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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday January 26th, 2023


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Good afternoon everyone and Happy Thursday. Our low temperature this morning was 27F. Getting really tired of this. One reason why I live in the desert. 

Wow!  So much happening on the Daily today. I can’t keep up. I’ve read it in bits and pieces. Today was my long awaited appointment with the Rheumatologist. Good news is that he doesn’t think it’s psoriatic arthritis but won’t know for sure until tests are done. Bad news is I still have arthritis, osteoarthritis, and nothing can be done for that. At least the medicine I’m on is working. 

I love all the days but clashing clothes are a bit much sometimes. Stripes and plaids, decorative tops and a clashing pant, etc, does make one do a double take. 

I hope everyone has a great day today. I’m exhausted — it was a 50 minute drive both ways and a 2 hour appointment, and of course I didn’t sleep well in anticipation. 

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51 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for starting up the Fleet Report/Daily today @Copper10-8

I really like Australia, from my time visiting there. No spouse here, and I avoid clashing clothes. Typical Marilyn quote. The meal, drink and wine sound good. 

I have been to Uruguay on my SA/Antarctica cruise, but Montevideo, not Punta del Este.


It's been a rain/sleet/snow day so far. Fortunately it wasn't doing much on my way to the eye doctor this morning, and wet snow on the way home. I got a fairly good report today, just some inflammation around the outer cornea, but none inside the eye.


@rafinmd Good to hear you had a good night. Continue to rest and recover. Thanks for the maps.

@grapau27 Thinking of Sarah as she recovers from her injections today and prayers that they are effective.

@Cruzin Terri You're working hard on your house and the cruise will be a nice rest. Sorry your knees are bothering you.

@kazu Oh my on the need for surgery to take care of the wayward pin and the bone fragment. Good thing they had you go in emergently. Prayers that follow-up x-rays look good and that the removal of the pin doesn't affect healing. Sorry about the cruise.

@StLouisCruisers I was up until after 1AM last night, binge watching The Crown, and had to be up at 7:30 to get ready for my appointment. Not my usual, but in my working days I only averaged about 6 hours of sleep. Sad about the destruction near you from the storms.

@smitty34877 I hope DH gets a good report today from the Cardiologist, and continued prayers for Tana.

@ottahand7 Thanks for the photos and it sounds like you're having a wonderful time.

@marshhawk Prayers for Feral Fawn.

@cunnorl Sorry to hear about the basal cell on the eyelid. My BFF had that last year; his dermatologist (who specializes in skin cancer) did the initial removal, and the next day he saw an oculoplastic surgeon who did the repair of the lid.

@*Miss G* Wow on that dust storm.

@luvteaching Kudos to you for picking up quickly when something's going on with DH. Prayers that he's back to normal quickly with treatment. 

@RMLincoln Yikes on the fire alarm; I'm glad all was well. Hopefully the stent will allow less meds for DH; I try to get preservative free eye meds if I can.

@richwmn Thanks for the photos.


Prayers for the Care List, and Ukraine with the recent renewal of air attacks.

Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.

Thank you Vanessa for your kind concern for Sarah these past 2 weeks.

I'm happy to hear you had a fairly good report from your eye appointment today.


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4 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning! 


Spouses Day - well mine is adding grey hair to my head. He was doing very well this past week. Up, cheery, wandering around in the wheelchair and getting into things, reading his Railroad magazines and his bird ones, etc. Pretty normal for this 82-year-old, memory challenged, deep tissue injury guy. 

Tuesday he wasn't himself and he slept a good part of the day. Didn't worry me too much as that happens sometimes if he overdoes things. He could talk to me, tell me his name, etc.Tuesday night he claimed the entire bed by sleeping sideways so I got the couch. First time for that. Yesterday morning he was waking up well and he wasn't talking to me. I called our doctor's office and talked to the nurse and talked to the nurse who comes for the wound care and both agreed to call 911 so 10 minutes later our local fire people were here and a bit later DH was carted off to the local hospital where he is now in a room by himself and getting excellent care. 

His UTI he had a few weeks ago grew MRSA and he had a week's course of sulfa drug for it. Well, the thought is that wasn't long enough and the MRSA has reared it's ugly head and come back as he definitely has a recurrence of the UTI. Fortunately there were beds available and I didn't have to fight to have them keep him. Now we wait until the culture percolates and. go from there. 

He's in good hands and I'll be heading in by 11:00 or so to have the afternoon with him at the hospital, speak with doctors, etc. and work on my counted cross stitch. 



I am sorry to hear about your DH being hospitalized.Hopefully he will quickly improve.





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29 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good afternoon everyone and Happy Thursday. Our low temperature this morning was 27F. Getting really tired of this. One reason why I live in the desert. 

Wow!  So much happening on the Daily today. I can’t keep up. I’ve read it in bits and pieces. Today was my long awaited appointment with the Rheumatologist. Good news is that he doesn’t think it’s psoriatic arthritis but won’t know for sure until tests are done. Bad news is I still have arthritis, osteoarthritis, and nothing can be done for that. At least the medicine I’m on is working. 

I love all the days but clashing clothes are a bit much sometimes. Stripes and plaids, decorative tops and a clashing pant, etc, does make one do a double take. 

I hope everyone has a great day today. I’m exhausted — it was a 50 minute drive both ways and a 2 hour appointment, and of course I didn’t sleep well in anticipation. 

Having osteoarthritis myself I can empathize with you although I understand it is better than rheumatoid arthritis so I pray your doctor is right when he thinks you don't have psoriatic arthritis.






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3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Jacqui, @kazu I'm sorry you continue to have problems with that elbow and more surgery.  I feel somewhat guilty, as I know you were rushing to have dinner with us when the accident happened.  Can I send you a Koningsdam tile as reparation?  Sorry you are having to cancel your cruise, too, but probably safer to heal quietly at home.  


It’s not your fault and so please don’t feel you need to make reparations, Ann.   And the last thing is a Koningsdam tile right now. 😉 



4 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning! 


Spouses Day - well mine is adding grey hair to my head. He was doing very well this past week. Up, cheery, wandering around in the wheelchair and getting into things, reading his Railroad magazines and his bird ones, etc. Pretty normal for this 82-year-old, memory challenged, deep tissue injury guy. 

Tuesday he wasn't himself and he slept a good part of the day. Didn't worry me too much as that happens sometimes if he overdoes things. He could talk to me, tell me his name, etc.Tuesday night he claimed the entire bed by sleeping sideways so I got the couch. First time for that. Yesterday morning he was waking up well and he wasn't talking to me. I called our doctor's office and talked to the nurse and talked to the nurse who comes for the wound care and both agreed to call 911 so 10 minutes later our local fire people were here and a bit later DH was carted off to the local hospital where he is now in a room by himself and getting excellent care. 

His UTI he had a few weeks ago grew MRSA and he had a week's course of sulfa drug for it. Well, the thought is that wasn't long enough and the MRSA has reared it's ugly head and come back as he definitely has a recurrence of the UTI. Fortunately there were beds available and I didn't have to fight to have them keep him. Now we wait until the culture percolates and. go from there. 

He's in good hands and I'll be heading in by 11:00 or so to have the afternoon with him at the hospital, speak with doctors, etc. and work on my counted cross stitch. 




Oh dear, Karen.


Glad you got him in the hospital and hopefully, this can get it resolved. 🙏🏻 

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57 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Wow!  So much happening on the Daily today. I can’t keep up. I’ve read it in bits and pieces. Today was my long awaited appointment with the Rheumatologist. Good news is that he doesn’t think it’s psoriatic arthritis but won’t know for sure until tests are done. Bad news is I still have arthritis, osteoarthritis, and nothing can be done for that. At least the medicine I’m on is working. 

Good news I'd think on the visit with the Rheumatologist. It would be great not to have one of the autoimmune inflammatory arthritis diagnoses. All of this can be hard to diagnose. When I first had the uveitis all manor of autoimmune blood tests were done. My rheumatoid factor was negative a couple of times (maybe the titer was too low to detect), but then when years later I had the hand pain, the ultrasound was classic for RA. I wonder if this isn't autoimmune if you'll stay on your current medication?

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Good afternoon from a sunny, warming and only slightly windy central Texas.  It was a nice afternoon for my walk around the community and to the mail box.  Our neighbors across the street are leaving tomorrow for a two month motorhome trip; so they have taken down their flag.  The flag is my gauge to judge the wind, so now, I guess I'll have to go outside to see what the wind is doing.  😆


It was another day of working on pictures and ancestry, but I figured winter is the time to try to get both projects done.


5 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:




Pictures of dachshunds are always appreciated.  Our two dachshunds could con us out of treats, and the smaller one could manipulate us into a car ride when she wanted to go, which was often at night.  Lucky for us, she was happy with backing to the end of our long driveway and driving back to the house.


5 hours ago, kochleffel said:

I'll be taking a hiatus from everything on CC except this thread, because of the amount of anger and outrage in posts in every forum that I read.




The anger, outrage, and rudeness on many threads is why I stay away from many threads and stick to the Daily.  


5 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning! 


Spouses Day - well mine is adding grey hair to my head. He was doing very well this past week. Up, cheery, wandering around in the wheelchair and getting into things, reading his Railroad magazines and his bird ones, etc. Pretty normal for this 82-year-old, memory challenged, deep tissue injury guy. 

Tuesday he wasn't himself and he slept a good part of the day. Didn't worry me too much as that happens sometimes if he overdoes things. He could talk to me, tell me his name, etc.Tuesday night he claimed the entire bed by sleeping sideways so I got the couch. First time for that. Yesterday morning he was waking up well and he wasn't talking to me. I called our doctor's office and talked to the nurse and talked to the nurse who comes for the wound care and both agreed to call 911 so 10 minutes later our local fire people were here and a bit later DH was carted off to the local hospital where he is now in a room by himself and getting excellent care. 

His UTI he had a few weeks ago grew MRSA and he had a week's course of sulfa drug for it. Well, the thought is that wasn't long enough and the MRSA has reared it's ugly head and come back as he definitely has a recurrence of the UTI. Fortunately there were beds available and I didn't have to fight to have them keep him. Now we wait until the culture percolates and. go from there. 

He's in good hands and I'll be heading in by 11:00 or so to have the afternoon with him at the hospital, speak with doctors, etc. and work on my counted cross stitch. 




Karen, I'm sorry the antibiotics weren't enough to get rid of the UTI and that you DH is back in the hospital.  I hope this time they make sure he is well, and good for you for catching it when you did.


5 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Yesterday’s rain has gone here in Maryland!  It was a wild day for us beginning with a fire evacuation alarm in our high-ruse condo building, thankfully nothing serious apparently. We quickly grabbed what we needed for our day and evacuated to a friends townhouse. Then to eye doctor’s for DH’s eye pressure check, more ideas on prep, and paperwork for his March surgery - he has become allergic? to some? of his glaucoma meds resulting in several months of itchy eyes and face. Surgery will put in a stent to help the eye drain, lower the pressure hopefully not need as many meds. Some are available preservative free, some are not. 
We left there in a downpour to head to downtown DC for chamber music at Kennedy Center, parked at Metro and rode train in and back. Lovely respite!  But gone from noon to 11pm, slept in today!  The surgery schedule has been complicated by our family cruise in late Feb - Rotterdam will have 8 of us for 11 days. Surgery will be late March!  One step at a time is enough…. 



Wow, you certainly had and interesting day yesterday.  I'm very glad the fire alarm was nothing serious.  I hope everything works out for your DH's eye surgery after your cruise, and that the shunt alleviates the problem.


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well, my eyes were opened driving to the other side of town to my hairdresser's shop.  I drove straight through town instead of the outskirts like we do to get to Krogers.  There was major destruction all along the way from the tornadoes.  Trees cut up and lying on the side of the road, houses with tarps on the roof, houses with holes in them from the trees falling on them, cars smashed, fences flattened, and entire blocks with all the trees gone!  It was a mess!  Unfortunately, most of the destruction was in the low income neighborhoods and probably a lot of the rental properties.  I'm betting some of the landlords will just demo the homes and not rebuild.  It was so sad to see.  I hope some of these places can be brought back to normal or even better than before but I won't hold my breath waiting.  😳


Sandi, all that destruction is heartbreaking, especially in area where the people can least afford the repairs. 


4 hours ago, dfish said:

I did manage to get the bed moved away from the wall and am now working on painting the trim.  I got the trim I could do standing up, so after this break I'll go do the stuff down on the floor.  I have my handy dandy tool to keep the paint off the carpet!



Debbie, good for you for starting the painting project.  I also hope there are no layoffs at Dow in Midland.  It was one of DH's customers, and he spent time there on sales calls and installing the software at the plant.


4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Lenda.

Sarah said the injections were extremely painful but the surgeon said that was good as it proved the injections went into the right place.

We left her at home in bed about 1 hour ago and she seemed in good spirits.



I'm sorry the injections were painful for Sarah.  When DH had them, the doctor injected a deadening agent first. 


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for starting up the Fleet Report/Daily today @Copper10-8

I really like Australia, from my time visiting there. No spouse here, and I avoid clashing clothes. Typical Marilyn quote. The meal, drink and wine sound good. 

I have been to Uruguay on my SA/Antarctica cruise, but Montevideo, not Punta del Este.


It's been a rain/sleet/snow day so far. Fortunately it wasn't doing much on my way to the eye doctor this morning, and wet snow on the way home. I got a fairly good report today, just some inflammation around the outer cornea, but none inside the eye.



Vanessa, it's great you got a fairly good report from the eye doctor, and that the snow did not interfere with your appointment.


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good afternoon everyone and Happy Thursday. Our low temperature this morning was 27F. Getting really tired of this. One reason why I live in the desert. 

Wow!  So much happening on the Daily today. I can’t keep up. I’ve read it in bits and pieces. Today was my long awaited appointment with the Rheumatologist. Good news is that he doesn’t think it’s psoriatic arthritis but won’t know for sure until tests are done. Bad news is I still have arthritis, osteoarthritis, and nothing can be done for that. At least the medicine I’m on is working. 

I love all the days but clashing clothes are a bit much sometimes. Stripes and plaids, decorative tops and a clashing pant, etc, does make one do a double take. 

I hope everyone has a great day today. I’m exhausted — it was a 50 minute drive both ways and a 2 hour appointment, and of course I didn’t sleep well in anticipation. 


Sharon, I hope the tests prove the rheumatologist right and that it isn't psoriatic arthritis.  Good to know the medicine is working.


I will make a confession.  Right now, and on all the cold days, I have on blue or black socks with my Birkenstocks to keep my feet warm.  However, I do not have on shorts, but jeans.  I also don't wear them in public.  I think white socks would be worse in this case.  🤣



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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10 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I will make a confession.  Right now, and on all the cold days, I have on blue or black socks with my Birkenstocks to keep my feet warm.  However, I do not have on shorts, but jeans.  I think white socks would be worse in this case.  🤣

Black socks, slippers and jeans here. 🤣 

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10 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  on a very windy day where temperatures  are expected to drop to the thirties this afternoon. We celebrate  Spouses Day and Australia Day and try not to clash colors with clothing.The recipe sounds interesting  but we have not been to the port.

@erewhon, I am afraid that walking for Tana is just a few steps with a lot of assistance. We depend on the WC and the oxygen to get to different  rooms.

Today DH returns to the cardiologist  for what we hope is s good report. 

Sending prayers to Sarah @grapau27


Prayers to your family too. 🙏

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We booked the 10 day September 3 Zaandam cruise, Montreal to Boston while on the NA in November.  We got waitlisted for a hotel in Montreal.  This afternoon I got an alert that it was available.  After my meeting ended I emailed my PCC and within five minutes I got a booking confirmation that the hotel and transfers were added.  I consider that excellent customer service!

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a sunny, warming and only slightly windy central Texas.  It was a nice afternoon for my walk around the community and to the mail box.  Our neighbors across the street are leaving tomorrow for a two month motorhome trip; so they have taken down their flag.  The flag is my gauge to judge the wind, so now, I guess I'll have to go outside to see what the wind is doing.  😆


It was another day of working on pictures and ancestry, but I figured winter is the time to try to get both projects done.



Pictures of dachshunds are always appreciated.  Our two dachshunds could con us out of treats, and the smaller one could manipulate us into a car ride when she wanted to go, which was often at night.  Lucky for us, she was happy with backing to the end of our long driveway and driving back to the house.



The anger, outrage, and rudeness on many threads is why I stay away from many threads and stick to the Daily.  



Karen, I'm sorry the antibiotics weren't enough to get rid of the UTI and that you DH is back in the hospital.  I hope this time they make sure he is well, and good for you for catching it when you did.



Wow, you certainly had and interesting day yesterday.  I'm very glad the fire alarm was nothing serious.  I hope everything works out for your DH's eye surgery after your cruise, and that the shunt alleviates the problem.



Sandi, all that destruction is heartbreaking, especially in area where the people can least afford the repairs. 



Debbie, good for you for starting the painting project.  I also hope there are no layoffs at Dow in Midland.  It was one of DH's customers, and he spent time there on sales calls and installing the software at the plant.



I'm sorry the injections were painful for Sarah.  When DH had them, the doctor injected a deadening agent first. 



Vanessa, it's great you got a fairly good report from the eye doctor, and that the snow did not interfere with your appointment.



Sharon, I hope the tests prove the rheumatologist right and that it isn't psoriatic arthritis.  Good to know the medicine is working.


I will make a confession.  Right now, and on all the cold days, I have on blue or black socks with my Birkenstocks to keep my feet warm.  However, I do not have on shorts, but jeans.  I also don't wear them in public.  I think white socks would be worse in this case.  🤣



Smart wool socks, Tevas & jeans here. 

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5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning Dailyites!  I can't believe a West Coaster @Copper10-8, got in so early to start the Daily News!  Roy, I'm glad you aren't feeling too bad.  I also spent one night with a bin beside the bed after I had been throwing up.  Definitely eat a little bit more carefully while you are under the weather!  It's funny bug.  (Funny peculiar, not funny haha!)


Jacqui, @kazu I'm sorry you continue to have problems with that elbow and more surgery.  I feel somewhat guilty, as I know you were rushing to have dinner with us when the accident happened.  Can I send you a Koningsdam tile as reparation?  Sorry you are having to cancel your cruise, too, but probably safer to heal quietly at home.  


@luvteaching, Karen,  I have to mention that some time ago, when you were talking about your DH's UTI, I was able to diagnose my DH's ailment - as soon as he called the doctor and said "my wife says I have a UTI" they had him in and tested.  He was put on Macrobid for 5 days, which was definitely a dud, and after multiple hospital visits he had to have a huge dose of Cipro for two weeks.   It seems to have done the trick, but he has a follow-up with the urologist next month.  So, thank you for alerting me.  The symptoms in men are so different from those of women! 

Jumping here; UTIs are pretty common for elderly folks for a variety of reasons. One being the ignoring of symptoms; ask your HCP for these. Even if they believe they are mild or nothing they can get bad pretty fast.

If not diagnosed pretty early, they can lead to sepsis and not necessarily a good outcome.

Always a good thing to pay attention to. 

Stay safe!


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It's a grey day, with frequent showers,temperature 16 C, after yesterday sun and 24 C.

Thanks for all the daily information.

@Sharon in AZ  yesterday you mentioned lunch with Kim Crawford, this morning at the  supermarket  bought a new supply.  Hope you get some relief with your health problem 

@smitty34877  thanks for your reply, sorry to learn of Tana's deterioration.  

@cunnorlsorry that you have a BCC on your lower eyelid, hope that you will soon have an appointment for treatment.

@kazu  thank you for the update, hope that the unplanned surgery yesterday will be effective, sorry that you are cancelling your planned cruise.  Take care, sending you a big gentle hug..

@luvteaching hope your DH recovers quickly.


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The blood donation went smoothly, except that the room was so cold. In general the staff like it cool because they are moving around and working, while the donors, who are lying still, would like it warmer--but the rate of bad reactions can be higher if it's too warm. I wore a sweater over a short-sleeve shirt and put the sweater over me when I lay down, but my arms were still cold. At the snack table, where one is supposed to wait for 15 minutes, most people put their coats on.


My contribution to non-clashing colors was that my trousers and the sweater were grey, with a blue shirt.

2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

The anger, outrage, and rudeness on many threads is why I stay away from many threads and stick to the Daily. 


This week the rancor has approached the level of FlyerTalk, which as a frequent-flyer site has a lot of people who feel highly entitled and are nearly always angry about something. Except when I need information, I stick to the old-timers' quiz there, which is congenial, maybe because it doesn't involve any actual flying (it's about historical routes and schedules, mostly). It has been running since 2011 and has more than 27,000 posts.


On the arthritis and rheumatology subject: I seem to have rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and osteoarthritis in my knees. I haven't sought diagnosis or treatment.

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@luvteaching, I’m so sorry your DH is back in the hospital but yahoo to you for being so diligent and observant of his condition. Prayers he recovers quickly. 

@erewhon, whoa about Noordam. I hope everyone and everything is okay. 

4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good news I'd think on the visit with the Rheumatologist. It would be great not to have one of the autoimmune inflammatory arthritis diagnoses. All of this can be hard to diagnose. When I first had the uveitis all manor of autoimmune blood tests were done. My rheumatoid factor was negative a couple of times (maybe the titer was too low to detect), but then when years later I had the hand pain, the ultrasound was classic for RA. I wonder if this isn't autoimmune if you'll stay on your current medication?


Yes, I need to stay on the Otezla for the psoriasis. The good thing is that I think it’s already helping after just 6 weeks, usually it’s months. The doctor will be able to tell from the X-rays if it’s psoriatic arthritis or not. I guess there is a classic appearance that the bone joints make. Seems like they said a cup and pencil appearance. 



4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a sunny, warming and only slightly windy central Texas.  It was a nice afternoon for my walk around the community and to the mail box.  Our neighbors across the street are leaving tomorrow for a two month motorhome trip; so they have taken down their flag.  The flag is my gauge to judge the wind, so now, I guess I'll have to go outside to see what the wind is doing.  😆


It was another day of working on pictures and ancestry, but I figured winter is the time to try to get both projects done.



Pictures of dachshunds are always appreciated.  Our two dachshunds could con us out of treats, and the smaller one could manipulate us into a car ride when she wanted to go, which was often at night.  Lucky for us, she was happy with backing to the end of our long driveway and driving back to the house.



The anger, outrage, and rudeness on many threads is why I stay away from many threads and stick to the Daily.  



Karen, I'm sorry the antibiotics weren't enough to get rid of the UTI and that you DH is back in the hospital.  I hope this time they make sure he is well, and good for you for catching it when you did.



Wow, you certainly had and interesting day yesterday.  I'm very glad the fire alarm was nothing serious.  I hope everything works out for your DH's eye surgery after your cruise, and that the shunt alleviates the problem.



Sandi, all that destruction is heartbreaking, especially in area where the people can least afford the repairs. 



Debbie, good for you for starting the painting project.  I also hope there are no layoffs at Dow in Midland.  It was one of DH's customers, and he spent time there on sales calls and installing the software at the plant.



I'm sorry the injections were painful for Sarah.  When DH had them, the doctor injected a deadening agent first. 



Vanessa, it's great you got a fairly good report from the eye doctor, and that the snow did not interfere with your appointment.



Sharon, I hope the tests prove the rheumatologist right and that it isn't psoriatic arthritis.  Good to know the medicine is working.


I will make a confession.  Right now, and on all the cold days, I have on blue or black socks with my Birkenstocks to keep my feet warm.  However, I do not have on shorts, but jeans.  I also don't wear them in public.  I think white socks would be worse in this case.  🤣



Thank you Lenda. 


4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Black socks, slippers and jeans here. 🤣 

Black socks, slippers and pjs here. 🤣



3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Well, this is bizarre.  My aliment seems to have a cyclical component.  as yesterday I started getting chills and a cough about 4PM.  Not sure where things go from here,



Roy, how interesting but frustrating. Hopefully it’ll pass but do check out your carbon monoxide detector. My DSIL was hospitalized and almost died from exposure. 


1 hour ago, erewhon said:

It's a grey day, with frequent showers,temperature 16 C, after yesterday sun and 24 C.

Thanks for all the daily information.

@Sharon in AZ  yesterday you mentioned lunch with Kim Crawford, this morning at the  supermarket  bought a new supply.  Hope you get some relief with your health problem 

@smitty34877  thanks for your reply, sorry to learn of Tana's deterioration.  

@cunnorlsorry that you have a BCC on your lower eyelid, hope that you will soon have an appointment for treatment.

@kazu  thank you for the update, hope that the unplanned surgery yesterday will be effective, sorry that you are cancelling your planned cruise.  Take care, sending you a big gentle hug..

@luvteaching hope your DH recovers quickly.



Thank you @erewhon.  Yes, we love our SB, Kim Crawford in particular. But, have you ever tried Ned?  It is the only NZ SB at our pizza place and really good. 

Jacqui @kazu, OMG on the surgery!  That bone fragment and pin must have hurt like crazy.  I can understand why you have to cancel your upcoming cruise.   Rest up and heal quickly. 

@cunnorl, a BCC on an eyelid isn’t as unusual as it would seem. You are in good hands if you are seeing an oculoplastic surgeon. 



Edited by Sharon in AZ
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