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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 7th, 2023


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Your wish is my command @StLouisCruisers I got up early today to watch the bicycle race “ The Tour de France “ which I have followed since I was a kid and for me this is one of the most interesting sports event of the year and it is so nice to see all the beautiful areas in France . 
We have had the pleasure to be in Civitavecchia about 8 or 9 times to climb on board a BHB sometimes as initial embarkation to start a cruise and other times on a B2B cruise and exploring the beautiful area with a wonderful guide who lives nearby .
Just love to show you a few pictures from a couple of tours without too much commentary . I won't go into Rome today just the area around Civitavecchia .
The sinking and disappearing village of Civita di Bagnoregio
Going to our guides home in a beautiful medieval town , visit her "Secret Garden " and have a wonderful lunch .
Lovely lunch at our guides place in Vitrala .
Their back yard all set up for a concert or an opera performance , this is  the "Secret Garden " 
A very happy group , here with our wonderful friends Ann and Pat  @ after a wonderful day on a tour from Civitavecchia , we will have to do this again hopefully soon ........
A wonderful day was had with our good friends Ann and Pat  @Vict0riann
I have just finished booking another tour for October when we are on the Oosterdam with the husband of our lovely guide Susanna when we reach Civitavecchia again .
Tony 😄😄
Edited by sailingdutchy
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Thanks for our TGIF Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  Wouldn’t Global Forgiveness be great?  I wish I could walk with my father but sadly, he left us too many years ago.


I love the Mark Twain quote.  I’m afraid I’ve been guilty of that and will be paying the price.  Yum on bass and on the wonderful white wine 🙂.  Like so many we’ve been to Civi many times. Civi itself is a nice spot and there are so many beautiful spots to explore nearby.  I think we’ve done them all.  LOL and explored Rome in depth precruise. Our ship stops there next year so I will have to put my thinking cap on.


It’s been a long morning.  I woke up to an accident - thankfully in the kitchen so I ended up mopping the floor at 7 AM with barely a sip of coffee had 😡 


My vet arrived promptly at 9 and was here for a very long time.  Ivan’s heath is perfect except for his pain (which is what she thinks caused the accident).  A new blood profile was done to make sure there’s nothing else along with pancreatic test and his old meds were nixed and he has a new pain relief med (ca-ching) and a first injection of Librela (ca-ching).  It’s a new drug just approved in Canada and been in use in the U.K. for a year or so and shown to help a lot of arthritic dogs.

My vet has had good success in similar cases so she is very hopeful.  If this doesn’t work, I am out of options.
  Our guess is he was in pain for some time but endured it without complaint.


All I can say is that it is a good thing I already paid for my upcoming cruise as otherwise, I’d be taking a hard look at my budget to see if I can still go.  My friend teased me I would have to re-mortgage my house at this rate.


I am so sorry to hear about Baby Murphy’s  complications @cruising sister My prayers and more prayers are winging her way 🙏🏻 


I need to catch my breath and catch up here.  Prayers for everyone on the Care list and cheers to those celebrating.

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3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

My oldest closest friend, Judi, is in hospice and close to dying and I’m very sad. We met when we were eight and have had a wonderful friendship. I’m praying for a peaceful passing for her. In the past three years I’ve lost five old and dear friends. Too much loss.


I am so sorry to hear this, Carol 😢. My prayers for Judi for a peaceful, pain free passing & for you for help to bear he loss of another dear friend 🙏🏻 .



2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Sorry, I posted the wrong Cares List this AM!


No need to apologize.  We appreciate the wonderful work you do for us ♥️ 



1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Had some good news yesterday - a friend I haven't seen in a long time who had originally said they wouldn't be able to join us for Summerfest on Saturday called yesterday to say plans had changed, and could they still join us?  Of course; there's always room for more in our back yard! 


How nice that your friends can come and join in 👍 Please don’t work prepping too hard for your Summerfest.



1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

DH went out to the car, saying he'd forgotten something - when he returned, he presented me with a large box containing a purse I'd seen when we were at the Indigenous Canada Day celebrations on the weekend.  It's design was created by an amazing artist, and it's something I'll treasure always. 


So good to hear you enjoyed your dinner and birthday celebration.  What a lovely surprise for you from your DH.  He sure is thoughtful ♥️ 



1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

I just received  the pathology report which was amazingly good.(Maureen, @RMLincoln)I just shared the good news with our immediate  family and happily  share it with all of you.


I am so very happy to hear this.



1 hour ago, NextOne said:

In two weeks I fly to Boston, so I can board the Zuiderdam the next day for the Voyage of the Vikings! This will be my first really long solo trip, but I'm very excited about it, particularly since I was able to snag a reasonable upgrade from inside to verandah. We have a very active Roll Call, so there will be lots of new friends to make!


Good for you Edi 👍. I hope you have an absolutely fantastic time.

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Good Morning Everyone,  thanks for today's daily fleet report.  Its another hot and humid day today.  I enjoy celebrating all things chocolate,  after all I grew up in Chocolate Town USA.  I'll pass on today's meal suggestion and will have some leftover pork.  I hope everyone has a good day today. 

The birds planted this.


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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Yes to Chocolate Day! I wish we could have global forgiveness. I never had a father daughter walk as I was raised in a single female household. Funny quote; some stuff I put off for too long, like sorting through all the stuff I don't need any more. Pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine. A salute to Martina.

The cancelled 2020 NA cruise would have gone to Civitavecchia. Thanks for all the photos. I've been to Rome, but on a land trip.


It is hot and sticky here. I'm popping in between appointments. I was up and out earlier for an Ortho appointment to check on my knees since the fall. The right one is still quite painful. I declined a steroid injection today. We talked about eventual left knee replacement and maybe using a cane at times. I cancelled my haircut, although as it turns out I could have made it there in time. Then PT in early afternoon. 


@mamaofami Prayers for your friend Judi, that her passing is peaceful. And hugs to you.

@StLouisCruisers I hope there is something that can be done for Mark.

@cruising sister Many prayers for baby Murphy that she overcomes the complications and has a good surgical recovery.

@smitty34877 Excellent news on the pathology report!

@ger_77 Your Summerfest sounds like a fun time. And so sweet of DH to get that purse for you.

@marshhawk Sorry about the work situation. I hope the PT starts to help your pain.

@NextOne Prayers for only good results from your test today.

@kazu I'm glad your vet was so thorough, and I hope the new meds help Ivan.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate.

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Good morning and thanks all! 

Sending prayers for baby Murphy!  
So happy there was some good news @smitty34877

the waiting is so very hard! 
@kazu hoping the new meds do the trick!  

@kochleffel appreciate the info on that Basilica, such an interesting history! Next visit! 

Here’s a photo of the port from the air. And a few from nearby Viterbo and the amazing Villa Farnese








Edited by bennybear
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1 minute ago, cruising sister said:

OMG. The ECMO machine malfunctioned for the first time ever at that hospital. It turned itself off overnight. Murphy is hanging in there but very stressed. 

unbelievable!!! Prayers continue.



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4 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

OMG. The ECMO machine malfunctioned for the first time ever at that hospital. It turned itself off overnight. Murphy is hanging in there but very stressed. 

OMG.  What else can happen!  But Murphy shows amazing resilience.



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A few more pictures from another tour out of Civitavecchia , this one from last year while on the Oosterdam . There are so many lovely places to visit around Civi , and you will see we are again with one of my favourite guides Susanna and will end up in the “ Secret Garden “ where the Opera performances take place where Susanna performs , last year it received an upgrade ! 
Don't think I have to explain this one ...........
Medieval town of Vetralla , 
………and again we were treated to a lovely Italian  “Tasting lunch “  in  “ Il Giardino Secreto “  ( Secret Garden ) 
The stage and seating are for the Opera performances have been transformed 
A wonderful tour was had by all ! 
Civitavecchia just before our departure 
Buongiorno a Tutti ! 
Tony  ( Antonio ) 😆
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Good morning all!

First, continued fervent prayers for Baby Murphy @cruising sister!  She's a fighter!


We're heading into a cooling trend, which is fine with me.  Mid 70's instead of mid 80's.  Since we'll have our DGS with us all weekend it makes it a little easier.  We'll be picking him up in a few hours, we have reservations for him and a friend at the great local aquatic center for tonight.  Then the weekend will be filled with other activities and more swimming if he wants (he would live in the water if he could)!


Every day is chocolate day for me, even if it's just one square of chocolate.  If only global forgiveness could happen, and I would love to be able to walk with my dear Dad again.  He loved to take long walks.  Love the quote, will pass on the meal (coconut) and drink (grape) but the Chardonnay sounds good.  We have been to Civitavecchia and Rome many times.  My photos of Rome would be like those posted already, but I have a few of the port since we've embarked, disembarked, and had turn-around days there.


@mamaofami Carol I'm sorry to hear that your dear long-time friend is in hospice.  Prayers for a peaceful passing and comfort for you and her family.

@smitty34877 Terry great news about the good pathology report!

@kazu Jacqui I hope these new meds will help Ivan feel better -- good to hear that his health is otherwise very good.  It sounds like you have a great vet.


I did find some photos of Civitavecchia from 2019, our long 50th anniversary cruise.  We were there 4 times, and that day we walked to the market, bought flowers, and some wine in a little shop as we were browsing around.  








My flowers being wrapped





Sailing from Civitavecchia



We have stayed at this hotel a few times, and enjoyed it.  Borgo del Mare.




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We have been to Civitavecchia twice, the first was in May 2001 on the Rotterdam which was the Best Med Cruise ever, and the second time was June 2022 on the Oosterdam which was Craig’s covid isolation cruise.  I don’t have pictures from 2001 so will share my 2022 pictures. 

Since Craig was in covid isolation I canceled the big excursion we had scheduled for Rome and decided to go the opposite direction and take a Etruscan excursion.  We took the bus to Tarquinia and the Etruscan burial ground. It’s a rather huge area and we visited only a few sites but it was very impressive. 



One of the steep steps to view a tomb (I blacked out a face).  One way down and one way up. Hold on!





View from the edge of the uncovered burial area, in the distance is the beginning of Tuscany. 



Then we went to the Archeological Museum where the Etruscan remains are on display. Too many pictures to choose from so this just gives an idea. 








Time for lunch!  Yum, all kind of treats were waiting for us at this cute farm. 




Back at the ship with the view from my Neptune Suite. 



It was a very enjoyable day and something very different and I highly recommend especially if you have already been to Rome. 

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Happy Friday everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

I am always celebrating any day that involves chocolate. 

It has been a long morning on this hot and humid day. Been running errands all morning including the chiropractor for my adjustment and the dentist for my permanent crown. As expected, my bloodwork is not where it should be. My A1C is up as is my cholesterol. I have my doctor's appointment next week so hopefully we can get a new plan in place. It is disappointing but I will need to get back to the basics in managing my diabetes. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 


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4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  from a humid and hot NY.

I just received  the pathology report which was amazingly good.(Maureen, @RMLincoln)I just shared the good news with our immediate  family and happily  share it with all of you.



Wonderful, wonderful!  


4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Debbie those look delicious. If I could make it  I would invite Roy and Sandi over for dinner.😊


Can I come, too?


1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

OMG. The ECMO machine malfunctioned for the first time ever at that hospital. It turned itself off overnight. Murphy is hanging in there but very stressed. 


Oh, my word.  Apparently, they caught it right away.  Murphy must truly be a fighter.  


@kazu I sympathize with the cost of drugs for Ivan, but if he is in perfect health otherwise, it is probably worth it.  Let's hope it is effective and Ivan can return to a more comfortable life. 


We went back over to Dow Gardens this morning for our walk. The weather was delightfully refreshing and we spent quite a bit of time there. There is always something new to see.  








And, the Alden B. Dow home and studio. 




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Good morning and happy Friday from sunny Tucson where it is currently 98F with 12% humidity and expected to reach 108F in my location.  I know people think I’m crazy but I just love this time of year. 

When I was young I would walk with my father to the post office in our small town. He walked there every day. Sadly he died too young. 

The meal suggestion sounds good but I wouldn’t make it for myself. We are either having BLT’s or mussels or areyas (meat stuffed pitas). I can’t decide. 

Good news for Lou @smitty34877!  

Continued prayers for Baby Murphy @cruising sister

Hoping the new meds for Ivan @kazu help his pain. It’s so hard when our fur babies can’t tell us where it hurts. 

Thanks to everyone who shared pictures today. Sure brings back good memories. 

Blue had a dental scaling yesterday and all looks good because he sure can’t afford to lose anymore teeth. I’m always worried when he has his teeth done. 

Have a great day everyone!

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3 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Your wish is my command @StLouisCruisers I got up early today to watch the bicycle race “ The Tour de France “ which I have followed since I was a kid and for me this is one of the most interesting sports event of the year and it is so nice to see all the beautiful areas in France . 
We have had the pleasure to be in Civitavecchia about 8 or 9 times to climb on board a BHB sometimes as initial embarkation to start a cruise and other times on a B2B cruise and exploring the beautiful area with a wonderful guide who lives nearby .
Just love to show you a few pictures from a couple of tours without too much commentary . I won't go into Rome today just the area around Civitavecchia .
The sinking and disappearing village of Civita di Bagnoregio
Going to our guides home in a beautiful medieval town , visit her "Secret Garden " and have a wonderful lunch .
Lovely lunch at our guides place in Vitrala .
Their back yard all set up for a concert or an opera performance , this is  the "Secret Garden " 
A very happy group , here with our wonderful friends Ann and Pat  @ after a wonderful day on a tour from Civitavecchia , we will have to do this again hopefully soon ........
A wonderful day was had with our good friends Ann and Pat  @Vict0riann
I have just finished booking another tour for October when we are on the Oosterdam with the husband of our lovely guide Susanna when we reach Civitavecchia again .
Tony 😄😄

Excellent photos as always Tony.


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7 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

My friend Judi died peacefully today. Thank you all for your comfort wishes.



Carol, our condolences to you and your friend's family and friends.  I hope the wonderful memories of your friendship can bring you some comfort.





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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

OMG. The ECMO machine malfunctioned for the first time ever at that hospital. It turned itself off overnight. Murphy is hanging in there but very stressed. 


OMG is right.  Sending positive thoughts for Murphy to overcome this major setback, and for strength  for her parents and family during this very difficult and stressful time.  I can't help wondering why the ECMO machine wasn't monitored more closely, and if there was a backup machine.



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