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The Daily for Sunday 05/29/2022


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Thanks to all who post — extra thanks to Rich and Roy. 


This has been a tough week.  As a former teacher I understand all that happened in Texas — awards ceremony, kids then watching a video, door propped open for easy in and out — have done it all.  Such a sad situation. We need, as a country, to do all can to stop all these massacres.   Prayers for the kids and their families.


My DH Bill wants to go see his sister in rehab. She is doing better physically and can now get out of bed by herself.  However, the facility is asking for as few guests as possible due to Covid so that will have to wait.


Best wishes for a great Memorial Day for all.  Katherine 

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Composting Day: In our small downtown, we have an industrious young man who started a compost business 10 years ago serving residents who don't have the space to compost. He bicycles around town with his trailer in tow delivering clean scrap buckets each week while picking up filled ones. He then combines his pick-ups in a large heap where, with the help of his "wormie friends", it results in fertile compost that he sells. He is now headed off to college but he has "recycled" his business to another young person. 


The ingenuity of our youth gives me hope for the future.


🙏Prayers for all in need.🙏 

🎉Cheers for those with joys!🎉



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Good Morning,  thanks for the daily report.   It's a beautiful day here in New England and some yard work is other agenda.  Today's meal suggestion sounds good and @dfish pictures and recipes confirm.   Made an early run to the grocery store.   

Tucker has recently started giving me biscuits with my morning coffee. He gives me great comfort. 



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14 minutes ago, seagarsmoker said:

Thanks for the Daily Report!

Today is my wife's birthday. So, we booked a cruise for next year to celebrate my birthday.  😀 

Send your dear wife our very 

Happy birthday wishes.



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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Our neighbours have a compost pile in their yard (it is NOT contained) which encourages lots of mice to visit their yard and ours.  I've suggested they purchase a composter, but they don't think it's necessary.   Sigh.    Bless the peacekeepers; this is a rough time for them.  I know so many people enjoy watching car racing, but I don't have the attention span to keep watching them go round and round and round.  LOL  I will grow old, but I don't have to grow up.


Yesterday went well with the internment out of town, so that's 2 down, 2 more to do for next week.  The rain held off so that nobody ended up getting soaked, but not 10 minutes after we left the cemetery, it just poured.  Later in the afternoon people were posting photos on FB about hail that fell about 3/4 hr from where we were - it looked like the fields were covered in snow.  Thankfully the crops have only just been seeded, so it didn't do any damage.


@seagarsmoker please wish your DW a very Happy Birthday!


Well I had hoped to make yesterday's delicious sounding chicken recipe, but in the afternoon the sun came out, making it a good time to bring out the topless car and go for a ride.  We drove around for a while, then stopped for hamburgers on the way home, so we did celebrate Hamburger Day!  I would like to try today's menu suggestion, but maybe on a cool, rainy day or even in the depths of winter, so will tuck the recipe away for later.  DH's daughter has invited us over for dinner today so I won't have to cook; she's a great cook, no matter what she prepares, so I know we're going to have a great meal tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and Uvalde who are both suffering terribly.  We will raise our glasses to cheer on all who make up the celebration list.  Be safe, wear masks when you need to, get your boosters and stay well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


Edited by ger_77
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Good Sunday morning to all

Thank you Rich and Roy for the lists.

Thank you to Roy, especially for keeping me on the cares list.  It seems my two good days were just that and i am back to my aches and pains, although not as bad.

I know nothing about composting, so maybe today is a good day to read up on it.

International Peacekeeping day is certainly important and we need the UN to step up and get involved in the Russia-Ukraine mess.

As for the Indy-500, I have no desire to watch that.  I see no thrill in watching cars zooming around and around at high speeds making lots of noise.  Same for the Grand Prix.  When we were in Monaco in the beginning of May they were already constructing barriers for the Grand Prix and we were unable to walk anywhere.  I know that there are people who get a thrill out of this and more power to them.  I just don’t understand it.

Today we will pass on the meal and drink.  The wine is a bit on the expensive side.

Have never been to the destination.

I like the quote.  It takes work to grow up.  And it also takes courage to make a change.  A lot of times it is easier to stay with the status quo than to make a change—especially when the status quo is not a good place.  

i would like to thank all who of you who wrote very kind thoughts to me yesterday.  i reacted badly and am sorry for any pain or upset I may have caused.  It was certainly not my intention.  i would like to put it behind me.

I continue to find this thread a place of comfort and friendship and plan to continue to post here.

Happy Memorial Day weekend.  

God bless all of you.



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56 minutes ago, travelingbums said:

Thank you everyone for sharing and caring.😀


We finally got moved in and now we need to get ready for our cruise next week to the British isles...yippee. We are ready.


Hope and prayers for many.

What ship?



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Good morning! Thanks Rich for the Fleet Report. Today we decided to attend church on-line and that didn’t happen as something went wrong and the video did not work for any viewers. We had good intentions.


As a auto racing enthusiast I have been watching the rain delayed Gran Prix of Monaco and will watch the Indy 500 later. It’s the largest sporting event in the world with over 300,000 in attendance. NASCAR’s World 600 later in the day is sold out. As someone who has been to Monte Carlo it’s interesting to see some familiar landmarks as we have ridden around the entire course.


We entertained some good friends last night with a Greek themed dinner. Today,  it will just be us and will be grilling some chicken and fresh corn on the cob.


It’s a beautiful morning which is tempting me to take a ride in our Spyder with the top down before it get’s in the eighties.


Have a great day.





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1 hour ago, seagarsmoker said:

Thanks for the Daily Report!

Today is my wife's birthday. So, we booked a cruise for next year to celebrate my birthday.  😀 

Wishing  you  a  wonderful  Birthday and  many.

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Good morning! Thank you for the Daily, the lists, meal and wine suggestions. It’s a cloudy and cool day here in Vancouver. Another layabout day, when I should be cruising.

DH and I flew to Vancouver to join the Koningsdam with family on Thursday. First thing we did was get the COVID test done. I tested -ve and hubby tested +ve. We had pretty much been hermits for the 10 days leading up to the cruise, but for a family birthday party (all part of our bubble). It seems as though one of the munchkins was asymptomatic. 5 days of quarantine here at the hotel, and then we will go home. Not the way things were planned and the process of getting in touch with FlightEase was painful. There HAS to be a better way!

On the positive side, my sisters/brothers-in-law are experiencing why I love HAL for the first time. I’m looking forward to their impressions. 

Be well everyone. Prayers for those who need them, whether they know it or not. Cheers to those celebrating. Blessings to all. 

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Just now, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cool and cloudy here. We could use rain, but not lightening. I don't think either is likely. The good news and it is really GOOD NEWS

........ (sorry, my computer is acting weird) is that the fire outside of town is fully contained. A real loud shoutout to the various fire fighters!!! They will be watching the next few days but so far, so good. I will try to post again later when the computer acts normal.... if ever. Don't know what the problem is, I may need my computer guru.



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5 hours ago, richwmn said:



It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.--E.E. Cummings




You Grow Up the Day You Have Your First Real Laugh at Yourself Ethel  Barrymore Jokes About You | Growing Up Meme on ME.ME


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Funny Quotes About Growing Up. QuotesGram


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42 Funny Jokes Minions Quotes With Images | Funny Text Messages –  LittleNivi.Com



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Good morning everyone!

Another cloudy, drizzly day here.  Apparently it will be sunny and 75 the day we leave for Yellowstone, and thunderstorms in Yellowstone almost the whole time we're there -- oh well! 😄

I've been trying to get the staining done on the deck, but the weather just hasn't cooperated.


I have two composters, I like the spinning one more.  Will pass on the meal, drink and wine today.  


It will be a full day with the grandsons, we're taking them to lunch and then to the wonderful Children's Museum here.  They're doing it all by reservation now, but now you can stay until closing instead of only for 2 hours as it was for awhile.  If we get there on time, we'll have 3 hours which is about perfect.


@Dismomx5I'm so sorry to hear you'll be missing your cruise because of Covid.  😞  

@durangoscotsgreat news that the fire is all contained!


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It turns out, I did not post any pictures on February 19, 2022, when Raiatea was the port of the day.  All my pictures were too similar to what @StLouisCruisers Sandi, and others posted that day.  Instead, the pictures below are Sandi's pictures, and I'll let her explanation, speak for itself.  Her post is in Italics.


On April 12, 2017 the Maasdam stopped in Uturoa, Raiatea, French Polynesia.  This is what it looked like from the top deck of the ship that morning.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIpo3ARYqqwNoXcVBVSroda?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024029


This cheery group played and sang for us as we departed the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIBxeTywbcYhdl3I_HR1d6b?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024042


We went to that little cafe right next to the ship for something to drink and to try their wife but unfortunately it was not working very well. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL83GjD3uzcfyGdyS6mOnEw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024070




It looked like you get do some type of excursion by taking a boat ride from here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKndW6tng0MrYucZrE0jytt?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024077


Across the street was this tent with a crowd gathered so we went to see what was going on.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVINubUdoNds5CWj2ler2BD3?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024093


More music and dancing!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKTu4wyKEGiYr5eWpi5Pm_m?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024101




Everyone was having a good time00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKHczpSN4lLoNY2uTx7kTxD?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024115


After listening for a while we went into the adjoining building where the marketplace was.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIQex4duYT74FMmKcgPyM2g?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024120






As we left the building we noticed our ship master, Captain van Dreumel had arrived for a Welcome to Raiatea ceremony.  He was dressed appropriately for this island tradition.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIKeTcQWf0LoR6Qv-z1h921?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024140


Where the dancing had gone on before, now everyone was seated and paying attention to the proceedings.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKDyCdBLTvupyxl4gckVxDD?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024143


It looked like the Captain received a plaque.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJjonTnTLzyW9uIbLupx65O?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024153


After the ceremony we walked a few blocks around town just taking it all in.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIpLFS8KatrapjWzYkAs8Xf?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024161


It's always fun to check out a grocery store!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJz7OGl3ep-gFijs4k7LsSy?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024165






Shopping "kiosks" near the ship00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLKm2pGUGLKpjN5NB9M3eoE?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024179





Lovely fabrics were for sale here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIL7mgTQI4AWNymg7d46Phz?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024178


Nearing mid day it was getting too darn hot so we decided to board the ship.  No wifi was found that morning, sad to say.  But even worse, we saw an ambulance near the gangway taking a sick passenger away.  This is not something you would like to experience so far away from home.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIqJGThXwgos2OKMLtUx4vX?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494024182


I do hope they weren't too ill and made it back to the ship before we sailed.  

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Hi friends! This past week marked the first anniversary of DH's death, so DS & I marked the event by going to one of DH's favorite restaurants for lunch yesterday & ordering his favorite meal -- cream of crab soup, hush puppies, crab cake, cucumber salad, and onion rings. On the way home, we stopped at his favorite ice cream stand for soft serve. Along the way, we shared stories of a life well-lived. It gave us some needed closure to a rough year.

DH & I were in Raiatea on the Eurodam's first visit there in 2019. Our pictures were almost identical to those posted by @Quartzsite Cruiser, so I won't post any. Luckily, I don't think there was an ambulance there on our visit!

Prayers for so many of our dear ones that need them, and cheers for all who are celebrating! Stay well and safe!


Edited by NextOne
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Good morning.  DH will watch the Indy after golfing today.  

I've coveted a good compost pile, but we don't have a place for it and don't want to be like @ger_77's neighbor.  No back 40 here for the compost pile.

The Peacekeepers at the UN certainly do have their work cut out for them.


The food, drink and wine all sound good.  We used to make the enchilada pie when in college.  The recipe was popular for dinner gatherings back then and was part of our "rotation" for a long time.  Funny how recipes come in and out of our lives.  Time to make it again!


@dfish, glad your back has improved somewhat.

@mamaofami, the Peter, Paul & Mary show sounds like fun.

Happy Birthday to Mrs. @seagarsmoker  🎂

@durangoscots, good to hear the fire is out.  We used to spend summers in McCall, Idaho, and there were fires every summer all around.  Scary stuff!

@Quartzsite Cruiser, thanks for posting Sandi's photos.  We haven't made it to French Polynesia yet, but hope to.  2024 is the goal on that one.


I'm so, so very sorry to hear about your cruise gone awry, @Dismomx5.  What a disappointment after all the planning!  Thank you for mentioning about the FlightEase that wasn't so easy.  Something else to think about.  

Wishing for those in your family who test positive a quick return to health.  And a return to good cheer.


@NextOne, what a nice way to honor your DH and a very sweet time to share with your son.


Wishing everyone a lovely Sunday.  Prayers for those who are troubled and many thanks to our contributors.  🌻

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Now, I can relax for the rest of the afternoon.  The potato salad and baked beans are in the refrigerator, the barbecue sauce is made, we just put the pork shoulder in the smoker.  Later, once it is fully smoked, we'll wrap it in foil and let it finish cooking.  All that is left is to put the beans in the oven about an hour before we're ready to pull the pork.  Just writing this is making me hungry.  🤣


@kochleffel  Thank you for your pictures of the shy Athenian cats.


@marshhawk  Ann, we watched part of the F1 replay including the rain delay and that horrible wreck.  Now, it's Indy on tv.  For you and all the F! fans on the Daily here are a couple of pictures we took during the week before the Monaco Grand Prix.  Actually, the first one was taken in 2019, and the second one was taken May 20, 2002.





@Lady Hudson  I hope your DH can visit his sister soon.

@seagarsmoker  Please wish your wife 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 💐 for us.

@Crazy For Cats   Thanks for the video of Tucker.  He reminds me of DD's Friskie, who lived to be 18 years old.

@travelingbums  Glad you are finally moved in.  Enjoy preparing for and taking your upcoming cruise.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, the aches and pains are back although not as bad.  Hope the good days begin to out weigh the not so good days.

@Dismomx5  Sorry your DH tested positive and you had to miss your cruise.  Hope you remain negative.

@durangoscots  Susan that is great news the fire is now contained.

@NextOne  Edi, I know this week was bittersweet for you, but what a nice way for you and your DS to honor your late DH.  I hope it brought both of you comfort.




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2 hours ago, Dismomx5 said:

Good morning! Thank you for the Daily, the lists, meal and wine suggestions. It’s a cloudy and cool day here in Vancouver. Another layabout day, when I should be cruising.

DH and I flew to Vancouver to join the Koningsdam with family on Thursday. First thing we did was get the COVID test done. I tested -ve and hubby tested +ve. We had pretty much been hermits for the 10 days leading up to the cruise, but for a family birthday party (all part of our bubble). It seems as though one of the munchkins was asymptomatic. 5 days of quarantine here at the hotel, and then we will go home. Not the way things were planned and the process of getting in touch with FlightEase was painful. There HAS to be a better way!

On the positive side, my sisters/brothers-in-law are experiencing why I love HAL for the first time. I’m looking forward to their impressions. 

Be well everyone. Prayers for those who need them, whether they know it or not. Cheers to those celebrating. Blessings to all. 


I am so sorry this nasty virus has ruined your cruise plans.  All that preparation and anticipation gone.  You do seem to be handling it better than I would.


3 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Thanks for the Daily Report!

Today is my wife's birthday. So, we booked a cruise for next year to celebrate my birthday.  😀 


Happy Birthday to Mrs. seagarsmoker!


3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:


As for the Indy-500, I have no desire to watch that.  I see no thrill in watching cars zooming around and around at high speeds making lots of noise.  Same for the Grand Prix.  When we were in Monaco in the beginning of May they were already constructing barriers for the Grand Prix and we were unable to walk anywhere.  I know that there are people who get a thrill out of this and more power to them.  I just don’t understand it.



I'm with you on auto racing, but I did really enjoy the movie Ford vs. Ferrari.  It was well done and entertaining.  Besides the auto racing there was a human interest story and that appealed to me.   The movie really has something for everyone.


39 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Hi friends! This past week marked the first anniversary of DH's death, so DS & I marked the event by going to one of DH's favorite restaurants for lunch yesterday & ordering his favorite meal -- cream of crab soup, hush puppies, crab cake, cucumber salad, and onion rings. On the way home, we stopped at his favorite ice cream stand for soft serve. Along the way, we shared stories of a life well-lived. It gave us some needed closure to a rough year.


Edi, warm thoughts and hugs to you.  You and DS marked that anniversary in such a positive way and the memories you share do carry you through.  I would like DH's favorite meal!  Sounds great to me.  

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1 hour ago, Dismomx5 said:

 Not the way things were planned and the process of getting in touch with FlightEase was painful. There HAS to be a better way!

So sorry you had to miss your cruise.  I’ve seen a few other comments regarding problems making contact with FlightEase when a problem arose.  Our air portion for our upcoming cruise in August was booked through FlightEase.  Could you expand on your experience in going in touch with FlightEase to make changes to your flight schedule.  Also, any advice if this situation arises would be most appreciated!

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Looking back through my pictures, I found a few from our last cruise that stopped at Raiatea.  The island is not often included in cruises to French Polynesia from US ports.  We have been there when we have taken cruises from Papeete. 


In 2004, we did b2b cruises on Tahitian Princess.  The first included the Cook Islands and the second stopped at a couple of islands east of Tahiti.  Both cruises called at Raiatea.  


On November 29, 2004, the weather in Raiatea was not the best.  We rented a car and drove around the island.  These are a few pictures from our drive.



We stopped at a hotel that had over the water cabins.  Someday, I would like to spend a few days at one.  It would be nice to just walk out of your room and jump in the water to snorkel.







On December 11, 2004, IIRC, we did a snorkeling tour.  These pictures were taken from the boat.









Walking around town, we saw quite a few shops decorated for Christmas.  They mainly had aluminum trees, and frankly, the did look a little out of place in that tropical setting.




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I am putting this out for anyone who is interested.  I hope I am not breaking any rules.

We have a WHEELCHAIR IN A BAG that we no longer need.  We used to use it for my BIL when he would travel with us, even on a plane.  It is almost new.

it folds up into a bag and is about the size of a golf bag and we have sent it through on a plane and have used it on a cruise.   

We are willing to GIVE IT AWAY to anyone who can use it.  

it is in perfect condition.

If any of you have a need for something like this and are interested, please contact me by clicking on my email link below my name.  We can work out the logistics of getting it to you.

Again.  i am not looking to sell it.  I am offering it free of charge.

i live in South Carolina, near Hilton Head, right by the Georgia border.  If someone nearby wants it, it would be an easy drive to get it to you.  If not we could figure out how to send it.

Again, I hope I am not breaking any rules.


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