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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 21st, 2023


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16 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

My first thought was vegan meatballs is a contradiction in terms. 

I agree but I'm not sure what we should call them; veganballs really doesn't work.  I feel the same way about oat milk, the only similarity it was to milk is that it is a liquid.  I think it should be called oat drink.


I'm encouraged by all of you who have said you are willing to give today's recipe a try.  The first one is really good!

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Greetings to all from Klaipeda, Lithuania.

Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report and to Vanessa for the cares and celebration list.  Also to Ann for the recipe and to Dixie and Ann for keeping us hydrated.

I have been to Skagway but those photos are not on my I pad.  We were there in 2007, before I owned an Ipad. Not even sure Apple had invented one at that time. 


Prayers for Baby Murphy that she makes an improvement and will soon be totally recovered.

Also for @NextOne ‘s friend Denny that he will be able to overcome his limitations from his massive stroke.  

Prayers for @catmando for family issues as well as medical issues and for @summer slope that your medical issues are resolved soon.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @Sharon in AZ‘s DH Craig.


Cheers to those cruising — @Norseh2o —Happy Cruising and to Debbie @dfish as you and Sue make your way to Boston for your cruise.


I like the days.  i don’t have a dog, and I will not get one.  But I like them.

I hope I am someone good and someone that people like to be around.

I try to stay away from junk food.


As for the meal.  i probably will not eat Vegan Meatballs.  As a matter of fact, i think it should have a different name.  Why call it a meatball?

Pass on the wine and drink.

i like the quote.  There is always hope for a better tomorrow.


Today was interesting.  We originally did not plan to go out.  However, there is a water and Sail Festival in progress here in Klaipeda, Lithuania.   We started by taking a little tourist train that proved to be more of a disaster than anything else.  It started and stopped suddenly so many times and then there was a very sudden stop where a man fell out of his seat and hurt his leg and it was bleeding.  DH also got hurt when he hit his head on the seat in front of him and cracked open his lip.  Then when exiting the train he hit the top of his head where he had surgery and it started to bleed.  So I had to play first aid caregiver and clean him up.  


Tomorrow is pack-up day.  We will be in Rønne, Bornholm Island in Denmark.  It is forecasted to be a very rainy day so we are not leaving the ship.  We will just spend the day getting our stuff together and sorting through the junk.  


My takeaway from this cruise is that I did not think I could have so many bad hair days in a row. LOL.


That’s all she wrote.

God Bless,


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@dfish and @Crazy For Cats Have a wonderful and safe trip.  Enjoy Boston, my home town many years ago.  It is a great city.

  @Sharon in AZ  A very Happy Birthday to Craig. May he have many more.

   @kazu   THank you for the vacuum recommendation. Will have to check it out.


Off to the Doctor today. Hoping for a full release so I can return to the things I love to do.   Golf, swimming and just life!

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Um, isn't everyone already someone? I refuse to honor junk food. (When there was a national effort to promote healthy eating, the head of an association of junk-food manufacturers predicted that it would ruin the economy. I had not realized that the economy was dependent on the junk-food industry). Every dog has its day, but is it today?


I'll bookmark the vegan meatballs recipes, as my home cooking is about 80% vegan.


No on the drink, and for wine I'll propose Fulkerson Lemberger. Lemberger is officially classified under the name “Blauer Limberger,” this red grape variety also goes by the synonyms “Lemberger” and “Blaufränkisch.” The late-ripening Lemberger probably originated in vineyards on the lower stretches of the Danube River. The grape was documented in Austria in the second half of the 18th century and is cultivated there to this day (as Blaufränkisch) in Burgenland and near Vienna.


I didn't get to Skagway in 2021.


The conference was great, both because it was so good to be with everyone again (well, everyone who attended, which was fewer people than expected) and because the sessions were good. The food was edible but that's all I can say for most of it. It was like a steam bath outdoors and a freezer indoors; the temperature in the dorm suites could be adjusted, but it seemed that nothing could be done about the extremely cold meeting rooms. I missed two sessions, on different days, through jump-starting a friend's car; after the second time she had the battery replaced. Some people, not including me, stayed up singing songs into the wee hours. It turned out that the university's conference center has a liquor license and there could be a cash bar during the evening programs, as long as no students were present.





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A quick good morning everyone before we head to Seattle.  It will be a long but hopefully fun day with the DGSs.  Zoo, dinner out, then games etc. etc. tonight.  Probably a 12-14-hour day.  Tomorrow I rest!


Like others have said, our Grand Australia itinerary had LOTS of changes last night.  No more Bora Bora (not a surprise there) but another port taken off (and we had a fun private tour booked there). 😢  I feel for those arranging private tours because their work has been cut out for them now. Ports removed and others have had their dates changed.  At least 3 new ports to research.   My spreadsheet will have to be completely redone LOL!


Happy Birthday Craig @Sharon in AZ!!

Safe travels and Bon Voyage to all who are cruising!



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38 minutes ago, 0106 said:

I agree but I'm not sure what we should call them; veganballs really doesn't work.  I feel the same way about oat milk, the only similarity it was to milk is that it is a liquid.  I think it should be called oat drink.


I'm encouraged by all of you who have said you are willing to give today's recipe a try.  The first one is really good!


Tine, taking a page out of Paul's @kochleffel book, how about vegan pseudo meatballs.  It sounds better than vegan fake meatballs.  🤣



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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Waiting on our sanctuary owner to stop by to look at Oliver. I noticed a small lump under his neck and she's  coming in a few minutes. I'm still under foster for a 2 week period so I have to call on the sanctuary if there's an issue.


Will post in a bit.


Uh oh.  I’m glad you spotted it now.  I hope it is just a bit of fat but Oliver seems too young for that  🙏 


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Yesterday didn't turn out as I'd thought - we headed out first thing in the morning to pick up a vacuum sealer that was on sale, but while we were out, I realized my arm where I'd had my Shingrix injection the day before was becoming progressively more tender .  Both DH and I felt tired, so went down for a nap in the afternoon and by 4:30 I was feeling very punky.  A low grade fever, my arm felt like someone had used it for a punching bag, and my knees, ankles and knuckles were all aching.  And DH was having tummy issues - at that point I went online to look at the side effects of the vaccine, and sure enough, we had several of them. I had to call our neighbour to say we wouldn't be joining them for drinks and appetizers, then I took a couple of tylenol and was in bed by 7:30.  Somewhere in the night my fever broke, as I woke up in a "moist" state.  This morning I'm feeling much better although my arm is still sore, but even with all the side effects, it's better than the alternative!


So sorry to hear both of you had nasty side effects 😔. And, you’re right - side effects from the vaccine are much better than the alternative of shingles.  I hope your arm improves and you are both feeling 100% FAST.



1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

@kazu sorry you found a "surprise" in the kitchen; I hope it's a one-off.


Unfortunately it’s a two off - 2 mornings in a row. 😔. No idea why - wondering if the meds are causing it and have reached out to my vet.  Nothing else has changed and he seems fine otherwise.  



1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Jacqui I was so close to being on your Future Cruise Listing naughty list!! I thought I'd forgotten to add Dec 29th cruise to our B2B2B2.. but found it later in your posting. Whew!!


LOL Joy - that would NOT put you on the naughty list.  I’m happy to add or amend.


It’s when someone lists a bunch of them with no details - like the name of the cruise, # of days, etc.  It just makes more work.    I was just in a bad mood this morning.  


You can add all the B2B’s to your cruises you like and I am happy to add them 🙂 



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Hi all!  I'm going to post a few things since I've just caught up with the Daily, then I think I'll post my early morning post, a paragraph at a time.  Just interested in finding out what term I used that was not allowed.


For our Dailyites heading to a cruise ( @dfish, @Norseh2o, @Crazy For Cats and @NextOne I hope your travel is trouble free and your cruises exceptional.  See you next Saturday Debbie and Sue!


Tina @0106 your first recipe looked delicious, just like our regular "meat"balls.  I'd try it!


Joy @Seasick Sailor fingers crossed and prayers said for little Oliver.  Like Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser said, maybe it's an abcess.  🙏


Annie @marshhawk good luck to Chuck with his treatment.  We'll definitely pray for the best outcome for his cancer.🙏


Gerry @ger_77 I hope you're both feeling tip-top quickly.  Those shingles shots can really knock you for a loop. 


I'm still working on sorting through my email inbox and am up to Sept. 2020.  It's been interesting reading correspondence about the initial days of Covid.  What hasn't been fun is going through all the trials an tribulations of DMIL's nursing home stay again.  Looking forward to happier days.


My next posts will be from about 6:30 am today, one paragraph at a time.  Odd I know, but I have to figure out the system here and why we offend sometimes.  I sure don't mean to do that!

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

We can all be someone. Not sure what all is considered junk food. I know many here will salute national dog day; I've never had one, as during my working days I'd be gone so long from home that it wasn't fair to a dog. I like the quote. I would try vegan meatballs. The drink sounds interesting. Yes to the wine. I've been to Alaska, but haven't been to Skagway (Haines). I was on Ryndam, but we couldn't dock due to winds. I was disappointed to miss the Railway trip.


We had major lightning and heavy rain last night. Now there are flood watches. My power only blinked off twice, just enough to necessitate me resetting time on the stove, microwave, etc. I have PT this afternoon, then will do a bit of grocery shopping.


@Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday to Craig!

@Norseh2o Bon Voyage!

@Denise T @ottahand7 @marshhawk @GTVCRUISER @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice Skagway photos.

@0106 Thanks for stepping in and posting the daily meal recipes. I like the first one.

@dfish Safe travels and have a blast!

@StLouisCruisers Sorry you're having issues with CC today. 

@kazu Sorry your day was stressful yesterday; hopefully better today. Love the memes>

@Seasick Sailor I hope Oliver is ok.

@ger_77 Sorry about the effects from the shingles shot. I'm glad you feel better today. I got an egg-sized tender lump at the site of the injection, which took about a week to go away. I looked at the handout the pharmacy had given me, and it said about 25% of people might get that. 

@Cruzin Terri Oh no on that train ride from Hades! I hope DH is ok. 

@cunnorl I hope you get the all clear to do things you'd like to do.

@kochleffel I'm glad the conference was good. Having been to away conferences for work, I can say that the meeting rooms are always freezing and I take a sweater or jacket (I wonder if it's to keep people awake?).


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

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Good morning friends!  Finally it's Friday!  We have a warm 72F outside.  It will be 93 and mostly sunny today.  I came upstairs after the treadmill and saw a deer in my front yard looking for something to eat in my shrubbery.  Finding nothing that appealed to it, the deer wandered around to the back of the house. My wildlife sighting for today.

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Thank you Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report, and to Graham @grapau27 for some BHB photos to enjoy.  I plan on being someone today, avoiding junk food if I can (well maybe some potato chips), and praising Day of the Dog.  My DD sent me a photo of her pup Sadie sitting on the cold floor vent after coming in from outside.  She's pretty smart!  Baby brother Milo though was lying in the grass soaking up the sun.  Hopefully he'll learn where to go to stay chill before too long.🙄  I like today's quote and certainly hope next year is happier!  How do you make a meatball vegan?  Poor Tina @0106 may have to search a bit for that recipe.  No idea what the drink is.  Good luck to Dixie @summer slope too!  I'm not sure if I'll like the wine today or not.  That's up to Ann @cat shepard!  LOL!  And the day in history is very interesting.

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Prayers were said on the treadmill and I made sure I included all on our Care list.  Hoping for improvement for all and thoughts go out to those who lost loved ones.   A salute to our travelers and cruisers, may you stay safe and have a wonderful cruise!.  Happy Birthday Craig!  Thanks go to our Vanessa @JazzyV for all her hard work here.



Well, this was the problem paragraph.  All I did was remove a praying hands emoji after one sentence, THREE emojis after another sentence (a ship, an airplane and a car), and a birthday cake emoji for Craig.  Never would have thought that would trigger a warning!


The rest of my original post concerned the port of the day dates and links.  I didn't post any photos that day.  We did do one tour that might interest some of you.

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Good afternoon all and many thanks to all of the contributors of the Daily . It is a very nice day here in SW Ontario today the humidity finally left us  after a big vicious storm last evening so there is a nice little breeze to keep the mosquitos away  and than I can go out and do some gardening .
We have been a couple of times in Skagway and the first time in 2007 made the nice train ride up to the Canadian border into the mountains which was very exciting for me as a person growing up in the low lands .
So today just a couple of pictures from our cruise in Sept of 2007 on the Zaandam .
We first visited a very nice garden and were surprised everything was growing so well there in that climate .
This looked very spooky near the top close to the border ……
The Zaandam was only 7 years old at the time ( built in 2000) and it was only our second cruise we were quite impressed with the whole experience so we were hooked for life ! 
Back to the Tour de France and than my garden to do some harvesting , have a great day everybody ! 
Tony 😄
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On our first cruise ever in 2002 DDIL set us up on the Star Princess from Anchorage to Vancouver.  I thought this photo of the Star Princess with P&O emblazoned on its hull was interesting.  What do you think of that Graham @grapau27??




During the afternoon we took a tour that included a van ride up a mountain and a bike ride down the mountain.  Unfortunately it began to rain so they pulled out these lovely raincoats and pants for the riders to wear.  Sure doesn't look like they fit well, does it?




A stop at a waterfall along the road.




Great photos huh?  LOL



Edited by StLouisCruisers
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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Uh oh.  I’m glad you spotted it now.  I hope it is just a bit of fat but Oliver seems too young for that  🙏 



So sorry to hear both of you had nasty side effects 😔. And, you’re right - side effects from the vaccine are much better than the alternative of shingles.  I hope your arm improves and you are both feeling 100% FAST.




Unfortunately it’s a two off - 2 mornings in a row. 😔. No idea why - wondering if the meds are causing it and have reached out to my vet.  Nothing else has changed and he seems fine otherwise.  




LOL Joy - that would NOT put you on the naughty list.  I’m happy to add or amend.


It’s when someone lists a bunch of them with no details - like the name of the cruise, # of days, etc.  It just makes more work.    I was just in a bad mood this morning.  


You can add all the B2B’s to your cruises you like and I am happy to add them 🙂 




Because you love me dear friend!


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Good morning everyone, 


I've been reading several times daily but just not getting the posting done. I'm doing well and life continues. DS finished the back deck and will do the pumphouse next week. 


I've been spending time notifying DH's insurance, TSA company, etc. Noticed the other day that my maiden name was misspelled on the death certificate so had to take it back to the funeral place and they'll get new ones. Got a phone call late yesterday afternoon that I have to go sign something to indicate the change is needed so that's on the to-do list for today. Monday and Wednesday I did water aerobics and Wednesday I checked out the picnic shelter we rented for DH's Celebration of Life and I like it and the location so now just have to get the time settled and we can get let people know. 


DH, due to his memory loss, had a penchant for saving things. Now we're not always talking important things. Think of pill bottles that he painstakingly took the labels off, Ensure containers with no labels. Ice cream cartons all washed and stacked. You get the idea. I'll have no problem filling the garbage can for the next month or so! They were treasures to him and not worth me arguing over. 


We've been to Skagway numerous times. Every couple of years DH wanted to ride the train so I'd book a Princess cruise to do so. My favorite excursion was with Chilcoot Tours and we did the train to Bennett Lake and Carcross and then a small bus back. DH enjoyed the train no matter what and I thought they did a marvelous job with the handicapped car on the WPYR. Next year, when I have Discovery Princess booked (moved from this year), I want to do the Bennett Lake excursion again but in reverse. 


Off for errands and other fun things. 


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We got some pretty good news on the medical front this morning.  DH now has an appointment with the neurosurgeon at UTSW on September 5.  The nurse was trying to arrange an appointment for the end of August, so with the surgeon's schedule, this is pretty close.  I just hope he has an early opening in his schedule to place the shunt.


2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


Oliver's bump: keeping watch for a few days. Could be a little muscle strain. Size of a small grape. 


Happiest of Birthday greetings to Craig! We were glad to have met you two on Rotterdam. 


I was so happy our PCC saved us a lot of money reviewing our winter cruises. She already sent the new confirmations and gave us extra OBC to boot. Great PCC.


Sending up prayers to all on our prayer lists. @kazu Jacqui hoping this is a rare oops for Ivan. @ger_77 Gerry hope you are feeling fully recovered by the time pizza is ordered. 


@0106 Tina thanks for covering for Debbie. I have a vegan friend who made meatballs for our girls night and I was not crazy for the taste. But I'm willing to try a new version. Tonight I am making beef roulade with cabbage and applesauce. Sounds weird, but my sweet husband put in his request..


I always put out junk food for girls night, and Cosmo's. My girls learned to love the cajun boiled peanuts (ick) and the cheetos are gone before the night is out. My girls bring the "good stuff" ..








Have an absolutely wonderful day, an awesome weekend. Make someone feel special, tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.


Joy, I'm glad Oliver's bump does not seem serious and just needs watching.


2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

@dfish and @Crazy For Cats Have a wonderful and safe trip.  Enjoy Boston, my home town many years ago.  It is a great city.

  @Sharon in AZ  A very Happy Birthday to Craig. May he have many more.

   @kazu   THank you for the vacuum recommendation. Will have to check it out.


Off to the Doctor today. Hoping for a full release so I can return to the things I love to do.   Golf, swimming and just life!


I hope the doctor gives you a full release today.  Enjoy getting back to the things you love doing.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

A quick good morning everyone before we head to Seattle.  It will be a long but hopefully fun day with the DGSs.  Zoo, dinner out, then games etc. etc. tonight.  Probably a 12-14-hour day.  Tomorrow I rest!


Like others have said, our Grand Australia itinerary had LOTS of changes last night.  No more Bora Bora (not a surprise there) but another port taken off (and we had a fun private tour booked there). 😢  I feel for those arranging private tours because their work has been cut out for them now. Ports removed and others have had their dates changed.  At least 3 new ports to research.   My spreadsheet will have to be completely redone LOL!


Happy Birthday Craig @Sharon in AZ!!

Safe travels and Bon Voyage to all who are cruising!




Have fun at the zoo.  I'm glad they gave you plenty of time to rearrange things on the cruise.


26 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

On our first cruise ever in 2002 DDIL set us up on the Star Princess from Anchorage to Vancouver.  I thought this photo of the Star Princess with P&O emblazoned on its hull was interesting.  What do you think of that Graham @grapau27??




During the afternoon we took a tour that included a van ride up a mountain and a bike ride down the mountain.  Unfortunately it began to rain so they pulled out these lovely raincoats and pants for the riders to wear.  Sure doesn't look like they fit well, does it?




A stop at a waterfall along the road.




Great photos huh?  LOL




Sandi, the story of Princess and P&O in the early 2000s is interesting.  When we took the P&O world cruise in 2000, Princess owned P&O.  For some reason, but 2002 the ownership had switched and P&O owned Princess.  Things changed again when Carnival Corp. bought both cruise lines.  


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Greetings to all from Klaipeda, Lithuania.

Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report and to Vanessa for the cares and celebration list.  Also to Ann for the recipe and to Dixie and Ann for keeping us hydrated.

I have been to Skagway but those photos are not on my I pad.  We were there in 2007, before I owned an Ipad. Not even sure Apple had invented one at that time. 


Prayers for Baby Murphy that she makes an improvement and will soon be totally recovered.

Also for @NextOne ‘s friend Denny that he will be able to overcome his limitations from his massive stroke.  

Prayers for @catmando for family issues as well as medical issues and for @summer slope that your medical issues are resolved soon.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @Sharon in AZ‘s DH Craig.


Cheers to those cruising — @Norseh2o —Happy Cruising and to Debbie @dfish as you and Sue make your way to Boston for your cruise.


I like the days.  i don’t have a dog, and I will not get one.  But I like them.

I hope I am someone good and someone that people like to be around.

I try to stay away from junk food.


As for the meal.  i probably will not eat Vegan Meatballs.  As a matter of fact, i think it should have a different name.  Why call it a meatball?

Pass on the wine and drink.

i like the quote.  There is always hope for a better tomorrow.


Today was interesting.  We originally did not plan to go out.  However, there is a water and Sail Festival in progress here in Klaipeda, Lithuania.   We started by taking a little tourist train that proved to be more of a disaster than anything else.  It started and stopped suddenly so many times and then there was a very sudden stop where a man fell out of his seat and hurt his leg and it was bleeding.  DH also got hurt when he hit his head on the seat in front of him and cracked open his lip.  Then when exiting the train he hit the top of his head where he had surgery and it started to bleed.  So I had to play first aid caregiver and clean him up.  


Tomorrow is pack-up day.  We will be in Rønne, Bornholm Island in Denmark.  It is forecasted to be a very rainy day so we are not leaving the ship.  We will just spend the day getting our stuff together and sorting through the junk.  


My takeaway from this cruise is that I did not think I could have so many bad hair days in a row. LOL.


That’s all she wrote.

God Bless,



Terri, I'm sorry the tourist train was a problem and that Jim and another man got hurt.  I hope Jim is doing okay now.


8 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


I've been reading several times daily but just not getting the posting done. I'm doing well and life continues. DS finished the back deck and will do the pumphouse next week. 


I've been spending time notifying DH's insurance, TSA company, etc. Noticed the other day that my maiden name was misspelled on the death certificate so had to take it back to the funeral place and they'll get new ones. Got a phone call late yesterday afternoon that I have to go sign something to indicate the change is needed so that's on the to-do list for today. Monday and Wednesday I did water aerobics and Wednesday I checked out the picnic shelter we rented for DH's Celebration of Life and I like it and the location so now just have to get the time settled and we can get let people know. 


DH, due to his memory loss, had a penchant for saving things. Now we're not always talking important things. Think of pill bottles that he painstakingly took the labels off, Ensure containers with no labels. Ice cream cartons all washed and stacked. You get the idea. I'll have no problem filling the garbage can for the next month or so! They were treasures to him and not worth me arguing over. 


We've been to Skagway numerous times. Every couple of years DH wanted to ride the train so I'd book a Princess cruise to do so. My favorite excursion was with Chilcoot Tours and we did the train to Bennett Lake and Carcross and then a small bus back. DH enjoyed the train no matter what and I thought they did a marvelous job with the handicapped car on the WPYR. Next year, when I have Discovery Princess booked (moved from this year), I want to do the Bennett Lake excursion again but in reverse. 


Off for errands and other fun things. 



Karen, it's good to hear from you, and that you and your DS are getting projects tackled.



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We were in Skagway twice in 2009 when we took B2B cruises on Sapphire Princess Vancouver roundtrip.  It worked out well because the first week it was nice in Ketchikan but not the rest of the ports, and the second week Ketchikan was rainy and everything else was beautiful!  Best day we ever had in Glacier Bay that second week.  


The first week in Skagway a view of the train picking up people right at the ship for their excursions.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIYVbGZ4M3nTEfV0gxT9UdN?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365187822


I liked the "money" store sign.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLVnqCvNgdZvydPChvdg10D?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365187895


I also liked the new and improved sidewalk back to the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ0vRxwcyP1wrA77TcolOb0?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365187950


The next week - sunny!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKgKgb3MqTB6795vRLt5Z6Z?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365188829


Back to back Princess ships, with their shopping cart handles in close proximity.  Princess cruisers know what I'm referring to.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI_wfi-VSvLVpXL8B90l13G?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365188899


Checking out the aft balconies on the Golden Princess from our perch on the Sapphire Princess.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLwQ67KXiv48h7uUf6GG8EX?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365188958


Another view of the Golden Princess shopping cart handles (Skywalkers Lounge).00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL-3lQa7k-DTMPmWLr-tfvW?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365188925



Incidentally, we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary the second day of the 14 day cruise.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ_qZgbLm_m4T7hmUF48Qeb?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365187483

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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


I've been reading several times daily but just not getting the posting done. I'm doing well and life continues. DS finished the back deck and will do the pumphouse next week. 


I've been spending time notifying DH's insurance, TSA company, etc. Noticed the other day that my maiden name was misspelled on the death certificate so had to take it back to the funeral place and they'll get new ones. Got a phone call late yesterday afternoon that I have to go sign something to indicate the change is needed so that's on the to-do list for today. Monday and Wednesday I did water aerobics and Wednesday I checked out the picnic shelter we rented for DH's Celebration of Life and I like it and the location so now just have to get the time settled and we can get let people know. 


DH, due to his memory loss, had a penchant for saving things. Now we're not always talking important things. Think of pill bottles that he painstakingly took the labels off, Ensure containers with no labels. Ice cream cartons all washed and stacked. You get the idea. I'll have no problem filling the garbage can for the next month or so! They were treasures to him and not worth me arguing over. 


We've been to Skagway numerous times. Every couple of years DH wanted to ride the train so I'd book a Princess cruise to do so. My favorite excursion was with Chilcoot Tours and we did the train to Bennett Lake and Carcross and then a small bus back. DH enjoyed the train no matter what and I thought they did a marvelous job with the handicapped car on the WPYR. Next year, when I have Discovery Princess booked (moved from this year), I want to do the Bennett Lake excursion again but in reverse. 


Off for errands and other fun things. 



You got some painful chores done and underway, Karen 😔


I’m glad that you have some fun things (hopefully you meant fun) planned to help alleviate the other chores. 🤞 



3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Oliver's bump: keeping watch for a few days. Could be a little muscle strain. Size of a small grape. 


Hopefully that is all it is.



3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


@kazu Jacqui hoping this is a rare oops for Ivan.



Thanks.  Heard back from Ivan’s vet (they are SO good and caring).  Ivan doesn’t do oops - he never has.  The first time, I thought maybe it was the guys here working and wasn’t concerned.  But yesterday everything was back to normal. He’s going off his pain meds for the weekend to see if that fixes the problem.  If he’s in serious pain of course he will get one.  But the meds are highly suspect right now.  Hoping that is all it is.  There is another reason - severe pain in his spine.  I hope he’s not in pain I can’t see.  I guess we’ll find out.

I was warned to expect one tomorrow until the meds are out of his system.  That wakes you up faster than a sip of coffee 😣 


I just hope the injection is working enough that he will not be in pain 🤞 


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@Cruzin Terri I couldn't like your post, with all the injuries involved.  I read the other day that you were going to be in Ponta Delgada ? in November.  Do you know what date?  We will be there on 11/3.

Would be nice if we were both there on the same day, we could meet up a world away.  We will be in Madiera on 11/1.


@kazuI was thinking Ivan's tummy might not like the meds.  I hope that he is doing better after this weekend.


And I think my pictures of the tourist shops might have been in Whitehorse.  It's been a while since we were there.

The therapist today was overworked! One therapist, no front desk employee, the phones dont work, and neither did their internet, so I could not schedule my second appointment for next week.  There I was the little old lady in pain, and my two companions in torture was a dancer getting ready for auditions and a 12 year old kid, who is atrophying due to lack of exercise.  The therapist threw me out after 30 minutes.  Can't wait to see Sidney again on Tuesday.


DH and I had lunch at our favorite Greek restaurant yesterday.  In the booth behind me were 4 middle aged and aging women...they were all talking about their recent cruises, and the cruises they had coming up.  They were not cruising together.  One was from AZ, one from NY, and the other two, I have no idea, but they did not have that Southern sound in their voices.  I really wanted to turn around and ask them if they were on Cruise Critic.  I of course couldn't, 1) because I am physically unable to just turn around, and 2)  DH would have told me to mind my own business...LOL

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Just catching up, thanks all! 
@Seasick Sailor and @kazu hope the pups are ok!   I understand the worry about the spine, as our dear old fellow had a similar issue.  Hoping all is well! 
@ger_77 hope the side effects are out of your system soon.  They can be tough, but worth it for sure.  I had a strange high  fever yesterday, but no shots to explain.   Better today.  
@Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday to Craig! 






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