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Predict when cruising will start again post-Coronavirus

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6 minutes ago, NSWP said:

On Thai Airways to Bangkok young Phillip? Seek and ye shall conquer.🤣🥰

I know all about them uncle Les.

I got married in the Philippines to my Japanese wife.

Our bucks night took us to one of those places,someone there put lipstick on my collar as a joke. My wife to be didn’t see the joke.

We had to take her there before the wedding could go ahead.

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1 hour ago, Blackduck59 said:


I'm sorry you can't move safely about your own country, should you dare leave you town or your state you could easily get caught on the wrong side of a border and find yourself quarantined at your own expense over an arbitrary decision about an outbreak (if you can call it that) of 3 cases hundreds of kms away from you. I don't "Star Trek" but it think the concept of "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" is much older than Star Trek.

So rather than rely on "keep it out" start to attack the problem by not allowing the virus any hosts by getting everyone vaccinated with perhaps a bit of urgency.

I'm not sure if vaccinating all Australians is the answer to the virus. Have a read of this article - https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/fully-vaccinated-travellers-test-positive-in-sydney-hotel-quarantine-20210507-p57pt4.html

After almost a year of restrictions in Melbourne, we are finally free to have parties at home and shop without having to wear masks etc., I want this freedom to remain. So why would we want to open the boarders to the world without strict hotel quarantine? As long as we stop the virus within the hotel quarantine system, I'm happy. We just need to get the hotel quarantine system or some other form of quarantine system working without the virus leaking into the wider community. Tania

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2 minutes ago, Peacefulness said:

I'm not sure if vaccinating all Australians is the answer to the virus. Have a read of this article - https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/fully-vaccinated-travellers-test-positive-in-sydney-hotel-quarantine-20210507-p57pt4.html

After almost a year of restrictions in Melbourne, we are finally free to have parties at home and shop without having to wear masks etc., I want this freedom to remain. So why would we want to open the boarders to the world without strict hotel quarantine? As long as we stop the virus within the hotel quarantine system, I'm happy. We just need to get the hotel quarantine system or some other form of quarantine system working without the virus leaking into the wider community. Tania


The question is that a few people have been found to test positive after vaccines but contact tracing seems to indicate that they didn't transmit to others. So far the UK has been opening up and their numbers of cases and deaths having staying very low most likely because of the large vaccination uptake.


I am sorry but I don't want to spend years locked up in our country. I want families who live overseas to be able to visit with their families here without needing to quarantine. I don't want us to be on tenterhooks about border closures even within Australia. Small business people, especially in the hospitality industry,  must be finding it very stressful not knowing whether they are going to be shut down for a few days. 

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16 minutes ago, Peacefulness said:

I'm not sure if vaccinating all Australians is the answer to the virus. Have a read of this article - https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/fully-vaccinated-travellers-test-positive-in-sydney-hotel-quarantine-20210507-p57pt4.html

After almost a year of restrictions in Melbourne, we are finally free to have parties at home and shop without having to wear masks etc., I want this freedom to remain. So why would we want to open the boarders to the world without strict hotel quarantine? As long as we stop the virus within the hotel quarantine system, I'm happy. We just need to get the hotel quarantine system or some other form of quarantine system working without the virus leaking into the wider community. Tania


It has been said before the vaccine is not a silver bullet it will greatly reduce infection rates and hospitalisations, so it is the closest we will get. This virus isn't going away what we are trying to achieve is to make the virus endemic like the flu something that will always be with us but at least to some extent can be controlled enough that we can manage it. There is no point getting hysterical over the odd case of the positive testing vaccinated person as we will have to open our borders at some point so people need understand there will always be cases but the aim is to make them manageable. 

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11 hours ago, possum52 said:

Maybe, but there is no point having countries which will not allow international visitors on that green list. 



Of course there is, what would Australia and New Zealand prefer - to be on the red list, that would make no sense at all.


The fact that Australia and New Zealand borders are closed is a separate issue and  the current restrictions are documented on the appropriate foreign travel advice section of www.GOV.UK. 

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Agree about detect/catch/contain too.

Fortunately so far even with the positive cases from overseas no one has died?

So perhaps the treatment has improved, or the people have managed to fight the infection with support. 


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23 hours ago, Rassa said:

May-be so but all the State elections during the pandemic that we have had, the incumbents were returned to power, generally with an overwhelming majority.   The WA Premier, who shut borders down even harder than other states, was returned with an overwhelming majority.   Hate bringing politics into it, but the decisions are all about winning the next election and done by both major parties.

Governments are elected to carry out the wishes of the people, or at least a majority of them. Seems for the most part the majority are happy with the choices governments are making on our respective behalves.

Like wise. the media choose to report what people want to hear/see/read & hence maximise their businesses. The ' vaccine causes blood clots'  'news'  sell more papers/airtime than the opposite news.

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22 hours ago, NSWP said:

..My sister and husband from Currumbin, Qld, were going to fly down today for a few days to give me some company as it is the 1st anniversary of my wife's passing today and would have been her 75th birthday too.  Guess what? They cancelled the trip last night because of border closure rumours, hot spots, quarantine fears etc Qld/NSW. She was happy to come down but her DH was not, I rest my case.

Take care Les. Sorry that your sister isn't making the trip, & I can appreciate their concerns, but we are all thinking of you. Chin up & take care of yourself. I will have a long distance drink with you in this evenings happy hour.

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On 5/9/2021 at 9:57 AM, Docker123 said:

In this article Scotty says the borders are closed indefinitely.  Also sees no appetite for international travel.



But doesn’t indefinitely merely mean, we don’t know when we will open them? In a nutshell.

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4 minutes ago, GUT2407 said:

But doesn’t indefinitely merely mean, we don’t know when we will open them? In a nutshell.

I heard on the radio that the treasurer will predict in the Tuesday night budget that the boarder will be open mid 2022.

That’s the current timeline that they will budget for.
It was October but the vaccines through a spanner in the COVID-19 gearbox.


Sounds pretty realistic if nothing goes wrong.

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One small step towards more people becoming vaccinated.


"NSW residents aged 40 to 49 will be eligible to register for a Pfizer vaccination from today and could receive the shot "within weeks" at the newly opened Sydney mass vaccination hub.


Premier Gladys Berejikian said people who expressed interest from 5:00pm today would be contacted when bookings became available through excess doses." ABC

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9 minutes ago, Chiliburn said:

I heard on the radio that the treasurer will predict in the Tuesday night budget that the boarder will be open mid 2022.

That’s the current timeline that they will budget for.
It was October but the vaccines through a spanner in the COVID-19 gearbox.


Sounds pretty realistic if nothing goes wrong.

If it is mid 22, the cruise ship fleets will not be coming this season. Big dramas there. The Cruise Line company offices and T'A's here will be ducking for cover, in damage control.


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23 hours ago, NSWP said:

My sister and husband from Currumbin, Qld, were going to fly down today for a few days to give me some company as it is the 1st anniversary of my wife's passing today and would have been her 75th birthday too.  Guess what? They cancelled the trip last night because of border closure rumours, hot spots, quarantine fears etc Qld/NSW. She was happy to come down but her DH was not, I rest my case.

Sorry to hear that, Les. My thoughts are with you as you get through this sad anniversary. {{{{{Hugs}}}}}


This sort of thing is why we need proper, isolated, quarantine facilities, with procedures in place to ensure the virus doesn't leak into the community. Hotels staffed by people who go into the community every day once their shift is over are always going to have the risk of the virus escaping.



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Just now, By The Bay said:

One small step towards more people becoming vaccinated.


"NSW residents aged 40 to 49 will be eligible to register for a Pfizer vaccination from today and could receive the shot "within weeks" at the newly opened Sydney mass vaccination hub.


Premier Gladys Berejikian said people who expressed interest from 5:00pm today would be contacted when bookings became available through excess doses." ABC

So many silly oldies refusing the jab, makes room for the young un's.  The idiots refusing the jab use the excuse..'I am not travelling overseas, so I am not getting the jab.' WRONG ! You can pick up Covid anywhere, club, pub, shops.

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1 minute ago, NSWP said:

If it is mid 22, the cruise ship fleets will not be coming this season. Big dramas there.

But we don't need an open border for cruising to be viable here. All we need are exemptions for vaccinated and pre-quarantined crews to arrive with the ships.

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Just now, OzKiwiJJ said:

But we don't need an open border for cruising to be viable here. All we need are exemptions for vaccinated and pre-quarantined crews to arrive with the ships.

The Government is against cruise ships returning anytime soon. ☹️


After looking into my crystal ball, I predict that cruising will only return after the next Federal election.😒


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9 minutes ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

But we don't need an open border for cruising to be viable here. All we need are exemptions for vaccinated and pre-quarantined crews to arrive with the ships.

What about the pax from overseas, like UK/USA? Plenty of them do the cruises from Australia. If you shut the borders to tourists coming by air then sea pax should also be barred.

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20 minutes ago, Chiliburn said:

I heard on the radio that the treasurer will predict in the Tuesday night budget that the boarder will be open mid 2022.

That’s the current timeline that they will budget for.
It was October but the vaccines through a spanner in the COVID-19 gearbox.


Sounds pretty realistic if nothing goes wrong.

Our Lyle Blackduck will not be a happy little Vegemite when he reads this.🤢

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7 minutes ago, NSWP said:

What about the pax from overseas, like UK/USA? Plenty of them do the cruises from Australia. If you shut the borders to tourists coming by air then sea pax should also be barred.

Closed borders means closed regardless of how people travel to get here. Repostioning cruises, particularly ones that arrive in Australia, won't be permitted until the border reopens, ditto any cruises with overseas port stops other than NZ, or any other bubble countries in the future.


I believe there are sufficient avid cruisers here to fill the ships to reduced capacity levels for a season so we won't need the UK and US tourists.

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10 minutes ago, NSWP said:

Our Lyle Blackduck will not be a happy little Vegemite when he reads this.🤢

No, he certainly won't. Sad for him 😥 but until Covid cases drop dramatically overseas our border needs to remain closed.

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35 minutes ago, NSWP said:

Our Lyle Blackduck will not be a happy little Vegemite when he reads this.🤢

I don’t think he is happy with his world.He seems hellbent on coming here.

We were supposed to going to Venice soon but oh well,that’s life.

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And now this from Scenic - 


SCENIC Group will not operate its highly anticipated 2021 Kimberley cruise program aboard Scenic Eclipse, saying that there remains too much uncertainty about the lifting of restrictions on cruising in Australian waters.


General Manager Sales & Marketing Australasia Anthony Laver said at the time the program was launched (CW 03 Mar) “we were confident that by late Jun 2021 we would be able to deliver a unique experience for our guests,” with the vaccination schedule looking promising and anticipation that lockdowns and border closures would no longer be required.


“We were preparing to bring Scenic Eclipse from the Northern Hemisphere to Australia with a fully quarantined, tested and vaccinated crew, on a 30+ day journey at sea and to operate in full compliance with the strict procedures specified by the various Government agencies.


“However, with the continued uncertainty on the timing for permits and approvals to be granted, it is not possible for us to relocate the ship and crew in the hope that at some stage these restrictions may be lifted.”


Scenic’s local cruise program had been scheduled to kick off on 19 Jun, comprising five voyages operating between Broome and Darwin and allowing passengers to experience the vessel, which has undergone a makeover during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Chairman and Founder, Glen Moroney, has written to impacted guests, saying “as you can imagine this decision was not taken lightly.


“Being a proudly Australianfounded company, bringing Scenic Eclipse home for you to experience this ultra-luxury Discovery Yacht would have truly been a dream come true for us.”


Moroney said the move followed months of ongoing liaison with the relevant federal, state and territory government authorities, agencies and national health committees to ensure Scenic complied with all the various requirements.


“However despite our best efforts, the current restrictions on foreign flagged vessels in the Kimberley region to carry a maximum of 150 people also makes it impossible for Scenic Eclipse to operate.


“There is no certainty as to when these restrictions will be lifted,” Moroney said. Scenic Eclipse remains in the Northern Hemisphere, currently located in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Croatia.


Scenic last week returned its Portugal cruises to operation.

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Looks like we may never get to Oz because I won't be re-scheduling. Each country to their own, sit around in your "fortress" while the rest of the world moves forward. Wait for the "miracle" and covid just goes away.

Action is required and your "leader" is absent.

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