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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 16th, 2022


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Good morning from sunny central Texas.  


A nice collection of days.  I like fresh spinach and wilted spinach in casseroles, but not creamed or cooked spinach  Snakes are useful, but I don't really like rattlesnakes.  We had one in our yard in Quartzsite, and instead of killing it, we called the fire department to relocate the snake.  DH had to keep it pinned down with the rock rake until they arrive.  Woodies were an interesting car in their time.


The Isaac Asimov quote is sadly very true.


We'll pass on the drink and the wine, but the meal might be for another day.


@0106  Tina, thanks for another great job with today's recipes.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm sorry your leg pain returned.  Hope it clears up for good soon.  Thinking of Amy and her family as the bury Buddy.

@HAL Sailer  Melisa, I'm glad you DB is doing better, and sending our hopes for a full recovery.

@marshhawk  I hope the biopsy turns out negative.

@grapau27  Graham, I'm glad Sarah is feeling better, but sorry she is still testing positive.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad you made it home safely.  I'm sorry your niece and her DH are now positive.

@rafinmd  Roy, you and your family are in my thoughts as your aunt is buried today.


I'll post my Whittier pictures next.





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What is now know as the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, was built by the Army and opened in 1943.  This allowed supplies to be moved into the interior year round.  The Army abandoned the tunnel in the 1960s and it became part of the Alaska highway system, and eventually underwent an up grade.  The tunnel is the only access to Whittier by road, and cars share the tunnel with the Alaska RR.  


We have been there a few times, but never sailed into the port.  We have sailed into Anchorage on the 14 day cruise, doing b2b2bs.  At least once every time, we've driven to Whittier.  One year, probably before the tunnel opened to car traffic, we took the train into Whittier.  That day was cold, wet and windy.  We walked around town and reboarded the train.  It was also predigital.


Even today, since Whittier is a protected port, most supplies come through the port.  Rail cars are loaded on barges that have rails.  Once in port, the Alaska RR backs a train up to the barge and the cars are added to the train for the run into Anchorage and beyond. We watch some cars being unloaded, but I can't find the pictures.


In 2012, we did the 26 Glacier Cruise which we booked on our own.  We were lucky to get a rare, mostly sunny day.  Since we did not want to miss the boat, we got to Whittier early and drove around, but evidently I did not take many pictures.


The approach into town as you leave the tunnel.



The building the Army built in the 1940s to house everyone in town.  It is now falling into ruin.



The new building where the residents live is in the background of this picture taken from our tour boat in and in the distance was we drove into town.



In driving around Whittier, we found another oldie.  This is exactly like our first RV which we bought used in 1979.



A picture from the waterfront area



Finally, our tour boat coming in to pick us up




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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I like spinach in moderation, abhor snakes, and would love to have owned a Woody.  Today's quote is still true today.  I know I'd like the drink of the day and who wouldn't like a wine that has notes of blackberry and chocolate?  Yum.


Another hot day in the offing for us, even hotter than yesterday, so will be closing up the house within a couple of hours.  It'll be a busy day for us - DH has to drive about 1.5 hours away to attend a memorial for a an old school chum.  I'm not going, as I won't know anyone there.  I'll be a busy bee at home. 


Last night our "older" friends (they're nearly 90) called and invited us to come to their cabin at the lake on Sunday to stay for a few days with them.  We couldn't say no - even though they're in good health right now, we all know it could turn on a dime and we'd seriously regret not going.  So today I'll be making up a big pasta salad and a couple of lemonade pies to bring along.  I also want to make up a couple of grocery bags to give them as a host/hostess gift.  


@StLouisCruiserssorry your leg pain has returned; I hope you can get it under control soon.

@HAL Sailer glad your DB's symptoms are lessening; I'm sure he's disappointed he won't be able to race, but will certainly be cheering on his son.

@kazuyour flowers are always so beautiful - thanks for sharing them with us.


While I like today's menu suggestion (great job @0106), it's going to be too hot to cook much.  I baked some salmon in the toaster oven on the deck the other night and it's sitting in the fridge, so will flake it up and make salmon salads for us for dinner this evening.  Salmon salads and crusty buns will be what we'll enjoy in the pergola tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Buddy's family and friends as they say their final farewells.  Extra for the people of Ukraine for all they're having to endure.  We'll raise our glasses and salute all on the happy list.  Stay safe, get your boosters, wash your hands, hydrate, don't forget the sunscreen, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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50 minutes ago, GTVCRUISER said:

Happy Saturday 🙂 from San Diego 




Ah....memories....thanks for the pictures...!!


We had a Woodie in the early 50's....when my Dad was stationed in San Diego....:)

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43 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you for your excellent photos and descriptions Sandi.

I'm sorry to hear your leg is hurting again when we all hoped the pain had gone for good.

Prayers for Amy today on this sad day for her and your family.

Take care.


Thanks Graham.  I was hoping the leg pain was on its way out, too.  I'll just keep working at it.  Glad you enjoyed the photos of Whittier.  Your prayers for Amy are welcomed and appreciated.




42 minutes ago, GTVCRUISER said:

Happy Saturday 🙂 from San Diego 



Excellent photos of a Woodie Wagon.  Always an eye catcher.👀




38 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

Great news! My DB's Covid symptoms are finally headed in the right direction. His oxygen levels are staying at an acceptable level, he isn't sleeping 24/7, and he is now eating though still no taste nor smell.  


DB disappointedly won't start his final BYC Race to Mackinac today but his son will sail the multi-day race in his dad's honor.


@rafinmd, I think both my DB and DH's nephew can now come off the lists. Thanks for having included them.



Great news about your DB and his lessening symptoms.  It's fitting your nephew will take his Dad's place today in the race.  Best of luck to him!🤞




38 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Saturday Dailyites!  The quote is so true,  and it's proving it's truth more and more every day.




I heard on the news last night that the reason crime has gone up so much is that people have been going through hard times, (ummm) and it causes frustration, anger that they do not have what ever it is that they are trying to take away from someone.  Well, since most of these criminals have a gun, and a fast car, they have more than most of us these days.


The news also asked that if we know that people are driving in circles in an intersection, or area in our county to call the police.  Not sure if the Atlanta area is the only city that has been taken over by idiots in cars driving around and around and around blocking intersections while spectators gather around the cars and watch.  (at this point I don't know which ones are the biggest idiots, the drivers or the ones standing by the cars as they go around).  Well, since this has been happening near us in the middle of the night, I would suggest to the police, they simply sit still and roll down their windows.  They will find said idiots.


In high school I dated a guy who had a Woodie and the brakes would not allow him to park on our street unless I ran out and put blocks in front of the tires.  


@0106Recipes look good, and thank you for the history.  We love spinach, and my friend Penny told me that the secret to creamed spinach, or any creamed item is the nutmeg. 


@SusieKIslandGirl on Grand Cayman after you get off your tender, there are some small little buildings that form a semi circle around a "park", the Passport stamper is in one of those,  and they are not there very long.  We didn't notice the signs when we got off, but when we were waiting to get a tender back and didn't have time to wait.  I guess someone shows up for an hour or two once the ships starting letting folks off.


@erewhonThe two docs talked and called the cancer ENT that DH has seen in the past, and her office will contact DH to schedule the biopsy.  We have no idea yet when it will happen.  At this time all we can do is pray that it is not cancer, because at this point any additional surgery would probably kill him, and if he did survive, he would no longer have a face or mouth. 




Ann, I hadn't heard of the circle driving around here.  Of course I don't spend any evenings in town, just here at home.  I assume this is happening at night?


We all hope and pray your DH's biopsy comes back negative.🙏  So sad he has to go through all this again.




36 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

Our Sarah just text to say she is still testing positive even though she feels a lot better.


It's good news that Sarah is feeling a lot better.  Her negative test will be happening anytime now.  I find it amazing that one day you test positive, and 24 hours later you're negative and free to get on with your life.  🤷‍♀️




13 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

 firGood morning  everyone. It took us 6 hours  after we left the Cape Sagamore Bridge to get to NY.Oh my.Traffic,accidents and several iced coffee stops before we picked up the pooches and landed in the driveway. 

I thought of you Gerry @ger_77 as I was driving away from the  rental house.Icould see the family all lined up in the driveway in my rear view mirror and did my usual amount of crying. It is hard when family is not nearby.

@0106,Tina, thank you for the recipes.I think we will try the low carb one tonight.Last night I am embarrassed  to say that we ate cereal for dinner!I did not offer to do more than that either.

@SLouisCruisers, Sandi, the blue bubble is on strike but I am thinking of you and your extended  family today

@rafinmd. Roy, also thinking of your aunt as she is laid to rest.

@marshhawk,Ann, I unfortunately  know what you mean about cancers in the mouth,head and neck.My Dad was a heavy smoker and underwent many surgeries.It was 35 years ago and not much could be done.Hopefully your team of Docs will be able to do more.


We love spinach here and appreciate the old Woody Wagons.We have not been to the port.

Camilla is finally negative for covid as are her parents.My niece(the Grandma) and her husband have caught it a second time.They are NP's in a hospital and often babysit Camilla.Hopefully they were not positive when we saw them on Sunday.

I am happy to be home but enjoyed the vacation so much.


Terry, I'm glad to hear you are home safe and sound, but I understand about the sadness of leaving your loved ones behind after a visit when you all live far apart.  I'm hoping to see my kids and grandkids soon.  Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers for Amy as she lays her husband to rest today.  Never easy.



@Quartzsite CruiserLenda, thanks for thinking of Buddy's family today.  Also I appreciate your concern about my leg.  I hope I get back to my old self soon.  Your pictures of Whittier are very nice.  Sunshine!


@ger_77Gerry, I hope things get better for my leg soon too.  One ailment like this can affect every aspect of your life.🙁  Enjoy that visit with your "older" friends tomorrow.   Lemonade pies should be a big hit, as well as some of your shopping bags.  Safe travels.

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Happy Saturday! Thank you for the Daily Reports.    A quick check io in this morning as wifi wasn't working in the truck this morning at my usual time.   A day of smoking brisket, watching The Open and the Irish Oaks.    Glad our TV is better than the wifi.  Prayers for all on the list and those that need them.  


We caught a lot of walleye yesterday so we had my sister over for a fish fry.  


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2 hours ago, 0106 said:

Chicken Florentine, Eggs Florentine, Sole Florentine, Quiche Florentine, even Florentine cookies—they all have one thing in common: They do not come from Florence. It's rather misleading, but so often you see these recipes mistakenly described as Italian, when in fact, they are French dishes simply named after someone Italian, the fourteen-year-old Catherine de' Medici, great-granddaughter of Florence's influential Renaissance ruler, Lorenzo the Magnificent, became the wife of France's Henry II in 1533. Legend has it that she brought her entourage of Florentine cooks with her to Paris.


The term "Florentine" is especially used in the presence of spinach. The dark leafy vegetable was grown in gardens all around the Tuscan capital during her time. It is said that spinach was her favorite vegetable, and she brought some with her to Paris, along with other Tuscan produce such as olive oil, white beans, artichokes, and figs. One (Italian) story claims that she insisted on spinach being included in every one of her meals. Whether it's true or not, this vegetable is so connected to the Florentine queen that any dish with spinach in it is still known to the French as "Florentine-style."


I wanted to start out with a “traditional” recipe that uses canned mushroom soup. Thoroughly draining the canned spinach is important; you could use frozen spinach too.  I see no reason why you couldn’t vary the cheese.  I’d serve this with a side of mashed potatoes but or rice would work too.


Chicken Florentine Casserole created by Swirling F.

Happy Fresh Spinach Day!  I cook with fresh ingredients and avoid processed and canned food. This is the recipe that I would use, homemade sauce, fresh mushrooms and spinach.  I could have this on the table in less than 30 minutes.  https://foodtasia.com/chicken-florentine/

pan with Chicken Florentine

I’ve noticed that there are several Dailyites who are watching their carbs. This is a good recipe for you.  It only has 5 ingredients and looks very easy to prepare.  It subs a mayo/sour cream mixture for the canned soup.  Instead of poaching the chicken, I would probable just get a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store.  This would be nice served over mashed cauliflower.


closeup of cassserole serving.

Here is a “healthy” chicken florentine pasta dish, 8 grams of fat and 315 calories per serving.  Low fat cottage cheese is used for creaminess.  Whole grain pasta with more fiber and nutrients provides healthier alternative to regular pasta. Garlic, olive oil, nutmeg and oregano provide a flavor punch.  Serve with a side of salad or your favorite green vegetable.



You’re doing a fantastic job. Thanks for volunteering to help! 

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Another sleep in day! Life is good! We need to go out shopping again this morning as yesterday’s trip was cut short by a deluge of rain. We are getting into that standby mode of “can we go now?” 

@ger_77If it’s too hot to cook in Canada then here in Florida we are going to starve to death!😎


We frequently watch some of the regular You Tube bloggers and was encouraged when a couple of them reported that cruise lines are reporting that staff shortages should be back to normal staffing  by August 1. Hope that is true,  as the bloggers are not always correct but overall do a pretty good job of keeping us up to date on cruise industry news.

 If all goes well,  next Saturday we will be in Edinburgh. Some of the touring sites will be repeats as Sue’s twin sister has not been there. One thing new will be a visit to the Royal Yacht Britannia which I’m really looking forward to seeing.

Sue has that look when are you going to be ready to go shopping so it’s off to the shower for me.


Have a great Saturday despite our usual aches and pains. It’s part of aging but the gift of life is precious. Make the most of it.



Edited by aliaschief
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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like cooked spinach, not into spinach salads. I'll keep my distance from snakes; BFF had a large one in his yard recently. I remember Woodie Wagons. True quote!

I'll pass on the drink and take the meal and wine.

I have been to Alaska, but haven't been to Whittier. Thanks for the pictures.


It was cloudy this AM, with rain nearby, but none here, unfortunately. No big plans today for me. Maybe I'll make some sourdough discard crackers later.


@kazu Slow and steady will get all the things sorted and tidied up. Love the monkshood.

@0106 Thanks for the recipes.

@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Prayers for Amy and the family as they attend Buddy's funeral today. 

@rafinmd Thinking of you and the family as your Aunt is buried today.

@grapau27 It's good that Sarah is feeling better; sorry she's still positive, but it seems common.

@HAL Sailer Great to hear that DB is doing better! Best of luck to his son in the race.

@marshhawk Prayers that DH's biopsy doesn't show any cancer.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you made it home safely. Good to hear that Camilla and her parents are negative, but sorry your niece and her DH are positive (and I hope you and DH remain negative!).

@ger_77 Enjoy your visit with your friends at the lake.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good morning all!

It will be a bit cooler today, down about 10 degrees from our high 70's F yesterday.  Perfect gardening weather!


I like fresh spinach in salads, avoid snakes whenever possible, and don't know if I've ever seen a Woodie Wagon other than in photos.  The quote is SO true today.  I might like the 3rd recipe today (great job @0106) with lower carbs and no mushrooms.  Have been to Alaska but not Whittier.  Thank you @StLouisCruisersSandi and @Quartzsite CruiserLenda for the photos. Will pass on the red wine, but the drink sounds yummy.  


@HAL SailerI'm so glad to hear that your DB's Covid symptoms are lessening.

@marshhawkprayers that your DH's biopsy results will be negative.  

@StLouisCruisersI'm so sorry to hear that your leg pain continues.  


@marshhawkI have never heard of people driving in circles for attention, it sounds like something bored teenagers would do (or very immature adults)  😉  


@richwmnthat was one of many great cruises we've had with you.  And here we are on that cruise, celebrating your birthday in the Pinnacle Grill.  😁Looking forward to cruising with you again in October!  🙂  






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30 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

@marshhawkI have never heard of people driving in circles for attention, it sounds like something bored teenagers would do (or very immature adults)  😉  


The Pacific Northwest has been plagued by the same behaviors (many of the bad actors are adults. This is a bizarre extension of illegal street racing. Back in September of 2020, a number of spectators were hit by cars doing donuts near the Space Needle. More recently Tacoma's downtown has been the scene of mobs of street racers doing donuts in intersections. When a police officer responded to ask the crowd to disperse, his car was attacked, and he ended up having to drive through the crowd to escape personal injury. He was disciplined for his actions, and the mob continues to rule the streets whenever they choose. Puyallup has also experienced some of this crazy behavior. Because law-enforcement's hands are often tied by the politicians controlling them, not much can be done with unruly crowds.

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3 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

Great news! My DB's Covid symptoms are finally headed in the right direction. His oxygen levels are staying at an acceptable level, he isn't sleeping 24/7, and he is now eating though still no taste nor smell. 


Great news indeed.  Glad to hear your DB is improving 👍 


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

@ger_77If it’s too hot to cook in Canada then here in Florida we are going to starve to death!😎


Bruce you need to keep in mind that the kind of heat Gerry is getting is not usual.  Harder to adapt to when 1/2 your life is spent in ‘frozen tundra’ 😉 


Heat is not an issue here - we are used to the ups and downs but like our cold weather which is damp, our hot weather can be very humid which means timing things for garden work 😉   it is 32 degrees C here (around 90F).  The humidity makes it feel hotter.



1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

 If all goes well,  next Saturday we will be in Edinburgh.


Wonderful.  Hope you have a safe & very enjoyable trip!



46 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:







What a great picture!  thanks for sharing it 🙂 


@StLouisCruisersSorry to hear of your poor sleep last night.  I hope that the pain soon dissipates and disappears forever 🙏🏻 

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Here is an update from Karen @luvteaching


We missed Ketchikan yesterday and are heading to Victoria. Currently (8:00 AM PST) we're about halfway down the coast of Vancouver Island. We'll dock in Victoria this evening for about an hour to satisfy government requirements and nobody is allowed off. The captain says we'll be in Seattle in the wee hours of the morning. 
No other word on the progress of the azipod repair. There is an "Ask the Captain" this afternoon so may find out something. We were given $100.00 per person in nonrefundable onboard credit. It would have been nice if it had been refundable but that's the way it goes. Port fees have already been credited to our account. 
So - this cruise we didn't get as close to Hubbard Glacier as we usually do, we were 3 hours late into Sitka, missed Ketchikan and Victoria. It's still been a lovely cruise with great staff, good food, and everyone is working hard to make it a memorable trip. 
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Good morning Dailyites. Another 85 degree day on Maui with chirping birds and swaying palms.


Prayers lifted to Sandi's family and Roy's as they lay their loved ones to peace and rest.


My sister's flight was terribly late, but she was able to get onboard almost 4 hours later. The security lines in Kahalui were long and way outside the doors. 


I love sauteed spinach but not so much for raw. Isn't this the truth:




Today is brunch. I'll take a dip in the ocean, dinner at Dukes tonight.


Love, peace, blessings and cheers.

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Good morning everyone!  Thank you for the Fleet Report Rich. Thank you everyone for sharing on the Daily. 

Yesterday was spent with DM, first a dental appointment for her then lunch. She wanted to try crab at the fairly new location of the chain restaurant Angry Crab Shack. The other one was too far away from us and this new location is much closer. The crab was good but I did most of the work and it was messy. When they brought us plastic forks for our salads Mom looked at me like “what the heck?”  But I thought it was all good and we both thought that the onion rings were some of the best ever. 

Then DGD came over to spend the night. Right now I’m getting ready to make pancakes. I always make the entire batch and freeze them, then microwave for about 90 seconds and they always taste fresh made. DGS was here a few days ago and had some, so it’s nice to have them at the ready.  We will probably go swimming this afternoon and we are planning on grilling some pork chops that are brining in the fridge. 

It is good to hear people are getting over covid, Sarah, Camilla and parents, HAL Sailor DB, etc.  Prayers for Amy and family as Buddy is laid to rest. And Roy too, for your cousin being laid to rest. 

Sorry I didn’t blue bubble but my arthritis is bad today and my stubby fingers get in the way. 

Have a great day everyone!


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32 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

The Pacific Northwest has been plagued by the same behaviors (many of the bad actors are adults. This is a bizarre extension of illegal street racing. Back in September of 2020, a number of spectators were hit by cars doing donuts near the Space Needle. More recently Tacoma's downtown has been the scene of mobs of street racers doing donuts in intersections. When a police officer responded to ask the crowd to disperse, his car was attacked, and he ended up having to drive through the crowd to escape personal injury. He was disciplined for his actions, and the mob continues to rule the streets whenever they choose. Puyallup has also experienced some of this crazy behavior. Because law-enforcement's hands are often tied by the politicians controlling them, not much can be done with unruly crowds.

I must live a sheltered life, LOL!  I had never heard of this. Thanks for bringing me up to date!

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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like cooked spinach, not into spinach salads. I'll keep my distance from snakes; BFF had a large one in his yard recently. I remember Woodie Wagons. True quote!

I'll pass on the drink and take the meal and wine.

I have been to Alaska, but haven't been to Whittier. Thanks for the pictures.


It was cloudy this AM, with rain nearby, but none here, unfortunately. No big plans today for me. Maybe I'll make some sourdough discard crackers later.


@kazu Slow and steady will get all the things sorted and tidied up. Love the monkshood.

@0106 Thanks for the recipes.

@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Prayers for Amy and the family as they attend Buddy's funeral today. 

@rafinmd Thinking of you and the family as your Aunt is buried today.

@grapau27 It's good that Sarah is feeling better; sorry she's still positive, but it seems common.

@HAL Sailer Great to hear that DB is doing better! Best of luck to his son in the race.

@marshhawk Prayers that DH's biopsy doesn't show any cancer.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you made it home safely. Good to hear that Camilla and her parents are negative, but sorry your niece and her DH are positive (and I hope you and DH remain negative!).

@ger_77 Enjoy your visit with your friends at the lake.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Thanks Vanessa for your comments.  BTW, you do a wonderful job of keeping up with all the news and efficiently commenting with your thoughts to each individual.  I'm always impressed!




1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It will be a bit cooler today, down about 10 degrees from our high 70's F yesterday.  Perfect gardening weather!


I like fresh spinach in salads, avoid snakes whenever possible, and don't know if I've ever seen a Woodie Wagon other than in photos.  The quote is SO true today.  I might like the 3rd recipe today (great job @0106) with lower carbs and no mushrooms.  Have been to Alaska but not Whittier.  Thank you @StLouisCruisersSandi and @Quartzsite CruiserLenda for the photos. Will pass on the red wine, but the drink sounds yummy.  


@HAL SailerI'm so glad to hear that your DB's Covid symptoms are lessening.

@marshhawkprayers that your DH's biopsy results will be negative.  

@StLouisCruisersI'm so sorry to hear that your leg pain continues.  


@marshhawkI have never heard of people driving in circles for attention, it sounds like something bored teenagers would do (or very immature adults)  😉  


@richwmnthat was one of many great cruises we've had with you.  And here we are on that cruise, celebrating your birthday in the Pinnacle Grill.  😁Looking forward to cruising with you again in October!  🙂  






You're welcome for the photos.  I'm trying a different product on my leg.  It's an icy blue gel that is an analgesic for muscle and joint pain.  Just rub it in.  Then you get a burning sensation as it gets to work.  Then it cools off.  I figure it can't hurt.  I also have the Voltaren but that is more an arthritis ointment.


1 hour ago, HAL4NOW said:

 Because law-enforcement's hands are often tied by the politicians controlling them, not much can be done with unruly crowds.

Your last sentence says it all!  Agree 100%.




38 minutes ago, kazu said:


@StLouisCruisersSorry to hear of your poor sleep last night.  I hope that the pain soon dissipates and disappears forever 🙏🏻 

I hope so soon.  Thanks for your prayers!




33 minutes ago, kazu said:

Here is an update from Karen @luvteaching


We missed Ketchikan yesterday and are heading to Victoria. Currently (8:00 AM PST) we're about halfway down the coast of Vancouver Island. We'll dock in Victoria this evening for about an hour to satisfy government requirements and nobody is allowed off. The captain says we'll be in Seattle in the wee hours of the morning. 
No other word on the progress of the azipod repair. There is an "Ask the Captain" this afternoon so may find out something. We were given $100.00 per person in nonrefundable onboard credit. It would have been nice if it had been refundable but that's the way it goes. Port fees have already been credited to our account. 
So - this cruise we didn't get as close to Hubbard Glacier as we usually do, we were 3 hours late into Sitka, missed Ketchikan and Victoria. It's still been a lovely cruise with great staff, good food, and everyone is working hard to make it a memorable trip. 

Thank you for posting Karen's report.  The $100 nonrefundable OBC doesn't feel like enough, plus now everyone is running around trying to figure out what to do with it at the last minute.




29 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. Another 85 degree day on Maui with chirping birds and swaying palms.


Prayers lifted to Sandi's family and Roy's as they lay their loved ones to peace and rest.


My sister's flight was terribly late, but she was able to get onboard almost 4 hours later. The security lines in Kahalui were long and way outside the doors. 


I love sauteed spinach but not so much for raw. Isn't this the truth:




Today is brunch. I'll take a dip in the ocean, dinner at Dukes tonight.


Love, peace, blessings and cheers.

Joy,  thanks for your prayers, too!  Not good to hear your sister's flight was so late and that security lines were out the doors.  Hope she has safe travels.  And that spinach meme is sure the truth!




24 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone!  Thank you for the Fleet Report Rich. Thank you everyone for sharing on the Daily. 

Yesterday was spent with DM, first a dental appointment for her then lunch. She wanted to try crab at the fairly new location of the chain restaurant Angry Crab Shack. The other one was too far away from us and this new location is much closer. The crab was good but I did most of the work and it was messy. When they brought us plastic forks for our salads Mom looked at me like “what the heck?”  But I thought it was all good and we both thought that the onion rings were some of the best ever. 

Then DGD came over to spend the night. Right now I’m getting ready to make pancakes. I always make the entire batch and freeze them, then microwave for about 90 seconds and they always taste fresh made. DGS was here a few days ago and had some, so it’s nice to have them at the ready.  We will probably go swimming this afternoon and we are planning on grilling some pork chops that are brining in the fridge. 

It is good to hear people are getting over covid, Sarah, Camilla and parents, HAL Sailor DB, etc.  Prayers for Amy and family as Buddy is laid to rest. And Roy too, for your cousin being laid to rest. 

Sorry I didn’t blue bubble but my arthritis is bad today and my stubby fingers get in the way. 

Have a great day everyone!


Thanks Sharon for your prayers today.  Very sorry to hear your arthritis is acting up.  You are keeping very busy with family duties and activities.  Enjoy the pool time.

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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

What is now know as the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, was built by the Army and opened in 1943.  This allowed supplies to be moved into the interior year round.  The Army abandoned the tunnel in the 1960s and it became part of the Alaska highway system, and eventually underwent an up grade.  The tunnel is the only access to Whittier by road, and cars share the tunnel with the Alaska RR.  


We have been there a few times, but never sailed into the port.  We have sailed into Anchorage on the 14 day cruise, doing b2b2bs.  At least once every time, we've driven to Whittier.  One year, probably before the tunnel opened to car traffic, we took the train into Whittier.  That day was cold, wet and windy.  We walked around town and reboarded the train.  It was also predigital.


Even today, since Whittier is a protected port, most supplies come through the port.  Rail cars are loaded on barges that have rails.  Once in port, the Alaska RR backs a train up to the barge and the cars are added to the train for the run into Anchorage and beyond. We watch some cars being unloaded, but I can't find the pictures.


In 2012, we did the 26 Glacier Cruise which we booked on our own.  We were lucky to get a rare, mostly sunny day.  Since we did not want to miss the boat, we got to Whittier early and drove around, but evidently I did not take many pictures.


The approach into town as you leave the tunnel.



The building the Army built in the 1940s to house everyone in town.  It is now falling into ruin.



The new building where the residents live is in the background of this picture taken from our tour boat in and in the distance was we drove into town.



In driving around Whittier, we found another oldie.  This is exactly like our first RV which we bought used in 1979.



A picture from the waterfront area



Finally, our tour boat coming in to pick us up




Thank you for your informative photos and commentary Lenda.


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3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It will be a bit cooler today, down about 10 degrees from our high 70's F yesterday.  Perfect gardening weather!


I like fresh spinach in salads, avoid snakes whenever possible, and don't know if I've ever seen a Woodie Wagon other than in photos.  The quote is SO true today.  I might like the 3rd recipe today (great job @0106) with lower carbs and no mushrooms.  Have been to Alaska but not Whittier.  Thank you @StLouisCruisersSandi and @Quartzsite CruiserLenda for the photos. Will pass on the red wine, but the drink sounds yummy.  


@HAL SailerI'm so glad to hear that your DB's Covid symptoms are lessening.

@marshhawkprayers that your DH's biopsy results will be negative.  

@StLouisCruisersI'm so sorry to hear that your leg pain continues.  


@marshhawkI have never heard of people driving in circles for attention, it sounds like something bored teenagers would do (or very immature adults)  😉  


@richwmnthat was one of many great cruises we've had with you.  And here we are on that cruise, celebrating your birthday in the Pinnacle Grill.  😁Looking forward to cruising with you again in October!  🙂  






Lovely photo.

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@aliaschief The problem of getting employees on the ship is the slowness of processing their visas.  So, the government and cruise lines figured a way...let them work, while the cruise lines and the processors process.  Should be back to somewhat normal I heard by the end of August. 


@ottahand7Restaurant class food porn!  Thanks!


I want to make Jersey sloppy joes.  And I often wonder if they only came from Morris County, but here goes-in layers

rye bread

thousand island dressing

roast beef (or ham, or turkey)

cole slaw

swiss cheese

thousand island  dressing

ryebread, and then repeat

so that it's two layers of meat. 


Now since all of DH's surgeries, I just make then with two slices rye, the problem is that the cole slaw has to be a moderately sweet coleslaw

(the deli near my home in  NJ would not give me the recipe, even when i showed them i had moved)

and the closest thing to their coleslaw was Chick Fil A, but then they thought that since young people wanted to eat healthier, like Kale (gag me) they did away with cole slaw.

So now I have to go to a BBQ place to get the coleslaw.  We have enjoyed eating there over the last 30 years, but they have no sense of covid, masks or spacing.  And it's not that clean, mainly because none of their employees last longer than one or two months now.  Used to be they would be there for years.  So we are off to the BBQ place once DH gets off work, but does anyone have a sort of sweet coleslaw recipe?  this was not my mom's forte.  she made great mac and cheese, but lacked salad knowledge.

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When I do coleslaw I buy the bag of shredded cabbage and carrot mix and then mix up a dressing. I stir mayo until it's smooth, then add salt and pepper, celery seeds, a bit of apple cider vinegar and a couple of teaspoons of sugar. I'm not sure if adding more sugar would take it to the level you'd like for your sandwich but might be worth a try. Once all is blended and smooth, I add in the cabbage and let it chill for a couple of hours.

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12 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

...does anyone have a sort of sweet coleslaw recipe? 


When I need a sweet coleslaw quickly, I use Marzetti SOUTHERN Recipe bottled slaw dressing. Make sure you select the SOUTHERN version as it's the sweet one. It isn't found in every MI grocery, but I have found it at Piggly Wiggly, Harris Teeter, and Publix in southern states. It's usually by the bottled salad dressings (NOT in the produce section of refrigerated ones).




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