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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday November 29th, 2022


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2 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Hey everybody, saw the hand surgeon at 8AM, said the finger is healing well and I'll still have swelling for another month but he gave me the OK to golf. Sped home and grabbed some clubs and rushed to the range and hit some balls, a little stiff but will play my regular game tomorrow.

Thanks for all the nice wishes and caring. This is really a great group with some of the nicest people on the planet. This wasn't the worse affliction compared to what others are going through but there was a chance of the infection getting so bad I could have lost part of the finger, so again thanks to you all.

Great news.

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Good morning and Happy Tuesday!  Craig put up the tree this morning and will fluff it up and out some, and then tomorrow I’ll start putting the ornaments on. It’s a pre lit tree, thank goodness.  He and DGD put up the Nativity on Sunday, it’s become a tradition for them to do it together. 

I will pass on the pie and cauliflower. We are having mussels today. Craig had to go to 4 different stores to find fresh tarragon and ended up buying 3 packages so I better use them soon.  Yesterday I made chicken and dumplings for the first time ever. I’ve made chicken pot pie, which is basically the base of the recipe, but never made dumplings. Oh my!  They were so good. I used a recipe I saw on Facebook from Martha Stewart. 


@MISTER 67 Congratulations!  Enjoy getting back to golfing. 

Have a great day everyone!

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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


I finally finished the cookies late last night, so now there are no naked Santas. 😁   Later today, I'll tackle the mess in the kitchen and get it cleaned up.


Take your time with the kitchen.  It isn't going anywhere.


4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Square dancing was big in west Texas when I was growing up.  My parents were members of a square dance club, and I learned to square dance at an early age.  I haven't square dance since college, but I enjoyed it.  


My class was actually called International Dance and we did other folk dances as well, but mostly the square dances.  I was not looking forward to the class, but it turned out to be a great one. I even wished there was a Part II.  My second phys ed class was bowling.


4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad your new doctor is a good fit.  We've have a great doctor here, and a so-so one in Quartzsite.  We're now doing all our main appointments here.



Well, Quartzsite can be the in a crunch guy.  I met some people at the grocery store today who drive 2 hours one way to see their doctor here in town.  They are from a small rural area and there isn't much there for medical help.   That is why I told Sue we had to come here to Midland.  Not only is the rest of the family here, but we would be close to services we needed as we got older such as health care.


3 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Hey everybody, saw the hand surgeon at 8AM, said the finger is healing well and I'll still have swelling for another month but he gave me the OK to golf. Sped home and grabbed some clubs and rushed to the range and hit some balls, a little stiff but will play my regular game tomorrow.

Thanks for all the nice wishes and caring. This is really a great group with some of the nicest people on the planet. This wasn't the worse affliction compared to what others are going through but there was a chance of the infection getting so bad I could have lost part of the finger, so again thanks to you all.


Happy Days are here again!   Glad to hear the good news.  


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning Dailyites!


Today we are supposed to start getting snow. It's currently 20F on the front porch and the sky is a grey "snow" sky but it needs to warm up a bit for the white stuff to happen. Our roads were quite wet yesterday when I was driving home (in daylight) so I'm hesitant to head out this morning. I'd warned DH and the staff that I would probably stay home today due to weather conditions and he was ok with it. Yesterday he walked 50 feet in the parallel bars! I owe him a milkshake (strawberry) on my next trip in. 

I have plans to get things done at home today - rearrange the living room and put the tree up (not decorate but up), do some cleaning, make some cookies, get some wrapping done (I'm heading to BC on Saturday possibly and need to take gifts up) and get the Christmas cards out. I feel a bit guilty not going in to see DH but I could really use the day at home and I don't need to get into an accident due to the roads. I'm a wimpy snow and ice driver. 

Have a good day everyone!




Yes, you do need a day at home now and then.  The worst thing a care giver can do is neglect their own needs.  While you may not be giving the direct care, you are still giving care by being there.  I don't do snow and ice either.  Leave it to those who have to go out.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


  I was dreaming of Norway and Antarctica as we slowwwly tendered back to the ship.  Hot climates aren't my favorite!



That made me laugh.  We prefer the colder climates.  I've never done a Caribbean cruise and probably won't do one.  I'm not a beach/lay in the sand and sun person.  I'd rather be walking around and hiking and hot weather is not good for that.


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between shifts- typing quickly


donations, it is not so much how much money that you give that helps, it' s the number of people who give.  Government funding is there for the asking, but not always the taking.  if 10 thousand people gave 10 bucks each, that tells the gov funders that people love it, but financially cant always afford it, and there fore they get money.  If 10 people  give 10 thousand each, and that's it, then you have wealthy people who will spare no expense to keep something open, even though it apparently doesn't appeal to everyone.  no funding.  regardless of the amount, if you love something, give it something.  you wouldn't get a pet and starve it.  or a spouse and lock them in the basement.....


you get my drift.

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30 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

between shifts- typing quickly


donations, it is not so much how much money that you give that helps, it' s the number of people who give.  Government funding is there for the asking, but not always the taking.  if 10 thousand people gave 10 bucks each, that tells the gov funders that people love it, but financially cant always afford it, and there fore they get money.  If 10 people  give 10 thousand each, and that's it, then you have wealthy people who will spare no expense to keep something open, even though it apparently doesn't appeal to everyone.  no funding.  regardless of the amount, if you love something, give it something.  you wouldn't get a pet and starve it.  or a spouse and lock them in the basement.....


you get my drift.

And then you have a boss that says "If you don't start the ask at $1000 you'll be fired."  Go figure.



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48 minutes ago, dfish said:





That made me laugh.  We prefer the colder climates.  I've never done a Caribbean cruise and probably won't do one.  I'm not a beach/lay in the sand and sun person.  I'd rather be walking around and hiking and hot weather is not good for that.


I agree.  We did one Caribbean cruise years ago, we wanted to get out of the Canadian winter, but it was too darn hot!

Give me Norway anytime.

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15 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

I agree.  We did one Caribbean cruise years ago, we wanted to get out of the Canadian winter, but it was too darn hot!

Give me Norway anytime.

Me too.  We agreed that this last one was our last (we added 2 weeks in the Caribbean to a 2-week Quebec City-Fort Lauderdale cruise).  We couldn't see flying across the country (to another country) for only 2 weeks.  But it was SO hot and humid!  No more for us.

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It has been snowing all day and Saint Paul has declared a snow emergency. People that park on the street need to move their cars around so the streets can get plowed. It doesn't affect us anymore but it was a pain in the a** when we lived in the condo. 


We are working on the Christmas decorations - tree (fake) is up and the lights are strung, ornaments are next.


Pizza is on the menu for tonight since it is $10 Tuesday at Papa Murphy (except that the price has gone up to $10.99). I am pretty sure that cauliflower is not one of their options, but I think we would like it. Now I just have to hope the snow is not too bad for the drive to the pizza shop!

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I have a question for my Daily friends.  I’m trying to book our complimentary dinners (Pinnacle, Canaletto and Tamarind) on the Rotterdam, but when I select the number of people, NAN comes up and I can’t progress any further.  Any idea why, and how to get around this?


Thanks in advance!

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3 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

I have a question for my Daily friends.  I’m trying to book our complimentary dinners (Pinnacle, Canaletto and Tamarind) on the Rotterdam, but when I select the number of people, NAN comes up and I can’t progress any further.  Any idea why, and how to get around this?


Thanks in advance!

On another thread folks were commenting today how Hal’s Web Site has been acting up or down. Could be the problem.

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22 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Great to hear that US has just defeated Iran.



Now they get to face Netherlands on December 3rd. As a Holland America cruiser, I can root for both sides; I can't lose 🙂  

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Ok - the snow has started! @Cruising-along you didn't have to share you know! 


The roads were dry and so I headed in to see DH and take the promised milkshake for yesterday's walking (50 feet in the parallel bars and strawberry) but the milkshake machine didn't work at our closest Jack-in-the-Box so he'll have to wait for the next trip in. I stayed about 90 minutes with him, quickly did the banking (tomorrow is pension day) and stopped to read some Starbucks cards and get a cranberry bliss bar. By the time I came out of Starbucks the snow was swirling and the wind was making it blow sideways. I Headed north to us and right now it's coming down pretty straight, the road was ok, but we're expecting winds up to close to 20 mph tonight. I'll wait until the morning to put out the garbage can. The B.C. ferries have totally shut down the runs from the mainland to Vancouver Island due to the wind. 


Now my list includes getting the tree up (fake), doing some wrapping, etc. 


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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

On another thread folks were commenting today how Hal’s Web Site has been acting up or down. Could be the problem.

Thank you - I tried logging out of the app and going back in, with the same results, then went on our PC where everything went through and I now have an email confirming our reservations.  Yay!!

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5 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Good news @MISTER 67!  I wasn’t sure about cauliflower pizza but we tried the Costco one and it was surprisingly good,   We’ve bought it again and it will be a regular for us.  

For giving Tuesday,  Cocacola is matching donations to Ronald McDonald House,  a lovely place  where families can stay when a child is undergoing treatment at the children’s hospital.  I’m grateful for this place that helped our daughter this year.   

Has anyone else seen the photos of Mauna Loa?  It’s making me nervous as we are due to visit early next year.  






Brenda, it is a rare event to have Maura Loa and Kilauea both erupting at the same time!  That happened sometime around 1980.  Right now air quality is the biggest concern. But the experts are watching closely. 

I hope this doesn’t impact your travels. 


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38 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Ok - the snow has started! @Cruising-along you didn't have to share you know! 

And usually "that s word" comes down to us from the north! This must be coming from the South.

Please don't send the wind this way, I'm very nervous now after that tree came down on my neighbor's house. I can see the evergreens across the street slightly waving, hope it doesn't get any stronger.

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Good evening. Thank you for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I haven't square danced since grammar school gym class. A salute to Giving Tuesday. I've never had lemon cream pie. Not sure about the quote. Maybe on the meal. I assumed cauliflower crust at first. The other day I saw sweet potato pizza! Pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to La Rochelle.


Late today. I was up early and off to BFF's house. We got clothes for his Dad, and went to the funeral home, along with the Dad's GF (he was 93, she is 85). Did the hard work of picking out the casket, writing the obit, and taking care of all the other necessary stuff. Funerals have gotten a lot more expensive since my DM passed way back in 1993. I was just looking at flowers to send and yikes! The small service will be on Saturday. Then BFF and I went out for a meal. I came home and raked leaves until almost dark, as pickup is tomorrow. I'm tired, physically and emotionally. But I may try to make my Christmas German nut bread (Hutzelbrot) over the next 3 days.


@seagarsmoker Great that you were able to work a full day.

@grapau27 Nice photos.

@mamaofami I hope you remain negative.

@Cruzin Terri How exciting that work is starting on the house!

@dfish I'm happy to hear you hit it off with your new doctor.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos.

@ottahand7 I'm glad DB got a new pic line. I'm still wearing my mask most places. 

@MISTER 67 Congrats on getting the ok to golf! 

@luvteaching WTG for DH on the walking. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Everyone with snow be careful on the roads!

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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:


Brenda, it is a rare event to have Maura Loa and Kilauea both erupting at the same time!  That happened sometime around 1980.  Right now air quality is the biggest concern. But the experts are watching closely. 

I hope this doesn’t impact your travels. 



Kilauea eruptions have dogged my sweet husband for years. He gets 24/7 hiccups!! He has to take a medication and poof! Hiccups are gone. We believe it's happened maybe 5 times since our yearly trek to Maui around 1985.

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Good evening,  I'm late today, which was a very busy day, and I still have more to do.  


The good news is, it is now official that DH will be discharged around 10 to 11 Thursday morning.  The timing depends a lot on when I get there, so I guess Thursday, I'll need to get going early.  DH is more than anxious to get home.  We are supposed to get a call within 24 hours after discharge to set up an evaluation for the in home PT, etc.  It looks like we'll need to be creative with PT until the three times a week PT begins.


Now, I just need to find time to get things set up here. Like a lot of things, I thought I had plenty of time, but now I'm wondering what happened to it.  At least, with our warm day, actually about 80F, I did get the cars washed.  After driving back and forth to Waco in the rain several days, there were beyond dirty.  I just hope it doesn't rain for a while.


13 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. It a brisk 38 degrees this morning in the Bay Area. No on the cauliflower pizza. I’m a traditionalist when it comes to pizzas. Red based sauce and thin regular crust. Another day of sitting around the house and will be starting a new book and pack as we have to be at Oakland airport at 6:00 AM!

I believe son is picking up to go food from a Greek Restaurant tonight. 
Not much to add here other then thanks for the reports and to all who contribute.


Safe travels tomorrow, Bruce.


10 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning Dailyites!


Today we are supposed to start getting snow. It's currently 20F on the front porch and the sky is a grey "snow" sky but it needs to warm up a bit for the white stuff to happen. Our roads were quite wet yesterday when I was driving home (in daylight) so I'm hesitant to head out this morning. I'd warned DH and the staff that I would probably stay home today due to weather conditions and he was ok with it. Yesterday he walked 50 feet in the parallel bars! I owe him a milkshake (strawberry) on my next trip in. 

I have plans to get things done at home today - rearrange the living room and put the tree up (not decorate but up), do some cleaning, make some cookies, get some wrapping done (I'm heading to BC on Saturday possibly and need to take gifts up) and get the Christmas cards out. I feel a bit guilty not going in to see DH but I could really use the day at home and I don't need to get into an accident due to the roads. I'm a wimpy snow and ice driver. 

Have a good day everyone!




I agree, you need a day off once in a while.  I took Friday off between the rain and waiting to sign for a package.  I used the time to bake the cookies, and just do something different.


10 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

My parents were part of a square dancing club for many years when I was a child.  Good memories of watching them dance, and playing with other members' children.  Mom's dresses also made for good dress up clothes. 😉

I also had to take square dancing and folk dancing in junior high.  I think I enjoyed folk dancing more. 



I'm all for Giving Tuesday, and lemon cream pie -- is that the same thing as lemon meringue pie?  Either way I'll take it. 😉  Will pass on the cauliflower pizza, whether it's the crust or not.  I prefer cauliflower raw in salads or with dip.  But pizza does sound good for tonight.  Will pass on the drink too, but the wine sounds good.  Have never been to La Rochelle but would love to see it.  Thanks for all the great photos!  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserin your first two photos I'm curious about the large, round yellow "ball" wearing a hat.....is that supposed to be a lemon?


Well the predicted snow has begun, just since I got up this morning and is coming down hard.  We never know how much accumulation we'll get, it doesn't usually stay cold enough to last long.  I'm just glad I don't have to get out and drive in it.  Karen @luvteachingit may be headed your way.


As it turns out, I did buy something yesterday for Cyber Monday after all.  On Thanksgiving my sister was raving about her "Eufy" robo vacuum and was urging me to get one.  I said I'm happy with my vacuum, it's fairly new, and couldn't see spending upwards of $300 for something I don't really need.  Well....as I was looking at my DDIL's Amazon Wish List, I happened to see that the same Eufy my sister has was 48% off yesterday.....guess who is getting one for Christmas.  🤣

I plan to use it downstairs on the hardwood floors and keep my other vacuum upstairs for the carpet.


Today will be another day of Christmas and birthday party prep -- happy that I made a good size dent in the prep yesterday!


Carolyn, we are not exactly sure what the yellow things in the pictures are.  We think they are for recycling or for trash.  I think the area is known for lemons, but don't hold me to that .  Also,  their rugby team's colors are yellow and black.  That probably doesn't help you a lot, but that is all we can remember.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good evening. Thank you for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I haven't square danced since grammar school gym class. A salute to Giving Tuesday. I've never had lemon cream pie. Not sure about the quote. Maybe on the meal. I assumed cauliflower crust at first. The other day I saw sweet potato pizza! Pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to La Rochelle.


Late today. I was up early and off to BFF's house. We got clothes for his Dad, and went to the funeral home, along with the Dad's GF (he was 93, she is 85). Did the hard work of picking out the casket, writing the obit, and taking care of all the other necessary stuff. Funerals have gotten a lot more expensive since my DM passed way back in 1993. I was just looking at flowers to send and yikes! The small service will be on Saturday. Then BFF and I went out for a meal. I came home and raked leaves until almost dark, as pickup is tomorrow. I'm tired, physically and emotionally. But I may try to make my Christmas German nut bread (Hutzelbrot) over the next 3 days.


@seagarsmoker Great that you were able to work a full day.

@grapau27 Nice photos.

@mamaofami I hope you remain negative.

@Cruzin Terri How exciting that work is starting on the house!

@dfish I'm happy to hear you hit it off with your new doctor.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos.

@ottahand7 I'm glad DB got a new pic line. I'm still wearing my mask most places. 

@MISTER 67 Congrats on getting the ok to golf! 

@luvteaching WTG for DH on the walking. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Everyone with snow be careful on the roads!


Vanessa, I'm sure it was a comfort to BFF to have you help with the funeral arrangements.



8 hours ago, dfish said:


Take your time with the kitchen.  It isn't going anywhere.



My class was actually called International Dance and we did other folk dances as well, but mostly the square dances.  I was not looking forward to the class, but it turned out to be a great one. I even wished there was a Part II.  My second phys ed class was bowling.



Well, Quartzsite can be the in a crunch guy.  I met some people at the grocery store today who drive 2 hours one way to see their doctor here in town.  They are from a small rural area and there isn't much there for medical help.   That is why I told Sue we had to come here to Midland.  Not only is the rest of the family here, but we would be close to services we needed as we got older such as health care.



Debbie, I know the kitchen isn't going anywhere, but I would like some of the mess to go away before DH gets home.   I also need to get the cookies in some sort of container so I can get to the counter top and the table.


I took three PE classes at UT, and one was bowling.  There was an archery class that I also took.  If  you were proficient you could test out of a semester of PE.  That wasn't the case for archery, but the instructor used me to set the standard for testing out of the class.


The Quartzsite clinic was our main PCP until this year.  It was just off, so we are now seeing our doctor here, and he wants to be DH's caregiver instead of the PA.  That's just the kind of doctor he is. 


It's a good thing the pharmacist came to see DH tonight.  We'd told them which pharmacy we use here, but instead the looked at the last place they had our prescriptions showing as being filled.  It was the pharmacy in Blythe, CA.  That 's just a little far to go to pick up a prescription.  I think that is straighten out.  🤞  Oh, the joys of modern medicine in the US.


Now, I better get back to my cookies.




I swear if my head wasn't attached, I lose it.  I hope everyone in the path of the storm in the southeast stays safe.  And, also, I hope those facing snow are safe too.

Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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I had an acupuncture appointment at midday, so I swapped my day off and will work tomorrow. After the session I came home for lunch and a little reading, then set off for multiple errands along the big shopping strip: Amazon return to Kohl's; dryer vent return to Lowe's (installer didn't use it); unsuccessful visit to Petsmart; order pickup at Target, plus purchased a cauliflower-crust pizza; recycling drop-off at Staples; and purchase of a small saucepan at TJX.


Most of it went smoothly, but the returns desk at Lowe's was clogged by a group of several people trying to return one [something] without a receipt, with discussion occupying all three associates working at the desk. It was eventually determined that the store would accept the return, but only with a state ID, from which the number would be scanned into a database. I've encountered this myself at another store--they do it to discourage the same person from returning lots more things, possibly shoplifted, without receipts--but the people didn't like the idea at all and started a song-and-dance about how it was their mother who purchased it and her name is different and.... At that point a fourth associate arrived to deal with the growing line of customers and I tuned out. Mine was simple, because I had the receipt and a comprehensible reason for the return, and the refund could go back to the card with which I had paid for it.


A Misfits Market order came today, and it looks like I'll be having an allium festival, as it included both leeks and shallots. I had also ordered Bartlett pears and "mystery" Swiss chard, which I do almost every week that they have them. The mystery part is what color it will be. This week it was all red stalks, but there's no guarantee.

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