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I've Had Enough !!!


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17 hours ago, ace2542 said:

22 months ago somebody lied about having Noro to board the NCL pearl. The effect was devastating on the transatlantic crossing. And NCL lied through their teeth about what was happening onboard. They conducted irish immigration checks in the spinnaker lounge during the middle of the outbreak.  No wonder if spread the way it did. There was also no hand cleansing offered at the initial boarding. They could have handled that very differently imho


If masks are the only way to stop Covid spread on a ship they will do it forever.

IMHO, I don't think it will come to that. Vaccines will prove to be extremely effective in mitigating the virus. I'm one of those folks who are pushing for all passengers and crew to be vaccinated before boarding a cruise ship.

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9 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

Then there are the ones who wear their masks walking along the beach, in the freshest air you can possibly find, without another person within hundreds of feet from them.


Masks have a purpose and so does common sense.

Exactly, and when you ask them why, they say "just in case." 🙄

I know people, including my immediate family, who think you should wear a mask when walking around alone outside on a windy day. Even the distinguished Dr Fauci (who I have enormous respect for, and feel sorry that his words are cherrypicked for political purposes) says there's no need to wear a mask outside in that scenario. No, I'm not talking about being outside at an amusement park with 1,000s of others, I'm talking about walking around in my own suburban neighborhood where I'll likely come across 5 people in a 30-minute period, none closer than 20 feet away. It boggles the mind to think people are afraid of even that scenario. PT Barnum was right.

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1 hour ago, sugcarol said:

Dont know if you know this. But the providers administering the vaccine are paid 28.39 for every injection by Medicare. If you have orher insurance they will bill for the injecting. If you dont have insurance or insurance wont pay the feds will pay the providers 63.00 per injection. 

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China? This reimbursement barely covers the cost of supplies to administer the vaccine. 

This fee schedule has zero to do with the amount of vaccines being given, nor the Pfizer (and other manufacturers) increase in production. 

Edited by not-enough-cruising
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6 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

IMHO, I don't think it will come to that. Vaccines will prove to be extremely effective in mitigating the virus. I'm one of those folks who are pushing for all passengers and crew to be vaccinated before boarding a cruise ship.

I think cruising CANNOT restart until both are vaccinated. A serious Covid outbreak for crew will bring the ship to a halt. The operation of the Pearl could hardly cope with a Noro outbreak and 2 day quarantine. They will have no chance with Covid. 

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17 hours ago, atgood said:

Fauci no longer has any credibility IMO.  He’s been studying viruses for almost 40 yrs.  He knows better to be flip flopping on mask wearing.  

The big problem I see with mask wearing is either ppl I see aren’t even wearing a N95, don’t wear one properly, and probably don’t even change out frequently either.   Mostly symbolic wearing is what I see.  

Fresh air is a good thing.   

Not so good if it is indoors and someone in your general vicinity has Covid. That is when all individuals wearing masks is most effective, especially if someone is asymptomatic and has no idea they are shedding virus.


Hopefully, the science community and the companies who manufacture the vaccines can prove without a shadow of a doubt that the mRNA vaccines offer sterilizing immunity". That means that the vaccines sterilize the virus and prevent it from replicating, therefore vaccinated people can not transmit the virus to anyone, even if they have the virus in their naso pharynx. The reason being is because vaccinated people have a low viral load.There is some evidence that this is true and Dr. Fauci made that announcement about a week ago. I saw him on TV saying that.

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It's simple.

If you don't want to wear a mask, and you understand the risks of carrying disease back to your family members ... don't wear a mask.


There are 3 different concepts of "Herd Immunity."

1)  The first is junk science.  It says that if no one wears a mask and we just ignore everything, eat drink and be merry eventually it will run its course.

Of course that means that 3 to 5 percent of everyone who contracts Covid will die.  But as long as it's not you, I guess you're ok with it, if you fall in this catagory.

2)  The second concept is sound science.  It states that in order to achieve true herd immunity, 70 to 85% of the entire population needs to be immunized before the virus is choked off from being able to replicate and mutate.  At that point it would be safe to return to unprotected actity and discontinue mask wearing.

3)  The final concept of "Herd Immunity" is cultural.  It says that if you do everything that science tells you to do, mask up, social distance, avoid large groups and wash hands without fail until the all clear is given, you are at the top of immunity pyramid and in all likelihood will survive this pandemic whatever becomes of the rest of the population.  The bottom of the pyramid, the conspiracy theorists, junk science obsessers, the careless and the very, very unlucky will contract the disease and 3 to 5% of them will die.  This will reduce the rate of ignorance in the population and strong, lucky, and most intelligent will survive ever even contracting the disease.

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59 minutes ago, smokeybandit said:

If that was the reason, then we'd see evidence that masks work based on comparisons of covid trends in similar geographic areas with different levels of mandates and compliance.

But, we don't see any differences.


I don't think any objective study has been done. Your or my observations, nor the observations of anyone else are worth the effort of expressing.

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47 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

That is old news. We know now that masks do more than block droplets, they also block aerosols to some degree which reduces the risk of transmitting Covid to others.  Masks become extremely effective for source control when everyone is wearing a mask. Unfortunately, in this country, there are too many people who are anti-mask and therefore we have had a lower efficiency of mitigating the spread of the virus. Then there are those who wear their masks with their noses exposed. That is as effective as not wearing a mask at all.



Oh It's definitely old news. I was replying to someone who said Fauci never said anything negative about masks (paraphrasing). I am nowhere near an anti-masker and I diligently wear one (properly I might add) whenever it's required. 

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30 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

I've thought about that too, having the cruise lines vaccinate their employees. But.....the crew must travel by air to get to their embarkation port. In the future, airline travel may mandate the vaccine in order to board an airplane. What then?

Cruise lines returned many crew to their home countries by ship.  Just last month NCL repatriated shiploads of crew to Indonesia, India and the Philippines.  Could also work in reverse.  If they were able to obtain vaccine they could inject crew with first shot at pickup.

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4 minutes ago, MotownVoice said:

It's simple.

If you don't want to wear a mask, and you understand the risks of carrying disease back to your family members ... don't wear a mask.


There are 3 different concepts of "Herd Immunity."

1)  The first is junk science.  It says that if no one wears a mask and we just ignore everything, eat drink and be merry eventually it will run its course.

Of course that means that 3 to 5 percent of everyone who contracts Covid will die.  But as long as it's not you, I guess you're ok with it, if you fall in this catagory.

2)  The second concept is sound science.  It states that in order to achieve true herd immunity, 70 to 85% of the entire population needs to be immunized before the virus is choked off from being able to replicate and mutate.  At that point it would be safe to return to unprotected actity and discontinue mask wearing.

3)  The final concept of "Herd Immunity" is cultural.  It says that if you do everything that science tells you to do, mask up, social distance, avoid large groups and wash hands without fail until the all clear is given, you are at the top of immunity pyramid and in all likelihood will survive this pandemic whatever becomes of the rest of the population.  The bottom of the pyramid, the conspiracy theorists, junk science obsessers, the careless and the very, very unlucky will contract the disease and 3 to 5% of them will die.  This will reduce the rate of ignorance in the population and strong, lucky, and most intelligent will survive ever even contracting the disease.

The IFR for this virus isn't 3-5%, except in a scenario where hospitals are overrun, and even then only among those who are 50+ with comorbidities. With 60-70% uptake of the vaccine among adults that won't happen given the disease characteristics we have today. 


Most of us aren't going to wait around for scenario 2. We don't even know if a true herd immunity is possible given the array of vaccines we have. Before you trot out something about the mRNA vaccines, remember that most of the world is relying on a solution that doesn't include them but instead in vaccines we don't have the relevant data for. It's possible those will be as effective, but honestly we don't need them to be to get past this.

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52 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

Then there are the ones who wear their masks walking along the beach, in the freshest air you can possibly find, without another person within hundreds of feet from them.


Masks have a purpose and so does common sense.

Very much agree. I do not wear a mask when outdoors and no one is anywhere near me.

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22 minutes ago, MotownVoice said:

It's simple.

If you don't want to wear a mask, and you understand the risks of carrying disease back to your family members ... don't wear a mask.


There are 3 different concepts of "Herd Immunity."

1)  The first is junk science.  It says that if no one wears a mask and we just ignore everything, eat drink and be merry eventually it will run its course.

Of course that means that 3 to 5 percent of everyone who contracts Covid will die.  But as long as it's not you, I guess you're ok with it, if you fall in this catagory.

2)  The second concept is sound science.  It states that in order to achieve true herd immunity, 70 to 85% of the entire population needs to be immunized before the virus is choked off from being able to replicate and mutate.  At that point it would be safe to return to unprotected actity and discontinue mask wearing.

3)  The final concept of "Herd Immunity" is cultural.  It says that if you do everything that science tells you to do, mask up, social distance, avoid large groups and wash hands without fail until the all clear is given, you are at the top of immunity pyramid and in all likelihood will survive this pandemic whatever becomes of the rest of the population.  The bottom of the pyramid, the conspiracy theorists, junk science obsessers, the careless and the very, very unlucky will contract the disease and 3 to 5% of them will die.  This will reduce the rate of ignorance in the population and strong, lucky, and most intelligent will survive ever even contracting the disease.

#3 is pretty strong stuff there.

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55 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

IMHO, I don't think so. The vaccines will give people the confidence to socialize in public settings without fear. Masks will go away, eventually. What about the millions of people world wide who perished from the Spanish flu 100 years ago? That was also a respiratory virus and look at us in 2019, pre-Covid pandemic. Not a mask in site with the exception of those who were immune compromised and at that there were very few.


IMHO.....we will get back to the normal we knew pre-Covid. I just hope I live that long to see it.

I believe so as well. And you will. 

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14 minutes ago, Baron Barracuda said:

Cruise lines returned many crew to their home countries by ship.  Just last month NCL repatriated shiploads of crew to Indonesia, India and the Philippines.  Could also work in reverse.  If they were able to obtain vaccine they could inject crew with first shot at pickup.

Sounds like a plan!

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2 hours ago, not-enough-cruising said:

Aren’t they confirming the appointments? A simple phone call confirmation would eliminate many of these “no shows” and allow the appointment to be given to the next person on the list. 

I do not know. We aren't old enough to make an appointment yet. The no show numbers are what was reported in the newspaper and on the news. 

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In SC we are in 1a with age 65+.  Just for curiosity I looked yesterday and there were 5 locations with appointments available in the next few weeks within about 40 miles of me.  It would have taken only a few clicks to get an appointment.  We got our first shot 2 weeks ago and they gave us appointments for the second at the same place 4 weeks later while we were there.

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8 hours ago, Cruise a holic said:

It appears that more people in our country died from covid then in all of our wars, we will be at 500,000- flu isn't more deadly.  Listen to the facts. Do not be responsible for family members and loved ones to die.


675,000 US died in 1918 Influenza outbreak

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3 hours ago, kirtihk said:

Does anyone has the feeling to fall in coma for a year (or 5 years if needed... oh, boy!) to pass by all this madness of political games with all of us as a purposely created collateral damage?


P.S. It's not a media (that is only a reflection of those who use power to create a chaos, so, it would be easier to manipulate indefinitely the society and twist it in a desired direction); it is current "behind the scenes" ideology of grey cardinals using pretend-leader poppets as their tool.  It happens in history all the time, but people don't believe in history or ignore it.  Anyone who opens their mouth with any words that doesn't fit immediately receive an anti-whatever tag.  The cruise industry is just a tiny example of this game.



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3 hours ago, yogimax said:

Rightly so!  It is communities of color who have suffered a much higher death rate than others.  It is communities of color who have a higher infection rate.  It is communities of color who are under served.  It is communities of color who have historically been placed at the bottom of the list.  Time to right the ship.


Did you already get your shot🤔

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1 hour ago, Baron Barracuda said:

Cruise lines returned many crew to their home countries by ship.  Just last month NCL repatriated shiploads of crew to Indonesia, India and the Philippines.  Could also work in reverse.  If they were able to obtain vaccine they could inject crew with first shot at pickup.

Just saw the Philippines is supposed to have 5.6 million doses by the end of March and another 30 million doses by July 31.  Population of the Philippines is over 100 million.  Would not appear that young healthy cruise ship crew would have access to any of those doses.   It may be up to the cruise lines to supply the vaccines for the entire crew.

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2 hours ago, coffeebean said:

A friend of mine was told to wait 90 days after recovering from Covid to get the vaccine.


I have a friend who was told the same, no vaccine for 90 days after no symptoms and not to bother testing either as it could still show positive.  They also say do no get a vaccine for 90 after getting the monoclonal antibody infusion.


My aunt had her first shot and tested positive for covid eight days later.  We were told she could get her second shot if she was feeling better and was 14 days past her positive test.  The vaccine clinic in her assisted living facility was 13 days after her positive test, so she did not get her second shot at that clinic.

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