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The Daily for Friday October 08, 2021


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Good morning! Yesterday we had a very nice turnout for our M&G and as always nice to meet folks in person. The day started out overcast but turned out to be a beautiful day.


Had. A great husband and wife show in main dining who rocked the ship with rock and roll classics and Beatles music. He was a great guitarist. Really enjoyed.


Ate in MDR last night which had a few more diners. All three of us ordered prime rib on the Gala night menu. We were visited by the dining room manager who apologized as they over cooked the prime rib. They will be having Prime Rib tonight.


Another sea day before Cabo.

At the Captain’s Toast last night he stated 277 more cruisers joined us in San Diego and I believe here said we have around 1,650 guest on board.


Thanks for the daily.

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

My DGD is having surgery this morning on her right wrist as there is a problem with the growth plate. I hope to hear soon how she is doing. Hopefully the left arm will only require a cast.


I am using my nervous energy this morning to cook multiple dishes.I have two soups bubbling on the stove and vegetarian chili in the crackpot. The recipe today looks good but I will save it for another time.

Prayers for a successful surgery for your DGD.  Cooking is a productive way to work off nervous energy.  

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Good morning everyone and Happy Friday!


 I realized late yesterday that I had only read half of the Daily and not posted. The day sure got away from me doing miscellaneous things. One of which was the Heath Assessment that’s due 3 days prior to embarkation.  Then I had a stressful conversation with my brother. Poor DM got fed up with him and his know it all attitude about covid and hung up on him because he wouldn’t stop going on about his anti-vax beliefs. So of course he called me and I had to say that I will not discuss it with him and to stop talking with DM about it. Can’t we agree to disagree and just stop!!!


Today are our covid tests and taking Blue to the vet. I’m also taking DM to an appointment with her radiation oncologist and then lunch at Outback. So it’s a rather full day. 

I’ll have to show DM today’s quote, I think she will get a kick out of it. 

Have a great day everyone. I’ll try to get back later and read the entire Daily. 


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Good morning all. Thanks Rich and Roy and all who make this a great place to be. Cold and clear here. I love the fabric on the bear scrubs. They are all wonderful. I am sure she proudly wears then all and loves to tell all who ask about your wonderful talent in sewing.  Lots to do to get ready but not enough to keep my days full. I'm packed and other then the test and air boarding passes there isn't much that "needs" to be done. Tomorrow will be my last normal day as I leave about 3am to drive to the airport over the mountains. Have a great day and weekend. 

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Good Morning All,

We’ve got light rain! It started last night. Not sure if it’s measurable yet, or how lit might last. My Golden Retriever “Fluff Boy” is under the patio roof watching and periodically asking about his walk. If I choose to take him, I’m not sure if he’ll refuse because he does not want to get wet, or if he’ll revel in the wetness. He’s done both.


Heard back from the landscaper (#3) and he passed his business on to an assistant. He runs a nursery and has gotten too many requests. He gets 3 project requests a day. So we were turned over with 10 others. And he was supposed to call yesterday and has not. Hoping for a bid and plan from #1 next week. So far have contacted 7 places and they either have not returned my contact, are not taking more business or in the case of 1, will only do design-build from scratch.


Of interest, perhaps, for Garden Club members: attended a lecture on hydroponics yesterday ( via Zoom), put on by our University Mastergardeners. I’m ready to order some supplies and try lettuce in mason jars and plastic food containers ( like the Costco nut jars). They are supposed to be ready in 3 weeks ( from a 6 pack).  Anyone in the frigid north do this on your window sill?


Have a great day everyone!

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20 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Just popping in quickly to say DGD had successful surgery on both wrists and is safely home.

Thanks to all for your prayers and positive thoughts.

That  is  great  news.


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Good morning!  So much talent on display here today.  Thank you @Heartgroveand @bdrcolefor sharing.

Good to hear that surgery went well, @smitty34877.    So sorry to hear that DGD needed that extra treatment, though.  What an ordeal!

Saying prayers for @dfish's family members with covid.  It's disheartening that when this pandemic should be winding down, we keep hearing of more cases "close to home."  I hope all have mild cases.  

@Sharon in AZ, hear ya about the anti-vaxxers.  We have our own to contend with.  Ours are losing valuable friendships unnecessarily.


@StLouisCruisers, you are my inspiration to get back on the exercise bike and walking path.  I maintained a healthy level of fitness my whole life until a few years ago when I had an emergency abdominal surgery for an obstructed bowel.  Apparently this is common if you've had prior abdominal surgeries -- like a hysterectomy.  Anyhow...TMI, but that unexpected and random medical emergency, falling hard on the heals of other health problems, finally took the wind out of my sails.  I threw in the towel!  But no more.  I've been on my exercise bike for an hour a day for one week straight now.  Thank you, Sandi!!  💪


And thank you to all contributors here on the Daily.  TGIF!  😊

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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all. I had a hard time sleeping last night and headed out in the dark to walk Fred.There was a layer of fog that made things interesting but it has burned off now.


@dfish,I am so sorry about your nephews and  can relate to the “adults” who are not providing safety for our children.I will add them to my prayers.


My DGD is having surgery this morning on her right wrist as there is a problem with the growth plate. I hope to hear soon how she is doing. Hopefully the left arm will only require a cast.


I am using my nervous energy this morning to cook multiple dishes.I have two soups bubbling on the stove and vegetarian chili in the crackpot. The recipe today looks good but I will save it for another time.




Sending your granddaughter prayers 🙏 and good luck wishes Terry for her surgery today.


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6 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


@StLouisCruisers, you are my inspiration to get back on the exercise bike and walking path.  I maintained a healthy level of fitness my whole life until a few years ago when I had an emergency abdominal surgery for an obstructed bowel.  Apparently this is common if you've had prior abdominal surgeries -- like a hysterectomy.  Anyhow...TMI, but that unexpected and random medical emergency, falling hard on the heals of other health problems, finally took the wind out of my sails.  I threw in the towel!  But no more.  I've been on my exercise bike for an hour a day for one week straight now.  Thank you, Sandi!!  💪



My goodness!  I had no idea my small talk about getting back to the gym would influence anyone else.  So glad you are back on the bike and working on your health again.😀


Perhaps my inspiration was @cat shepardwith all her work to regain her range of motion with her physical therapy, and getting herself back on her fitness regime.  Not only that but @dfishand her pool workouts.  Staying in shape as we age certainly can't hurt!  I'll be happy when my arms look like this again 💪

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We just got a notification from HAL that the stop in Grand Turk has been cancelled for our Thanksgiving cruise due to "port closure". We will have an overnight in San Juan instead. Not a problem for Mitzi and me - we were just going to hang out at the beach by the pier. Niall and Emilee will be disappointed since they wanted to experience Margaritaville for the irony of it!


I moved 4 clumps of Trilliums and a bunch of Ponies yesterday. We plan on building a new detached 2-car garage in the back which requires some tree removal and garden rearrangement. We will then turn the existing 1-car attached garage into living space (mudroom, pantry, & laundry) followed by a kitchen remodel. We hope to do the garage in the Spring, but we are still in the quote gathering stage. But we can get the site ready this Fall...


Current -



Final -


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4 hours ago, kazu said:


Well I broke down yesterday worried about weather and moved 4 of the chili plants in the house.  The rest will hopefully survive outside but I was bound and determined to save the Black Pearls 😉. They’ll go in and out depending on weather.  Now to hope they survive the transplant 🤞

Wishing you luck!   I am trying too,  I’m still thinking Christmas,  lol!  

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4 hours ago, dfish said:

.  I woke up several times during the night with leg cramps and had to get up and walk them out.  It will be a long day for me.  


Oh dear, Debbie, so sorry to hear this 😔 


4 hours ago, dfish said:


Thanks to all who have voiced concern and have offered prayers for my nephew's kids.  They are all quite young so they can't get vaccinated.  As adults, it is our job to protect them and that wasn't done well.  As for now, the kids are doing well.  Fortunately, they have mild cases.  


I do agree with you - it’s our job to protect our children.  Continued prayers for your nephew’s children.  Hopefully their cases stay mild and they recover very quickly 🙏🏻 



3 hours ago, bdrcole said:

This is a picture of my Grandson wearing his Veterinary assistant outfit that Grandma made him.  It was go to work with a parent day so he spent time at the Veterinary Clinic with his Mom.



That is so sweet ♥️


3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

I think this may be the first time I’ve been on page 1, and it’s because I’m in Europe!  If I don’t post often, it’s because I’m either having problems with CC or with the ship’s internet, but I’m thinking of you all.  


Don’t worry about us at all, Ann.  You have a fabulous time on your cruise and if time and internet don’t permit, we all understand.  Enjoy 🙂 

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Just popping in quickly to say DGD had successful surgery on both wrists and is safely home.

Thanks to all for your prayers and positive thoughts.


That is absolutely wonderful news 👍. What a relief !


1 hour ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Of interest, perhaps, for Garden Club members: attended a lecture on hydroponics yesterday ( via Zoom), put on by our University Mastergardeners. I’m ready to order some supplies and try lettuce in mason jars and plastic food containers ( like the Costco nut jars). They are supposed to be ready in 3 weeks ( from a 6 pack).  Anyone in the frigid north do this on your window sill?


I haven’t tried it in years.  The last time I did, I found the windows were too cold & there wasn’t enough light.  Good luck.


1 hour ago, lindaler said:

I'm packed and other then the test and air boarding passes there isn't much that "needs" to be done. Tomorrow will be my last normal day as I leave about 3am to drive to the airport over the mountains. 


Safe travels 🙂 


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Today are our covid tests and taking Blue to the vet. I’m also taking DM to an appointment with her radiation oncologist and then lunch at Outback. 


That is a very full day 😱. Hope you fail your test (test negative) miserably 😉 


2 hours ago, garlictown said:




LOVE this 🙂 

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Good afternoon from a sunny, but breezy central Texas.  It has been a busy morning with an errand to the bank, and then a visit with neighbors to go over how we want our proxy for the annual homeoners meeting voted.  At least, that's done, and we don't have to think about it any more.


Another interesting collections of days.  It's been more years than I want to think about since I played touch tag.  Like eggs, but don't have them very often.  Vet nurses/techs/ etc. are a big help in most vet practices.


Always liked George Burns and love today's quote.


I enjoy a screwdriver and think it's a good way to get my vitamin C.  The wine sounds good but pricey for an everyday wine.  I'll pass on the meal.  


We have not been to today's port.


@Heartgrove  Your DW's work is very interesting.  The first picture reminded me of a building at Knossos on Crete.

@dfish  Debbie, so sorry about your nephew's kids.  Add me to the list of those who don't understanding people who won't do everything possible to protect not only their kids, but all other kids, teachers and extended families.

@smitty34877  Terry, great news that your DGD came through the surgery and is already back home.  Sending positive thoughs for quick healing.

@bdrcole  Your wife did a great job witht he scrub tops for your DD.  What a great choice of material.  And the outfit for DGS was cute.

@mamaofami  Carol, too bad you had to let the aide go and that Sam had to move in with your DD for a few days.  Here's hoping that the male aide works out.  You've had enough drama for a while.

@aliaschief  Bruce, great that you had a good turnout for the M&G.  Glad the cruise is going well.

@garlictown  Loved your reasons to go travelling.

@Sharon in AZ  Busy day, but one that makes you that much closer to boarding a BHB.

@lindaler  Safe travels to the airport at 0 dark 30.  Have a wonderful cruise and a good time meeting fellow Dailyites.

@Overhead Fred  Your project looks good.  Glad it's your project not ours though.  🤣


Now, it's time to get back to loading more stuff on the motorhome.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting days. Last tag was eons ago. I love eggs. A salute to Veterinary nurses. It's also National Pierogi day, which is big here (our baseball team has Pierogi-costumed people who race with fans).

Funny quote.

I like the meal, drink and wine.

I haven't been to today's port. Thanks for the pictures.


It's another warm sunny day, with showers later. I will do a bit of tending to plants, then inside stuff. I find my computer doesn't meet requirements for the coming Windows 11. I hadn't realized it's 7 years old; I'd been thinking about getting a new one, but I have to usually get one from the manufacturer to get just what I want.


@Heartgrove Lovely pieces by your DW.

@dfish Continued prayers for your family members.

@smitty34877 Great that DGD's surgery went well; sorry it was both wrists. Now on to healing!

@bdrcole Love the scrub tops! Your wife is very talented.

@mamaofami Terrible that it's so hard to find a good aide. As you mention, I'm sure the low pay has a lot to do with it.

@Sharon in AZ Hoping you "fail" your tests!

@TiogaCruiser It's amazing how hard it is to get anything done by contractors these days; the amount of no call backs astounds me.

@lindaler Safe travels.

@Overhead Fred Ambitious plans, but they look great.


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe and wear your mask.

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