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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday October 24th, 2024


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Every day seems to be Food Day around here - a great source for new things for us to try.  We got rid of our mercury thermostat a number of years ago, went to digital and soon we should have a "smart" one.  I do know though we have a couple of mercury thermometers in the bathrooms.  The UN is an important group that our oldest DGS is really enthralled with.  I plan on ordering him a UN t-shirt for Christmas this year, as I know he'll really appreciate it.  


@Overhead Fredwishing you a very Happy Birthday as you recover from your hip replacement!

@Seasick SailorHappy #33 to you and Allen today; may the love, laughter, and travel continue for many years!


It's cool and dark (+2 or 35F) right now but I don't see the trees shaking, so it must be still for a while.   It's pretty rare that we have a day without wind here, so we take note of them when they happen.  I can't imagine driving a big motorhome like @Quartzsite Cruiser and her DH in the wind; it must be scary!  Good luck to them as they make their way to their winter home.


Not a lot on the agenda today, DH has to call a couple of fireplace companies to come and check ours - they don't seem to want to turn on when he hits the switches.  Not sure if it's the fireplace or the wiring - which in that case will involve an electrician as well.  There's always something!


I'm going to pass on the drink, although I'd like it if it was just the vodka and lime juice.  I've had the wine and it's okay.  I'm going to copy out the first recipe for the soup; although DH doesn't care much for wild rice, I think it would be a great soup.  And it's in the crock pot, so there's no real prep to worry about.  Tonight's the last night for our little pork roast that will be turned into a stir fry, as there are some veggies in the fridge that need to be used up before they go ugly.  I'll make a pot of plain white rice to go along with the stir fry and we can enjoy that at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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The first Chinese Emperor , the one who had the terra cotta soldiers to protect him in the afterlife, was also protected by having a river of mercury  surrounding his burial site.  He apparently did not want to be disturbed.


One problem with dining out with Momma Norma, is she only goes to one restaurant, and orders the same thing, eats a little and takes the leftovers home.  The fridge, by the time we left had several sweet potatoes and pieces of fried chicken breasts with white gravy.


Our "landlord" told us about several places to eat that were excellent, to him, so we went and tried out two.  The first one was Hibachi Japanese.  There was something on the menu that attracted my curiosity.  Listed as an appetizer, Monkey Brains.  Once I read the ingredients, I was all in.   It was the bottom half of an avocado, cut in fourths, with a ball of crumbled fried tuna, and on top of that a ball of fried crab meat,  placed on each quarter with a sweet/spicy sauce drizzled over it all.  Best thing I ate all week!  That and some scrambled eggs at Cracker Barrel.


The other restaurant was Melindas. a breakfast and bakery.  But the only actual breakfast meal they served was Quiche.  Which was good, but just eating their muffins was best. 


Currently having one of the best meals in the world, English muffin with peanut butter. I love food.


I had a friend years ago that with her beau, would make sandwiches and go out on the streets in Atlanta and feed the homeless.  The police stopped them, as it was "against the law"  to feed the homeless, they may be poisoning them, and if seen again they would be arrested.  When a restaurant serves food that is poisonous, who goes to jail?


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Good morning. Late start but I have been busy. Our visit to Dubai earlier this year was also an eye opener. Thanks to all who shared photos. 
Being the Chief cook and bottle washer these days I used my new found authority and changed last night’s dinner menu. Tonight will be the pork chops but last night I sated my craving and had clam linguine. Yum.

@Overhead Fred Happy Birthday and a new hip. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎂

@Seasick SailorHappy Anniversary!

As soon as I get a few “Caretaker” duties done I’m going to go vote and then wash the car. “Does that sound like something Pontius Pilate would say?”

Yesterday afternoon we had a nice visit from a couple from our church small group followed by a long phone call from oldest son.

Woke up with no allergy type symptoms so our new AC/Heating ducts may be worth the cost. Like many, one hates to spend big $$$ on things you can’t see or enjoy. 
So let me get Sue situated and I’ll be off to the polls. We have been studying the Florida amendments so we understand what we are voting for.

Have a great day. A hearty welcome home to our Editor and Chief Rich and a sincere thank you to @StLouisCruisers Sandi for your outstanding job in Rich’s absence. B.



Edited by aliaschief
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Good morning all!

Third time is a charm -- after two postponements because of weather, the roof/gutter/skylight cleaning will finally be done this morning.  It will be good to finally get that over with.  Still waiting to hear if the fireplace company can find gaskets for our 30-year-old gas fireplace.  I sure don't want to have to replace the whole fireplace just because it needs new gaskets.  Meanwhile we can't use it, as it would leak carbon monoxide. 


A good set of days, I like the quote.  Will pass on the red wine and drink (not a fan of ginger) and even though neither of us like soups usually, the 2nd recipe does sound good.  Thank you for the port photos, we haven't been to this port.


Happy Birthday @Overhead Fred!

Happy 33rd Anniversary Joy and Allen @Seasick Sailor!


Today I have a dental appt. (cleaning), other than that just getting the guest room and guest bathroom ready for DD and her family tomorrow.  

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Good morning. Cool and sunny. High today will be around 70 and then we start into a slow cooling which will (supposedly) accelerate early next week. Halloween should be pretty chilly. At least no snow.


Welcome home to all that were on that wonderful Japan cruise. I am envious. Pictures and descriptions were wonderful. I am settled in for the winter. Have lots to do around the condo. Some of the family members are claiming family "heirlooms" so there will be those to get shipped off. Have lots of reading set aside to keep me occupied. Spring will bring decisions on travel.


Today I have nothing extra on my schedule except to get my ballot out to the drop off box in the Clerk's Office.  It took me a long time to fill out. Otherwise continuing to sort while the crown molding is installed in the back room and maybe he will get started on the floors. He hopes to finish on Monday. He is a hard worker and extremely neat. I will not have as much cleaning when he is finished as I usually have.


Best wishes to all and take care.







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Good morning, 


@Seasick Sailor Joy and Allen Happy Anniversary and welcome back! Hope your travels home are easy for you,

@Overhead Fred Happy Birthday!

@richwmn Welcome home and safe travels today. I really enjoyed reading and following along with you on your cruise.

@USN59-79 Welcome home!

The sun is trying to shine this morning but it's sure on the cool side. It didn't get much past 50F yesterday and today is about the same. Yesterday DS got the beam that runs down the center of the mobile home painted. It's a color called "Sweet Molasses" which is a really deep brown. I came in the house and it looked amazing! Sure beats the paper covered pressboard brown from 37 years ago. Yesterday was the pool then more work at cleaning out the master bedroom so DS can paint that room. Nothing very exciting. 

Today is a day I don't have anything on the agenda so I may go for a drive. DD DH loved when we took off for a few hours or even most of the day and I've missed doing that but just haven't been motivated to. Today may be the day - or not. We'll see how it goes. I love the soup recipe and will print out at least one of them to try. I have several friends who love to come for soup and rolls. 


Have a lovely Thursday!


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There is a terrible story in one of the papers today about a child who starved to death in an apartment that was stocked with food, but in which the cabinets had child-proof locks and the refrigerator was turned to the wall. The child was old enough to be in school but not enrolled.


There haven't been mercury thermostats in my house for a long time. I toured the United Nations complex in New York in 1967 and remember the guide's saying that everyone asked her to point out the desk on which Khrushchev had pounded his shoe. She insisted that, because the seating changed every year, she didn't know.


I wouldn't be able to make the soup at home. The drink might be OK; the name evokes the scientific name for ginger, Zingiber officinale. The boxed red wine I have at home is a Pinot Noir and a different brand.


If you had listened in on my Hartford class yesterday, you might have been either horrified or disgusted, as we discussed, among other topics, composting of both human manure and human corpses. We all agreed that flush toilets everywhere should be replaced with composting toilets.


I have an appointment to donate blood this afternoon.




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47 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

There is a terrible story in one of the papers today about a child who starved to death in an apartment that was stocked with food, but in which the cabinets had child-proof locks and the refrigerator was turned to the wall. The child was old enough to be in school but not enrolled.

What is wrong with people?

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@Haljo1935...I read the Daily routinely but do not post often.


I am so sorry to read of your job ending.  While it seems horrible now, in a way, it may be a blessing in disguise as it does not appear that you were treated with the respect you deserved.


Wishing you only the best no matter what you decide moving forward.


As for your knee surgery.  I had meniscus tear repair back in 2000 and the biggest thing is do not overdo it too early you will regret it.  I went off my crutches too early and started driving too early (right knee) big mistake.


I had TKR on my left knee in Nov 2022, full one year recovery time frame.  It is MAJOR surgery and not only  a physical recovery but an emotional roller coaster ride as well!

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes! 


It will be a subdued celebration today since I am somewhat house-bound and can't have booze until I am off the opioids. A new hip is not exactly a typical birthday present and I can't say that I am enjoying it yet. But I am sure I will be thrilled with it quite soon! 


The pain is definitely diminishing and I can get in and out bed/chairs much easier today, 

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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:


Have a great day. A hearty welcome home to our Editor and Chief Rich and a sincere thank you to @StLouisCruisers Sandi for your outstanding job in Rich’s absence. B.



Bruce, thank you very much for your kind remarks.  I'm just glad I could help Rich out so he could enjoy his cruise.  


I hope Sue is feeling improved every day, and am glad to hear the duct replacement has helped your allergy symptoms.  Something for all of us who have homes of a certain age to consider if we have those types of health issues.

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Good morning and Happy Thursday. It’s a beautiful day with sunny skies and a high about 92F. I have catching up with yesterday’s Daily along with today. For some reason I got interrupted yesterday morning and never read past the first page.  I have to read in 30 minutes segments to give my left eye a rest or I get a headache. It’s been blurry since my episode of flashing. Retina doctor doesn’t want me to have a vision update yet. 

I am with Carolyn @Cruising-along, not a big soup eater but recipe #2 sounds good. Gerry @ger_77, your stir fry sounds good too and I have some stir fry veggies that I can add some meat to for today’s meal. Yesterday we went out for hamburgers before an appointment at 3:00. I ordered the burger of the month, the Santa Fe burger. It was so good. 




Last week I got a strange email regarding my Stockperks OBC request. The booking number was correct but the sail date was wrong. I contacted my PCC and found out that it was correct and had been applied. Whew. I didn’t want to contact them again. 

Pennie @Nickelpenny, thank you for your reply about your flights. I usually fly AA so never thought about going through SLC. Sort of funny that you were asked to arrive at TIA 3 hours early. I have been held up by long lines in security before I had TSA pre check.  I hope everything goes smoothly for you and you enjoy your cruise. Do you need a ride to the airport?  Or picked up?  It’s so expensive to park at any of the lots there. 

Joy & Allen @Seasick Sailor, Happy Anniversary!!


Fred @Overhead Fred, Happy Birthday!!  No wine on your birthday!?!  

Lenda & Steve @Quartzsite Cruiser, safe travels as you drive through NM. I’ll wave as you pass through town. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I’m glad that the PET scan is over and you are always in my thoughts. 

Have a great day everyone!



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Good afternoon, it's sunny and comfortable here today.  May get some needed rain tonight.  I saved the 1st recipe, they all sound good.  I like creamy soups, but the cream isn't on my diet...milk sounds like a good substitute! 

Happy Birthday to @Overhead Fred. DH had a hip replaced in February.  It was much easier than he expected.  He was driving in 3 weeks.  He has no more pain...all is well!  Prayers that you have a good recovery!  

Happy Anniversary to @Seasick Sailor!

I had a bad night last night, not much sleep.  I donated blood yesterday, and felt like I would pass out every time I moved in bed.  Feeling much better now!  Have a good afternoon!  K

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Good afternoon. Just checking in as my movements are rather limited just now by the need to keep the dogs from escaping the house while my contractor goes back and forth. We are all penned in the living room.


We did have excitement this morning of the unfortunate kind - a homicide (the victim was a 12 year old boy) and the subsequent search for the killer (no details yet but it sounds like a domestic). The search involved helicopters, drones and police ground. They have found him and he is in custody. Not too close to me, but we are a small town. Maybe 10 minutes away. 


On the funny side .... we had an escaped kangaroo hopping around downtown the other night. It also has been was taken into custody. They are legal in Colorado if properly acquired. The police video is pretty entertaining. Returned to owner. Sorry I did not see that one.


Need to get back to work going through papers. Takes awhile but I am getting my file cabinet really cleared out.







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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. 

It would be ideal if everyone worldwide had food to eat. I remember mercury thermometers, and the mercury beads rolling around when they broke. I'm not sure how much the UN really does. I think the quote is about quality of living vs quantity. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and I've had the Bota boxed wine (it's ok). I have not been to Dubai. I didn't realize UK football was that old.


It's sunny and 59F now. I'm beat. First I'm still having trouble falling asleep, which supposedly can be a Covid thing. So only 4 hours last night. But on the bright side, I'd say I'm feeling 80% better, and could actually smell the scent from the wax melter in the kitchen this morning. I had to take my car for inspection and oil change. My first time out of the house since the 12th. The dealer is about 32 miles away. I took the PA turnpike for one exit, just to see the beautiful foliage, as the route is through a tree laden area. No surprises with the car - 10 years old and only 31k miles on it! Then I drove home and stopped at the grocery store. As I walked around I felt I was getting overheated (and my mask didn't help), so I was glad to complete that and get home. I hadn't had anything to eat all day either. I've had something light to eat and hydrated myself; I feel better now. I think I'm good enough to take my RA shot this evening, having skipped the last one due to illness.


@Overhead Fred Happy Birthday! I'm glad to hear your pain is less and that you're a bit more mobile.

@Seasick Sailor Happy 33rd Anniversary to you and Allen!

@richwmn @Seasick Sailor @USN59-79 Welcome Back! Safe travels to your homes.

@StLouisCruisers You've been a champ with posting the Daily while Rich cruised, even while having your own issues! Good news about Ren's MRI. Very interesting photos from Dubai. 

@RMLincoln I hope you can get some better sleep soon. Hopefully no bad side effects from the vaccine. I guess I get to wait about 3 months for mine, since I've just had Covid. 

@1ANGELCAT Awww on Lucky, who's is indeed lucky that you wanted him.

@ottahand7 Sorry your meal last night wasn't up to standards. I hope you find a place you like better. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad the FD said something to those neighbors. Here it's so dry that they keep repeating every day not to burn firepits.

@wdw1972 Enjoy your last full day there, and safe travels tomorrow.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm hoping the wind won't present any problems for driving today. 

@cruising sister Enjoy your weekend getaway with friends.

@arzz Thanks for the Dubai photos and the description of your experiences.

@marshhawk I'm glad you got home safely and that DH's DB wants to stay in touch. Yes, I got Covid at the end of my cruise. I didn't mask much. A few days before the end, BFF started coughing. He brushed it off. Then I got a runny nose, sore throat, etc and tested myself. Luckily I had taken Paxlovid with me and started it. I did ok, then had a rebound of symptoms. I'm now hopefully at the finish of it.

@kochleffel That child starving is an awful situation; I hope whoever is responsible is punished to the full extent of the law.

@durangoscots Yikes on the homicide; so sad. The kangaroo episode video could be funny.

@kazu I hope your foot pain is improved. And that you get a surgical date soon.

@rafinmd I hope you're having a good day.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Good warm and sunny afternoon. I am late to the party today. 
Lucky is doing good. The meds have kicked in and he gobbles his liquid down. The only issue is he is supposed to be fed every 4 hours. DB. Stayed up until midnight and then woke up at four am. He tries to go exploring. 
  We had a meeting this afternoon for a Medicare prescription plan review with a local independent insurance company. 
The plan I have currently is increasing 35 dollars per month and is not covering all my medications. 
They were able to get me a new plan with a zero premium that will cover all my medications except one at zero cost. The only one not covered will be paid thru GoodRx at $44 month.

I had a news alert that Jack Jones( Love Boat)has passed away. 
Safe travels for our daily family today. Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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I'm back from donating blood. The bottled water they're offering is the Niagara brand, which in this region would sound local -- but the company is actually in Diamond Bar, California. I hope they're not bottling water in California, which has a shortage, to ship to New York, which has a surplus.


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19 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I'm back from donating blood. The bottled water they're offering is the Niagara brand, which in this region would sound local -- but the company is actually in Diamond Bar, California. I hope they're not bottling water in California, which has a shortage, to ship to New York, which has a surplus.


Stranger things have happened!

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Roy's update for today just arrived in my inbox.  


Slept well again.


Started the morning ordering a bath chair from Amazon and creating a single list of my medications.


In PT we started with a cane walk outside.  I walked a total of perhaps 80 yards, and there were 3 little slips where the tech had to slightly stabilize me.  Not there yet but I think my best walk to date.


The rest of the time we did balance exercises in the kitchen.


Mid afternoon I had a visit from my pastor (who also brought back my empty recycling cart and took my trash can to the curb).  We chatted for about 20 minutes before closing with prayer.


I largely crashed later in the afternoon.


No appointments on Friday so I'll try to make it a day of rest.





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9 minutes ago, superoma said:

Stranger things have happened!


There are brands of spring water (Calistoga, for example) bottled in California and shipped all over, but the Niagara brand is tap water filtered through reverse osmosis.

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Good afternoon.  The wind was not a problem today since we made it less than a mile.  We'd been hearing a noise when DS started the engine and started driving.  Today, he decided it needed to be checked out, and called about the warranty work since the motorhome is less than a year old.  We could have driven to El Paso, but there was a repair shop in Van Horn so we opted to get it checked out there. 


It turns out there were two problems.  One was a wheel bearing that failed because it was installed incorrectly.  We just hope the other front wheel bearing does not fail.  Also, the idler pulley is a problem.  The bad news is the wheel bearing and the idler pulley won't be here until Monday.  With the front wheel taken apart, the motorhome is not leaving the repair facility.  We can stay in the motorhome tonight, but not the next three nights since the facility will be closed and we'd be locked inside the fence.  We just hope the parts get in Monday.


We have a reservation at a hotel for the weekend, and someone from the repair facility will take us to the hotel tomorrow afternoon, and hopefully, will pick us up Monday morning.  Van Horn is a small town and the only one of any size between El Paso and Pecos.  However, as nice as they are at the repair place, it is not a place to be stranded.  There are no rental cars or Uber.  At least, the hotel has hot breakfast, and McDonalds is in walking distance for "dinner".  We're going to look like bag people checking into the hotel since we don't have a suitcase on the motorhome.  We had one on the old motorhome and never used it.


5 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cool and sunny. High today will be around 70 and then we start into a slow cooling which will (supposedly) accelerate early next week. Halloween should be pretty chilly. At least no snow.


Welcome home to all that were on that wonderful Japan cruise. I am envious. Pictures and descriptions were wonderful. I am settled in for the winter. Have lots to do around the condo. Some of the family members are claiming family "heirlooms" so there will be those to get shipped off. Have lots of reading set aside to keep me occupied. Spring will bring decisions on travel.


Today I have nothing extra on my schedule except to get my ballot out to the drop off box in the Clerk's Office.  It took me a long time to fill out. Otherwise continuing to sort while the crown molding is installed in the back room and maybe he will get started on the floors. He hopes to finish on Monday. He is a hard worker and extremely neat. I will not have as much cleaning when he is finished as I usually have.


Best wishes to all and take care.





Susan, you are lucky to have someone who is neat and cleans up after themselves.  How, horrible about the murder of the 12 year old boy, and I'm glad they caught the person responsible.  The video of the capture of the kangaroo must have been something to watch.


5 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


@Seasick Sailor Joy and Allen Happy Anniversary and welcome back! Hope your travels home are easy for you,

@Overhead Fred Happy Birthday!

@richwmn Welcome home and safe travels today. I really enjoyed reading and following along with you on your cruise.

@USN59-79 Welcome home!

The sun is trying to shine this morning but it's sure on the cool side. It didn't get much past 50F yesterday and today is about the same. Yesterday DS got the beam that runs down the center of the mobile home painted. It's a color called "Sweet Molasses" which is a really deep brown. I came in the house and it looked amazing! Sure beats the paper covered pressboard brown from 37 years ago. Yesterday was the pool then more work at cleaning out the master bedroom so DS can paint that room. Nothing very exciting. 

Today is a day I don't have anything on the agenda so I may go for a drive. DD DH loved when we took off for a few hours or even most of the day and I've missed doing that but just haven't been motivated to. Today may be the day - or not. We'll see how it goes. I love the soup recipe and will print out at least one of them to try. I have several friends who love to come for soup and rolls. 


Have a lovely Thursday!



Karen, I'm so glad the renovation of your home is coming along and looking good.


5 hours ago, kochleffel said:

There is a terrible story in one of the papers today about a child who starved to death in an apartment that was stocked with food, but in which the cabinets had child-proof locks and the refrigerator was turned to the wall. The child was old enough to be in school but not enrolled.


There haven't been mercury thermostats in my house for a long time. I toured the United Nations complex in New York in 1967 and remember the guide's saying that everyone asked her to point out the desk on which Khrushchev had pounded his shoe. She insisted that, because the seating changed every year, she didn't know.


I wouldn't be able to make the soup at home. The drink might be OK; the name evokes the scientific name for ginger, Zingiber officinale. The boxed red wine I have at home is a Pinot Noir and a different brand.


If you had listened in on my Hartford class yesterday, you might have been either horrified or disgusted, as we discussed, among other topics, composting of both human manure and human corpses. We all agreed that flush toilets everywhere should be replaced with composting toilets.


I have an appointment to donate blood this afternoon.





Paul, I'll never understand how anyone can mistreat a child like that, and let them starve to death.


4 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! 


It will be a subdued celebration today since I am somewhat house-bound and can't have booze until I am off the opioids. A new hip is not exactly a typical birthday present and I can't say that I am enjoying it yet. But I am sure I will be thrilled with it quite soon! 


The pain is definitely diminishing and I can get in and out bed/chairs much easier today, 


Fred, I'm glad your pain is diminishing and it is easier to get around.


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Thursday. It’s a beautiful day with sunny skies and a high about 92F. I have catching up with yesterday’s Daily along with today. For some reason I got interrupted yesterday morning and never read past the first page.  I have to read in 30 minutes segments to give my left eye a rest or I get a headache. It’s been blurry since my episode of flashing. Retina doctor doesn’t want me to have a vision update yet. 

I am with Carolyn @Cruising-along, not a big soup eater but recipe #2 sounds good. Gerry @ger_77, your stir fry sounds good too and I have some stir fry veggies that I can add some meat to for today’s meal. Yesterday we went out for hamburgers before an appointment at 3:00. I ordered the burger of the month, the Santa Fe burger. It was so good. 




Last week I got a strange email regarding my Stockperks OBC request. The booking number was correct but the sail date was wrong. I contacted my PCC and found out that it was correct and had been applied. Whew. I didn’t want to contact them again. 

Pennie @Nickelpenny, thank you for your reply about your flights. I usually fly AA so never thought about going through SLC. Sort of funny that you were asked to arrive at TIA 3 hours early. I have been held up by long lines in security before I had TSA pre check.  I hope everything goes smoothly for you and you enjoy your cruise. Do you need a ride to the airport?  Or picked up?  It’s so expensive to park at any of the lots there. 

Joy & Allen @Seasick Sailor, Happy Anniversary!!


Fred @Overhead Fred, Happy Birthday!!  No wine on your birthday!?!  

Lenda & Steve @Quartzsite Cruiser, safe travels as you drive through NM. I’ll wave as you pass through town. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I’m glad that the PET scan is over and you are always in my thoughts. 

Have a great day everyone!




Sharon, if we can get the motorhome fixed by Monday afternoon, we'll probably go to the campground here again, and leave Tuesday morning.  If so, we'll be going through Tucson on Wednesday if all goes well.


1 hour ago, quilty964 said:

Good afternoon, it's sunny and comfortable here today.  May get some needed rain tonight.  I saved the 1st recipe, they all sound good.  I like creamy soups, but the cream isn't on my diet...milk sounds like a good substitute! 

Happy Birthday to @Overhead Fred. DH had a hip replaced in February.  It was much easier than he expected.  He was driving in 3 weeks.  He has no more pain...all is well!  Prayers that you have a good recovery!  

Happy Anniversary to @Seasick Sailor!

I had a bad night last night, not much sleep.  I donated blood yesterday, and felt like I would pass out every time I moved in bed.  Feeling much better now!  Have a good afternoon!  K


Karen, I'm glad you are feeling better today.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. 

It would be ideal if everyone worldwide had food to eat. I remember mercury thermometers, and the mercury beads rolling around when they broke. I'm not sure how much the UN really does. I think the quote is about quality of living vs quantity. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and I've had the Bota boxed wine (it's ok). I have not been to Dubai. I didn't realize UK football was that old.


It's sunny and 59F now. I'm beat. First I'm still having trouble falling asleep, which supposedly can be a Covid thing. So only 4 hours last night. But on the bright side, I'd say I'm feeling 80% better, and could actually smell the scent from the wax melter in the kitchen this morning. I had to take my car for inspection and oil change. My first time out of the house since the 12th. The dealer is about 32 miles away. I took the PA turnpike for one exit, just to see the beautiful foliage, as the route is through a tree laden area. No surprises with the car - 10 years old and only 31k miles on it! Then I drove home and stopped at the grocery store. As I walked around I felt I was getting overheated (and my mask didn't help), so I was glad to complete that and get home. I hadn't had anything to eat all day either. I've had something light to eat and hydrated myself; I feel better now. I think I'm good enough to take my RA shot this evening, having skipped the last one due to illness.


@Overhead Fred Happy Birthday! I'm glad to hear your pain is less and that you're a bit more mobile.

@Seasick Sailor Happy 33rd Anniversary to you and Allen!

@richwmn @Seasick Sailor @USN59-79 Welcome Back! Safe travels to your homes.

@StLouisCruisers You've been a champ with posting the Daily while Rich cruised, even while having your own issues! Good news about Ren's MRI. Very interesting photos from Dubai. 

@RMLincoln I hope you can get some better sleep soon. Hopefully no bad side effects from the vaccine. I guess I get to wait about 3 months for mine, since I've just had Covid. 

@1ANGELCAT Awww on Lucky, who's is indeed lucky that you wanted him.

@ottahand7 Sorry your meal last night wasn't up to standards. I hope you find a place you like better. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad the FD said something to those neighbors. Here it's so dry that they keep repeating every day not to burn firepits.

@wdw1972 Enjoy your last full day there, and safe travels tomorrow.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm hoping the wind won't present any problems for driving today. 

@cruising sister Enjoy your weekend getaway with friends.

@arzz Thanks for the Dubai photos and the description of your experiences.

@marshhawk I'm glad you got home safely and that DH's DB wants to stay in touch. Yes, I got Covid at the end of my cruise. I didn't mask much. A few days before the end, BFF started coughing. He brushed it off. Then I got a runny nose, sore throat, etc and tested myself. Luckily I had taken Paxlovid with me and started it. I did ok, then had a rebound of symptoms. I'm now hopefully at the finish of it.

@kochleffel That child starving is an awful situation; I hope whoever is responsible is punished to the full extent of the law.

@durangoscots Yikes on the homicide; so sad. The kangaroo episode video could be funny.

@kazu I hope your foot pain is improved. And that you get a surgical date soon.

@rafinmd I hope you're having a good day.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, it's good you felt like getting out today, but I hope you can take it easy tomorrow.


11 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Good evening.

I hope everyone is having a nice day.

This morning one of my  cousin's rang to tell us her mam died this morning aged 97 with Alzheimer's.

She was my late mam's oldest sister.


Graham and Pauline, our condolences on the passing of your late mam's oldest sister.



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