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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday April 29th, 2023


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13 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Dinner tonight.

Banana cake for desert but I ate it before I remembered to take a photo.










The banana cake must have looked so good you couldn't help yourself.  Interesting how the (huge) shrimp are laying on ice cubes.  I noticed it last time too.  Talk about cold shrimp!




11 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

For you Roy.



Beautiful sunset!

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Just a quick post to say hi .


That quote is me, right now 😉 and paella?  I make one mean one (or so I’m told).  It’s mix of Paella Valencia and another.  It’s a lot of work to make it right but a great company entree.  DH insisted it be one of the entrees at every get together.


It won’t be on the menu tonight - I kept the boiled eggs down so suspect I may just do a repeat for dinner LOL.


Sad to see so many on the Care list & those with challenges before their cruises.  Prayers for everyone that healing can come, cruises can go and cheers to those celebrating.


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Good early afternoon and Happy Saturday from the lovely Volendam. Yesterday was Puerto Vallarta and I did the excursion Bruce @aliaschief did. The Puerto Vallarta Highlights and Cooking Class. It was fantastic. Except for the road. Very very bumpy and I’m not exaggerating. On the way up I actually had to take an extra Bonine. On the way back to the ship our bags of purchases went flying on floor. I’m now calling it the long and windy road. It was very fun and I highly recommend it even if the drive is bumpy. I’ll post pictures later. Time for lunch!  It’s rough living life onboard!  😉

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@Vict0riann have you thought of taking John and his child bride to Spinnakers which is quite close but out of the busy down town area or, in Cordova Bay, (may  be too much of a drive) The Beach House. Both nice places close to the water. 






Sorry, I am another follower not poster but I thought as another Victoria resident I may be able to help. 

Cheers, h. 

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13 minutes ago, middlehaitch said:

@Vict0riann have you thought of taking John and his child bride to Spinnakers which is quite close but out of the busy down town area or, in Cordova Bay, (may  be too much of a drive) The Beach House. Both nice places close to the water. 






Sorry, I am another follower not poster but I thought as another Victoria resident I may be able to help. 

Cheers, h. 

Welcome to your first post.



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25 minutes ago, middlehaitch said:

@Vict0riann have you thought of taking John and his child bride to Spinnakers which is quite close but out of the busy down town area or, in Cordova Bay, (may  be too much of a drive) The Beach House. Both nice places close to the water. 






Sorry, I am another follower not poster but I thought as another Victoria resident I may be able to help. 

Cheers, h. 

Welcome!  Now that you've posted once, we hope you'll post again and again!


@kazu Glad to hear from you and the boiled egg report is encouraging.  Let's hope you can do more tomorrow.


Sue came and unloaded all her stuff.  I don't know what she was thinking.  She brought antlers and boxes of rocks.  She has so much furniture that it is being stored in the garage.  Most of it should really go out as it is in disrepair.   Then, there is all the rustic cabin in the woods stuff.  It would be fine in a rustic cabin in the woods, but not in a mid century modern home in the city.  We're going to have to talk.  She told me she got rid of most of this stuff.  

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41 minutes ago, middlehaitch said:

@Vict0riann have you thought of taking John and his child bride to Spinnakers which is quite close but out of the busy down town area or, in Cordova Bay, (may  be too much of a drive) The Beach House. Both nice places close to the water. 






Sorry, I am another follower not poster but I thought as another Victoria resident I may be able to help. 

Cheers, h. 

Welcome to the fleet reports and Daily.


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1 hour ago, dfish said:

Welcome!  Now that you've posted once, we hope you'll post again and again!


@kazu Glad to hear from you and the boiled egg report is encouraging.  Let's hope you can do more tomorrow.


Sue came and unloaded all her stuff.  I don't know what she was thinking.  She brought antlers and boxes of rocks.  She has so much furniture that it is being stored in the garage.  Most of it should really go out as it is in disrepair.   Then, there is all the rustic cabin in the woods stuff.  It would be fine in a rustic cabin in the woods, but not in a mid century modern home in the city.  We're going to have to talk.  She told me she got rid of most of this stuff.  

I know that feeling, Mrs Lobsternight is the same.  Rocks, antlers, skulls and almost anything with perceived value.  Well she will throw out my stuff. We still have unpacked boxes from a move 22 years ago

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As one who comes from a long line of pack rats I know how hard it is to get rid of things. One reason why it is  going to take me a loooonnnnngggg time to downsize. Have been working on it for over year and have hardly made a dent. I will do it, will do it, will do it.... it is just going to take awhile.



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Good afternoon.  It really isn't too bad outside, but the wind makes it seem a little cool.  Our plans are to head to W-M in the morning to get the battery replaced.  Hopefully, it won't be too crowded, and we won't have to wait too long.


5 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

We had a gorgeous day yesterday with temps in the mid-70s and lots of sunshine and today promises to be the same. It's the last weekend of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival and we locals stay a long ways away from the fields! I stopped in at our local Hallmark in downtown Mt. Vernon yesterday, left there at 10;30 and the main drag was full of cars that early and the offramps were backed up. 


My favorite independent book store is Parnassus Books in Ketchikan. It's just off the end of Creek Street and has great local books, note cards, etc. It's a "must do" stop every time we're there! 

DH wasn't doing great on Thursday with a temp of 101 and very sleepy. However, when I got there yesterday he was bright eyed and chatty, eating well, etc. He's been moved to thin liquids which is good. He was also helped into the wheelchair, went down to the gym and stood up in the parallel bars, with assistance, 4 times. It's a start - and a good one. Then we went outside and walked a bit and enjoyed the sunshine. 

His facility is 50 miles south of us and the drive down is usually right at 50 minutes - 1 hour. The drive home is usually right around an hour as I leave at the start of rush hour. Anyway, last night it took 2 1/2 hours to get home! It took almost 1 1/2 hours to just get out of Everett! I was tired and not a happy camper when I got in the driveway. I needed wine!!


Have a great day everyone! I'm taking a day off from Everett tomorrow but going in the opposite direction. A friend and I are heading to Canada to see my mom (she's 96.5 and a going concern), do a bit of shopping, go out for lunch, then head to a friend's house for a visit before driving back down. 




Karen, I'm glad your DH is still making good progress, and that the fever cleared up quickly.  Have a safe drive to see your mom and your friend tomorrow.  The day off will do you good.


5 hours ago, kplady said:

Good morning from HOME!


We got home around midnight from our amazing cruise...39 days on Grand Princess, with 3 days in Melbourne before.  We've never been away for 6 weeks before, but will consider it again, it was wonderful!  Australia was great, Samoa, Tahiti and Hawaii were all wonderful...however, we missed all of New Zealand because of Covid (7 days quarantine per NZ rules).  Guess we'll have to go back!  The ship was very nice, but had a problem with power and A/C in one zone.  All the guests from that zone were moved to other cabins for a week (luckily we were not sailing full, only 1700 passengers). Because of the problem, we were ALL given 50% of our cruise fare in FCC!!!  So that, in addition to our Covid week, means we have a good amount of credits on Princess for another cruise. Have to start looking....


I was trying to follow the Daily on my phone, but I definitely prefer the computer for size and keyboard. Prayers for everyone with challenges, and I lifted a glass (or two, or three...) every day for all celebrating.


Guess I have to open the suitcases and put stuff away...tough to get back to reality!


Have a great day,



Welcome home, Laura.  I'm glad it was a great cruise even with the 7 day quarantine.


5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!
This is our last full day at home before our short cruise out of Vancouver.  Tomorrow we'll go to Bellingham, have dinner with BFF and her DH and spend the night there.  With the Tulip Festival traffic this last weekend, we want to be well north of it so we don't miss our cruise on Monday!  Plus it's an early sailing, 3:00.  It's a 3-hour drive in good traffic, but with the tulip festival it would take much longer.


Interesting collection of days.  I immediately thought of my dear Dad for Astronomy Day.  Then I thought of Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser's DH and how much my Dad would love to look through his telescope.  Dad had one back in the early 60's (and you know how much they've improved since then!) We spent many nights looking through it.


The drink sounds ok, but will pass on the meal and red wine.  We've been to Istanbul twice, it's one of my favorite ports.  But like the last couple times, I won't post photos because it was pre-digital and they would be too much like Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser's photos already posted.


Yesterday DH took care of two wasp and yellow jacket nests on the house.  So glad to have that taken care of.  I'm allergic to all bee stings (not good for a gardener!) and especially wasp stings.  


Today is also Junior Ranger Day.  Here are photos of the DGSs getting their patches in Yellowstone.


A few years ago, getting his first patch.



Both of them last year getting their Bison patches.





I hope everyone has a great day!




Carolyn, safe travels tomorrow and Monday, and a great cruise beginning Monday.  Telescopes have come a long way since the 1960s.  Now, a lot of the work is done by computers and cameras attached to the telescope.  The latest two are controlled by a computer or tablet.  They basically do all the work, and the images appear on the computer or tablet screen.  Cute pictures of the DGSs.


3 hours ago, lobsternight said:

Good Morning Everyone!


Half way through packing for our NA cruise tomorrow, quite excited. Can't imagine what we will forget this time. Guess I will be off this board for a week as I will not have an internet package, but will catch up on my return.


Of course when packing my medications yesterday I could not find a refill I knew I had. Spent the better part of 2 hours searching the house.  I knew this would happen but went to the pharmacy for an emergency 10 day refill.  Within half an hour I found the supply, under clothes on the bed.  So typical.


Well the cats know something is up.  The dreaded suitcases. Fun to sit in but worrying. Wishing everyone the best


I hope you have a great cruise on the NA.


2 hours ago, kazu said:

Just a quick post to say hi .


That quote is me, right now 😉 and paella?  I make one mean one (or so I’m told).  It’s mix of Paella Valencia and another.  It’s a lot of work to make it right but a great company entree.  DH insisted it be one of the entrees at every get together.


It won’t be on the menu tonight - I kept the boiled eggs down so suspect I may just do a repeat for dinner LOL.


Sad to see so many on the Care list & those with challenges before their cruises.  Prayers for everyone that healing can come, cruises can go and cheers to those celebrating.



Jacqui, I'm glad you are feeling better and were able to keep food down today.


1 minute ago, lobsternight said:

I know that feeling, Mrs Lobsternight is the same.  Rocks, antlers, skulls and almost anything with perceived value.  Well she will throw out my stuff. We still have unpacked boxes from a move 22 years ago


We also have unpacked boxes in the attic from our move in 1999.  Many of them were stored for the DDs, and they still haven't found time to come and go through them.  I'm sure a lot will be tossed or donated to a thrift store.



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1 minute ago, marshhawk said:

I will get back to the daily, but must interrupt for some news and a question.


Question, do Holland people do the ducks?



There were some on the K -- Feb/March 35 day cruise.

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Good afternoon everyone. I pass on the food, drink and wine today but Roy's @rafinmdalternative looks good as does Grahams @grapau27 food porn.

My only experience with Istanbul was being in lockdown on the tarmac for 7 hours because a plane on the adjacent runway was hijacked. This was in 1987as we were on the way home for a Holy Lands land tour..Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the wonderful photos.

I started packing today for my cruise; as usual I need to go buy a few last minute items such as a small hair spray and a small toothpaste.

Thanks to new rather massive doses of Cortisteroids my colitis is enough under control now than I am no longer having seconds thoughts about going on the cruise on May 2. Eva  @superoma please take me off the care list. 

Prayers for all who need them and hoorays for all who are celebrating including all who are at sea.


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And now for the news, Holland called the BFF so many times about an upgrade that he upgraded himself to his own cabin.  Which is great I guess, but he moves to an interior, and we have a window.  HIs new Holland BFF says they will try to place him near us.  He says he did it so that he wont bother us when he gets up in the mornings.  I hope he doesnt go crazy in an interior cabin.  On the other hand, we will still be on vacation together, and DH and I have privacy.  It is nice to walk out of a shower and not worry about who is in the room.  Which is of course why I booked separate hotel rooms.  Well, the only thing constant is change, so I guess DH is now in charge of our cabin.

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3 hours ago, middlehaitch said:

@Vict0riann have you thought of taking John and his child bride to Spinnakers which is quite close but out of the busy down town area or, in Cordova Bay, (may  be too much of a drive) The Beach House. Both nice places close to the water. 






Sorry, I am another follower not poster but I thought as another Victoria resident I may be able to help. 

Cheers, h. 

Thanks, @middlehaitch, I was puzzling all night over a remembered pub beginning with “s”, but never got the whole word - senior moments!  Will try them, but I did make a reservation at a place near us, so we can come here first and have plenty of time.  

PS just looked on line and there’s nothing available until Monday, May 1!

Edited by Vict0riann
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4 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

And now for the news, Holland called the BFF so many times about an upgrade that he upgraded himself to his own cabin.  Which is great I guess, but he moves to an interior, and we have a window.  HIs new Holland BFF says they will try to place him near us.  He says he did it so that he wont bother us when he gets up in the mornings.  I hope he doesnt go crazy in an interior cabin.  On the other hand, we will still be on vacation together, and DH and I have privacy.  It is nice to walk out of a shower and not worry about who is in the room.  Which is of course why I booked separate hotel rooms.  Well, the only thing constant is change, so I guess DH is now in charge of our cabin.


Well that's good news.  I'm sure all of you will be more comfortable.  And I have stayed in many interior cabins and unless he is claustrophobic, it should be fine.  I kind of like the darkness at night.  Hopefully he can be placed near you, and I bet you will want to be outside looking at scenery and going on tours most of the time.  It will be much better having two bathrooms instead of one for obvious reasons, not to mention at shower time.  It's getting close now!

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17 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

Good afternoon everyone. I pass on the food, drink and wine today but Roy's @rafinmdalternative looks good as does Grahams @grapau27 food porn.

My only experience with Istanbul was being in lockdown on the tarmac for 7 hours because a plane on the adjacent runway was hijacked. This was in 1987as we were on the way home for a Holy Lands land tour..Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the wonderful photos.

I started packing today for my cruise; as usual I need to go buy a few last minute items such as a small hair spray and a small toothpaste.

Thanks to new rather massive doses of Cortisteroids my colitis is enough under control now than I am no longer having seconds thoughts about going on the cruise on May 2. Eva  @superoma please take me off the care list. 

Prayers for all who need them and hoorays for all who are celebrating including all who are at sea.


Will do! Good to hear you are better

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1 hour ago, lobsternight said:

I know that feeling, Mrs Lobsternight is the same.  Rocks, antlers, skulls and almost anything with perceived value.  Well she will throw out my stuff. We still have unpacked boxes from a move 22 years ago


Right now we don't have anyplace to store the unpacked boxes.  They are lining the hallways.  


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

As one who comes from a long line of pack rats I know how hard it is to get rid of things. One reason why it is  going to take me a loooonnnnngggg time to downsize. Have been working on it for over year and have hardly made a dent. I will do it, will do it, will do it.... it is just going to take awhile.




I did a major purge at my house after we cleaned out my dad's house when he died.  Then, I did a purge every spring.  I did another major one before I moved last fall.  I gave away as much as I could.


1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:



We also have unpacked boxes in the attic from our move in 1999.  Many of them were stored for the DDs, and they still haven't found time to come and go through them.  I'm sure a lot will be tossed or donated to a thrift store.




We went through boxes at my mom and dad's house years ago and gave the sibling owners 48 hours to pick up their junk (they were all in town).  After that, they went to the curb.  Sometimes you have to be tough.


11 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

And now for the news, Holland called the BFF so many times about an upgrade that he upgraded himself to his own cabin.  Which is great I guess, but he moves to an interior, and we have a window.  HIs new Holland BFF says they will try to place him near us.  He says he did it so that he wont bother us when he gets up in the mornings.  I hope he doesnt go crazy in an interior cabin.  On the other hand, we will still be on vacation together, and DH and I have privacy.  It is nice to walk out of a shower and not worry about who is in the room.  Which is of course why I booked separate hotel rooms.  Well, the only thing constant is change, so I guess DH is now in charge of our cabin.


We do inside cabins regularly.  In Alaska you want to be out of the cabin and in the public areas as well as the open decks to get the views.   Use the cabin as your bedroom and the rest of the ship as your home.  

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Happy late Saturday afternoon from a very sunny Western Colorado!  There is barely a cloud in the sky and it is finally in the 70's.  Many things are finally blooming, although rather late in the season.


First of all, many thanks to @StLouisCruisersand Rich for the Daily, the F&B department, and the Care/Congratulations list keepers!!  Without all of you and the rest of the marvelous posters, how would we be able to share so much.  @superoma, you can please remove me and my step-son from the Cares.  He can be in the rotation for a while, until the melanoma procedure is definitive.  


Finally got my plastic surgery scheduled.  It will be late Wednesday afternoon under general anesthesia, and then another session about 3-4 weeks later.  I am not looking forward to it, as the doctor has indicated it will be the more involved procedure which he feels will yield the best outcome.  But the doctor knows best!  My precious step-daughter will stay with me for the first 24 hours at home, or more, if needed.


Think I am finally getting caught up after the cruise.  Finally finished the last of the laundry yesterday, and wrote some miscellaneous checks this morning. I am truly not sure that I could ever plan an extended cruise of more than 30 days.  Guess I am just getting old and hesitant about working things out!


My prayers for all on the Cares list, and I will raise a glass (of Coke) to all those celebrating!  


Have a great evening everyone.

Mary Kay

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