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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday August 28th, 2023


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Good morning, everyone!


We have a chilly start to the day in mid-Michigan with temperatures in the 40s.  It will get up to the mid 70s by afternoon.  Next weekend is supposed to be rather toasty and may see a return to the AC.  We will have Miss River next weekend so we may also go to the spray park.  


Today is dedicated to weeding.  I want to get those front beds done.  We did get some asters and mums yesterday and planted them.  Sometimes they'll survive the winter.  We got a couple that are a real cool blueish purple.  


I'm glad @DeeniEncinitas checked in and that all is well.  

Healing thoughts to @Live4cruises DH as well as @catmando Chuck and @smitty34877's DH Lou.  Safe travels to @Cruzin Terri.  Warm thoughts to all other Dailyites with struggles, be them health or otherwise.  


Today's meal is one I'd eat often if I could.  It is quick and easy to prepare.  You can bake, broil, or grill the lobster.  This first one is broiled.  https://gimmedelicious.com/broiled-lobster-tails/




That looks so good.  This next one is baked.  If you want to bake your tails, but don't want the sauce with a little heat, use your own butter sauce.  Use the sauce from the first recipe.  https://thishealthytable.com/blog/garlic-butter-lobster-tails/




Next up we have one for the grill enthusiasts.  This one also has a rather spicy sauce, so feel free to substitute if you wish.  Do follow the grilling instructions otherwise.  The biggest mistake people make on the grill is not controlling the fire.  https://overthefirecooking.com/smoked-lobster-tails-with-spicy-garlic-butter/





That's all for today, folks!  Wishing you all a wonderful day.


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Good morning. My DS left at 4:30 this morning  to try to get to work on time.We enjoyed his visit immensely. We had a video call with his family while our group had dinner together at night.

It is humid(88%) and 72 this morning. More rain showers are.possible. 

Yesterday  was a rough one for both Lou and Tana.I was so grateful  for the extra help . The entire house went to bed early.

I love lobster but will not get it now as it is prohibitively expensive. The recipes are mouth watering,  thanks Debbie @dfish

We have quite a few animals that we always remember.My DDIL appreciated the love when she saw an entire wall in DD's house of departed kitties. 

Please be careful those of you in the path of the storm coming to Florida.Yikes.


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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  I'm currently listening to the Today show, apparently France has too much wine. Plan your trip now.  (LOL)  and they had a short article about raising the temperature at night if you are over 50.  I'm way over 50, and I still like a snuggly comforter with cool air at night.  Not ready to turn up the temperature yet.


I was happy to read that @DeeniEncinitas was doing well, and was safe from the fires.


Do you know what you get when it rains and the temps outside are in the mid 90's?  A sauna. Every time I go outside my glasses fog up, and I feel like I should put on my snorkel gear.  I know my strays that show up for food, are all wishing for colder air.  And yes, both Bubbles and Uggles showed back up.  I think they have two houses.  But Fawn never did show back up, and my heart still breaks every day.


To my friends in Florida, stay safe. And @Cruzin Terri stay aware of the weather, it might be safer to stay in Jacksonville for a couple of days,  than try to drive home.


We opened a bottle of red NA wine last night for our petite sirloin dinner.  DH said it tasted like grape juice, but I disagreed.  Grape juice tastes better.  The farmers market carries Fre, but Ariel, which I cant find here, is so much better.   






@dfishI'm glad that the Farkle games were restarted, and that the family had a great time.  Oh, and that you were glad to get back to your own bed.  The world is a wonderful, but there's no place like home.



Today is PT, run home, walk the neighbors dog, grab DH, get a quick lunch, get him to his post op, stop at the store,  chill for 5 minutes and then work until 10.


I wish I did have a lobster, I love lobster, but love the flavor of snow crab legs more. 




My dad used to day that if you need a picture of savage, then watch my Annie eat a lobster.  Nothing is left.

Edited by marshhawk
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Good cloudy and breezy morning. It rained during the night and possibly more tomorrow.

Sadly, too many fur angels have crossed the rainbow bridge lately. I’ve had 6 crossings since January of 2020. Salem, Charmer, Socks, Jaguar, Fluff and Ninja. Until we meet again.

Love lobster tails by just regular butter please.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good Monday morning.   I think of my two kitties who we lost 3 and 4 years ago a lot.  The home seems a little empty without them.  We chased a flying mouse around the house a few days ago not icons though.  Red wine is usually on the menu each day here, it is our favorite.  A great quote.   Lobster sounds like a winner but will pass on the two beverages.   Today's port looks like a beautiful place to visit, thank you for the lovely photos @StLouisCruisers and @Quartzsite Cruiser

Prayers for all on our Care list.   Prayers for the families in Maui who have lost a family member or their homes.   Prayers for the people of Ukraine.  @smitty34877 prayers for a better day today for Lou and Tana.  

I finally got all my mulch spread yesterday.  John went fishing and caught two tiny Bluegill I am glad I stayed on land.  I think I will start on sanding the cabin wall today.  We had a painter committed to come this year and we haven't heard anything in 6 weeks.  Several areas of peeling stain need to be painted with stain to protect the logs.  I will do it all I will need John to do is stir the stain.   It was 43 when I got up but it is supposed to get back up to the 80s this weekend.  Yesterday we hauled the pontoon trailer up to our neighbors and we picked up fallen maples limbs that we will cut up for good kindling wood for next spring's wood stove fires.  I hope we don't have to fire it up before we leave on the 10th.   Very strange year, my Viburnum has bloomed for 6 weeks, my pink hydrangea the same and my panicle hydrangea is just started to bloom.  Some Daylilies still going.  Happy red wine day! 


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Good Morning from a very warm and cloudy day at the beach

     We are currently not in the path of the storm. But if I have ever learned anything, you must watch as things can change in an instant.

    Port Canaveral announced they are fast tracking the building of 2 new parking garages. Badly needed. A new terminal is also coming to accommodate the 4 ships to be homeported there in 2024.  

    They are currently dredging the channel and all the sand is coming here. Our beach looks a little lopsided right now.

       My dryer died yesterday. Not sure why so must get a new one today. I really do not like appliance shopping!  Luckily for me, my wonderful sweet neighbor took my wet laundry. She brought it back all folded. 

 Stay safe and enjoy today


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Ee gads!  Check the dates on the food in the freezer.  I store my oatmeal in the freezer, just fixed some with raspberries and blueberries, and yuck.  DH said check the date, ummmm June of 22. I ate the berries out of it, and will trash the rest.  (tasted like garlic).  Another non existent meal.

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Good morning all.  Prayers for those in the path of the hurricane.  FYI - Royal changed the itinerary for their Vision ship that left on Saturday.  No Bermuda - Coco Cay and Nassau instead.  It’s that time of the year.


Regarding Henry Hudson - Hudson being my maiden name - I used to tell my students, jokingly, that Henry

was my great, great etc. grandpa.  I would show my drivers license with my maiden name to “prove” my point.  By the end of the explorers unit they would all get the joke.  Some would write “grandpa” as on answer on a quiz or test.  I remember my teaching days fondly.


Weather here today is only in the 80’s.  Gave a great day.  Katherine 

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Thank you all for doing this thread. I've enjoyed reading it for a while before finally posting - the dedication by all results in a special, wonderful community. 

No lobster for me, but will definitely remember the four-legged family members that have traveled the Rainbow Bridge and give extra hugs to the ones still with us. This lazy bum is our newest addition  - she very much enjoys a couch w/a fluffy pillow. 

We had a very brief rain last night; didn't enjoy the muggy feeling left behind, but the drop in temperature to double digits was very welcomed. It's only 79 now with today's high forecasted to be 95. We aren't supposed to see 100 again until Friday.

I'm doing my shoulder exercises and see the Dr again this afternoon & on Wednesday; Tuesday is PT. So early week is full long days, hope work cooperates by being busy at end of week. 🤔

@cunnorl my washer displayed a couple error codes and locked my clothes inside, so I'll be focusing on appliances, too - ugh. Yay for great neighbors!!20230523_165453.thumb.jpg.b77ce6e015663e784a9b0c9a391f9887.jpg


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

On May 24, 2011, on a TA, Prinsendam stopped in Praia da Vitoria on the island of Terceira.  As is our usual habit when stopping at a new port, we rented a car and toured the island.


A monument to the bulls





Forte de Sao Bras







The bull ring.  At least in Portugal they do not kill the bulls.


Just a small portion of the coast line



A swimming hole along the rugged coast







One of the many horses we saw.



The Elegant Explorer





Nice photos as usual Lenda.

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Good morning,

I am back from Tucson and had a wonderful experience. Lots of tears and treatments along with laughs with some new friends. The weather was good and much cooler than KC was last week. I am glad I went. 

Some very sad news on Murphy she crashed about 3 days off ECMO. Her neurological status has seemed to deteriorate too. I have not talked to my niece personally but she is calling me today. They are at a crossroads with conflicting opinions from the medical team. She is not back on ECMO but still on the ventilator and unstable. When I left they were able to hold her but now they could not move the bed 10 feet to go for a CT scan when she started to crash. I feel for this young couple who have spent 8 weeks in the hospital with their baby. 

My GA roll call blew up while I was gone. I will need to spend time going through the posts to see if any of it pertains to me. 

I hope the storm does not cause to much damage and no loss of life. Prayers for those on our care list and have a great day. 

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Yikes, we are already on page 2 and I have yet to post.

i have so many things to do this morning before we get out of this house and head to Jacksonville.

@cruising sister i am so sorry to read of Baby Murphy’s setback.  Prayers for her continue.


Thank you to Rich, et al who make this thread happen each day.


This is short and sweet.


Thank you for the good wishes for tomorrow.  I hope I get some answers.  

@marshhawk thanks for the advice, but we must come home tomorrow afternoon.  i have an eye doctor appointment on Wednesday and the floor guy is supposed to come on Thursday.  There is no way we can stay in Jacksonville for a few days.  


I will try to post later today after we get to the hotel.

Meanwhile, stay safe everyone.

God Bless,


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I don't often race my mouse around icons, as I use only a couple of specific ones.  So many of us have beautiful memories of our furry family members who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Woo hoo for Red Wine Day!


It's another cool and overcast morning, with a temperature of only 10C (50F), but it looks like things are going to clear off and give us an expected high of 30C (86F), meaning we still can't put away our shorts and sandals - yay!  


Like @kazu, DH and I spent some time yesterday taking stock of which pots we'll have to start clearing out, and what plants will be brought in to spend the fall/winter/spring in the basement windows, hopefully to survive and be brought out again next year.  I have a lot of succulents, but will have to repot many of them to give us room to store them all, but that also means a trip to the hardware store to pick up cactus potting mixture to keep them happy.


@DeeniEncinitas I'm happy to hear you're safe; thank you for all you're doing to help others.

@smitty34877I'm sorry that both Lou and Tana had difficulties yesterday, but good that your DS was there to help lighten your load.

@cruising sister how sad to hear our dear baby Murphy isn't doing well - we've all got such high hopes for that little fighter.  Prayers continue for Murphy, her parents, and the medical team caring for her.


Not a lot on the agenda today except the aforementioned trip for potting soil, so it'll be a day we can enjoy the heat and maybe sit in the pergola with a drink while watching all the birds at the water stations in the yard.  I know I'd like to try the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and am sure I'll be having some lobster tails on our next BHB, but for today, DH is planning on barbecuing some burgers for us.  I'll make a potato salad and cook some corn on the cob that we can enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in the paths of the storms.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  Interesting collection of days and quote , love lobster but usually only eat it when I go out to eat (which is rare), ok on the drink, maybe on the wine and never been to the Azores.  MLK - what a speech!  and Hudson discovery was important.


So sorry to hear of Baby Murphy's setback.  I hope they have the support of the team with realistic expectations.  


Lovely start to the day - Door open and the temps are nice.  Time for a mani-pedi so soon off to drive 40 minutes across town to my favorite place (who don't take appts!!).  


Thoughts for all on the care list.  For those in FL's western coast, stay safe.  Cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone.

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2 hours ago, richwmn said:

Lajes Field is the Air Force Base, it is a shared facility between the Portuguese and US. It also shared the runways with the commercial air port. Like many bases, it has been severely reduced. I was stationed there in '74 & '75 with one of two small Navy Detachments there. The Army also had some support people there. The Navy & Army are no longer there.

The WC stopped there as the last stop before Fort Lauderdale. Despite being with a retired AF (who had also been stationed there) we were unable to access the base to see what still remained there.


I posted this yesterday from the English Lake District of RAF planes practicing low level flying Rich @richwmn.

As ex USAF I thought you might like this.

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Good morning. I am rushed this morning as I am off to get hair cut and pedicure. I am so terribly sorry to hear that dear little Murphy is not doing well. I feel for her and her poor parents who must be frantic. Prayers continue.


As to the meal.... I will eat lobster just about any time. And I have had so many pets cross the rainbow bridge...and I miss them all. They were all so different.


More later. Take care everyone.



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