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Sailings cancelled


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19 hours ago, Meem47 said:

Gosh I hope they allow you to keep the promo since they are the ones cancelling the sailing 

That would be lovely but it is highly doubtful since they would have to award points for all the cancelled cruises over the last 2 years (and counting) and that would be a LOT of points awarded.  But a nice thought to add to my dreams of the half billion lottery 😬

Edited by AlohaLivin
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It's not a suprise at all and more ships might follow. Happened as well already to other cruiselines such as MSC and Aida. 


The reason those sailings were cancelled likely is a combination of various factors, high number of ccrew members infected with COVID which would make it imposible to continue to operate the vessel due to minimum staffing not met. Then again as it currently looks Omikron is highly contagious but less dangerous than previous variants. Hence, once all the crew members have recovered on the affected ships they can be kept as substitiute staff to be transfered to other ships to keep the damaged of further cancelled cruises to a minimum.


Bottom line, it was a absolute failiure by management of the RCL group and also other cruiselines caused through greediness that we see cancelled cruises. If they would have kept preventative measures throughout the winter months with capped capacity ensuring all crew members still to have individual cabins etc we wouldn't be in this situation now of having cruises cancelled. Not to forget the negative impression this leaves on the cruise industry which will have longer term effects. 

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2 hours ago, Jimbo said:

I think their advisement team is flawed. They should have proceeded  with caution on their cruise ships like they did with their employees on land.


On land everyone is still working from home, that tells me they are still not confident having their employee's working that close together still at this time.


So why not do as much as you can for your employee's on the ship with still reduced passenger counts.


They were beginning to fill the ships to fast with no regards to their employee's or passenger's on their ships. All they saw were $$$ signs.


In the end it caught up to them, with  cancelled cruises and ships out of service again.......so how much did they really gain by their hasty decision.


Time will tell if this causes any long time effects. I'm sure the crew's morale is at an all time low right now, and in turn this will be filtered down to service on the ships for the passengers

I would disagree with you. I cruised dec 12 to 19. Barry a word about this new variant hardly when we left. .. if you remember the spread was almost daily that week. Friday rcl came out with the new masking rules.


We were fine... it was the 2 weeks after when xmas and NYE cruises were much fuller. I really dont think there was the same problem until this variant ramped up almost overnight. Plus the double whammy of much higher kids onboard and higher holiday capacity. Went from 100 to 1k kids onboard from our week to the next. Our week was fine. 

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Reality check

Just got home from a 5 nighter on Brilliance.

46% capacity 


We found out last night the 4 ships were having cruises cancelled and also were informed our waiter had been in contact with someone and was being quarantined (or in isolation) it’s all a blur.

Entertainment was cancelled due to more positive cases.


We have just self tested and are all negative (today)


I am not surprised it is all getting shut down AGAIN.

Too many self important entitled (I DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW THE RULES) cruisers onboard. Non mask wearers in a semi busy non smoking casino.


IMO staff did not do enough to ensure ALL followed the rules, that ALL knew were in place before they boarded.

So I say it is in Royal to be stricter and penalize or ban those who want to ruin it for everyone else who is prepared to follow the rules so they can cruise.

We witnessed people licking their fingers in between pressing the screen and buttons, and two woman who when asked nicely to put on their masks, just took them off when staff left.

Also saw staff joking with such woman who did not give a ***** about following the rules that everyone else had to.


So it’s a shame that a few are going to ruin it for the many 

Oasis in December we found to be tolerable and managed better, this last week on Brilliance just was not good.


Disclaimer, we hate wearing masks, but we do so, so we could cruise, we are all vaccinated with boosters so felt safe. 

But if the few entitled, once onboard do there own thing and ruin it for the rest, it won’t be long before every ship and every sailing is cancelled.


Written fresh from experience of being on a cruise, not a 1/4back report.

arm chair keyboard input not really valid until you have experienced 1st hand the return of cruising.

It is not how it used to be, we knew that going in and did not expect too much as we knew there could be cancellations and itinerary changes.


But FFS the entitled and Royal not enforcing their own rules, are the reason people are not sailing today on Serenade, who were docked at our arrival terminal this morning.


that’s my $1.25 worth 

Look forward to receiving my survey email.


Happy Days!

Edited by PompeySailor
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5 minutes ago, LXA350 said:

Bottom line, it was a absolute failiure by management of the RCL group and also other cruiselines caused through greediness that we see cancelled cruises.

Oh my.... I would call it "survival".  So easy to be arm chair quarterback across the pond I suppose. 

I prefer to analyze the total percentages covid cases and cancelled sailings and not throw the entire industry into a single basket of deplorables. 🤪




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3 hours ago, John&LaLa said:


With the departure of Fain, maybe fresh eyes are coming?

People forget that the one primary reason for the airlines declaring bankruptcy was the pension obligation that they were saddled and could not afford to maintain.   Also, if I remember the new management went after the highly compensated and including pilots as they salaries were cut.


Basically, in any organization, the biggest expense is employee costs and that is one of the key area that new management will concentrate on.  In addition, there will be other areas that will suffer and one may very well be the rich C&A benefits.


Bankruptcy is not a panacea and surprising no one is talking about the impact on shareholders adn small  bondholders.


What I don't understand is that something is going on as the stock rose some 4% on Friday to $81.


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1 hour ago, molly361 said:

Are they letting people just transfer to a different sailing in order to keep the double points?  Sorry if I missed it.  

So after spending 50 minutes on the phone with Crown and Anchor, they told me I could just keep the same booking number and move it to a different ship and sail date and I would receive the double points.  I had a B2B on Jewel in a suite which was 58 points.  I have not rebooked yet, but they assured me it was all noted on the bookings. Obviously I’ll have to pay prevailing rates and miss out on the 125% but I’d rather not go through that whole FCC thing again. We shall see what happens when I try to rebook. 

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59 minutes ago, Cruise a holic said:

We weren't given the option to move to next year- without paying the "new rate".  


the lift and shift was stopped a while ago.


The problems the  cruise lines are facing is epic. They have the new costs of protocols which includes keeping cabins open. A bunch of non revenue cabins. Their pricing was based on a year round 93% occupancy. Yes, with peak pricing )where occupancy is more than 100% due to families in same cabin) and not so peak pricing.


It includes higher food and oil prices, and thats the two major  variable costs along with a ships payroll. All three are escalating fast--OIl is at 80 a barrel over the weekend. Europeans understand the rising costs of energy. We all should see the risng costs of food. 


It includes the capital cost of new ships where the cruise lines try to outdo each other.


And now the companies are entering year 3 of this. I suspect serious burnout at all levels of not just cruise lines but many other companies.


I am just glad I do not have to work in that environment of constant stress. One benefit of being older.





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10 minutes ago, Bobal said:


Are only Americans allowed to express an opinion now? 🙄

Express away! I would never try to limit speech. But, I will share my viewpoints too.


Edited by Sam.Seattle
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12 minutes ago, RosieRoo said:

So after spending 50 minutes on the phone with Crown and Anchor, they told me I could just keep the same booking number and move it to a different ship and sail date and I would receive the double points.  I had a B2B on Jewel in a suite which was 58 points.  I have not rebooked yet, but they assured me it was all noted on the bookings. Obviously I’ll have to pay prevailing rates and miss out on the 125% but I’d rather not go through that whole FCC thing again. We shall see what happens when I try to rebook. 

That will be a great option if they do that for you. Please let us know how you make out.

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15 minutes ago, RosieRoo said:

So after spending 50 minutes on the phone with Crown and Anchor, they told me I could just keep the same booking number and move it to a different ship and sail date and I would receive the double points.  I had a B2B on Jewel in a suite which was 58 points.  I have not rebooked yet, but they assured me it was all noted on the bookings. Obviously I’ll have to pay prevailing rates and miss out on the 125% but I’d rather not go through that whole FCC thing again. We shall see what happens when I try to rebook. 

Thanks for posting that you were told you could keep double pts rebooking. @Ourusualbeachsaid hes seen posts too. .. or maybe has done it. Good news.

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1 hour ago, firefly333 said:

I would disagree with you. I cruised dec 12 to 19. Barry a word about this new variant hardly when we left. .. if you remember the spread was almost daily that week. Friday rcl came out with the new masking rules.


We were fine... it was the 2 weeks after when xmas and NYE cruises were much fuller. I really dont think there was the same problem until this variant ramped up almost overnight. Plus the double whammy of much higher kids onboard and higher holiday capacity. Went from 100 to 1k kids onboard from our week to the next. Our week was fine. 

Emergence of Omicron On November 24, 2021, a new variant of SARS-CoV-2, B.1.1.529, was reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). This new variant was first detected in specimens collected on November 11, 2021 in Botswana and on November 14, 2021 in South Africa.

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1 hour ago, PompeySailor said:

Reality check

Just got home from a 5 nighter on Brilliance.

46% capacity 


We found out last night the 4 ships were having cruises cancelled and also were informed our waiter had been in contact with someone and was being quarantined (or in isolation) it’s all a blur.

Entertainment was cancelled due to more positive cases.


We have just self tested and are all negative (today)


I am not surprised it is all getting shut down AGAIN.

Too many self important entitled (I DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW THE RULES) cruisers onboard. Non mask wearers in a semi busy non smoking casino.


IMO staff did not do enough to ensure ALL followed the rules, that ALL knew were in place before they boarded.

So I say it is in Royal to be stricter and penalize or ban those who want to ruin it for everyone else who is prepared to follow the rules so they can cruise.

We witnessed people licking their fingers in between pressing the screen and buttons, and two woman who when asked nicely to put on their masks, just took them off when staff left.

Also saw staff joking with such woman who did not give a ***** about following the rules that everyone else had to.


So it’s a shame that a few are going to ruin it for the many 

Oasis in December we found to be tolerable and managed better, this last week on Brilliance just was not good.


Disclaimer, we hate wearing masks, but we do so, so we could cruise, we are all vaccinated with boosters so felt safe. 

But if the few entitled, once onboard do there own thing and ruin it for the rest, it won’t be long before every ship and every sailing is cancelled.


Written fresh from experience of being on a cruise, not a 1/4back report.

arm chair keyboard input not really valid until you have experienced 1st hand the return of cruising.

It is not how it used to be, we knew that going in and did not expect too much as we knew there could be cancellations and itinerary changes.


But FFS the entitled and Royal not enforcing their own rules, are the reason people are not sailing today on Serenade, who were docked at our arrival terminal this morning.


that’s my $1.25 worth 

Look forward to receiving my survey email.


Happy Days!

Hopefully you're next cruise will be better.  Sorry you couldn't find a way to enjoy yourselves.

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3 hours ago, thewebbys said:

I understand about the Symphony. I saw a video of them unloading 3 bus loads of crew members to put them on Rhapsody for lockdown the other day in St Martin.


Finger crossed for tomorrow. Got covid-test results, all packed, just waiting to jump into the car in the morning. Got an email about the questionnaire and held my breath before opening it. This is worst than waiting 2 hours for test results.




On the bus?   Harmony transferred right at the dock with Rhapsody across the way at midnight two days ago.  Must have been different set up for Symphony?  


We had to wait to dock here at Coco Cay for Vision to get out of the way, she was docked up for same thing.  We are next to Indy right now.  

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25 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

You of course missed my pt. Of course the day it was noted it hadnt spread all over, ...my cruise was fine... didnt really hit until the following week which was also xmas. And 6 x or 7 x the kids onboard.


Ok whatever. We knew about it .. then only a few weeks later it took over. Holidays and more unvaccinated onboard didnt help and a big jump in capacity. You on the other hand are just a keyboard warrior without actually being onboard with actual experience. You pick and choose the negative. 

Oh so you thought it wouldn't get to the US? it would just skip us? It was reported it would be a very short time to get to the US, and they were correct.


So knowing it was coming you don't let cruise ships  up their passenger's count, you leave them at 50%  or less and see if you can handle that.


If you think Royal is handling all the recent sailings and customer's great, then that is your opinion, I however think they could have done a better job at it and if they did all their ships might still be sailing. I'm sure they would agree too, if they had done more there would have been no cancellations.


Key Board Warrior?


 None of my posts are aggressive or abusive....Just my opinion's on an open forum. Either you can agree or disagree with what I post. I'm fine with that, you are open to your opinion's also.


But calling me a Keyboard Warrior is far from the truth.




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27 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Oh so you thought it wouldn't get to the US? it would just skip us? It was reported it would be a very short time to get to the US, and they were correct.


So knowing it was coming you don't let cruise ships  up their passenger's count, you leave them at 50%  or less and see if you can handle that.


If you think Royal is handling all the recent sailings and customer's great, then that is your opinion, I however think they could have done a better job at it and if they did all their ships might still be sailing. I'm sure they would agree too, if they had done more there would have been no cancellations.


Key Board Warrior?


 None of my posts are aggressive or abusive....Just my opinion's on an open forum. Either you can agree or disagree with what I post. I'm fine with that, you are open to your opinion's also.


But calling me a Keyboard Warrior is far from the truth.




No, you are simply a CC contrarian.😁

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