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The Daily for Tuesday 03/08/2022


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24 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday!  Good days today. My old home office is now Craig’s home office and I leave it alone. Yay for Working Women’s Day and proofreading is important to help with reading. 

I have never had today’s meal suggestion and don’t think I’ll start, it just doesn’t appeal, separately yes but together no. 

Graham @grapau27 — thank you for sharing the sermon. I hope you don’t mind but I posted it on Sunday afternoon when I realized that you were probably very busy enjoying your getaway. 

Denise @DeeniEncinitas — good to see you post. Enjoy your cruise!


@Mr. Boston — I hope your symptoms stay mild. Get well soon!


Melisa @HAL Sailer — I am so sorry about your DH’s decline. Thank you for posting about it and sharing your burden. I love what your planner suggested and it’s the main reason why we decided to do our Med trip this spring. God bless. 

Gerry @ger_77 — great news about DH!  Keep us updated on the pacemaker surgery. Which ship is the November cruise?  I’m wondering if it is similar to our spring cruise because we sail from Barcelona too. 

Terri @Cruzin Terri — thinking of your DH and good wishes for the appointment tomorrow. BTW, I’m not sure about what your trip is, whether it is a cruise or land trip. I’m sure the doctor tomorrow will be helpful. 

@kb4683 — Happy Anniversary yesterday!


Bruce @aliaschief — your cruise sounds amazing!  Thank you for sharing. 

Robin @Live4cruises — I meant to tell you the other day, on namesake day, that I have always liked the name Robin. 

And lastly, I made the chicken pot pie on Sunday in individual servings. It was so nice having everything in the freezer, including the pastry. 








Have a great day everyone!

Thank you Sharon.

We are having a wonderful time.


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Good morning, all! True that all women work. Retirement may have changed the to do list a little, but it certainly didn’t eliminate it! I haven’t had Frank’s and beans for years. As a kid, that was the go to meal if my Dad was making supper, which usually meant we were at the cottage or camping. While beans at home were always home baked, wieners n’ beans were always canned. I have a nostalgia for the dish that it didn’t earn on its own merrit.

@HAL Sailermy heart goes out to you as the window for making new memories with your DH shuts. Our travel doctor gave us the same advice your financial planner gave. He said the sooner and more you travel, the more you will see. And, the greater the bank of memories you have to live on will be for the years you can no longer go. I’m glad you have a wealth of good memories to draw from now. I’m sure your DH will have memory flashes of hot sun on ancient cobblestones, impossibly blue seas, and laughter over drinks in an outdoor cafe. Where it was or who was there is not as important as the brief flash of happiness and comfort.

For this reason, this fall we are sailing from Montreal to Ft. Lauderdale, continuing with the Grand Africa, switching to a holiday cruise on the Zuiderdam, and staying aboard for the Grand World. We’ll be sailing for over 7 consecutive months. The arrangements; house sitter, bills, taxes, medical, etc. are huge, but I have a list and a timeline and all is going well. Today we book our flight to Montreal through FlightEase. We have no idea when our travel window will close, and we’ve lost two years of that time already.

Happy Tuesday, everyone, and cheers to life aboard a BHB, large or small!


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15 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

For this reason, this fall we are sailing from Montreal to Ft. Lauderdale, continuing with the Grand Africa, switching to a holiday cruise on the Zuiderdam, and staying aboard for the Grand World. We’ll be sailing for over 7 consecutive months.

Wow!  That's fantastic!!  I can only imagine the planning involved.  

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@Horizon chaser 1957, we too have accelerated our travel planning and splurging.  DH is in his 80's, still reasonably able.  We have a 2-week cruise coming in a few weeks, then a 2-week land trip with family soon after, Montreal - FLL cruise in October, and the real splurge is Voyage of the Vikings in the summer of '23.  Long flights sound daunting now, so we are fortunate to have so many options from North American ports.  We are motivated and optimistic, and will travel however we can for as long as possible.  We have traveled more than either of us ever dreamed before we met.  The memories and the map covered in dots that I'm gazing at are priceless.  @HAL Sailer, my heart goes out to you and I pray that I will have your grace when my time comes.  ❤️

@Sharon in AZthanks so much for your kind comments about my name!  I was touched.

Have a great afternoon everyone!

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Good morning and thanks all! An interesting wine, not sure about cheesy?    Laughing about spell check,  it’s auto that gets me!  

I learned the value of travel very early on,   I lost my brother at 30 to a brain tumour, so I knew there were no guarantees in life.   We travelled a lot with our children early on, never had a new car until I was in my  fifties, just our priority.   So I too have lived by the go go, slow go, no go mantra.  And when I have been grounded the memories have really helped.   The only thing we Really have are our memories.  Glad there are so many like minded people here!  

@ger_77 glad yesterday went ok, hopefully you will get good news about the pacemaker






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@Sharon in AZ I agree with previous posts, the chicken pot pie looks fantastic.  No left overs I assume?  


Thank you for posting the sermon, but since I blew up the computer last month, if MacAfee says DANGER, I back out as fast as I can.  It took DH 3 hours with the computer guy to clean up my previous mess, and I got a short lecture about paying attention to where I was going. I am a computer chicken now.🙀


@HAL Sailer Your post yesterday was real and heartfelt and i cried like a baby.  DH asked why, and I told him what he had been like after his fall, thinking that our anniversary date was the sign of the devil, and how I had gone outside and cried.  I spent a lot of time crying in the car to and from work for about 6 months, and then he had his heart attack, and for some reason he seemed more aware of what was going on.  When i was 15 i wrote a song about I guess lost love, or losing the love, with the lyrics, yesterday never promised tomorrow.  It's in my high school year book as a quote.  


Today while we are what we are,

Lets be what we want to be,

Lets part and  go where we want to go,

and see what we want to see,

Yesterday never promised tomorrow.


I wrote it, but still sometimes forget to live it.  Many hugs being sent your way.

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4 hours ago, ger_77 said:


DH had his angiogram and the doctor advised us that the grafts from the sextuple bypass of 23 years ago are still holding well and there are no new blockages.  Yay!  Now we have to see what the cardiologist wants to do about the pacemaker.  We want to get him fixed up so we can board a BHB in Barcelona in November!


Such good news, Gerry 👍. So happy to hear it 🙂 Hopefully the cardiologist can take good care of you DH’s pacemaker quickly 🤞 


4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Now for the nitty gritty.  DH is still hurting, but doing a bit better.  We will see what the urologist has to say tomorrow and where we go from there. Thank you all for your prayers and support as we go through this.  


Glad to hear your DH is doing a bit better.  I hope the urologist can help tomorrow. 🙏🏻 


3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

please wish me well finding a better aide.



Best wishes that you find a much better aide, Carol 🤞 


2 hours ago, Sea Viewer said:

DH is slowly improving,his bruises are beginning to turn multiple colors, but his leg is still hurting. The area is around his knee replacement, but he doesn't want to go to the doctor yet. Thanks for the continued prayers 🙏🙏.


Glad to hear that your DH is improving - hope the speed increases and his knee replacement hasn’t been damaged 🙏🏻 


24 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

we are sailing from Montreal to Ft. Lauderdale, continuing with the Grand Africa, switching to a holiday cruise on the Zuiderdam, and staying aboard for the Grand World. We’ll be sailing for over 7 consecutive months.


Wonderful plans !  I hope you have a glorious time !


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Good morning from sunny Cabo San Lucas where the high is predicted to be 70F.


There is a new captain on board and a new staff captain.  I believe Sabine went on vacation in February when Capt. Draper did.  Last night at the welcome aboard reception,  they no longer handed out drinks on the way into the showroom.  Instead, they gave out cards for a free glass of sparkling wine or soda at a bar afterwards.  That worked okay for us, and I think not having to clean up spilled drinks and collect glasses worked for the crew.


One other differnce is Capt. Draper always arrived early to a port and often left early if all were on botoard.  Today, we arrived at the anchorage early, but so far they have not started running the tenders.  Different captains seem to operate slightly differently.  The tender announcement is being made now,


Yesterday was a relaxing sea day with very little drama.  Just after 4:30 pm there was an announcement that the ship was slowing down while the engineers reset one of the propulsion units.  About 30 minutes later we were speeding up again.


Now, I'll go back and read the Daily.  When tendering starts, I'm going in to pick up a few things.



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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

thinking of your DH and good wishes for the appointment tomorrow. BTW, I’m not sure about what your trip is, whether it is a cruise or land trip. I’m sure the doctor tomorrow will be helpful. 

Thanks for your positive thoughts.  Trip is both.  Land portion in Barcelona, 24 day cruise in Canaries, Spain ending in Rome and then 8 days in Rome.  Really looking forward to this for a long time.


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2 minutes ago, DeeniEncinitas said:


Made it to FLL!! Here is our room. Love our location and will be able to watch SAILAWAYS!!!Have a wrap around balcony.

Going to go walk on the beach and collect my shells!








Denise, do you have room for a couple of friends?  Seriously it looks like an ideal spot to watch the ships.  Enjoy your stay.😎

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2 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Denise, do you have room for a couple of friends?  Seriously it looks like an ideal spot to watch the ships.  Enjoy your stay.😎

Awwww!!! David surprised me for our 51st. Anniversary. He is a Diamond member with Hilton and was glad he got the nice upgrade. 
OMGOSH we’d have a party!!! Thanks Sandi!


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27 minutes ago, bennybear said:


I learned the value of travel very early on,   I lost my brother at 30 to a brain tumour, so I knew there were no guarantees in life.   We travelled a lot with our children early on, never had a new car until I was in my  fifties, just our priority.   So I too have lived by the go go, slow go, no go mantra.  And when I have been grounded the memories have really helped.   The only thing we Really have are our memories.  Glad there are so many like minded people here!  


I'm in total agreement here.  The advice Melisa gave is spot on.  When I was teaching I used to spend the summers traveling.  I rarely stayed home.  I decided that I would rather travel than have granite countertops and fancy kitchen cupboards.  I would rather travel than have a bigger house.  And, I would rather travel than have a shiny new car with all the bells and whistles.  I know I've mentioned it before, but when my sister retires we are selling our houses and buying our retirement home.  The plan is to pay cash so there is no house payment.  We decided we can have a smaller house as we'd rather cruise.  

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6 hours ago, richwmn said:


Today is . . . National Proofreading Day



I am a bit of a grammar/spelling bigot.  I proofread my essays repeatedly.  On Cruise Critic I shift the display to "Preview" to get a slightly different perspective.  I am appalled at how many mistakes I catch.  However, I am not infallible.  Fairly often I have to resort to the "Edit" function ot fix something that I see after posting.  That is a bit embarrassing.  However, I found that embarrassment can become humiliation when I missed a spelling error in the title of a new thread that I posted.  As the author I had no way to fix that, although, I guess if I'd contacted a moderator and admitted my faux pas, they could have fixed it.  I did not do that.  My humiliation is still out there if somebody has the time to query my posting history and dig it up.


While I am at it, I would like to compliment The Dailyites on consistently posting well-written contributions.  It looks like there are a lot of former English teachers out there.  If that is not the case, then there were a lot students who learned from excellent English teachers. 


I am appalled by a lot of posts that I see on various Cruise Critic boards.  "Did this person even read his composistion before posting it?  These are not even sentences."  Yes, if I reread these cryptic posts multiple times, I can usually discern the meaning from context,  Since I'm retired, I really don't have anything better to do.  So, why am I complaining?


Again, I don't have to do that on The Daily.  Thank you.  Very well done.


Yes, I proofed this post.  Feel free to check my work.  If anybody finds a mistake (or if multiple people find multiple mistakes), I will add a "Thanks" to your reporting post,


Coda:  While proofreading in "Preview" mode I spotted something in my very first sentence.  When I originally wrote that sentence I did not use the word "bigot."  Cruise Critic did not like my original word.  We learn from our mistakes.

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8 minutes ago, XBGuy said:


I am a bit of a grammar/spelling bigot.  I proofread my essays repeatedly.  On Cruise Critic I shift the display to "Preview" to get a slightly different perspective.  I am appalled at how many mistakes I catch.  However, I am not infallible.  Fairly often I have to resort to the "Edit" function ot fix something that I see after posting.  That is a bit embarrassing.  However, I found that embarrassment can become humiliation when I missed a spelling error in the title of a new thread that I posted.  As the author I had no way to fix that, although, I guess if I'd contacted a moderator and admitted my faux pas, they could have fixed it.  I did not do that.  My humiliation is still out there if somebody has the time to query my posting history and dig it up.


While I am at it, I would like to compliment The Dailyites on consistently posting well-written contributions.  It looks like there are a lot of former English teachers out there.  If that is not the case, then there were a lot students who learned from excellent English teachers. 


I am appalled by a lot of posts that I see on various Cruise Critic boards.  "Did this person even read his composistion before posting it?  These are not even sentences."  Yes, if I reread these cryptic posts multiple times, I can usually discern the meaning from context,  Since I'm retired, I really don't have anything better to do.  So, why am I complaining?


Again, I don't have to do that on The Daily.  Thank you.  Very well done.


Yes, I proofed this post.  Feel free to check my work.  If anybody finds a mistake (or if multiple people find multiple mistakes), I will add a "Thanks" to your reporting post,


Coda:  While proofreading in "Preview" mode I spotted something in my very first sentence.  When I originally wrote that sentence I did not use the word "bigot."  Cruise Critic did not like my original word.  We learn from our mistakes.



Line 4 to is spelled ot.   Sorry!  I make tons of mistakes!

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Interesting days - I am trying to make it a fun day with "Home Office Organization Day".  Between normal stuff in office and my Red Cross stuff, it always needs organization!  So, today is file day and then shred day.  Am shredding old tax stuff from several years ago.  The papers I am shredding are from when DH was still alive, so am reliving some wonderful memories!


@ger_77I was happy that yesterday went smoothly for your DH.   Imagine that you will be relieved when you get the pacemaker stuff behind you both!


@smitty34877I was concerned when you mentioned bad nights.  I understand how some of those times come.  Praying for better times!


Before DH and I were married, he told me the only thing he could cook was "beanies and wienies."  Since he never cooked anything during our marriage, I never had to eat that combination!  If I was cooking, I got to plan the menu.  And now, since I am cooking for only myself, it is usually a strange menu around here.  I definitely eat better on a BHB!


It is a beautiful clear, cold day in Western Colorado.  Wishing better weather for those in other areas.  I think it is time for Spring!


Sending prayers for all on the Cares list and happy thoughts for those celebrating!   I wish I was joining others on their current cruises.

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I haven’t read the Daily for a few days (trying to catch up) but my brother sent me this and I wanted to let y’all know. 

Americans can order more free at-home COVID-19 tests from the U.S. government at COVIDtests.gov to be shipped to their homes. 



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. I got a community unavailable message when I initially tried to get to the CC site.

Good days. I try to organize my home office/computer room. A salute to ALL Women, not only ones working outside the home. Good proofreading seems to be a rarity these days; I used to get asked to proofread others' documents at work.

Great quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink (I like it, but high calorie!) and wine.

I haven't been to today's destination.


It's cold and gloomy here today; up and down temps to follow, with some snow. I spent the morning at the Dentist. Had my cleaning, then he reattached the crown. The old glue was so adhered, he had to drill it off. He said if this happens again (this was the 4th time it fell off), he'll make a new crown at his expense. Then I came home to work on a new sourdough recipe; right now I'm doing hourly stretch and folds to the dough.


@rafinmd Thank you for maintaining the lists.

@DeeniEncinitas Nice to see you here. Enjoy your upcoming Panama Canal cruise.

@dfish I hope the MRI gives some answers. It's amazing how long it takes any more to see or talk to someone in doctors' offices.

@kazu Continued prayers for Jose, you and Marley.

@ger_77 Good news on DH's angiogram. I hope he gets fixed up for cruising!

@Mr. Boston I hope your symptoms remain mild.

@HAL Sailer Good advice. I started traveling in my early 40's, as work allowed, just for the reason of not knowing if I'd be able to post retirement. I'm glad you have many good memories.

@Cruzin Terri I hope DH's pain subsides and that he can get some answers as to its cause.

@StLouisCruisers How are Jen and Buddy doing?

@mamaofami Fingers crossed that you're able to find a better aide for Sam.

@smitty34877 Prayers that things settle down for you all.

@Sea Viewer I hope DH continues steady improvement.

@grapau27 Enjoy your getaway!

@Sharon in AZ Mmmm, the pot pie looks delicious.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Wow, sailing for over 7 months! I don't think I could do that unless I lived in an apartment. In fact, the people who owned this house before me moved to a condo, so they could continue their overwintering in Hawaii without the worry of a house.


Prayers for the Care List and Ukraine and its people. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.




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30 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

I haven’t read the Daily for a few days (trying to catch up) but my brother sent me this and I wanted to let y’all know. 

Americans can order more free at-home COVID-19 tests from the U.S. government at COVIDtests.gov to be shipped to their homes. 



Thank you, I just put in our second order.  I saw this in the news last night and then forgot today 😉  Thanks for the reminder!

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I am not the best proofreader. Especially of my own writing. It is my preference of big picture over detail. 

At certain times in my career, I had to really, really focus and proofread some important messages. Some days I would go home exhausted. I was smart enough to ask others to proofread my writing. 

Please excuse my CC errors. Bindi refuses to proofread my posts. 

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