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Navigator Northwest Passage


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Indeed, Suite Travels. I find it very confusing when threads simply disappear. It would be far more helpful if there was some kind of marker left behind; "post removed by moderator" or similar, as happens in other lists I follow. Occasionally, I feel that what I read was all a dream...or was it a nightmare?!


When a whole thread is deleted, much useful information is lost too. Thank goodness our experience onboard has not been influenced in quite the same way as here.


As it should be Gilly. If you read the other luxury board you will not see so many arguments or people hijacking threads or deletions.


A couple of people like to defend any Regent issue that people may have.


I love to read travel blogs such as Rachel's and many others, but not the Regent board bickering.


I think Pingpong said it so well on another deleted/edited thread. When we did cruise Regent we met many nice people and our very best friends still cruise the product and many nice people here as well. In the end I will be the judge if I like the product. I loved the people we met on Regent but it did not live up to what we expected in terms of being a 6* line. A Four Seasons experience it was not on five cruises...but that was eight years ago.


Looking forward to the reviews on the Explorer.

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Wish we could do NW passage on navigator. It is on my bucket list, but sadly will have to wait as it is just too many days away from work for us at present. But if I were doing it, definitely would want the smaller ship with the reinforced hull.

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Yes, Crystal is leading the way to the NWP and it seems to be well organized. Capacity 700-800 people will not be getting off all at once. This cruise was booked full in a matter of a few weeks now wait listed. Next year is booking up fast as I expect the old Navigator will book up as well.


In approximately two years Crystal will have the new mega-yacht which will be a true ice breaker holding only 150-200 guests with huge suites and staterooms. Unsurpassed by any cruise line. Open dining and other venues..zodiacs will take these pax's in small number. These iconic places will receive guests in small amounts. Keith, is taking this trip and will report or blog about this great adventure.


We have a deposit on next years NWP and will see the reports coming back to the Crystal board before we make final payment. If you are thinking about this, please follow Keith on this new adventure. I know I will.


We were thinking about a few itinerary's on Regent after an eight year absence but the tone of this board is so regulated it turns us off as you are reported to the moderator by certain cheerleaders if we don't agree with him/her....and then your post is deleted or the whole thread is gone.


Regent is a great line but nobody here should rule the roost and run to Host Dan to complain about minutiae if it does not fit their vision. Really?


The bookings for this cruise are very slow with only the top suites and Navigator suites wait listed. I am not entirely surprised as I feel that the cost is well above what I would have expected even allowing for the additional costs on putting on this cruise. Expert opinion seems to suggest that this cruise is being attempted several weeks too early in the season. Whilst I acknowledge that Navigator has an ice strengthened hull she is not an ice breaker. Crystal have announced that they are taking an ice breaker along with their ship, which is timed for the lowest ice time of the year, RSSC are silent on this subject. This is a very remote region of the world with few facilities to rescue in excess of 800 people should it be deemed necessary. Helicopters and other ships are few and far between up here. I really wish to take this cruise but will wait to see what safety facilities, ice breaker etc. that RSSC are providing, for the price to fall significantly and wait until next Spring when up to date information of the winter ice will be available. Even if bookings in the meantime indicate a full ship there are always opportunities as the final payment becomes due.

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I like the idea of Navigator on this route. Yes, the public spaces get somewhat cramped when the weather is bad, but the recent renovations should alleviate that. And I love the aft Galileo's observation lounge--no, it's not forward, but it's a great space, and I love the rear balcony.


I also like the fact that Navigator has an ice-protected hull (or something like that.) And I like the small size--many of these destinations are going to be completely overwhelmed by Crystal's visit--490 is bad enough, but 8-900 is going to be awful. Should be a very intimate trip.


And it is a great price--it's very tempting, but I don't think I could convince my significant other, lol! He's a warm weather guy.


Wendy, I just wanted to comment on the visits to the actual sites by Crystal Serenity. Even though Serenity might carry 800 to 900 guests on the NWP trip the visits have been designed not to overwhelm any area.


Crystal has worked with the locals on the very issue.


The reality is a portion of the guest on this sailing will not begetting off at the NWP towns. We know several of them.


To get off the ship at each of the NWP stops you will need to be on a tour.


The tours have been staggered so that no more than a certain number of people can get off at anytime. This was intentionally done to prevent over-crowding.


In addition to the tours that could be pre-booked at selected NWP sites, there was also the opportunity to sign for up what is being called "Crystal's Unexpected Adventures".


This will involve opportunities to explore even more remote areas when weather and sea conditions allow this to occur.


These are even more limited in terms of how many people can be off the ship. My sense is that the actual opportunities will be identified around 24 to 48 hours prior to their actual date. We already had to sign up ahead of time (we can decline if chosen) and choose those tours we would be open to by selecting one or more excursions from a list already provided to us; helicopter, kayak, zodiac, and speed boats.


No matter which cruise line/ship that one sails, I think it will be an extraordinary adventure. The key for everyone to keep in mind is what I call "flexibility".


It's possible that due to weather or other conditions that not all stops will be possible or that things will have to be revised but how fortunate those who can take a trip like this will get to sail where very few people have ever sailed and whether they can get off the ship or not will see this area through their very own eyes. I am reminded that one of my most memorable experiences from all of the cruises we sailed was sailing off of Antarctica for close to three days and being on board the ship the entire time. It was an amazing experience.


As I say often, choice is good and it's nice that there are more opportunities than ever before to explore this unique region of the world. :)



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Keith, sounds like an absolutely wonderful cruise adventure for Anne Marie and yourself. Thanks for sharing your NWP thoughts and for sharing Crystals approach. Look forward to reading your NWP blog.

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Yes Keith, I agree it sounds like an extraordinary trip, and I hope we hear about it from you.


And yes, just viewing the scenery from the ship will be lovely, I'm sure. But if I wanted to get off and walk around at a stop, I'd be 'frosted' if I was not allowed to do so.


I believe taking along the icebreaker was a requirement of the Canadian government. Not sure what consultations have taken place over Navigator.

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Thanks Wes and Wendy, I will be sure to share thoughts with everyone. I'll be doing a blog too.


Wendy probably to not be limited as to when you get off I would think that a very small explorer type of ship would be best. I'm thinking of the one that Silversea took through there.


We're OK with the time slots. I suspect even when we go it is still going to be very cold so for us two to three hours is fine. We booked the tours the first day they were available so we got the time slots that we would want.


But like I always say it's nice that there is choice out there for the reason you mentioned.



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To add to Keith's post, Crystal is building a new megayacht named the Crystal Endavor that will be sailing both poles. The yacht will max out at two hundred guests. This will be a ultra luxury yacht and will have a ice breaking hull. This is definitely on our bucket list. We are considering next years NWP on Crystal but will wait and see what Keith and others say about this years adventure.

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We were thinking about a few itinerary's on Regent after an eight year absence but the tone of this board is so regulated it turns us off as you are reported to the moderator by certain cheerleaders if we don't agree with him/her....and then your post is deleted or the whole thread is gone.


Regent is a great line but nobody here should rule the roost and run to Host Dan to complain about minutiae if it does not fit their vision. Really?


Could you possibly elaborate on what you are talking about? It is obvious to all how the threads go haywire but I thought the host was in charge. As Gilly has pointed out, sometimes information or chunks of a spirited discussion just disappear. I would rather that the thread get locked....no matter how many times it happens....until it becomes clear to all of us what we can and cannot say....as decided by our host.

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We were thinking about a few itinerary's on Regent after an eight year absence but the tone of this board is so regulated it turns us off as you are reported to the moderator by certain cheerleaders if we don't agree with him/her....and then your post is deleted or the whole thread is gone.


Regent is a great line but nobody here should rule the roost and run to Host Dan to complain about minutiae if it does not fit their vision. Really?


Seems a bit odd to me to choose whether to sail a particular cruise line based on the posts on an independent online forum...but I guess we all make our choices based on different criteria.

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I imagine that this route will follow some of the guidelines in place in Antarctica. We went with Ponant in late January and we were well aware that the published itinerary was just a suggestion. The captain was in charge based on weather and ice conditions. The naturalists on board advised the captain so that landings maximized the opportunity to see wildlife and the iconic sites of Antarctica.


Le Lyrial had 180 passengers but only 90 could be onshore at a time...all via zodiac. It was also amazing that even the old and seemingly infirm made the landings, including an 85 year old Japanese gentleman who walked with a cane!

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Are you kidding? SilverSea Explorer at 120 pax I think is largest to make this sailing to date. Crystal Serenity is a disaster waiting to happen. If something goes wrong, there is not enough infrastructure to evacuate 700 pax. Two cabins on Explorer were just filled with soda and liquor for our passage. I can't imagine taking through a ship that doesn't have an ice protected hull. As it was, Explorer was pretty beaten up along the water line (i.e., ice line) after our passage. Three days behind an ice breaker was interesting but does get kind of boring.




The Hapag-Lloyd ship Hanseatic has done this route before and that's larger than the Explorer. Hanseatic has also done Norway-Alaska across the top of Russia.


The Crystal Serenity will be accompanied by the British Antarctic Survey ship, Shackleton. This has caused a little news in the UK today as some people think it shouldn't be involved in commericial enterprises.

Edited by Fletcher
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The Hapag-Lloyd ship Hanseatic has done this route before and that's larger than the Explorer. Hanseatic has also done Norway-Alaska across the top of Russia.



I stand corrected. It is easy to find the list of ALL ships that ever made it through the Northwest Passage.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Primarily for Crystal cruisers this summer; this article talks about current ice conditions:




I have also been following weather in Resolute, Canada. It has been cooler and, more importantly, cloudy last few weeks. These are the days with 24 hours sun so important for ice melt; when cloudy it lessens ice melt. The other large impact is from storms and wind; waves break up ice pretty well; that is what happened in 2012.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those of you booked on this voyage, while on a different ship and cruise line (Crystal Serenity) a couple of us including myself will be doing live reports on the Crystal Cruises Board.


Our trip begins today and does include a 10 day cruise from Vancouver to Seward starting on August 6. This will be followed by the Northwest Passage Cruise from Seward to New York City.


While the on board experience will be different thought that through our posts you will at least get a feel of our thoughts, observations and experiences as we transit the Northwest Passage and also as we make stops at various villages/towns.


My thread is located here.




Another thread by fellow cruise critic member Roy starts here.





Edited by Keith1010
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One year from today, Navigator is slated to sail from Cambridge Bay to Gjoa Haven in around 14 hours. I don't think the Navigator can make it through Simpson Straight (and would probably be foolish to try it at night anyway) so they have to take head around the north shore of King William Island. Here is the 2 August 2016 ice chart:






It would be extremely difficult for Navigator to make that trip in 14 hours with no ice. However, with large areas of 1/10 to 3/10 and a thin strip of 4/10 to 6/10 ice; it is not happening.


Crystal Serenity will not be in this area for another three weeks so they won't have any issues at all.


Next three days i will post the Queen Maud ice chart to see if they would be able to make it through Peel Sound.



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One year from today, Navigator is slated to sail from Cambridge Bay to Gjoa Haven in around 14 hours. I don't think the Navigator can make it through Simpson Straight (and would probably be foolish to try it at night anyway) so they have to take head around the north shore of King William Island. Here is the 2 August 2016 ice chart:






It would be extremely difficult for Navigator to make that trip in 14 hours with no ice. However, with large areas of 1/10 to 3/10 and a thin strip of 4/10 to 6/10 ice; it is not happening.


Crystal Serenity will not be in this area for another three weeks so they won't have any issues at all.


Next three days i will post the Queen Maud ice chart to see if they would be able to make it through Peel Sound.




Mark, So what do you think Regent is up to? They have cruises set for the NAV both before and after this voyage and they have to get the ship from and to those places. I have signed up and deposited and if this isn't going to happen becasue of Regents poor planning I'll switch cruise lines. Thanks for your thoughts.


Where are you Randall Soy?



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For those of you booked on this voyage, while on a different ship and cruise line (Crystal Serenity) a couple of us including myself will be doing live reports on the Crystal Cruises Board.


Our trip begins today and does include a 10 day cruise from Vancouver to Seward starting on August 6. This will be followed by the Northwest Passage Cruise from Seward to New York City.


While the on board experience will be different thought that through our posts you will at least get a feel of our thoughts, observations and experiences as we transit the Northwest Passage and also as we make stops at various villages/towns.


My thread is located here.




Another thread by fellow cruise critic member Roy starts here.





I will be following both closely. Love your blogs, and this isn't an area I am going to be able to go to till retirement as the cruises are too long.

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