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The Daily for Thursday December 02, 2021


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16 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Hurray for mutts, I had one for 15 years, and loved every moment with her, a terripoo.  Too many cats now for a puppy to ever feel safe.  So I walk the neighbors dog for her since she has gone back to work.

How nice of you to walk your neighbour’s dog.  Maverick - my big fluffy white mountain dog was accepted by the cats and in fact, in winter, they were all curled up in his warm fluffy coat & tail - so you never know 😉 

41 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:


The poodle part of him is very smart.He also opened his crate and kitchen cabinets when about 8 months old.



Beautiful dog 🙂. I feel your pain with cupboards and kennels being opened 😂 

1 hour ago, dfish said:


We had a bit of excitement here yesterday.  Tim came to clean the gutters.   When he was done he fell coming down the ladder.  He landed on the railing of the deck, breaking through the railing and pulling one of the gutters away from the house a bit.  I was worried about broken ribs and he had cut his finger pretty deeply and insisted he go to Urgent Care.   Ribs and arm are ok.  He did need 5 stitches in the finger.  


Yikes on Tim’s fall 😱. How scary.  So glad he is ok and nothing is broken 👍 

1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Several Maddie sightings, but she remains elusive. Hope to hear good news today. 




DAM.  I was hoping she was home safe and sound now 😢 

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35 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Good Morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebrations Report. And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I hope to finish packing as we leave tomorrow for our cruise. COVID test first thing tomorrow at a local clinic. We need to change from our regional jet to one of the main line planes at ORD so I have been watching gate assignments for our two flights. Of course tomorrow will have them far apart! Hopefully everything falls into place.


The weather here has been great. Supposedly a high of 68 degrees today and 70-ish over the mountain in the Piedmont.


I just love all dogs and cats! My last mutt was a Dalmation/Shelty mix. She only barked at important things - like a leaf falling!  😁  But our Sam is really endearing himself with his affection!



Good luck with the covid test tomorrow then hopefully good flights followed by a fabulous cruise.


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Good morning from Puerto Vallarta.  Today we don't sail until 9 pm, and the crew is happy since they can go to Wal-Mart.  That is probably the highlight of the week for them.  Just looked outside and we're at the number 3 berth.  This time, the gate at this end is open, with a traffic light at the corner for crossing the busy road safely.  There arena few vendor stalls set up too.


DH likes apple fritters, but its been years since he's had one.  We've had purebred dogs, but the granddogs have all been mutts.  Both groups have included smart dogs and those of more average intelligence.  DH's niece was a special ed teacher for many years until it got too dangerous.  Some of her students were violent, and in addition to her aide, she had to have a coach in the room.


The quote is interesting, but I'm not completely sure if it is true.


We have been to Costa Rica many times, never to today's port which is south of Puntarenas.


@grapau27 and @kazu Thank you both for the information about the intelligence comparison tests for dogs.

@ger_77  Gerry, glad you are not having any side effects from your booster.

@dfish  Debbie, that kind of excitement we all can do without.  I'm just glad a cut finger was the worse of Tim's injuries.

@smitty34877  Terri, hope today is a better day for all.  Another virtual hug coming your way.

@cat shepard  Ann, I hope Maddie comes home or is found soon.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, safe travels tomorrow.

@Heartgrove  🤞for negative tests, good  connections at ORD, and safe flights.  We found out last night, there will be more passengers on next week's cruise, and that both levels of the dining room will be open.  There will probably be two shows. Hope we get a  chance to meet next week.



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Thank you to all who commented on Tim's fall and injuries.   He was pretty lucky, but he is a high school Phys Ed teacher during the day so he is in pretty good shape.  When it first happened he said he wasn't sure he was ok, but was able to move everything without causing more pain.  He'll be sore for a while, but he got up and went to school this morning.  

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Good morning everyone and Happy Thursday. Great days today. I’m not sure if Blue is a mutt or not but he is a Xoloitzcuintli aka Xolo aka Mexican Hairless. But I didn’t know that when I got him. People think he’s a Chihuahua but he isn’t.  And he’s very smart. 



The meal suggestion sounds good but I still have leftover Turkey in the freezer even after having it for days after Thanksgiving. I think I might make chicken wings tonight. 

We have been to Costa Rica also but not today’s port. 

Have a great day everyone!

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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Our precious mutt was a border collie and blue heeler mix. Mackenzie was smart as could be. When she was ready for dinner she'd bring me her dish. We swore she knew how to say "Out". She knew her inside toys were not allowed outside, so she'd have the toy just inside the doggie door and her body outside. 


Special education teachers are gems. My niece is one. 



My second rescue Malamute, Oke', was from the Blind Dog Rescue Alliance. They used a system of naming dogs rescued for adoption using a phonetic system similar to NOAA for hurricanes. He was in the "Spices" series so his foster used the Coptic word for Sesame, hence Oke'. We thought it was unique and kept it. He was a talker and one time I came home from teaching - but couldn't find him! Oke' had opened the childproof gate to the second floor (not dog proof!) but it only swung one way. I found him on the second floor clearly woofing "Let me out!" I actually video taped him before opening the gate. Love Malamutes for their ability to mimic speech.


As the Reading Specialist in the schools I taught in, the Special Education teachers and I worked hand in hand with our shared students. I am sure your niece is a gem!

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28 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Thursday. Great days today. I’m not sure if Blue is a mutt or not but he is a Xoloitzcuintli aka Xolo aka Mexican Hairless. But I didn’t know that when I got him. People think he’s a Chihuahua but he isn’t.  And he’s very smart. 



The meal suggestion sounds good but I still have leftover Turkey in the freezer even after having it for days after Thanksgiving. I think I might make chicken wings tonight. 

We have been to Costa Rica also but not today’s port. 

Have a great day everyone!

Blue  looks like a happy dog.A coat or 2 would be needed in our climate.

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1 minute ago, smitty34877 said:

Blue  looks like a happy dog.A coat or 2 would be needed in our climate.

I always have a shirt on him except during the hottest months. And don’t tell anyone or they will think he’s a wimp but he has his heating pad for chilly mornings. Plus he loves the sunshine. 


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Another beautiful and warm day in Bay Area. In fact, abnormally warm temps. According to a local news weatherman yesterday was the warmest Dec 1 since 1907!


Not much happening here other than house sitting and watching the “Mutt” sleep or is it the other way around?


A little soon for more turkey. I have been told I’m cooking tonight’s scallop dinner.


So a thanks for the Daily and it’s many guest columnist and thoughts, concerns and prayers for those in need.


Have a great day!

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5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Thursday Daily, Rich.  I haven't had a fritter since my college days.  Mutts and Special Education have special places in our lives.  I love the meal and the Kierkegaard quote.  I've been to Costa Rica but not to Quepos.


Today’s care list:

Welfare of furloughed crews
Seasick Sailor’s friend Walker wthdrawing from cancer treatments
NW and BC flooding, mudslides, and people trapped between closures with diminishing supplies
kakalina with spreading lung cancer in hospice
SrLouisCruisers friend John with end stage melanoma
SrLouisCruiser awaiting MOHL results
Strength for smitty34877 and tana
Strength for Cunnorl, DH, and family on passing of SIL
JazzyV’s best friends MOHS surgery TODAY
Cruisingalong pre-travel malaise
summer slope awaiting biopsy results
From the rotation:
rafinmd undergoing radiation
Mamaofami’s friend in hospice
Cruisin Terri Autoimmune problem
HAL Sailor DH health issues


Celebrations and Shoutouts:


Hannukah through 12/6
5 BHB with passengers
1 day for Cruisin Terri (O Riveira)
2 days for Heartgrove Koningsdam and kb4863 Regal Princess to 12/9
Front Line Health Care Workers            
Quartzite Cruiser (Koningsdam to 12/12) , Lynanken and Lindaler (Rotterdam) at sea
Another week for Overhead Fred
Successful MOSE for Heartfrove DD
Welcome home Norseh2o
highland cruiser in Vallarta
Konibngsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female staff captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




Thanks for both lists, Roy.  Keep smiling--makes them wonder what you are up to!

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5 hours ago, kazu said:

@bennybear I gave up on my chilies that I had moved inside the house & they have been put in the compost.  While they did flower, they didn’t fruit.  The Black Pearl did give me 2 minuscule chilies that did turn red.  The rest weren’t even worth picking.  I definitely won’t be buying that chili seed again

I am about to toss mine too, if you with your expertise had no luck I feel better.  My purple jalapeño did really well, although only one seed germinated.  The black pearls all germinated but failed to develop even one pepper on dozens of plants. It was fun trying!  

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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Still chilly in the morning, but hopefully will warm up to the mid 70's.  I love apple fritters from Tim Horton.  Special education is so important.  Our only dog was a mutt and was so wonderful.  Too early in the morning to think about the quote.  The meal sounds wonderful.  Not sure if we've been to today's destination.  Off to the Verizon store to get the front protector replaced on my phone.  Have dropped it many times and it's chipped and scratched.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.  Virtual hugs to all of us.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Juan Collins:

1.5 oz of Tequila
1 oz of Lemon Juice
1 oz of agave nectar
club soda
lime wedge

Pour tequila, lime juice and nectar into a collins glass with ice cubes. Stir thoroughly. Top with club soda and garnish with lime wedge.

Screen Shot 2021-12-02 at 7.35.13 AM.png

Have hears of a Tom Collins but not the Juan Collins

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Good morning/afternoon.  Yesterday's Daily was really jarring.  Some in our Daily family are experiencing very difficult trials.  Prayers are fervent and heartfelt.  


@dfish, we have two friends who suffered life-changing injuries from falling off ladders.  You've mentioned Tim in the past -- fixing cupboards, etc. I hope he is okay!!

Not sure how old he is, but at a certain point, ladder work is too risky.


On a happier note -- yes to fritters.  Mother used to make very good corn fritters, and no trip to Disneyland was complete without one of their big choux fritters.  They stopped making them.  Now they are little guys and nowhere near as delicious.


I think the Kierkegaard quote is true and a point to ponder.  We've been to Costa Rica, but not to Quepos.  


@StLouisCruisers, have a safe and fun soccer trip.  We traveled far and wide with DS's soccer team.  I miss those trips.  It's great that you have that nice family time.


Everyone, have a good day and stay safe.  Virtual arms around those who are needing extra strength.



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Good morning and thanks all!   We’ve been to Costa Rica but not today’s port.   
@dfish yikes poor Tim.  DH bought a special extension attachment that can clean the second story gutters from the ground.  Well worth the cost!  
@ger_77 glad you had no ill effects, I had one day, but DH had two tough days.  I wonder if that means he has better immunity or the opposite?  

@kazu agree that the study depends on dogs based on and that’s a pretty small sample.  Our friend had a K9 German Shepherd, who got out of a cage,  and out of the vets clinic onto the street.    
our grand dog German Shepherd can ring the doorbell and open doors 🤷‍♀️
I worked a lot with special education students and enjoyed them.  
I love corn fritters and DH loves apple ones! 

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33 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


@dfish, we have two friends who suffered life-changing injuries from falling off ladders.  You've mentioned Tim in the past -- fixing cupboards, etc. I hope he is okay!!

Not sure how old he is, but at a certain point, ladder work is too risky.


Absolutely right about ladder work.  Tim and I started that conversation last night.  He is at least 10 years younger than me, probably even younger.  I think I was about half way through my career when he started as a new teacher.  

29 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@dfish yikes poor Tim.  DH bought a special extension attachment that can clean the second story gutters from the ground.  Well worth the cost!  


Do you have a picture of it?   I bought one years ago, but had no luck with it.  I had to get up and get the leaves out first before I could use that for the little stuff.  

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Late this morning for no other reason than being slow today. Had a meeting last night that dragged on for several hours.... so I am feeling a bit worn. Think I will take the Bandit for a walk to try to blood flowing. The weather is right for it.


Sooooo..... we sent the Macaws off to their new home where I understand they are doing well..... and then someone brought in a couple of llamas. Now those suckers are really hard to place. Currently they are staying at the home pasture of one of our animal protection officers. Another story of someone getting ill and not able to care for them. I think and really hope we have a potential adopter. They can be difficult animals to deal with.


Otherwise, things are quiet. I thought about trying to get to my Sister for Christmas since her son and daughter-in-law will not be there until afterwards - but I have decided not.... I am just not ready to face the Denver airport.




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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting days. I don't think I've ever eaten a fritter. Special education is vital. And mutts can make great pets.

Good quote.

I like the meal, but it's too soon for turkey again. I like the wine. Pass on the drink.

I haven't been to today's destination.


It's very windy here today, but warm into the 50's. I might try to rake some leaves to the curb for the final pickup, if the wind is blowing the right way. Today was trash/recycling day, so I got my cans back in right after pickup. I can hear someone's blowing down the alley!


Thank you for all the support regarding my friend's surgery. My uveitis seems to have quieted back down with the stronger drops. I sent a message to my Rheumatologist about the recent flare ups; 2 within the last 2 weeks. When I had my cataract surgery there was a long-acting steroid injected under the conjunctiva. I think it's worn off now, so we need a game plan. My friend is doing fairly well. He seems to have less pain today. He could even joke that he looked like The Phantom of the Opera with his bandages. They come off tomorrow and I hope he's not too upset by what he sees. I worked in healthcare so I've seen lots of wounds and post-surgical outcomes.


@rafinmd I hope things are going well with the radiation treatments.

@grapau27 I didn't think you got much snow where you are.

@cat shepard Sorry to hear that Maddie is still missing.

@kazu Prayers for you and Jose.

@dfish Oh my on Tim's fall! It's good he didn't break any bones.

@StLouisCruisers Have a safe and fun trip!

@smitty34877 Prayers for you and Tana and the rest of the family. Sometimes it's hard to be strong, but you have a lot of people pulling for you all.

@Heartgrove How exciting. I hope your tests are negative, flights are easy and then enjoy the cruise!

@durangoscots Wow, llamas! That's pretty exotic.


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe everyone.


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46 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@dfish yikes poor Tim.  DH bought a special extension attachment that can clean the second story gutters from the ground.  Well worth the cost!  



Please, please tell us more about this.  Where did you get it?  What is it called?  I don’t think I’ve ever seen it and that would be a big help for us.


46 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@kazu agree that the study depends on dogs based on and that’s a pretty small sample.  Our friend had a K9 German Shepherd, who got out of a cage,  and out of the vets clinic onto the street.    
our grand dog German Shepherd can ring the doorbell and open doors 🤷‍♀️


Yikes!  I said it before and I’ll say it again, smart dogs can be a PITA (but in the good way, of course) 😉 


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It is a dry day finally here in the Pacific NW.  Today is a palindrome - 12/02/2021.  It is also my 82nd birthday.  Plan to do some work on my log house property and then barbecue a steak for tonight.

I am almost completely over the kidney stone thing.  Still have a few medications that were prescribed and have to have another CT scan next week to look closer at something the original scan found.  Guess when you are in your eighties you have to expect your body to be less than perfect.


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Sheesh.  I have been in CC jail.  Think I’m back now. 

So very sorry to hear of the trials some of the dailyites are going through, including @dfish’s poor Tim!  Sending (((BIG HUGS))) and best wishes to all who need them. 

After a very long wait, I managed to get through to a lovely lady at the Mariner Society and have multiple issues fixed. Thank you, Marlene. 

I had to Google corn fritter. 

64f/18c here today. I have lost all incentive to put up the outdoor lights, or even decorate the Christmas tree.  We are only going to be home for a few days, this month, and there are so many other things to do!  

Last year I had a small $5.00 poinsettia which wouldn’t stop blooming and now it’s practically a tree!  Around September it looked like it was giving up the ghost. I put it in the garage, went away for a few days, and when I came back it had started blooming again!  Replanted it in a bigger pot and put it back in its favorite spot. Looking forward to seeing what it does next.





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