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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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13 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

I wanted to share what Sharon brought this time.  It is a great organizer.   It is held up by magnets. 



I use these for various toiletries and miscellany. 

I pack it at home -- toothbrush / paste / floss, cotton swabs, sunscreen, nail polish, deodorant, hand lotion, hair potions, hair elastics/accessories, hairbrushes, sunglasses, shaving items, OTC meds, ointments/creams, bandages, pens/notepaper -- anything small enough that doesn't have another place to live.  

Then I roll the whole thing up and put it in my suitcase.  Unroll it and hang it up, and I'm mostly unpacked! (Clothing is in packing cubes -- unzip and place on shelf/in drawers.)

Especially when doing multiple cruises B2B or S2S and having to move rooms several times, it's just such a time-saver.  And because everything is visible, you don't have to open a bunch of cupboards/drawers trying to remember where you put the razor heads or first aid cream.  

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14 minutes ago, HBE4 said:

Yankees live to play another day. No 9th inning magic today from the Cleveland Indi, er,  Guardians.  Very routine and boring 9th inning.


Considering that the Yankees were 1 strike away from winning last nights game, this series could've been over.  Should be a good game tomorrow. My fearless prediction: one of the teams is going home.


Also, Jets, Giants and Bills won. Good day for NY sports.

Great day for my teams , staying at a very nice hotel but both bars are closed on Sunday, but there was a nice restaurant with lots of TVs so was able to see Cole lead the Yankees, earlier watched the Jets and Giants, love the announcer for Bills game when Allen leaped over the KC defender saying he runs , he throws , he flys. 
will be happy to fly back to Dallas tomorrow, it is currently 41 in Denver.

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25 minutes ago, George C said:

will be happy to fly back to Dallas tomorrow, it is currently 41 in Denver.


That's right, I forgot you had traveled for a wedding (niece? nephew?) and your moms funeral.  Wide range of emotions, hope things went as well as they could.

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When we we were driving through the National Park on Sunday morning, the road from the park entrance is a long winding one with bushwalks running off it, left and right all the way along to  the scenic West Head lookout at the very end.  Lots of cyclists, one beautiful yellow Lamborghini out on a Sunday drive and groups of motorcycle groups including “the Distinguished Gentlemens Club”. We also saw two P-platers speeding which is concerning given the bends and the cyclists. On the way back, we rounded a bend and there was a policeman hidden in the bush with his speed gun….hope he got the p platers and anyone else speeding.

Edited by aussielozzie18
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4 hours ago, Lionesss said:

But he told the Souse to go outside and make sure the vent was not clogged with leaves.

Spouse did, no leaves.


So Mr. Furnace man comes to the house, he checks the things in the panel that need checked.

And goes outside with his remarkable modern device to make sure the vent is patent.

Get this

He drops a golf ball, ( a nice clean white one) into the vent and it does not come out at the other end in the house.

So now he goes to his truck and gets a larger version  of a turkey baster brush and low and below, leaves deep down, where no man has ever gone before..

So did they recommend you put a screen over the intake, to keep leaves from getting sucked in?  Happened once to us, on a holiday weekend, no less. We have a screen on ours now. 


3 hours ago, Lionesss said:

New work station for the man cave 





When you said work station, I was envisioning new computer with multiple large monitors.

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8 hours ago, HBE4 said:


Deep down inside, everyone is a Yankee fan. Some just don't know it yet. 😂😂😂


The Oakland A's kind of annoy everyone here, especially with their unrealistic requests. They can move to Las Vegas and follow the Raiders seems to be the general consensus. 😆

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13 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Thank you.  I do feel much better today.   Thursday night and Friday were the worst of it with fever and chills.  I broke my fever and now dealing with congestion and cough which is starting to break up.   

As of Friday I heard 5 out of 20 office staff had tested positive.  I'm hoping everyone is on the mend.   Based on our quarantine rules here in the US I will be permitted to return to work on Wednesday but will have to wear a mask for at least 5 days.

I'll be happy to get out of quarantine as I'm going stir crazy with staying in the bedroom or back patio to avoid infecting Eric.

Think it's the same here   in fact I'm not sure if you feel OK you have to stay home at all. Rates are beginning to go up again here though I don't know anyone whose had it for ages .

Glad you're feeling better.

I have no medical expertise, but I think once you've had it and recovered  it does give you extra protection 

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So I'm having ongoing problems using the CC site on my phone . Often things I'm signed in it, it's telling me to sign in, posts don't post, I can't like. Signing in and out doesn't always help or does for a while, then it goes again . So frustrating. May have to try the main pc.

Anyway sorry if I've missed major events. @Luckynanaso sorry your cruise was cut short but happy your DH is getting better. 

@aussielozzie18your photos are beautiful as always 

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1 minute ago, sgmn said:

So I'm having ongoing problems using the CC site on my phone . Often things I'm signed in it, it's telling me to sign in, posts don't post, I can't like. Signing in and out doesn't always help or does for a while, then it goes again . So frustrating. May have to try the main pc.

Anyway sorry if I've missed major events. @Luckynanaso sorry your cruise was cut short but happy your DH is getting better. 

@aussielozzie18your photos are beautiful as always 

This was the second time I tried to post, first time it just disappeared , Agggghhhh 

Edited by sgmn
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I honestly cannot keep up with this thread.  I can only skim through the many pages that I miss.  One thing that caught my eyes was @Luckynana and her husband’s situation in Halifax.  So sorry that you had to go through that.  I hope he is recovering nicely now.


Two stories I’d like to share.  First one is this:  On the day that we were to leave for Rome, we were at the airport.  I was still pretty unsure that we made the right decision to go on this trip.  As we were standing around waiting to board, I put my hand in my jacket pocket. I felt the usual, my ear plugs.  I always carry those in case I encounter something really too loud for my ears.  And then I felt what I thought was a quarter.  Except this was smooth on one side and felt like something on the other side so I thought it can’t be a coin.  I took it out to see what it was.  It was one of those pressed coins, smooth on one side and had an image of an angel on the other side.  I wondered how it got there.  I don’t remember getting a coin like that or seeing one like that.  This must be a sign from above, I thought, a reminder that an angel is with me, watching over me and everything will be okay.  At that moment, I felt a sense of relieve and a sense of peace.  So to @Luckynana, @h20skibum, @LucasLikesToCruise, @Sunshine3601and  others who are going through a hard time right now,  I pray for the angels to watch over you.


Second story:  At the Rome train station on the day we arrived, we had to wait outside the gate until our train came in from Florence to take us to Florence.  There was only one seat in between 2 men on a bench.  I went over and took that seat.  The gentleman on my right was on the phone a lot.  Finally, he made a little room so that DH can sit down also.  DH asked him if he was going to Florence.  He said no, in fact, he was waiting for his son and daughter in law to come in from Florence so they can fly home.  Home is ‘South Africa for them.  He told us that they had been in Italy for a 4 week holiday.  On the 3rd day here, his wife fell terribly ill.  She was taken to the hospital and found that she had double pneumonia so she was admitted and been in the ICU since. Their whole itinerary was questionable at that point.  They were supposed to start the holiday on the Sept. 18 (?) 9 Night Odyssey Greek Isle cruise and then tour Tuscany, Sienna. Genoa and Florence.  He said they had to cancel the cruise for him and his wife.  His son and daughter in law went on the planned cruise and rest of the planned trips.  He had to stay with his wife although he could not see her all that time.  No one was allowed into the ICU.  She’d been intubated and was in a coma for 3 weeks.  The doctors spoke no English.  Everything was communicated through an interpreter.  After 4 weeks, she was still in no condition to go home.  It’d be too iffy to be on a plane for such a long flight home.  So she has to stay in the hospital in Rome.  Husband and son and DIL have to go home for work.   But he said on the last day he was there before he was to go home, the doctors got him all suited up and quietly snuck him in to see his wife.  He spent an hour in the ICU with her and said goodbye.  He broke down in tears. The doctors said don’t count days until she’s ready to go home, count weeks.  While we were sitting there talking, he got a video phone call from the interpreter and we got to see her and wave to her.  She was awake. They talked for awhile and then the train from Florence came in along with the son and DIL.  It was time for us to board the train now.  We said goodbye and said that we would like to keep in touch with them and to learn of her continued progress.  


Sorry for the long stories.  Just so sad.  Never fails to bring tears to my eyes.  You just never expected anything like this to happen.  

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6 hours ago, brillohead said:

I walked through The Tavern on Explorer after dinner in the MDR tonight.  Football on one tv at one end, baseball on the tv at the other end.  

Standing Room Only. 



Where is The Tavern located? I don't think it existed when I was aboard Explorer.

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1 hour ago, sgmn said:

So I'm having ongoing problems using the CC site on my phone . Often things I'm signed in it, it's telling me to sign in, posts don't post, I can't like. Signing in and out doesn't always help or does for a while, then it goes again . So frustrating. May have to try the main pc.

Anyway sorry if I've missed major events. @Luckynanaso sorry your cruise was cut short but happy your DH is getting better. 

@aussielozzie18your photos are beautiful as always 

I was having issues with CC yesterday too. Posts were disappearing and sometimes I  couldn't post or "like" anything as if I wasn't logged in even though I was.

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1 hour ago, sgmn said:

So I'm having ongoing problems using the CC site on my phone . Often things I'm signed in it, it's telling me to sign in, posts don't post, I can't like. Signing in and out doesn't always help or does for a while, then it goes again . So frustrating. May have to try the main pc.


7 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

I was having issues with CC yesterday too. Posts were disappearing and sometimes I  couldn't post or "like" anything as if I wasn't logged in even though I was.

I have found that to happen when I have several tabs open.  I have found that hitting the refresh on the page will correct the problem for me.  Although, refreshing the page will sometimes then show me as logged out, and I need to log in again.



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1 hour ago, Ocean Boy said:

I was having issues with CC yesterday too. Posts were disappearing and sometimes I  couldn't post or "like" anything as if I wasn't logged in even though I was.


Sometimes I open a new tab and it works perfectly, and then I shut the old one.  I don't even have to log in again or anything.  CC gremlins. 

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12 hours ago, h20skibum said:

She has good days and bad days.  Taking things a day at a time.  Thanks for asking.



One of Susan’s sisters tested positive today.  Surprised this is the first time she got it, since she is an RN, and has worked at the hospital all through the pandemic.   Fever of 104° and trouble breathing.  Not sure what strain she got, but she just got the latest booster a couple weeks ago. 

That is a very high fever.   I hope she is getting medical attention since she has trouble breathing too.   I hope she feels better soon.


My SIL who is a charge nurse and has worked in ICU's with covid patients has avoided getting covid.   This is my first round with it and thankful it is a mild one.    

Edited by Sunshine3601
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12 hours ago, aussielozzie18 said:

So sorry you have been so sick.  I am glad your boss is paying for tests before everyone returns.  Don’t want it going around the office again.

Boss had cleaners come in this weekend to do a deep clean of the building.    Around 7 am I heard from 2 of my associates in my accounting dept. and they both tested positive and heard that 1 other girl in another dept. tested positive this weekend too.    So far we are 8 out of 20 that work in the office.   

I have no idea about the others that work in other departments yet.    2 of the guys had covid a couple of weeks ago so I guess they will be running things

We have an older woman that just finished chemo treatments last week.    She wanted to come back to work today.   She has been out for the last 3 months battling cancer.     Boss told her to stay home until things calm down in the office.    He also said we will be back to full masks at all times and if he finds anyone not wearing their mask they will be sent home with no pay.   '


Everyone please stay safe.     Seems like the fall wave is upon us.    I have heard from several people that either they have covid or their family or friends have covid.    


Even though I feel much better than Thursday night and Friday I am still battling congestion and fatigue.    

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41 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

That is a very high fever.   I hope she is getting medical attention since she has trouble breathing too.   I hope she feels better soon.


My SIL who is a charge nurse and has worked in ICU's with covid patients has avoided getting covid.   This is my first round with it and thankful it is a mild one.    

Yes she is. I think it is aggravated by her asthma.  Her temp is down to 100.4° this morning, but she still sounds like crap. 

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4 hours ago, sgmn said:

So I'm having ongoing problems using the CC site on my phone . Often things I'm signed in it, it's telling me to sign in, posts don't post, I can't like. Signing in and out doesn't always help or does for a while, then it goes again . So frustrating. May have to try the main pc.

Anyway sorry if I've missed major events. @Luckynanaso sorry your cruise was cut short but happy your DH is getting better. 

@aussielozzie18your photos are beautiful as always 

A while back when I was having similar issues, someone suggested clearing the cache(?) or clearing the cookies(?) from my phone and it worked.  In fact I had to do this the other day too.  

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19 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

The stern of all the Voyager and Freedom class ships look the same.

We are booked in the same corner aft balcony on Adventure next month that we had on Liberty in 2019. I was so happy when I discovered that Adventure also had had this type of cabin. The balcony is huge; you can see 90* through the back as well as the side circular window - but the price is the same as regular balcony cabins. Can't wait.



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