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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 15th, 2023


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Good morning, 


As @Cruising-along mentioned we're getting a hot stretch - for us! I have windows open and fans going but will soon button things up and keep the house cool. Fortunately we have overhangs - effectively creating covered decks and car ports so the direct sun doesn't come in the house. We face north/south and only have one window facing east (and lots of trees shading it) and one facing west. 


Yesterday was water aerobics and banking. Today I don't have much but just had a cancellation for a Friday appointment and can get in this afternoon so off I'll go. Slowing getting DH's insurances, etc. taken care of and got a check in the mail today so that was nice. 


Hubbard Glacier - my absolute favorite! 3 weeks tomorrow I'll be there and I've booked the small boat excursion. I'm so looking forward to it. 


Have a good Tuesday and stay cool!



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8 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

  Good news from the ship is that they will be holding a Mariner's Society luncheon for us on Wednesday, Aug. 16.  I've heard that some will receive Medallions though not everyone is invited to that.  So I assume only those receiving one get to go to it.  I hope in the future they will allow all Mariners to attend the Medallion receiving ceremony, then move on to the luncheon.  We've just cancelled our Pinnacle Grill lunch reservation for the 16th in order to attend the Mariner's Luncheon.



Sandi - my experience with the medallion ceremonies on the last 2 cruises (one was a B2B2B) was that no one was given their medallions at the ceremony.  they were delivered to their cabin and they brought them to the ceremony and had their pics taken.


Only those getting silver and above or had silver already and were 5* were invited from the best I could determine.  the groups were small and the ceremonies were very short although there were conversations after - especially with the Mariner rep.


We didn’t have a luncheon so I can’t help with that.  




7 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We continue to see some progress in the right direction with my DH. He walked with the PT yesterday and I walked with him as well. He is still a little confused but that is slowly improving. Today he has an MRI and if the bloodwork is better he may go home soon.Thanks to all for the prayers and good wishes. It has been a great help to the whole family.


that is excellent news 👍. so happy to hear this.  My prayers continue for your DH and all of you.  You’ve certainly had one tough haul 😢 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I'll salute Acadian culture. Maybe I can relax later. Best friends are to be cherished. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I have been to Hubbard Glacier on my one and only trip to Alaska in 2009. An important day in history.


The rain is gone for now and it's sunny out. There's a chance of spotty showers, but only 30%. I really need to get the lawn mowed. Maybe later today when the sun is down some. I'm just back from PT. I could hardly get around this morning. I got up early, but as soon as I tried to walk, my back was in pain. I got back in bed and tried to do some stretches. Finally I took 600mg of Ibuprofen and then let the hot shower run on my back for about 15 minutes. I think that helped, but I don't want to take medication a lot. My PT guy showed me another back stretch. And my shiatsu massage cushion with heat should arrive today.


@grapau27 Lovely gardens.

@Crazy For Cats Congrats on booking another cruise!

@smitty34877 Wonderful news that Lou is improving and may get to go home soon. Continued prayers for Tana as well.

@0106 Thanks for teaching us about traditional balsamic vinegar; I had no idea it was such a production (It sounds like winemaking). 

@StLouisCruisers Beautiful photos and you had great weather.

@Sharon in AZ Great photos.

@Seasick Sailor Thanks for the photos, especially with DH.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry you're having a bad flare of the PMR. Can you call the doctor's office or message through an online system (like MyChart) to get some advice on the prednisone so you don't have to wait to see him? I hope the floors can be fixed without a big tearing up of things.

@ger_77 I hope your air quality improves quickly. Good news on the tooth repair.

@Nickelpenny I hope you get in the study.

@marshhawk Those kind of nights are the worst; I've been there. I hope Chuck is less confused today. 

@RedneckBob @GTVCRUISER @kplady Nice photos of Hubbard Glacier.

@bennybear That looks like a wine cellar; I bet what you bought was tasty.

@dfish I'm glad you're feeling better. Thanks for the Nanortalik pictures.

@cruising sister I am hoping that Baby Murphy is continuing to do well.


Prayers for the Care List  and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.


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Good afternoon after a very long morning.  I managed to get away just after 7:30, but it still took a while to visit all three stores.  Overall, a rather successful shopping trip. Road work that closed one lane on a two lane bridge slowed things down on the way out, but my timing was good when I was coming home.  It took a while to unload the car, get everything put away, get breakfast, and do the regular chores.  I won't be doing much this afternoon, and supper will be easy, sloppy joes.


I have enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures from Hubbard Glacier, and I thank all of you for sharing them.  There are too many to name without forgetting one or two.


6 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning everyone,

Sorry I have been sort of AWOL these days.  Truth is that my Polymyalgia Rheumatica has returned with a vengeance and it is also affected my cervical spine or my neck, making it difficult to sleep or to lift my arms.  Hard to do almost everything

i have an appointment with the doctor at the Mayo, but it is not until the end of the month.  i am a bit reluctant to increase the prednisone on my own.  It is just so hard to do anything that needs to be done.  

With all the others with problems that others have, mine seem minor.


Anyway, enough of my problems.  

Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily.  

I like the days—especially Best Friends Day.  i also like to relax and these days, I have to do a lot of that just to keep the pain at bay.

I agree with the quote.

i will skip the meal because these days, simple is the rule around here.

The wine and drink look good.

I have been to Alaska, but not sure we stopped at Hubbard Glacier.


@smitty34877, glad to hear that Lou is making improvements and may be going home soon. Prayers for him and for your whole family.  

@cruising sister I am happy to hear of Baby Murphy’s progress.  I pray it continues.


Prayers for all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating or cruising.


The flooring man is coming on Friday and I am praying that they don’t have to rip up a lot of the house to fix the buckling.   It is affecting the living room, bedroom and den.  Not happy about this.


thank you to @StLouisCruisers, @Sharon in AZand @Seasick Sailor for the great photos.


Have a great day everyone.

God Bless,



Terri, I'm sorry your Polymyalgia Rheumatica has come back and with a vengeance.  Is it possible to message your doctor to see if he will allow you to increase the prednisone since it's so long until your appointment?  If you can't message him, could you call his nurse and get her ask about increasing the dosage?  You shouldn't have to suffer between now and your appointment.  I hope the floors can be fixed without too much mess.


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Hurray for the Acadians!  Since being retired, there could be many relaxing days, but it seems they're always filled with things to do.  Best friends are wonderful.


We have a very apricot coloured sunrise this morning which means there is lots of smoke in the air.  As soon as I turned on my phone this morning, an alarm came on indicating there was a special Air Quality Statement worth looking at.  The especially young and old are advised to stay indoors as much as possible today, as it could cause severe breathing problems.  Thankfully I don't fit into either category, but will still limit my time outdoors to watering the plants and only doing the necessities.  It isn't going to be as warm today, only a predicted high of 29C (84), so it will be quite pleasant.


DH and his son are heading out to check the acreage this morning so that means I'll have the house to myself and I can do some serious cleaning without having to assign a task to my "helper".  LOL  


An update on my fractured tooth - it was salvageable, so my wonderful dentist filled it and sent me on my way.  Thankfully insurance paid for 80% of the bill, but as I was leaving, the receptionist said "I guess that was a $79 bowl of popcorn."  Yes, it was.   Sigh.


@smitty34877I'm happy to hear that Lou is progressing nicely; hopefully the doctors and nurses can get him back on track again and help relieve some the anxiety that I'm sure you must be experiencing.  Continued prayers for his recovery and for strength for you as well.

@ktbraun you're sailing on the Feb 4th West/East as well?  That's great; I'd love to be able to meet you onboard!


I like flavoured balsamic vinegars - we have a store that sells a huge variety of them; a couple of my faves are butter pecan and chocolate cherry.  They are great drizzled over ice cream . . . yum!  The only thing I'd take from the drink of the day is the maraschino cherry, LOL.  And the wine is another Rioja from Spain, I'm sure I'd appreciate that one!  


Dinner last night didn't turn out as planned - I had just turned on the air fryer to pre-heat and ran downstairs to get the tempura shrimp from the freezer when the lights went out.  The power was out for nearly 2 hours, so instead of having what was planned, DH went out and got a couple of burgers for us.  So, it's looking like tonight we'll be having tempura shrimp and Greek Salad, but depending on the air quality, we might be enjoying it at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, I'm sorry about the power outage.  I am glad the tooth did not need a crown.


6 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all. Thanks for the update. Nice collection of days, interesting quote and the meal and drinks sound scrumptious. 

Internet is out so trying this on my phone. Got back from CA late   I passed all the criteria for inclusion in the study so I had X-rays done. If I meet the criteria there I get included. I won’t know for a couple of days. Doing a study today at the UofA on memory. 

Other that that it is relaxation day. The pictures of the flowers are beautiful and I love them!!


Thoughts to those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. 

Have a great day everyone!


Penny, I hope you are accepted for the study, and that it will help your knees.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!

I admit, I slept until 8, but i went to bed at midnight, was up at 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6.  I had a very salty lunch yesterday, and I drank water all afternoon and evening.  Wont do that again.  (eat a very salty lunch).


Yesterday was a very long day, and for some reason DH was pretty much confused all day.  When he went in for the PET scan, he wanted me to go with him, and the attending nurse said not at that time, but she would come back for me.  This was the second time in two weeks, that he has wanted me there with him.  When I got into the room where he had to wait for an hour after the dye was injected, he said he was cold (he is always cold) and I went and hunted down the nurse for a blanket. She said she had offered him a blanket 3 times, and he kept saying he was fine.  

He hates eating sandwiches, and he ordered one for lunch...which of course he disassembled, and ate piece by piece. He said it was good, but also said he had no idea why he ordered a large Italian sub.

At work, he couldnt think through making a sale. He forgot that he can sell a two opera series if the person said 3 was too much.


I on the other hand had to work until 10:30, and this morning when i looked in the mirror the rims of my eyes are bright red, I look like a vampire.....I wish I had a day of relaxation, but at least I wont be working past 6:30.  Yay.


Pilgrims.  My dad researched his heritage on his mothers side, and yes, the family Strong came over on the Mayflower.  I remember looking at the names of the children, one of the older girls was named Darkness.  He told me that since most children didnt live very long, their names were sad.  No Daisy or Sunflower in the bunch.  I was in charge of cleaning out his apartment, and every weekend for a month i drove down to florida and get rid of, pack up, or threw out, but I never saw that book he had written.  My brother who was living in Japan at the time, was in charge of the finances on the apartment in the  retirement community, and the weekend of a hurricane when I was down there, he stopped the payments, and I couldn't go back in and finish cleaning out.


When I read about all of you getting rid of STUFF, giving it to family or just getting rid of it, so someone else can use it, I cheer you on ! DH and I dont have kids, and I decided years ago, that my BFF, Dan would get the house if we passed.  I guess I need to do a will and pronto!  And I need to start getting rid of stuff... do I keep the cat stuff or the bird stuff, or the ocean stuff... or two rooms filled with books??? 








5 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all the contributors


Hubbard Glacier 2009




Annie, oh no, on your DH's confusion yesterday.  Could the immunotherapy or the stress have made it worse?  I hope today is a better day.


3 hours ago, AV8rix said:

Oooh, Hubbard!  On one of my first HAL cruises in 2010 (can't remember which ship, think it was Statendam) we went to Hubbard.  We watched the relatively small chunks calving for a while.  Then there was a sound like the loudest thunder I've ever heard and seemed like the WHOLE FACE of the glacier fell off, causing an ENORMOUS wave!  Captain shouted over the PA "Everyone grab a hand rail.  That tsunami (yeah, he really used that term) will hit us".   And it did.  Really rocked the ship.  Been up there many times since...most recently last week...but have never observed a repeat of that phenomenon.


Susan, we've been lucky to see a lot of calving on our visits to Hubbard Glacier, but never one as big as your described.  That must have been spectacular.


3 hours ago, dfish said:

Greetings, everyone, from Nanortalik, Greenland.  

I woke up today with a raging sinus headache.  I get them from time to time.  I was tempted to stay on the ship since I have been there before, but a good walk around town helped a lot.  Now that I’m back on board the headache is returning.  

Here’s a few pictures from around town.










Debbie, I'm sorry about the headache and hope it gets better.  Could they have brought more flowers on board in Iceland and are just now getting them placed around the ship?  I enjoyed your pictures of Nanortalik.


Here are some of my many pictures from 10 of our 11 times seeing Hubbard Glacier.  The first time in 2000, was pre-digital.  The rest were on various 14 day b2b2b Alaskan cruises on Amsterdam, Statendam and Zaandam.  We've been lucky to have been there on some very sunny days, and some cloudy days.  We've only had one where the weather turned miserable and we had to go to the Lower Promenade Deck to get out of the rain.


Some of the breathtaking scenery on a clear, sunny day.











Mt. Logan the highest mountain in Canada.  The Canadian border is just over the first range of mountains behind the glacier.





One of the small excursion boats in front of the glacier



A series of pictures of two places where the glacier calved.









A small wave after a larger chunk of the glacier calved.



Sailing away to Sitka.







Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Debbie @dfish what a shame you had such a nasty sinus headache today. I’m glad it felt better on shore but hopefully a good night’s rest will be beneficial. Your pictures from today are so good!  Thanks for posting some. Mine are okay I guess. But did you notice the dark cloud(s) that were lying along the mountains today?  I was wondering if they were smoke. They appeared brown in person but I’m thinking they look grayer in the photos. IMG_4231.thumb.jpeg.8336b62cc60d75fab6b49b09fd42cf5d.jpeg


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Happy Relaxation Day!  I just got instructions from our dear neighbor, they're going out of town for a few days, and I'll be watering all of her plants!  She has a lovely yard, but has a lot of pots to water!  (She's been watering my tomatoes when we're gone)  @marshhawk sorry to hear about your husband and his difficulties, hopefully he's better soon.  @ger_77We board on Feb. 11 for only 7 days, maybe we'll see you in person, not on the computer!  @smitty34877Glad to hear your DH is making some progress!  @grapau27Your gardens look lovely! 

The pictures today are great, we were in Glacier Bay when we went to Alaska.  I'd love to go back someday.  Have a grood evening, karen

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon after a very long morning.  I managed to get away just after 7:30, but it still took a while to visit all three stores.  Overall, a rather successful shopping trip. Road work that closed one lane on a two lane bridge slowed things down on the way out, but my timing was good when I was coming home.  It took a while to unload the car, get everything put away, get breakfast, and do the regular chores.  I won't be doing much this afternoon, and supper will be easy, sloppy joes.


I have enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures from Hubbard Glacier, and I thank all of you for sharing them.  There are too many to name without forgetting one or two.



Terri, I'm sorry your Polymyalgia Rheumatica has come back and with a vengeance.  Is it possible to message your doctor to see if he will allow you to increase the prednisone since it's so long until your appointment?  If you can't message him, could you call his nurse and get her ask about increasing the dosage?  You shouldn't have to suffer between now and your appointment.  I hope the floors can be fixed without too much mess.



Gerry, I'm sorry about the power outage.  I am glad the tooth did not need a crown.



Penny, I hope you are accepted for the study, and that it will help your knees.




Annie, oh no, on your DH's confusion yesterday.  Could the immunotherapy or the stress have made it worse?  I hope today is a better day.



Susan, we've been lucky to see a lot of calving on our visits to Hubbard Glacier, but never one as big as your described.  That must have been spectacular.



Debbie, I'm sorry about the headache and hope it gets better.  Could they have brought more flowers on board in Iceland and are just now getting them placed around the ship?  I enjoyed your pictures of Nanortalik.


Here are some of my many pictures from 10 of our 11 times seeing Hubbard Glacier.  The first time in 2000, was pre-digital.  The rest were on various 14 day b2b2b Alaskan cruises on Amsterdam, Statendam and Zaandam.  We've been lucky to have been there on some very sunny days, and some cloudy days.  We've only had one where the weather turned miserable and we had to go to the Lower Promenade Deck to get out of the rain.


Some of the breathtaking scenery on a clear, sunny day.











Mt. Logan the highest mountain in Canada.  The Canadian border is just over the first range of mountains behind the glacier.





One of the small excursion boats in front of the glacier



A series of pictures of two places where the glacier calved.









A small wave after a larger chunk of the glacier calved.



Sailing away to Sitka.







Fantastic photos Lenda.

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

A few Hubbard Glacier photos from the Ryndam, on a cloudy day

A ship in front of the Glacier, for perspective
















On the Ryndam



A colorful piece of ice


Awesome photos Vanessa.

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Debbie @dfish what a shame you had such a nasty sinus headache today. I’m glad it felt better on shore but hopefully a good night’s rest will be beneficial. Your pictures from today are so good!  Thanks for posting some. Mine are okay I guess. But did you notice the dark cloud(s) that were lying along the mountains today?  I was wondering if they were smoke. They appeared brown in person but I’m thinking they look grayer in the photos. IMG_4231.thumb.jpeg.8336b62cc60d75fab6b49b09fd42cf5d.jpeg


We saw what we thought was smoke as well.  The sinus headache is back with a vengeance.  I ordered room service for dinner, although I didn’t have much of an appetite. I know this is sinus because my face hurts so badly.  

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I have been to Hubbard Glacier just one time, Radiance of the Seas in 2014 but my photos from there did not turn out.  I have one photo of Hubbard and it's from my 2016 Northwest Passage Trip, taken from the deck of the Alaska Ferry Kenicott.




We were in proximity because we had a call at the nearby town of Yakutat (pop. 597) and I'll post a few photos from there, starting with the town tourist information center:




What was to have been a quick stop was extended because of a technical issue with the ferry so I got a nice view of the town.  Here are a few of the buildings and finally an interesting sign:






General Store:



And Fat Grammas, the only business I saw open and visited:









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Work is done, I made shrimp Massaman curry for dinner, and I am having dinner reading the daily.  My own dinner party.  DH is still working. I roasted carrots and broccoli and threw that into the curry.  Very yummy and almost nutritious.  However, apparently never feed your cat curry.



No matter what they say.

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3 hours ago, dfish said:

We saw what we thought was smoke as well.  The sinus headache is back with a vengeance.  I ordered room service for dinner, although I didn’t have much of an appetite. I know this is sinus because my face hurts so badly.  


Debbie, I hope you feel better in the morning.


37 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I have noticed, that I havent seen @lindalerrecently.  I checked and she hasnt posted other than roll call since June.  How did I miss that, I love hearing about her Mobile adventures...have I been living in a cave?  


Annie, now that you mention it, i don’t remember her posting for a while.  There are several other "regulars" who haven't posted lately.



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It’s been a good but very full day at the NJ retirement community we are considering. 
Ready for bed. Blessings all!  Sad to hear of so many with pain and other difficulties. Glad for even small progress for Lou. Sure hoping the floors can be fixed for Terri!  Wonderful about Nicklepenny’s medical studies!  And wishing DeniseT calm preparations for the dissertation defense!  Remember, you are the expert on it!  You’ll do great!  

Driving home tomorrow back to Maryland. Didn’t see the grandkids this trip but we’ll be back in under 3 weeks!  Will leave our car at their house and take a train into Manhattan for the NCL Joy cruise Sept 4-20!  Coming fast!  Good night all.

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Thanks to Rich, @richwmn for the HAL Fleet locations and the Daily.

Thanks for all the photos of Hubbard Glacier,  there was calving when we were there, on the Volendam. 

Our electricity suddenly went off last evening during the womens football match , Spain v Sweden.

It was partially restored about 10 pm, then fully at 1145.  Apparently a fault.  We had torches and candles within easy reach.


Best wishes to everyone with health issues.


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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

I have noticed, that I haven't seen @lindalerrecently.  I checked and she hasnt posted other than roll call since June. 

When she last posted here, she said she was having some health issues.  I hope she is doing okay.  We met on the GSA earlier this year.

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I found only videos of Hubbard Glacier on Craig’s phone so did a screenshot. However, it doesn’t compare to what others have posted.  And spectacular pictures of all the calving!



9 hours ago, arzz said:


Wow, wow, wow!!



8 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Not surprising but just got the itinerary change from Rotterdam Dec14th.. no Key West.. instead we get Falmouth. Oh goodie. 




That’s a bummer Joy. We’ve been there just once and I’d love to go back. 

5 hours ago, dfish said:

We saw what we thought was smoke as well.  The sinus headache is back with a vengeance.  I ordered room service for dinner, although I didn’t have much of an appetite. I know this is sinus because my face hurts so badly.  

Debbie, I hope you feel better tomorrow. 




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Thank you all for the well wishes.  I do have something I am taking for it and it helped me sleep last night.  The pain in my face has lessened considerably and I might be semi-human this morning.  Sea day today, so I will have to walk the deck.

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16 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I have noticed, that I havent seen @lindalerrecently.  I checked and she hasnt posted other than roll call since June.  How did I miss that, I love hearing about her Mobile adventures...have I been living in a cave?  

No, I think I have been living in a cave. Life got so busy that I am finding less time to do the things I like doing and just going with the flow. Kayaing has started two nights a week and I have been going out during the mornings about once a week. Family took a trip to Disney. Two teens and son and me. Soooooo tiring. My son said he walked almost 12 miles the first day. I will try to do better. thanks for noticing. That means a lot to me that someone noticed I was gone. 

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