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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. But that begs the question has this ever been done by cruise lines? As has been pointed out by @njhorseman the cruise lines are in a different situation and business model than airlines.
  2. Once you use an offer, it is no longer offered as it has been used.
  3. Same here also. I had it, and now no longer have it. And that is despite the number of offers in the travel category went up from 11-15 .
  4. The examples you gave are not competitors like NCL and Cunard. It is one thing for a cruise line to partner with a complimentary partner like a railroad or an airline, but quite different with a competing cruise line.
  5. And it's not very likely that there is a contractual agreement between NCL and Cunard as they are parts of different corporations.
  6. Only if you were first given your Miranda rights! 😉
  7. We were on the sister ship, the Ocean Princess on a British Isles cruise. We loved the small ship experience and getting to know fellow passengers and even crew.
  8. And it has always been said that one of the advantages of private insurance over cruise line insurance was that the cruise line insurance did not cover insolvency.
  9. 7 days Barcelona to Barcelona in 2002 to celebrate our 25th anniversary.
  10. I don't know if it is still Nikon they carry, but it was in 2014. DW hung her camera on a hook in a bathroom in a restaurant on land, and it fell. It turned out the camera was ok, but the lens was destroyed. It was a Nikon camera, and she was able to buy a new lens onboard. (She actually in Edinburgh where this happened was able to actually watch the Scottish Military Tattoo instead of setting up shots with her camera constantly.)
  11. Why? It is a marketing tool to get people to book. Posters on these boards speculated the same thing as the stock began to plummet after covid. But instead, Carnival not only extended it at their annual meeting, but extended it 2 years instead of the usual 1.
  12. AMEX does have a travel agency, but this offer has nothing to do with that fact. I have booked precious similar AMEX offers for ships owned by the Carnival corporation and still used the TA we have worked with for a long time. I have used AMEX offers for pet food, gasoline, shopping with local merchants on Black Friday, and none of them obviously had anything travel agency consortium related.
  13. Isn't it amazing how excellent treatment brings about repeat business while treating the customer badly does the opposite. You would think that that would be a basic tenet for any business.
  14. But, someone does win the lottery. And people have been hit by lightning. 🤣
  15. If you have an AMEX card and have set up an online account, there should be offers, in fact 100. You do not have to go through the entire 100 as they show categories, and you can click on travel. Note, not everyone gets the offer.
  16. Yes, it has worked in the past, but in the past the offer has always included using your travel professional. This one does not.
  17. I disagree. Amex has their own travel agency, but charging travel on AMEX does not make them your travel agent. I believe the business making the offer, in this case NCL, sets the terms. In the past it always included travel professional.
  18. Yes, but this offer does not say travel professional, only their website or by phone!
  19. I think arrogant is a more apt term than rude.
  20. Presently NCL has an offer available on American Express (not showing up on all cards) of $350 back when spending $1000. However, it says it has to be done on either their website or by phone. In the past, these type of offers also allowed you to go through a TA to access them (with the charge of course directly to the cruise line.) Since one of the things you must do with a TA and cannot do directly with a cruise line when you book through a TA is make payments, how can you do this when booking through a TA?
  21. A follow up to my post---what if you have already booked a cruise through a TA? Don't you have to make all payments through the TA? If you wanted to take advantage of the offer by making a payment past your deposit or to pay off the balance, how could you do it with the restrictions placed on it? (I suppose on a new booking, if you wanted to use a TA you could make the booking and pay the deposit online or by phone with NCL, and then later transfer the booking.) But, I do not see how this can be accomplished with an existing booking if made through a TA.
  22. I don't own a cell phone; DW does but an old fashioned one, not a smartphone.
  23. I still think there would have to be a disaster for there to be a change. Didn't the Costa Concordia incident precipitate the changes made to tighten up the muster requirements? Those should have been in effect prior to that as they were quite sensible, but it took a royal screwup and the disaster that followed to get SOLAS to change the regulations.
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