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*Poof* October sailings now gone

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9 hours ago, Bellaggio Cruisers said:

No cruise company, no State, no one in the world  can predict what is really going on.... Why do you care? I have several booked cruises.. do you?

We will all learn what is happening when they know. I have patience... do you?


I do care. I had 2 cruises booked on Regent in 2020 but cancelled both before final payment and got a full cash refund. I took the cash refund exactly for the reason that you noted, the uncertainty of when cruises will start up again and what cruising will look and feel like when it eventually does. I do have patience. I am waiting to book until I know what I am getting for my money and when I will be able to cruise again. All I was saying is that in these times of uncertainty and anxiety, Regent should make communication a top priority and not leave their customers guessing. So far, it looks like the first indication of cruises being cancelled is that they go on wait list. When this happened For the October sailings and this topic was created, there was confusion amongst those on the chat board, Different people were seeing different things. During a crisis, companies, governments, etc. need to be open, consistent and honest with their customers, employees and constituents. Otherwise, uncertainty breeds and rumors get started and people make up their own “facts”. 

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5 hours ago, SusieQft said:

Until they get the refund account restocked?

Refunds are coming back faster than ever with most recent under 60 days...as you well know. Contrary to the tin foil hat people, this isn't about lack of money, it is about enough people to process the refunds.


There are other things that are about lack of money but they don't affect clients.

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Italy, Germany, and France have basically stopped testing; I wonder if their numbers are really as good as reported.


At least for Germany that is not true. Last week more than 494.000 people have been tested resulting in the highest number ever. There were less than 3.000 positive tests.




And from all I heard the situation in France and Italy is quite similar..

Edited by Balian65
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Yes Mudhen, I do follow it in the US and the UK and elsewhere.

We’re just having to sit tight and sit it out. Closed borders and testing continues, look on gov.gg website where it’s all plain to see.

 I think that candid statements and forthright action are the best way forward. We were all sent text messages and kept informed by various social media platforms as well as all the usual media. People responded accordingly. 

When I can see that other countries have it under control then I will cruise. Not too long hopefully. 

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14 minutes ago, loriva said:

NCLH announced their last round of cancellations exactly one month ago.  At 1630 hours, after the U.S. stock markets closed.  Wonder if we will see something today? 


The CDC will also need to be doing something on its "no-sail" order, currently set to expire on 24 July.  Speculation repeat speculation on other cruise line boards is that it will be extended through the end of 2020.  The cruise lines may be waiting on their next moves until the CDC action.



I think you may be right, however what American port could actually be used, other than maybe NY?... Miami? I don't think so,  Tampa? nope, LA/San Diego? nope, Boston? maybe. I just don't think that in another 10 days, things will change dramatically. 

And then will ships be ready? How 'bout crew? I'm not even sure if all of them have gotten home yet! I really can't imagine the CDC lifting the ban at this point. Maybe some of the lines that have ships in Europe can go ahead, but since the majority of countries don't want American passengers, that doesn't look good for any of us. 

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11 minutes ago, Balian65 said:

At least for Germany that is not true. Last week more than 494.000 people have been tested resulting in the highest number ever. There were less than 3.000 positive tests.




And from all I heard the situation in France and Italy is quite similar..


Your link proves my point; until this mini surge in last two weeks testing had fallen off over the previous six weeks.  Whilst testing in USA continues to increase; Germany had dropped to where tests per population are now much lower than in USA.


Edited to add additional anecdotal information:



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2 hours ago, mrlevin said:

Italy, Germany, and France have basically stopped testing; I wonder if their numbers are really as good as reported.

NZ is not testing either. There are no cases. Are you implying Italy Germany France are lying? 

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Many people in the US are very selfish... young and old alike. We live in an over 55 community here in Florida. Six or seven new cases this week. It wasn’t by accident. These residents did not adhere to our rules here. Then it began to spread quickly. 
The young people in Florida are not as severely affected so they party, get sick then party again. 
They ruin it for everyone else. The Me generations.... 
It won’t stop unless the restaurants, bars and clubhouses are shut down again. 
It seems there is nothing that can be done.....


Edited by Bellaggio Cruisers
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1 hour ago, Got2Cruise said:

NZ is not testing either. There are no cases. Are you implying Italy Germany France are lying? 


Not at all; just that they aren't testing at rate USA is currently testing; you're right that it could be that there is no one that needs testing.

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19 minutes ago, mrlevin said:


Not at all; just that they aren't testing at rate USA is currently testing; you're right that it could be that there is no one that needs testing.

We have had no cases for 77 days now and still we keep testing. It is the firm belief of our Director of Public Health that there could be a case anytime. I trust her judgement, she’s a virologist and may know a bit. 

We are preparing for the winter flu season now and that along with Covid could be bad news for some people if you’re being realistic. 

Always the optimist, hoping for a vaccine soon, and then......... a cruise!


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1 hour ago, mrlevin said:


Not at all; just that they aren't testing at rate USA is currently testing; you're right that it could be that there is no one that needs testing.


Two questions:


1.  If you had a fever, dry cough and could not taste or smell, would you have a Covid-19 test?


2.  Based on what it sounds like you are saying, if you do not take the test, does this mean that you do not have Covid?



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@Travelcat2 I believe that you have hit the nail on the head here. So many people are in denial. Our Director of Public Health has told people today to stop going to GP surgeries with possible symptoms of Covid but to go to the Covid test centre (free).

 I cannot believe that people will just ignore scientific advice, but of course many are frightened. 

Anyway, so it goes on. 

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5 hours ago, Pcardad said:

Refunds are coming back faster than ever with most recent under 60 days...as you well know. Contrary to the tin foil hat people, this isn't about lack of money, it is about enough people to process the refunds.

My apologies, I should have included a "this is a joke" emoji.  I mostly agree with you.  Regent is doing an adequate job now with most of the refunds, and I don't seriously think they are waiting on a new cash infusion before the next round of cancellations.  They certainly will not be getting much cash for new bookings any time soon, so waiting would not provide any more money anyway. 


However, employees cost money also, so IMO it is a false excuse to blame anything on "not enough people" when there are not enough people because of financial reasons.  I do understand that some people don't see it that way.


P.S.  Perhaps I spoke too soon about no more money coming in.  I just saw mrlevin's post in the financial thread about NCLH looking to raise more funds.  Very worrisome.

Edited by SusieQft
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My people are booking new cruises - just further out and they are not waiting on refunds to do. They can't be the only ones?


As we all know now, Regent's software was not set up to issue refunds for Regent cancelled cruises so they did it by hand. Unfortunately, the people doing it by hand made some errors so the process evolved into a dual-control system. Then, once it was working, they assigned more people and the delay between cancellation and refund began to drop from 85 days to under 60. To the best of my knowledge, it continues to improve. I will confirm as I know of a refund for a 8/28 cruise in the system and I will post when it processes. Are you also tracking August/September refunds?

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2 hours ago, Bellaggio Cruisers said:

Many people in the US are very selfish... young and old alike. We live in an over 55 community here in Florida. Six or seven new cases this week. It wasn’t by accident. These residents did not adhere to our rules here. Then it began to spread quickly. 
The young people in Florida are not as severely affected so they party, get sick then party again. 
They ruin it for everyone else. The Me generations.... 
It won’t stop unless the restaurants, bars and clubhouses are shut down again. 
It seems there is nothing that can be done.....



Oh no!  Cases in your complex itself?  That must be very worrisome.  I have a sister and brother-in-law in Florida in a large gated community.  I don't know if they've had cases internally in their actual complex, but I do know they're feeling quite trapped, since mask and hygiene compliance is very low in the Fort Myers area where they are.  Our little town of Dunedin appears to be doing a bit better with compliance.  Don't believe we've had any cases in our complex in Dunedin.


Even here in Canada compliance is not perfect.  Guy refused to put on a mask, assaulted a store clerk, was followed up at home with police, and they killed they guy.  Gheesh, not that common here, but it happens.

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Well as far as I can see refunds in the UK are certainly not in keeping with what is stated here. We are still waiting on our April 16th cruise refund. 
Our TA has phoned on a weekly basis to Regent UK to chase this up. This week we are told it has been processed and should be here this week or next. 
Also friends who were booked on this cruise who live in another part of the UK are also still waiting and been told exactly the same “story” as ourselves.

I am definitely not impressed by this wait for our money.  Makes me think twice about making a payment for our next year cruise.  Jean.

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14 minutes ago, Wendy The Wanderer said:


Oh no!  Cases in your complex itself?  That must be very worrisome.  I have a sister and brother-in-law in Florida in a large gated community.  I don't know if they've had cases internally in their actual complex, but I do know they're feeling quite trapped, since mask and hygiene compliance is very low in the Fort Myers area where they are.  Our little town of Dunedin appears to be doing a bit better with compliance.  Don't believe we've had any cases in our complex in Dunedin.


Even here in Canada compliance is not perfect.  Guy refused to put on a mask, assaulted a store clerk, was followed up at home with police, and they killed they guy.  Gheesh, not that common here, but it happens.


We are In Palm Beach county. The big three... Miami, Broward and Us. We are a large part of the Florida numbers. The cases I mentioned are in my complex. Fortunately, we have not had contact with anyone here. Herb is now doing the food shopping, properly attired. 
What a terrible story in Canada... look at the problems here in the US. The whole world has gone mad.....


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33 minutes ago, Pcardad said:

Are you also tracking August/September refunds?

Yes, I am tracking whatever people report, as long as it has the needed data.  Hopefully at some point Regent will start sailing again, catch up on the refunds, and the relevance of the spreadsheet will dwindle.  But we are clearly not there yet.

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7 hours ago, Pcardad said:

There are other things that are about lack of money but they don't affect clients

By the nature of its business, surely anything adversely affecting NCLH & its three subsidiary cruise lines will, sooner or later, have a knock-on affect on their clients.

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8 hours ago, Wendy The Wanderer said:

Even here in Canada compliance is not perfect.  Guy refused to put on a mask, assaulted a store clerk, was followed up at home with police, and they killed the guy.  Gheesh, not that common here, but it happens.


Wow, Wendy!!  The Ontario cops are killing people who refuse to wear masks?!   Sounds a bit draconian; but if it works with some of those covidiots who eschew masks, that might be the way to go, especially in Wal-Marts.   😜

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Liptastic, I was concerned to see that you haven’t received your refund for an April cruise. My 90 days since a refund request is up next week for a June cruise and no sign of a refund. I had already decided to take the credit card chargeback route if I haven’t received the refund by then. It not fair on the TA but it’s my money not theirs and they haven’t been proactively chasing it.

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2 hours ago, swansong said:

Liptastic, I was concerned to see that you haven’t received your refund for an April cruise. My 90 days since a refund request is up next week for a June cruise and no sign of a refund. I had already decided to take the credit card chargeback route if I haven’t received the refund by then. It not fair on the TA but it’s my money not theirs and they haven’t been proactively chasing it.

Hi Swansong,

Yes have to say we are very disappointed to say the least. Our TA has been phoning weekly to Regent who say it’s been processed just waiting to be transferred to TA. We are over the 110 days now. I know it’s not our TA stalling as they have already dealt with other separate flight refunds, not connected to the cruise.

We were booked for a Splendour cruise in November which we knew would not be sailing , and we have transferred that to a Mariner cruise next September.

I will certainly post when we get the refund. Hope yours is processed in a more timely manner than ours.  Best,  Jean.

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7 hours ago, CruisetheCs said:

Okay, totally off topic--but after last two posts wondering if anyone else remembers who Freddie and Flossie were (from an earlier era).  

OMG....this really dates me.....the youngest set of twins in the Bobbsey Twins books. Nan and Bert were the oldest....egad!

Feeling ancient now!

And now back to cruising!

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