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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Hey Bob! Tried any of your jokes on the Black Jack Dealer yet?šŸ˜Ž
  2. Rich, thanks for sharing your World Cruise with us. Now that you have been on your cruise for awhile I have a question. Being this is a World Cruise do you feel that food, entertainment and everything in general is at a higher level then any other cruise? Maybe a hard question to answer but would be interested to hear about your thoughts, senses or feelings so far? Thanks. B.
  3. Good morning. Thank you John for stepping in and helping Roy. Roy, I was happy to hear youā€™re feeling better Jacqui my goodness it just doesnā€™t stop. Prayers that the latest will get the arm to healing correctly. Itā€™s currently a cool 36F but itā€™s also a clear and sunny day. Not much on the schedule today but I do have to do some preparation for tonightā€™s small church group study. Feeling better but will mask up and hope I donā€™t pass on this cold. Have a great day everyone. Bruce
  4. Roy Iā€™m sorry to hear your ill but do hope itā€™s just a cold. Hopefully, like my cold this week it will be over soon. Take care of yourself stay hydrated and seek treatment if needed.
  5. Iā€™m enjoying following your adventures on the World Cruise. Great memories of your French Polynesia visits that we visited on the Maasdam. So thanks for sharing and giving us ideas for our Jan. 2024 155 day Azamara World Cruise.
  6. Couple of more months and weā€™ll get to do that on Eurodam for twenty days.
  7. I arose! I could have slept all morning! Made it through yesterday without taking any cold meds! Time seems to cure all colds. We did get about two inches of rain early this morning but none of the severe weather that was forecasted.šŸ™ I love Irish Coffees and donā€™t forget the dollop of CrĆØme De Menthe on top of the cream. One more day of laying low should do it and keep others from catching my woes. Was surprised RedNeck Bob made it through TSA with his portfolio of highly classified jokes in hand. Bob where are you headed? Time for another coffee and catching up on the news. Enjoy your day!
  8. It doesnā€™t do any real justice reporting problems here on CC before letting the responsible person onboard know about a problem. For instance, our shower was draining slowly. Mentioned it to our very competent cabin steward and ten minutes later a plumber was there to fix it. He wasnā€™t using shower how would he know? A ship is a very complex machine, along with a multitude of other equipment that can fail or not work up to par. Report problems so the next user does not have the same issue. Try and resolve any issue at the lowest level. The crew canā€™t fix it if they donā€™t know about a problem. Just sayingā€¦
  9. Good morning! Another late start morning. Cold symptoms may be a little milder this morning. Thanks for my Susanā€™s birthday wishes. We did nothing to celebrate as we are saving the fun for Cancun. Did get Face Time with kids and grandchildren which is always a delight! Our weather forecast is calling for possible severe weather in the next 24 hours so weā€™ll keep alert. Not much planned today other than hanging around nursing my cold. Thanks for the reports and laughs.
  10. In defense of the folks the line to enter Discovery was long enough that folks ahead were blocking view of the sign stating dress code restrictions. I even mentioned to one person, who was in shorts, that they were turning folks away in shorts. The guest thanked me and raced back to cabin to change. Think there were quite a few new cruisers onboard.
  11. On our January 5 Onward cruise we witnessed six guest on first night not allowed in Discoveries because they were wearing shorts. Most appeared clueless that there was a dress code.
  12. @smitty34877 Happy Birthday! Also Happy Birthday to my Dear Wife Susan!šŸ’šŸ¾ā¤ļø
  13. Good morning! Slept later than usual. Yesterday was a football marathon for lack of anything else going on. Head cold seems better but still lingering. Itā€™s Monday and Iā€™m looking at a full hamper of laundry to wash. Itā€™s 43 degrees this morning and will get up to 57. Thatā€™s why the laundry bin is full as we are wearing bulkier clothes this time of year. My handwriting is atrocious and itā€™s rare that I even write anymore accept an occasional signature. Thanks for the Fleet Report, Care list and our food and beverage departments. Have a great week everyone.
  14. Carolyn condolences and prayers for you and your family. Bruce
  15. Actually I was very proud of where the Jags took themselves this year. Looking forward to next year. Congrats to KC.
  16. Good morning! It will be online services today as we both have cold symptoms. Probably from the lady who coughed all the way from Miami to Atlanta last Tuesday!šŸ˜” Received quite a bit of rain early this morning along with some thunder & lightning. Sending it over to Sandeeā€™s house in Georgia! Watched our Jacksonville Jaguars go down in defeat against Kansas City and was in bed by 7:30. We have no plans today other than maybe another football game. Staying in and keeping the cold symptoms contained and treating the sniffles and cough. Itā€™s just a cold so please no Care list or special attention needed. Thanks for the reports and postings.
  17. Donā€™t hold me to this but I thought I heard folks with mobility issues could report to Cabaret Lounge and special transportation would be provided. Hopefully, someone on that cruise can verify one way or the other. Upon return to ship there was one bus that dropped folks off right at the gang way. The rest of us had to walk a rather lengthy walk down the pier which could be an issue with a person with mobility issues. The show itself featured the culture and music of Barbados and the islands. Pre show of two men costumed men on stilts and a steel drum band lasted about 45 minutes and in our opinion could have been shorter and the main started earlier.
  18. Thanks for the explanation. I had no clue how the system worked but was amazed by how well it delivered the best WiFi we have ever had on a ship.
  19. Good morning! Thanks Rich and Roy for today's Fleet Report and so much more. We have several families of tree rats living on our property and occasionally they have to be reminded certain areas are off limits! We have been to Cannes and I have been known to have a fondness for a good Cab! Havenā€™t had chicken cacciatore in awhile but itā€™s probably not on our got to lose a few pounds before our next culinary adventure in Mexico. Cancun does have some great eateries and those poolside Banana Monkey concoctions can challenge the waistline quickly! We need to do a little house cleaning today and go shopping for a few small items. Rain is possible today but a lot more probable North of us. Well thatā€™s about it from this household and Iā€™ll be looking forward to reading whatā€™s happening in your neck of the woods! Have a great weekend. Bruce
  20. Top Of The Morning To All Of You. Cold front came through overnight and we are starting the day off in the mid forties! As mentioned yesterday, my cardiology evaluation showed the old ticker is working well. We are still adjusting to the realization that Sue retired in May. For instance, ā€œWant to go shopping Saturday for a couple of items for our Cancun trip?ā€ ā€œWhy do we have to wait to Saturday!ā€ We can now go just about any day! We have many folks on our Care List here on the Daily, as well as several in our personal lives so we will continue to let them know we care and that our prayers give comfort and hopefully healing. TGIF is not as important anymore with the thanks being -TGIWU- THANK GOD I WOKE UP! Thanks for the Fleet Report and postings. Enjoy the upcoming weekend. Bruce
  21. Carolyn Iā€™m sorry to hear of Patriciaā€™s condition; prayers continued for you and her family.
  22. Just returned from my annual cardiology evaluation. Cardiologist said my heart is working as advertised! Alway good news. @Cruising-alongSorry to hear about your cousins medical condition!šŸ™
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