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The Daily for Wednesday October 27, 2021


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3 hours ago, garlictown said:

I was under the impression that the Moderna Booster would only be half the dosage but my DH and I both received a full dosage. You know, I'm just so grateful we had the opportunity to get the protection now. Our aunt in Belgium is still waiting and waiting!!!

😊 Our CC group visited the Peterhof Palace in Oct. 2011 and had a fantastic time the 2 days we were there (🚢Emerald Princess). Wouldn't be a kick if some of you were in the photo??😉🤓

🎂All the best to Graham @grapau27 on his special day. 👍Thank you for The  Daily Rich @richwmn and to Roy @rafinmd for the Care and Celebration Lists. 🙏Prayers to all in need.









Thank you Katie for your lovely birthday wishes.


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There's something I wanted to share and see if any of you are familiar with this type of "game".  One day on our way home from our walk from the gym, I glanced over at a couple of trees near the sidewalk.  I noticed something sitting on a tree branch where it juts out from the main trunk.  Stepping closer I saw a flat rock about 3 to 4 inches long, painted white with a picture of Peppermint Pattie on it, which could have been a decal sort of thing, and the name Peppermint Pattie printed on it in black lettering.  I haven't removed it to see if there's anything else I could discover about it.  But why is it there, and is it a sort of hide and seek game?  I figure someone here would have some knowledge of such activities.

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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday!  I’m home from Houston, actually got home Monday afternoon but I was tuckered out. Yesterday DM had preliminary blood work for her CT scan scheduled for Friday. This is a baseline CT that the doctors will use to compare all future CT’s. She’ll also have PET scans at some point. 

I had an absolutely wonderful time with my girlfriends in Houston. Highlights were a Chef’s Tasting Dinner at Brennan’s:


We were actually in the kitchen just separated by a partial wall and glass. We were the first to eat there since the shutdown. They were so happy to have us. The yellow ribbon indicates it’s someone’s birthday, the one third from the right. She is the mother of the little boy, Jakob, who was in PICU with covid. I told her about my Daily friends praying for him and she was so touched. 


Second highlight was a cooking class at Central Market:


We cooked a three course meal which we devoured.  We made a chilled soup! I thought of everyone here who loves chilled soups.  It was an avocado, roasted poblano pepper soup with a jicama, mango relish with grilled shrimp. Yum!



I have a very busy week with DM so I’m not sure if I will be able to catch up with the past weeks Daily’s. Prayers to those on the Care list. 

@grapau27Graham Happy Birthday 



Have a great day everyone!

Thank you.

Lovely photos of yourself and friends.


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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Back from the dentist, my most immediately satisfying appointment of the week.  Permanent crown in place after a long wait.  Tooth started a bit of pain in late June, warned by the surgeon to wait 3 months after my valve repair for dental visits and take an antiseptic before any work.  Did see my dentist soon for just a look, and got a root canal about 2 days after the 3-month mark.  By then my regular dentist had retired and his replacement had a wait to get set up with the insurance company and get approval.  It's finally done



OH ugh on the root canal, Roy - so glad all is good now for you 👍 


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


No, he will be getting an implant but it will take place in a couple of months.  I'll let you know when he sees work start with the oral surgeon.🦷


Best of luck to him.  I’ve been down that road and while it’s not fun at the time if all goes well and he has a good surgeon he will hopefully be happy.

I actually get the final verdict next month when they re x-ray hopefully the final time, but so far so good 🤞



2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


Yesterday I fell (!!) in the house, I had come in from outside, my sandals were wet I guess, and my feet went right out from under me.  That tile in the entry is hard!  I'm hurting all over today, but nothing broken surprisingly.  I came down on my left hip. 



OH dear, please take care and watch it.  I hope there was no serious damage 🤞


1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:

Great news! DGD tested negative late yesterday and again today. If she continues to have no symptoms and tests negative tomorrow, she will be allowed to return to school for on-site (but isolated) learning. If she continues negative, she will be allowed to resume riding the bus, being fully in class, and participating in after-school activities starting Monday. Daily testing will be required for ten days.


Excellent news 🙂.  May the good news continue ad your DGD be able to go back to school 🙏🏻 


1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:

At age 93, she plays league tennis three times a week, volunteers at her community food bank, serves 'food insecure' meals at her church, still downhill skis in the winter, kayaks in the summer, and drives solo to the western USA to join in her son's river rafting outfitters overnight adventures


Wow - she is amazing ♥️ 

25 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone!


First of all, a huge thank you to Jacqui @kazu for posting the meal of the day for me.  I was driving down the street at 6:15 am and wouldn't have had time to post from Columbus even if I had taken my tablet along.  I


No need to thank me.  You did the work - all I did was copy and paste photos and comments.  Our thanks is to you 🙂 



17 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We took the Alla tours in St. Petersburg, too.  Many different modes of transportation.  Lenda mentioned the hydrofoil boat ride.  I found a picture of one taken on our tour. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLFdrLRJutxHKF9MWYUCDyk?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1616109795


Wasn’t that fun?  Loved it.

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from sunny, but NOT windy (yet) Quartzsite.  This is a busy place today.  The Daily was on page 3 when I first looked about 7:45 MST, which means we're on CA time,  and by the time I finished reading all the posts, it's on page 4.


Black cats are just as much fun as cats of other colors.  Younger DD had a black cat with a few white places, and  Frisky lived to 18.  Storytellers are getting rarer and rarer.  My maternal grandmother was a great storyteller.  My father tried to get her to record some of her stories, but she wouldn't do it.  Sadly, all those stories were lost when she died in 1960.  Lung health is certainly important.


I'm not sure I like Robert Louis Stevenson's quote.


The meal looks interesting, but I think we'll pass, and will pass on the drink.  The wine sounds good, but not the price.  😱


@St. Louis Sal  I hope you are accepted for the new drug trial, and that it helps you too.  I admire your willingness to do so much for future ALS sufferers.

@1ANGELCAT and @Crazy For Cats  Thank you for your pictures of your black cats -- real cuties.

@cat shepard, Ann, @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, and @mamaofami, Carol, glad your are getting your boosters.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, great news that DH's tooth can be salvaged.

@marshhawk  Welcome the HAL boards and especially to the Daily, a very supportive "family".  Sending good thoughts that your DH's surgery goes well.

@Horizon chaser 1957  Glad you did not have a lot of damage from the storm.  Have a great time in Mexico on your upcoming trip.

@cruzn single  Hope you feel better soon.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, sending good thoughts for Allen's procedure today.  Hope your bathroom is finished soon, and your cable is restored today.

@Sharon in AZ  Welcome home.  Glad you had a good time and thanks for the pictures.





We have been to St. Petersburgh tiwice on BHBs.  The first time was 2003 on Rotterdam VI, and the second was 2016 on the Prinsendam.  Both times, we were there two full days, and we took ship's tours, which were not bad.  I have a lot of pictures taken over four days, and will go through them and post some later.





Thank you for your birthday wishes Lenda.


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@kazuyes I hope DH will be happy with his implant too.  Doesn't sound like fun but what can you do?  Teeth are important!


And yes we enjoyed the hydrofoil ride too.  It was a lot better than the jet boats that take you from Naples to Capri!  The lady in front of us felt so sick on that ride that I handed her some meclizine to take so she'd feel better coming back.🤢

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19 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

There's something I wanted to share and see if any of you are familiar with this type of "game".  One day on our way home from our walk from the gym, I glanced over at a couple of trees near the sidewalk.  I noticed something sitting on a tree branch where it juts out from the main trunk.  Stepping closer I saw a flat rock about 3 to 4 inches long, painted white with a picture of Peppermint Pattie on it, which could have been a decal sort of thing, and the name Peppermint Pattie printed on it in black lettering.  I haven't removed it to see if there's anything else I could discover about it.  But why is it there, and is it a sort of hide and seek game?  I figure someone here would have some knowledge of such activities.


Sandi, I don't know about leaving painted rocks on tree branches, but in our community in Texas, one or two neighbors painted rocks and left them at neighbors houses.  I'm not really sure what that is about.


We;ll, DH just did some research on t he painted rocks.  It may have been started by pinterest and is to promote positivity and kindness.  


I was surprised that they are waiting a couple of months before starting work on the implant for your DH.  When my dentist realized a tooth would have to come out and an implant was needed, he sent me to the oral surgeon.  That way, the oral surgeon pulled the tooth and put the implant in the socket.  We then waited about four to six months for the bone to grown around the implant before adding the post and the crown.  In fact, my regualr dentist did the crown.  The good news is, I haven't had any problems with the implant, and it's been 17 1/2 years.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Wow, page 4  (and I'm sure it will be page 5 before I finish typing) 😉   

I love all cats, but think black cats sometimes can be the sweetest.  We had one (Ebony who passed in 1999) and I have a buddy black cat who lives across the street (Jinx) and who visits me often.


I appreciate anyone who is a good story teller and lung health is so important, especially now with Covid. Not a fan of sweet potatoes, will pass on the red wine, but the drink sounds good.


We were in St. Petersburg in 2014 on the Eurodam, and took the 2-day SBP tour -- 25 hours of touring over 2 days -- and they were having a heat wave.  Not sure I could keep up the pace now, we sure were tired afterwards but it was well worth it.


We're feeling hopeful that something may finally be done about the trees behind us in the protected land.  Someone will be coming out to look at them, not sure yet when but the work order has been put in.  We had more wind last night and it's always a worry for us and our neighbors.


Yesterday I fell (!!) in the house, I had come in from outside, my sandals were wet I guess, and my feet went right out from under me.  That tile in the entry is hard!  I'm hurting all over today, but nothing broken surprisingly.  I came down on my left hip. 


@grapau27Happy Birthday!!

@St. Louis SalI admire you so much.  I hope the drug trial will help you as well as others.

@marshhawkWelcome to the Daily!!

@cat shepardand @StLouisCruisershappy you're getting your boosters today.  @StLouisCruiserswhen DH and I got our boosters they were giving full doses. In fact at that time they weren't called "boosters" but "3rd vaccines".  Things may have changed since we got ours in September.


St. Petersburg photos

Church of Spilt Blood






Catherine Palace



Catherine Palace



Peterhof Palace



Peterhof Palace and gardens



And some black cats

This one was in Rhodes on our recent cruise



And my buddy Jinx from across the street.  Yes, he's chubby 😄


Thank you for your kind birthday wishes.

I'm sorry to hear you had a fall and pleased you have no broken bones.

Nice photos of St Petersburg  and your buddy Jinx.


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8 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@kazuyes I hope DH will be happy with his implant too.  Doesn't sound like fun but what can you do?  Teeth are important!


And yes we enjoyed the hydrofoil ride too.  It was a lot better than the jet boats that take you from Naples to Capri!  The lady in front of us felt so sick on that ride that I handed her some meclizine to take so she'd feel better coming back.🤢


I can honestly say it’s not fun.  If he’s only getting one it might not be so bad, but if it works (and that’s the key) its well worth it.  

I guess one of the benefits of not being able to cruise the last couple of years is that we could find the money to pay for it.  Don’t know what it costs in your neck of the woods but it’s pricey here.  


Loved the hydrofoil with Alla and the entire 2 days.  Amazed at what we saw this time that we hadn’t before even though we had been before.

DH said it didn’t matter how much it costs.  I am more frugal (most times) but did it.  It will nearly be a year in November so I am so hoping all is good.  I’m a tad paranoid about it all.  LOL

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


No, he will be getting an implant but it will take place in a couple of months.  I'll let you know when he sees work start with the oral surgeon.🦷

I have had 4 tooth implants and the most pain I felt was the private cost of them.😁😲.


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2 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

Great news! DGD tested negative late yesterday and again today. If she continues to have no symptoms and tests negative tomorrow, she will be allowed to return to school for on-site (but isolated) learning. If she continues negative, she will be allowed to resume riding the bus, being fully in class, and participating in after-school activities starting Monday. Daily testing will be required for ten days.


Thanks again for your care and prayer.





Really great news Melisa.


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1 hour ago, atexsix said:

Good morning,


Well we're in between storms today with heavy rain set to return late this evening and continue through Thursday, then we're supposed to dry out for a few days.  It's amazing we've had so much stormy weather when normally the season doesn't start until next month.


@dfish hope you are okay, no post today, nothing on the care list either.  @grapau27 Happy birthday and many more!  Thoughts and prayers to all.  And thanks to the contributors.


I enjoy black cats, there's an element of mystery to them, plus I feel like they've gotten a bad rap through the centuries and so I go out of my way to be their friend.  


No news on future cruising, although we're thinking about skipping 2022 and holding out for 2023, mainly because of the lack of long itineraries and inflation really eating into our leisure budget.  We were considering several local day or overnight trips but gas prices are awful, but we'll do 1 or 2 for sure.  


Taking DD to an early dinner or late lunch this afternoon; the first in almost two years, unless you count our travel.  


Have a great day everybody!




Thank you Bruno.

I hope you and your dad have a nice meal today.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and all contributors. Busy thread today!

Interesting days. No cat here. A salute to storytellers. Lung health is very important. Good quote.

The meal is too full of carbs for me. I like the drink and wine (but too $$$).


I have been to St. Petersburg on a Russian River Cruise. That was the cruise where I was injured by a line being thrown and saw an Ophthalmologist in St. Petersburg. When I got home my fractured eye socket was diagnosed when I went right from the airport to the ER. I'll post a few pictures separately.


I got my high dose flu shot a bit earlier today. Then stopped for a few groceries (beef prices are through the roof!) and at the State store (PA has state run liquor/wine stores and they are referred to as State stores colloquially). 


@grapau27 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎂 Lovely lunch and pictures.

@dfish Safe travels today.

@St. Louis Sal Boy, I bet you're glad the LP's are done with! And kudos for donating to help others.

@Seasick Sailor Wishing DH the best with his MOHS surgery.

@StLouisCruisers I'm sorry to hear you're still coughing. I'm glad the dentist was able to fill DH's tooth. Interesting about the booster. I got it for the immuno-compromised and it was full strength (0.5ml). 

@marshhawk Welcome to the Daily! Prayers for you DH's surgery today to go very well.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Enjoy your time in Mexico!

@cruzn single I had that reaction with my 2nd and 3rd shots but felt it was a small price to pay for the protection.

@Sharon in AZ It looks like you had a great time.

@rafinmd I'm glad you got your crown. I go in next week for one and hope it's a one day deal as many dentists do these days. This is a new dentist for me since mine retired earlier this year.

@Cruising-along Oh no on your fall. So glad nothing was broken.

@HAL Sailer Good news on DGD's negative tests!


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe everyone.



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1 hour ago, HAL4NOW said:

By 'football' I assume you mean the game where you use your feet and not the American version of football where only a couple of the players use their feet.

Did you ever bring your black cat to Sunderland games for good luck?

I believe you call it soccer in the US.


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1 hour ago, HAL4NOW said:

By 'football' I assume you mean the game where you use your feet and not the American version of football where only a couple of the players use their feet.

Did you ever bring your black cat to Sunderland games for good luck?

I believe you call it soccer in the US.


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9 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Happy Birthday Graham.  My kitty is mostly black so I'll celebrate her today.  Story tellers have a special talent.  Will pass on the meal.  Have not been to Russia, would love to see the buildings.   It's cold (for us) and dark this morning. Today will be more of the same ole, same ole.  Getting used to being a house hermit.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.  Virtual hugs to all of us.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.


An Apple martini is a cocktail containing vodka and one or more of apple juice, apple cider, apple liqueur, or apple brandy. This drink, originally called an Adam's Apple Martini because the bartender who created it was named Adam, was created in 1996 at Lola's West Hollywood restaurant. Wikipedia
Main alcohol: Vodka
Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz (3 parts) Vodka, 1/2 oz (1 part) Apple Schnapps / Calvados, 1/2 oz (1 part) Cointreau
Preparation: Mix in a shaker, then pour into a chilled glass. Garnish and serve.
Served: Straight up
Standard garnish: Apple slice, Cherry
Drinkware: Cocktail glass


Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 6.54.33 AM.png

Never tried this.  Maybe I should!

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59 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone!


First of all, a huge thank you to Jacqui @kazu for posting the meal of the day for me.  I was driving down the street at 6:15 am and wouldn't have had time to post from Columbus even if I had taken my tablet along.  I had a number of booklets from an economic study that was done that I had to heft along and that was more than enough.  


@grapau27  Happy Birthday!




@Cruising-along Please be careful.  That is how I broke my hip and that interferes with cruising.  You don't want that!

@Seasick Sailor I will be thinking of Allen and his next MOHs surgery.  I sure hope that bathroom gets finished soon.

@marshhawk Welcome to the Daily and prayers for you husband on his surgery.

@HAL Sailer That is wonderful news about your DGD!  

@atexsix I am fine, just travel for work today.

@St. Louis Sal I admire you greatly for your participation in those drug trials.  Anyone who does helps all of us as we are all touched in some way.   

Many thanks Debbie.

Sorry to hear you had previously broken your hip.

I hope you are feeling a lot better now after your recent surgery.


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15 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and all contributors. Busy thread today!

Interesting days. No cat here. A salute to storytellers. Lung health is very important. Good quote.

The meal is too full of carbs for me. I like the drink and wine (but too $$$).


I have been to St. Petersburg on a Russian River Cruise. That was the cruise where I was injured by a line being thrown and saw an Ophthalmologist in St. Petersburg. When I got home my fractured eye socket was diagnosed when I went right from the airport to the ER. I'll post a few pictures separately.


I got my high dose flu shot a bit earlier today. Then stopped for a few groceries (beef prices are through the roof!) and at the State store (PA has state run liquor/wine stores and they are referred to as State stores colloquially). 


@grapau27 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎂 Lovely lunch and pictures.

@dfish Safe travels today.

@St. Louis Sal Boy, I bet you're glad the LP's are done with! And kudos for donating to help others.

@Seasick Sailor Wishing DH the best with his MOHS surgery.

@StLouisCruisers I'm sorry to hear you're still coughing. I'm glad the dentist was able to fill DH's tooth. Interesting about the booster. I got it for the immuno-compromised and it was full strength (0.5ml). 

@marshhawk Welcome to the Daily! Prayers for you DH's surgery today to go very well.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Enjoy your time in Mexico!

@cruzn single I had that reaction with my 2nd and 3rd shots but felt it was a small price to pay for the protection.

@Sharon in AZ It looks like you had a great time.

@rafinmd I'm glad you got your crown. I go in next week for one and hope it's a one day deal as many dentists do these days. This is a new dentist for me since mine retired earlier this year.

@Cruising-along Oh no on your fall. So glad nothing was broken.

@HAL Sailer Good news on DGD's negative tests!


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe everyone.



Thank you JazzyV.


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9 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the last hump day Daily of October Rich.  Lots of Black Cat fans here.  A salute to Lung Health and Storytellers.  Interesting quote by Stevenson.  I've been to St. Petersburg twice, once on MS Prinsendam and the other time on a land trip.  The meal sounds nice.  My alternative is Chilled Mango Gazpacho, Chateaubriand, and Carrot Cake as served on MS Amsterdam October 27, 2017.




Today’s care list:

57redbird DH awaiting delayed prostate cancer surgery after testing positive
Welfare of furloughed crews
cunorl’s (lymphona) and DH’s (stroke) sisters
StLouisCruiser DH Dental issue
Eurodam Cruise and Travel director in quarantine
From the rotation:
Mamaofami’s friend in hospice
HAL Sailor DH health issues


Celebrations and Shoutouts

Happy Birthday Graham and Pauline
Welcome aboard Ipdaily
2 BHB in Everglades Saturday (Cruise for NA, crew change for NS Fri-Sat)
SusieKIslandGirl in Barcelona for Eurodam
4 BHB with passengers
durangoscots negative but self isolating
Front Line Health Care Workers
Damon back home
HAL Sailor’s son to the rescue
1Angelcat biopsy complete (awaiting results)
Vict0riann, sailingdutchy/ Lady President// and Gail& Marty  at sea
-Staff Captain Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




Thanks for both lists.

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Fianlly, our pictures from our last day in St. Petersburg in 2016.  That cruise, the Prinsendam docked at the new cruise terminal away from the main part of town, which meant longer bus rides.  That week was their equvalent of NYC's Fleet Week.  The river was crowded with all types of naval vessels, and the traffic, especially aournd the river was worse than normal.


That day, our tours were a ride on the Metro, with a visit to a market and a vodka tasting aboard a small boat that did not leave the dock.  Somehow, I don't have any pictures of the vodka tasting, which was just okay to me.  What I do remember was one unfortunate lady got locked in the restroom and it took quite a while to get her freed.


Originally, we were supposed to board the metro at one station and get off at another.  With the traffic detours that week, instead, we rode the metro to the station and then took another train back to the original station.  The stations are decorated, but not as much as the older metro stations in Moscow,  and the stations are very clean.


The entrance and the escalators.   As @charliegeorge said, they are very, very, very long escalators.  At about the midway point you cannot see the top or bottom of the escalators.  Since I'm not fond of down escalators, that bothered me, but there was nothing I could do but stay put.  😁




The route map, not that it helped us.  At least, our guide knew what she was doing.



Some of the murals in the various stations.  The murals wee mosaics.







One of the stations and our group waiting for the train.




The inside of the train



Once back up the very, very, very long escalator, we visited a local market.  It too was very clean, but the best thing was DH discovered someone selling 1L bottles of Coke Zero, which we shared.  It hit the spot as it was very cold, and we were very hot.  This was not your normal farmers market.







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Some pictures from St. Petersburg


Smolny Convent (Russian Orthodox), built for the daughter of Peter the Great



Peter and Paul Fortress with Cathedral Spire



Rostral Column with old ship prows



St. Isaac's Cathedral



Peter and Paul Cathedral










Tomb of Peter the Great



Burial Chapel of Tsar Nicholas II and family



The marine canal at Peterhof



The Grand Cascade, Peterhof


Edited by JazzyV
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