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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday October 6th, 2024

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2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I had no idea who Jackie Mayer was, let alone the rehab she had to go through.  Geodiversity is good, and if you want to be a madhatter, go for it!  The MDAA (NATO) signing was significant for our overall well being, and thanks to Sabin and Salk for the polio vaccine that has all but eradicated that horrid disease.


If we had to go to work this morning, we would have been scraping our windshields, as there is definitely frost out there.  Thankfully we don't, so when we head out later this morning it should have all melted off with the bright sunshine.  Yesterday's winds were so bad that throughout the province there were many reported incidents of semi-trailers toppling over on the highways.  Although there was a lot of damage, thankfully there were no injuries.


Yesterday when we took our friend Ollie out for dinner the wind was still blowing mightily and about 10 minutes after our orders had been placed, the power went out.  Everyone scrambled around trying to find breakers to flip, but it appeared to be much more widespread than just the restaurant.  Thankfully it was still light enough outside that it made for just a more intimate setting, and we were able to enjoy our meals.   Ollie - who has Scottish roots - decided she wanted to try a Scotch egg and beans.  After tasting the egg, she wasn't very happy with her ancestor's contribution to the culinary world.  LOL  


@StLouisCruisersgood luck with your biopsy tomorrow.

@Quartzsite Cruiserhow is your DD feeling?

@grapau27congratulations on the anniversary of your engagement.

@kazuthere are always detractors out there who have no idea how much time and energy you put into your spreadsheets and tours.  Ignore them; they're not worth your time.

@Seasick Sailorpraying that your DS's pain was the result of her vaccinations, not the infusion, and that the pain has subsided.


We have to head out later this morning to pick up some food for Sochi, and a few groceries.  Other than that we might be spending time later in the afternoon trying to corral the mass of leaves now covering the back lawn.  Thankfully we have a large green bin that is almost empty, so will be putting it to good use this week.  


I'd pass on the drink, not only because of the name, but the ingredients as well.  I'd like the cava, and think the addition of some sausage or even chicken would go well in today's dish.  I've got salmon thawing that will be panko/parmesan coated and cooked in the air fryer, to be served along with garlic baked potatoes and green beans at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone whose lives have been impacted by Hurricane Helene and all wars.  Cheers to all with something to celebrate today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, thanks for asking about DD.  She went home the morning after the surgery, and by that time her calcium levels were also normal.  She is doing well, and she and DSIL will be here next weekend.


1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:
Thank you Sandi, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!
We did the majority of our packing yesterday as we fly to Brussels tomorrow. One aviation website I subscribe to shows which airplane is assigned to our flight about three days out. I was concerned yesterday seeing our plane's progress over the next few days with the time it takes to turn the plane for the next flight. Yesterday it was flying San Francisco to Shanghai but was two hours late leaving. The next flight was back to be San Francisco scheduled to leave at the same time it was actually arriving! Then on to Frankfurt followed by Washington to become our flight. I wouldn't be so concerned but last Monday (09/30) the flight was actually cancelled. Today I looked and a different plane has been rotated into the rotation.  Now feeling more at ease with just Hurricane Kirk in the Atlantic possibly impacting us and probably why we have a rainy week ahead after boarding.
Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack


Safe travels tomorrow, Jack.  


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  Last night we had a CATastrophe.  A bug? a thought of a bug? A shadow?  But there were 5 cats on the microwave, and 5 cats do not fit on a microwave and all five went scrambling at the same time knocking over the butter dish, which fell on the tile kitchen floor and shattered in a gazillion pieces.  I swept up the big pieces, scraped up the butter from the floor, re swept the floor, and DH came in and vacuumed. We were up until 1. 


@dfish I am glad that you got a good nights sleep last night.  The thing about insomnia is that IMO it keeps us worrying about lack of sleep to the point where we are worried about not sleeping, so we dont sleep.  My tiny brain goes through the enter day, and then plans out the next day, and if I let it, we can go into next week....  when I get to the point where the brain is starting to write a novel, I tell myself to back up and tell myself to let go of the day.  It sometimes works.


I have to admit, that I feel like a very shallow person 90 percent of the time, or I just seem to flow with what the day hits me with until I end up in the whirlpool.  @grapau27 You are one of the many here that amaze me with the dates in your past that you remember.  All I remember about DH and I getting engaged was I was on CC researching places with great snorkeling, and found a ship that had a chapel on it, as he was walking through the den, I mentioned if he ever wanted to get married at sea that would be a good choice, (since he had told me he was never going to marry me in the past,) I was a bit amazed when he turned and said, yes, we should do that. What day that was, I have no idea.  I remember events, but cannot remember them in a time period, or date.  


I just accept each day or at least try to, until I get into a funk, which is when bad things keep happening, and I cant see a way out of them.  The whirlpool.  I have been in this particular whirlpool when all of DH's doctors told us that there is nothing more they can do for him.  He no longer has any "good" days, he'crabby and I'm angry, and it just goes round and round.


Ok I am done whining, and I can say that when I am here, I am happy.


@StLouisCruisersbest of luck with tomorrow.  


I have yet to get done half of what needs to be done before BFF gets here.  But I did choose the paint, and got that taken care of, so off I go to work.






Annie, oh no, about the mess with the butter dish.  


1 hour ago, wdw1972 said:

Having a hard time relating to any of the "days", lol - and I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. Ports are always good, and I've not been to Trieste. A friend here's mom had polio as a young woman. In fact, she caught it on her honeymoon if I remember correctly. Her new groom stuck by her and she has lived her life in a wheelchair since. She's in her 80's now - getting closer to 90.


It's a drizzly gloomy day here, which matches my mood with the hurricane Milton situation. It's still too early to know specifics, but this one will be devastating to more Floridians than Helene. Crossing my fingers the Ft Myers area (where my home sits close to the coast) is spared. I finally had turn the coverage off - too depressing. DH will be enjoying football most of the day. I plan to cook him a t-bone steak he bought and since he bought a set of champagne flutes at the store yesterday he's requested that's what we drink with dinner. What the heck!


Happy engagement anniversary @grapau27!

Good luck tomorrow Sandi @StLouisCruisers Most biopsies come back negative, but it's stressful while waiting for the results.




Sue, I hope there is no damage to your house in Mt. Meyers from the approaching storm.


33 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:



Good Sunday morning all , I am quite early to the party , Sandi @StLouisCruisers woke me up and challenged me to show my pictures , we have been a couple of times in Trieste and there are multiple places to visit from there , I know everybody wants to see Venice but they do not want us anymore , we don’t spend enough money . ........... But they still want HAL to built their new ships there ! 
Trieste is a very nice city to explore on your own or to use as a place to go into Slovenia which is a beautiful country to visit , I of coarse have to say that because this is the country that gave me my dear wife Martha or as everybody says on CC , DW .
As a matter of fact in about one month from today we hope to be back in Trieste for 2 days 
and I have contacted a good Slovenian guide and friend of ours and asked if he could take us and our daughter Natascha and her DW to a tiny little place in the mountains of Slovenia where Martha was born and where at the age of 2 her parents escaped from. This will only be the third time she will be back there and the first time for our daughter. We are staying overnight at DW's cousin and visit all the nieces and nephews . Big Party ! 
So hopefully next time when Trieste or Koper (SL) show up on the Daily I can show you pictures from there.
This was turnaround day when we were on the Oosterdam on Sept 27 , 2022 , we just got of the ship and walked almost right away in to the heart of the city 
I won’t tell you the names of the buildings because in half an hour you forget the names anyways 
Wrong guy hon ...........!!!!
Yes this is the life !  ( At home I am not allowed Coke anymore , I was told it is bad for me ) 
Back on board the Oosterdam . This to show you how close we are here to Slovenia look at this mountain ridge  behind their you are already in Slovenia , go there you will love it ! 
As you can see we left quite late because we only had to go a few miles to reach Koper the next morning as the crow flies about 15 miles . 
We had a very nice day in Trieste and hope to get back there soon . YES we will be back !
Cheers everybody !
Tony 😁😁


24 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another nice day, sunshine and low 70's.  I overdid in the garden yesterday as usual and have a few aches and pains.  But the outcome is worth it.  


I really don't have any feelings at all about the 3 days, so nothing to say about them...will pass on the meal (mushrooms, it's a texture thing), pass on the drink (whiskey), but would like the wine if it isn't too sweet.  We have been to Trieste twice.


Today will be laundry and tonight we're going out for pizza with DD, DSIL and the boys.  We have a few little things for them that we got in Yellowstone, including the calendar I get every year for them.  Those boys are growing up way too fast, 9 and 11 now hard to believe.  Yesterday I was cleaning out the toy box and reluctantly got rid of all the toys they've outgrown. 😢


Debbie @dfish I'm glad you found something to help you sleep.  I may look into that too.  So sad about the housefire across the street, especially that a pet perished in the fire. 😞 


Joy @Seasick Sailor Prayers for your sister Bonnie that this was a one-time thing and future infusions won't be a problem.  


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Prayers for you tomorrow that there's a good outcome from the biopsy.


@Denise T Safe travels tomorrow!


Jack @Heartgrove Safe travels!


As always continued prayers for @marshhawk Annie and Chuck and Terri and Tana @smitty34877


Paul @kochleffel Thank you for the Mad Hatter explanation.


We have been to Trieste twice.  The first time was in 2021 and we didn't get off the ship, as Italy required ship tours and we didn't have any (the port was substituted for Venice at the last minute).  Those getting off the cruise that day were shuttled to Venice.  The second time we did get off the ship on a bus tour of the city but it was pouring rain, thunder and lightening 😉  I'd love to see the city again under better circumstances


Here are my photos.


Too bad we couldn't get off the ship the first time, it looked like it would be a beautiful day.  Sunrise that morning.



And some views from our balcony.







And our rainy bus tour the second time we were there.


Ancient ruins.  We could barely see them through the rain.



The Theater in Trieste



Some views of the city through the raindrops.



At the end of the tour it cleared up a little and we were able to get off the bus to get this view of Miremare Castle.



Rainbow over Trieste





Tony, thanks for your pictures from Trieste.  We still want to visit that lovely city.  We have been to Koper and really enjoyed our day there in 2016 on Prinsendam.  It was a substitute port when the Black Sea cruise was canceled.


7 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Starting to put the hurricane shutters down on the sides and back of the house in anticipation of Milton arriving Tuesday night or Wednesday. Planning on getting our Covid and flu shots tomorrow I hope that will still happen. Well, bring what I can, and from the lanai and pile the rest of it in a corner that we have. Everyone is forecasting that this is going to be a biggie for Central Florida.


Dixie, I hope you both are safe from Milton.  


18 minutes ago, Lcubed said:

I don't post very often, not much going on here usually and haven't cruised in about six months. But uh oh! That might change this week. We live in FL not far from @cunnorl. If you see a radar map and see Satellite Beach, we are on the mainland just opposite. It has been raining since 6:30am and my husband just checked the rain gauge it says 4.5in. We were only suppose to get an inch today. It's still raining. Spent the morning filling up the car with gas and double checking and organizing the hurricane supplies. Milton is due on Weds. I would love to be on a Canada/New England cruise with @JazzyV Vanessa right now. Although last time we did that cruise it snowed (yah! hadn't seen snow in 40yrs) and the ship had to hide from a storm behind an island.

Hope every one has a good healthy week! I better go check the wine supplies.


I hope you don't have any damage from Milton.  



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Happy Sunday, Dailyites!  Prayers going out for Annie and Chuck, Tana and Terry, Jacqui, and Lenda.  We're not going to go to church today, I mistrust all those people singing and now that I hear coughing I think we'll stay away for a few weeks.  Pat can't drive for 3 more weeks, and I feel my immune system may be a bit impaired at the moment.  We are going to go for breakfast with my cousin this morning, though.  Their colds are over, and it's a big room at the club where we meet.  Pat seems to be his old self now, no more breathlessness.  He went down and up the stairs yesterday with no problem.  And last night I got a reminder from HAL that our Tamarind reservation was at 6:30.  Our friends (J&J) on board Koningsdam ( where we were supposed to be) said Tamarind was good, and the ship is not crowded.  Sad we had to cancel.  Nobody told the Navigator, I guess!🙄


We have sailed from Trieste, and also on one of Tony's Tantalizing, Tasty (and Tiring) Tours, we had a drive around Trieste from Koper, I guess it was.  I don't think we got out of the van though.  That was in the time of Covid, and a lot of places were shuttered.  


From the shipIMG_5944.thumb.JPG.16a429d468fab0e6a4b12e2f56d3f69f.JPG


And on our drive





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Good warm and sunny afternoon. It’s another beautiful day and again tomorrow.
@kazuJacqui, I loved the crossing on QM2. There was so much to do and so many people to meet . I do agree that the MDR food was better on HAL. I had one dessert thought of Banana Foster that had so much alcohol on it that it was like a frozen cocktail. I hope everything falls into place for you.🙏

Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.



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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Annie.

We both have kept diaries for most of our lives and Pauline in particular has the birthdays, weddings and addresses of all our family and friends and sadly the dates family and friends passed away.

I also keep records of all of our cruises and holidays which is my number 1 interest.




Graham, my DH was the person in the relationship who kept track of birthdays, anniversaries and important dates. I can’t tell you how challenged I am to make sure I reach people on these dates. I am sure he would know the day we met, got engaged etc. I was so spoiled! 

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Good afternoon. I looked up the days and realized that Jackie Meyer meant a lot to me. I worked with stroke patients for about seven years as a young therapist. It was fascinating work and I truly loved it. We always told patients that some people see changes even years after a stroke. I saw several people privately and had the pleasure of watching them achieve further gains. Never say never because one truly does not know.


@marshhawk, Annie, I have been in your situation and wish I could help. Sending hugs/prayers to you both. I only wish your doctors would be more forthcoming with a workable plan.

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I will be sending my prayers your way for tomorrow. I hope all goes well.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am glad DD is doing well and that you will see them next week.


Take care everyone.

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Gorgeous day here, perfect weather, trees barely starting to turn, seems a bit late?  

Sandi, Blessings for your procedure to be successful in gaining the info needed, and not overly uncomfortable.  Breathe in gratitude for all the good help on your path!  

💍 Happy memories Graham and Pauline. 🥂


Debbie, I use a melatonin (10mg) with 200mg L-Theanine (amino acid) plus some herbals -chamomile, valerian, et al- sold by Nature’s Bounty as “Sleep-3” available sometimes from Costco or Amazon. 

Hoping Bonnie improves quickly, Pat and Ann stay well, Roy strengthens, and Vanessa is managing to enjoy her cruise. 

Smooth travels to Jack and Denise! ✈️


🌀 Milton is coming to FL, hoping all preparations can be made and those in harm’s way can evacuate to safe locations.  My DS and family have a reservation on the mainland, I just hope they can get there ok from the Keys.   

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  
Enjoy this unique day. 

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Posted (edited)

I remember the day we met and the day we got engaged.  We met on November 12, 1967 and 7 years later our son was born on that date.  We became engaged on January 10, 1969 and 43 years later my DM passed away on that date.  However I might not be able to remember what I had for lunch yesterday!


I have WONDERFUL news!  The flight that was cancelled 78 days ago on July 20, after our nice, long Zuiderdam cruise, has finally been reimbursed to our credit card!!  Delta paid Flight Ease back on about Aug. 4.  We tried every which way to get Flight Ease or Guest Relations to do something about what they owed us.  But 12 days ago we sent an email to Brett Swofford who is manager of Guest Relations and copied Gus Antorcha.  Two days later a "special advisor" in Gus's office emailed us that they were currently working on refunds and there was a backlog due to so many of them from the Cloudstrike global outage, etc.  So 12 days after our email we finally got our money back.  Delta handled our car rental, fuel and meal expenses in a timely manner in our opinion.  Not sure why the cruise lines are always so slow with refunds!


Thank you so much to all for your prayers and words of encouragement for tomorrow.  I have spoken to two friends in the past week who have experienced this particular type of biopsy and I have been warned - it is painful.  But I should feel better shortly after and hope the news is good.  If it isn't it will be dealt with.  Got to think positive!👍 Hoping for Amazing, right Maureen?




Edited by StLouisCruisers
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6 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@grapau27 Happy Engagement Anniversary!! Love to you and Pauline. 


My sister had her first post cancer infusion that requires once every 6 months. 10 hours later she was so much in pain in her neck, shoulder and arm, her friend took her to ER. Since she had her Covid and flu shot the same time, the ER doctor didn't know what was causing the pain. She will see her oncologist tomorrow. Thank you for prayers!!

I am so sorry to hear this,   Lymphedema can be an issue after removal of lymph nodes.  Can be triggered by many things, something to ask her oncologist about.  Hope it resolves quickly 

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Good day and thanks all!,

@StLouisCruisers hope all goes well tomorrow and you don’t have to wait too long for the results. 
@Quartzsite Cruiser glad your DD is doing well!

@Vict0riann a wise decision to look after yourselves! Glad things are improving. 
We had the good fortune to visit beautifulTrieste years ago and the wonderful castle on the shores of the Adriatic.  We came across a lovely rural fair nearby.   So an alternate photo 


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I’ll celebrate Jackie Mayer and geodiversity. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven’t been to Trieste. 2 good days in history.


We are in Quebec today, leaving this afternoon. We arrived yesterday and went out to St Anne de Beaupre and Montmorency falls. The weather has been drizzly these 2 days, and in the low 50’s. But leaves were at peak and beautiful despite the lack os sun. BFF is having some leg issues, and my sacroiliitis is acting up, so we stayed onboard today and are relaxing. Tomorrow is a sea day. My photos, such as they are, are on my iPhone, so I’ll have to post them when I get home. The new leg garments aren’t to my liking, so I think I’ll have to order the old style when I get home (too bulky and don’t stay up).

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today. And the other days to celebrate. Great photos from Ashley and Christopher. Prayers for your procedure tomorrow. I’m glad you finally got your money back for the flights.

@grapau27 Congratulations on the 45th Anniversary of your engagement to the lovely Pauline.

@Seasick Sailor Prayers that Bonnie’s issue is easily remedied.

@Cruzin Terri DDBIL was fortunate to have you and DH in his life. Hugs.

@dfish I’m glad you got a better night’s sleep. We arrive back to Boston on the 11th and will drive halfway home. Back home on the 12th.

@kazu Good for you for finishing up the spread sheet despite your having to cancel. I hope some good health news is coming for you.

@ger_77 Wow those winds sound like they were something!
@Nickelpenny You’re going to be busy before your cruise!

@marshhawk Hugs to you and DH. I’m hoping for some good days for you both.

@luvteaching Enjoy the Farm Tour.

@sailingdutchy Great photos, Tony.

@Cruising-along Thanks for the Trieste photos.

@Lcubed @summer slope Stay safe!

@Vict0riann Best to be cautious. I’m glad that Pat is doing well. Nice Trieste photos.

@smitty34877 I hope your weekend is going fairly smoothly.

@RMLincoln PA also seemed behind in leaves changing.

@bennybear Great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Roy's latest update came in on my tablet and DH's tablet, but not on my computer yet.  


I don't think I got much sleep last night, but am surviving the day.  Therapy was a pretty solid block of 3 hours, 9 to 12.


Speech therapy (9) was breathing exercises as usual.


For the last few days I have been getting back and forth to the gym instead of the wheelchair.  At PT (10) the emphasis was on the cane including 3 short walks, entering a simulated car, and lots of balance exercises, stepping up and down on a low platform, and playing catch with a ball while standing.


OT (11) used the rollator to do a simulated laundry, gathering clothes, loading the washer, moving to the dryer, folding, and stowing in a dresser.  I was back in my room at noon.


During lunch I watched my church's worship replay.  My communions cracker and milk.


Sessions tomorrow are 8-9, 9:30-11 and single half hours at 1 and 2.





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Working on the sorting which as been slowed down as I am running out of boxes and large bags.


Roy... glad to hear you are progressing. (dratted blue bubble disappeared) @StLouisCruisers(This one showed up). Good luck tomorrow. Been there, done that... hope your results are as successful as mine were.



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3 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:



Good Sunday morning all , I am quite early to the party , Sandi @StLouisCruisers woke me up and challenged me to show my pictures , we have been a couple of times in Trieste and there are multiple places to visit from there , I know everybody wants to see Venice but they do not want us anymore , we don’t spend enough money . ........... But they still want HAL to built their new ships there ! 
Trieste is a very nice city to explore on your own or to use as a place to go into Slovenia which is a beautiful country to visit , I of coarse have to say that because this is the country that gave me my dear wife Martha or as everybody says on CC , DW .
As a matter of fact in about one month from today we hope to be back in Trieste for 2 days 
and I have contacted a good Slovenian guide and friend of ours and asked if he could take us and our daughter Natascha and her DW to a tiny little place in the mountains of Slovenia where Martha was born and where at the age of 2 her parents escaped from. This will only be the third time she will be back there and the first time for our daughter. We are staying overnight at DW's cousin and visit all the nieces and nephews . Big Party ! 
So hopefully next time when Trieste or Koper (SL) show up on the Daily I can show you pictures from there.
This was turnaround day when we were on the Oosterdam on Sept 27 , 2022 , we just got of the ship and walked almost right away in to the heart of the city 
I won’t tell you the names of the buildings because in half an hour you forget the names anyways 
Wrong guy hon ...........!!!!
Yes this is the life !  ( At home I am not allowed Coke anymore , I was told it is bad for me ) 
Back on board the Oosterdam . This to show you how close we are here to Slovenia look at this mountain ridge  behind their you are already in Slovenia , go there you will love it ! 
As you can see we left quite late because we only had to go a few miles to reach Koper the next morning as the crow flies about 15 miles . 
We had a very nice day in Trieste and hope to get back there soon . YES we will be back !
Cheers everybody !
Tony 😁😁


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@StLouisCruisersThanks for sharing your DN and her DH photos. It looks like they are having a wonderful time.  


My DN and her new husband shared a few photos from their time at my DS cabin next door to ours.  Still beautiful up there. Some years the trees are bare.  




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Just now, sailingdutchy said:



Just now, sailingdutchy said:



Oops .......Major , Major Boo Boo ........... something I believe I can not correct on this site .........My dear, dear daughter Natascha is married to her wonderful husband  DH ! Michael  and she gave us two wonderful grandsons one who is studying at Purdue and the younger one at the University of Toronto . 

( Glad that nobody in my family will see that post ) 


Tony 😅🫢

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Gerry, thanks for asking about DD.  She went home the morning after the surgery, and by that time her calcium levels were also normal.  She is doing well, and she and DSIL will be here next weekend.



Safe travels tomorrow, Jack.  



Annie, oh no, about the mess with the butter dish.  



Sue, I hope there is no damage to your house in Mt. Meyers from the approaching storm.




Tony, thanks for your pictures from Trieste.  We still want to visit that lovely city.  We have been to Koper and really enjoyed our day there in 2016 on Prinsendam.  It was a substitute port when the Black Sea cruise was canceled.



Dixie, I hope you both are safe from Milton.  



I hope you don't have any damage from Milton.  



I'm pleased to hear your DD is okay Lenda.

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Good afternoon!  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the links to the previous port of the day threads. It really helps me to repost pictures and I still don’t know how to resize pictures from my new iPhone. 


Posted on September 20, 2022



We were in Trieste June 13th when we disembarked the Oosterdam. We only saw it from our bus windows on our way to Venice. I think it would be a lovely place to tour.  This is the cruise terminal:




I didn’t take any other pictures but Craig might have so I’ll check his later. 



Posted on September 5, 2023



I found some more pictures of Trieste on Craig’s phone. I would love to go back. Most of these were taken from the ship. We disembarked there and just saw it from our transfer bus. This was June 13, 2022 Oosterdam, Craig’s covid cruise. 

The terminal:







Lots of beautiful yachts and small ships:




Goodbye to the Oosterdam:





I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the pictures from Trieste. It’s always interesting to see a place from another point of view. 



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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I remember the day we met and the day we got engaged.  We met on November 12, 1967 and 7 years later our son was born on that date.  We became engaged on January 10, 1969 and 43 years later my DM passed away on that date.  However I might not be able to remember what I had for lunch yesterday!


I have WONDERFUL news!  The flight that was cancelled 78 days ago on July 20, after our nice, long Zuiderdam cruise, has finally been reimbursed to our credit card!!  Delta paid Flight Ease back on about Aug. 4.  We tried every which way to get Flight Ease or Guest Relations to do something about what they owed us.  But 12 days ago we sent an email to Brett Swofford who is manager of Guest Relations and copied Gus Antorcha.  Two days later a "special advisor" in Gus's office emailed us that they were currently working on refunds and there was a backlog due to so many of them from the Cloudstrike global outage, etc.  So 12 days after our email we finally got our money back.  Delta handled our car rental, fuel and meal expenses in a timely manner in our opinion.  Not sure why the cruise lines are always so slow with refunds!


Thank you so much to all for your prayers and words of encouragement for tomorrow.  I have spoken to two friends in the past week who have experienced this particular type of biopsy and I have been warned - it is painful.  But I should feel better shortly after and hope the news is good.  If it isn't it will be dealt with.  Got to think positive!👍 Hoping for Amazing, right Maureen?




I'm so pleased you have been reimbursed your flight fare Sandi.

We met on 

November 2nd 1978.

My dear lovely man died on November 2nd 2011.

Pauline's dear mam died October 18th 2018 but the earliest the church and crematorium were available together was

November 2nd 2018.

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To all my Florida friends, please be safe. Looks like the next few days will be rough. Just be careful, dont panic and be sensible. We have all been thru this before. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers and hope our damage is minimal.

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Sandi, I’m sorry others who experienced this procedure say it was painful. Maybe if your expectations are such, you’ll be pleasantly surprised!  Yes ma’me!  Praying for Amazing results!  Nothing halfway!  We’re walking with you!  🤗🥰👍 All positive thoughts!  


Nancy, SO beautiful, tranquil, serene…. thanks for sharing. 

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The day has been going by too quickly!  I did get some reading done so I should be caught up by Tuesday evening for our zoom. Yesterday was wonderful. I so enjoyed the time making the meatballs and homemade sauce. I ended up not making any pasta, which was fine, and we have enough sauce to make pasta with it for leftovers. Today we are having leftover sausage bake. It’s a delicious combination of sausage, onions, fennel, garlic, red grapes, and I also put red peppers sometimes. 

Graham @grapau27, I am really bad with remembering dates except for major ones. Congratulations on your engagement anniversary!


Tony @sailingdutchy, I loved your pictures!  And your upcoming plans sound wonderful to visit Martha’s place of birth. 

It was 103 yesterday and already 102 today. It feels like early September not October. 

Take care everyone and have a great day!

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Good sunny afternoon. I just read a heartbreaking post from a 911 dispatcher in western North Carolina. The post is on the FB page of Fire wire of Cape May County by Kathy Pritchett. 💔

@StLouisCruisersSandi, good luck with your biopsy tomorrow 🤞

I am also thinking about your Morgan and hoping she is planning to evacuate now. It looks like the Tampa Bay Area will be hit by a Cat 3 on Tuesday night and Wednesday. The storm will cross Florida and then into the Atlantic.

To all our Florida daily family, stay safe.❤️🙏

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Just got word that a friend (90 years old) who lives in Venice Florida is evacuating with her daughter and family to Alabama. And our friends in Clearwater are very worried. They are in an association called mission hills and they fear no water damage because they are far enough from the water but there are many old trees in the complex and there is still damage from Helene that hasn’t been cleared up yet. Keeping all our Florida people in my prayers.

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