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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. Yes, it would have to be with separate booking numbers. And as I wrote in the previous post, I would not send in the requests together.
  2. I do believe they could hold 100 shares in a joint account as long as it is 2 different cabins with 2 booking numbers. Though I would not send in the requests together. LOL
  3. No, I believe it is per cabin. If a married couple shares a stock in common and books separate cabins with one in each, they could each get the credit.
  4. And with good reason, when have they ever enforced any rules where passengers might complain. The staff would rather not deal with that kind of situation.
  5. Great idea. I think you have nailed what is the main source of the problem and came up with a solution for it. Thank you.
  6. My DW swims laps. What should she do with her stuff while she swims if people like you feel entitled to move it?
  7. You might want to try the following forum: Northern Europe & Baltic Sea - Cruise Critic Community When we did our Baltic cruise it started and ended in Copenhagen. It had Stockholm, Helsinki, and Oslo, so it met your criteria. Though Oslo is less common on these cruises. In fact, it was only on the itinerary for our cruise every other week, alternating with the port (quite a distance from) Berlin. The other ports on our cruise were Gdynia, Poland (for Gdansk) and Tallinn, Estonia. BTW, Talinn is really a gem of a port, not to be missed.
  8. That would be irrelevant to what percentage of Carnival cruisers post on this forum.
  9. I don't know if that is the number, but I do agree that it is very small. (I am the one who first asked the question with the implication that it is very small.)
  10. There is no guarantee you will get the offer. I have a no fee card, and the offer was there, and then a few days later it was not there. I did much earlier have and used a $100 credit offer for spending $500. I used it for the deposit and deposited $500 even though only $250 was the minimum requirement. ($250 paid earlier than necessary, but will be $250 less at final payment, and who gets that kind of interest payment. 🤣)
  11. HA! HA! You are funny, 500 threads about it, so what. What percentage of Carnival's passengers do you think actually participate or even read these forums?
  12. I don't know if NCL has something similar, but on Carnival we did the Bob Marley bus. It was beyond terrific, the HIGHLIGHT of the cruise. (Pun intended)
  13. Good luck, you know the old saying, "third time is a charm".
  14. 👍 I used to work for a firm that prepared income tax returns. No one ever asked how much tax they had paid, just what the refund or the amount owed was. There was one year, IIRC back during the Nixon administration, when the withholding rate was lowered and consequently with less withholding people either got less back or owed more. That they noticed, not that they had a few more dollars each paycheck with the lower withholding.
  15. Interesting, definitely something to think about. I'm sure they were only considering getting back to the ship.
  16. It does not seem to matter how often you two explain this, there are those who don't want to listen. But please know that there are also some of us who truly appreciate what the two of you contribute.
  17. It would seem that the airlines would have a much easier time accounting for where all the passengers are and having them together.
  18. You would hope so, but right now cash strapped cruise lines might not want to turn down anyone willing to pay.
  19. Does it seem that this topic just might have more followers than the show itself? 🤣
  20. @Ferry_Watcher, thanks for the reply, even though the outcome remains a mystery.
  21. Quoting my own post, let me give an example of what I meant when I wrote "unfriendliest ship". On the first night when we went to dinner, we were asked would we like a table for 2 or a larger table. Since we like meeting people, we opted for the larger table. We were seated, and then waited, and waited, and waited, until we finally went back to the front and said a table for 2 as it was obvious that no one else wanted to meet strangers. We never again asked for a larger table. And in general, striking up a conversation with fellow passengers was much more difficult than any of the other cruises we were on. DW thought it was because we were in Europe, but almost half our cruises have been in Europe, and it was never like this. Another example, at our meet and greet, almost no one who had been posting on the roll call showed up. Even the person who set up the meet and greet with NCL did not show up!
  22. It is really a shame what some people will do. Do you know if anything was done to her after she was detained? I suppose she bought bear spray for Alaska, did not use it, and did not want to waste the purchase price.
  23. OK, our past NCL cruises were on the Crown and the Epic, so I guess we did not see it because it was not there. (Probably would not have seen it on the Epic anyway if it was there because the ship was so huge.)
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