  We will gladly take any rain we can get.  Not much on the agenda today.  I'm a bit later this morning than intended because CC was having a bit of a server error.  I'm glad it was fixed relatively quickly.


Most days are car free days, but I might run into the store this morning.  Chainmail was important before some of the newer materials to protect the body were developed.  I do not keep a diary.  I tried once, but that did not last long.


I totally agree with the Frank Zappa quote.


A grilled chicken sandwich sounds good, but I'll wait and let someone else prepare it for me.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Norfolk Island.


The Salem Witch Trials were a shameful part of the history of the US.


The White Sox trying to fix the World Series in 1919 was a sad day for baseball.


St. Pete Cruiser Welcome home.  I hope the cruise even though short was fun.

Jazzy V  Vanessa, I hope the leg is better today.

Lambknuckles  Please wish River a VERY HAPPY 36TH BIRTHDAY for us.

smitty34877  Terry, I hope DD is feeling better today.  It was nice of your DSIL to stay overnight to help. 

ottahand7  I hope your DB is doing well today.

Denise T   Denise, I'm happy the wedding was lovely and you got to visit with family members.


For some reason the blue bubbles are coming up today, so I improvised.


The memes are not loading either, so I think I'll quit for now while things settle down.




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Denise @Denise T it sounds like such a nice time was had by all!  I'm glad the wedding was an opportunity for family to get together and rejoice.  And I remember when you would come here and say it was only 150 days until your cruise, and now look at you!  Only 17 more days which will pass quickly.  I hope you can keep in touch while cruising with ship Wi-Fi.  We want to hear how much fun you're having.🥳

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Sorry for the triple posts.  I managed to get this one erased, but the other two had been done too long ago.  I had clicked on submit just as CC became unavailable and would not load the memes.  




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We could go car free today, as we don't have to be anywhere but home.  I have a friend who makes chainmail pieces and has had some in a couple of movies.  I had a diary as a teenager and would like to go back to see what I wrote in them, but they're long gone.


It's cool and cloudy, but it appears the rains have moved on.  Overnight in the southern part of the province they had frost warnings, so all plants that were wanting to be kept were under covers.  Thankfully it only went to 6(42) so we didn't have to worry about covering anything.  Yesterday I did go out and pull out a couple of plants that had given their all for this year and put their remains in the compost bin; we still have a number of large begonias, papyrus and Boston ferns to provide some life to the back yard.


My cold has changed to a cough overnight - spent a good deal of the night with a cough drop in my mouth, after taking a swig of some vile tasting stuff from the medicine cabinet.  I'm afraid I kept DH up most of the night, so I'm letting him sleep this morning.   I phoned our friend Fran yesterday morning to say I didn't want to pass along my cold to her and Wayne, particularly since Wayne just recently had a pacemaker installed, so they had a quiet dinner for 2 last night.  We've decided to get together in a couple of weeks instead.


@LambKnuckles Happy Birthday to your DS.

@smitty34877glad your DSIL stayed over to help you out; I hope your DD feels better soon and that you don't have a bad reaction to your vaccination tomorrow.

@JazzyVI'm not sure how you do it; living in constant pain, yet here you are every day before the rest of us get here.  

@kazuhopefully the missing articles will soon be returned to you.


I'd like the drink of the day, but with just blended scotch, nothing else, will pass on the wine, but I do love a good grilled chicken sandwich!  I've got a frozen bag of chicken soup thawing in the fridge that we're going to be slurping up in the kitchen along with some crusty buns for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Cheers to all with celebrations, prayers for those in need.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Good morning. Sunny and chilly this morning. It was 43F when dogs and I walked about an hour ago. High today is forecast for 62F. We got lots of rain on and off yesterday and evidently also last night as everything was very wet when I went out. The rain seems to be delaying our fall colors but I can see the changes now almost daily.


The town is really quiet these days with most of the tourists gone. I am meeting for friends for a couple of dinners this week as seating will not be a problem. The next influx of people will be ski season as most of the hunters stay out of town and the leaf peepers come and go quickly. I am seeing lots more deer in the backyard.... they know they are safe in town.


Off to clear the kitchen and work on a couple of boxes from my back bedroom. Load the car again so I can do clearance runs tomorrow morning.


Best wishes to all. That Hawaii cruise in January sound good, but getting out of Durango in the winter is always a worry.





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Happy Sunday everyone! DH & I did walk early this morning (6:30am) and I was thrilled to feel a cooler temperature. It was 68, going up to 90 but even a brief period of coolness is appreciated. Today will be a car free day, but I typically go car free 5 of the 7 days each week unless there's a medical appointment or random "out to eat" decision. Since we live where I work, my commute is via golf cart or by foot.


I can pass on the chainmail & diary - likewise the cocktail and this particular wine. Grilled chicken sandwiches are delicious, and I also prefer someone else make them. Dive In used to do a good job with them, but the last time I ordered one you could barely spot the skinny little chicken breast (much smaller than the bun). I thought it was just a fluke, but later a friend ordered one (on a subsequent cruise I think) and it was the same way - absolutely ridiculous! Haven't ordered one since.


Looking forward to more port photos, as anything in Australia makes my list of places I'd like to see. Growing up next door to Salem, the witch trials period of time is an embarrassment. It's terrible that people were so ignorant and caused such hysteria and harm to others. 


Hope everyone has a pleasant rest of the day, and (if applicable) your teams play well.



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Good morning, 

The morning is starting off nice here in the Pacific Northwest but clouds are coming and rain by mid-week. Oh well. 


I was car free yesterday and plan to be today. I keep a travel diary but not a daily one. I do enjoy a chicken sandwich on occasion. 

Yesterday was spent having the neighbor for tea (Rocky Mountain Blend from Murchies), doing laundry, etc. I'm working on sorting all the items from the linen closet that DS dumped in the living room. More to do today so I can have them organized when he comes tomorrow. 

Nothing else exciting, which is rather nice for me. This week is busy with the pool for water aerobics on 3 days, a Widows Support Group lunch on Tuesday, the plumbing and heating people coming Wednesday for the annual inspection, and whatever else crops up. 

Enjoy your day!


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn @StLouisCruisers.

I will be car free today, as I'm not going anywhere. Chainmail is hopefully no longer needed. I had a diary as a kid, and sometimes keep a travel one just to recall where I've been (helpful for labeling photos). A true quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have not been to Cascade. 2 sad days in history.


It's partly sunny and going into the mid-80's later. Happy Fall! We got a little rain yesterday, not enough, but it's supposed to rain Mon-Thurs, about 2" total. That will help. I hope to get laundry done, although dreading the trips up and down the basement steps. I've been staying down there during the washing part. Maybe I can stream the football game on my phone, as I don't want to wait until after it to start. I also need to feed my sourdough starter, and perhaps start working on bread dough later, to proof overnight. So sad about the mass shooting in Alabama. 


@St Pete Cruiser Welcome home!

@rafinmd I hope today is a better day, and that you are able to get back to rehab soon.

@kazu Continued prayers for you.

@StLouisCruisers Another 3 good days: I like ice cream, am a LOTR fan, and like elephants (I collect small statues of them). 

@LambKnuckles Happy 36th Birthday to River! 

@smitty34877 I'm glad DSIL was able to help last night. Sorry DD is feeling under the weather from her Covid booster, and I hope yours doesn't make you feel unwell. Congrats to the teenager's team! 

@dfish I had an episode of cellulitis in my right leg in 2017. I told my new at the time PCP that my legs would swell (I worked on my feet a lot) and she referred me to a lymphedema clinic. It's fairly mild, but I've worn compression stockings since then. The right leg was always the larger one. This new problem is in my left leg. Since I've been keeping my legs up so much, the right one looks pretty good and is smaller than the left.

@ottahand7 I grew up at the shore in NJ and we had Kohr's on the boardwalk. 

@Denise T The wedding sounds lovely and emotional. Your DB isn't watching the Steelers?? LOL.

@cruising sister So cute about DGS's observations on neighbors with white hair!

@ger_77 Sorry you've progressed to a cough now. Feel better soon.

@grapau27 That was nice of you to help your friend out, but colonoscopy on a Sunday? Here it's only Mon-Fri.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Good morning, Dailyites, and a very happy birthday to Lambie's River!   For the last few days I have been dropping in quickly, but never have found the time or energy to post...  I'm so sorry about Roy's health concerns, and Jacqui's problems with her move and her health.  

On Thursday, Pat started complaining of chest pain/discomfort, so we went to the hospital, and sat for a very long time on very uncomfortable seats (my back is still aching), until Pat was finally put in a cubicle in  emergency at 5 a.m.,, on Friday.  The place is a madhouse!  Once you get in, the care is excellent, but there were gurneys in hallways, people sitting, bandaged, in awkward places, it's amazing anything gets done!   Later, Friday at 10 p.m., he was admitted to the hospital and he is now in the cardiac care unit waiting - I hope tomorrow we will hear that they agree to give him a new valve on "TAVI Tuesday".  He has been receiving iron infusions, as he is anaemic, but that is all, and he's wearing a heart monitor.   Yesterday he had less chest pain, but he's not doing anything, just lying in bed.  I did get him up a couple of times for a little walk, but he got quite breathless, so the nurse said that today he should do less...  Tomorrow I have two appointments at the cancer clinic, so I'll be able to visit him in between and just hope he will have good news.   A couple of days ago, I came home to find cookies on the doorstep - our ailing cleaning lady, Leanne, had been in the complex!  I called to thank her and she said she had been 3 days in the hospital getting the feeding tube, now she has a week or so break, and then she will have chemo and radiation at the same time to shrink the tumours, then another break and then surgery to remove part of her esophagus and attach her stomach to her throat.  She is amazing, very determined and positive in outlook.  Please pray for her!


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9 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn @StLouisCruisers.

I will be car free today, as I'm not going anywhere. Chainmail is hopefully no longer needed. I had a diary as a kid, and sometimes keep a travel one just to recall where I've been (helpful for labeling photos). A true quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have not been to Cascade. 2 sad days in history.


It's partly sunny and going into the mid-80's later. Happy Fall! We got a little rain yesterday, not enough, but it's supposed to rain Mon-Thurs, about 2" total. That will help. I hope to get laundry done, although dreading the trips up and down the basement steps. I've been staying down there during the washing part. Maybe I can stream the football game on my phone, as I don't want to wait until after it to start. I also need to feed my sourdough starter, and perhaps start working on bread dough later, to proof overnight. So sad about the mass shooting in Alabama. 


@St Pete Cruiser Welcome home!

@rafinmd I hope today is a better day, and that you are able to get back to rehab soon.

@kazu Continued prayers for you.

@StLouisCruisers Another 3 good days: I like ice cream, am a LOTR fan, and like elephants (I collect small statues of them). 

@LambKnuckles Happy 36th Birthday to River! 

@smitty34877 I'm glad DSIL was able to help last night. Sorry DD is feeling under the weather from her Covid booster, and I hope yours doesn't make you feel unwell. Congrats to the teenager's team! 

@dfish I had an episode of cellulitis in my right leg in 2017. I told my new at the time PCP that my legs would swell (I worked on my feet a lot) and she referred me to a lymphedema clinic. It's fairly mild, but I've worn compression stockings since then. The right leg was always the larger one. This new problem is in my left leg. Since I've been keeping my legs up so much, the right one looks pretty good and is smaller than the left.

@ottahand7 I grew up at the shore in NJ and we had Kohr's on the boardwalk. 

@Denise T The wedding sounds lovely and emotional. Your DB isn't watching the Steelers?? LOL.

@cruising sister So cute about DGS's observations on neighbors with white hair!

@ger_77 Sorry you've progressed to a cough now. Feel better soon.

@grapau27 That was nice of you to help your friend out, but colonoscopy on a Sunday? Here it's only Mon-Fri.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

There had been lots of NHS Doctors strikes and now they are trying to catch up and getting waiting lists down.

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9 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@Vict0riann, Ann, I am sorry to read about Pat’s hospitalization and increased symptoms. I hope the repair occurs on Tuesday. It has to be very difficult with your own illness to deal with simultaneously. Sending prayers and hugs for you both.


7 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

@Vict0riann Prayers for Pat. If he is having chest pain, he's where he needs to be. Will they just be deciding about the valve or doing it? And prayers for you too as you navigate your own health challenges. 


Thank you.  I'll be heading over to the hospital soon, we are hoping to hear that they will "do" him on Tuesday, as he's already in the hospital, ready and waiting!  We were told it can be months waiting otherwise, so being there on site is a good thing...

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Just now, Vict0riann said:



Thank you.  I'll be heading over to the hospital soon, we are hoping to hear that they will "do" him on Tuesday, as he's already in the hospital, ready and waiting!  We were told it can be months waiting otherwise, so being there on site is a good thing...

Sending you both our prayers 🙏 and good wishes Ann.

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@Vict0riann so sorry to hear your news.  But hoping there will be a silver lining for your DH.  I’m sorry you’re having to juggle so many things right now!   Prayers all goes well! 

@LambKnuckles happy birthday to River! 

@ger_77 hope you feel better soon!  

@Denise T the wedding sounded lovely! So nice to honour and include your late sister! 

@cruising sister nice to hear from you and glad Murphy is enjoying her little sibling.  

Hope we hear from those missing, @Nickelpenny@MISTER 67 and Linda D. 

To all those Hawaii cruisers @dfish @Sharon in AZ @Quartzsite Cruiser  plus plus. Happy to meet up if you have time when you visit my winter home of Kona 😎 other wise I’ll toast you at sailaway! 


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Good morning all!

It will be a sunny day, up to around 70F.  We're having a lovely fall and the leaves are starting to turn.  I got the laundry all done yesterday so our bags can be packed.  Maybe a little gardening today too.


Three good days.  I'm usually car-free and I did have a diary when I was young but didn't keep at it for very long.  Chardonnay isn't my first choice but I would choose it if there's no other white wine.  I'll pass on the drink, and I do like chicken sandwiches/burgers but I just like it in place of a beef burger without all the extras.  Tonight we'll be having lamb chops, asparagus and garlic bread. 

We didn't get to Norfolk Island on the GANZ, it looks lovely.


Rich @richwmn and Joy @Seasick Sailor Thank you for the photos!  DH climbed Mt. Fuji when he was much younger and in the Navy.  We still have the walking stick with Japanese lettering from that day.


@LambKnuckles Happy 36th birthday to your DS River!

@Denise T The wedding sounds so lovely, I'm glad you had such a nice time.

Lorraine @cruising sister I smiled at your DGS' question about all the "old people".  He sounds a lot like our youngest DGS even with the 13 hours of sleeping and go-go all day.

Ann @Vict0riann I'm so sorry to hear that your DH Pat has been hospitalized.  Unbelievable that he had to wait so long to be admitted -- with chest pain! Prayers that he does get the procedure soon.









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40 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn @StLouisCruisers.

I will be car free today, as I'm not going anywhere. Chainmail is hopefully no longer needed. I had a diary as a kid, and sometimes keep a travel one just to recall where I've been (helpful for labeling photos). A true quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have not been to Cascade. 2 sad days in history.


It's partly sunny and going into the mid-80's later. Happy Fall! We got a little rain yesterday, not enough, but it's supposed to rain Mon-Thurs, about 2" total. That will help. I hope to get laundry done, although dreading the trips up and down the basement steps. I've been staying down there during the washing part. Maybe I can stream the football game on my phone, as I don't want to wait until after it to start. I also need to feed my sourdough starter, and perhaps start working on bread dough later, to proof overnight. So sad about the mass shooting in Alabama. 


@St Pete Cruiser Welcome home!

@rafinmd I hope today is a better day, and that you are able to get back to rehab soon.

@kazu Continued prayers for you.

@StLouisCruisers Another 3 good days: I like ice cream, am a LOTR fan, and like elephants (I collect small statues of them). 

@LambKnuckles Happy 36th Birthday to River! 

@smitty34877 I'm glad DSIL was able to help last night. Sorry DD is feeling under the weather from her Covid booster, and I hope yours doesn't make you feel unwell. Congrats to the teenager's team! 

@dfish I had an episode of cellulitis in my right leg in 2017. I told my new at the time PCP that my legs would swell (I worked on my feet a lot) and she referred me to a lymphedema clinic. It's fairly mild, but I've worn compression stockings since then. The right leg was always the larger one. This new problem is in my left leg. Since I've been keeping my legs up so much, the right one looks pretty good and is smaller than the left.

@ottahand7 I grew up at the shore in NJ and we had Kohr's on the boardwalk. 

@Denise T The wedding sounds lovely and emotional. Your DB isn't watching the Steelers?? LOL.

@cruising sister So cute about DGS's observations on neighbors with white hair!

@ger_77 Sorry you've progressed to a cough now. Feel better soon.

@grapau27 That was nice of you to help your friend out, but colonoscopy on a Sunday? Here it's only Mon-Fri.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Nice to meet a fellow elephant collector. Mine have taken over my China cabinet so I don’t have to dust quite as often. Bigger statues are scattered throughout the house.


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Aloha! It’s another day in paradise and the routine will be the same. We will fly direct to Oakland Friday and spend the night. Then a long day of flying home. At home folks are keeping an eye on a possible developing storm which could affect current travel plans.

Thanks for the reports and post. For several of you hopes for some positive and encouraging news.







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