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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday February 1st, 2023


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We have been to General San Martin twice.  In 2001, we were on the Ryndam, and I was still using  a film camera.  That time we flew over the Nazca lines, and that was definitely not a disappointment.  The second stop was in 2015 on Ruby Princesses with @StLouisCruisers Sandi, but we did not meet until we were both on the Daily.  That day, we took the shuttle into Parachas and walked around.  We also hired a taxi to take us to Tambo Colorado and Pisco.


A few more pictures of Parachas.






This pelican hung around the boardwalk, and some of the locals were feeding him.  Later, he was walking on the boardwalk, but when I tried to take his picture, he turned into an attack pelican.  



Tambo Colorado is the remains of an Inca village near the coast.  Until our visit, we had not realized the Incans had lived in the desert.  You can see in the next to last picture what irrigation can do to the desert.







A couple of pictures of Pisco as we drove through the town.




An interesting sight in the desert, but I'm not sure what it is.



Part of the Peru's navy dock behind the ship.  You can see their base on the far right.  There were several tall towers around the base.




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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit.

Freedom should be celebrated. I agree with No Politics for many occasions and gatherings. I'd like to think I'm a spunky "old" broad! Good quote. I'll pass on the meal (not a fish person). The drink is not a martini, only in a martini glass, but looks good. Yes to the wine, but can't afford it.

I haven't been to Pisco.


It's a balmy 19F here (started at 10 earlier) and sunny. I got a good night's sleep, 9 hours, yay. I figured out that because of bad bursitis in my one hip, I've been trying to sleep on the other side, and just lay there for a couple of hours. Then I relent and turn on the bad side, and I fall asleep. Eyes are slowly looking better; I don't think I'll scare anyone when I go out later. Today is injection day. Then I'm running off to help BFF go through his DD DF's things; he was quite the packrat. 


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up and our lists. Good to hear that Rudy's surgery was successful. Thanks for the photos from General San Martin. I was a good typist and did term papers for people - I sure do remember using carbon paper.

@RedneckBob Safe travels home.

@aliaschief Beautiful sunrise!

@ottahand7 Thanks for the Pisco photos. Enjoy Paradise Bay.

@kazu Prayers for a good report on the x-rays. 

@NextOne Happy Heavenly Birthday to DH.

@smitty34877 Sorry to hear Tana has a GI bug. Also antibiotics can cause GI issues (C.diff). If it persists her doctor may want a specimen for the lab. 

@grapau27 I'm happy to hear that Sarah wants to go out and is feeling good.

@rafinmd I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble breathing and back issues. Good that you're up in a chair. Good news on the passport too; mine will be here Friday. Woohoo on getting discharged later. I wish I lived closer so I could offer to help you out.

@dfish I've been waking up congested, and think it's the CPAP, even though I use humidification. Once I'm up and about I'm ok. 

@kochleffel Bon Voyage, Paul!

@Cruzin Terri I hope the HVAC install goes smoothly. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the great photos. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well if you can!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Paul, is that like the mimeograph? 

No, it's a process with a master sheet plus a sheet of colored wax, usually purple, behind it. You typed onto the front sheet and wax transferred to the back. The Ditto machine used a solvent to transfer that wax to the copies. It was limited to something fewer than 100 copies. Used a lot in schools.


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1 hour ago, nancynana9950 said:

I hope you are still going to Bermuda. Over on the NCL board there is talk among those doing b2b that it will be too windy to get into Dockyard. Maybe Nassau?  I hope you have a great time wherever you go!

A revised schedule at check-in says Nassau. I don't think that most passengers have seen it.


Currently in the priority waiting area, which means that I actually have a seat. Merely getting into the terminal is a pain, especially when there are families with children using birth certificates, but after that check-in was efficient.




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8 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

No, it's a process with a master sheet plus a sheet of colored wax, usually purple, behind it. You typed onto the front sheet and wax transferred to the back. The Ditto machine used a solvent to transfer that wax to the copies. It was limited to something fewer than 100 copies. Used a lot in schools.


I think I remember those from my school days.  Oh, I feel so old.

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@kochleffel Definitely used a “ditto” machine like you explained when I first started teaching.  The students used to love the “smell” of a freshly run off ditto.  @dfish @luvteaching Did you use them?  Who are the other teachers on the Daily? (Once a teacher, always a teacher)


Our bags are packed.  Always a challenge to get my husband to just take a carry on.   Not sure he needs 5 pairs of long pants,  7 pairs of shorts and 12 button up shirts for an 11 day cruise but I managed to get it all to fit. (I roll.) We fly to FL tomorrow!

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Fortunately, I looked further through the September 25, 2021, Daily and found more pictures of Pisco and some of the Nazca Lines.


I dug through my pictures of our first time in General San Martin and our flight over the Nazca lines.  Between the plane's windows and time, the pictures are not very good, even after I scanned them and worked on them.  DH is going through his videos to see if he can get any good screen shots.


I'll show the pictures that did fairly okay, but the one of the monkey just did not work.  I also found a couple pictures of Pisco that show a better part of town than the ones I shared earlier.


Plaza de Armas de Pisco with a statue of General San Martin



The churchjpg288.thumb.jpg.999beda1b9445ff78b690185a1277824.jpg


This is the tower at the airport where we boarded the plane for our flight.  Looks like it should be in the south Pacific.




The one figure that I have a good picture of is the Astronaut that was done on a hillside.jpg291.thumb.jpg.9d92d9c1e06486391ab3b76cdc079bef.jpg


A couple of pictures from the plane.  The long thin white line is the road researchers used to get to the sight.  The wide white rectangle in the second picture is part of the Nazca Lines.




Two screenshots from DH's video of the hummingbird




The spider



Just after I closed out CC, I found another imagine DH had sent.  It's a bird, but I could not find out if was the condor or not.  I suspect it is the condor.




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11 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Fortunately, I looked further through the September 25, 2021, Daily and found more pictures of Pisco and some of the Nazca Lines.


I dug through my pictures of our first time in General San Martin and our flight over the Nazca lines.  Between the plane's windows and time, the pictures are not very good, even after I scanned them and worked on them.  DH is going through his videos to see if he can get any good screen shots.


I'll show the pictures that did fairly okay, but the one of the monkey just did not work.  I also found a couple pictures of Pisco that show a better part of town than the ones I shared earlier.


Plaza de Armas de Pisco with a statue of General San Martin



The churchjpg288.thumb.jpg.999beda1b9445ff78b690185a1277824.jpg


This is the tower at the airport where we boarded the plane for our flight.  Looks like it should be in the south Pacific.




The one figure that I have a good picture of is the Astronaut that was done on a hillside.jpg291.thumb.jpg.9d92d9c1e06486391ab3b76cdc079bef.jpg


A couple of pictures from the plane.  The long thin white line is the road researchers used to get to the sight.  The wide white rectangle in the second picture is part of the Nazca Lines.




Two screenshots from DH's video of the hummingbird




The spider



Just after I closed out CC, I found another imagine DH had sent.  It's a bird, but I could not find out if was the condor or not.  I suspect it is the condor.




Thank you for all your amazing photos Lenda.


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@rafinmd Roy, so glad you are going home!   You'll do better there.  Did they give you one of those plastic things you have to suck air through and raise the ball?   If so, do use it.  I don't know what they're called.  I always called it one of those sucky things.  But, they do work the lungs and help improve breathing.  


Boy, did I use dittos.  If you made a mistake you had to scrape the back with the razor blade and then put a fresh purple thing behind it.  We always kept the purple sheets because we tore off the edges for correcting mistakes.  I grew to really dislike the color purple as my fingers were permanently purple.  And yellow chalk stained my clothes.  With the solvent from the dittos and the chalk dust, it was amazing we didn't have more respiratory problems.  


I am feeling better now.  Like @JazzyV Vanessa, I think the CPAP causes some of the congestion when I first get up.  Today was just worse than usual.  Some days I'm like that all day long and then just fine the next day.  I am cleaning out the humidifier reservoir with white vinegar and I'll use a clean mask and hose tonight.   


Hoping to hear good news from @kazu Jacqui.  

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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. And I did remember to say it loudly when I first got up this morning. Glad to hear Roy may get to go home this evening.... and I hope that the news for Jacqui is all good and that she will come home sporting a new cast with the elbow healing as it should. Best wishes to everyone else needed some positive vibes. And for those in Texas and in the way of that weather, be really careful out there. Like others, I would like to hear from @ScrapnanaKathi, even just to know she undergoing treatments and will post sometime in the future. Hope that plane ride home was not too awful.


Sunny and cold here but we have hopes for some warming. It was 6F when dogs and I went out at 7:30. Little Monty hates to have me put his coat on him, but the poor little guy gets way too cold otherwise. The snow is still deep on our roof but the icicles are longer and thinner.


Have been to today's port and like others went into the town. I enjoyed it... and the glimpse of the desert was really interesting. Would not mind a return trip at all although having the ship dock next to large sand dunes is a bit surprising to say the least.


Still waiting on some tax stuff but will start putting together some information so that I am ready to go when it arrives. Our mail from Denver has to go down to Albuquerque NM and then back up to Durango so it often takes awhile for things to arrive.





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For those dealing with freezing weather and sleet and ice there is relief a three hour flight away.


Roy I was happy to hear your being discharged today. Get lot’s of rest and drink lot’s of water to help thin out the phlegm in your lungs.





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🐇 🐰!  Good morning, Dailyites.  I had no idea I became a SOB at 50!  That was a long time ago...  


Congratulations to those celebrating, and prayers for those who aren't.   Just wish we lived closer to those who might be needing a bit of extra help these days.   We need rain!  The reservoir is only at 91.5% now, and January only had 46% of our normal rainfall.  I can see severe water rationing ahead for us this summer, and perhaps Victoria will not be the city of gardens that it used to be.  Butchart's uses well water, so perhaps they won't have the same problems, but as the water table drops that becomes more difficult, too.  (Hope my comments are not considered political, Mother Nature does her own thing...)


I did post pictures the last time we had this port of the day, and I was going to add a whole bunch more, because it was a fascinating stop, but I think just one of the port - showing how it is on the edge of the desert.





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Roy, @rafinmd, some more of your fan club members are over on the Crystal Bistro message board concerned about you.  I gave them a quick update, and they are wishing you well.  If you feel up to it, you can check it out and take in more positive vibes.

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Good morning from Auckland, NZ. It is overcast here and has been raining a lot. We will have to see how the day goes.

This is the view from my verandah




Other views of Auckland from the ship



















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We stopped in General San Martin in April of 2019 on the Zaandam. @StLouisCruisersis correct about it not being a walking port. I was surprised and a little astonished at the dryness of the whole west coast of South America. For some reason, I wasn't expecting so much desert beside the ocean.

We took a large coach to the Paracas National Reserve and then to a Pisco Distillery.


Here are a few pictures of the shoreline; I was drawn to the sea because there really wasn't much else of interest.








We did find some interesting signs: 1912006025_dangersign.thumb.JPG.289baf23747794ae9a0528b229757888.JPG


Here is one about sea lettuce that reads: Many confuse me with plastic bags, but I am a seaweed.



This sign: We are two reptiles; we eat insects. My name is Gecko and I am nocturnal. My name is Lizard and I am diurnal.



While on the airconditioned coach, we enjoyed (being generous) a local soda.



Cathedral Rock.



The distillery:



and vineyard:







and pisco tasting:




and a fun sign about otters (the sea cat)


Edited by HAL4NOW
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Good morning all!

I'm all for freedom and no politics (wish it was every day) and I didn't wait until I was old to become spunky.  I've been called spunky and feisty all my life. 😂 I don't know if it's a "3rd daughter" thing, but I definitely got the feisty genes in the family.   I'll pass on the meal, drink and red wine, have never been to this port -- thanks for all the photos!  


Posting a little late today, because I slept well!  Almost 11 hours in fact!  Made up for the night before.  Interesting sleep conversation yesterday.  I did wake up often, but always got right back to sleep.  I call that a good night.  Vanessa @JazzyVI'm glad to hear that you slept well too.


Sandi @StLouisCruisersI sure do remember carbon paper.  I was a secretary in the late 60's and was a good typist (120 words/minute) but like everyone, I made a few mistakes 😉  What an ordeal!


Roy @rafinmdI'm sorry you had a bad night last night but delighted to hear that you will be discharged tonight!  We're all doing a happy dance for you!


Terry @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear that Tana has a GI bug -- hoping it's short-lived.  I wonder too if it's from the antibiotics -- a common problem.  Whatever is causing it, I hope it will be over soon.



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