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River Cruisers: How Are Things Where YOU Are?

Host Jazzbeau

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21 minutes ago, sharkster77 said:

USA is having terrible vaccine distribution problems.  In my state, MA, towns wishing to have vaccine clinics (how many of us get flu shots) have been promised ONLY 100 doses per week.  So cities of 100K plus people get the same as little mountain towns of 700 people.  MA seems to be focusing on vaccine mega-sites where elderly are expected to stand in line outside for hours--very bad optic.


We get flu shots from thousands of places---town clinics, pharmacies, clinics at work, from nurses at our doctor's offices, etc.  That seems to work.  Having a few gigantic sites where people wait for hours is NOT the way to go.  We have several cities of 100K population that do not have a vaccination site in town or even in the town next door.  People wait online for HOURS only to be told "no vaccine within 50 miles of your home".


My state is a total mess.

Good morning,  Hoping this will get better for your state and all states in the next couple of 

weeks.  Looks like the distribution is being increased this coming week and additional shots

will be available too.   I agree standing on line for hours is not really an acceptable way to

get a vaccine......again, hoping for better results soon. 

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The whole vaccine process has been interesting.


From the end of December to mid January - I went from being on the top priority in 1B to the lowest priority in 1B. We had 2 emails from work, one indicating that we would probably get it the first of January and then after that, a sign up list that we would get it in the next 2 weeks and could only sign up if we were available during that time period.


Shortly after that, the priorities have changed in my state and it appears everyone 65 and older falls ahead of me. I have a friend who is a double liver transplant and she will qualify as an Educator before qualifying as someone with medical issues. From what she told me, organ transplant individuals are a high risk for complications from COVID. 


The other double whammy in my state is that my county is the last to go to 1B. Apparently the more educated people are in an area, the more likely they are going to want the vaccine. We are a college town (as opposed to rural areas in most parts of our state) and most here have at least an undergrad degree if not higher. So some places in my state went to 1B at the end of December (lower percentage of people who wanted the vaccine, we are finally going this next week). So next week, the only people getting vaccines in my area are those over 85. We just finished healthcare this week.


As someone who is around asymptomatic college students daily - the whole thing is frustrating. Just trying to do my best. I started double masking recently. I wouldn't be so anxious about this if I was working from home.

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Texas seems to be doing ok.  My husband and I signed up in Denton County (North Texas) on my Birthday (when I was officially 65) and were 14,400 on list (they go by the numbers.  We got our first dose on Wednesday, Jan 27.  We stand in line, but drive to site and go through a drive through shot and then wait 15 min for any reactions.  at 12 noon it took us 1.25 hours from start to finish.  However that time was one of the longest, others were in and out faster.  We have the Moderna vaccine.  However, they finished this week at giving shots to 23,000.  So next week our county gets 31,500 (Moderna & Pfizer).  My friend is at 55,000 so she will get shot if not this coming week, the next.


My mother 92 in an independent living facility in California will only get her 1st dose on Feb. 26.


We are very thankful to live in Denton county in Texas--they seem to have quite the handle on this.


Take care and stay safe everyone!

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17 minutes ago, rcaruso said:

Texas seems to be doing ok.  My husband and I signed up in Denton County (North Texas) on my Birthday (when I was officially 65) and were 14,400 on list (they go by the numbers.  We got our first dose on Wednesday, Jan 27.  We stand in line, but drive to site and go through a drive through shot and then wait 15 min for any reactions.  at 12 noon it took us 1.25 hours from start to finish.  However that time was one of the longest, others were in and out faster.  We have the Moderna vaccine.  However, they finished this week at giving shots to 23,000.  So next week our county gets 31,500 (Moderna & Pfizer).  My friend is at 55,000 so she will get shot if not this coming week, the next.


My mother 92 in an independent living facility in California will only get her 1st dose on Feb. 26.


We are very thankful to live in Denton county in Texas--they seem to have quite the handle on this.


Take care and stay safe everyone!

Here they are going by age, not by how quickly you signed up for it. Those over 85 qualify next week and when those are done, they will go down to another age.


I find it bizarre (and believable) how each state is doing things differently and how some states have their act together and others do not. I hope your Mom stays healthy until she can get her vaccine.

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24 minutes ago, Coral said:

Here they are going by age, not by how quickly you signed up for it. Those over 85 qualify next week and when those are done, they will go down to another age.


I find it bizarre (and believable) how each state is doing things differently and how some states have their act together and others do not. I hope your Mom stays healthy until she can get her vaccine.

Thank you.  In this state we are on 1B.  So 65 and over and any one with health conditions.

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We do old people's homes, health care workers and over 80's. Running smoothly in some places, not so much in others. My state Rhineland- Palatinate is doing the job quite well. Many people will have to drive 20plus kilometres though. But they want to arrange that better in the near future. It should be easier when we have more vaccine supply that does not have to be in deep-freeze. Paperwork is not too bad, documents are good from what I have seen, transparency as well. But the online website has a couple of glitches that need ironing out and the telephone line appointments are slooow. Should get better.






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4 hours ago, Canal archive said:

Son in law has now tested positive! CA

Really sorry to hear that. Kind of expected I suppose. Sadly. Hope they are both doing okay.


There is something that is much easier to handle in this pandemic in the UK. Food shopping! In my immediate area there is only a small greengrocers that does delivery to me should I have to quarantine. No supermarket offers delivery slots to me. We have no such system running like Tesco for example.




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As many Americans have read, the vaccine distribution system is a disaster in Florida.  There are three primary means of distribution:  1) by the Florida Department of Health working with each county, 2) by local medical centers, and 3) by the almost ubiquitous grocery chain Publix working with the Florida Department of Health.  I live in Broward County were options 1 and 2 are available.  Those who live in Palm Beach County (our northern border) only have option 3 available.


Option 1 has not been available for appointments since early January (I think they were on line for a couple of days, crashed and have not tried again). We signed up on line a few weeks ago with our public hospital system (one of the largest in the country) and were told we would hear in 48 hours. One of our friends signed up 15 minutes later. Over 56,000 people signed up in 2 days and we didn't get the call until  9 days later but at that point it worked like a charm getting appointments within 2 days for the initial dose (which we had on January 22) and the follow up dose of the Pfizer vaccine 3 weeks later.  Our friend heard nothing until this past Thursday when she received an email asking if she wanted to be kept on the list for when they receive additional doses!


In the meantime our friend decided to try option 3, getting an appointment in Palm Beach county (we about 5 miles from its southern border).  Publix is the official distributor and their process is to have sign ups for the 27 counties they service 2 mornings a week at 6 am.  I offered to log on at the same time our friend did yesterday.  Long story short - we both logged on at 6 am when over 9,500 appointments were available in Palm Beach county.  Both our pages refreshed every 60 seconds and for 75 minutes we watched that availability go from 9,500+ to 0.  The total of 35,000+ appointments through out the state were filled by 7:30 am.  According to the newspaper, over 300,000 were trying to make appointments.


This is like the Hunger Games!

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Talking to friends around the country different areas seem to be working different systems a lot seem to be favouring the phone call from their usual surgery as there getting through the vaccinations faster then they at first thought. We had the Pfizer and the lady performing the operation said that as long as everyone followed the specifications for the vaccine it was as straight forward to use as others. 
I’d put in a bid for our wonderful delivery people to be included on the list of people to get early vaccination there all trying their hardest at the moment. Our milkman also delivers various foodstuffs a little more expensive than the supermarket but fresher and exactly what I ask for. CA

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30 minutes ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

Perspective is interesting.  I dont' see how your description of the situation in Florida is a 'disaster.'  Here in NY things are just as chaotic but the press thinks it's just great.


  • most 'regular' people who want the vaccine can't get it (we were incredibly lucky - my husband saw an on line article at 8 pm on a Monday night about distribution in Miami that had one sentence about the new sign up in our county) .  We are the only people I know in my condo building who got the vaccine without special connections.  One couple (in their 80s) got the vaccine through the hospital their daughter works for, another friend got a call from the medical center that treated her for cancer.  I can't imagine anyone begrudging them but there are hundreds of thousands (275,000 in Broward County alone) of 'priority' patients who don't have connections.
  • many truly elderly (those who didn't work with computers) are flummoxed by the on line registration processes.  Reaching 'a real person' is impossible.
  • medical centers that had the vaccine in late December for vaccinating their staff have not received any additional doses.
  • additional vaccination sites have been set up - one a mile from my house in the parking lot of a mostly deserted mall - some for weeks still awaiting the vaccine.

Our local press is the only thing we can count on for providing thorough information on availability and luckily they aren't afraid to ask questions.  They raised the issue of the vaccine vacationers from other states and countries and the state had no choice but to announce that Florida residency would be checked before providing the vaccine (why this wasn't done initially is another example of the poor rollout).

Edited by capriccio
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Our officials in Berlin have told us we are doing well as a population and thanked us for our efforts. Our national infection rate has gone down to 91. Aim is under 50. They are now doing checks in hot spots. They found some people here in Rhineland-Palatinate that were breaching the rules in various ways. A tip-off led the police to Neuwied where they found people in a cellar red-handed - full hair salon set up with customers inside! BIG fine awaiting. Needless to say a few parties here and there as well. Overall adherence to the rules good though.


I know it is bad with you people, but please spare a thought for Portugal. They are desperate. The incidence rate is 877 today and in Lisbon they think around 50 percent of new cases are caused by the UK variant.


Weather depressing today, the kind of grey and rain that I do not like. Bad for bones and soul.


Almost happy to skip the Covid news and see the flooding news. It just feels weirdly normal watching flooding along the Rhine.






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1 minute ago, notamermaid said:


Almost happy to skip the Covid news and see the flooding news. It just feels weirdly normal watching flooding along the Rhine.


We had record snowfall recently and now a warm up. So our rivers are in flood warning today. A few years ago, our area had massive floods and it threatened our water supply. So many lost their homes. We all hope that doesn't happen again. So yes, distraction from COVID>

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Hi all, yes we still have COVID, paucity of vaccines, restrictions and Stay at Home modes but today we are just a little occupied with our weather. Yes, it can get really cold in Canada but take a peek at the temperatures here tonight. Talk about needing another log on the fire! Yep,  the wind chill tonight will be -29C / -20F!!


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15 minutes ago, Bake apple said:

Hi all, yes we still have COVID, paucity of vaccines, restrictions and Stay at Home modes but today we are just a little occupied with our weather. Yes, it can get really cold in Canada but take a peek at the temperatures here tonight. Talk about needing another log on the fire! Yep,  the wind chill tonight will be -29C / -20F!!


So I take it you won't be out skating on the canal this weekend? 🙂  We have a nice roaring fire going and have decided that we will come out for Groundhog Day...supposed to be a tad bit warmer then.  Finally deciding we are enjoying retirement...no having to go out when we don't want to!

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Minus 29 Celsius, I do not know what that feels like. The coldest I have ever experienced that I can consciously remember is Minus 23 Celsius here in the valley. We hardly ever get Minus 15 Celsius at night these days. We have a weather front running right through Germany for the next few days which means the North and East are markedly colder than the Rhine valley and other areas. It means Dresden will keep its snow and the Elbe will not have as much flooding as the Rhine and Danube.


1 hour ago, Coral said:

We had record snowfall recently and now a warm up. So our rivers are in flood warning today. A few years ago, our area had massive floods and it threatened our water supply. So many lost their homes. We all hope that doesn't happen again. So yes, distraction from COVID>

Hope all goes well in your area. We are prepared for much flooding we just live with it. But it can be hard on some that live close to the rivers nevertheless. It is looking okay still for the next three days but we hope we will not see much rain after that. It could disrupt our lives quite a bit. I mean it is disrupted enough as it is. Nobody wants to have to move to temporary shelter in times of Coronavirus.




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4 minutes ago, notamermaid said:


Hope all goes well in your area. We are prepared for much flooding we just live with it. But it can be hard on some that live close to the rivers nevertheless. It is looking okay still for the next three days but we hope we will not see much rain after that. It could disrupt our lives quite a bit. I mean it is disrupted enough as it is. Nobody wants to have to move to temporary shelter in times of Coronavirus.




I think I am safe. I just have a ton of friends who had problems last time. In 2019 it was one of those once in a lifetime events. I think the world has changed so much, I think we are more likely to have more of these once in a lifetime events. Thank you!

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The grey, rainy weather continues. Conditions have got a bit worse along the river. Shipping has been halted in the Upper Rhine valley and will continue to be so until at least Thursday. We may get shipping halted around Mainz and later Koblenz. All depending on further rainfall. It may also affect Cologne and Düsseldorf later in the week. Shipping is already slowed down for safety everywhere in the Middle Rhine valley and beyond. Access to the Main river is not possible as the first lock there is closed.


Not a good thought but true. This scenario could happen in April on a river cruise and you could then forget getting from Amsterdam to Budapest on your ship. Flooding of that scale is not unheard of in April.


But the situation will pass. What has me more worried is how slowly some younger people, especially women, recover from Covid-19. Long Covid can be debilitating for some. Here is a report from Deutsche Welle on it: https://www.dw.com/en/long-covid-symptoms-treatment-support-effects/a-56220741


Today, German authorities have met with vaccine producers and EU officials at a "vaccine summit". This info may also concern other countries beyond the EU, so here is the report: https://www.dw.com/en/angela-merkel-meets-state-premiers-over-vaccine-program/a-56406591


Oh, and it has been quietly mentioned in the media that the lock down may be extended.


I think when we finally have events and tons of foreign tourists again, all what used to be normal, will then feel kind of weird and not normal, at least to me. I do not think I will be back at work on 15 February...




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Here in Texas, more than 2.5 million out of a population of 29 million have been vaccinated (at least the first shot) so far and many have gotten the second shot.  Vaccine roll out seems fine to me, but I'm not desperately trying to cut in line to get it before it is my turn.  I am patiently waiting while all long-term care, elderly, immune compromised, medical personnel and first responders get their vaccines first.  They are the most at risk on a daily basis and I am happy to wait in order for them to get their vaccinations first.  We are perfectly safe at home and all of our needs are being met.  Other people here are trying to gain advantage by putting themselves on vaccine waitlists for multiple counties so the lists are much, much longer than they should be and these same people are wasting the various county health officials time by being called to get vaccines they no longer need multiple times by multiple counties since there is no way to cancel yourself off the waitlists.  I have more respect for others and I prefer to allow those who need the vaccine most to go first and consider it my duty and responsibility to others to wait until it is my turn just as I consider it my duty to keep safe until I can get the vaccine. 

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Cool (73F/ 22C) and breezy today just north of Fort Lauderdale (we missed yesterday's snowstorm at our house in Virginia thankfully).  We miss the weekend 'boat parade' of Port Everglades cruise departures (visible from 15 miles north!) and southbound cruises that pass within a few miles directly off our beach. 


This picture is looking north.  That's Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse.  Its beam (one of the most powerful in the world) can be seen 28 miles out to sea!



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4 hours ago, capriccio said:

Cool (73F/ 22C) and breezy today just north of Fort Lauderdale (we missed yesterday's snowstorm at our house in Virginia thankfully).  We miss the weekend 'boat parade' of Port Everglades cruise departures (visible from 15 miles north!) and southbound cruises that pass within a few miles directly off our beach. 


This picture is looking north.  That's Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse.  Its beam (one of the most powerful in the world) can be seen 28 miles out to sea!



You live in a great location!


That is a cool looking lighthouse (just looked it up).

Edited by Coral
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On 1/30/2021 at 4:52 PM, Bake apple said:

Hi all, yes we still have COVID, paucity of vaccines, restrictions and Stay at Home modes but today we are just a little occupied with our weather. Yes, it can get really cold in Canada but take a peek at the temperatures here tonight. Talk about needing another log on the fire! Yep,  the wind chill tonight will be -29C / -20F!!


My daughter calls us "wimps" when we complain about weather like this... She is in Northern Manitoba - where the weather is often -29C *without* the windchill...  



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8 hours ago, notamermaid said:


Today, German authorities have met with vaccine producers and EU officials at a "vaccine summit". This info may also concern other countries beyond the EU, so here is the report: https://www.dw.com/en/angela-merkel-meets-state-premiers-over-vaccine-program/a-56406591


Oh, and it has been quietly mentioned in the media that the lock down may be extended.




Thanks for this article...  I found it interesting.  


Our biggest issue at this time is the lack of vaccine.  Large scale vaccination centres were opened here in the Toronto area - only to be closed when we ran out of vaccine.  First Pfizer cut off supply - calling it a temporary situation as they do construction to ramp up production in Belgium.  Then Moderna cut our shipment by over 20%. On top of that, I heard a rumor (not sure if it is true....) - that officials in the EU are questioning the shipment of vaccines produced in Europe to countries outside of the EU.  If that happens, it puts us behind yet again.  Last I heard, Canada stood 20th in the list of developed countries when it comes to percentage of the population that has been vaccinated.  Epic fail...  IMHO


Our Prime Minister makes assurances that all Canadians who want a vaccine will have one by the end of September - but I now think this is just another empty promise.  I keep visiting the Vaccination Calculator tool to see where I stand.  I will be 65 this year.  Originally, the calculator said I should get my vaccine between mid-July to late August.  Then, it was moved back to early August to late September.  Now, I am on the list for late September and mid-April 2022.  I was just getting ready to put a deposit down on a cruise for late February 2022... and I am now rethinking that.   My mother is 90 years old - so she is in the first phase and her vaccination date is now between the end of February and early July.  NOT impressed with our Federal Government.  At least they (finally) cracked down on air travel coming into the country...



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We at least do seem to have sorted who gets it and when, we are now doing the 70s but as we get to the lower ages it will take longer as there are just more of them. In our area it seems that the phone call from your surgery is winning over the letter from the NHS because in a lot of cases there pushing that needle in faster than originally thought. 
The papers are now talking about yearly booster jabs and evidently the orders have been put in for yet another make not to be delivered until 18 months to 2 years time.

The U.K. has just sent a supply to the Falkland Islands so I suspect others have been sent out to other dependency’s. I also read that if the government thinks we are covered vaccine wise any excess could be sent to friends and partners to help out. Now if that’s not some reporter stirring it I don’t know what is. CA

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