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Celebrity Cruisers - How are Things where YOU are?

Host Anne

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2 hours ago, sakigemcam said:

@miaminice It's so good to read this information about Germany. May I ask where you are in Germany? Our son is in Bremen in his final term for his Masters degree. One can only get so much information out of him so this was much appreciated. 

PS We visit Sunny Isles several times a year (and always pre-cruise) as we have family there. Small world!

Thanks! We live near Baden-Baden at the northern edge of the Black Forest. Karlsruhe would be the next larger city. That’s two hours south of Frankfurt. So at the opposite end of Germany.


Sounding optimistic in times like this can easily be mistaken as downplaying the seriousness of the matter. So I am trying not to be too optimistic. But I dare say that your son could be in worse places right now.


My update to the sitrep would be:

We are now at the end of the first week of our semi-shutdown. What‘s hard for me to comprehend is the already growing whining and complaining by some people. It’s been a week of really manageable restrictions. The complaints are justified by the low mortality rate... it‘s like disputing an equation by stating a positive result. 
We are not out of the woods yet. 

Monday will be the beginning of the second week of the nationwide actions. We might or might not see the flattening of the curve eventually. Hard to say and judge the difference... because nobody can prove how it would have looked otherwise. 

We belong to the “better safe than sorry group“ 🙂 


Edited by Miaminice
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Haven't seen any posts from Illinois, so I'll add my two cents here.  We live about 30 miles west of Chicago.  Illinois has a shelter in place order in - we are supposed to stay home except for going to the store for necessities, or for medical help, or outside for exercise as long as we  maintain a 6' distance.  All non-essential businesses are closed, although where they can people are working from home.  Some feel the definition of essential businesses is broader than it should be.  The mayor of Chicago had to shut down the lakefront as too many people were out on the beach and walking/biking along the lakefront without distancing as they were supposed to.  Too many people STILL just do not take this seriously or for some reason feel it can't happen to them. 


Store shelves are empty of TP, hand sanitizer, and other paper and cleaning products, for the most part.  I was so excited to snag a package of toilet paper from Costco the other day by going to senior hours and waiting 30 minutes in line!  Except for those mentioned items, most of the shelves have some variety - seems the hoarding is finally slowing down.  At first you couldn't even get any soup, or beans, or pasta products.  I guess there's going to be a lot of pasta with bean sauce being cooked in the future LOL (ugh, that sounds horrible!).


My BIL ended a ski trip to Switzerland early, and came back with the virus.  He never got tested but we are 99.9% sure he has it as several people on his trip tested positive and he has all the symptoms.  He never needed to be hospitalized, but felt pretty sick.  He is in his early 60's with no known health issues  He is finally recuperating, and we keep reminding him that he needs to STAY HOME until at least a full week or more since the last symptom.  So far he is listening to us.  He is an example of why the case numbers are pretty worthless.  How many more like him are there - sick but not tested - let alone those with minor or no symptoms!  The good news is that in all likelihood those people will have immunity for at least some period of time which should help slow the spread.  It also would indicate that the death rate is not nearly as high as feared - if you have it and are not tested you never get included in the statistical calculations.  


We are staying home except for almost daily walks at our local arboretum, keeping our social distance.  Thankfully spring is right around the corner - it would be so much worse if this started last fall!  Not sure how long our stay at home order will last - it was initially dictated until April 7 I believe, but it will likely go much longer than that as Chicago numbers are skyrocketing.


Just feel like I want to add one more editorial comment.  Shame on all the people who are hoarding food and supplies (especially medical), getting tested when not needed (when tests are hard to come by), and not following the stay at home and social distancing guidelines.  You are more than selfish and inconsiderate, you are potentially committing involuntary manslaughter!

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3 hours ago, Miaminice said:

Thanks! We live near Baden-Baden at the northern edge of the Black Forest. Karlsruhe would be the next larger city. That’s two hours south of Frankfurt. So at the opposite end of Germany.


Sounding optimistic in times like this can easily be mistaken as downplaying the seriousness of the matter. So I am trying not to be too optimistic. But I dare say that your son could be in worse places right now.


My update to the sitrep would be:

We are now at the end of the first week of our semi-shutdown. What‘s hard for me to comprehend is the already growing whining and complaining by some people. It’s been a week of really manageable restrictions. The complaints are justified by the low mortality rate... it‘s like disputing an equation by stating a positive result. 
We are not out of the woods yet. 

Monday will be the beginning of the second week of the nationwide actions. We might or might not see the flattening of the curve eventually. Hard to say and judge the difference... because nobody can prove how it would have looked otherwise. 

We belong to the “better safe than sorry group“ 🙂 


Miami - You won't believe this but my mother, who my husband happens to be on the phone with at the moment, is FROM BADEN-BADEN! I have been there many a time - what a magnificent part of the world the Schwarzvald is! Schwarzvalde Kirschtorte! The extended family was from Mannhein and Alsace. Small world! She had a very "interesting" and thankfully not tortuous Holocaust experience and came to NYC, were I grew up,  in the late 30s. Our sons and I have our German citizenship - Bremen son has his German passport which facilitated his travel from Zanzibar less than two weeks ago 9where he was researching his thesis0 back into Germany via Condor. We felt so much better once he was back in Germany. 


We are also in business with a partner in Cologne. We went to Bremen and the Rhine area last June and my German came back to me so easily!


It's too bad we won't meet on a Celebrity cruise since you're not doing the Caribbean and that's all we do at this point, but perhaps our paths will cross in Sunny Isles! 









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I"m in Cincinnati, Oh; and it's turned into a bit of a joke here. Not meaning to make light of the situation but people here are not taking the restrictions seriously. Restaurants are closed aside from take out. Bars, salons, casinos, etc are closed. We are a week into a "stay at home" order with "non-essential" businesses closed. My husband and I are essential so still go out quite a bit to go to work and there are people are cars everywhere I go. The term "essential' has been used very loosely. Many many many retail stores that don't sell food or prescriptions are still open and full on the weekends. Traffic for my morning commute is lighter than normal but still packed with cars. Luckily we have very few local cases and no deaths so I just think it will take that turning for people to start taking it seriously. Not sure what the next step is after "stay home" and "non-essential" business closing but they will have to find one if it does get bad here because the spirit of the orders are not being followed. 

Edited by sanger727
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On 3/27/2020 at 11:56 PM, Lilikins said:

Update from Michigan:


On Monday our Governor announced a shelter in quarantine for all non essential personal or non essential tasks - people are still allowed to go to the pharmacy, grocery store, or hospital, but beyond that and a few other essential business everyone else has been ordered to shut down. Specifically in our county we have been given orders to screen all workers at the start of shift and to limit customers so that we can maintain 6 ft at all times. There is also signage posted saying that if you are symptomatic,  have tested positive, or you are awaiting results you are not to enter the building and instead notify personnel before utilizing the drive thru or curbside pickup. 

Despite these regulations several known positives have entered our pharmacy putting us and others at risk - and not notifying us until after transaction. People insist on coming inside, purchasing unnecessary things - I witnessed a senior with an artificial voice box come inside to purchase beer. People have not been respecting 6 ft distancing and insist on leaning over our counters forcing us to make a “sneeze guard” out of plastic shower curtains.

We have had to report 10 different drs to the board of medicine for prescribing out of scope of practice (ex if you are a dentist you have no business prescribing a med used for lupus) or for writing for friends/family in order to stockpile for meds being used to treat Covid 19. None of the patients who the scripts were written for actually have Covid 19. They want them “just in case”. These are meds used for lupus and RA and I’ve had to call patients and tell them that their meds are now back ordered and most likely won’t be available until the end of April. Because of these selfish idiotic hoarders I can’t get medications for patients who desperately need them.

People are still running around as though there is no danger despite our local hospital running out of ventilators, and pain medications necessary for properly ventilating patients...forget narcotics, even Tylenol is becoming difficult to come by.


I do see some good - neighbors organizing donations of food and tp to those in need, people sewing mask covers to extend the life of single use PPE etc. However the sheer amount of stupidity and selfish behavior I see at the pharmacy on a daily basis is just astounding and depressing. 

From further North in Michigan... our small/mid-sized town is quiet. A few cases reported, no deaths yet. The don’t go out order surprisingly has had an impact. Our occasional trips to the grocery store have been uncrowded, no issues. Supermarket getting more and more strict on each visit. Last time, last Saturday, a bagger was working at the entrance, in a mask, wiping down the shopping cart handles before any customer could proceed. No more self bagging, they will bag, only in their plastic. Marks on the floor for the benefit of those who don’t know how far six feet distance is. So, all good. We own a small rental house, I told the young couple who rent from us that I would defer their rent if they needed that, so far they are doing ok and continue in essential jobs. And they still have child care available for their two year old... 
We were supposed to do a TA in a couple of weeks. Six more weeks of cruising scheduled for this year, five or six for next year. All of that in doubt for now, I am saddened to see those plans evaporate. But then I recall that last year around this time we were coming into San Diego on the Eclipse at the end of a great 14+14 b2b, and I feel sorry for those who did the same this year but under much less pleasant circumstances. Good memories, still hopeful we have the chance to add some more.

Edited by GottaKnowWhen
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And we boarded the Eclipse in San Diego at this time last year! Had a lovely cruise up the West Coast to Vancouver.


Greetings to all:

Chiming in here from beautiful Eagle, Idaho, (northwest of Boise), where we had a scary and prolonged earthquake last evening!  Talk about rattled nerves!


We're under a stay-at-home order until April 21st.  We are taking this very seriously, even though Idaho is reporting only 300+ cases currently.  

My husband and I began stocking up in mid-Feb, so we haven't needed to go out much.  Did a quick shop yesterday, and it was quiet, civil and fairly well stocked.  We have an active text chain with four neighbors, and another with family, and those are fun.  My DH cycles most days, and I keep busy in the yard & cooking.  Evenings are a bit of tv, and a lot of wine...  especially after an earthquake!


Stay safe everyone!

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Well we live in the Vancouver BC area. We had cancelled 2 Celebrity cruises, not knowing they would have been cancelled anyway since  travel out of Vancouver and Canadian ports will remain closed down until at least July.  On March 16th, when we read about the recent changes to Celebrity Cruises protocol regarding the  physician's form that must be signed for passengers over 70yrs with underlying /chronic health conditions to cruise, It  was disappointing. My DH and I spoke to our physician and she said it would be impossible for us to cruise within this protocol. After approaching Celebrity and wanting to cancel a cruise we had booked in January 2020, we expected to receive our full deposit back. Fair enough it was a nonrefundable deposit but the Cruise Line changed the rules and through no fault of our own we would no longer to be able to cruise with them. We did not cancel a cruise, rather we no longer fit within the newly introduced Medical Protocol rules. Celebrity only wanted to offer us Future Cruise Credits. But as we no longer fit their criteria to cruise this was baffling. It has been nothing but a merry go round. After sailing for 20 years primarily with RCCL and Celebrity we feel just terrible. Not meaning to be unkind or a downer to anyone, but Celebrity was very cold and even asked us if we might have a friend who wanted to use our future cruise credits. Anyway we ultimately went to our Credit Card carrier and they issued us a credit for the entire dollar amount of our deposit that Celebrity refused to return to us.


Life is tough enough currently and this was a very unpleasant experience for both my husband and myself. 

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5 minutes ago, babbdawg said:


We are completely self isolating in our area and receive groceries and Rx by delivery. We have no family or friends nearby to help. 

Edited by babbdawg
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Hi Cruise Buddies,

we are from the UK, nearly two weeks into a stay at home lockdown (except for exercise, trip to food store or essential work), managing to do a little work from home.

The Queen is to address the nation on Sunday.

We were days away from moving home, after a nine month process, but the lockdown also applied to moving so who knows if/when we will now move ?

We are booked on Eclipse out of Melbourne in Feb 21 to celebrate my 60th, fingers crossed this will still go ahead.

Feeling miserable as sin at the moment but have to appreciate and be grateful for our health, stay safe cruisers x

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9 hours ago, babbdawg said:

We are completely self isolating in our area and receive groceries and Rx by delivery. We have no family or friends nearby to help. 

Stay safe and we will all hopefully come through to the other side of this awful event.

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7 hours ago, LIMPIT said:

Hi Cruise Buddies,

we are from the UK, nearly two weeks into a stay at home lockdown (except for exercise, trip to food store or essential work), managing to do a little work from home.

The Queen is to address the nation on Sunday.

We were days away from moving home, after a nine month process, but the lockdown also applied to moving so who knows if/when we will now move ?

We are booked on Eclipse out of Melbourne in Feb 21 to celebrate my 60th, fingers crossed this will still go ahead.

Feeling miserable as sin at the moment but have to appreciate and be grateful for our health, stay safe cruisers x

We are in the north of the UK close to Manchester and Liverpool, and are in the same boat (no pun intended!) as you. We are both 60 this year and had several celebratory holidays planned and events and parties. Of which, only one event was in time to escape the lock down!


We should have been on our way to Corfu tomorrow, I should have had a ladies afternoon tea event today and so it goes on.....but we do have to be thankful and mindful that this too will pass and that if we do as we are told we might get through it unscathed.


Is the lock down being observed where you are? It seems to be getting better here but the sunny weather forecast for tomorrow will be a test of resolve for many I think.


Let's hope the faces of those two young nurses who died yesterday make anyone thinking of breaking this lock down to enjoy the sun,  think again and stay at home.


My husband worked for a company based in Essex for many years, the HQ is in Basildon, although he primarily worked from home. 


Stay safe and I hope you get on the Eclipse, our next cruise is August so that seems much more doubtful than yours. 

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12 hours ago, babbdawg said:

We are completely self isolating in our area and receive groceries and Rx by delivery. We have no family or friends nearby to help. 


Babb, wish your fellow Celebrity cruisers were nearby to help! I have been baking (very unusual for me) so would love to share my scones - better you eat them than us! The Quarantine 15 is encroaching here and the diet starts tomorrow! 


In New England we are doing well, considering. Our bucolic town has one case. Not counting me, I suppose - I have had no sense of taste or smell for over 2 weeks now. The head clog and earache seem to have dissipated. I had a virtual visit with the doctor which was a waste of time - they won't test me, which I understand, but they also had no words of wisdom, really. Who does? If this is "it" I'm grateful it's mild. We were off the Silhouette on 3/15 but IF I have "it" it came from the throbbing mass of humanity at the airport and on the flights home. 


I am enjoying working from home and so fortunate to do so, and my husband has to go out as he is media but they are doing an exceptional job of distancing and restricting. He assumes he's a carrier because of me, so is being even more stringent. Mentally work is good for him but the 24/7 C19 coverage is getting to him for sure. I make him take a long walk when he gets home and don't let him turn on the news when he's off work. 


I have been watching the Tale of Two Holland America ships and the Coral Princess and my heart breaks for everyone involved. What terrible ordeals. These ppl leaving on trips of a lifetime and then the world turns upside down. I think of them all every day and hope they can put this nightmare past them and heal physically and mentally. 


See you back on Celebrity....whenever that may be. 

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13 hours ago, babbdawg said:


Cool Cruiser, wishing you a speedy recovery and all the best to you and your family. My daughter and son in law have most likely been infected, they were not tested but doctors on the phone were sure as they had. Both had flu vaccine  so it wasn't flu, and had many symptoms of Covid. Canada not testing cases in younger people if they are doing ok at home. This too will pass right? 


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Thank-you Host Ann for this thread, which I hope will help reduce the isolation feeling we all have.


Thank-you Lilikins for sharing your experience. It helps making the situation real for people who may still believe Covid-19 is a hoax. Thank-you also for your courage and work in the health care system.


For us, in Quebec, the general feeling is that our Premier has been prompt at taking action and excellent at keeping us informed, in a caring, factual fashion, while finding ways to keep us hoping:  In response to a child’s request regarding the Tooth Fairy, he did not hesitate to declare her work as essential service and immune!


On a more serious tone, thanks to the early closure of schools and non essential businesses and all efforts made regarding social distancing, (a Google survey showed that the Quebec Province came first amongst states/provinces in 

North America regarding the adhesion to the principle of staying home), we’re now approaching a stabilisation level.... (Nothing can be taken for granted, though.)


Another set of actions taken concerns the cancellation of most Montreal summer festivals this summer. A couple of them such as the Grand-Prix hope to prevent a cancellation by postponing the event but it is not yet confirmed.


This said, sadly, we have 150 losses of life to deplore in the province; 99% involving people aged 60 years old and older. The critical hot spots in the province seem to be the long term care residences for seniors (CHSLD). Unfortunately, more loss lives is expected.


On the positive side, our hospitals have not yet received the amount of patients that was initially expected. Therefore, some ressources such as doctors and nurses are being transferred to help the CHSLDs. Another positive element, thanks to a lot of hard work, our hospitals seem to be able to receive the needed equipment such as PPE and ventilators. Despite of a few degrading actions/gestures by a few idiots, in general, solidarity and kindness are on the rise! 


So, if we behave well during this Easter Week and keep the social distancing measures rigorously, we’re hoping to reach our peak within one or two weeks and possibly, a progressive slow re-opening of businesses. We really have to all stay home as much as possible, otherwise, the progress made in March will quickly evaporate.


Take-out restaurants or delivery are open. Groceries are open although some products hard to get. Various measures have been taken both by our federal and provincial governments so soften the economic blow as much as possible, for businesses, employees, students etc.


My family and me are still doing well. My wife (early childhood educator), my oldest daughter (social worker), my second daughter ( veterinarian) all perform essential services. I am a bit concerned for their well-being, but proud of them. My son works from home and I am recently retired. we’re getting used to this new way of life, although we find it difficult due to social distancing rules, not to be able to see our two daughters in person.


Our Prime Minister today has warned us not to expect a full return to normal until a vaccine is available... (12-18 months). So, I don’t believe at this time, that anyone can predict when Canada’s borders will re-open, allowing us to travel again.


Our next cruise would be on Silhouette (May 2021). Keeping my fingers crossed for a positive outcome!


P.s. Thank you to all our heroes working in health care services or providing other essential services! Your engagement is really appreciated! 







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On 4/3/2020 at 11:34 PM, babbdawg said:

Well we live in the Vancouver BC area. We had cancelled 2 Celebrity cruises, not knowing they would have been cancelled anyway since  travel out of Vancouver and Canadian ports will remain closed down until at least July.  On March 16th, when we read about the recent changes to Celebrity Cruises protocol regarding the  physician's form that must be signed for passengers over 70yrs with underlying /chronic health conditions to cruise, It  was disappointing. My DH and I spoke to our physician and she said it would be impossible for us to cruise within this protocol. After approaching Celebrity and wanting to cancel a cruise we had booked in January 2020, we expected to receive our full deposit back. Fair enough it was a nonrefundable deposit but the Cruise Line changed the rules and through no fault of our own we would no longer to be able to cruise with them. We did not cancel a cruise, rather we no longer fit within the newly introduced Medical Protocol rules. Celebrity only wanted to offer us Future Cruise Credits. But as we no longer fit their criteria to cruise this was baffling. It has been nothing but a merry go round. After sailing for 20 years primarily with RCCL and Celebrity we feel just terrible. Not meaning to be unkind or a downer to anyone, but Celebrity was very cold and even asked us if we might have a friend who wanted to use our future cruise credits. Anyway we ultimately went to our Credit Card carrier and they issued us a credit for the entire dollar amount of our deposit that Celebrity refused to return to us.


Life is tough enough currently and this was a very unpleasant experience for both my husband and myself. 

Good to know you got your full amt back

We took Cruise with Confidence and will be stuck with a $2000 voucher (which is non tranferable ) if the  med note rules don't change.


 Stay safe..things  are tense in NY..

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8 hours ago, cachouonacruise said:

Thank-you Host Ann for this thread, which I hope will help reduce the isolation feeling we all have.


Thank-you Lilikins for sharing your experience. It helps making the situation real for people who may still believe Covid-19 is a hoax. Thank-you also for your courage and work in the health care system.


For us, in Quebec, the general feeling is that our Premier has been prompt at taking action and excellent at keeping us informed, in a caring, factual fashion, while finding ways to keep us hoping:  In response to a child’s request regarding the Tooth Fairy, he did not hesitate to declare her work as essential service and immune!


On a more serious tone, thanks to the early closure of schools and non essential businesses and all efforts made regarding social distancing, (a Google survey showed that the Quebec Province came first amongst states/provinces in 

North America regarding the adhesion to the principle of staying home), we’re now approaching a stabilisation level.... (Nothing can be taken for granted, though.)


Another set of actions taken concerns the cancellation of most Montreal summer festivals this summer. A couple of them such as the Grand-Prix hope to prevent a cancellation by postponing the event but it is not yet confirmed.


This said, sadly, we have 150 losses of life to deplore in the province; 99% involving people aged 60 years old and older. The critical hot spots in the province seem to be the long term care residences for seniors (CHSLD). Unfortunately, more loss lives is expected.


On the positive side, our hospitals have not yet received the amount of patients that was initially expected. Therefore, some ressources such as doctors and nurses are being transferred to help the CHSLDs. Another positive element, thanks to a lot of hard work, our hospitals seem to be able to receive the needed equipment such as PPE and ventilators. Despite of a few degrading actions/gestures by a few idiots, in general, solidarity and kindness are on the rise! 


So, if we behave well during this Easter Week and keep the social distancing measures rigorously, we’re hoping to reach our peak within one or two weeks and possibly, a progressive slow re-opening of businesses. We really have to all stay home as much as possible, otherwise, the progress made in March will quickly evaporate.


Take-out restaurants or delivery are open. Groceries are open although some products hard to get. Various measures have been taken both by our federal and provincial governments so soften the economic blow as much as possible, for businesses, employees, students etc.


My family and me are still doing well. My wife (early childhood educator), my oldest daughter (social worker), my second daughter ( veterinarian) all perform essential services. I am a bit concerned for their well-being, but proud of them. My son works from home and I am recently retired. we’re getting used to this new way of life, although we find it difficult due to social distancing rules, not to be able to see our two daughters in person.


Our Prime Minister today has warned us not to expect a full return to normal until a vaccine is available... (12-18 months). So, I don’t believe at this time, that anyone can predict when Canada’s borders will re-open, allowing us to travel again.


Our next cruise would be on Silhouette (May 2021). Keeping my fingers crossed for a positive outcome!


P.s. Thank you to all our heroes working in health care services or providing other essential services! Your engagement is really appreciated! 







We have Canada / New England cruise booked for October and given that our August Med cruise looks unlikely we were pinning  our hopes on that. I suspect we  may be disappointed!



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2 hours ago, evitacruiser said:

We have Canada / New England cruise booked for October and given that our August Med cruise looks unlikely we were pinning  our hopes on that. I suspect we  may be disappointed!




Between now and your final payment date in July.... the situation will evolve. So many variables though! 


For the Canada/US border to re-open to normal tourism, both countries will need to have succeeded in flattening the curb and keeping hospital/ICU bed occupancy under control. 


From what I can read from Canada, may be you can correct me, but some American states seem to be taking serious control measures regarding social distancing, while other states seem to be taking a different approach. What will be the impact of the virus on these states over time? 


How will all that play out in the success of our common fight against the virus is difficult to predict. I really hope that in Quebec and Canada some control measures will begin to be progressively removed during the summer and fall.


I really wish that you will be able to do your cruise and that Canada will be fully open to welcome you! 

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My DH and I live about 20 minutes from Tahoe in Carson City, Nevada.  Everyone where I live is taking this lockdown seriously.  Today we have been quarantined for four weeks, so we have very few cases.  I was just out for a walk and the mountains were becoming visible from the fog with the skies a gorgeous blue.  The air is always clean here, but now it is exceptional.


In early March, my DH had a skiing accident, so was unable to have his severed tendon repaired, but is at the top of the list.  Our hospital is not full at all, with babies being delivered and husband in the room.  Wearing a homemade mask is required for everyone who goes out for groceries.  So many in the community are making and distributing masks; Our doctor's office has given them to all who request them.  I must say that they are exception, along with a type of filteer material inside.  My doctor shares updates of the people he is following that have Covid-19.  So far we have not had any fatalities here, but many in Las Vegas with fewer in Reno.


I have read as much as possible about this virus, mostly because I enjoy research, and get excited about everything positive that is happening.  However, I know this is going to be a long haul if we want to keep a resurgence from happening.  Staying home for me is just the price I have to pay in order to keep others and myself safe.  If I contact the virus I will know what to do and do it, but my DH is the only person who does the shopping, along with taking all precautions necessary.  Even with his bum arm, he has continued to find ways to improve his shoulder, and move his arm a little more.  Sometimes I go with him, but stay in the car watching the parade of masks and shopping carts go by.


I have canceled three cruise, one being a b2b/TA in the fall on Apex.  The other othe was May 4 on Edge.  Our next scheduled cruise is at the end of May 2021 for Galapagos.  Then we have another b2b the same year, followed by a TP from Australia to Hawaii in April of 2022.  If things improve with a vaccine, I will book some in-between too.  Cruising has been in my blood for many years, and I do not see that changing any time soon.


So, stay safe everyone and do what is necessary.  When we can all be together again, on our favorite way to travel, life will have a very special and new meaning, one that we will never take for granted for a long time...









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Husband works in pharma and they furloughed half their staff.  I work at an essential business with about 10% in office.  The rest working from home.  One person came in yesterday because he lost internet at home and couldn’t work.


We take 3 mile walks to exercise and husband jogs.  Some people outside but we try to stay away.

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On 4/10/2020 at 4:25 AM, hcat said:

P.S. to Baabdawg

I reposted  your coments on the Cruise Refund Tracker thread in hopes it may help others with the same issue..hope that was okay!

oh sure that is fine 🙂

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Wow, a lot has changed in the world since the first post on this thread.  So many cases, 1 million world wide.

Before I say anything else, I would be remiss not to mention my extreme gratitude to all of you who are essential workers....all healthcare and support workers, and more..  Everyone keeping me fed (drivers, groceries, restaurants with take out) keeping me clean, safe and warm (utilities workers, cops, waste management, fire services) and anyone keeping me sane (interesting educational OR humorous reads and podcasts) to very witty meme and video creations!


My husband and I live in Toronto, and retired last year...while we were  “young enough to travel and enjoy life”. Well, 2019 was a great year of travel! 2020, not so much LOL.  Among other trips, we enjoyed 16 nights on The Solstice, on an Australia/New Zealand cruise.  Oh it was so lovely.

Our daughter lives in Bucks, UK, and she gave birth to my first grandchild at the end of October.  I flew over and spent the first 8 weeks of his little life helping Mummy and Daddy out.  Thank God I had those eight weeks, because my plans to return in March were of course squashed.  Also she and the baby had tickets to fly to Toronto for 2 weeks in April.  😩😢. He is almost 6 months old.  Thank God for video chats!!


Because we “retired to travel” I had the pleasure of cancelling 16 flights we had booked between March 15 and June 15.  Calling....emailing....messaging.  But, I digress, those poor customer service agents at travel agencies and airlines, I cannot imagine how their days at work pan out.


I am very pleased with how my Federal and Provincial and Municipal governments have handled this crisis.  


This has been a pain in the rear for everyone, but I ache for every life lost.  In every country.  Italy is like my second home, and I think of over 100 physicians in that country alone, dying from helping others.


 My Mum is in a care home, and I just found out they have 10 confirmed cases, 9 “suspected, awaiting results”, and have suffered 3 deaths.  This, to me, is where I am hit hard.  I cannot visit her, I know that 40% of the related deaths in Ontario have been in care homes.  It is so worrying.  The staff at her home are absolutely fantastic, though, and video chat with me twice weekly (and every other concerned relatives)!  I know absolutely that she is in great hands.  I get regular emails and phone call updates from the home.  But, this virus is what it is, and I cannot change its course.


Well THAT felt good!  Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.


Stay healthy, stay hopeful, stay positive, and for heavens sake, stay at home (if you have that privilege)



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On 4/10/2020 at 4:17 PM, evitacruiser said:

We are in the UK so further distanced than you from what is happening in the US. We are in serious lock down here so who knows how it will pan out ?

Just wish that Celebrity would decide what they are going to do about future sailings.

There is no way that we can sail on our August 1st cruise, as I won't get a Drs letter enabling me to cruise, as I have had notification from them that I should 'Social Shield' for a period of 12 weeks due to ' Multiple long Term' conditions.

Also our government advise against cruising if you are over 70, which we both are.


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31 minutes ago, upwarduk said:

Just wish that Celebrity would decide what they are going to do about future sailings.

There is no way that we can sail on our August 1st cruise, as I won't get a Drs letter enabling me to cruise, as I have had notification from them that I should 'Social Shield' for a period of 12 weeks due to ' Multiple long Term' conditions.

Also our government advise against cruising if you are over 70, which we both are.


Sending every good vibe your way. Here in the Netherlands we are in 'intelligent' lock down.  No age movement restriction per se but everyone strongly encouraged not to visit older family or friends, must keep 1.5 social distancing at all times. No more than 3 visitors per household And no visitors to care homes. I have a friend who communicates with mother in law who is temporarily in a first floor room in a nursing home by telephoning her whilst standing outside in sight of the window.

Until when is the 12 week period in force?  

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