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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday December 20th, 2022


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19 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good morning all,

Not much exciting on the agenda today. Just a trip to the market, Costco and more work on the scanning project. I found 3 more boxes of goodies in the attic and pulled another large stack of photos from them before sorting and tossing most of the rest. 

Before I head out shopping, I need a consult with our Wine Advisory Board please.  We’re invited to our cousins for Christmas, and they asked me to bring wine. I’m planning on Daou’s Cabernet S. and possibly 19 Crimes Uprising ( to introduce them to our current favorite) but I need a white also. I’m not into white wines, and not sure what is on the menu…. So-


May I get a few suggestions on a white that is likely to please? I’m looking to spend $15- $25.  Thanks!



@smitty34877 Wow, you are home, up and doing stairs! Amazing. When I was a student, hip replacement involved a stay in rehab. We used to have to get the whole team to help turn total hip patients on ortho. praying things continue to mend quickly.


@aliaschief Sending hugs to you both as you go through a hard day.


Have a great day everyone!

It was the same for me as a PT.I had no difficulty walking or doing  stairs yesterday due to the spinal anesthesia  that was approved by the hematologist  late Friday.Today it is harder but still possible. There are a total of 14 stairs to get into the house!

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@smitty34877  My only knowledge about hip replacements comes from the direct family and one friend.  The one friend was up and walking the same day, but she did stay in the hospital for 3 days.

My dad back in the 80's was in for a week,  my brother in law who fractured his hip had a partial replacement last Friday and is currently living in rehab.  And my poor DH must have picked his surgeon out of a hat with a list of terrible doctors, and his has never been right.  He wanted to eliminate pain and he has been in pain ever since.  Turns out they are supposed to measure the legs, and the doc never did. So one pant leg is always longer than the other.  He hurts when he walks, sits for a long time, or stays in bed too long.  However over the years, he has admitted that the pain is less when he gets into the habit of walking.  So, you, are amazing!  

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Good morning. I was up early this morning and made a quick run to the store before the crowds. Was in and out in about 30 minutes and will not have to go back until just before New Year. Got everything I needed. The dogs did not enjoy their early walk and Bandit will have to go out again shortly but by then it will at be somewhat warmer.


Have been to Sydney several times and always enjoy it. Scheduled again for 2024.... maybe. Will pass on the cocktail. And my meal for tonight will be left over meatloaf.@dfishThanks for the suggestion on the kale. I do eat it, but don't really like it. Will try it crispy. @smitty34877Glad you got home so quickly and hope the hip heals with little difficulty or pain. I have had several friends have the operation and all have been very happy with the results. @grapau27What a terrible accident for Pauline's friend's DD. It must have been a terrible shock to all.


They keep telling us it will warm up, but so far it really hasn't. I notice by Christmas and after the forecast is for highs in the 40's and lows in the 20's and high teens. That will be an improvement.


Off to review the travels of others and dream.





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Good morning from a wet (from fog), windy, and cold central Texas.  The fog made going to the store to get as much for Christmas and DD and DSIL's visit next week a real pain you know where.  I hope it clears up some by 11:15 when we head to Waco for DH's two month post-op doctor's appointment.


I haven't gone caroling since I was in high school, and I think many neighbors over the years have appreciated my absence.  I'll pass on the sangria day, but will honor Sacagawea.


Today, we'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds nice, but pricey.


We have been to Sydney twice, and I'll find my pictures in a few minutes.


@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad you made it home safely last night and could manage the stairs.  As a former physical therapist, I don't need to remind you to take it easy, walk often and take your pain pills.  😉  Hope you have and quick and uneventful recovery.

@1ANGELCAT  The little ones are so cute and don't seem to  have messed up the pretty tree either.

@ger_77  Gerry, sorry your credit card was hacked.  Safe travels to Calgary tomorrow.

@ottahand7  Nancy, that is good news your DS's cat was found and returned to her.  Safe travels tomorrow.  I was glad to read your DB will be in rehab a little longer.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad Bubbles found his box last night and was fairly warm.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I hope your memories of your DS will help ease the pain of today.

@richwmn  Rich, what you said about knowing something was missing, but didn't know what, sounds like me.  Hope the rest of your flight is smooth.

@grapau27  Graham, please pass our condolences to Pauline on the loss of her friend's daughter.  Also, our condolences to Pauline's friend on the loss of her daughter in addition to the loss of her parents in the past 12 months.


I  hope the victims of the earthquake in northern California did not sustain any serious injuries and that damage to buildings and houses was not too bad.




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We have been to Sydney twice.   The first time was in 2000 on P&O's Oriana world cruise.  (It was the only one that was going all the way around.)  In 2002, we were on the 64-day APEC cruise on Volendam, and spent 1 1/2 days in Sydney.


In 2000, when we were a lot younger, we had a busy day beginning with the sail in.    We took the Ho-Ho and then walked around downtown Sydney.


The sunrise as we sailed in and the pilot boat.



Our first view of the skyline and the Opera House as we headed toward Circular Quay.



Just one picture of the shopping district



When we got back to Circular Quay, we decided to take the ferry to Manly across the bay.





I couldn't resist the sunset pictures on two iconic symbols of Sydney.




In 2002, Volendam sailed into the bay about noon.  This was Volendam's maiden call in Sydney, and we were greeted by a fire boat who lead us to Circular Quay.



When we left the ship, two wildlife experts greeted us, one with a Koala and one with a Sugar Baby, who had the softest fur.  Sorry it's a little blurry.



That afternoon, we took the Ho-Ho and visited a couple of museums, including an old electric power plant, but I don't have pictures. 


The next day, we rented a car and drove to the Blue Mountains, and on the way back, around some of the far reaches of Sydney.


We saw this unusual bug that seems to have a face on his back.  It looks like some type of moth.  I had to really zoom in so the "face" would show up.



Some pictures of the Blue Mountains






I've always thought Dali's work while different was interesting.



The Rocks






The sunset over Sydney as we sailed toward the Bay of Islands.




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Greetings and Good Morning, Friends!  I haven't posted here since before Thanksgiving..  Lots has been going on, and two things stand out as reasons for me to have "shirked" on posting.


My DStep-son (the one with 2 cancers) managed to expose most of the family and some friends to COVID on Thanksgiving!  This after he was asked by his wife to test, and didn't!!!!  I was one of the fortunate ones that didn't get it, but was doing extra cooking (soups, etc.).  I was literally wanting to strangle him!  Everyone except one neighbor seemed to have fairly light cases.  


The cancer news is encouraging.  He has been having MRI's, cat scans in last week, and so far things are looking good for him.  If the healing from 1st surgery continues on course they will start working on the date for the second (kidney removal) surgery after mid-January.  @rafinmd, I think that for the present time he can be removed from the rotating Cares list.  I'll let you know when he will be undergoing 2nd surgery!  All prayers have been so appreciated and I know have been a plus for his current healing!  


This "pre-winter" time since the first part of November has really gotten me down.  I know that we aren't as cold as our Northern neighbors, but the damp cold we have experienced has really bothered me this year. To further illustrate, I have done no decorating for Christmas, and don't plan to. I will be having family for Christmas dinner, and that is the extent of my holiday planning!  I can't wait till I go to Hawaii for almost the whole month of January!  Of course, I have been watching all the news coverage of the hard landing for the Hawaiian plane.  That is the flight I will be taking - as there is only one flight daily from Phoenix each way!


I have been following with interest all the lucky people on cruises.  I have lifted in prayer those who have been on the Cares list.  @smitty34877I am so happy for you that your hip replacement went well especially for you to return home.  There will be continued prayers for all those in need.  


I still am keeping busy with various calls (Zoom, etc.) for Red Cross.  Thank goodness my role doesn't require me to be gone from home that much.  About a week ago, I got the latest booster and had no reaction whatsoever!  Hoping my immunity continues.


This has become too long, but just wanted to do a quick check-in.  I read almost everyday, but am just not motivated to post.  Just know I am thinking of all the very special posters who have landed in this wonderful spot!


Have a great day!

Mary Kay





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25 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Sydney twice.   The first time was in 2000 on P&O's Oriana world cruise.  (It was the only one that was going all the way around.)  In 2002, we were on the 64-day APEC cruise on Volendam, and spent 1 1/2 days in Sydney.


In 2000, when we were a lot younger, we had a busy day beginning with the sail in.    We took the Ho-Ho and then walked around downtown Sydney.


The sunrise as we sailed in and the pilot boat.



Our first view of the skyline and the Opera House as we headed toward Circular Quay.



Just one picture of the shopping district



When we got back to Circular Quay, we decided to take the ferry to Manly across the bay.





I couldn't resist the sunset pictures on two iconic symbols of Sydney.




In 2002, Volendam sailed into the bay about noon.  This was Volendam's maiden call in Sydney, and we were greeted by a fire boat who lead us to Circular Quay.



When we left the ship, two wildlife experts greeted us, one with a Koala and one with a Sugar Baby, who had the softest fur.  Sorry it's a little blurry.



That afternoon, we took the Ho-Ho and visited a couple of museums, including an old electric power plant, but I don't have pictures. 


The next day, we rented a car and drove to the Blue Mountains, and on the way back, around some of the far reaches of Sydney.


We saw this unusual bug that seems to have a face on his back.  It looks like some type of moth.  I had to really zoom in so the "face" would show up.



Some pictures of the Blue Mountains






I've always thought Dali's work while different was interesting.



The Rocks






The sunset over Sydney as we sailed toward the Bay of Islands.




Fabulous photos Lenda.

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37 minutes ago, durangoscots said:


Good morning. I was up early this morning and made a quick run to the store before the crowds. Was in and out in about 30 minutes and will not have to go back until just before New Year. Got everything I needed. The dogs did not enjoy their early walk and Bandit will have to go out again shortly but by then it will at be somewhat warmer.


Have been to Sydney several times and always enjoy it. Scheduled again for 2024.... maybe. Will pass on the cocktail. And my meal for tonight will be left over meatloaf.@dfishThanks for the suggestion on the kale. I do eat it, but don't really like it. Will try it crispy. @smitty34877Glad you got home so quickly and hope the hip heals with little difficulty or pain. I have had several friends have the operation and all have been very happy with the results. @grapau27What a terrible accident for Pauline's friend's DD. It must have been a terrible shock to all.


They keep telling us it will warm up, but so far it really hasn't. I notice by Christmas and after the forecast is for highs in the 40's and lows in the 20's and high teens. That will be an improvement.


Off to review the travels of others and dream.






29 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a wet (from fog), windy, and cold central Texas.  The fog made going to the store to get as much for Christmas and DD and DSIL's visit next week a real pain you know where.  I hope it clears up some by 11:15 when we head to Waco for DH's two month post-op doctor's appointment.


I haven't gone caroling since I was in high school, and I think many neighbors over the years have appreciated my absence.  I'll pass on the sangria day, but will honor Sacagawea.


Today, we'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds nice, but pricey.


We have been to Sydney twice, and I'll find my pictures in a few minutes.


@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad you made it home safely last night and could manage the stairs.  As a former physical therapist, I don't need to remind you to take it easy, walk often and take your pain pills.  😉  Hope you have and quick and uneventful recovery.

@1ANGELCAT  The little ones are so cute and don't seem to  have messed up the pretty tree either.

@ger_77  Gerry, sorry your credit card was hacked.  Safe travels to Calgary tomorrow.

@ottahand7  Nancy, that is good news your DS's cat was found and returned to her.  Safe travels tomorrow.  I was glad to read your DB will be in rehab a little longer.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad Bubbles found his box last night and was fairly warm.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I hope your memories of your DS will help ease the pain of today.

@richwmn  Rich, what you said about knowing something was missing, but didn't know what, sounds like me.  Hope the rest of your flight is smooth.

@grapau27  Graham, please pass our condolences to Pauline on the loss of her friend's daughter.  Also, our condolences to Pauline's friend on the loss of her daughter in addition to the loss of her parents in the past 12 months.


I  hope the victims of the earthquake in northern California did not sustain any serious injuries and that damage to buildings and houses was not too bad.




Thank you Susan and Lenda for your lovely words.

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9 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Greetings and Good Morning, Friends!  I haven't posted here since before Thanksgiving..  Lots has been going on, and two things stand out as reasons for me to have "shirked" on posting.


My DStep-son (the one with 2 cancers) managed to expose most of the family and some friends to COVID on Thanksgiving!  This after he was asked by his wife to test, and didn't!!!!  I was one of the fortunate ones that didn't get it, but was doing extra cooking (soups, etc.).  I was literally wanting to strangle him!  Everyone except one neighbor seemed to have fairly light cases.  


The cancer news is encouraging.  He has been having MRI's, cat scans in last week, and so far things are looking good for him.  If the healing from 1st surgery continues on course they will start working on the date for the second (kidney removal) surgery after mid-January.  @rafinmd, I think that for the present time he can be removed from the rotating Cares list.  I'll let you know when he will be undergoing 2nd surgery!  All prayers have been so appreciated and I know have been a plus for his current healing!  


This "pre-winter" time since the first part of November has really gotten me down.  I know that we aren't as cold as our Northern neighbors, but the damp cold we have experienced has really bothered me this year. To further illustrate, I have done no decorating for Christmas, and don't plan to. I will be having family for Christmas dinner, and that is the extent of my holiday planning!  I can't wait till I go to Hawaii for almost the whole month of January!  Of course, I have been watching all the news coverage of the hard landing for the Hawaiian plane.  That is the flight I will be taking - as there is only one flight daily from Phoenix each way!


I have been following with interest all the lucky people on cruises.  I have lifted in prayer those who have been on the Cares list.  @smitty34877I am so happy for you that your hip replacement went well especially for you to return home.  There will be continued prayers for all those in need.  


I still am keeping busy with various calls (Zoom, etc.) for Red Cross.  Thank goodness my role doesn't require me to be gone from home that much.  About a week ago, I got the latest booster and had no reaction whatsoever!  Hoping my immunity continues.


This has become too long, but just wanted to do a quick check-in.  I read almost everyday, but am just not motivated to post.  Just know I am thinking of all the very special posters who have landed in this wonderful spot!


Have a great day!

Mary Kay





I am so glad you checked in. I was thinking of you the other day and wondered what had happened to you. I too am feeling the cold more than usual.... it must be the increased humidity. The Western Slope being dry and cold does not bode well for summer.



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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, 


Good morning from north of Seattle! We have about 6 inches of snow and it's snowing now. It's a light dry snow and we've had wind. My car, sitting in the carport, has snow on it! 


I haven't been able to get in to see DH since Saturday due to snow, roads, etc. Yesterday a dear friend stopped and saw him and they phoned me. He sounded great, wants to be home, and misses me. I miss him. I admit, I was teary off and on yesterday and out-of-sorts a bit as I wasn't with him for a second day in a row. The aide called me mid-morning and said he'd looked out the window and told her his wife wouldn't be coming when he saw the snow. She was going to have him call me but it didn't happen. I've left messages for two days asking for nursing/therapy, etc to call but so far nothing. It's totally frustrating! Oh well, will try again today. 


Have a good day everyone!



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Good morning!  Thank goodness the forecast is showing warmer weather and supposed to be in the 70’s next week. 

I have been having weird dreams lately. Last night I dreamt that I forgot to cancel our April transatlantic cruise and didn’t know until the day before sailing so I went ahead with the cruise.  Weird because I haven’t made final payment. But I still need to cancel it, I think we’ve decided to do it in 2024. 

Rich @richwmn, I’ve been thinking about you and your exciting World Cruise. So glad to hear you are on your way to Ft Lauderdale. 

Terry @smitty34877, so nice that you are home. I’m sure recovering at home will be easier, but stairs? Wow, you are amazing. 

Graham @grapau27, condolences to Pauline’s friend. How tragic. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, what a great picture of you two!


@TiogaCruiser, I am no wine connoisseur but you really can’t go wrong with a New Zealand Souvignon Blanc. Our favorites are Kim Crawford and Nobilo. But there are a lot of good ones. Trader Joe’s has a great selection and Costco carries Kim Crawford. All within your price range. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning all!

It's snowing heavily here a little north of Seattle.  We're supposed to get snow and cold temps through Thursday, but rain for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so most likely not a white Christmas.


I'm very sad today...my neighbor is taking their cat (my buddy, garden pal, and most amazing cat I've ever known) to be put down this morning.  😞 Knowing how much I've loved him for years, she asked if I wanted to come over yesterday to say a last goodbye.  Of course I did, hard as it was but I was thankful for the opportunity.  His poor old body is breaking down, it's time to say goodbye.  I will miss him as if he was my own.




DH has gone for his first weekly "chemo wash" into the bladder.  He has had the procedure before, but couldn't tolerate it after about the 3rd time.  We'll see how it goes this time.  


I plan to continue wrapping gifts today, I didn't get very far yesterday but sure have a mess everywhere.  


Terry @smitty34877I'm so glad to hear you're doing well after your surgery!  14 stairs, wow!!

Graham @grapau27my condolences to Pauline's friend.  How very sad.

Gerry @ger_77darn it about your credit card being compromised!  That's always a hassle, but especially this time of year.

Nancy @ottahand7wonderful news about your sister's cat!!  She must be ecstatic.

MaryKay @cruzn singlehow awful about the stepson exposing everyone to Covid -- and how awful for him, as a cancer patient, to have it.  

@TiogaCruiserI agree with Sharon @Sharon in AZabout the New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs.  It's what I love.  Now my sister, who prefers sweeter wines (ugh) wouldn't like it, so you may want to consider peoples' tastes -- but it sure is my favorite.


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Good morning, Dailyites, nice to see all the posts when I get here after breakfast.  Condolences to Pauline and her friend on the loss of her friend's daughter.  How terrible.  We have Australian friends who lost their only son from a fall down stairs in Bangkok (years ago, but he was a good friend of our DD's, she still talks about it).  


Terry, that is amazing that you managed the stairs on the same day you had a hip replacement.  The wonders of modern medical science.  Prayers you recover quickly, and pain free.


Well, everything has hit the fan here!  Masses of snow (about a foot) and Victoria is never prepared for it, it will take days to clear.  Yesterday, Pat announced we had a slow leak in one tire, and he spent the afternoon hunting for a place to have a look at it.  He can get an appointment for December 31st (when we will be in Cabo)!  In the meantime, he is pumping it by hand.  I'm afraid that with the snow, I won't get to my haircut tomorrow, and then will have to just wait until I am on board.  I am beginning to look quite scruffy, will they let me on?  I had it all planned so perfectly!  And DD has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I don't know how that will work out.


Yesterday was so cold, Pat spent the afternoon bringing in and rotating the hummingbird feeders, melting the ice and then putting them back outside.  He was worn out by the end of the day, but I'm afraid it's going to be the same today.  The birds are frantic for their warm "cuppa".  We have a lot of glass, skylights, etc., and it was really cold inside yesterday, I had the electric fireplaces on as well as the heat pumps going full blast and a heating pad on my knees as I sat.  Hopefully the snow will insulate the skylights at least, today.  I feel for those Floridian iguanas!



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've sung in Christmas programs, but have never gone caroling. I like sangria, but haven't had any in many years. I'll salute Sacagawea. I'll pass on the meal (maybe if no kale) and drink; yes to the cab sav if someone buys it for me. 

I have been to Sydney. 


It's still chilly, but at least we made it to 31F and the sun is out! I've spent the morning making the marinade for the sauerbraten. I may run to the pharmacy and Aldi this afternoon. Stocking stuffers are wrapped, but I still have the regular presents to do.


@grapau27 So sorry to hear of Pauline's friend's daughter's sad death. She was so young. Prayers for the family and friends, who have suffered so much loss in the past year.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you got home ok. Wow on navigating stairs right after surgery! Rest and recuperate.

@StLouisCruisers Good luck with the tooth. I'm like you and don't like going out in the rain; especially grocery shopping, probably from growing up with paper grocery bags that were terrible in the rain. I hope DD's appointment goes well today.

@Seasick Sailor Enjoy HMC.

@1ANGELCAT The kitties love the tree!

@ger_77 Oh no on the credit card fraud! So irritating, especially as you're traveling. I had that happen on a 3 week national park driving trip; fortunately I had a second card. Like you I use RFID, but I've had accounts with several businesses/stores that had data breaches.

@ottahand7 I hope DB does get home for Christmas. What a great Christmas present for DS to get her cat back! Safe travels tomorrow.

@dfish Fingers crossed that Sue makes it to Midland safely. Thanks for the recipes.

@aliaschief Hugs on this one year anniversary of your sister's passing.

@TiogaCruiser I can't comment on white wines, but I had been enjoying some 19 Crimes reds, including The Uprising, before my 3 month abstinence.

@cruzn single Thanks for checking in. Good to hear Dstep-son's cancer news is encouraging, but bad of him to not test before being around family! 

@luvteaching I hope you get to talk to DH and the staff today.

@Cruising-along Sad about the neighbor's cat; I'm glad she had you come to say goodbye. Good wishes for DH to tolerate his treatment.

@Vict0riann Sorry to hear about the weather and the tire leak (and Pat having to pump it up by hand).


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Arriving in Sydney Harbor in the early morning.







The story of the Opera House Shape





Aborigine playing a Didgeridoo in the Circular Quay



The First Impressions Sculpture in The Rocks



View from the pylon lookout on the Harbor Bridge



Harbor Bridge Walkway



Luna Park



Sydney Conservatorium of Music



Pyramid and Arc, Royal Botanical Gardens



St. Mary's Cathedral



Sydney Town Hall lit for Christmas



Atop the Sydney Harbor Bridge


Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning!   Thanks all! 


@smitty34877 so glad the healing can begin.

@grapau27 please pass on my condolences to Pauline and her friend who lost her daughter.     

BRRR!  Minus 33 without windchill.,  minus 42 with last night!   And our car died at the doctor.  What a day,  now getting an emergency MRI booked,  as DH gets a new battery.  The auto club had a 36 hour wait to tow, and it’s too cold for them to replace batteries.  They were going to come tonight at 3 am!   So thankful for a kind taxi driver who boosted us.  


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@TiogaCruiserA good suggestion for a crowd pleasing white wine would be either Meiomi or La Crema Sonoma chardonnays. 

@Quartzsite Cruiserand @JazzyVThank you for the lovely photos of Sydney. 

@Cruising-alongI am so sorry your neighbor had to put your buddy kitty down.   It is always inevitable but is always too early.   I am sure you will miss him.  

I just got a message from my DS that she is taking her kitty that has returned home to the ER vet in Grand Rapids.  She has rapid breathing, maybe that is why the people returned her.    It is so hard to get into a regular vet these days.  Too bad stock isn't sold in animal ERs.  


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2 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:


Before I head out shopping, I need a consult with our Wine Advisory Board please.  We’re invited to our cousins for Christmas, and they asked me to bring wine. I’m planning on Daou’s Cabernet S. and possibly 19 Crimes Uprising ( to introduce them to our current favorite) but I need a white also. I’m not into white wines, and not sure what is on the menu…. So-


May I get a few suggestions on a white that is likely to please? I’m looking to spend $15- $25.  Thanks!



I won't dispute the NZ SB recommendations.  Mrs. XBGuy is a Chardonnay bigot.  A few of her favorites:


  • La Crema Sonoma Coast--I regularly buy this at Costco for about $13.  Total Wine often also has it for about the same price.
  • Sonoma-Cutrer Sonoma Coast.  I buy this one for about $25 at Trader Joe's, but, again, I would not be surprised if Total Wine carried it.  Mrs. XBGuy particularly likes this one because it has a screw cap.
  • Sonoma Loeb Sonoma Coast.  This is a terrific wine produced by the Chappellet winery.  The only place I've ever seen it is Total Wine and, as I recall, it is also in the mid $20s.
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6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  Dailyites.I made it home yesterday  by 8 pm and negotiated  stairs  amazingly well.There is more pain today but that is to be expected  after the " carpentry " of the hip surgery. The hospital  experience  was surreal as I had been there as a PT student 44 years ago.There has been much  new construction  and the staff could not have been better.

I remain so touched by the outpouring  of support  from everyone. It helps tremendously. 



I’m so impressed that you are home.I had hip surgery at HSS in 2009 and was in the hospital 5 days and then rehab for 10.I know there is a new kind of hip surgery now. Keep feeling better.



5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Joy.

Lovely photo of yourself and Allen.

It is good to hear you are both having a fabulous time.



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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning!  Thank goodness the forecast is showing warmer weather and supposed to be in the 70’s next week. 

I have been having weird dreams lately. Last night I dreamt that I forgot to cancel our April transatlantic cruise and didn’t know until the day before sailing so I went ahead with the cruise.  Weird because I haven’t made final payment. But I still need to cancel it, I think we’ve decided to do it in 2024. 

Rich @richwmn, I’ve been thinking about you and your exciting World Cruise. So glad to hear you are on your way to Ft Lauderdale. 

Terry @smitty34877, so nice that you are home. I’m sure recovering at home will be easier, but stairs? Wow, you are amazing. 

Graham @grapau27, condolences to Pauline’s friend. How tragic. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, what a great picture of you two!


@TiogaCruiser, I am no wine connoisseur but you really can’t go wrong with a New Zealand Souvignon Blanc. Our favorites are Kim Crawford and Nobilo. But there are a lot of good ones. Trader Joe’s has a great selection and Costco carries Kim Crawford. All within your price range. 

Have a great day everyone!


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's snowing heavily here a little north of Seattle.  We're supposed to get snow and cold temps through Thursday, but rain for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so most likely not a white Christmas.


I'm very sad today...my neighbor is taking their cat (my buddy, garden pal, and most amazing cat I've ever known) to be put down this morning.  😞 Knowing how much I've loved him for years, she asked if I wanted to come over yesterday to say a last goodbye.  Of course I did, hard as it was but I was thankful for the opportunity.  His poor old body is breaking down, it's time to say goodbye.  I will miss him as if he was my own.




DH has gone for his first weekly "chemo wash" into the bladder.  He has had the procedure before, but couldn't tolerate it after about the 3rd time.  We'll see how it goes this time.  


I plan to continue wrapping gifts today, I didn't get very far yesterday but sure have a mess everywhere.  


Terry @smitty34877I'm so glad to hear you're doing well after your surgery!  14 stairs, wow!!

Graham @grapau27my condolences to Pauline's friend.  How very sad.

Gerry @ger_77darn it about your credit card being compromised!  That's always a hassle, but especially this time of year.

Nancy @ottahand7wonderful news about your sister's cat!!  She must be ecstatic.

MaryKay @cruzn singlehow awful about the stepson exposing everyone to Covid -- and how awful for him, as a cancer patient, to have it.  

@TiogaCruiserI agree with Sharon @Sharon in AZabout the New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs.  It's what I love.  Now my sister, who prefers sweeter wines (ugh) wouldn't like it, so you may want to consider peoples' tastes -- but it sure is my favorite.



1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, nice to see all the posts when I get here after breakfast.  Condolences to Pauline and her friend on the loss of her friend's daughter.  How terrible.  We have Australian friends who lost their only son from a fall down stairs in Bangkok (years ago, but he was a good friend of our DD's, she still talks about it).  


Terry, that is amazing that you managed the stairs on the same day you had a hip replacement.  The wonders of modern medical science.  Prayers you recover quickly, and pain free.


Well, everything has hit the fan here!  Masses of snow (about a foot) and Victoria is never prepared for it, it will take days to clear.  Yesterday, Pat announced we had a slow leak in one tire, and he spent the afternoon hunting for a place to have a look at it.  He can get an appointment for December 31st (when we will be in Cabo)!  In the meantime, he is pumping it by hand.  I'm afraid that with the snow, I won't get to my haircut tomorrow, and then will have to just wait until I am on board.  I am beginning to look quite scruffy, will they let me on?  I had it all planned so perfectly!  And DD has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I don't know how that will work out.


Yesterday was so cold, Pat spent the afternoon bringing in and rotating the hummingbird feeders, melting the ice and then putting them back outside.  He was worn out by the end of the day, but I'm afraid it's going to be the same today.  The birds are frantic for their warm "cuppa".  We have a lot of glass, skylights, etc., and it was really cold inside yesterday, I had the electric fireplaces on as well as the heat pumps going full blast and a heating pad on my knees as I sat.  Hopefully the snow will insulate the skylights at least, today.  I feel for those Floridian iguanas!




35 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've sung in Christmas programs, but have never gone caroling. I like sangria, but haven't had any in many years. I'll salute Sacagawea. I'll pass on the meal (maybe if no kale) and drink; yes to the cab sav if someone buys it for me. 

I have been to Sydney. 


It's still chilly, but at least we made it to 31F and the sun is out! I've spent the morning making the marinade for the sauerbraten. I may run to the pharmacy and Aldi this afternoon. Stocking stuffers are wrapped, but I still have the regular presents to do.


@grapau27 So sorry to hear of Pauline's friend's daughter's sad death. She was so young. Prayers for the family and friends, who have suffered so much loss in the past year.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you got home ok. Wow on navigating stairs right after surgery! Rest and recuperate.

@StLouisCruisers Good luck with the tooth. I'm like you and don't like going out in the rain; especially grocery shopping, probably from growing up with paper grocery bags that were terrible in the rain. I hope DD's appointment goes well today.

@Seasick Sailor Enjoy HMC.

@1ANGELCAT The kitties love the tree!

@ger_77 Oh no on the credit card fraud! So irritating, especially as you're traveling. I had that happen on a 3 week national park driving trip; fortunately I had a second card. Like you I use RFID, but I've had accounts with several businesses/stores that had data breaches.

@ottahand7 I hope DB does get home for Christmas. What a great Christmas present for DS to get her cat back! Safe travels tomorrow.

@dfish Fingers crossed that Sue makes it to Midland safely. Thanks for the recipes.

@aliaschief Hugs on this one year anniversary of your sister's passing.

@TiogaCruiser I can't comment on white wines, but I had been enjoying some 19 Crimes reds, including The Uprising, before my 3 month abstinence.

@cruzn single Thanks for checking in. Good to hear Dstep-son's cancer news is encouraging, but bad of him to not test before being around family! 

@luvteaching I hope you get to talk to DH and the staff today.

@Cruising-along Sad about the neighbor's cat; I'm glad she had you come to say goodbye. Good wishes for DH to tolerate his treatment.

@Vict0riann Sorry to hear about the weather and the tire leak (and Pat having to pump it up by hand).


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Arriving in Sydney Harbor in the early morning.







The story of the Opera House Shape





Aborigine playing a Didgeridoo in the Circular Quay



The First Impressions Sculpture in The Rocks



View from the pylon lookout on the Harbor Bridge



Harbor Bridge Walkway



Luna Park



Sydney Conservatorium of Music



Pyramid and Arc, Royal Botanical Gardens



St. Mary's Cathedral



Sydney Town Hall lit for Christmas



Atop the Sydney Harbor Bridge



25 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning!   Thanks all! 


@smitty34877 so glad the healing can begin.

@grapau27 please pass on my condolences to Pauline and her friend who lost her daughter.     

BRRR!  Minus 33 without windchill.,  minus 42 with last night!   And our car died at the doctor.  What a day,  now getting an emergency MRI booked,  as DH gets a new battery.  The auto club had a 36 hour wait to tow, and it’s too cold for them to replace batteries.  They were going to come tonight at 3 am!   So thankful for a kind taxi driver who boosted us.  


Thank you Sharon, Carolyn,Ann, Vanessa and @bennybear for your kind words and condolences.

Graham and Pauline xx❤️

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Good Afternoon Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  Today was an in office morning so we could pick up our holiday turkey.  It’s a 22 lb turkey so that will be our Christmas dinner, especially since there is no room in the freezer for it.  @1ANGELCAT your tree inspectors are adorable.  @ger_77 it’s tough trying to figure out where the card was compromised.  I too use rfid holders for my credit cards, also one for my passport.  They do work.

I hope everyone has a good day and safe travels to everyone this week.



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29 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning!   Thanks all! 


@smitty34877 so glad the healing can begin.

@grapau27 please pass on my condolences to Pauline and her friend who lost her daughter.     

BRRR!  Minus 33 without windchill.,  minus 42 with last night!   And our car died at the doctor.  What a day,  now getting an emergency MRI booked,  as DH gets a new battery.  The auto club had a 36 hour wait to tow, and it’s too cold for them to replace batteries.  They were going to come tonight at 3 am!   So thankful for a kind taxi driver who boosted us.  


I'm sorry to hear how cold it is and the car battery problem.

I hope you got the emergency MRI booked at your doctor's and prayers 🙏 you are both well.



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Good afternoon everyone. It’s cold,and I’m missing Florida, but it’s going to get cold there too soon. My friend there told me her patients were cruising and flying for Thanksgiving and all came back sick. I finally had my booster and so far so good. 
Stay safe everyone and wear a mask if you fly.


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