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Celebrity Cruisers - How are Things where YOU are?

Host Anne

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Dentists also opening in UK, as long as procedure doesn't include drilling. I was half way through a tooth implant process when lockdown started and my dentist just emailed to say she can complete it now.

All non essential shops now open but still no hairdressers, restaurants or pubs, not even if they have an outdoor space. No hotels or airbnb open yet either. So no breaks away yet. Masks to be worn on all public transport and suggested to be worn in shops, but not compulsory. Still on furlough. I work in aviation so things not looking brilliant 

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In the province of Quebec, we were hit pretty hard by the virus (worst hit province in Canada). This said, the trend these past few days is constantly improving. Keeping my fingers crossed. People in hospital down from almost 2000 to approx 650. People in ICU down from about 200 to 65. Daily death report down from more than 100 a day, to about 10 a day....


Although social distancing measures and other precautions are being recommended to people and business owners, between now and the end of the month of June,  the following are either open or have received the green light to open:


Shopping centers, restaurants, shops, hair dressers, dentists and other health professionals, gyms, arenas, pools, beaches private and public, movie theatres, daycare, zoos, gardens, museums etc.


Gatherings indoors and outdoors to a maximum of 10 people and 3 different addresses...while still maintaining social distancing.


Masks are recommended to be worn when the two meters distance cannot be maintained. Masked are required in Canadian airports and during flights.


Social distance required for 16 years old and younger reduced to 1.5 meter and no longer required for children in primary/secondary schools or daycare.


The plan for now is to anticipate a full normal reopeining of primary/secondary schools in September, while CEGEPs and Universities are expected to provide a mixed curriculum with presence in class and virtual classes.


Strangely, cult gatherings such as churches, mosques, synagogues are not yet allowed to open. Casinos are also still closed. 


The feeling for the most part is that we’re reaching the end of wave 1 in Quebec. However, our National Health Director is unfortunately expecting and planning for a second wave to hit is in the fall....



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In Dallas County, Texas, the news seems more grim each day with all numbers climbing and setting new records almost daily. Reopening is continuing, but we are staying home and ordering products delivered. It seems that most people are "over" the precautions and just mix and mingle as they choose. I read a lot of people commenting on social media that "they" are just trying to control us, and "we have to live our lives." Some seem to believe that wearing a mask is an infringement of their rights and freedom, but an ordinance was just passed to require all businesses to require masks for workers and patrons.


We venture out do curbside pickup of groceries by ordering on-line and having them delivered to the back of our SUV. Lots of items are out of stock or substituted. We order meat deliveries, as the grocery store is not well stocked. I wash everything from the grocery store before I bring it in and quarantine all home deliveries for a few days if not perishable. We did a drive-through pickup at the pharmacy yesterday as well as a drive-through ATM deposit at the bank, using hand sanitizer after each stop, and scrubbing hands at home. 


Schools are scheduled to reopen in August with the option of remote learning and possibly a combination of on-site and remote learning. Face shields and masks will be used by students as well as spacing of learning stations and plexiglass dividers between learners in one of the largest school districts in the area. I am a retired teacher and GLAD I do not have to deal with teaching in this climate.

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11 minutes ago, zitsky said:

@Glendakayself washing groceries?  Do you just clean it with a disinfecting wipe?  I have a mental picture of you at the sink washing a loaf of bread.

Wipes? I wish, but our supply is gone and none are available for on-line purchase. I take out a bowl of hot soapy water, a cloth, a trash bin for grocery sacks, and two plastic bins to carry in cleaned groceries. I bring the groceries in, and hubby puts products away while I clean and fill a second bin before we exchange. Bread is in a plastic wrapper, and I do wash it.

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20 minutes ago, Glendakayself said:

Wipes? I wish, but our supply is gone and none are available for on-line purchase. I take out a bowl of hot soapy water, a cloth, a trash bin for grocery sacks, and two plastic bins to carry in cleaned groceries. I bring the groceries in, and hubby puts products away while I clean and fill a second bin before we exchange. Bread is in a plastic wrapper, and I do wash it.


We have a few wipes left, but we keep them for specific use such as cleaning door handles etc. This said, we also wash each grocery item in soapy water, including fruits and vegetables. A lot more work each week, but we try our best to stay virus free. 

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In Massachusetts we’re opening in phases. Seems to be working.

most people wear masks.

I shop for a relative who is petrified to go into a grocery store. 

We won’t go into a restaurant even when they reopen.

I am tired of obeying the rules when all the protesting, rioting n looting will set us 

The World has gone crazy.



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6 hours ago, Caymus88 said:

In Massachusetts we’re opening in phases. Seems to be working.

most people wear masks.

I shop for a relative who is petrified to go into a grocery store. 

We won’t go into a restaurant even when they reopen.

I am tired of obeying the rules when all the protesting, rioting n looting will set us 

The World has gone crazy.




From a distance, the United States of America has been for many years a bastion of defense for civil rights, freedom and democracy. Thank you so much to America! 


More recently, from a distance, what I perceive from that wonderful nation,  is a stronger and stronger current of extreme opposites: Left versus right, Democrats versus Republicans, Cultural differences based on race, religion or sexuality, pro-scientific respect regarding Covid versus tenants of conspiracy issues on the same topic etc. 


I don’t want to turn this thread into a political debate. I just wanted to express my concern for America so strongly impacted by Covid and riots. Moreover, I am concerned that the combat between all these extremes, could eventually weakened the Nation and present a tactical advantage for potential foes.


In my opinion, the world still need a strong and unified America to be ready to continue its unifying mandate amongst the chorus of nations. 


My best and more sincere wishes to America for a prompt return to social peace and health.

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Things are opening in NY suburbs...but still limited by state and local gov control.  People are anxious to get back out there but  most folks are  being cautious. Our local illness and deaths rates are on the downslope of the curve.  Covid testing has somewhat increased which has enabled  the opening up to progress. Nursing homes are no longer forced  by gov fiat to accept Covid cases which previously led to many deaths. Visitors still not permitted.


 You can see that traffic is  buiding on local roads and highways. The railroad is still open.   Many workplaces, offices  and construction jobs are opening with reduced staffing.  Hopefuly ZOOM will be needed less frequently but many  are still working from home,  Schools are still on hold except day care has been open with reduced numbers.  Some drs and dentists are open in person.. and fortunately.dh will be  able to get his  knee surgery next week.. Religious services are allowed but with distancing like everything else.


Stores still  fairly well stocked with  higher prices. No one can find "Purell"  but substitue brands are available.  We  personally never ran out of wipes or TP. Baby formula  is back in stock. Restaurants are still mainly take out  and now there's some outside dining permitted, Bars are being strictly monitored...some wineries are open.   Marinas and Golf are open with precautions, some public pools and parks are opening   and there are many places featuring drive in family movies ( like the old days!)    We are enjoying our deck, screened porch and backyard now that the weather is warm.  Lucky to be in the suburbs!


Our grocery and pharmacy store workers and suppliers,  nurses, doctors, police, EMTs, volunteer fire fighters,  postal service workers and many others have gone above and beyond to get us through these very  challenging times. Putting in double and triple shifts at times, while exposing themselves &; their families to potential illness.   They truly deserve our respect, admiration  and appreciation.


Most everyone  observes mask protection out of the home, except  the protesters, rioters and looters.  The Rules  were never applied to them...although  there have been many crowds  in close in proximity. Sort of unfair to the ones who follow the rules or others who did not and were heavily penalized!




Edited by hcat
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22 hours ago, Glendakayself said:

In Dallas County, Texas, the news seems more grim each day with all numbers climbing and setting new records almost daily. Reopening is continuing, but we are staying home and ordering products delivered. It seems that most people are "over" the precautions and just mix and mingle as they choose. I read a lot of people commenting on social media that "they" are just trying to control us, and "we have to live our lives." Some seem to believe that wearing a mask is an infringement of their rights and freedom, but an ordinance was just passed to require all businesses to require masks for workers and patrons.


We venture out do curbside pickup of groceries by ordering on-line and having them delivered to the back of our SUV. Lots of items are out of stock or substituted. We order meat deliveries, as the grocery store is not well stocked. I wash everything from the grocery store before I bring it in and quarantine all home deliveries for a few days if not perishable. We did a drive-through pickup at the pharmacy yesterday as well as a drive-through ATM deposit at the bank, using hand sanitizer after each stop, and scrubbing hands at home. 


Schools are scheduled to reopen in August with the option of remote learning and possibly a combination of on-site and remote learning. Face shields and masks will be used by students as well as spacing of learning stations and plexiglass dividers between learners in one of the largest school districts in the area. I am a retired teacher and GLAD I do not have to deal with teaching in this climate.

Sorry to hear about the surge in Texas.  Hopefully it will be eventually controlled.  Just to note here that the CDC and health experts at least now do not feel that there is a lot of risk from groceries and grocery bags.  I do not believe that there have been reported cases of transmission from that source.  I know the story continuously changes.

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Just an update from my recent post on my area of southeastern PA.  Our governor announced yesterday that we would all move into the next re-opening phase (green) on June 26.  Philadelphia will go partial green phase that day and fully green phase a week later on July 3rd.  We will still need to wear masks for all indoor activities and shopping in green phase but businesses will be open as well as indoor dining under CDC social distancing guidelines.  Hopefully the states seeing surges and second waves will try harder to get their citizens to at least wear masks.

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Folks I think Host Anne's original intent of this thread was to see how we are doing personally in our part of the planet from a pandemic standpoint.  Too much political back and forth going on I think. Just my opinion.

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On 6/19/2020 at 11:14 AM, Glendakayself said:

Wipes? I wish, but our supply is gone and none are available for on-line purchase. I take out a bowl of hot soapy water, a cloth, a trash bin for grocery sacks, and two plastic bins to carry in cleaned groceries. I bring the groceries in, and hubby puts products away while I clean and fill a second bin before we exchange. Bread is in a plastic wrapper, and I do wash it.

Very early on in this pandemic, I read a tip to fill a gallon container with hot water and a 1/4 c (or even less) bleach and throw a few clean rags in. I've been using the rags to wipe down door knobs, light switches, counters, etc. After one wipedown, I rinse out the rag in hot water, and then plop it back in to the bleach/water mix. Its saved me a ton of wipes. At the end of the day, I dump out the water, rinse the container and set my rags outside to dry overnight. Works great, and a gallon of bleach lasts a looong time. 

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I live in Washington DC and we're entering another "open" stage today. I've had two friends' parents die from COVID-one in a nursing home, one in her condo living along in DC, and one close neighbor die from it too. We've been strict about staying in since March 13, ordering groceries and take out, only leaving for a daily walk to the Capitol for exercise and walking our dogs around the block. I'm pretty nervous about the opening up, because I see a lot of people now not wearing masks, going out to eat at restaurants on the sidewalks, and not wearing masks. It's pretty crowded, and not safe IMO.

I will note that I've had two doctors appointments and they are calling the day before with questions about symptoms, and take temps when you arrive in the office. Office buildings are only letting two people on an elevator at a time, and have spaced out places to wait for the next one. Regarding the protests, we've been to a couple and wore masks, and stayed back outside the main crowd. Most of the protestors I've seen are wearing masks. I felt it was more important to show solidarity with the cause than to stay inside, so that is a choice we made as a family. I'm making appointments now for all of us to get tested this week, just to be on the safe side. I've always been more afraid of overwhelming our crappy health care system (Italy has way more hospital beds than we do) than I am of dying from COVID. At this point, with our country barreling ahead into full openings, I hope we have carved out a little time and space to save our health care workers, but I am not so sure. It's sad. 

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On 6/17/2020 at 10:47 AM, Fouremco said:

The Canadian government made an exception to the non-essential border closure rules to enable Americans to drive north through BC and the Yukon directly to Alaska. Unfortunately, some have chosen to take advantage of this exception and, while claiming to be heading to Alaska, have enjoyed themselves with holiday travel elsewhere. The exception was made in good faith, clearly a mistake as it turns out. The question now is whether the exception should be rescinded or if enforcement measures should be introduced. For example, have Alaska-bound Americans report at designated RCMP detachments by pre-determined dates during their drive north. Too bad that there always seem to be a small minority who spoil things for the majority.

Just to follow up on the issue of enforcement raised previously by @TeeRick, the RCMP has started issuing $1200 tickets to those trying to take advantage of the system: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/americans-alaska-loophole-banff_ca_5ef1ea75c5b6001a27157d1b??ncid=newsltcahpmgnews

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17 hours ago, Fouremco said:

Just to follow up on the issue of enforcement raised previously by @TeeRick, the RCMP has started issuing $1200 tickets to those trying to take advantage of the system: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/americans-alaska-loophole-banff_ca_5ef1ea75c5b6001a27157d1b??ncid=newsltcahpmgnews

Thanks for the follow up!

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Well things have changed noticeably here in Victoria BC, we are easing off on restrictions and when we were out today it was evident. Although masks are recommended most don't wear them (including me) we just prefer to stand our distance and wait our turn. When a mask is required my family each have one and wear them, Doctor's appointments, mostly or when it is impossible to properly distance (it's just the right thing to do). British Columbia is open to visitors from other provinces, but we ask that those who visit follow the guidelines and respect the hard work that has been done to get to this point.

We are looking forward to a visit from our nephew with his wife and 4 children this coming weekend. They live in the Okanagan about 500 km away.

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27 minutes ago, Blackduck59 said:

Well things have changed noticeably here in Victoria BC, we are easing off on restrictions and when we were out today it was evident. Although masks are recommended most don't wear them (including me) we just prefer to stand our distance and wait our turn. When a mask is required my family each have one and wear them, Doctor's appointments, mostly or when it is impossible to properly distance (it's just the right thing to do). British Columbia is open to visitors from other provinces, but we ask that those who visit follow the guidelines and respect the hard work that has been done to get to this point.

We are looking forward to a visit from our nephew with his wife and 4 children this coming weekend. They live in the Okanagan about 500 km away.


Can a visitor choose to not wear a mask when out and about?

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Here in NZ we have had 9  consectutive days of new cases of COVID 19 all from overseas visitors who had been put into quarantine. The majority of them are returnees from the sub continent.  There are now many saying that not only should returnees to NZ continue to remain in quarantine but they should now also pay for the quarantine procedure. I am one of those. When the outbreak first occurred back in  February early March and airlines were still flying and borders were open our Govt sent out a plea for NZers wanting to come home come home now. Many did but many didn't. Repatriation flights were arranged. It is my view that enough time has elapsed for the taxpayer to cease meeting these costs.

We are also extremely conscious that COVID 19 is not on the decline and as such we must keep our borders shut as this is where our infections are coming from. We have no community transfer of the disease at all, something few if any other countries can attest to.

I note that cruise start dates seem to be moving further and further right. I note that some cruise lines are hoping to restart in August of September. I have to wonder what the Chief Executives of these cruise lines must be smoking or ingesting. Ports are still closed, refunds still outstanding, crew members still waiting to go home. Who from the third world countries, many of which still have rabid Covid19 are going to willing crew these ships knowing that they may necer come home, because I willing to bet that is the feeling of some of the 40000 crew members stuck on ships are feeling now whilst their fat cat CEOs are still living off the hog in their flash homes in the USA.

I have become very cynical and disillusioned with the way the cruise lines are treating us.

Edited by Beanb41
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Here in South Jersey, things are beginning to open up.  Outdoor dining began 2 weeks ago, our Church opened 2 weeks ago with limited seating, social distancing and masks, stores are beginning to open...TJMaxx opened last Monday..yay for me!!.   Barber shops and beauty parlors have begun opening.   Our Libraries will be open beginning on July 2nd.  Our Governor announced that schools will be opening in September, providing we don't spike up again with the Covid-19.    Doctor and Dentist offices have finally opened.  Mask is mandatory at all indoor venues.

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 NYC streets are less safe these days and crime is  up overall, restaurants are not going to be open yet for indoor dining, and it is hot and humid outdoors ( you could do takeout).  Broadway is  not starting up anytime soon! Not sure about zoos and museums.  Public Transportation is running...lots of Uber rules.  And the quarantine is also being enforced, supposedly.


Maybe another time it would be  better for a  visit.


Good news here in the suburbs..fewer cases and NO deaths in the last 24 hrs.

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In our Province (Manitoba), we haven't had any new cases for a week.  In total we had about 325 cases.  7 deaths.  As of now, there are about 7 active cases, but all are in their own homes.  There are no active cases in the hospitals.  So, we are in a good place.  Even so, most still wear masks outside.  Although restaurants are opening, most chose to either eat on patios or order in.  Actually, no one really is quite sure just exactly what we should do or how far we should go.    Mostly, I just go to Safeway for groceries and we go for walks or drives to get out.

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